印刷用自己接着ビニールフィルム市場規模、シェア、トレンド分析レポート:タイプ別(半透明、不透明)、製造プロセス別、厚さ別、用途別、基材別、およびセグメント予測、2021年~2028年Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl Films Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Type (Translucent, Opaque), By Manufacturing Process, By Thickness, By Application, By Substrate, And Segment Forecasts, 2021 - 2028 印刷用自己接着ビニールフィルム市場の成長と動向 Grand View Research, Inc.の最新レポートによると、印刷可能な自己粘着性ビニールフィルムの世界市場規模は、2028年までに44億2000万米ドルに達する見込みで... もっと見る
サマリー印刷用自己接着ビニールフィルム市場の成長と動向Grand View Research, Inc.の最新レポートによると、印刷可能な自己粘着性ビニールフィルムの世界市場規模は、2028年までに44億2000万米ドルに達する見込みです。同市場は、2021年から2028年にかけて4.6%のCAGRで拡大すると予測されています。また、フリートグラフィックの需要が高まり、サイン&グラフィック業界のアプリケーション範囲が拡大していることも、市場の成長を後押しすると予想されます。企業のプロモーションやブランド名を市場に頻繁に登場させることで、ターゲットとなる人々に必要なメッセージを効果的に伝えることができます。また、広告業界におけるフリートグラフィックの需要が高まっており、著名な顧客へのリーチを増やすことができるため、製品需要の増加が見込まれています。 印刷可能な自己粘着性ビニールフィルムには、キャストタイプとカレンダータイプの2種類の形態がありますが、これらの異なるフィルムが提供する利点により、市場に新たな機会をもたらしています。例えば、キャストタイプのビニールフィルムは、経年変化による収縮がなく、寿命や耐久性が長く、費用対効果が高く、より薄いゲージのものが入手できます。また、カレンダー加工されたビニールフィルムは、経済的で耐摩耗性に優れています。多くの企業が2年から7年の製品保証を行っています。これは、この製品が水や紫外線に対して高い耐性を持っているためであり、フィルムの上にナノセラミックを塗布することで、さらに耐性を高めることができます。カーラッピングアプリケーション分野は、特にアジア太平洋地域での自動車産業の成長に伴い、需要の増加が見込まれています。 予測期間中は、技術的な複雑さが成長の妨げになると考えられます。大型車はサイズが大きく、ベースが重いため、複雑な技術が必要になりますが、そのほとんどが大型車の加工時に発生します。これらの要因により、成長率の普及率が低くなっています。しかし、広告やブランディングのトレンドは、大きなスペースを利用できるため、これらの車両に恩恵をもたらすと予想されます。このようなカスタマイズの傾向は、個人のお客様が個人所有の小型車に採用されることが多く、その結果、普及率は高くなっています。可処分所得の増加や急速な都市化は、市場の高い成長性に寄与するマクロ経済的な要因の一つです。 印刷用自己粘着ビニールフィルム市場レポートのハイライト - 売上高では、カレンダーフィルムが2020年に大きなシェアを占めています。これは、硬くて厚いテクスチャーにより取り扱いが容易であること、平面、単純、中程度のカーブで高い性能を発揮すること、耐摩耗性が高いことなどの特性によるものです。 - 2020年には、顧客に永続的な印象を与える効果的な広告の需要が増加していることから、フリートグラフィックアプリケーションセグメントが市場を支配しています。 - 世界の広告・マーケティング担当者は、印刷可能な自己粘着性ビニールフィルムメディアをブランディング戦略に取り入れています。フロアグラフィックスは、展示会のブース、受付、企業のロビー、会議室、舞台芸術センターや劇場などに適しています。 - 大手企業では、合併・買収戦略が行われています。例えば、2019年9月にOrafol Europe GmbHがKMPF Vehicle Wrapを買収しました。この買収により、Orafol社は英国での市場プレゼンスを拡大することができました。 - 2020年の地域別市場では、アジア太平洋・日本(APJ)が最大であった。Avery Dennison、Hexis S.A.、3Mなど数多くの企業が、カーラッピング用途の製品需要の高まりに合わせて、さまざまな色やプリントを開発している 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Methodology and Scope 1.1 Research Methodology 1.2 Research scope and assumptions 1.3 Information Procurement 1.3.1 Purchased Database 1.3.2 GVR’s Internal Database 1.3.3 Secondary Sources 1.3.4 Third Party Perspective 1.3.5 Primary Research 1.4 Information Analysis 1.4.1 Data Analysis Models 1.5 Market Formulation and Data Visualization 1.6 Data Validation and Publishing 1.7 List of Abbreviations Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Summary 2.2 Segmental Outlook Chapter 3 Market Variables, Trends, and Scope 3.1 Market lineage outlook 3.1.1 Global Plastics Market Outlook 3.1.2 Global Plastic Films and Sheet Market Outlook 3.2 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.3.1 Raw material trends 3.4 Regulatory Framework 3.4.1 Standard & Compliances U.S. EPA Political forces U.S. Regulations in India 3.4.2 Safety 3.5 Qualitative Analysis of Self-Adhesive Vinyl Films- Key Requirements 3.6 Market Dynamics 3.6.1 Market Driver Analysis Rising demand for fleet graphics Growing demand from sign & Graphics Industry 3.6.2 Market Restraints Analysis Rising demand for PVC-free self-adhesive Vinyl FIlms 3.6.3 Market Opportunity Analysis 3.6.4 Market Challenge Analysis 3.7 Business Environment Analysis: Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market 3.7.1 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 3.7.2 PESTEL Analysis 3.8 Major Deals & Strategic Alliances Analysis Chapter 4 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Manufacturing Process Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Manufacturing Process Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 4.2 Calendered Films 4.2.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Calendered Film (Monomeric & Polymeric), 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Monomeric Polymeric 4.3 Cast Films 4.3.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Cast Film, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 5 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Thickness Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Thickness Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 5.2 Thin (2-3 Mils) 5.2.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Thin (2-3 Mils), 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 5.3 Thick (More than 3 Mils) 5.3.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Thick (More than 3 Mils), 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 6 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Type Estimates & Trend Analysis 6.1 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Type Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 6.2 Transparent 6.2.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Transparent, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 6.3 Translucent 6.3.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by translucent, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 6.4 Opaque 6.4.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by opaque, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 7 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Substrate Estimates & Trend Analysis 7.1 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Substrate Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 7.2 Floor 7.2.1 Printable SELF-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films MARKET estimates and forecast, by Floor, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 7.3 Plastics 7.3.1 Printable SELF-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films MARKET estimates and forecast, by Plastics, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 7.4 Glass 7.4.1 Printable SELF-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films MARKET estimates and forecast, by Glass, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 7.5 Others 7.5.1 Printable SELF-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films MARKET estimates and forecast, by Others, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 8 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 8.1 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 8.2 Fleet Graphics 8.2.