持続可能なタイヤ材料市場 - 世界および地域別分析:車両タイプ、タイヤ構造、推進力タイプ、材料タイプ、販売チャネル、国別レベルにフォーカスした分析 - 2023-2032年の分析と予測
Sustainable Tire Materials Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Vehicle Type, Tire Structure, Propulsion Type, Type of Material, Sales Channel and Country Level Analysis - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2032
世界のサステイナブルタイヤ材料市場は、2022年の3490万ドルから2032年には5億3390万ドルに達し、予測期間2023-2032年のCAGRは32.88%で成長すると予測される。サステ... もっと見る
サマリー サステイナブルタイヤ素材の世界市場概要
持続可能なタイヤ材料市場で事業を展開している主要企業には、PPG Industries, Inc.、Evonik Industries AG、Solvayなどがある。これらの企業は、戦略的パートナーシップ、提携、買収に注力し、製品提供の強化と市場でのプレゼンス拡大を図っている。結論として、持続可能なタイヤ材料市場は、安全性と効率性への懸念の高まり、技術的躍進、信頼性の高い輸送手段への需要などの要因により、大きく成長し進化している。
- ゴム
- サステイナブルカーボンブラック
- シリカ
- その他
- 内燃エンジン車
- 電気自動車
- 乗用車
- 商用車
- ラジアル
- バイアス
- アフターマーケット
- 北米:米国、カナダ、メキシコ
- ヨーロッパドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、レスト・オブ・ヨーロッパ
- 英国
- 中国
- アジア太平洋および日本日本、韓国、インド、アジア太平洋地域および日本以外の地域
- 世界の残り
持続可能なタイヤ材料市場では現在、欧州が最大の市場シェアを占めており、2032年までその主導的地位を維持すると予想されている。欧州の優位性は、タイヤ製造用の天然ゴムと再生ゴムの生産と消費が大きいことに起因している。サステイナブルタイヤ材料市場における欧州の確固たる存在感は、その強力な生産能力と需要によってもたらされている。Continental AG、Michelin、Pirelli & C. S.p.A.などの著名なサステイナブルタイヤメーカーは、需要の増加に対応するため、この地域でサステイナブルタイヤの生産を積極的に増やしている。
- 2023年1月、ソルベイは欧州でバイオサーキュラーシリカを導入し、北米への拡大を計画している。今後数年間で、ソルベイグループは既存のゼオシル製品群を徐々に循環型HDSに置き換えていく可能性があり、持続可能な原材料の使用を増やし、タイヤ業界のカーボンフットプリントを削減する可能性のある循環型ソリューションをタイヤに提供する。
- 2021年8月、カーボンブラックメーカーのビルラカーボンは、インドのグミディプーンディでの生産能力を拡大することで、インドでクリーンカーボンブラック製品を最も幅広く供給できるようになると発表した。
- 2021年10月、PKAはGenan Holding A/Sの株式51%をMaj Invest Equityに売却。PKAは引き続き少数株主として共同所有。タイヤリサイクル全般が将来的に大幅に普及することを目指す。
- 2022年10月、Tatneft PJSCとNokian Tyres plcはNokian Tyresロシア事業の売却に合意した。無借金・現金での買収価格は4億2,550万ドル近かった。
需要 - 原動力、限界、機会
持続可能なタイヤ材料から作られたタイヤに投資することは、燃料コストの削減を通じて長期的な節約につながる。タイヤ製造に一般的に使用される持続可能な素材である天然ゴムの価格は、様々な要因によって変動する。天然ゴム市場におけるサプライチェーンの問題は、タイヤ価格に大きな変化をもたらす可能性がある。持続可能なタイヤ技術の影響:Case Study of Environmental and Customer Perspectives "と題された研究論文によると、サステイナブルタイヤは、サステイナブルタイヤ素材の割合が高いほど耐久性が向上し、従来のタイヤ2本分のコストに相当するライフサイクル廃棄物が発生することが明らかにされている。
- エボニック・インダストリーズAG
- ソルベイ
- PPGインダストリーズ社
- 韓国LDC株式会社
- コンテック
- ブラック・ベアー・カーボンB.V.
- SNR Reclamations Pvt.
