サウジアラビアのティッシュペーパーと衛生用品Tissue and Hygiene in Saudi Arabia 2021年、国内でCOVID-19の発生が収束すると、日常生活のあらゆるシーンが平常に戻りました。商品の特性を考えると、2021年の成長率は前年より低かったものの、清潔感や衛生観念の高まりも手伝って、ティッシュや... もっと見る
サマリー2021年、国内でCOVID-19の発生が収束すると、日常生活のあらゆるシーンが平常に戻りました。商品の特性を考えると、2021年の成長率は前年より低かったものの、清潔感や衛生観念の高まりも手伝って、ティッシュや衛生用品は全体的に需要増となり、成長への道を切り開いたといえるでしょう。2021年は人々が屋外で過ごす時間が増えたため、オフィスでの仕事を再開する...Euromonitor Internationalの調査レポート「サウジアラビアのティッシュと衛生製品」は、国レベルの市場規模と形状に関する包括的なガイドを提供しています。2017-2021年の最新小売販売データを提供し、成長を促進する部門を特定することができます。主要企業や主要ブランドを特定し、新製品開発、流通、価格問題など、市場に影響を与える主要要因の戦略的分析も提供しています。2026年までの予測は、市場がどのように変化していくかを示しています。 対象製品家庭外用ティッシュと衛生用品、小売用ティッシュと衛生用品、Rx/償還用大人用失禁用品、総合ティッシュと衛生用品。 データ範囲:市場規模(過去および予測)、企業シェア、ブランドシェア、流通データ。 本レポートを購入する理由 * ティッシュおよび衛生用品市場の詳細な情報を得ることができます。 * 成長分野を特定し、変化を促す要因を特定します。 * 競争環境、市場の主要プレーヤー、主要ブランドの理解 * 5年後を予測することで、市場の発展予測を評価することができます。 ユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、市場調査レポート、ビジネス参考書、オンライン情報システムの出版で40年以上の経験を有しています。ロンドン、シカゴ、シンガポール、上海、ビリニュス、ドバイ、ケープタウン、サンティアゴ、シドニー、東京、バンガロールにオフィスを構え、世界中に800人以上のアナリストのネットワークを持つユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、情報に基づいた戦略立案を支援する信頼できる情報資源を開発する独自の能力を有しています。 目次Tissue and Hygiene in Saudi ArabiaEuromonitor International April 2022 List Of Contents And Tables TISSUE AND HYGIENE IN SAUDI ARABIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tissue and hygiene in 2021: The big picture 2021 key trends Competitive landscape Retailing developments What next for tissue and hygiene? CHART 1 Retail Tissue and Hygiene Value Sales Growth Scenarios: 2019-2026 CHART 2 Retail Tissue and Hygiene Impact of Drivers on Value Sales: 2019-2026 MARKET INDICATORS Table 1 Birth Rates 2016-2021 Table 2 Infant Population 2016-2021 Table 3 Female Population by Age 2016-2021 Table 4 Total Population by Age 2016-2021 Table 5 Households 2016-2021 Table 6 Forecast Infant Population 2021-2026 Table 7 Forecast Female Population by Age 2021-2026 Table 8 Forecast Total Population by Age 2021-2026 Table 9 Forecast Households 2021-2026 MARKET DATA Table 10 Retail Sales of Tissue and Hygiene by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 11 Retail Sales of Tissue and Hygiene by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 12 NBO Company Shares of Retail Tissue and Hygiene: % Value 2017-2021 Table 13 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Tissue and Hygiene: % Value 2018-2021 Table 14 Penetration of Private Label in Retail Tissue and Hygiene by Category: % Value 2016-2021 Table 15 Distribution of Retail Tissue and Hygiene by Format: % Value 2016-2021 Table 16 Distribution of Retail Tissue and Hygiene by Format and Category: % Value 2021 Table 17 Forecast Retail Sales of Tissue and Hygiene by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 18 Forecast Retail Sales of Tissue and Hygiene by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources SANITARY PROTECTION IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS Demand for sanitary protection is fairly stable due to their essential nature Towels remains the dominant product area Developments focus on efficacy and comfort rather than environmental concern PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Growth in the consumer base will ensure a continued rise in sales Pantyliners to maintain the highest growth, but standard towels will remain dominant Greater interest in reusable products, although little impact expected on sanitary protection CATEGORY DATA Table 19 Retail Sales of Sanitary Protection by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 20 Retail Sales of Sanitary Protection by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 21 NBO Company Shares of Retail Sanitary Protection: % Value 2017-2021 Table 22 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Sanitary Protection: % Value 2018-2021 Table 23 Forecast Retail Sales of Sanitary Protection by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 24 Forecast Retail Sales of Sanitary Protection by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 NAPPIES/DIAPERS/PANTS IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS Sales decline as the number of children aged under three falls Standard nappies/diapers remains the largest category, while disposable pants witnesses strong growth Baby Joy and Pampers together maintain their dominance thanks to continuous product innovation PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Potential launch of sustainable and reusable products Innovation and improvement to product quality will sustain value growth E-commerce expected to maintain its share growth CATEGORY DATA Table 25 Retail Sales of Nappies/Diapers/Pants by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 26 Retail Sales of Nappies/Diapers/Pants by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 