
APACの電気自動車用流体と潤滑油市場 - 地域別分析:用途、製品、地域に焦点:2022-2031年の分析と予測

APACの電気自動車用流体と潤滑油市場 - 地域別分析:用途、製品、地域に焦点:2022-2031年の分析と予測

APAC Fluids and Lubricants Market for Electric Vehicles - Regional Analysis: Focus on Application, Product, and Region - Analysis and Forecast, 2022-2031

APACのEV用流体・潤滑油市場:産業概観 APACの電気自動車向け流体・潤滑油市場は、2022年の1億8,280万ドルから2031年には23億6,380万ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2022-2031年のCAGRは32.89%で成長する。... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年1月9日 US$5,250
2-3営業日以内 215 英語








- APAC地域全体の政府が電気自動車の販売を増加させ、ICエンジン車を段階的に廃止する計画を実施しているため、APACのEV用流体・潤滑油市場は今後数年で拡大することが予想される。
- 例えば、レプソルは2021年3月、電気自動車とバイク専用の新しい潤滑油シリーズを発売した。電気モビリティへのコミットメントとして、レプソルは2019年に同社が発売したハイブリッド車を補完する100%電気自動車の新シリーズを発売した。




- タイプA
o 二輪車
o 三輪車
- タイプB
o 乗用車
o 小型商用車
o 大型商用車


- バッテリー電気自動車(BEV)
- ハイブリッド電気自動車(HEV)
- プラグインハイブリッド車(PHEV)


- グリース
- 熱流体
- 駆動システム液
- ブレーキフルード


- アフターマーケット

APACのEV用液体・潤滑油市場には、主に2種類の流通チャネルがある:OEMとアフターマーケットである。OEMチャネルは、ほとんどの流体の交換率が非常に低く、電気自動車の生産が増加していることから、予測期間においてAPACのEV用流体・潤滑油市場を支配すると予想される。EV 用流体技術の進化に伴い、EV 用流体の寿命と効率も向上している。アフターマーケットを通じて調達されるのは、車両の整備によって交換や交換が必要になる可能性のある一部のEV用流体のみである。2021年、APACのEV用流体・潤滑油市場は、OEM部門が圧倒的なシェアを占めている。

- 日本
- 韓国
- インド
- オーストラリア
- タイ
- インドネシア
- マレーシア
- ベトナム



- 2021年11月、ルーブリゾール・コーポレーションはインテルと提携し、浸漬液技術のための業界初の炭化水素の共同開発を行った。同社の新しい浸漬液ソリューションは、インテルXeonおよびCoreマイクロアーキテクチャで保証される。
- 2021年11月、ペトロリアム・ナシオナル・ベルハド(PETRONAS)は、イタリアのトリノにあるグローバル・リサーチ&テクノロジー・センターで、次世代の電気自動車用流体ソリューションを発表した。
- 2021年7月、トタルエナジーズSEは長城汽車向けにハイブリッド専用トランスミッション液を発売した。中国の大手自動車メーカーである長城汽車は、電気自動車開発の中心的存在である。

需要 - 原動力と限界


- 電気自動車バッテリーにおける耐腐食性ソリューションの必要性
- 電気自動車の航続距離をさらに伸ばす需要の増加
- 電気自動車バッテリーへの浸漬冷却の急速な採用
- 電気自動車のパワートレインの耐久性向上
- HEVにおける高性能グリースの需要増加
- 電動化コンポーネントへのニーズの高まり
- 電動二輪車と電動三輪車の保有台数の急増


- EV用流体のコスト上昇
- エネルギー効率の課題
- 環境に優しい電気自動車用流体の開発
- 熱伝導率向上のためのEV/HEV性能最適化の欠如
- 不十分なEV充電インフラ









- SKルブリカンツ(株(SK株式会社)
- GSカルテックス株式会社
- エス・オイル株式会社
- クルーバールブリカーション
- パノリンAG

- 出光興産株式会社
- エクソンモービル
- レプソルSA
- ENEOS株式会社(ENEOSホールディングス株式会社)
- ザ・ルーブリゾール・コーポレーション
- ペトロリアム・ナショナル・ベルハド(PETRONAS)
- シェル plc
- トタルエナジーズSE
- バルボリン・インク(Valvoline Inc.









