世界のギャンブル市場。製品タイプ別(カジノ、宝くじ、ゲーミングマシン、ベッティング、その他)、プラットフォーム別(ランドベース、コンピュータ、モバイル)、地域別の分析とCOVID-19のインパクト分析および2027年までの予測Global Gambling Market: Analysis By Product Type (Casino, Lotteries, Gaming Machines, Betting, and Others), By Platform (Landbased, Computer and Mobile), By Region Size & Forecast with Impact Analysis of COVID-19 and Forecast up to 2027 ギャンブル(賭け事、ゲーム)とは、価値のあるものを得ようと、結論の見えない出来事に価値のあるもの(「賭け金」)を賭けることである。したがって、ギャンブルには、対価(賭ける金額)、リスク(偶然性)、... もっと見る
サマリーギャンブル(賭け事、ゲーム)とは、価値のあるものを得ようと、結論の見えない出来事に価値のあるもの(「賭け金」)を賭けることである。したがって、ギャンブルには、対価(賭ける金額)、リスク(偶然性)、賞の3つの要素が必要である。ゲーミング産業は、ギャンブル産業と同じ意味で使われている言葉です。ゲーミングという言葉は、ギャンブル市場で活動する企業により好まれます。彼らにとっては、ギャンブル会社ではなく、ゲーミング会社と呼ばれる方が、ある意味、より合法的に聞こえます。2021年、世界のギャンブル市場は4395億米ドルと評価され、2027年には6213億米ドルに達すると予想されます。モバイルやPCを利用したオンラインギャンブルの普及が進み、デジタル決済やモバイル決済の普及が進み、ユーザーやオンラインプレーヤーにとって決済手続きが容易になったことが、今後数年間のギャンブル市場の需要に影響を及ぼすと考えられます。ギャンブル市場は、2022年から2027年の予測期間において、CAGR5.94%で成長すると予測されています。 市場セグメンテーション分析。 製品タイプ別。本レポートでは、世界のギャンブル市場を5つの要素に分割しています。カジノ、宝くじ、ギャンブルマシン、ベッティング、その他です。カジノ分野は、2021年に市場シェアの約35%を占めました。多くの国が徐々にカジノを通じたギャンブルを税金の傘下に入れることで合法的な活動にしようとしていることが、ギャンブル産業におけるカジノを後押しする大きな要因の1つとなっています。 プラットフォーム別本レポートによると、世界のギャンブル市場は3つのアルゴリズムに分類されます。陸上、コンピュータ、モバイルです。多くの国で採用された新しい規制法が土地ベースのギャンブル市場の成長に有利な条件を敷いたため、土地ベースのセグメントは2021年のギャンブル市場で85%を占めた。 地域別では本レポートによると、世界のギャンブル市場は4つの主要地域に分類されます。アジア太平洋地域(中国、日本、インド、その他のアジア太平洋地域)、北米(アメリカ、カナダ、メキシコ)、ヨーロッパ(ドイツ、イギリス、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、その他のヨーロッパ地域)、その他の世界です。アジア太平洋地域のギャンブル市場は2021年に約38%の市場シェアを獲得しましたが、これは主に豪華なゲームオプションの増加とともに、都市の生活水準が向上したことに起因しています。 中国のギャンブル市場は、アジア太平洋地域で最大のシェアを占めていますが、一般的に中国ではギャンブルは違法です。この国の住民は、国が運営する1つのギャンブル、すなわち宝くじにのみ挑戦することができます。その他の賭け事に関しては、香港とマカオの2つのギャンブルゾーンで行われます。 世界のギャンブル市場のダイナミクス 成長の原動力インターネットユーザーの増加により、オンラインギャンブルプラットフォームの急速な普及に理想的な状況が生まれています。インターネット普及率の向上は、オンラインギャンブルの会場に物理的に立ち会う必要がないため、ゲーマーにとってより便利なものとなっています。さらに、スマートデバイスの普及率の上昇、世界人口の増加、世界的な消費能力の向上、ギャンブルの合法化などにより、市場の拡大が予想されます。 課題不安定な電力供給、不十分な通信ネットワーク、帯域幅の制限による不十分または信頼性の低いインターネット接続などのインフラ不足や、インターネット利用に必要な技術的専門知識を持つ人材の不足などです。また、ギャンブル市場が直面する課題として、ギャンブルに対するネガティブなイメージなどがあります。 トレンドギャンブル市場の大きなトレンドは、オンラインギャンブルにおける拡張現実(AR)技術の可能性です。カジノにとってこの技術は、ライブゲームとソフトウェアの最良の要素にオーバーレイとバーチャルリアリティアドオンを組み合わせることで、さらに魅力的な体験を提供する、さまざまな新機能を導入することができます。予測期間中にギャンブル市場の成長を増大させると考えられているその他のトレンドには、ビットコインギャンブル、クラウドゲーミングなどの出現が含まれます。 COVID-19のインパクト分析と今後の展望。 コロナウイルス病(COVID-19)の発生は、世界的に政府がロックダウンと制限を課し、ランドベースのカジノ運営に影響を与えたため、2020年のギャンブル市場に対する大規模な抑制として作用しています。ビンゴホール、カジノ、クラブ、パブ、競馬場、ポーカールーム、宝くじ商など、いくつかの土地ベースのギャンブル施設が閉鎖を余儀なくされました。この閉鎖により、多くのギャンブル参加者がインターネットギャンブルに移行した。自由な時間が増え、退屈になったため、多くの人がオンライン・ギャンブルを利用するようになった。大型スポーツイベントの中止や延期に伴い、インターネット賭博の活動も減少した。しかし、COVID-19以降、ロックアウトの制限が緩和され、国際的にライブスポーツイベントが再開されたため、業界ではオンラインギャンブルが増加しています。 競争環境と最近の動向。 ギャンブル市場は細分化されており、世界的に多数のプレイヤーが存在し、支配的な地位を占めています。ギャンブル市場の主なプレイヤーは以下の通りです。 International Game Technology Plc.(IGT) フラッター・エンターテインメント(Flutter Entertainment plc. ライト&ワンダー社(旧サイエンティフィック・ゲームズ・コーポレーション) ギャラクシー・エンターテインメント・グループ シーザース エンターテイメント ラスベガス・サンズ・コーポレーション 888ホールディングス MGMリゾーツ・インターナショナル ウィン・リゾーツ エンタテインメント・ピーエルシー エボリューション・ゲーミング・グループ ドラフトキングス 主要プレイヤーは、この市場での競争力を維持するために、新製品の発売や新興国市場への製品投入など、常に戦略的な取り組みに投資しています。例えば、2021年8月、DraftKings Inc.とGolden Nugget Online Gaming Inc.は、DraftKingsがGolden Nugget Online Gamingを全株式取引で買収することに合意しました。DraftKingsはこの買収により、Golden Nuggetの有名なブランド、iGaming製品の経験、そして500万人以上の顧客データベースを合わせて利用することができるようになったのです。また、2021年7月、Flutter Entertainment PLCが所有するThe FanDuel Groupは、ニュージャージー州とミシガン州でFanDuel Casinoを開始しました。お客様は、FanDuel Casinoでライブディーラーのブラックジャック、ルーレット、バカラをプレイすることができるようになりました。 目次1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Gambling: An Overview 2.1.1 Regulations on Gambling 2.2 Gambling Segmentation: An Overview 2.2.1 Gambling Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Gambling Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Gambling Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Gambling Market by Value 3.1.3 Global Gambling Market by Product Type (Casino, Lotteries, Gaming Machines, Betting and Other) 3.1.4 Global Gambling Market by Platform (Landbased, Computer and Mobile) 3.1.5 Global Gambling Market by Region (Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and Rest of the World) 3.2 Global Gambling Market: Product Type Analysis 3.2.1 Global Gambling Market by Product Type: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Casino Gambling Market by Value 3.2.3 Global Lotteries Gambling Market by Value 3.2.4 Global Gaming Machines Gambling Market by Value 3.2.5 Global Betting Market by Value 3.2.6 Global Other Gambling Market by Value 3.3 Global Gambling Market: Platform Analysis 3.3.1 Global Gambling Market by Platform: An Overview 3.3.2 Global Landbased Gambling Market by Value 3.3.3 Global Computer Gambling Market by Value 3.3.4 Global Mobile Gambling Market by Value 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 Asia Pacific Gambling Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 Asia Pacific Gambling