- ジェナン・ホールディングA/S
- リーハイ・テクノロジーズ
- グッドイヤー・タイヤ&ラバー・カンパニー
- ミシュラン
- ブリヂストン
- ノキアンタイヤ
- コンチネンタルAG
目次 メールに添付
- プレイヤー(持続可能なタイヤ材料メーカー)の広範な競合ベンチマーキングにより、持続可能なタイヤ材料市場の全体像を提供
- タイヤメーカーやサステイナブルタイヤ素材メーカーを含む15社の企業プロフィール
- 製品ポートフォリオ、最近の開発、地域的広がりに基づく市場ランキング分析
- 材料タイプ、車両タイプ、推進タイプ、タイヤ構造、販売チャネル別のセグメント分析
- サステイナブルタイヤ素材市場における主要企業の市場シェア分析
本レポートに掲載されている主要企業は、Evonik Industries AG、Solvay、PPG Industries, Inc.、LDC-KOREA CO.LTD.、CONTEC、Black Bear Carbon B.V.、GRP LTD.、SNR Reclamations Pvt. Ltd.、Genan Holding A/S、Lehigh Technologies、The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company、Michelin、Bridgestone Corporation、Nokian Tyres plc、Continental AGなどである。
- 持続可能なタイヤ材料市場における主な市場促進要因、課題、機会は何か?
- サステイナブルタイヤ素材に関連する最新動向と開発に関して、同分野で事業を展開するサステイナブルタイヤ素材企業の主要な業界参加者の見解は?
- 市場を持続させるために主要プレーヤーが展開している主な開発戦略と、このエコシステム内で新規参入者が取っているイニシアティブにはどのようなものがあるか?
- サステイナブルタイヤ素材を最も効果的に活用している地域と国はどこか?
Summary Global Sustainable Tire Materials Market Overview
The global sustainable tire materials market is projected to reach $533.9 million by 2032 from $34.9 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 32.88% during the forecast period 2023-2032. The growth in the sustainable tire materials market is expected to be driven by growing demand for sustainable tires, rising developments, and integration of sustainable tire materials in passenger vehicle and commercial vehicle tires in the manufacturing process.
Introduction of Sustainable Tire Material
The term “sustainable tire material” refers to recycled, renewable/bio-based materials contributing to sustainable practices related to tire manufacturing, reducing resource consumption and emissions. Sustainable tire materials can help minimize tire production’s environmental impact, improve the end-of-life disposal process, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Materials used in sustainable tires include natural rubber, recycled rubber, sustainable carbon black, silica, recycled cord, vegetable oils, and eco-friendly chemicals. There is still much research going on to launch new sustainable tire materials.
Market Introduction
Using non-renewable resources for manufacturing tires leads to harmful carbon emissions and increases the environmental impact. Leading tire manufacturers such as The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company and Michelin started producing sustainable tires with a lower carbon footprint, longer lifespan, and more fuel-efficient tires. Ambitious targets from countries worldwide to reduce environmental impact are expected to increase the adoption of sustainable tire materials in tire manufacturing. Also, increasing research and development activities in sustainable tire material space may result in the launch of new and innovative sustainable or sustainable tires. At present, the sustainable tire materials market is at a nascent stage, and it is expected that the market will grow at a notable growth rate in the forecast period (2023-32).
Industrial Impact
The sustainable tire materials market is driven by several factors, such as the extended lifespan and cost efficiency of sustainable tires and augmented demand for sustainable tire materials from transportation and logistics. In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the adoption of environmentally friendly tire materials during the tire manufacturing process.
The key players operating in the sustainable tire materials market include PPG Industries, Inc., Evonik Industries AG, and Solvay. These companies are focusing on strategic partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and expand their market presence. In conclusion, the market for sustainable tire materials is growing and evolving significantly because of factors such as rising safety and efficiency concerns, technological breakthroughs, and the demand for reliable modes of transportation solutions.
Market Segmentation:
Segmentation 1: by Type of Material • Rubber o Natural o Recycled • Sustainable Carbon Black • Silica • Others
Rubber Segment to Dominate the Global Sustainable Tire Materials Market (by Type of Material)
Both natural rubber and recycled rubber play vital roles as primary raw materials in the production of sustainable tires. The consumption of rubber in a single sustainable tire outweighs the usage of alternative materials such as silica and sustainable carbon black. The recycling of waste tires to produce recycled rubber for new tires has witnessed significant growth in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue in the forecast period. Collaborative efforts between tire manufacturers and tire associations are anticipated to bring about a substantial revolution in the market for sustainable tire materials. Natural rubber, being a sustainable and renewable resource, offers multiple positive outcomes from economic, social, and environmental perspectives.
