Having declined sharply in 2020, the retail current value sales of home and garden specialist retailers rebounded strongly during 2021 to exceed their 2019 peak. The national lockdown enforced from March-May 2020 required all non-essential stores, includi…
During the pandemic, local consumers spent prolonged periods of time at home and this was helpful for the development of home and garden specialist retailers due to revamping of homes to address the tedium, despite notable sales declines. In 2021, value s…
In contrast to most other home care categories, demand for home insecticides have not been significantly affected by the pandemic, with the rate of growth in retail current value sales remaining relatively robust during both 2020 and 2021. Home insecticid…
In 2021, growth was much more moderate in terms of current value and volume growth. With society gradually opening up in 2021, after the 2020 lockdowns, people were out and about more and there was less demand for home care products and there was less was…
With the prolonged impact of COVID-19, consumers maintained home seclusion and avoided unnecessary outings during most of 2021. With such a situation, they sought entertainment at home, and DIY continued to attract consumers as a way to spend time and cha…
Home insecticides registered higher current value growth than in 2020. Home insecticides largely was unaffected by COVID-19, as it is mainly a seasonal, functional product and is not directly related to the hygiene concerns consumers had in 2020. The main…
Value growth of home insecticides was lower in 2021 than in 2020. With people out and about more in 2021 and as a result spending less time at home, these was less need for home insecticides. In addition, value sales of insecticides are also dependent on …
In 2021, home insecticides saw marginally higher retail volume growth and more dynamic current value growth than in the previous year. Indonesia’s tropical climate creates a continuous breeding environment for mosquitoes and other insects. In fact, Indone…
Home insecticides saw dynamic growth in 2020 during the strictest phase of the restrictions implemented to curb the spread of COVID-19, when the population secluded at home were more aware of and concerned about insects as they spent more time in their ho…
Home insecticides grew slightly in volume terms while recording a minor decline in current value terms in 2021, with both the volume and value performances an improvement on 2020. This was mainly due to shopping habits partially returning to normal in 202…
Home insecticides saw another year of slow growth in both retail volume and current value terms in Thailand in 2021. Sales of such products saw little impact from COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, as they are considered essential, and sales are dictated mainly b…
National lockdown restrictions that lasted as long as three months in Spain made it impossible for the usual fumigation works to be carried out in preparation for summer. As a result, in some areas of the country, tiger mosquitos and other biting insects …
Chained warehouse clubs represents a relatively novel model in the Colombian market, with only one significant player: PriceSmart. The business model, which involves paid membership of the club, saw good initial growth, suggesting that Colombian consumers…
Overall, value and volume growth were lower in 2021 than in 2020. There were several reasons for this. With society gradually opening up in 2021, after the 2020 lockdowns, people were out and about more and there was less demand for home care products and…
Home care in Azerbaijan has been upturned by the COVID-19 pandemic in both 2020 and 2021. The most important factor has been the extended periods of restriction on socialisation and other lockdown measures that confines people to their homes. This spurred…
While its number of outlets is still limited in Japan, Costco continued to show strong growth despite COVID-19, due to its unique product offering and shopping experience, which attracted consumers to visit its stores. In the review period, Costco shoppin…
There was only one chain of warehouse clubs active within warehouse clubs in the UK at the end of the review period; Costco Wholesale UK Ltd, with the company present with 29 outlets. Costco performed well during the pandemic, particularly during lockdown…
Executive SummaryThe Global MRI Systems Market was valued at USD 7.13 Billion in the year 2020. The rising prevalence of chronic diseases, technological advancements in the field strength of MRI Systems, and the rising geriatric population will impel the …
Executive SummaryThe Global Contract Logistics Market was valued at USD 257.41 Billion in the year 2021. The advancements in Contract Logistics and increased use of electronics devices drive the Contract Logistics market. Furthermore, the increasing penet…
Sekisui House, Ltd. - Strategy, SWOT and Corporate Finance ReportSummarySekisui House, Ltd. - Strategy, SWOT and Corporate Finance Report, is a source of comprehensive company data and information. The report covers the company's structure, operation, SWO…