Market: An Overview 4.1.2 Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value 4.1.3 Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Regions (China, Japan, India and Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.1.4 China Gambling Market by Value 4.1.5 Japan Gambling Market by Value 4.1.6 India Gambling Market by Value 4.1.7 Rest of Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value 4.2 North America Gambling Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 North America Gambling Market: An Overview 4.2.2 North America Gambling Market by Value 4.2.3 North America Gambling Market by Product Type (Casino, Lotteries and Other) 4.2.4 North America Casino Gambling Market by Value 4.2.5 North America Lotteries Gambling Market by Value 4.2.6 North America Other Gambling Market by Value 4.2.7 North America Gambling Market by Platform (Landbased and Interactive) 4.2.8 North America Landbased Gambling Market by Value 4.2.9 North America Interactive Gambling Market by Value 4.2.10 North America Gambling Market by Region (The US, Canada and Mexico) 4.2.11 The US Gambling Market by Value 4.2.12 Canada Gambling Market by Value 4.2.13 Mexico Gambling Market by Value 4.3 Europe Gambling Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 Europe Gambling Market: An Overview 4.3.2 Europe Gambling Market by Value 4.3.3 Europe Gambling Market by Region (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain and Rest of Europe) 4.3.4 UK Gambling Market by Value 4.3.5 Italy Gambling Market by Value 4.3.6 Italy Gambling Market by Platform (Landbased and Interactive) 4.3.7 Italy Landbased and Interactive Gambling Market by Value 4.3.8 Germany Gambling Market by Value 4.3.9 France Gambling Market by Value 4.3.10 Spain Gambling Market by Value 4.3.11 Rest of Europe Gambling Market by Value 4.4 Rest of the World Gambling Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Rest of the World Gambling Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Rest of the World Gambling Market by Value 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Gambling Market 5.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Gambling 5.1.2 Response of Market Players after Spread of Pandemic 5.1.3 Regional Impact of COVID-19 5.1.4 Post COVID-19 Impact 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Budding Internet Penetration 6.1.2 Hiking Penetration of Smart Devices 6.1.3 Growing Global Population 6.1.4 Improving Spending Capability Globally 6.1.5 Legalization of Gambling 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Lack of Internet Connectivity in Developing Countries 6.2.2 Negative Perceptions on Gambling 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Potential of Augment Reality (AR) Technology in Online Gambling 6.3.2 Emergence of Bitcoin Gambling 6.3.3 Cloud Gaming 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Gambling Market Players: Acquisition Comparison 8. Company Profiles 8.1 International Game Technology Plc. (IGT) 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Operating Segments 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Flutter Entertainment plc 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Operating Segments 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 Light & Wonder, Inc. (Formerly Known As Scientific Games Corporation) 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segments 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Galaxy Entertainment Group 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Operating Segments 8.4.3 Business Strategy 8.5 Caesars Entertainment, Inc. 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.5.2 Operating Segments 8.5.3 Business Strategy 8.6 Las Vegas Sands Corp. 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.6.2 Operating Segments 8.6.3 Business Strategy 8.7 888 Holdings 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.7.2 Operating Segments 8.7.3 Business Strategy 8.8 MGM Resorts International 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.8.2 Operating Segments 8.8.3 Business Strategy 8.9 Wynn Resorts, Limited 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.9.2 Operating Segments 8.9.3 Business Strategy 8.10 Entain Plc. 