Segmentation 2: by Propulsion Type • Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles • Electric Vehicles
Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles Expected to Hold Significant Market Share in the Global Sustainable Tire Materials Market (by Propulsion Type)
At present, the internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles segment holds a significant share of the sustainable tire materials market compared to the electric vehicles (EVs) segment. Although EVs have a higher rate of sustainable tire material adoption per 1,000 vehicles, the large fleet size of ICE vehicles and the frequent tire replacements in that market segment contribute to their prevailing position. As vehicle manufacturers align with sustainability objectives and strive to reduce carbon emissions, they are increasingly embracing tires with lower environmental impact. However, as the forecast period progresses and the fleet size of EVs expands, it is anticipated that revenue from ICE vehicles may decline.
Segmentation 3: by Vehicle Type • Passenger Vehicles • Commercial Vehicles
Passenger Vehicles Segment Expected to Dominate the Global Sustainable Tire Materials Market (by Vehicle Type)
The passenger vehicle segment is anticipated to surpass the commercial vehicle segment in terms of production and sales, driven by the increasing adoption of sustainable tire materials and the growing awareness of their benefits. The demand for both ICE and EV passenger vehicles is expected to experience significant growth compared to commercial vehicles. This growth can be attributed to the rising demand for efficient, environment-friendly, and connected vehicles in the forecast period, which is expected to consequently boost the sustainable tire materials market. The increasing popularity of sustainable tires is also likely to influence vehicle owners to opt for aftermarket sustainable tires.
Segmentation 4: by Tire Structure • Radial • Bias
Radial Segment Anticipated to Lead the Global Sustainable Tire Materials Market (by Tire Structure)
Compared to bias tires, radial tires are the preferred option for most contemporary passenger and commercial vehicles. This is primarily due to the numerous advantages they offer, making them the prevalent choice in the industry. Radial tires excel in providing a comfortable and smooth driving experience due to their flexible sidewalls that effectively absorb road imperfections and minimize vibrations. In the realm of trucks, radial tires are unquestionably the optimal selection.
Segmentation 5: by Sales Channel • OEMs • Aftermarket
OEMs Segment Anticipated to Dominate the Global Sustainable Tire Materials Market (by Sales Channel)
The original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) segment was projected to hold the largest market share in 2022, mainly attributed to the limited consumer awareness regarding environmentally friendly tire choices available in the aftermarket. While sustainable tire materials are being introduced in both OEMs and aftermarket sales channels, their consumption is presently higher in the OEMs segment. The implementation of carbon emission targets by vehicle manufacturers, tire manufacturers, and governments is propelling the adoption of sustainable tires at the factory level.
Segmentation 6: by Region • North America: U.S., Canada, and Mexico • Europe: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Rest-of-Europe • U.K. • China • Asia-Pacific and Japan: Japan, South Korea, India, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific and Japan • Rest-of-the-World
Europe Expected to Dominate the Sustainable Tire Materials Market (by Region)
Europe currently holds the largest market share in the sustainable tire materials market, and it is expected to maintain its leading position until 2032. Europe’s dominance can be attributed to its significant production and consumption of natural rubber and recycled rubber for tire manufacturing. The country's robust presence in the sustainable tire materials market is driven by its strong production capabilities and demand. Notable sustainable tire manufacturers such as Continental AG, Michelin, and Pirelli & C. S.p.A. are actively increasing their production of sustainable tires in the region to meet the growing demand.
Recent Developments in the Global Sustainable Tire Materials Market
• In January 2023, Solvay introduced bio-circular silica in Europe, with plans to expand to North America. In the coming years, the Solvay Group might gradually replace its existing Zeosil portfolio with circular HDS, providing a circular solution for tires that may increase the use of sustainable raw materials and reduce the tire industry's carbon footprint. • In August 2021, carbon black manufacturer Birla Carbon announced the widest availability of clean carbon black products in India by expanding production capacity at Gummidipoondi, India. • In October 2021, PKA divested 51% of shares in Genan Holding A/S to Maj Invest Equity. PKA continues to co-own as a minority shareholder. The ambition is that tire recycling, in general, should become significantly more prevalent in the future. • In October 2022, Tatneft PJSC and Nokian Tyres plc reached an agreement for the sale of Nokian Tyres Russian business. The acquisition price, which is free of debt and cash, was close to $425.5 million.