27 NBO Company Shares of Retail Nappies/Diapers/Pants: % Value 2017-2021 Table 28 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Nappies/Diapers/Pants: % Value 2018-2021 Table 29 Forecast Retail Sales of Nappies/Diapers/Pants by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 30 Forecast Retail Sales of Nappies/Diapers/Pants by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 RETAIL ADULT INCONTINENCE IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS Moderate/heavy adult incontinence continues to dominate due to efficacy E-commerce continues to grow as the number of online grocery and health and beauty specialist retailers grows Tena declines as consumers switch to more affordable local brands PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Growth set to be maintained due to the rising consumer base Factors such as price, embarrassment and use of alternatives will hinder growth Wider availability will contribute to growth and lead to shifts in distribution CATEGORY DATA Table 31 Sales of Retail Adult Incontinence by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 32 Sales of Retail Adult Incontinence by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 33 NBO Company Shares of Retail Adult Incontinence: % Value 2017-2021 Table 34 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Adult Incontinence: % Value 2018-2021 Table 35 Forecast Sales of Retail Adult Incontinence by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 36 Forecast Sales of Retail Adult Incontinence by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 WIPES IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS Home care wipes performs well as consumers maintain hygiene in the home Not all product areas perform well in personal wipes New launches in wipes change the competitive landscape PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Home care wipes and floor cleaning systems set to maintain solid growth as consumers return to their normal cleaning behaviour Personal wipes is expected to perform well, thanks to baby wipes A move towards more natural and eco-friendly products expected CATEGORY DATA Table 37 Retail Sales of Wipes by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 38 Retail Sales of Wipes by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 39 NBO Company Shares of Retail Wipes: % Value 2017-2021 Table 40 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Wipes: % Value 2018-2021 Table 41 Forecast Retail Sales of Wipes by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 42 Forecast Retail Sales of Wipes by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 RETAIL TISSUE IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS Boxed facial tissues maintains its dominance and growth Price promotions drive volume sales Sterilised tissues help Fine extend its lead PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Product upgrades to sustain market growth in the forecast period Continued product innovation expected, to maintain consumers’ interest Dominance of boxed facial tissues set to continue CATEGORY DATA Table 43 Retail Sales of Tissue by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 44 Retail Sales of Tissue by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 45 NBO Company Shares of Retail Tissue: % Value 2017-2021 Table 46 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Tissue: % Value 2018-2021 Table 47 Forecast Retail Sales of Tissue by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 48 Forecast Retail Sales of Tissue by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 AWAY-FROM-HOME TISSUE AND HYGIENE IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS As social conditions return to normal, demand for away-from-home tissue products increases Horeca accounts for the largest share of away-from-home tissue sales Fine Solutions and Kleenex extend their lead as smaller players struggle PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES International events and return of international pilgrims will boost growth Visa-extensions for international travellers will boost hotel occupancy levels Continued growth for away-from-home hygiene along with the rising elderly population CATEGORY DATA Table 49 Sales of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 50 Sales of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 51 Sales of Away-From-Home Paper Towels by Type: % Value 2016-2021 Table 52 Distribution of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Format: % Value 2016-2021 Table 53 Distribution of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Format and Category: % Value 2021 Table 54 Forecast Sales of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 55 Forecast Sales of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026
