
自動車用統合アンテナシステム市場 - 世界および地域別分析:コンポーネント、アンテナタイプ、アンテナ設計、接続性、周波数、配置、車種、地域に焦点 - 2022-2031年までの分析と予測

Automotive Integrated Antenna System Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Component, Antenna Type, Antenna Design, Connectivity, Frequency, Placement, Vehicle Type, and Region - Analysis and Forecast, 2022-2031

自動車用統合アンテナシステム市場 産業概要 世界の自動車用統合アンテナシステム市場は、2021年の9億1360万ドルから2031年には24億2690万ドルに達し、予測期間2022-2031年のCAGRは10.28%で成長すると予測され... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年1月2日 US$5,250
231 英語



自動車用統合アンテナシステム市場 産業概要







技術提供の段階的な発展は、既存の自動車市場で大きな市場シェアを獲得するために大手OEMが採用した戦略の1つである。Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X)、先進運転支援システム (ADAS)、Firmware-over-the-Air (FOTA)、診断、リアルタイム地図などの新しいアプリケーションは、車両内外でより多くのデータフローを必要とする。その結果、アンテナの量と種類は飛躍的に増加しました。アンテナシステムの最適な性能のためには、場所と周囲の条件が重要です。





- 乗用車
- 商用車


- 平面アンテナ
- 非平面アンテナ


- テレマティクスコントロールユニット(TCU)
- アンテナ
- ケーブル
- データコネクター


- シャークフィンアンテナ(TCUなし)
- アンテナファーム(TCUなし)
- TCU付きアンテナファーム
- アンテナ一体型TCUボックス
- スリムTCU付きアンテナファーム


- WiFi-ブルートゥース
- セルラー
- その他


- 高周波
- 超高周波
- 超高周波


- 北米
- 欧州
- 中国
- アジア太平洋および日本
- その他の地域



- 2022年6月、ルネサス エレクトロニクスは、複数のHDカメラモジュールで使用するための電源設計の簡素化、開発サイクル、部品表(BOM)コスト、サプライチェーンリスクの低減を目的とした統合アンテナシステム(PMIC)、ISL78083を発表した。
- 2021年6月、Microchip社は新しいISO 26262準拠のdsPIC33CK1024MP7xxファミリにより、大容量メモリ セグメントをカバーするdsPIC33C DSCの幅広いポートフォリオを拡大しました。1MBフラッシュを搭載したこの新しいdsPIC33C DSCファミリは、AUTOSAR、OS、MCALドライバ、ISO 26262機能安全診断、セキュリティライブラリなどの車載ソフトウェアを実行するアプリケーションを可能にします。また、dsPIC33 DSCファミリには、一般的な車載アプリケーション、高度なセンシングおよび制御、デジタル・パワー、モーター制御アプリケーション向けに、決定論的応答を持つ高性能中央演算処理装置(CPU)と専用ペリフェラルが搭載されています。
- 2021年4月、STマイクロエレクトロニクスは、AMOLEDディスプレイ用の新しい完全集積型アンテナ・システム(PMIC)を発表した。このPMICは、低い静止電流と強化された柔軟性を兼ね備えており、携帯機器のバッテリ駆動時間を延長する。
- 2021年4月、インフィニオン・テクノロジーズAGは、TLE9012DQUおよびTLE9015DQUを含むバッテリー・マネジメントICの新ファミリーを発表した。このICは、バッテリ・セルのモニタリングとバランシングのための最適化されたソリューションを可能にします。これらのデバイスは、マイルドハイブリッド電気自動車(MHEV)、ハイブリッド電気自動車(HEV)、プラグインハイブリッド電気自動車(PHEV)、バッテリー駆動電気自動車(BEV)など、産業用、民生用、自動車用の幅広いアプリケーションに適しています。

需要 - 推進要因と限界


- 電気自動車と自律走行車の販売増加
- 自動車の安全性への注目の高まり


- デバイスの小型化要件とアンテナ帯域幅の拡大要件の相反









- TEコネクティビティ
- フィコサ・インターナショナルS.A.
- コンチネンタルオートモーティブ
- 原田工業原田工業
- タオグラス
- 株式会社デンソー
- カトライン・ソリューションズGmbH
- ローデ・シュワルツGmbH & Co KG
- 横河電機株式会社
- 横河電機株式会社
- レアード・コネクティビティ
- AGCオートモーティブ
- エーステクノロジー株式会社
- FIAMM Componenti Accessori - F.C.A.
- ミストラル・ソリューションズ社