- APACの電気自動車用流体・潤滑油市場で事業を展開する主要企業が採用する現在および将来の動向に焦点を当てた専用セクション
- APACの電気自動車用流体・潤滑油市場の全体像を提供する15社の広範な競合ベンチマーキング
- APACのEV用流体・潤滑油市場の地域別、国別、用途別、製品セグメント別の定性・定量分析


BISリサーチのプリンシパルアナリスト、Dhrubajyoti Narayan氏によると、「電気自動車におけるフルードと潤滑油の需要は、電気自動車の販売台数の増加とともに拡大すると予想される。電気自動車はエンジンオイルを必要としないため、多くの内燃機関車用流体・潤滑油製造企業は、電気自動車の要件を満たすために製品ポートフォリオを多様化している。過去数年間で、各社は電気自動車アプリケーションとその製品の開発と投資に向けて事業戦略を変更した。重要な観察は、電気自動車産業における流体・潤滑油の需要が着実に変化していることである。インドとベトナムにおける電動二輪車の販売台数の急増は、今後数年間の市場成長を押し上げると予想される。電気自動車の保有台数の増加は、APACのEV用流体・潤滑油市場のアフターマーケット分野に楽観的な影響を与える可能性がある。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、SK Lubricants Co.(SK社)、GS Caltex Corporation、S-OIL CORPORATION、Klüber Lubrication、Panolin AG、出光興産株式会社、Exxon Mobil Corporation、Repsol SA、ENEOS Corporation (ENEOS Holdings, Inc.)、The Lubrizol Corporation、Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS)、Shell plc、TotalEnergies SE、Valvoline Inc.、FUCHSが含まれる。


- APACの電気自動車向け液体・潤滑油市場における主要な促進要因と課題は何か?
- APACの電気自動車用流体・潤滑油市場におけるサプライチェーンはどのように機能しているか?
- 電気自動車向けAPAC流体・潤滑油市場の発展に関するAPAC地域各国の最新動向は?
- 2022年から2031年にかけて、二輪車と三輪車を含むAPACの電気自動車用流体・潤滑油市場で最大の需要成長が見込まれるEV用流体タイプセグメントは?
- 2022-2031年の予測期間中、流体タイプ別に高い需要が見込まれる主な用途分野は?





APAC Fluids and Lubricants Market for EVs: Industry Overview

The APAC fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles is projected to reach $2,363.8 million by 2031 from $182.8 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 32.89% during the forecast period 2022-2031. Lubricating an electric vehicle is very different from lubricating a conventional internal combustion (IC) engine vehicle. In IC engine vehicles, oils are used to decrease engine friction. These oils degrade gradually as they get contaminated with combustion gases and need regular replacement. The fluids required for electric vehicles would have exposure to high voltages and temperatures. The fluids' longevity is also essential for lowering maintenance costs and increasing the marketability of electric vehicles. As electric vehicles have various power electronics components, the fluids must ensure the safety of such circuits and flow easily through different parts with lower viscosity. Additionally, these fluids should have anti-corrosion properties. Surging growth in sales of electric-powered two-wheelers in India and Vietnam is expected to boost the market growth in upcoming years.

Market Lifecycle Stage

Fluids and lubricants for electric vehicles are in high demand due to the increasing number of applications for new fluids in electric vehicles. Various electric vehicle fluid and lubricant manufacturers are collaborating with different electric vehicle powertrain and battery technology providers to study and commercialize cooling technologies for batteries. Additionally, government subsidies and infrastructure development aimed at promoting electric vehicles to reduce carbon dioxide emissions propel the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs.

Industrial Impact

• With governments throughout the APAC region implementing plans to increase electric vehicle sales and phase out IC engine vehicles, the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs is bound to expand in the coming years.
• For instance, in March 2021, Repsol launched a new range of lubricants exclusively for electric vehicles and motorbikes. In its commitment to electric mobility, Repsol launched a new range of 100% electric vehicles that complement the hybrid vehicles launched by the company in 2019.

Impact of COVID-19

COVID-19 had an immediate and significant impact on the APAC Fluids and Lubricants Market for EVs because of country-wide shutdowns of manufacturing sites, labor shortages, and disruptions in supply and demand chains globally, which distorted the market. The lockdowns imposed by the governments significantly reduced raw material productivity due to a shortage of operations in many regions throughout the world. However, the market is anticipated to recover and is expected to rise substantially over the forecast period.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by Vehicle Type
• Type A
o Two-Wheelers
o Three-Wheelers
• Type B
o Passenger Vehicles
o Light Commercial Vehicles
o Heavy Commercial Vehicles

Application for fluids and lubricants for electric vehicles is mainly categorized into five vehicle types of EVs, i.e., two-wheelers, three-wheelers, passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles, and heavy commercial vehicles. Heavy commercial vehicles consist of heavy buses and heavy trucks. Production and sales of passenger vehicles are anticipated to be higher than that of commercial vehicles, as more users are rapidly adopting EVs and exchanging their IC engine vehicles for EVs due to their cost efficiency and various government subsidies, among others. The passenger vehicles segment is expected to lead the market in the forecast period in Type B vehicle type, as the sales of electric passenger vehicles are anticipated to increase in the APAC region. Three-wheelers are the prominent segment in the forecast period in Type A vehicle type, holding more than one-fifth of the total volume market share in Type A vehicle type. For year 2021, Passenger Vehicles segment dominated in the Vehicle Type B segment and Three-Wheelers segment dominated in the Vehicle Type A segment.

