エクソソームの診断と治療法。世界市場Exosome Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Global Markets レポートの範囲 本レポートは、エクソソームの診断・治療・研究ツール市場における新たな商機を評価するための最新かつ重要なビジネスツールです。本調査の地理的範囲は、米国および世界の企業を対象としてい... もっと見る
サマリーレポートの範囲本レポートは、エクソソームの診断・治療・研究ツール市場における新たな商機を評価するための最新かつ重要なビジネスツールです。本調査の地理的範囲は、米国および世界の企業を対象としています。この市場は複雑で、数多くの異なる分野から構成されており、それぞれが科学技術の発展によって異なる影響を受けています。本レポートでは、各分野における主なプラス要因とマイナス要因を特定し、この業界の各カテゴリーにおける更なるトレンドや製品・アッセイの開発を予測しています。 レポートには以下が含まれています。 - 109の表 - バイオ研究業界におけるエクソソーム診断・治療薬の世界市場の最新レビュー - 2019年から2020年のデータ、2021年の推定値、2026年までの年平均成長率(CAGR)の予測による、世界市場の動向の分析 - 全体の世界市場規模の推定と予測、および対応するアプリケーション、エンドユーザー、地域別の市場シェア分析 - エクソソームの免疫学的適合性、カーゴ機能、その他の本質的な治療活動の説明 - 診断用バイオマーカーとしてのエクソソームタンパク質および核酸の評価、およびマイクロRNA、リキッドバイオプシー、幹細胞研究産業への影響についての考察 - ExoCarta、Vesiclopedia、EVpediaなど、エクソソームの研究や製品開発のためのバイオインフォマティクス・データベースに関する情報 - エクソソーム研究が特定のバイオ医薬品市場に与える影響と、エクソソーム製品を研究・生産している主要企業の詳細のまとめ - 米国、欧州、日本におけるエクソソーム診断薬および治療薬の関連特許分析 - 世界市場で活動する主要企業の競合状況と、その世界ランキング、企業シェア分析 - Codiak BioSciences社、Evox Therapeutics社、Exosome Diagnostics Inc.社、NonoSomiX Inc.社、System Biosciences社などの主要ベンダー企業のプロフィール説明。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction Study Goals and Objectives Reasons for Doing This Study Scope of Report Information Sources Methodology Intended Audience What's New in This Report? Geographic Breakdown Analyst's Credentials BCC Custom Research Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background Exosome Definition and Nomenclature Discovery of Exosomes Exosomes Biogenesis and Processing Exosome Components DNA in Exosomes Proteins in Exosomes RNA in Exosomes Isolation and Detection of Exosomes Isolation Techniques Exosome Detection Bioinformatic Databases for Exosome Research and Product Development ExoCarta Vesiclepedia EVpedia Exosome Function and Physiology Chapter 4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Exosome Therapeutics Market Overview Current Outlook Exosome and COVID-19 Treatment Chapter 5 Exosome Diagnostics Market Exosomal Proteins as Diagnostic Biomarkers Exosomal Nucleic Acids as Diagnostic Biomarkers Cancer Diagnostics as Market Potential for Exosome-Based Diagnostic Product Development Prostate Cancer Diagnostics Development in the Exosome Sector Breast Cancer as Potential for Diagnostic Development in the Exome Sector Bladder Cancer as Potential for Diagnostic Development in the Exosome Sector Ovarian Cancer as Potential for Diagnostic Development in the Exome Sector Lung Cancer as Potential for Diagnostic Development in the Exosome Sector Liquid Biopsy as Potential for Diagnostics in the Exome Sector Exosomal Proteins and Nucleic Acids as Cancer Biomarkers in Assay Development CNS Disorders and Neurodegeneration Diseases as Market Potential for Exosome Diagnostics Product Development Infectious Diseases as Market Potential for Exosome Diagnostic Product Development Cardiovascular Diseases as Market Potential for Exosome Diagnostic Product Development Prenatal Testing as Market Potential for Exosome Diagnostic Product Development Organ Transplantation as Market Potential for Exosome Diagnostic Product Development Market Participants in the Exosome-Based Diagnostics Sector Companies Evaluation of the Current Diagnostics Sector in the Exosome Market Chapter 6 Exosome Therapeutics Market Intrinsic Therapeutic Activity of Exosomes Immunological Compatibility Cargo Capabilities Generation of Exosome-Mediated Therapeutics Exosome Isolation and Purification from Biofluids or Cell Culture Engineering Exosomes as Therapeutic Delivery Vehicles Targeting Exosomes to Specific Recipient Cells Designing Exosomes as a Synthetic Vector Market Potential for Exosome Therapeutics Market Participants in the Exosome-Based Therapeutics Sector Companies Evaluation of the Current Therapeutics Sector in the Exosome Market Chapter 7 Exosome Reagents and Research Tools Market Market Overview Isolation Methodologies and Reagents for Exosome Detection Methodologies and Reagents for Exosome Research Characterization Methods and Reagents for Exosome Research Engineering Methods and Reagents for Exosome Research Additional Products and Reagents for Exosome Research Market Participants in Reagents and Tools for Exosome Research Companies Evaluation of Current Tools and Reagents in the Exosome Market Chapter 8 Global Exosome Therapeutic and Diagnostics Market by End User Cancer Institutes Hospital and Diagnostic Centers Exosomal Proteins as Diagnostic Biomarkers Exosome Nucleic Acids as Diagnostics Biomarkers Exosomes: Novel Biomarkers for Clinical Diagnosis Others: Pharmaceutical and Life Science Industries and Academic Institutes Chapter 9 Global Exosome Therapeutic and Diagnostics Market by Region North America Europe Asia-Pacific Rest of the World Chapter 10 Impact of Exosome Research on Specific Biopharmaceutical Markets Biomarker and Diagnostic Industry MicroRNA Market Liquid Biopsy Market Stem Cell Technologies Market Prenatal Diagnostic Market Agriculture and Food Industry Microfluidics and Nanotechnology Skincare Industry Chapter 11 Patents and Pipeline Analysis U.S. Patent Analysis European Patent Analysis Japanese Patent Analysis Pipeline Analysis Chapter 12 Market Summary Chapter 13 Company Profiles CODIAK BIOSCIENCES EVOX THERAPEUTICS LTD. EXOSOME DIAGNOSTICS INC. HANSABIOMED LIFE SCIENCES LTD. (LONZA) NANOSOMIX INC. SYSTEM BIOSCIENCES (SBI)