Demand – Drivers, Limitations, and Opportunities
Market Drivers: Stringent Regulations and Carbon Neutrality Targets
The sustainable tire materials market is primarily propelled by stringent carbon emission regulations. The Paris Agreement, established in 2015, aims to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C, prompting approximately 196 countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions accordingly. The European Union (EU) has set ambitious targets to become a leader in climate-neutral economies and societies by 2050. In November 2022, during the COP26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland, Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in India by 2070, along with a target to source 50% of the country's energy from renewable sources by 2030. As the world's largest economy, the U.S. faces the challenge of being one of the largest emitters of CO2. However, at the COP27 conference in November 2022, the U.S. government launched the net-zero initiative, committing to decarbonization and achieving net-zero government emissions by 2050. In addition to the U.S., 18 other countries, including the U.K., Canada, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Austria, Cyprus, Lithuania, Israel, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand, also participated in this initiative. The tire manufacturers' commitment to carbon-zero targets is expected to significantly drive the global sustainable tire materials market in the coming years.
Recycling is another crucial initiative to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Scrap materials, including discarded metal products, often contain toxic chemicals such as mercury and lead. Improper disposal of these chemicals can pose environmental hazards and pollute the soil and water. Promoting the recycling of steel used in tires helps protect natural resources, as steel manufacturing relies on various raw materials, including finite iron ore reserves. Several governments have taken action to implement circular economic strategies, aiming to safeguard environmental resources and reduce emissions. For instance, the European Union (EU) announced its Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) in March 2020 with the goal of fostering a circular economy and sustainable growth in Europe.
Market Challenges: Volatility of Tire Prices Made from Sustainable Tire Materials
Investing in tires made from sustainable tire materials can lead to long-term savings through reduced fuel costs. The price of natural rubber, a commonly used sustainable material in tire manufacturing, is subject to fluctuations based on various factors. Supply chain issues in the natural rubber market can result in significant changes in tire pricing. A research paper titled "Impacts of Sustainable Tire Technology: Case Study of Environmental and Customer Perspectives" reveals that sustainable tires, which contain a higher percentage of sustainable tire materials, offer enhanced durability and generate lifecycle waste equivalent to the cost of two conventional tires.
However, the cost of tires composed of sustainable materials is also influenced by factors such as raw material availability, import and export duties, manufacturing costs, and labor expenses in the manufacturing country. It is anticipated that the cost of sustainable tires will decrease during the forecast period of 2023-2032, driven by ongoing research and development efforts in the global sustainable tire materials market. Each tire manufacturer employs its unique approach to manufacturing sustainable tires, incorporating new tread designs, reducing tire weight, and optimizing the proportion of raw materials used in the manufacturing process.
Market Opportunities: Growing Demand for New Sustainable Tire Materials
The market for sustainable tire materials is currently in its early stages, with ample opportunities for tire manufacturers to introduce innovative and disruptive materials. Companies in the tire materials industry are consistently unveiling new types of sustainable materials, including bio-based silica, recycled tire carbon black, and vegetable oils, among others, to produce tires made entirely of sustainable materials at reduced manufacturing costs. Tire manufacturers are actively investing in sustainability to minimize carbon emissions associated with tires by incorporating a higher proportion of sustainable tire materials.
In many instances, products lack sustainability due to inefficient processes and technologies that hinder the proper transformation of materials and energy usage. As a result, these products generate waste in terms of time, effort, and energy consumption. The forecast period anticipates the launch of numerous new and innovative sustainable tire materials, which could significantly impact existing materials in the market. The growth of the chemical industry is expected to drive extensive research and development activities in the global sustainable tire materials market. While the market is still in its growth phase, tire manufacturers such as Continental AG, Michelin, and The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company have achieved significant market share due to their substantial research and development investments in the market.
How can this report add value to an organization?
Product/Innovation Strategy: Globally, the leading sustainable tire materials manufacturers are continuously working to develop new and innovative sustainable tire materials. The growing need for efficient, eco-friendly, and high-performing tires is one of the major factors for the growth of the sustainable tire materials market. The market is more on the consolidated side at present, where sustainable tire material manufacturers have been successful to a certain extent in strengthening their market position in the global market, with a few sustainable tire material manufacturers developing recovered carbon black, recycled rubber, and sustainable silica for sustainable tires. However, the competition in the market is expected to become intense as the demand for sustainable tire material increases from tire manufacturers to achieve sustainability targets. Moreover, partnerships and collaborations are expected to play a crucial role in strengthening market position over the coming years, with the companies focusing on bolstering their technological capabilities and gaining a dominant market share in the sustainable tire material industry.
