


Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

ガラス繊維テキスタイルの消費財動向と予測 世界の消費財市場におけるガラス繊維テキスタイルの将来は、スノーボード、サーフボード、水上バイク市場でのビジネスチャンスにより有望視されている。世界の消費... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月1日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、製品タイプ別ではクリンプ以外が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みである。
- 用途別では、スノーボードが最も高い成長が見込まれる。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 持続可能性とリサイクル素材:ガラス繊維メーカーは、より持続可能な製品に対する需要の高まりに応えるため、再生ガラス繊維の使用へとシフトしている。この傾向は製造コストの削減にも役立ち、エコマニアにもアピールできる。このような素材は、衣料品、家電製品、家具など多くの消費者製品に利用されており、ブランドはますます厳しくなる消費者と環境に関する法律への準拠を支援している。
- スマートテキスタイルとIoTとの統合:ガラス繊維織物の特殊用途への応用が拡大している。ガラス繊維織物は電子機器に組み込まれつつあり、スマート・テキスタイルやフィットネス・トラッカーなどのインターネット接続製品に適している。導電性、強度、耐熱性といった特性を持つガラス繊維織物は、こうした用途に最適であり、各社はこれらの織物の着用機能を強化している。
- 自動車用途でのガラス繊維織物の使用:ガラス繊維織物は、軽量、耐火性、耐久性に優れているため、自動車の内装に広く使用されている。自動車用途では、軽量化と性能向上のために材料が必要とされる電気自動車などのトレンドが需要を牽引している。高品質で豪華な内装を求める消費者の要求が高まる中、メーカーはガラス繊維織物を自動車の座席、ダッシュボード、その他のトリム部品に使い始めている。
- 耐火および安全製品への使用:消費財における耐火性の出現に注目することが急務である。これらの製品は電化製品から建材、家具に至るまで幅広く、耐熱性、難燃性に優れていることから、より安全にガラス繊維織物が使用されている。特に、技術の急速な発展とライフスタイルの変化を特徴とする第4次産業革命に伴い、安全で耐久性のある素材を求めて、建築、家具、子供用品市場でガラス繊維織物の使用が増加している。
- 美的および機能的カスタマイズの革新:製造技術の進歩により、ガラス繊維テキスタイルのカスタマイズ化が進み、消費者の美的選択肢が広がっている。さまざまな色、質感、仕上げのテキスタイルを作ることが可能になり、ルイ・ヴィトンのハンドバッグやエルメスの家具のような高級品をドレスアップすることができるようになった。ガラス繊維テキスタイルの強度は、今やその魅力的な外観に匹敵し、美的特徴と機能的特徴の両方を兼ね備えたハイブリッド製品が増えている。




- 生産の自動化:オートメーションは進歩し、ガラス繊維テキスタイルの生産の種類と耐久性において、操作に向けた大規模な道を切り開いた。自動化の助けにより、生産効率は向上し、生産経費は削減され、新しい複雑なデザインの織物を利用することができる。このことは、消費者製品に関係する場合、生産サイクルがより速くなり、その結果、製造がより大規模に行われる可能性が高くなるため、特に重要である。
- 安全で環境に優しい生産方法:いくつかのガラス繊維メーカーは、より環境に優しいガラス繊維への切り替えを進めている...生産におけるリサイクル、低エネルギーガラス繊維の利用も増加傾向にある。この傾向はさらに深まり、特にファッションや住宅産業において、環境に優しい消費者や環境に配慮するブランドの間でガラス繊維テキスタイルの採用が進むだろう。
- 複合材料との統合:ガラス繊維をプラスチックや樹脂など他の素材とハイブリッド化し、複合繊維を提供するケースが増えている。これは建築や自動車産業で顕著だが、バッグや家具、スポーツ用品の製造などにも応用されている。この組み合わせは、強度を高め、重量を減らし、上記の能力を高めることを意味する。
- カスタマイズとデザイン革新:様々なイングランドの消費財セクターで、ガラス繊維テキスタイルを使用して地域化されたデザイン・ソリューションを開発することが受け入れられつつある。グラスファイバー・テキスタイルは消費者のニーズとウォンツを感じ、様々なテクスチャー、色、仕上げが提供されるようになり、消費者によるそのようなアイテムの使用範囲が広がっている。この傾向は、ファッション、家具、インテリア・デザイン、その他の産業への応用を拡大させている。
- 高度な製品テストと品質管理:ガラス繊維織物メーカーは、予算とインフラ投資の両面から、国内外の安全・性能規制を遵守するための試験と品質管理の分野にも注力している。これは特に自動車産業や建設産業で顕著で、ガラス繊維テキスタイルは現在、難燃性で長持ちする消費者向け製品の生産に取り入れられています。




