電気自動車用断熱材市場 - 世界および地域別分析:用途、推進タイプ、車両タイプ、材料タイプ、絶縁タイプ、国レベル分析に焦点 - 2023-2032年の分析と予測
Electric Vehicle Insulation Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Application, Propulsion Type, Vehicle Type, Material Type, Insulation Type, and Country-Level Analysis - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2032
世界の電気自動車用断熱材市場は、2022年の29.6億ドルから2032年には309.0億ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023-2032年のCAGRは27.83%で成長する。電気自動車用断熱材市場の... もっと見る
サマリー 電気自動車用断熱材市場の概要
電気自動車用断熱材市場で事業を展開している主要企業には、ADDEV Materials、Adler Pelzer Holding GmbH、Armacell International S.A.、Autoneum、3M、Sika Automotive AGなどがある。これらの企業は、戦略的パートナーシップ、提携、買収に注力し、製品提供の強化と市場でのプレゼンス拡大を図っている。結論として、電気自動車用断熱材市場は、安全性と効率に関する懸念の高まり、技術的躍進、全体的な運転体験の向上に対する需要などの要因により、大きく成長し進化している。
- 助手席コンパートメント
- リアコンパートメント
- ボンネットとバッテリーパック
- エクステリア
- バッテリー電気自動車(BEV)
- プラグインハイブリッド車(PHEV)
- ハイブリッド電気自動車(HEV)
- 乗用車
- 商用車
- 発泡
- 繊維
- パッド・マット
- その他
- 音響
- 熱
- 電気
- 北米米国、カナダ、メキシコ
- ヨーロッパドイツ、フランス、スペイン、イタリア、スウェーデン、レスト・オブ・ヨーロッパ
- 英国
- 中国
- アジア太平洋および日本日本、韓国、インド、アジア太平洋地域および日本の残り
- 世界の残り:南米および中東・アフリカ
- 2023年5月、Huntsman Corporationは「The Battery Show 2023」で革新的なポリウレタン、カーボンナノチューブ、エポキシ材料の開発を発表した。
- 2023年4月、オートネウムは2023年1月に発表されたボーガーの自動車部門を2023年4月1日付で買収した。オートネウムはこの買収により、環境に優しい自動車の音響および熱管理における世界市場でのリーダーシップを拡大した。
- 2022年3月、Armacell International S.A.はシンガポールに新たな施設を設立し、この地域の顧客に機械、熱、防音に特化した断熱・保護システムを提供する。
- 2021年2月、Armacell International S.A.は新しいArmaPETファミリーブランドを立ち上げ、革新的で環境に優しいPETベースのフォーム製品をすべてArmaPETファミリーブランドで販売する。
- 英国規格(BS)
- 米国材料試験協会(ASTM)
- ドイツ標準化協会(DIN)
- 日本自動車標準化機構(JASO)
- 国際標準化機構(ISO)
- 欧州規格(EN)
- 自動車技術会(SAE)
- 消費者の需要
- 技術的実現可能性
- 政府の法律と基準
- 商業的実行可能性
- 材料の入手可能性と製造工程
- 材料構成
- 軽量で熱伝導率が高く、湿気に強い新しい発泡材料の開発。
- 軽量で吸音性が高く、高温に強い新しい繊維材料の開発。
- 発泡材料と繊維材料の特性を組み合わせ、優れた遮音性と断熱性を実現する新しい複合材料の開発
- ADDEVマテリアル
- アドラー・ペルツァー・ホールディングGmbH
- アーマセル・インターナショナルS.A.
- オートネウム
- 3M
- 住友理工株式会社
- CYGテファ株式会社
- イノアックコーポレーション
- モルガン・アドバンスト・マテリアルズ plc
- プリテックス株式会社
- シーカオートモーティブAG
- テックマン・スペシャリティ・マテリアルズ
- トヨタ紡織株式会社
- ユニフレックス
- ゾテフォームズ
目次 メールに添付
世界の電気自動車用断熱材市場は2032年に309億ドルに達すると推定されることが、BIS Researchのプレミアム市場インテリジェンス調査で明らかになった。この調査レポートはまた、市場が予測期間2023-2032年の間に27.83%のCAGRを目撃するように設定されていることを強調している。
- 電気自動車用断熱材市場で事業を展開する主要企業が採用する現在および将来の動向に焦点を当てた専門セクション
- 電気自動車用断熱材市場の全体像を提供するエコシステムで事業展開する企業の広範な競合ベンチマーキング
- 電気自動車用断熱材市場の地域別、国別、用途別、製品セグメント別の定性・定量分析
- 特許分析
- ビジネスモデル分析
- 世界平均価格分析
本レポートに掲載されている主要企業は、ADDEV Materials、Adler Pelzer Holding GmbH、Armacell International S.A.、Autoneum、3M、住友理工株式会社、CYG TEFA株式会社、イノアックコーポレーション、Morgan Advanced Materials plc、Pritex Limited、Sika Automotive AG、Tecman Speciality Materials Ltd、トヨタ紡織株式会社、ユニフレックスジャパン株式会社、Zotefoams plcなどである。
- 電気自動車用断熱材市場におけるプレーヤーの主な推進要因と課題は何か?