世界の自動車用統合アンテナシステム市場は2031年に24億2690万ドルに達すると推定されることが、BIS Researchのプレミアムマーケットインテリジェンス調査で明らかになった。また、予測期間2022-2031年のCAGRは10.28%になると予測しています。


- 自動車用統合アンテナシステム市場の全体像を把握するため、上位25社(ポイント企業や複数のソリューション企業を含む)の広範な競合ベンチマーキングを実施
- 製品ポートフォリオ、最近の開発、地域的広がりに基づく市場ランキング分析
- 新興企業の概要とアナリストの視点による分析


BIS Research社のDhrubajyoti Narayan主席アナリストによると、「自動車用統合アンテナシステム市場は急速に進化しており、今後も同じペースで拍車がかかると予測される。企業は革新的なソリューションを開発し、新製品を市場に投入している。協業と製品投入は、市場の成長を支える重要な戦略である。消費者の嗜好が大きく変化していることは、自動車メーカーがこの領域で確固たる地歩を築くための有力なチャンスとなっている。さらに、電力管理や電気自動車に関する意識の高まり、安全への関心の高まりが、自動車用統合アンテナシステムの採用を世界的に増加させると予想される。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、TE Connectivity、Ficosa International S.A.、Continental Automotive、Harada Industry Co.Ltd.、Taoglas、Denso Corporation、Kathrein Solutions GmbH、Rohde and Schwarz GmbH & Co KG、横河電機株式会社、Antcom Corporation、Laird Connectivity、AGC Automotive、ACE Technologies Corporation、FIAMM Componenti Accessori - F.C.A.、Mistral Solutions Pvt. Ltd.、Movandi Corporation、Metawave Corporation、Pivotal Commwar、Lunewave Inc.、Fractus Antennas S.L.などが挙げられる。


- 車載用統合アンテナシステム市場に影響を与えている主な要因やトレンドは?
- COVID-19は全世界の車載用統合アンテナシステム市場にどのような影響を与えたのか-実際のビジネスとサプライチェーンは?
- 既存プレーヤーが市場のポジショニングを改善/維持するために取っているステップと、新規参入プレーヤーが採用した戦略とは?
- アンテナタイプ、コンポーネント、デザイン、コネクティビティ、配置、周波数、車種に基づく市場の異なるセグメントとは?
- 世界各国における自動車用統合アンテナシステム開発の最新動向と採用パターンは?





Automotive Integrated Antenna System Market Industry Overview

The global automotive integrated antenna system market is projected to reach $2,426.9 million by 2031 from $913.6 million in 2021, growing at a CAGR of 10.28% during the forecast period 2022-2031. The growth in the automotive integrated antenna system market is expected to be driven by technological advancements and increasing demand for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).

Market Lifecycle Stage

Globally connected vehicles are moving the automotive industry into a new era. Vehicles are being deployed with extensive sensor platforms that generate vast amounts of data from different systems, such as LIDAR, telematics control units, or OBD-II interfaces. At the same time, the advent of 5G and underlying low latency, high bandwidth V2X technology is enabling dozens of new automotive use cases.

The automotive industry has been undergoing dynamic changes in recent years due to factors such as declining fuel prices, low industry growth rate, the emergence of electric and hybrid electric vehicles, improvement in automotive credit availability, aging vehicle fleet, and last but not least, the emergence of disruptive trends such as car sharing and ride-hailing services globally.


The automotive integrated antenna system market is driven by several factors, such as increasing production and sales of electric cars, growing implementation of 5G networks, and increasing demand for PMICs in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).

The gradual development in technological offerings is one such strategy adopted by major OEMs to gain significant market share in the established automotive markets. New applications, such as vehicle-to-everything (V2X), advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), firmware-over-the-air (FOTA), diagnostics, real-time maps, etc., require a larger data flow in and out of a vehicle. As a result, the amount and variety of antennas have increased tremendously. For optimal performance of an antenna system, location and surrounding conditions are critical.