- 自動車内装:ガラス繊維テキスタイルは寸法が小さく、耐火性、耐久性に優れているため、自動車の内装に使用されることが増えています。この分野は、メーカーが自動車の重量を最小限に抑え、電気自動車の燃費を向上させる物質を探しているため、成長機会がある。この傾向は、自動車内装においてよりグレードの高い、環境に優しい素材を求める注文が増加していることも後押ししている。
- 持続可能なファッション:消費者の間でグリーン製品への関心が高まっているため、ガラス繊維テキスタイルは持続可能なファッション産業にも応用できる。ドレスのデザイナーは、ハイテクやエコを意識した衣料品分野でガラス繊維テキスタイルに参入している。したがって、ガラス繊維織物が提供する柔軟性と強度により、企業は市場を開拓する機会がある。
- 建築・断熱材建築:ガラス繊維織物は、断熱材や保護コーティングを含む多くの建設資材に応用されている。世界中で建設活動が活発化し、耐火性やエネルギー効率の高い建物へのニーズが高まっているため、この用途のガラス繊維市場は大きな成長が見込まれている。
- スポーツ用品とギア:軽量で耐衝撃性に優れていることから、自転車、サーフボード、ヘルメットなどのスポーツ用品の製造にガラス繊維織物が徐々に取り入れられている。長持ちする高性能のスポーツ用品への需要が高まっており、ガラス繊維テキスタイルはこのニッチ市場を獲得する窓口を作ることになる。
- 家電:経済面では、ガラス繊維テキスタイルは主に包装や絶縁の分野で電子機器分野に応用されている。この種の繊維は電子機器を熱や電磁波から保護することができるため、スマートフォンやコンピューター、ウェアラブル機器に適している。他の産業と同様、家電産業は拡大を続けており、それに伴いガラス繊維織物も増加している。




- 繊維機械と織物の変化:技術の進歩により、ガラス繊維とテキスタイルの低コスト生産が容易になり、最適化の活用が促進されている。これは業界の潜在能力を最大限に引き出し、エンドユーザー向け商品へのこれらの素材の採用を刺激する。
- 持続可能な素材への需要:地球温暖化に対する消費者の意識が高まるにつれ、再生ガラス繊維熱可塑性プラスチックのような持続可能な素材に対する需要が高まっている。これは特にファッションや家庭用品業界で顕著であり、消費者は環境に配慮した製品の購入に積極的である。
- スマート・テキスタイルとウェアラブル・テクノロジーの台頭:ウェアラブル・テクノロジーとスマート・テキスタイルの発展に寄与した技術革新は、耐久性と断熱性を提供するガラス繊維などの新素材の必要性を生み出した。これらの素材は、高度なテキスタイルを様々な目的に使用する、急成長中の健康・フィットネス分野で大いに応用できる。
- 防火安全性に関する規制要件:自動車業界、建設業界、その他の業界では、防火安全規制が強化され続けているため、耐火性素材が求められている。企業が火災安全規制の遵守に努める中、ガラス繊維テキスタイルは広く使用されるようになり、建材や家具産業で大きな市場成長が見られます。
- 輸送における軽量化:エネルギー効率と性能向上のために重量の最適化に対する要求が高まる中、ガラス繊維織物は自動車および航空宇宙産業でより広く受け入れられている。これらの素材は製品の軽量化に役立ち、取り扱いが容易になるため、不織布の需要が増加している。

- 高い生産コスト:生産コストの高さ:高速生産を可能にするいくつかの技術的改良はあるものの、ガラス繊維テキスタイルの製造工程は依然として資本集約的である。洗練された素材、機械、技術を購入するための高い初期コストは、特に中小企業にとって大きな障壁となっている。
- 限られた消費者の認識:一部の消費者はガラス繊維テキスタイルの利点を十分に認識しているものの、一般消費者の全体的な認知度は綿やポリエステルのような一般的な素材に比べ低いままである。この認知度の低さは、特にファッションやインテリアなどの分野での市場浸透を妨げる可能性がある。
- 規制上の障壁:特定の市場、特に環境規制においては、ガラス繊維織物の開発を制限する規制が存在する可能性がある。一定のガイドラインに従えば、これらの規制への準拠は保証されるが、追加的なコストが発生し、その手続きも複雑になりがちである。