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction Study Goals and Objectives Reasons for Doing This Study Scope of Report Information Sources Methodology Intended Audience What's New in This Report? Geographic Breakdown Analyst's Credentials BCC Custom Research Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background Exosome Definition and Nomenclature Discovery of Exosomes Exosomes Biogenesis and Processing Exosome Components DNA in Exosomes Proteins in Exosomes RNA in Exosomes Isolation and Detection of Exosomes Isolation Techniques Exosome Detection Bioinformatic Databases for Exosome Research and Product Development ExoCarta Vesiclepedia EVpedia Exosome Function and Physiology Chapter 4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Exosome Therapeutics Market Overview Current Outlook Exosome and COVID-19 Treatment Chapter 5 Exosome Diagnostics Market Exosomal Proteins as Diagnostic Biomarkers Exosomal Nucleic Acids as Diagnostic Biomarkers Cancer Diagnostics as Market Potential for Exosome-Based Diagnostic Product Development Prostate Cancer Diagnostics Development in the Exosome Sector Breast Cancer as Potential for Diagnostic Development in the Exome Sector Bladder Cancer as Potential for Diagnostic Development in the Exosome Sector Ovarian Cancer as Potential for Diagnostic Development in the Exome Sector Lung Cancer as Potential for Diagnostic Development in the Exosome Sector Liquid Biopsy as Potential for Diagnostics in the Exome Sector Exosomal Proteins and Nucleic Acids as Cancer Biomarkers in Assay Development CNS Disorders and Neurodegeneration Diseases as Market Potential for Exosome Diagnostics Product Development Infectious Diseases as Market Potential for Exosome Diagnostic Product Development Cardiovascular Diseases as Market Potential for Exosome Diagnostic Product Development Prenatal Testing as Market Potential for Exosome Diagnostic Product Development Organ Transplantation as Market Potential for Exosome Diagnostic Product Development Market Participants in the Exosome-Based Diagnostics Sector Companies Evaluation of the Current Diagnostics Sector in the Exosome Market Chapter 6 Exosome Therapeutics Market Intrinsic Therapeutic Activity of Exosomes Immunological Compatibility Cargo Capabilities Generation of Exosome-Mediated Therapeutics Exosome Isolation and Purification from Biofluids or Cell Culture Engineering Exosomes as Therapeutic Delivery Vehicles Targeting Exosomes to Specific Recipient Cells Designing Exosomes as a Synthetic Vector Market Potential for Exosome Therapeutics Market Participants in the Exosome-Based Therapeutics Sector Companies Evaluation of the Current Therapeutics Sector in the Exosome Market Chapter 7 Exosome Reagents and Research Tools Market Market Overview Isolation Methodologies and Reagents for Exosome Detection Methodologies and Reagents for Exosome Research Characterization Methods and Reagents for Exosome Research Engineering Methods and Reagents for Exosome Research Additional Products and Reagents for Exosome Research Market Participants in Reagents and Tools for Exosome Research Companies Evaluation of Current Tools and Reagents in the Exosome Market Chapter 8 Global Exosome Therapeutic and Diagnostics Market by End User Cancer Institutes Hospital and Diagnostic Centers Exosomal Proteins as Diagnostic Biomarkers Exosome Nucleic Acids as Diagnostics Biomarkers Exosomes: Novel Biomarkers for Clinical Diagnosis Others: Pharmaceutical and Life Science Industries and Academic Institutes Chapter 9 Global Exosome Therapeutic and Diagnostics Market by Region North America Europe Asia-Pacific Rest of the World Chapter 10 Impact of Exosome Research on Specific Biopharmaceutical Markets Biomarker and Diagnostic Industry MicroRNA Market Liquid Biopsy Market Stem Cell Technologies Market Prenatal Diagnostic Market Agriculture and Food Industry Microfluidics and Nanotechnology Skincare Industry Chapter 11 Patents and Pipeline Analysis U.S. Patent Analysis European Patent Analysis Japanese Patent Analysis Pipeline Analysis Chapter 12 Market Summary Chapter 13 Company Profiles CODIAK BIOSCIENCES EVOX THERAPEUTICS LTD. EXOSOME DIAGNOSTICS INC. HANSABIOMED LIFE SCIENCES LTD. (LONZA) NANOSOMIX INC. SYSTEM BIOSCIENCES (SBI)
BCC Research社の診断薬分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(diagnostics)の最新刊レポート
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