- 電気自動車用断熱材市場におけるサプライチェーンはどのように機能しているか?
- 2023-2032年に電気自動車用断熱材市場で最大成長が見込まれる材料タイプセグメントは?
- 2023-2032年の予測期間中に、異なる音響、断熱、電気絶縁材料が高い需要を経験した主な応用分野は?
- さまざまな音響・断熱・電気絶縁材料の需要に対応しているプレーヤーは?
- 電気自動車用断熱材市場に関わる市場プレーヤーが採用している戦略とは?
- 電気自動車用遮音・遮熱・断熱材市場における著名企業の主な製品は?
- 電気自動車用断熱材市場の消費をリードしている地域と国はどこか、また2023-2032年に高い需要成長が見込まれる地域と国はどこか?
- 電気自動車用断熱材メーカーの市場展望はどのように形成されると予想されるか?
- 2023-2032年の期間中、異なるタイプの電気自動車における遮音材、断熱材、電気絶縁材の消費パターンは?
Summary Electric Vehicle Insulation Market Overview
The global electric vehicle insulation market is projected to reach $30.90 billion by 2032 from $2.96 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 27.83% during the forecast period 2023-2032. The growth in the electric vehicle insulation market is attributable to the ongoing demand for innovative, lightweight, and efficient insulation materials for electric vehicles.
Introduction of Electric Vehicle Insulation
Electric vehicle insulation plays a vital role in optimizing the performance and efficiency of electric vehicles (EVs). With the ever-growing popularity of EVs, insulation has become an essential aspect of their design and construction. It involves the application of specialized materials and techniques to insulate various components within the vehicle.
Market Introduction
The electric vehicle insulation market is still in its growing stages of development and adoption, with several players involved in the market. The increasing application areas for insulation in electric vehicles have led to the surging demand for various insulation materials such as foams, fibers, pads, and mats. Automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have invested in fitting adequate amounts of insulation in their electric vehicles to improve the driving experience, which, in turn, can increase electric vehicle sales. Moreover, huge investments in the form of subsidies and infrastructure development by government and federal agencies to promote electric vehicles to cut down carbon dioxide emissions are expected to further fuel the demand for electric vehicle insulation materials, thereby driving the market.
Industrial Impact
The electric vehicle insulation market is driven by several factors, such as the need for a better driving experience, the need for protecting EV battery components in extreme weather, the need to reduce ancillary noise in an EV, and the need for thermal insulation in EV batteries to maintain the chemical reaction.
The key players operating in the electric vehicle insulation market include ADDEV Materials, Adler Pelzer Holding GmbH, Armacell International S.A., Autoneum, 3M, and Sika Automotive AG. These companies are focusing on strategic partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and expand their market presence. In conclusion, the market for electric vehicle insulation is growing and evolving significantly because of factors such as rising safety and efficiency concerns, technological breakthroughs, and the demand for an overall better driving experience.
Market Segmentation:
Segmentation 1: by Application • Passenger Compartment • Rear Compartment • Under the Hood and Battery Pack • Exterior
Passenger Compartment to Dominate the Electric Vehicle Insulation Market (by Application)
The application for insulation materials for electric vehicles is primarily divided into four areas of an EV, namely, the passenger compartment, rear compartment, under the hood and battery pack, and exterior. The application of electric vehicle insulation is dominant in the passenger compartment. This is due to multiple locations inside a passenger cabin where insulating materials are applied, including inside door panels, underneath floors, on roofs, on seats, and on dashboards. The fact that a large quantity of insulation materials is needed to cover the insides of a passenger vehicle cabin leads to the high usage of insulation materials for this application. The amount of insulation material used inside a passenger vehicle varies according to vehicle type (passenger vehicle or commercial vehicle), electric vehicle manufacturer’s insulation requirements, and model of various electric vehicles.