With more and more antennas being integrated into vehicles, finding suitable packaging and location solutions is becoming ever more of a challenge. There are many positions possible to place antennas on a vehicle, but not all are good for each type of car. For good reception of wireless systems, there are a number of factors to be considered.

Impact of COVID-19

COVID-19 caused disruptions in the supply chain of the semiconductor industry. It had short-term and long-term effects on the automotive integrated antenna system market. The environment for semiconductor operations is quite complex. For assembly, testing, packing, and equipment, suppliers and partners around the world need a lot of raw materials. Increased use of the internet is benefiting the automotive integrated antenna system market. Since the market is predominantly driven by expanding car sales and production, the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the automotive integrated antenna system market was unavoidable. Due to the repeated lockdowns and shutdowns of manufacturing units, car output and sales grew slowly in various parts of the world.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by Vehicle Type
• Passenger Vehicles
• Commercial Vehicles

The passenger vehicles segment accounts for largest share of the automotive integrated antenna system market. Rise in the sale of connected vehicles, passenger vehicles with infotainment systems, and autonomous vehicles is driving the segment growth.

Segmentation 2: by Antenna Type
• Planar Antenna
• Non-Planar Antenna

The planar antenna segment accounts for the largest share of the automotive integrated antenna system market. In automotive sensing applications, planar antennas are gaining popularity due to their low cost, low profile, and ease of integration with host systems.

Segmentation 3: by Component
• Telematics Control Unit (TCU)
• Antennas
• Cables
• Data Connectors

The telematics control unit segment accounts for highest share of the automotive integrated antenna system market.

Segmentation 4: by Antenna Design
• Shark-Fin Antenna (without TCU)
• Antenna Farm (Without TCU)
• Antenna Farm with TCU
• TCU Box with Integrated Antenna
• Antenna Farm with Slim TCU

The Shark-Fin Antenna (Without TCU) segment accounts for the largest share of the automotive integrated antenna system market. These antennas are growing in popularity because they are more resilient, aesthetically pleasing, and functional.

Segmentation 5: by Connectivity
• WiFi-Bluetooth
• Cellular
• Others

The WiFi-Bluetooth segment accounts for the largest share of the automotive integrated antenna system market. The increase in the demand of wireless technology drives the WiFi-Bluetooth segment growth.

Segmentation 6: by Frequency
• High Frequency
• Very High Frequency
• Ultra-High Frequency

The high frequency segment accounts for the largest share of the automotive integrated antenna system market due to an increase in shipment of the conventional and connected cars globally.

Segmentation 7: by Region
• North America
• Europe
• China
• Asia-Pacific and Japan
• Rest-of-the-World

North America is currently one of the most competitive markets in the automotive integrated antenna system market. The North America region comprises the U.S. and Canada. The presence of technology providers, minimal miscalculations, product customization, and reduced production timescale are the primary driving factors of the North America automotive integrated antenna system market.

Recent Developments in the Automotive Integrated Antenna System Market

• In June 2022, Renesas Electronics Corporation launched the ISL78083, a integrated antenna system (PMIC) aimed at simplifying power supply design for use in multiple HD camera modules, reducing development cycles, bill of materials (BOM) cost, and supply chain risks.
• In June 2021, Microchip expanded its broad portfolio of dsPIC33C DSCs to cover the large memory segment with the new ISO 26262-compliant dsPIC33CK1024MP7xx family. This new family of dsPIC33C DSCs with 1 MB Flash enables applications running automotive software such as AUTOSAR, OS, MCAL drivers, ISO 26262 functional safety diagnostics, and security libraries. The family of dsPIC33 DSCs also includes a high-performance central processing unit (CPU) with a deterministic response and specialized peripherals for general automotive, advanced sensing and control, digital power, and motor control applications.
• In April 2021, STMicroelectronics launched a new fully integrated integrated antenna system (PMIC) for AMOLED displays that combine a low quiescent current and enhanced flexibility to extend the battery runtime of portable devices.
• In April 2021, Infineon Technologies AG introduced a new family of battery management ICs, including TLE9012DQU and TLE9015DQU. The ICs enable an optimized solution for battery cell monitoring and balancing. The devices are suitable for a wide range of industrial, consumer, and automotive applications, such as mild hybrid electric vehicles (MHEV), hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), and battery-powered electric vehicles (BEV).