- オーエンスコーニング
- Jushi Group
- 重慶ポリコンプ・インターナショナル・コーポレーション
- 泰山ガラス繊維
- 台湾ガラスグループ
- 日本電気硝子
- 四川微博
- 3Bザ・ファイバーグラス・カンパニー ( ゴア・グラスファイバー)
- ジョンズ・マンヴィル・コーポレーション
- 日東紡績




- 織物ロービング
- 非圧着
- 織糸


- スノーボード
- サーフボード
- ウォータークラフト
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国市場では、耐久性のある電子機器やスマートホーム機器などの高性能消費財へのガラス繊維テキスタイルの採用が進んでいる。環境規制の強化や持続可能な製品を求める消費者のニーズに対応し、リサイクル可能な製品やバイオ樹脂をベースとした製品の開発が進められている。
- 中国:中国は堅調な製造業と建設業に支えられ、ガラス繊維テキスタイルの最大の生産国であり消費国でもある。最近の動きとしては、家庭用品や家電製品への用途の拡大、風力タービンのような再生可能エネルギー分野での使用の増加などが挙げられる。中国の製造業者は、持続可能な生産を求める政府の方針に沿って、リサイクル可能なガラス繊維複合材料の技術革新など、より環境に優しい手法を採用している。同市場は、強力なサプライチェーンと先端製造技術への大規模な投資によって利益を得ている。
- ドイツエネルギー効率の高い消費財の開発も成長に寄与しており、高品質で持続可能な生産方法が重視されている。ドイツ企業は、EU規制に対応するため、バイオ樹脂やその他の環境に優しい技術に投資している。ドイツのエンジニアリングにおけるリーダーシップは、耐久性と耐熱性を向上させた複合材料の創造につながり、さまざまな消費者用途でその魅力を高めている。
- インドインドのガラス繊維織物市場は、急速な都市化と耐久消費財の需要増に支えられて拡大している。国内メーカーは輸入品への依存度を下げるため、コスト効率の高いプロセスを活用して生産を拡大している。主な動きとしては、電子機器や家庭用品に合わせた高性能複合材料の導入が挙げられる。政府がインフラ整備と工業化に重点を置いていることがさらなる推進力となっている一方、バイオベース材料などの持続可能性慣行を取り入れる取り組みが勢いを増している。
- 日本日本のガラス繊維市場は、ハイテク消費財と電子機器やロボット工学の精密用途に重点を置いている。最近の進歩としては、コンパクトな携帯機器向けの、より細く柔軟な繊維の開発が挙げられる。各社は日本の環境目標に沿うよう、エネルギー効率の高い生産方法と素材を重視している。強力な研究開発能力を持つ日本は、先進的な消費者向けアプリケーションのための電子機能を統合したスマートガラス繊維テキスタイルのパイオニアである。グローバル・パートナーとのコラボレーションは、イノベーションと市場拡大を促進します。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題


4.2: 北米消費財市場におけるガラス繊維織物
4.5: ROW消費財市場におけるガラス繊維織物

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーション統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: 重慶ポリコンプ・インターナショナル・コーポレーション
7.4: 泰山ファイバーグラス
7.5: 台湾ガラスグループ
7.6: 日本電気硝子
7.7: 四川微博
7.8: 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( ゴア・グラスファイバー)
7.9: ジョンズ・マンビル・コーポレーション
7.10: 日東紡績





Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Trends and Forecast

The future of glass fiber textile in the global consumer good market looks promising with opportunities in the snowboard, surfboard, and watercraft markets. Glass fiber textile in the global consumer good market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 5.3% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the rising demand for eco-friendly materials, increased consumer awareness of health and safety, and technological advancements enabling innovative product applications and designs.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product type category, non-crimp is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, snowboards are expected to witness the highest growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Market

The glass fiber textile market is a significant player in molding consumer products. These shifts have been driven by different forms of technology, the need for eco-friendliness, and changes in consumer attitudes toward durable, fireproof, and environmentally safe products.