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Fleet Graphics, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.3 Watercraft Graphics 8.3.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by watercraft graphics, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.4 Car Wrapping 8.4.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Car wrapping, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.5 Floor Graphics 8.5.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by floor graphics, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.6 Labels & Stickers 8.6.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by labels & Stickers, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.7 Window Graphics 8.7.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Window Graphics, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.8 Exhibition Panels 8.8.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by exhibition panels, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.9 Outdoor Advertising 8.9.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by outdoor advertising, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.10 Furniture Decoration 8.10.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by furniture decoration 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.11 Wallcovering 8.11.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by wallcovering, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.12 Others 8.12.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Others, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 9 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 9.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Regional Movement Analysis, 2019 & 2028 9.2 North America 9.2.1 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.2 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.3 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.4 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.5 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.6 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.7 U.S. U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.8 Canada Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.9 Mexico Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3 Latin America (LATAM) 9.3.1 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.2 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.3 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.4 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.5 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.6 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.7 Brazil Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.8 Argentina Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4 Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) 9.4.1 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.2 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.3 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.4 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.5 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.6 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.7 U.K. U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.8 Germany Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.9 GCC Countries GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.10 South Africa South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5 Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ) 9.5.1 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.2 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.3 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.4 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.5 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.6 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.7 China China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.8 Japan Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.9 India India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.10 Australia Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 10 Competitive Analysis 10.1 Key players & recent developments & their impact on the industry 10.2 Key company/competition categorization 10.3 Vendor Landscape 10.3.1 List Of Key Distributors & Channel Partners 10.3.2 List Of Potential Customers 10.4 Public Companies 10.4.1 Competitive dashboard analysis 10.5 Private Companies 10.5.1 List of key emerging companies/technology disruptors/innovators and their geographical presence Chapter 11 Competitive Landscape 11.1 3M 11.1.1 Company Overview 11.1.2 Financial Performance 11.1.3 Product Benchmarking 11.2 AVERY DENNISON CORPORATION 11.2.1 Company Overview 11.2.2 Financial Performance 11.2.3 Product Benchmarking 11.3 Mactac 11.3.1 Company Overview 11.3.2 Product Benchmarking 11.4 LG HAUSYS 11.4.1 Company Overview 11.4.2 Financial Performance 11.4.3 Product Benchmarking 11.5 LINTEC Corporation 11.5.1 Company Overview 11.5.2 Financial Performance 11.5.3 Product Benchmarking 11.5.4 Strategic Initiatives 11.6 HEXIS S.A. 11.6.1 Company Overview 11.6.2 Product Benchmarking 11.6.3 Strategic Initiatives 11.7 Arlon Graphics, LLC 11.7.1 Company Overview 11.7.2 Product Benchmarking 11.7.3 Strategic initiatives 11.8 METAMARK (UK) LIMITED 11.8.1 Company Overview 11.8.2 Product Benchmarking 11.9 ORAFOL Europe GmbH 11.9.1 Company Overview 11.9.2 Product Benchmarking 11.9.3 Strategic Initiatives 11.10 FLEXcon Company, Inc. 11.10.1 Company Overview 11.10.2 Product Benchmarking 11.11 ACHILLES CORPORATION 11.11.1 Company Overview 11.11.2 Financial Performance 11.11.3 Product Benchmarking