Segmentation 2: by Propulsion Type • Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) • Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) Segment to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate in the Electric Vehicle Insulation Market (by Propulsion Type)
Based on propulsion type, the electric vehicle insulation market encompasses three major types of electric vehicles, i.e., hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and battery electric vehicles (BEVs). These vehicle types are present in the form of both passenger and commercial vehicles. While HEV and PHEV models have been present in the market for many years, the development of battery technology, along with government norms for increased vehicle efficiency, has led to an increase in the adoption of BEVs as they are powered solely by the battery systems in the vehicle. The sales of BEVs are anticipated to significantly increase as compared to HEVs and PHEVs due to the decreasing cost of such pure electric vehicles and the development of EV infrastructure in various countries. The rise of BEVs makes it more crucial for automotive OEMs to ensure that electric vehicle insulation can optimize the thermal management and driving system.
Segmentation 3: by Vehicle Type • Passenger Vehicles • Commercial Vehicles
Passenger Vehicles’ Demand in Electric Vehicle Insulation Market (by Vehicle Type) Expected to be Dominant over Commercial Vehicles
On the basis of vehicle type, the electric vehicle insulation market is mainly segmented into two types, namely, passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles. Passenger vehicles consist of compact passenger vehicles, midsize passenger vehicles, and full-size passenger vehicles. Commercial vehicles considered for this report consist of light commercial vehicles, heavy buses, and heavy trucks. Since more users are embracing EVs and switching from their internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles for EVs due to their cost effectiveness and different government subsidies, it is projected that passenger electric vehicle production and sales would surpass those of commercial vehicles. The passenger vehicle segment is expected to lead the market as the sales and production of passenger electric vehicles are anticipated to increase globally.
Segmentation 4: by Material Type • Foam • Fiber • Pad and Mat • Others
Foam to be Widely Used in the Electric Vehicle Insulation Market (by Material Type)
The materials used for acoustic, thermal, and electric insulation for electric vehicles are identified as foams, fibers, pads, and mats, among others. Regular research and development in insulation technology have led to the utilization of different types of materials for electric vehicle insulation. These materials, owing to their distinguished characteristics, are used for various applications in different parts of an electric vehicle. Foams are made from different materials, such as polyurethane, polypropylene, and polyethylene. Fibers can be classified as both synthetic and natural fibers. Pads and mats are generally made from nitrile rubber (NBR) and butyl components. Other materials that can also be utilized for insulation in electric vehicles are tapes, aerogels, and sprays, among others. Foam materials find widespread use in the electric vehicle insulation market due to their unique properties and versatility. These materials offer excellent insulation properties, lightweight characteristics, and ease of installation, making them highly desirable for various applications within EVs.
Segmentation 5: by Insulation Type • Acoustic • Thermal • Electric
Thermal Insulation Type to be the Widely Used in Electric Vehicle Insulation Market
The most widely used insulation type is thermal insulation. Thermal insulation plays a crucial role in the design and performance of electric vehicles. With the increasing adoption of EVs, effective thermal management has become essential for ensuring optimal efficiency, range, and longevity of vehicle components, especially battery packs. In an electric vehicle, various components generate heat, including the battery, electric motor, power electronics, and charging systems. Excessive heat can lead to reduced battery performance, accelerated degradation, and even safety concerns. Therefore, implementing effective thermal insulation is paramount to regulating temperatures and maintaining optimal operating conditions.
Segmentation 6: by Region • North America: U.S., Canada, and Mexico • Europe: Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, and Rest-of-Europe • U.K. • China • Asia-Pacific and Japan: Japan, South Korea, India, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific and Japan • Rest-of-the-World: South America and Middle East and Africa
The demand for electric vehicle insulation materials varies according to various geographical regions. The electric vehicle insulation market holds a prominent share in various countries of North America, Asia-Pacific and Japan, and China. China is indeed expected to dominate the electric vehicle insulation market in the coming years. The region has witnessed significant growth in the electric vehicle industry, driven by supportive government policies, increasing environmental concerns, and advancements in technology.
Recent Developments in the Electric Vehicle Insulation Market
• In May 2023, Huntsman Corporation announced the development of innovative polyurethane, carbon nanotube, and epoxy materials at ‘The Battery Show 2023,’ which are all intended to aid the integration of batteries into electric vehicles while enhancing their protection and performance. • In April 2023, Autoneum acquired Borger’s automotive division, which was announced in January 2023, with effect from April 1, 2023. Autoneum extended its global market leadership in environment-friendly vehicle acoustic and thermal management with this acquisition. • In March 2022, Armacell International S.A. established a new facility in Singapore to serve the region’s customers with specialized mechanical, thermal, and acoustic insulation and protection systems. • In February 2021, Armacell International S.A. launched the new ArmaPET family brand and would market all of its innovative and environment-friendly PET-based foam products under the family brand ArmaPET.