• Sustainability and Recycled Materials: Glass fiber manufacturers are shifting toward using recycled glass fibers to meet the increased demand for more sustainable products. This trend also helps reduce production costs and appeals to eco-enthusiasts. These materials are being utilized in many consumer products, including clothing, home appliances, and furnishings while assisting brands in complying with ever-stricter consumer and environmental laws.
• Smart Textiles and Integration with IoT: The application of glass fiber fabrics in specialized applications is growing. Glass fiber textiles are being incorporated into electronic devices, making them suitable for smart textiles and other internet-connected products, including fitness trackers. Their properties of being conductive, strong, and heat-resistant make them perfect for such uses, and companies are enhancing the wearability features of these fabrics.
• Use of Glass Fiber Textiles in Automotive Applications: Glass fiber fabrics are now extensively applied in car interiors due to their lightweight, fireproof, and durable characteristics. In automotive applications, demand is driven by trends such as electric vehicles, where materials are needed for weight reduction and performance enhancement. With the increasing demand from consumers for high-quality and luxurious interiors, manufacturers have started using glass fiber textiles in seating, dashboards, and other trim parts of automobiles.
• Use in Fire-Resistant and Safety Products: There is an urgent need to focus on the emergence of fireproofing in consumer goods. These products range from electrical appliances to construction materials and furniture, and more safely incorporate glass fiber textiles due to their heat and flame resistance. Especially with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is characterized by the rapid development of technology and changing lifestyles, the use of glass fiber textiles in construction, furniture, and children's products markets is increasing for safe and durable materials.
• Innovations in Aesthetic and Functional Customization: Manufacturing advancements are leading to increased customization of glass fiber textiles, providing more aesthetic options for consumers. It is now possible to create textiles in a variety of colors, textures, and finishes, making it possible to dress up high-end products like Louis Vuitton handbags and Hermès furniture. The strength of glass fiber textiles is now matched by their attractive appearance, increasing hybrid products that combine both aesthetic and functional features.

These trends indicate that the penetration of glass fiber textiles into the consumer good market is growing, with these materials increasingly associated with versatility, longevity, and eco-friendliness. Due to technological development, they have also become an ideal option in various domains, including home furnishings and wearable electronics.

Recent Developments in Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Market

The recent trends that are catching up in the glass fiber textile in the consumer good market are two-fold, one pointing towards new technologies, the other towards changing consumer patterns. These developments are changing the market and preparing for new growth areas.

• Automation in Production: Automation has progressed and has blazed massive trails toward operation in the type and endurance of production of glass fiber textiles. With the help of automation, the efficiency of production is increased, production expenditures are decreased, and new complex designs of fabrics can be utilized. This is especially important where consumer products are concerned since production cycles will be quicker and as a result, manufacturing will more likely take place on a bigger scale.
• Safe and Environmentally Friendly Production Methods: Several glass fiber manufacturers are switching to more ecofriendly glass fiber… utilization of recycled, low-energy glass fiber in production is also on the rise. This trend will deepen further enhancing the adoption of glass fiber textiles among ecofriendly consumers and environmentally concerned brands especially in fashion and home industries.
• Integration with Composite Materials: Increasingly, glass fibers are being hybridized with other materials such as plastic and resin, to provide composite textiles. This is more so in the construction and automobile industries but is also making its way to the market for example in the production of bags, furniture, and sports equipment. The combination entails enhancing strength reducing weight and increasing the abilities offered above.
• Customization and Design Innovation: There is a growing acceptance of using glass fiber textiles to develop localized design solutions across various England consumer goods sectors. Glass fiber textiles are feeling the needs and wants of the consumers in that they now come in different textures, colors, and finishes which expands the scope of use of such items by the consumers. This trend is employing their application in fashion, furniture, interior design, and other industries.
• Advanced Product Testing and Quality Control: Glass fiber textile manufacturers are also focusing, both in terms of budget and infrastructural investment, on the areas of testing and quality control to comply with domestic and international safety and performance regulations. This is especially true with the automotive and construction industries where glass fiber textiles are now being incorporated for the production of fire retardant and long-lasting consumer products.

These developments are facilitating the penetration of glass fiber textiles in the consumer goods markets, in which the end consumers are increasingly focused on the parameters of durability, sustainability, and safety. Now, more and more manufacturers are ready to present eco-friendly and innovative, but durable products in such spheres as fashion, furniture, and electronics.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Market

Glass fiber textile in the consumer good market has a profound growth potential such investment in these areas is strategic for manufacturers to prepare for the future market as well as the new demands of the industry.