SummaryPrintable Self-adhesive Vinyl Films Market Growth & Trends Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Methodology and Scope 1.1 Research Methodology 1.2 Research scope and assumptions 1.3 Information Procurement 1.3.1 Purchased Database 1.3.2 GVR’s Internal Database 1.3.3 Secondary Sources 1.3.4 Third Party Perspective 1.3.5 Primary Research 1.4 Information Analysis 1.4.1 Data Analysis Models 1.5 Market Formulation and Data Visualization 1.6 Data Validation and Publishing 1.7 List of Abbreviations Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Summary 2.2 Segmental Outlook Chapter 3 Market Variables, Trends, and Scope 3.1 Market lineage outlook 3.1.1 Global Plastics Market Outlook 3.1.2 Global Plastic Films and Sheet Market Outlook 3.2 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.3.1 Raw material trends 3.4 Regulatory Framework 3.4.1 Standard & Compliances U.S. EPA Political forces U.S. Regulations in India 3.4.2 Safety 3.5 Qualitative Analysis of Self-Adhesive Vinyl Films- Key Requirements 3.6 Market Dynamics 3.6.1 Market Driver Analysis Rising demand for fleet graphics Growing demand from sign & Graphics Industry 3.6.2 Market Restraints Analysis Rising demand for PVC-free self-adhesive Vinyl FIlms 3.6.3 Market Opportunity Analysis 3.6.4 Market Challenge Analysis 3.7 Business Environment Analysis: Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market 3.7.1 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 3.7.2 PESTEL Analysis 3.8 Major Deals & Strategic Alliances Analysis Chapter 4 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Manufacturing Process Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Manufacturing Process Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 4.2 Calendered Films 4.2.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Calendered Film (Monomeric & Polymeric), 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Monomeric Polymeric 4.3 Cast Films 4.3.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Cast Film, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 5 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Thickness Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Thickness Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 5.2 Thin (2-3 Mils) 5.2.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Thin (2-3 Mils), 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 5.3 Thick (More than 3 Mils) 5.3.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Thick (More than 3 Mils), 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 6 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Type Estimates & Trend Analysis 6.1 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Type Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 6.2 Transparent 6.2.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Transparent, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 6.3 Translucent 6.3.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by translucent, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 6.4 Opaque 6.4.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by opaque, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 7 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Substrate Estimates & Trend Analysis 7.1 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Substrate Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 7.2 Floor 7.2.1 Printable SELF-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films MARKET estimates and forecast, by Floor, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 7.3 Plastics 7.3.1 Printable SELF-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films MARKET estimates and forecast, by Plastics, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 7.4 Glass 7.4.1 Printable SELF-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films MARKET estimates and forecast, by Glass, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 7.5 Others 7.5.1 Printable SELF-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films MARKET estimates and forecast, by Others, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 8 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 8.1 Printable Self-adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 8.2 Fleet Graphics 8.2.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Fleet Graphics, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.3 Watercraft Graphics 8.3.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by watercraft graphics, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.4 Car Wrapping 8.4.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Car wrapping, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.5 Floor Graphics 8.5.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by floor graphics, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.6 Labels & Stickers 8.6.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by labels & Stickers, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.7 Window Graphics 8.7.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Window Graphics, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.8 Exhibition Panels 8.8.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by exhibition panels, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.9 Outdoor Advertising 8.9.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by outdoor advertising, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.10 Furniture Decoration 8.10.