Demand - Drivers, Limitations, and Opportunities
Market Demand Drivers: Need for Better Driving Experience
There has been an overwhelming demand for more comfort and convenience inside the cabin of a vehicle. Many customers want to have customized and improved experiences in the vehicle they drive. In order to improve vehicle quality and make electric vehicles more appealing to potential new owners, a special vibroacoustic environment must be created. There is also a need to maintain a certain limit for the sound level inside the cabin of an electric vehicle. Electric vehicles are generally perceived to be high-tech machines; therefore, the sound field around the vehicle should also be high-tech. Noises from the vehicle’s interior or exterior parts need to be planned in a way that does not hinder the driving experience. Exterior noises such as traffic, road, and wind noises while driving the electric vehicle have to be prevented. Reduced noise can lead to improved comfort for passengers in the vehicle. Noise can be disruptive and make it difficult to relax or sleep while in the car. Acoustic insulation can help to create a more peaceful and relaxing environment for passengers. Therefore, providing an ambient interior sound quality becomes a priority for electric vehicle manufacturers, and efforts to meet these demands are expected to drive the market for acoustic insulation in electric vehicles.
Market Challenges: Lack of Standard Global Regulations for EV Insulating Material Quality
There are currently no standard global regulations for monitoring the quality of insulating materials used in electric vehicles (EVs). This means that there is a wide range of quality and performance standards for insulating materials used in EVs, which can lead to inconsistent performance and safety outcomes.
There are a number of reasons why there are no standard global regulations for EV insulating material quality. One reason is that the EV industry is still relatively new, and there is not yet a consensus on the best materials and standards for insulating EVs. Another reason is that different countries have different regulations for the automotive industry, which can make it difficult to develop a single set of global standards. The lack of standard global regulations for EV insulating material quality can have a number of adverse consequences. For example, it can lead to inconsistent performance and safety outcomes for EVs. It can also make it difficult for manufacturers to develop and sell EVs in different countries.
Many major vehicle original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have global operations exporting their vehicle models across many countries. Various countries or regional governing bodies across the world have various standards for different processes, such as vehicle safety, vehicle manufacturing quality, and vehicle component material sourcing. Vehicle OEMs often produce standardized vehicles that may not require modifications for sale in multiple countries by meeting multiple sets of regulations from various governing bodies. Vehicle OEMs often seek the highest quality of materials through their supply chain to meet various standards. This includes various national and international standards such as:
• British Standards (BS) • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) • German Institute of Standardization (DIN) • Japanese Automotive Standards Organization (JASO) • International Organization of Standardization (ISO) • European Standards (EN) • Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
To implement these, OEMs often incur additional unnecessary expenses. In the insulation industry, there are no uniform technological guidelines globally for manufacturing electric vehicle insulating materials. Global regulations related to material quality, material type, material thickness, material testing standards, and mounting location, among others, need to be implemented to ensure a better quality of product manufacturing for electric vehicle insulation materials and to save costs on meeting regulations from various countries.
Market Opportunities: Developments in Material Technology
There have been several research and development efforts from various leading companies and research bodies in the vehicle insulation material ecosystem to increase the growth in the quality and types of materials being used for insulation. Many companies have invested a significant amount toward R&D to create materials that can minimize the impact of noise, vibration, and heat in electric vehicles and their subcomponents. Many companies are focusing on developing metamaterial concepts that are lightweight and made of next-generation smart materials solutions. There are several factors influencing the development of insulation materials, such as:
• consumer demand • technological feasibility • government legislation and standards • commercial viability • material availability and manufacturing process • material composition
Enhanced sensing prowess for acoustic and thermal insulation in materials helps in giving an additional feature to the vehicle. The 3D printing manufacturing process for insulation materials can be used to develop parts with high strength, less weight, and greater temperature resistance. Customizable insulation materials in various shapes can be manufactured according to different vehicle models.
Various developments in material technology are contributing to the growth of the electric vehicle insulation market, including:
• The development of new foam materials that are lightweight, have high thermal conductivity, and are resistant to moisture • The development of new fiber materials that are lightweight, have high acoustic absorption properties, and are resistant to high temperatures • The development of new composites that combine the properties of foam and fiber materials to provide superior acoustic and thermal insulation
The development of these products is helping to improve the noise and temperature levels in electric vehicles, which makes them more comfortable and enjoyable to drive.
How can this report add value to an organization?
Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the reader understand the different applications of the electric vehicle insulation products available based on vehicle type (passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles), application (passenger compartment, rear compartment, under the hood and battery pack, and exterior), propulsion type (battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and hybrid electric vehicles), material type (foam, fiber, pad and mat and others), and insulation type (acoustic, thermal, and electric). The increasing need for a better driving experience, the need for protecting EV battery components in extreme weather, energy efficiency and range optimization, and the need for thermal insulation in EV batteries to maintain chemical reaction is pushing the market for electric vehicle insulation. Therefore, the electric vehicle insulation business is a high-investment and high-revenue generating model.
Growth/Marketing Strategy: The electric vehicle insulation market has been growing at a rapid pace. The market offers enormous opportunities for existing and emerging market players. Some of the strategies covered in this segment are mergers and acquisitions, product launches, partnerships and collaborations, business expansions, and investments. The strategies preferred by companies to maintain and strengthen their market position primarily include product development.
Competitive Strategy: The key players in the electric vehicle insulation market analyzed and profiled in the study include electric vehicle insulation manufacturers that develop, maintain, and market electric vehicle insulation materials. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the electric vehicle insulation market has been done to help the reader understand the ways in which players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations are expected to aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis
The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.
Key Companies Profiled:
• ADDEV Materials • Adler Pelzer Holding GmbH • Armacell International S.A. • Autoneum • 3M • Sumitomo Riko Company Limited • CYG TEFA Co., Ltd. • INOAC Corporation • Morgan Advanced Materials plc • Pritex Limited • Sika Automotive AG • Tecman Speciality Materials Ltd • Toyota Boshoku Corporation • Unifrax • Zotefoams plc
Table of Contents Attached in the mail
Press Release
The global electric vehicle insulation market is estimated to reach $30.90 billion in 2032, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 27.83% during the forecast period 2023-2032.
USP of the Report
• A dedicated section focusing on the current and futuristic trends adopted by the key players operating in the electric vehicle insulation market • Extensive competitive benchmarking of the companies operating in the ecosystem offering a holistic view of the electric vehicle insulation market landscape • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the electric vehicle insulation market at the region and country level and granularity by application and product segments • Patent analysis • Business model analysis • Average global pricing analysis
Analyst Perspective
According to Dhrubajyoti, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “The electric vehicle insulation market is likely to grow multi-fold in the coming years, owing to the rapidly growing demand for electric vehicles. Moreover, huge investments in the form of subsidies and infrastructure development by government and federal agencies to promote electric vehicles to cut down carbon dioxide emissions are expected to further fuel the growth of electric vehicle insulation materials. However, certain technical challenges, such as the lack of global standards for electric vehicle insulation, along with finding suitable thermally resistive and lightweight materials for electric vehicles, might restrain the growth of the electric vehicle insulation market. The market is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years, and the key players in the market are focused on strategic partnerships, collaborations, mergers, and acquisitions to expand their market presence and enhance their product offerings.”
Key Companies Operating in The Market
The key players in the electric vehicle insulation market analyzed and profiled in the study include electric vehicle insulation manufacturers that develop, maintain, and market electric vehicle insulation materials. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the electric vehicle insulation market has been done to help the reader understand the ways in which players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations are expected to aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
The key players profiled in the report include ADDEV Materials, Adler Pelzer Holding GmbH, Armacell International S.A., Autoneum, 3M, Sumitomo Riko Company Limited, CYG TEFA Co., Ltd., INOAC Corporation, Morgan Advanced Materials plc, Pritex Limited, Sika Automotive AG, Tecman Speciality Materials Ltd, Toyota Boshoku Corporation, Unifrax, and Zotefoams plc
Key Questions Answered in the Report
• What are the key drivers and challenges for players in the electric vehicle insulation market? • How does the supply chain function in the electric vehicle insulation market? • Which material type segment is expected to witness the maximum growth in the electric vehicle insulation market during 2023-2032? • Which are the key application areas from which different acoustic, thermal, and electric insulation materials experienced high demand during the forecast period 2023-2032? • Which are the players that are catering to the demand for different acoustic, thermal, and electric insulation materials? • What are the strategies adopted by market players involved in the electric vehicle insulation market? • What are the key offerings of the prominent companies in the market for acoustic, thermal, and electric insulation for electric vehicles? • Which regions and countries are leading in terms of consumption of the electric vehicle insulation market, and which of them are expected to witness high demand growth during 2023-2032? • How is the market landscape for insulation material manufacturers expected to be formed for electric vehicles? • What are the consumption patterns of acoustic, thermal, and electric insulation materials across different types of electric vehicles during the period 2023-2032?
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