• Automotive Interiors: The specific use of glass fiber textiles in the interiors of vehicles is on the rise as their dimensions are small, fire-resistant, and durable. This sector presents growth opportunities as manufacturers look for substances that minimize the weight of vehicles and enhance the fuel efficiency of electric vehicles. This trend is also propelled by increasing orders for better-grade and eco-friendly materials in the car interiors.
• Sustainable Fashion: Due to the increasing interest among consumers for green products, glass fiber textiles can be pitched in the sustainable fashion industry. Designers of dresses are venturing into glass fiber textiles in the high-tech and eco-aware clothing ranges. Companies, therefore, have opportunities to explore the market due to the flexibility and strength that the glass fiber fabrics provide.
• Construction and Insulation Materials Building: Glass fiber textiles find application in many construction materials, including insulating materials and protective coatings. Due to the increase in construction activities the world over and the rising need for fire-resistant and energy-efficient buildings, the glass fiber market for this application is expected to experience tremendous growth.
• Sports Equipment and Gear: There has been a gradual inclusion of glass fiber textiles in the making of sports equipment such as bicycles, surfboards, helmets, and other gear since they are lightweight and impact-resistant. With the inflating demand for long-lasting and high-performance sporting goods, glass fiber textiles will create a window for capturing this niche market.
• Consumer Electronics: In the economy, glass fiber textiles are being applied to the electronic sector mainly in the packaging and insulation sector. These kinds of textiles can shield electronics from heat, and electromagnetic interference which makes them suitable for smartphones, computers, and wearable devices. Just like the other industries, the consumer electronic industry continues to expand which in turn correspondingly increases glass fiber textiles.

These growth opportunities affirm the continuing encroachment of the market share of glass fiber textiles across ships of consumer goods. Since the demand for long-lasting, environment-friendly, and performance-oriented applications rises, the opportunities for market growth in these targeted applications will be increased for the glass fiber textiles market.

Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Market Driver and Challenges

Glass fiber textile in the consumer goods market is shaped by both external influences, such as market pull factors, and its internal barriers to development, including low adoption of technology, changes in regulations, and market demand for sustainability and performance, among many others.

The factors responsible for driving glass fiber textile in the consumer goods market include:
• Changes in Textile Machinery and Fabrics: Due to technological advancements, the production of glass fibers and textiles at lower costs has become easier, which is facilitated by the utilization of optimizations. This maximizes the potential of the industry and stimulates the adoption of these materials in goods for end users.
• Demand for Sustainable Materials: As consumer awareness of global warming increases, there is growing demand for sustainable materials such as reclaimed glass fiber thermoplastics. This is particularly evident in the fashion and home goods industries, where consumers are more willing to purchase green products.
• Rise of Smart Textiles and Wearable Technology: Innovations that have contributed to the development of wearable technology and smart textiles have created a need for new materials, such as glass fibers, that offer durability and thermal insulation. These materials are highly applicable in the rapidly growing health and fitness sector, which uses advanced textiles for various purposes.
• Regulatory Requirements for Fire Safety: The automotive, construction, and other industries require fire-resistant materials as fire safety codes continue to tighten. As companies strive to comply with fire safety regulations, glass fiber textiles have found widespread use, with significant market growth in the building materials and furniture industries.
• Lightweighting in Transportation: With increasing demands for weight optimization for energy efficiency and improved performance, glass fiber textiles are being more widely accepted in the automotive and aerospace industries. These materials help make products lighter for easier handling, thus increasing the demand for non-woven textiles.

Challenges in glass fiber textile in the consumer goods market include:
• High Production Costs: Despite some technological improvements that enable faster production, the process of manufacturing glass fiber textiles remains capital-intensive. The high initial costs of purchasing sophisticated materials, machinery, and technology are significant barriers, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises.
• Limited Consumer Awareness: While some consumers fully recognize the advantages of glass fiber textiles, the overall awareness among the general population remains low compared to more common materials like cotton or polyester. This lack of awareness could impede market penetration, especially in sectors such as fashion and home décor.
• Regulatory Barriers: In certain markets, particularly environmental regulations, some regulations may be restrictive to the development of glass fiber fabrics. Certain guidelines, if followed, ensure compliance with these regulations, but they pose additional costs and are often more complicated to navigate.

This includes advancements in technology and sustainability issues that enable the growth of glass fiber textiles in the consumer goods market. However, further expansion plans and broader market acceptance are hampered by high production costs and low consumer awareness.

List of Glass Fiber Textile Companies in the Consumer Good Industry

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies glass fiber textile companies in the consumer good industry cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the glass fiber textile companies in the consumer good industry profiled in this report include-

• Owens Corning
• Jushi Group
• Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation
• Taishan Fiberglass
• Taiwan Glass Group
• Nippon Electric Glass
• Sichuan Weibo
• 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( Goa Glass Fiber)
• Johns Manville Corporation
• Nitto Boseki

Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Market by Segment

The study includes a forecast for glass fiber textile in the consumer good market by product type, application, and region.

Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Market by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Woven Roving
• Non-Crimp
• Woven Yarn

Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Snowboard
• Surfboard
• Water Craft
• Others

Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for Glass Fiber Textile in the Consumer Good Market

The glass fiber textile market is crucial in producing lightweight, durable, and sustainable materials for consumer goods. Its applications range from electronics to household items, offering versatility and eco-friendliness that align with global sustainability goals. Recent developments in this market highlight advancements in production technologies, increased demand driven by industrialization, and a growing emphasis on renewable energy and circular economy practices. Each region plays a unique role, reflecting local economic and environmental priorities.

• United States: The U.S. market has seen increased integration of glass fiber textiles in high-performance consumer goods, such as durable electronics and smart home devices. Innovations focus on creating recyclable and bio-resin-based products, aligning with stricter environmental regulations and consumer demand for sustainable goods.
• China: China remains the largest producer and consumer of glass fiber textiles, supported by robust manufacturing and construction industries. Recent developments include expanding applications in household items and consumer electronics, as well as increased use in renewable energy sectors like wind turbines. Chinese manufacturers are adopting greener practices, including innovations in recyclable glass fiber composites, in line with government mandates for sustainable production. The market benefits from a strong supply chain and significant investments in advanced manufacturing technologies.
• Germany: Developments in energy-efficient consumer goods also contribute to growth, emphasizing high-quality, sustainable production methods. German companies are investing in bio-resins and other eco-friendly technologies to comply with EU regulations. The country’s leadership in engineering has led to the creation of composites with enhanced durability and thermal resistance, boosting their appeal across various consumer applications.
• India: India’s glass fiber textile market is expanding, supported by rapid urbanization and rising demand for durable consumer goods. Domestic manufacturers are scaling up production, leveraging cost-efficient processes to reduce reliance on imports. Key developments include the introduction of high-performance composites tailored for electronics and household items. The government’s emphasis on infrastructure development and industrialization provides further impetus, while efforts to incorporate sustainability practices, such as bio-based materials, are gaining momentum.
• Japan: Japan’s glass fiber market focuses on high-tech consumer goods and precision applications in electronics and robotics. Recent advancements include the development of thinner, more flexible fibers for compact, portable devices. Companies emphasize energy-efficient production methods and materials to align with Japan’s environmental goals. With strong R&D capabilities, Japan is pioneering smart glass fiber textiles, integrating electronic functionalities for advanced consumer applications. Collaboration with global partners fosters innovation and market expansion.

Features of Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market

Market Size Estimates: Glass fiber textile in the consumer good market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Glass fiber textile in the consumer good market size by product type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Glass fiber textile in the consumer good market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product type, application, and regions for the glass fiber textile in the consumer good market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the glass fiber textile in the consumer good market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for glass fiber textile in the consumer good market by product type (woven roving, non-crimp, woven yarn, and cfm/csm), application (snowboard, surfboard, water craft, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market by Product Type
3.3.1: Woven Roving
3.3.2: Non-Crimp
3.3.3: Woven Yarn
3.3.4: CFM/CSM
3.4: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market by Application
3.4.1: Snowboard
3.4.2: Surfboard
3.4.3: Water Craft
3.4.4: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market by Region
4.2: Glass Fiber Textile in the North American Consumer Good Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Snowboard, Surfboard, Water Craft, and Others
4.3: Glass Fiber Textile in the European Consumer Good Market
4.3.1: European Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Snowboard, Surfboard, Water Craft, and Others
4.4: Glass Fiber Textile in the APAC Consumer Good Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Snowboard, Surfboard, Water Craft, and Others
4.5: Glass Fiber Textile in the ROW Consumer Good Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Product Type: Woven Roving, Non-Crimp, Woven Yarn, and CFM/CSM
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Snowboard, Surfboard, Water Craft, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market by Product Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in Glass Fiber Textile in the Global Consumer Good Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Owens Corning
7.2: Jushi Group
7.3: Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation
7.4: Taishan Fiberglass
7.5: Taiwan Glass Group
7.6: Nippon Electric Glass
7.7: Sichuan Weibo
7.8: 3B the Fiber Glass Company ( Goa Glass Fiber)
7.9: Johns Manville Corporation
7.10: Nitto Boseki







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