Growth/Marketing Strategy: The sustainable tire materials market has been growing at a rapid pace. The market offers enormous opportunities for existing and emerging market players. Some of the strategies covered in this segment are mergers and acquisitions, product launches, partnerships and collaborations, business expansions, and investments. The strategies preferred by companies to maintain and strengthen their market position primarily include partnerships, agreements, and collaborations.
Competitive Strategy: The key players in the sustainable tire materials market analyzed and profiled in the study include multiple sustainable tire material manufacturers and tire manufacturers. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the sustainable tire materials market has been done to help the reader understand the ways in which players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations are expected to aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis
The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.
Among the top players profiled in the report, the public companies operating in the global sustainable tire materials market accounted for around 65% of the market share in 2022, while the private companies operating in the market captured around 35% of the market share.
Key Companies Profiled:
Sustainable Tire Material Manufacturers • Evonik Industries AG • Solvay • PPG Industries, Inc. • LDC-KOREA CO., LTD. • CONTEC • Black Bear Carbon B.V. • GRP LTD. • SNR Reclamations Pvt. Ltd. • Genan Holding A/S • Lehigh Technologies
Tire Manufacturers • The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company • Michelin • Bridgestone Corporation • Nokian Tyres plc • Continental AG
Companies that are not a part of the aforementioned pool have been well represented across different sections of the report (wherever applicable).
Table of Contents Attached in the mail
Press Release
The global sustainable tire materials market is estimated to reach $533.9 million in 2032, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 32.88% during the forecast period 2023-2032.
The sustainable tire materials market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years owing to the increasing environmental impact awareness and sustainability targets from the country’s governments and tire manufacturing companies. Sustainable tire material manufacturers are still optimizing their products, focusing on increasing the sustainable tire material proportion in the tire. Research and development activities are at a good pace, and manufacturers are developing new, innovative, more sustainable products in the sustainable tire materials market.
USP of the Report
• Extensive competitive benchmarking of the players (sustainable tire materials manufacturers) to offer a holistic view of the sustainable tire materials market landscape • Fifteen company profiles, including tire manufacturers and sustainable tire materials manufacturers. • Market ranking analysis based on product portfolio, recent developments, and regional spread • Segmentation by type of material, vehicle type, propulsion type, tire structure, and sales channel provided in the report • Market share analysis of key players in the sustainable tire materials market
Analyst Perspective
According to Dhrubajyoti, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “sustainable tire materials market is a fast-growing market, especially with the stringent environmental regulations and movement of vehicle and tire manufacturers toward sustainability. There may be a fundamental shift in the market. On account of this, the sustainable tire materials market is expected to grow multi-fold in the coming years during the forecast period. Sustainable tire material manufacturers are developing innovative products and expanding their product portfolio in the market. Among the geographies, Europe led a significant market share in the sustainable tire materials market owing to the increased awareness of sustainable tire benefits and strict carbon emitting regulations in the region. The tire manufacturers' goals for 2030, 2040, and 2050, which involve an enhanced use of sustainable tire materials in tires, are anticipated to substantially propel the sustainable tire materials market in the forecast period (2023-32).”
Key Companies Operating in The Market
The key players in the sustainable tire materials market analyzed and profiled in the study include multiple sustainable tire material manufacturers and tire manufacturers. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the sustainable tire materials market has been done to help the reader understand the ways in which players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations are expected to aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
The key players profiled in the report include Evonik Industries AG, Solvay, PPG Industries, Inc., LDC-KOREA CO., LTD., CONTEC, Black Bear Carbon B.V., GRP LTD., SNR Reclamations Pvt. Ltd., Genan Holding A/S, Lehigh Technologies, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Michelin, Bridgestone Corporation, Nokian Tyres plc, and Continental AG
Key Questions Answered in the Report
• What are the major market drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the sustainable tire materials market? • What are the views of key industry participants within the sustainable tire material companies operating in the space with respect to the latest trends and developments pertinent to sustainable tire materials? • What are the key development strategies deployed by the key players to sustain in the market, and what are some of the initiatives taken by new entrants within this ecosystem? • Which regions and countries are most effectively utilizing sustainable tire materials?