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.10.2 Operating Segments 8.10.3 Business Strategy 8.11 Evolution Gaming Group 8.11.1 Business Overview 8.11.2 Operating Regions 8.11.3 Business Strategy 8.12 Draftkings Inc. 8.12.1 Business Overview 8.12.2 Operating Segments 8.12.3 Business Strategy List of Figures Figure 1: Gambling Segmentation Figure 2: Global Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 3: Global Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: Global Gambling Market by Product Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 5: Global Gambling Market by Platform; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Gambling Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 7: Global Casino Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 8: Global Casino Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 9: Global Lotteries Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 10: Global Lotteries Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: Global Gaming Machines Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 12: Global Gaming Machines Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 13: Global Betting Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 14: Global Betting Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 15: Global Other Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 16: Global Other Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 17: Global Landbased Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 18: Global Landbased Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 19: Global Computer Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 20: Global Computer Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 21: Global Mobile Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 22: Global Mobile Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 23: Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 24: Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 25: Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Regions; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 26: China Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 27: China Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 28: Japan Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 29: Japan Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 30: India Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 31: India Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 32: Rest of Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 33: Rest of Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: North America Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: North America Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 36: North America Gambling Market by Product Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 37: North America Casino Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 38: North America Casino Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 39: North America Lotteries Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 40: North America Lotteries Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 41: North America Other Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 42: North America Other Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 43: North America Gambling Market by Platform; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 44: North America Landbased Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 45: North America Landbased Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 46: North America Interactive Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 47: North America Interactive Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 48: North America Gambling Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 49: The US Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 50: The US Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 51: Canada Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 52: Canada Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 53: Mexico Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 54: Mexico Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 55: Europe Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 56: Europe Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 57: Europe Gambling Market by Regions; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 58: UK Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 59: UK Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 60: Italy Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 61: Italy Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 62: Italy Gambling Market by Platform; 2021 (Percentage,%) Figure 63: Italy Land based and Interactive Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 64: Germany Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 65: Germany Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 66: France Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 67: France Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 68: Spain Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 69: Spain Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 70: Rest of Europe Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 71: Rest of Europe Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 72: Rest of the World Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 73: Rest of the World Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 74: Macao Casino Revenue; January 2020-August 2020 (US$ Billion) Figure 75: Global Number of Internet Users; Jan’17-Jan’22 (Million) Figure 76: Global Mobile Devices and Connections; 2016-2021 (Billion) Figure 77: Global Population by Age Groups; 2015-2030 (Million) Figure 78: International Game Technology Plc. (IGT) Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 79: Flutter Entertainment plc. Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 80: Scientific Games Corporation Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 81: Galaxy Entertainment Group Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 82: Caesars Entertainment, Inc. Net Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 83: Las Vegas Sands Corp. Net Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 84: 888 Holdings Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 85: MGM Resorts International Net Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 86: Wynn Resorts, Limited Revenue by Segments, 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 87: Entain Plc. Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 88: Evolution Gaming Group Revenue by Regions; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 89: Draftkings Inc. Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Table 1: Global Gambling Market: Acquisition Comparison
SummaryGambling (also known as betting or gaming) is the staking of something valuable ("the stakes") on an event with an uncertain conclusion in the hope of gaining something valuable. Gambling, thus, necessitates the presence of three elements: consideration (a sum wagered), risk (chance), and a prize. The gaming industry is a term interchangeably used for gambling industry. The term gaming is more preferred by companies operating within the gambling market. As for them it sounds sort of more legal to be known as a gaming company instead of a gambling company. In 2021, the global gambling market was valued at US$439.5 billion, and is probable to reach US$621.3 billion by 2027. Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Gambling: An Overview 2.1.1 Regulations on Gambling 2.2 Gambling Segmentation: An Overview 2.2.1 Gambling Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Gambling Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Gambling Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Gambling Market by Value 3.1.3 Global Gambling Market by Product Type (Casino, Lotteries, Gaming Machines, Betting and Other) 3.1.4 Global Gambling Market by Platform (Landbased, Computer and Mobile) 3.1.5 Global Gambling Market by Region (Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and Rest of the World) 3.2 Global Gambling Market: Product Type Analysis 3.2.1 Global Gambling Market by Product Type: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Casino Gambling Market by Value 3.2.3 Global Lotteries Gambling Market by Value 3.2.4 Global Gaming Machines Gambling Market by Value 3.2.5 Global Betting Market by Value 3.2.6 Global Other Gambling Market by Value 3.3 Global Gambling Market: Platform Analysis 3.3.1 Global Gambling Market by Platform: An Overview 3.3.2 Global Landbased Gambling Market by Value 3.3.3 Global Computer Gambling Market by Value 3.3.4 Global Mobile Gambling Market by Value 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 Asia Pacific Gambling Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 Asia Pacific Gambling Market: An Overview 4.1.2 Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value 4.1.3 Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Regions (China, Japan, India and Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.1.4 China Gambling Market by Value 4.1.5 Japan Gambling Market by Value 4.1.6 India Gambling Market by Value 4.1.7 Rest of Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value 4.2 North America Gambling Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 North America Gambling Market: An Overview 4.2.2 North America Gambling Market by Value 4.2.3 North America Gambling Market by Product Type (Casino, Lotteries and Other) 4.2.4 North America Casino Gambling Market by Value 4.2.5 North America Lotteries Gambling Market by Value 4.2.6 North America Other Gambling Market by Value 4.2.7 North America Gambling Market by Platform (Landbased and Interactive) 4.2.8 North America Landbased Gambling Market by Value 4.2.9 North America Interactive Gambling Market by Value 4.2.10 North America Gambling Market by Region (The US, Canada and Mexico) 4.2.11 The US Gambling Market by Value 4.2.12 Canada Gambling Market by Value 4.2.13 Mexico Gambling Market by Value 4.3 Europe Gambling Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 Europe Gambling Market: An Overview 4.3.2 Europe Gambling Market by Value 4.3.3 Europe Gambling Market by Region (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain and Rest of Europe) 4.3.4 UK Gambling Market by Value 4.3.5 Italy Gambling Market by Value 4.3.6 Italy Gambling Market by Platform (Landbased and Interactive) 4.3.7 Italy Landbased and Interactive Gambling Market by Value 4.3.8 Germany Gambling Market by Value 4.3.9 France Gambling Market by Value 4.3.10 Spain Gambling Market by Value 4.3.11 Rest of Europe Gambling Market by Value 4.4 Rest of the World Gambling Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Rest of the World Gambling Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Rest of the World Gambling Market by Value 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Gambling Market 5.