Segmentation 2: by Propulsion Type
• Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)
• Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)
• Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

HEVs dominated the propulsion type segment in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles for year 2021. These vehicle types are two-wheelers, three-wheelers, passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles, and heavy commercial vehicles. While HEV and PHEV models have been in the market for many years, the development of battery technology, along with government norms for increased vehicle efficiency, has led to an increase in the adoption of HEVs as they are powered solely by the battery systems in the vehicle. The rise in the sales of HEVs makes them more crucial for automotive OEMs to ensure that the fluids in the EVs can optimize the thermal management and driving system. HEVs segment is expected to dominate the APAC fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles in the forecast period.

Segmentation 3: by Product Type
• Grease
• Thermal Fluids
• Drive System Fluids
• Brake Fluids

The prominent fluids developed for application in electric vehicles are greases, thermal fluids, driver system fluids, and brake fluids. These fluids are applied in various components such as e-motors, battery systems, bearings, constant velocity joints, power electronics, gears, and the braking system of electric vehicles. Generally, various components of an electric vehicle generate a lot of heat during the operation of the vehicle, such as the battery system and the e-motors. These components have led to the need for better thermal management in these vehicles. The new EV fluids have added additives and dielectric properties, which makes them suitable for application in electric vehicle components. These specialized fluids are able to provide better thermal management properties than regular coolants to electric vehicle powertrain components. Drive system fluids are expected to be the largest segment since they are essential for electric vehicles to cool their electric powertrain components and increase their range. For year 2021, drive system fluids segment dominated the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs and also expected to be the predominant segment throughout the forecast period.

Segmentation 4: by Distribution Channel
• OEMs
• Aftermarket

The APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs encompasses two main types of distribution channels: OEMs and the aftermarket. The OEMs channel is anticipated to dominate the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs in the forecast period, as most fluids have a very low replacement rate and increased production of electric vehicles. As EV fluids technology evolves, the longevity and efficiency of these fluids in EVs also increase. Only a few EV fluids which might need to be replaced or changed due to vehicle servicing would be procured through the aftermarket. For year 2021, OEMs segment dominated the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs.

Segmentation 5: by Region
• Japan
• South Korea
• India
• Australia
• Thailand
• Indonesia
• Malaysia
• Vietnam

The demand for electric vehicle fluids varies according to various regions. For year 2021, Japan was the largest region in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs due to an increase in the sales of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) in this country for the year. However, the India fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles is expected to grow at a high growth rate during the forecast period (2022-2031). As the sale of electric two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and passenger vehicles grow rapidly, the India fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles is expected to grow at high rates. Japan is expected to dominate the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs in the forecast period.

Recent Developments in the APAC Fluids and Lubricants Market for EVs

• In November 2021, The Lubrizol Corporation partnered with Intel to develop the industry’s first hydrocarbon collaboration for immersion fluid technology. The company’s new immersion fluid solutions will be warrantied on Intel Xeon and Core microarchitectures.
• In November 2021, Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) unveiled its next-generation range of electric vehicle fluid solutions at its Global Research & Technology Centre in Turin, Italy.
• In July 2021, TotalEnergies SE launched a dedicated hybrid transmission fluid for Great Wall Motors. Great Wall Motors, China's leading car manufacturer, is a key player in the development of electric vehicles.