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by furniture decoration 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.11 Wallcovering 8.11.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by wallcovering, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 8.12 Others 8.12.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, by Others, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 9 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 9.1 Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films Market: Regional Movement Analysis, 2019 & 2028 9.2 North America 9.2.1 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.2 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.3 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.4 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.5 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.6 North America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.7 U.S. U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.S. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.8 Canada Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Canada Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.2.9 Mexico Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Mexico Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3 Latin America (LATAM) 9.3.1 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.2 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.3 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.4 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.5 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.6 Latin America Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.7 Brazil Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Brazil Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.3.8 Argentina Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Argentina Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4 Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) 9.4.1 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.2 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.3 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.4 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.5 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.6 EMEA Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.7 U.K. U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) U.K. Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.8 Germany Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Germany Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.9 GCC Countries GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) GCC Countries Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.4.10 South Africa South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) South Africa Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5 Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ) 9.5.1 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.2 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.3 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.4 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.5 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.6 APJ Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.7 China China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) China Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.8 Japan Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Japan Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.9 India India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) India Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) 9.5.10 Australia Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Manufacturing Process, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Thickness, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Type, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Substrate, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Australia Printable Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) Films market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2028 (Million Sq. Meters) (USD Million) Chapter 10 Competitive Analysis 10.1 Key players & recent developments & their impact on the industry 10.2 Key company/competition categorization 10.3 Vendor Landscape 10.3.1 List Of Key Distributors & Channel Partners 10.3.2 List Of Potential Customers 10.4 Public Companies 10.4.1 Competitive dashboard analysis 10.5 Private Companies 10.5.1 List of key emerging companies/technology disruptors/innovators and their geographical presence Chapter 11 Competitive Landscape 11.1 3M 11.1.1 Company Overview 11.1.2 Financial Performance 11.1.3 Product Benchmarking 11.2 AVERY DENNISON CORPORATION 11.2.1 Company Overview 11.2.2 Financial Performance 11.2.3 Product Benchmarking 11.3 Mactac 11.3.1 Company Overview 11.3.2 Product Benchmarking 11.4 LG HAUSYS 11.4.1 Company Overview 11.4.2 Financial Performance 11.4.3 Product Benchmarking 11.5 LINTEC Corporation 11.5.1 Company Overview 11.5.2 Financial Performance 11.5.3 Product Benchmarking 11.5.4 Strategic Initiatives 11.6 HEXIS S.A. 11.6.1 Company Overview 11.6.2 Product Benchmarking 11.6.3 Strategic Initiatives 11.7 Arlon Graphics, LLC 11.7.1 Company Overview 11.7.2 Product Benchmarking 11.7.3 Strategic initiatives 11.8 METAMARK (UK) LIMITED 11.8.1 Company Overview 11.8.2 Product Benchmarking 11.9 ORAFOL Europe GmbH 11.9.1 Company Overview 11.9.2 Product Benchmarking 11.9.3 Strategic Initiatives 11.10 FLEXcon Company, Inc. 11.10.1 Company Overview 11.10.2 Product Benchmarking 11.11 ACHILLES CORPORATION 11.11.1 Company Overview 11.11.2 Financial Performance 11.11.3 Product Benchmarking
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