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Gambling 5.1.2 Response of Market Players after Spread of Pandemic 5.1.3 Regional Impact of COVID-19 5.1.4 Post COVID-19 Impact 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Budding Internet Penetration 6.1.2 Hiking Penetration of Smart Devices 6.1.3 Growing Global Population 6.1.4 Improving Spending Capability Globally 6.1.5 Legalization of Gambling 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Lack of Internet Connectivity in Developing Countries 6.2.2 Negative Perceptions on Gambling 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Potential of Augment Reality (AR) Technology in Online Gambling 6.3.2 Emergence of Bitcoin Gambling 6.3.3 Cloud Gaming 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Gambling Market Players: Acquisition Comparison 8. Company Profiles 8.1 International Game Technology Plc. (IGT) 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Operating Segments 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Flutter Entertainment plc 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Operating Segments 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 Light & Wonder, Inc. (Formerly Known As Scientific Games Corporation) 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segments 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Galaxy Entertainment Group 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Operating Segments 8.4.3 Business Strategy 8.5 Caesars Entertainment, Inc. 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.5.2 Operating Segments 8.5.3 Business Strategy 8.6 Las Vegas Sands Corp. 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.6.2 Operating Segments 8.6.3 Business Strategy 8.7 888 Holdings 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.7.2 Operating Segments 8.7.3 Business Strategy 8.8 MGM Resorts International 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.8.2 Operating Segments 8.8.3 Business Strategy 8.9 Wynn Resorts, Limited 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.9.2 Operating Segments 8.9.3 Business Strategy 8.10 Entain Plc. 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.10.2 Operating Segments 8.10.3 Business Strategy 8.11 Evolution Gaming Group 8.11.1 Business Overview 8.11.2 Operating Regions 8.11.3 Business Strategy 8.12 Draftkings Inc. 8.12.1 Business Overview 8.12.2 Operating Segments 8.12.3 Business Strategy List of Figures Figure 1: Gambling Segmentation Figure 2: Global Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 3: Global Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: Global Gambling Market by Product Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 5: Global Gambling Market by Platform; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Gambling Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 7: Global Casino Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 8: Global Casino Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 9: Global Lotteries Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 10: Global Lotteries Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: Global Gaming Machines Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 12: Global Gaming Machines Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 13: Global Betting Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 14: Global Betting Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 15: Global Other Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 16: Global Other Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 17: Global Landbased Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 18: Global Landbased Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 19: Global Computer Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 20: Global Computer Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 21: Global Mobile Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 22: Global Mobile Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 23: Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 24: Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 25: Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Regions; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 