Demand – Drivers and Limitations

Following are the drivers for the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs:

• Need for Corrosion Resistant Solutions in the Electric Vehicle Batteries
• Increasing Demand to Further Extend the Range of the Electric Vehicles
• Rapid Adoption of Immersive Cooling for the Electric Vehicle Batteries
• Improved Durability of Powertrain in Electric Vehicles
• Increasing Demand for High-Performance Grease in HEVs
• Growing Need for Enhanced Electrification Components
• Rapid Increase in Electric Two-Wheelers and Three-Wheelers Fleet

Following are the challenges for the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs:

• Higher Cost of EV Fluids
• Energy Efficiency Challenges
• Developing Environment-Friendly Electric Vehicle Fluids
• Lack of Optimized EV/HEVs Performance for Improving Thermal Conductivity
• Inadequate EV Charging Infrastructure

How can this report add value to end users?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the readers understand the different fluids and lubricants. Also, the study provides the readers with a detailed understanding of the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs based on application and product.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: To improve the capabilities of their product offerings, players in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs are developing unique products. The readers will be able to comprehend the revenue-generating tactics used by players in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs by looking at the growth/marketing strategies. Other market participants' tactics, such as go-to-market plans, will also assist readers in making strategic judgments.

Competitive Strategy: Players in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs analyzed and profiled in the study include vehicle manufacturers that capture the maximum share of the market. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs has been done to help the readers understand how players compete against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions are expected to aid the readers in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

Profiled companies have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.

The APAC Fluids and Lubricants Market for EVs has been segmented into different product types, among which Grease captured around 11.4% of the market as of 2021. The Thermal Fluids/Coolants segment accounted for around 18.5%, Drive System Fluids/Transmission Fluids segment accounted for 56.7%, and brake fluids accounted for 13.4% of the total demand in 2021 in terms of value.

Key Companies Profiled

Type 1 Companies (by Product Offerings): Private Companies
• SK Lubricants Co., Ltd. (SK Inc.)
• GS Caltex Corporation
• Klüber Lubrication
• Panolin AG

Type 2 Companies (by Product Offerings): Public Companies
• Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.
• Exxon Mobil Corporation
• Repsol SA
• ENEOS Corporation (ENEOS Holdings, Inc.)
• The Lubrizol Corporation
• Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS)
• Shell plc
• TotalEnergies SE
• Valvoline Inc.


Table of Contents

Attached in the mail


Press Release

The APAC fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles is estimated to reach $2,363.8 million in 2031, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 32.89% during the forecast period 2022-2031.

The APAC fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles is emerging with rising demand for EVs. With the need for enhanced performance of EVs, fluids and lubricants play a vital role in an electric vehicle. Electric vehicle fluids are essential to use in the drive system as they help to boost performance and enhance the
driving experience of an electric car. To maintain the performance of an electric car, periodic lubrication is necessary. On account of this, demand for aftermarket EV fluids and lubricants is expected to increase substantially in the upcoming years. For the efficient operation of the battery thermal management system in an electric vehicle, thermal EV fluids are obligatory to use in an electric vehicle. Ongoing research and development activities to improve the battery performance of an electric vehicle are expected to push product development activities in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles.

USP of the Report

• A dedicated section focusing on the current and futuristic trends adopted by the key players operating in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs
• Extensive competitive benchmarking of 15 players offering a holistic view of the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs landscape
• Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs at the region and country level and granularity based on application and product segments

Analyst Perspective

According to Dhrubajyoti Narayan, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, "The demand for fluids and lubricants in EVs are anticipated to grow with the increase in electric vehicle sales. Since electric vehicles do not require engine oil, many Internal Combustion Engine vehicle fluids and lubricants manufacturing companies are diversifying their product portfolios to meet EV requirements. In the past few years, the companies have changed their business strategies toward developing and investing in electric vehicle applications and their products. An important observation was the steady change in demand for fluids and lubricants in the electric vehicle industry. Surging growth in sales of electric-powered two-wheelers in India and Vietnam is expected to boost the market growth in upcoming years. The increasing fleet of electric vehicles may have an optimistic impact on the aftermarket segment of the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

Players in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs analyzed and profiled in the study include vehicle manufacturers that capture the maximum share of the market. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for EVs has been done to help the readers understand how players compete against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions are expected to aid the readers in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include SK Lubricants Co., Ltd. (SK Inc.), GS Caltex Corporation, S-OIL CORPORATION, Klüber Lubrication, Panolin AG, Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd., Exxon Mobil Corporation, Repsol SA, ENEOS Corporation (ENEOS Holdings, Inc.), The Lubrizol Corporation, Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS), Shell plc, TotalEnergies SE, Valvoline Inc., and FUCHS.

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the key drivers and challenges in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles?
• How does the supply chain function in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles?
• What are the latest developments in various countries across the APAC region for the development of the APAC fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles?
• Which EV fluid type segment is expected to witness the maximum demand growth in the APAC fluids and lubricants market for electric vehicles, including two-wheelers and three-wheelers, during 2022-2031?
• Which are the key application areas for which different fluid types may experience high demand during the forecasted period 2022-2031?






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