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ALL 市場調査レポート


The SAS Institute: AI and analytics software
価格 US$ 999 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年2月
SAS Institute has been in business for over 40 years and remains in private hands. Its innovative software and services lead the AI and analytics market, but revenue growth has slowed in recent years. This report analyses the company in terms of its fin…
Global Special Mission Aircraft - Market and Technology Forecast to 2028
価格 US$ 3,995 |  Market Forecast | 2020年2月
この調査レポートは特殊任務を担った航空機、特殊任務機の世界市場を調査し、地域別、装備別、エンジンタイプなどの市場予測、主要国別分析、主要関連企業情報などを掲載しています。 The era to determine the success of a force in a combat has shifted from the qua…
【調査レポートセット】企業のネットワーク最適化:ソフトウェア定義による広域ネットワーク(SD-WAN)とインテントベースネットワーキング 2020-2025年
Enterprise Networking Optimization: SD-WAN and Intent-Based Networking 2020 – 2025
価格 US$ 3,000 |  Mind Commerce | 2020年2月
米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の下記の調査レポートのセット販売です。たいへんお得な価格設定です。 SD-WAN(ソフトウェア定義による広域ネットワーク)市場:コンポーネント毎、機器毎、サービス毎、採用毎、セグメント毎、産業毎 2019-2024年 SD…
【分析レポート:アプリケーション】5G mMTCの概観、機器、利用ケース
5G mMTC Overview, Devices, and Use Cases
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2020年2月
Actionable Benefits Ensure future 5G product portfolios can address key pain points of the market and effectively serve the requirements of the industry. Identify potential gaps in the existing 5G mMTC market and plan effectively for future 5G …
The IoT fraud and security: how to manage the risk
価格 US$ 1,499 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年2月
IoT services are growing in number and variety. Established fraud and security management systems based on consumer and enterprise usage patterns are not suitable for identifying fraudulent or hacking activity because IoT usage is specific to each appli…
5G、地上最大のショウ:第9版 超薄型ミントチョコ
5G: The Greatest Show on Earth!
価格 US$ 1,195 |  Signals Research Group | 2020年2月
SRG just completed its ninth 5G benchmark study, this time with a focus on AT&T’s 5G NR network, which is deployed as a 5 MHz FDD carrier in Band n5. We did the testing over two separate weekends in Indianapolis, Indiana. Key Highlights fro…
The Blue Prism: AI and analytics software
価格 US$ 999 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年2月
Blue Prism is a company that makes robotic process automation (RPA) software to automate business tasks by using software ‘robots’ to instigate systems-based actions, thereby replacing manual processes. It is one of the top-three vendors in …
中東と北アフリカの有料テレビとオーバーザトップ動画の動向と予測 2019-2024年
The Pay TV and OTT video in the Middle East and North Africa: trends and forecasts 2019–2024
価格 US$ 7,999 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年2月
Retail revenue for TV and video services delivered by pay-TV providers and operators will grow by 7% between 2019 and 2024; this is a notable achievement given the decline in ASPU. This report provides an outlook on pay-TV and OTT video take-up and reve…
アジア太平洋地域の新興国の有料テレビとオーバーザトップ動画の動向と予測 2019-2024年
The Pay TV and OTT video in emerging Asia-Pacific: trends and forecasts 2019-2024
価格 US$ 7,999 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年2月
TV and video retail revenue will grow by USD19 billion in the emerging Asia–Pacific region between 2019 and 2024. This forecast report analyses the relative strength of IPTV and OTT video as they compete for a share of consumer spending in the reg…
世界の固定ネットワークデータトラフィック:動向と予測 2019-2024年
The Fixed network data traffic: worldwide trends and forecasts 2019–2025
価格 US$ 7,999 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年2月
Demand for fixed broadband worldwide remains very strong, but it is less clear what drives demand once FTTP becomes the norm. This report is our annual update of fixed data traffic trends and 5-year forecasts, and this year we take a look at longer-term…
Advertising: TV versus OTT
価格はお問い合わせください |  IDATE | 2020年2月
Commercial TV channels are facing a twin threat: the migration of both viewers and advertisers to the Internet. Television is still the medium that best withstands the advance of the Internet, but the fall in TV time, particularly amongst yo…
Digital China
価格はお問い合わせください |  IDATE | 2020年2月
The stunning emergence, over the past decade, of China’s digital economic miracle is transforming the country – and its domestic and global position. Once a follower, digital China is now a world leader in given industries. Persi…
The Smart City Services Maturity Model
価格 US$ 1,000 |  Mind Commerce | 2020年2月
米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の調査レポート「スマートシティサービスの成熟モデル」は、都市計画のプランナ、公益事業者、スマートシティのエコシステムのスマートシティサービスを提供するベンダに有益な情報を提供している。次世代のサービスを提供しよ…
IoT(モノのインターネット)における人工知能用チップセット市場:ハードウェア毎、機器毎、モノタイプ毎、採用毎、セクター毎 2020-2025年
AI Chipsets in IoT Market by Hardware, Device, Thing Type, Deployment, and Sector 2020 – 2025
価格 US$ 2,500 |  Mind Commerce | 2020年2月
米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の調査レポート「IoT(モノのインターネット)における人工知能用チップセット市場:ハードウェア毎、機器毎、モノタイプ毎、採用毎、セクター毎 2020-2025年」は、IoT(モノのインターネット)の機器、アプリケーション、ネ…
【調査レポートセット】5G、人工知能(AI)、データ解析、IoT統合:5GとAIoT市場のソリューション、用途、サービス 2020-2025年
5G, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and IoT Convergence: The 5G and AIoT Market for Solutions, Applications and Services 2020 – 2025
価格 US$ 4,000 |  Mind Commerce | 2020年2月
米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の下記の調査レポートのセット販売です。たいへんお得な価格設定です。 モノの人工知能(AIoT):技術毎とソリューション毎のAIoT市場 2019-2024年 Artificial Intelligence of Things: AIoT Market by Technology and S…
【PT:四半期レポート】高度交通とeフライト 2020年第1四半期
Intelligent Transportation and eFreight – Quarterly Update
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2020年2月
Actionable Benefits Focus attention on key trends for 2020 investment. Identify which companies lead versus lag in your verticals as well as new disruptors to assess (compete, partner, invest, acquire). Learn what OEM and Tier 1 trends from…
Cooperative Mobility: Phases, Use Cases, and Forecasts
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2020年2月
Actionable Benefits Develop strategy to take advantage of cooperative mobility opportunity based on immediate, short to mid-term, and long-term use cases and shipment forecasts. Identify overlooked use cases that can be promptly deployed in con…
【PT:アプリケーション分析レポート】5Gモバイルデバイス:噂のサマリー 2020年第1四半期
5G Mobile Devices: Rumors Summary
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2020年2月
Actionable Benefits Understand the 5G mobile devices competitive market to identify potential gaps and effectively plan for future 5G device types, features, and functionality. Ensure future 5G product portfolios can address key pain points of …
Tackling Smart Home Wireless Complexity
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2020年2月
Actionable Benefits Enables smart home device and service provider strategists to be cognizant of the most important developments in smart home over the past 6 months and the long-term impact. Enables smart home players to determine current and…
Virtual Reality Market Data: Devices, Verticals, and Value Chain
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2020年2月
Actionable Benefits Determine adoption rates of virtual reality devices and services within the consumer and enterprise markets to gauge the impact and effectiveness of immersive training, visualization, collaboration, and its impact to content and…
