インドにおけるRTD紅茶RTD Tea in India オントレードがパンデミックの最も大きな原因の一つであったため、一部の清涼飲料水ではオフトレードへのチャネルシフトが見受けられました。しかし、RTD紅茶はこの2年間、オフトレードの売上が大きく伸びること... もっと見る
サマリーオントレードがパンデミックの最も大きな原因の一つであったため、一部の清涼飲料水ではオフトレードへのチャネルシフトが見受けられました。しかし、RTD紅茶はこの2年間、オフトレードの売上が大きく伸びることはなく、実際、2020年には減少に転じました。2021年にはオフトレード売上が増加に転じたものの、増加率はパンデミック前と比較して低い水準にとどまりました。これにはいくつかの理由がある。まず、2020年、2021年の大きなロックダウンは、いずれも夏場であった。Euromonitor InternationalのインドのRTD紅茶レポートでは、国レベルでの市場の規模と形状について包括的なガイドを提供しています。最新の小売販売データ(2017-2021年)を提供しており、成長を牽引するセクターを特定することが可能です。主要企業や主要ブランドを特定し、市場に影響を与える主要要因(法律、流通、パッケージ、価格設定問題など)の戦略的分析を提供しています。2026年までの予測は、市場がどのように変化していくかを示しています。 対象製品炭酸RTDティーとコンブチャ、静止RTDティー。 データカバレッジ:市場規模(過去および予測)、企業シェア、ブランドシェア、流通データ。 本レポートを購入する理由 * RTDティー市場の詳細なイメージを得ることができます。 * 成長分野を特定し、変化を促す要因を特定する。 * 競争環境、市場の主要プレーヤー、主要ブランドの理解。 * 5年後を予測することで、市場の発展予測を評価することができます。 ユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、市場調査レポート、ビジネス参考書、オンライン情報システムの出版で40年以上の経験を有しています。ロンドン、シカゴ、シンガポール、上海、ビリニュス、ドバイ、ケープタウン、サンティアゴ、シドニー、東京、バンガロールにオフィスを構え、世界中に800人を超えるアナリストのネットワークを持つユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、情報に基づいた戦略立案を支援する信頼できる情報資源を開発する独自の能力を有しています。 目次RTD Tea in IndiaEuromonitor International February 2022 List Of Contents And Tables RTD TEA IN INDIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS RTD tea does not witness a channel shift to the off-trade COVID-19 pandemic results in the rise of home-grown kombucha players in India Hindustan Unilever remains dominant but loses share to smaller competitors PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Carbonated RTD tea set to witness substantial growth during the forecast period On-trade recovery will remain weak due to subsequent COVID-19 waves and resultant lockdowns Potential for increased sales of healthier variants CATEGORY DATA Table 1 Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: Volume 2016-2021 Table 2 Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 3 Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: % Volume Growth 2016-2021 Table 4 Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 5 Leading Flavours for Off-trade RTD Tea: % Volume 2016-2021 Table 6 NBO Company Shares of Off-trade RTD Tea: % Volume 2017-2021 Table 7 LBN Brand Shares of Off-trade RTD Tea: % Volume 2018-2021 Table 8 NBO Company Shares of Off-trade RTD Tea: % Value 2017-2021 Table 9 LBN Brand Shares of Off-trade RTD Tea: % Value 2018-2021 Table 10 Forecast Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: Volume 2021-2026 Table 11 Forecast Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 12 Forecast Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: % Volume Growth 2021-2026 Table 13 Forecast Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 CHART 1 Soft Drinks Off-Trade Volume Sales Growth Scenarios: 2019-2026 CHART 2 Soft Drinks On-Trade Volume Sales Growth Scenarios: 2019-2026 CHART 3 Soft Drinks Impact of Drivers on Off-Trade Volume Sales: 2019-2026 CHART 4 Soft Drinks Impact of Drivers on On-Trade Volume Sales: 2019-2026 SOFT DRINKS IN INDIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Soft drinks in 2021: The big picture Communication around functional references is of paramount importance Competitive landscape Retailing developments Foodservice vs retail split What next for soft drinks? MARKET DATA Table 14 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Channel: Volume 2016-2021 Table 15 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Channel: % Volume Growth 2016-2021 Table 16 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Channel: Value 2016-2021 Table 17 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Channel: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 18 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (as sold) by Category: Volume 2020 Table 19 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (as sold) by Category: % Volume 2020 Table 20 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: Value 2020 Table 21 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: % Value 2020 Table 22 Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Category: Volume 2016-2021 Table 23 Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Category: % Volume Growth 2016-2021 Table 24 Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 25 Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 26 NBO Company Shares of Total Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2017-2021 Table 27 LBN Brand Shares of Total Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2018-2021 Table 28 NBO Company Shares of On-trade Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2017-2021 Table 29 LBN Brand Shares of On-trade Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2018-2021 Table 30 NBO Company Shares of Off-trade Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2017-2021 Table 31 LBN Brand Shares of Off-trade Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2018-2021 Table 32 NBO Company Shares of Off-trade Soft Drinks: % Value 2017-2021 Table 33 LBN Brand Shares of Off-trade Soft Drinks: % Value 2018-2021 Table 34 Distribution of Off-trade Soft Drinks (as sold) by Format: % Volume 2016-2021 Table 35 Distribution of Off-trade Soft Drinks (as sold) by Format and Category: % Volume 2021 Table 36 Forecast Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Channel: Volume 2021-2026 Table 37 Forecast Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Channel: % Volume Growth 2021-2026 Table 38 Forecast Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Channel: Value 2021-2026 Table 39 Forecast Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Channel: % Value Growth 2021-2026 Table 40 Forecast Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Category: Volume 2021-2026 Table 41 Forecast Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Category: % Volume Growth 2021-2026 Table 42 Forecast Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 43 Forecast Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 APPENDIX Fountain sales in India Trends DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources
SummaryAs the on-trade was one of the most significant causalities of the pandemic, a channel shift towards the off-trade was seen for some soft drinks. However, RTD tea did not witness a significant spike in off-trade sales over the last two years, and in fact also turned to decline in 2020. Although off-trade sales returned to growth in 2021, the rate of increase remained below that seen pre-pandemic. There are a few reasons for this. First, both major lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 were during the summe... Table of ContentsRTD Tea in IndiaEuromonitor International February 2022 List Of Contents And Tables RTD TEA IN INDIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS RTD tea does not witness a channel shift to the off-trade COVID-19 pandemic results in the rise of home-grown kombucha players in India Hindustan Unilever remains dominant but loses share to smaller competitors PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Carbonated RTD tea set to witness substantial growth during the forecast period On-trade recovery will remain weak due to subsequent COVID-19 waves and resultant lockdowns Potential for increased sales of healthier variants CATEGORY DATA Table 1 Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: Volume 2016-2021 Table 2 Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 3 Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: % Volume Growth 2016-2021 Table 4 Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 5 Leading Flavours for Off-trade RTD Tea: % Volume 2016-2021 Table 6 NBO Company Shares of Off-trade RTD Tea: % Volume 2017-2021 Table 7 LBN Brand Shares of Off-trade RTD Tea: % Volume 2018-2021 Table 8 NBO Company Shares of Off-trade RTD Tea: % Value 2017-2021 Table 9 LBN Brand Shares of Off-trade RTD Tea: % Value 2018-2021 Table 10 Forecast Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: Volume 2021-2026 Table 11 Forecast Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 12 Forecast Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: % Volume Growth 2021-2026 Table 13 Forecast Off-trade Sales of RTD Tea by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 CHART 1 Soft Drinks Off-Trade Volume Sales Growth Scenarios: 2019-2026 CHART 2 Soft Drinks On-Trade Volume Sales Growth Scenarios: 2019-2026 CHART 3 Soft Drinks Impact of Drivers on Off-Trade Volume Sales: 2019-2026 CHART 4 Soft Drinks Impact of Drivers on On-Trade Volume Sales: 2019-2026 SOFT DRINKS IN INDIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Soft drinks in 2021: The big picture Communication around functional references is of paramount importance Competitive landscape Retailing developments Foodservice vs retail split What next for soft drinks? MARKET DATA Table 14 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Channel: Volume 2016-2021 Table 15 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Channel: % Volume Growth 2016-2021 Table 16 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Channel: Value 2016-2021 Table 17 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Channel: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 18 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (as sold) by Category: Volume 2020 Table 19 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (as sold) by Category: % Volume 2020 Table 20 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: Value 2020 Table 21 Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: % Value 2020 Table 22 Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Category: Volume 2016-2021 Table 23 Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Category: % Volume Growth 2016-2021 Table 24 Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 25 Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 26 NBO Company Shares of Total Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2017-2021 Table 27 LBN Brand Shares of Total Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2018-2021 Table 28 NBO Company Shares of On-trade Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2017-2021 Table 29 LBN Brand Shares of On-trade Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2018-2021 Table 30 NBO Company Shares of Off-trade Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2017-2021 Table 31 LBN Brand Shares of Off-trade Soft Drinks (RTD): % Volume 2018-2021 Table 32 NBO Company Shares of Off-trade Soft Drinks: % Value 2017-2021 Table 33 LBN Brand Shares of Off-trade Soft Drinks: % Value 2018-2021 Table 34 Distribution of Off-trade Soft Drinks (as sold) by Format: % Volume 2016-2021 Table 35 Distribution of Off-trade Soft Drinks (as sold) by Format and Category: % Volume 2021 Table 36 Forecast Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Channel: Volume 2021-2026 Table 37 Forecast Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Channel: % Volume Growth 2021-2026 Table 38 Forecast Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Channel: Value 2021-2026 Table 39 Forecast Off-trade vs On-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Channel: % Value Growth 2021-2026 Table 40 Forecast Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Category: Volume 2021-2026 Table 41 Forecast Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks (RTD) by Category: % Volume Growth 2021-2026 Table 42 Forecast Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 43 Forecast Off-trade Sales of Soft Drinks by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 APPENDIX Fountain sales in India Trends DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources
ご注文は、お電話またはWEBから承ります。お見積もりの作成もお気軽にご相談ください。本レポートと同分野(飲料)の最新刊レポートEuromonitor International社の飲料分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(tea)の最新刊レポートよくあるご質問Euromonitor International社はどのような調査会社ですか?Euromonitor International(ユーロモニターインターナショナル)は年17,000以上の市場調査レポートを発行しています。あらゆる国や産業のトレンド、消費者動向を分析し、詳細カテゴ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。