26: China Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 27: China Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 28: Japan Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 29: Japan Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 30: India Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 31: India Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 32: Rest of Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 33: Rest of Asia Pacific Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: North America Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: North America Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 36: North America Gambling Market by Product Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 37: North America Casino Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 38: North America Casino Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 39: North America Lotteries Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 40: North America Lotteries Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 41: North America Other Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 42: North America Other Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 43: North America Gambling Market by Platform; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 44: North America Landbased Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 45: North America Landbased Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 46: North America Interactive Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 47: North America Interactive Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 48: North America Gambling Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 49: The US Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 50: The US Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 51: Canada Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 52: Canada Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 53: Mexico Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 54: Mexico Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 55: Europe Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 56: Europe Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 57: Europe Gambling Market by Regions; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 58: UK Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 59: UK Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 60: Italy Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 61: Italy Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 62: Italy Gambling Market by Platform; 2021 (Percentage,%) Figure 63: Italy Land based and Interactive Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 64: Germany Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 65: Germany Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 66: France Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 67: France Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 68: Spain Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 69: Spain Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 70: Rest of Europe Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 71: Rest of Europe Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 72: Rest of the World Gambling Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 73: Rest of the World Gambling Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 74: Macao Casino Revenue; January 2020-August 2020 (US$ Billion) Figure 75: Global Number of Internet Users; Jan’17-Jan’22 (Million) Figure 76: Global Mobile Devices and Connections; 2016-2021 (Billion) Figure 77: Global Population by Age Groups; 2015-2030 (Million) Figure 78: International Game Technology Plc. (IGT) Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 79: Flutter Entertainment plc. Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 80: Scientific Games Corporation Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 81: Galaxy Entertainment Group Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 82: Caesars Entertainment, Inc. Net Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 83: Las Vegas Sands Corp. Net Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 84: 888 Holdings Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 85: MGM Resorts International Net Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 86: Wynn Resorts, Limited Revenue by Segments, 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 87: Entain Plc. Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 88: Evolution Gaming Group Revenue by Regions; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 89: Draftkings Inc. Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Table 1: Global Gambling Market: Acquisition Comparison
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