IVD Size & Share Tracker
Track IVD market size, share and trends
Size and Share Tracker is your go-to source for comprehensive and granular market sizing data at country, company and assay tests levels across all IVD Gateway segments.
We track tests level sales revenue and their shares by company in over 38 countries globally. Our tracker is intended to help companies measure performance vis-a-via competition and identify market opportunities that you can invest in for future growth.
How do our clients use IVD Size & Share?
Benchmark business performance
Benchmark your business against:
– Overall market size and growth rates
– Organisations market share
Further segmented by :
– Product segment
– Country
Track competitors
Track organisations market share by:
– Main segments and sub-segments
– Country and region
Breakdown of share by:
– International vs. regional vs. domestic players
Track performance of organisations over time:
– Gain/ loss in shares
– New entry/ exit by assay test segment
Inform sales forcasting
Base sales forecasting on:
– Market size
– Players’ share
– Growth projection (Historical YoY, 5-year CAGR projection)
– Drivers and barriers of growth (Regulatory, reimbursement, epidemiology and treatment trends, technology adoption trends)
See what's happening in your markets
Our interactive dashboard makes finding answers to your market questions faster and easier. Gain new perspectives and on more than 100 market segments in 38 countries with easy-to-understand visualisations. Users can also download the data to perform your own analysis.
Use our data with confidence
Localised data collection from extensive high-quality primary and secondary sources
Standardised IVD market sizing model with country-specific assumptions applied across all markets covered
Forecast on IVD market growth based on demand and supply side factors
Covid-19 impact forecasting model on IVD market share and performance
IVD Size and Share Plus tracks and forecasts biannually:
Size of IVD market
In value terms, ex-manufacturer price / at country level, further segmented by assay test segment
Competitive Share
IVD players’ market share by IVD segments and sub-segments / country & region, international vs regional vs domestic players, market share gains/losses & new market entry/exit by assay test segment
IVD market Growth Projection
Historical YoY (compare with the previous year) & 5 year CAGR forecasts.
Drivers of / Barriers to Growth
Regulatory, reimbursement, healthcare spending and reforms, epidemiology and treatment trends, technology adoption trends and their impacts on IVD market segments.
IVD Size & Share provides granular coverage of 100+ market segments
Point-of-care testing
Molecular diagnostics
Tissue diagnostics
Next-generation sequencing
Centralised diagnostics
Comprehensive country coverage
Clearstate’s IVD Size & Share Plus provides in-depth data and insights on the IVD market in 30+ countries and regions.
Australia | China | Hong Kong | India | Indonesia | Japan | Malaysia | Myanmar | New Zealand | Pakistan | Philippines | Singapore | South Korea | Taiwan | Thailand | Vietnam
Germany | France | Italy | Spain | UK
Latin America
Argentina | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Ecuador | Mexico | Peru | Puerto Rico | Dominican Republic | CAC (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Cuba, Panama) | ROL (Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia) | JMTT (Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago)
Middle East
Saudi Arabia | United Arab Emirates | Kuwait | Iran | Qatar | Oman | Bahrain | Lebanon | Jordan | Egypt