Demand – Drivers and Limitations

Following are the demand drivers for the automotive integrated antenna system market:

• Increasing Sales of Electric and Autonomous Vehicles
• Increasing Focus on Vehicle Safety

The market is expected to face some limitations as well due to the following challenge:

• Conflict between Requirements for Smaller Device Size and Larger Antenna Bandwidth

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: Increasing demand for cooling of batteries and high-temperature parts in electric vehicles is boosting the growth of the automotive integrated antenna system market. Therefore, the automotive integrated antenna system market business is a high-investment and high-revenue generating model.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The automotive integrated antenna system market is an exponentially growing market holding enormous opportunities for the market players. Some of the strategies covered in this segment are product launches, partnerships and collaborations, business expansions, and investments. The companies' preferred strategy has been product launches, partnerships, and collaborations to strengthen their positions in the global automotive integrated antenna system market.

Competitive Strategy: Key players in the automotive integrated antenna system market analyzed and profiled in the study involve automotive integrated antenna system market-based product manufacturers that provide raw or processed products. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the automotive integrated antenna system market has been done to help the reader understand the ways in which players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.

The top segment players who are leading the automotive integrated antenna system market include private companies that capture around 30% of the market share, whereas public companies in the market capture around 70% of the market share.

Key Companies Profiled

• TE Connectivity
• Ficosa International S.A.
• Continental Automotive
• Harada Industry Co. Ltd.
• Taoglas
• Denso Corporation
• Kathrein Solutions GmbH
• Rohde and Schwarz GmbH & Co KG
• Yokogawa Electric Corporation
• Antcom Corporation
• Laird Connectivity
• AGC Automotive
• ACE Technologies Corporation
• FIAMM Componenti Accessori - F.C.A.
• Mistral Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


Table of Contents

Attached in the mail


Press Release

The global automotive integrated antenna system market is estimated to reach $2,426.9 million in 2031, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 10.28% during the forecast period 2022-2031.

USP of the Report

• Extensive competitive benchmarking of the top 25 players (including point and multiple solution companies) to offer a holistic view of the automotive integrated antenna system market landscape
• Market ranking analysis based on product portfolio, recent developments, and regional spread
• Startups’ analysis with an overview and analyst’s viewpoint

Analyst Perspective

According to Dhrubajyoti Narayan, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “The automotive integrated antenna system market is evolving rapidly and is anticipated to continue to spur at the same pace in the following years. Businesses are developing innovative solutions and launching new products in the market. Collaborations and product launches are the key strategies assisting the market's growth. The massive shift in consumer preferences has provided a viable opportunity for automotive manufacturers to gain strong ground in this domain. Moreover, increasing awareness regarding power management and electric cars and growing safety concerns are expected to increase the adoption of automotive integrated antenna systems globally.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

Key players in the automotive integrated antenna system market analyzed and profiled in the study involve automotive integrated antenna system market-based product manufacturers that provide raw or processed products. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the automotive integrated antenna system market has been done to help the reader understand the ways in which players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include TE Connectivity, Ficosa International S.A., Continental Automotive, Harada Industry Co. Ltd., Taoglas, Denso Corporation, Kathrein Solutions GmbH, Rohde and Schwarz GmbH & Co KG, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Antcom Corporation, Laird Connectivity, AGC Automotive, ACE Technologies Corporation, FIAMM Componenti Accessori - F.C.A., Mistral Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Movandi Corporation, Metawave Corporation, Pivotal Commwar, Lunewave Inc., and Fractus Antennas S.L.

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the major factors and trends that are impacting the automotive integrated antenna system market?
• How has COVID-19 impacted the automotive integrated antenna system market across the globe –actual business and supply chain?
• What are the steps taken by the existing players to improve/maintain their market positioning and strategy adopted by new players entering in market space?
• What are the different segments based on antenna type, component, design, connectivity, placement, frequency, and vehicle type in the market, and how are they going to perform in the coming years?
• What are the latest developments in various countries across the globe for the development of automotive integrated antenna systems, and what are the adoption patterns?





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2024/10/04 10:27

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