- エチオピアの二輪車市場:車両タイプ別(スクーター/原付、二輪車)、推進タイプ別(ICE、電動)、地域別、市場競争、予測、機会、2020-2030F
- UAEのタイヤ市場:自動車タイプ別(乗用車、小型商用車、中型・大型商用車、二輪車、OTR)、タイヤ構造別(ラジアル、バイアス)、需要カテゴリー別(OEM、リプレイス)、地域別、競争、予測、機会、2020-2030F
- 自動車遠隔診断市場の世界産業規模、シェア、動向、機会、予測、製品タイプ別(診断装置、ソフトウェア)、接続性別(3G、4G LTE、Wi-Fi、Bluetooth)、車両タイプ別(乗用車、商用車)、地域別、競争別セグメント、2020-2030F
- スマートモーター市場
- 電気自動車のサイバーセキュリティ市場レポート:2031年までの動向、予測、競合分析
- 米国の商用タイヤ市場に関する調査レポート情報 タイプ別(金属、ステアタイヤ、ドライブタイヤ、トレーラータイヤ、全車軸、農業用タイヤとOTRタイヤ)、用途別(長距離用タイヤ、地域輸送用タイヤ、市街地用タイヤ、オールテレイン/オフザロード用タイヤ)、構造タイプ別(ラジアルとバイアスプライ)、車両タイプ別(トラック、バスとコーチ、農業用車両とオフロード車両)、車両推進力別(ICEと電気)、最終用途(OEMと代替)、サイズ(20インチ以下、20インチから40インチ、40インチ以上)、オンロード車の車両総重量(クラス3(4,536キログラムから6,350キログラム)、クラス4(6,351キログラムから7,257キログラム)、クラス5(7、258~8,845kg)、クラス6(8,846~11,793kg)、クラス7(11,794~14,969kg)、クラス8(14,969kg以上))、地域(北西部、南東部、西部、南東部、中西部) 2032年までの予測
- 自動車用ランプ市場調査レポート タイプ別(室内ランプ、環境ランプ、ヘッドランプ、フロントランプ、リアランプ、その他)、技術タイプ別(ハロゲン、LED、キセノン/HID、OLED(有機発光ダイオード))、車両タイプ別(乗用車、商用車)、車両推進方式別(ICE車、電気自動車(EV))、販売チャネル別(OEM、アフターマーケット)、地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、中東・アフリカ、南米) 2032年までの市場予測
- 車両制御ユニット市場調査レポート 車両タイプ別(乗用車、商用車{乗用車、商用車}、電動二輪車タイプ{Eスクーター/原付、Eモーターサイクル}、オフハイウェイ電動車両タイプ{建設、鉱業、農業})、推進タイプ別(BEV、HEV、PHEV) 、電圧タイプ別(12/24V、36/48V) ,容量別(16ビット、32ビット、64ビット) ,提供タイプ別(ハードウェア、ソフトウェア) ,機能別(自律走行/ADAS、予測技術) ,通信タイプ別(CAN、LIN、FlexRay) ,地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中東・アフリカ、南米) 2032年までの市場予測
- EVバッテリーレンタル・スワッピング市場規模・シェア・分析、バッテリータイプ別(リチウムイオン、ニッケル金属ハイブリッド、その他)、サービスタイプ別(EVバッテリーレンタル、EVバッテリースワッピング)、用途別(電気自動車、ハイブリッド電気自動車、プラグインハイブリッド電気自動車)、車種別(二輪車、三輪車、四輪車、商用車)、地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、その他地域)、地域別予測 2024-2034
- ADASキャリブレーションツールの市場規模、シェア、分析、タイプ別(レーダーキャリブレーションツール、診断スキャンツール、カメラキャリブレーションツール、アライメントマシン、その他)、用途別(商用車、乗用車)、地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、その他地域)、地域別予測 2024-2034
BIS Research社の自動車・モビリティ分野での最新刊レポート
本レポートと同じKEY WORD(tire)の最新刊レポート
BIS Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?
多数のアナリストチームと大規模な業界専門家のネットワークを擁するBISリサーチは、市場に影響を与える革新的な技術に関して、高度なマーケットインテリジェンスを提供しています。特に、新興テクノロジーに関す... もっと見る
在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。
5) 調査会社からお客様へ納品されます。最近は、pdfにてのメール納品が大半です。