SummaryIn 2021, as the number of COVID-19 cases was brought under control in the country, all aspects of everyday life returned back to normal. Considering the nature of the products, tissue and hygiene continued to pave its way to growth, aided by an increased sense of cleanliness and hygiene, which led to an overall increase in demand for tissue and hygiene products, even if growth in 2021 was lower compared to the previous year. As people spent more time outdoors in 2021, resuming work at the office... Table of ContentsTissue and Hygiene in Saudi ArabiaEuromonitor International April 2022 List Of Contents And Tables TISSUE AND HYGIENE IN SAUDI ARABIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tissue and hygiene in 2021: The big picture 2021 key trends Competitive landscape Retailing developments What next for tissue and hygiene? CHART 1 Retail Tissue and Hygiene Value Sales Growth Scenarios: 2019-2026 CHART 2 Retail Tissue and Hygiene Impact of Drivers on Value Sales: 2019-2026 MARKET INDICATORS Table 1 Birth Rates 2016-2021 Table 2 Infant Population 2016-2021 Table 3 Female Population by Age 2016-2021 Table 4 Total Population by Age 2016-2021 Table 5 Households 2016-2021 Table 6 Forecast Infant Population 2021-2026 Table 7 Forecast Female Population by Age 2021-2026 Table 8 Forecast Total Population by Age 2021-2026 Table 9 Forecast Households 2021-2026 MARKET DATA Table 10 Retail Sales of Tissue and Hygiene by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 11 Retail Sales of Tissue and Hygiene by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 12 NBO Company Shares of Retail Tissue and Hygiene: % Value 2017-2021 Table 13 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Tissue and Hygiene: % Value 2018-2021 Table 14 Penetration of Private Label in Retail Tissue and Hygiene by Category: % Value 2016-2021 Table 15 Distribution of Retail Tissue and Hygiene by Format: % Value 2016-2021 Table 16 Distribution of Retail Tissue and Hygiene by Format and Category: % Value 2021 Table 17 Forecast Retail Sales of Tissue and Hygiene by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 18 Forecast Retail Sales of Tissue and Hygiene by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources SANITARY PROTECTION IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS Demand for sanitary protection is fairly stable due to their essential nature Towels remains the dominant product area Developments focus on efficacy and comfort rather than environmental concern PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Growth in the consumer base will ensure a continued rise in sales Pantyliners to maintain the highest growth, but standard towels will remain dominant Greater interest in reusable products, although little impact expected on sanitary protection CATEGORY DATA Table 19 Retail Sales of Sanitary Protection by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 20 Retail Sales of Sanitary Protection by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 21 NBO Company Shares of Retail Sanitary Protection: % Value 2017-2021 Table 22 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Sanitary Protection: % Value 2018-2021 Table 23 Forecast Retail Sales of Sanitary Protection by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 24 Forecast Retail Sales of Sanitary Protection by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 NAPPIES/DIAPERS/PANTS IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS Sales decline as the number of children aged under three falls Standard nappies/diapers remains the largest category, while disposable pants witnesses strong growth Baby Joy and Pampers together maintain their dominance thanks to continuous product innovation PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Potential launch of sustainable and reusable products Innovation and improvement to product quality will sustain value growth E-commerce expected to maintain its share growth CATEGORY DATA Table 25 Retail Sales of Nappies/Diapers/Pants by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 26 Retail Sales of Nappies/Diapers/Pants by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 27 NBO Company Shares of Retail Nappies/Diapers/Pants: % Value 2017-2021 Table 28 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Nappies/Diapers/Pants: % Value 2018-2021 Table 29 Forecast Retail Sales of Nappies/Diapers/Pants by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 30 Forecast Retail Sales of Nappies/Diapers/Pants by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 RETAIL ADULT INCONTINENCE IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS Moderate/heavy adult incontinence continues to dominate due to efficacy E-commerce continues to grow as the number of online grocery and health and beauty specialist retailers grows Tena declines as consumers switch to more affordable local brands PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Growth set to be maintained due to the rising consumer base Factors such as price, embarrassment and use of alternatives will hinder growth Wider availability will contribute to growth and lead to shifts in distribution CATEGORY DATA Table 31 Sales of Retail Adult Incontinence by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 32 Sales of Retail Adult Incontinence by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 33 NBO Company Shares of Retail Adult Incontinence: % Value 2017-2021 Table 34 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Adult Incontinence: % Value 2018-2021 Table 35 Forecast Sales of Retail Adult Incontinence by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 36 Forecast Sales of Retail Adult Incontinence by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 WIPES IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS Home care wipes performs well as consumers maintain hygiene in the home Not all product areas perform well in personal wipes New launches in wipes change the competitive landscape PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Home care wipes and floor cleaning systems set to maintain solid growth as consumers return to their normal cleaning behaviour Personal wipes is expected to perform well, thanks to baby wipes A move towards more natural and eco-friendly products expected CATEGORY DATA Table 37 Retail Sales of Wipes by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 38 Retail Sales of Wipes by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 39 NBO Company Shares of Retail Wipes: % Value 2017-2021 Table 40 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Wipes: % Value 2018-2021 Table 41 Forecast Retail Sales of Wipes by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 42 Forecast Retail Sales of Wipes by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 RETAIL TISSUE IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS Boxed facial tissues maintains its dominance and growth Price promotions drive volume sales Sterilised tissues help Fine extend its lead PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Product upgrades to sustain market growth in the forecast period Continued product innovation expected, to maintain consumers’ interest Dominance of boxed facial tissues set to continue CATEGORY DATA Table 43 Retail Sales of Tissue by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 44 Retail Sales of Tissue by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 45 NBO Company Shares of Retail Tissue: % Value 2017-2021 Table 46 LBN Brand Shares of Retail Tissue: % Value 2018-2021 Table 47 Forecast Retail Sales of Tissue by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 48 Forecast Retail Sales of Tissue by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026 AWAY-FROM-HOME TISSUE AND HYGIENE IN SAUDI ARABIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2021 DEVELOPMENTS As social conditions return to normal, demand for away-from-home tissue products increases Horeca accounts for the largest share of away-from-home tissue sales Fine Solutions and Kleenex extend their lead as smaller players struggle PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES International events and return of international pilgrims will boost growth Visa-extensions for international travellers will boost hotel occupancy levels Continued growth for away-from-home hygiene along with the rising elderly population CATEGORY DATA Table 49 Sales of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Category: Value 2016-2021 Table 50 Sales of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021 Table 51 Sales of Away-From-Home Paper Towels by Type: % Value 2016-2021 Table 52 Distribution of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Format: % Value 2016-2021 Table 53 Distribution of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Format and Category: % Value 2021 Table 54 Forecast Sales of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Category: Value 2021-2026 Table 55 Forecast Sales of Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene by Category: % Value Growth 2021-2026
Euromonitor International社のその他分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(tissue)の最新刊レポートよくあるご質問Euromonitor International社はどのような調査会社ですか?Euromonitor International(ユーロモニターインターナショナル)は年17,000以上の市場調査レポートを発行しています。あらゆる国や産業のトレンド、消費者動向を分析し、詳細カテゴ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。