This market data provides annual updates on both indoor and outdoor location technology ecosystems. The location technology supply chain is currently fragmented and requires meticulous coordination between companies servicing different nodes of the valu…
What questions are addressed?
What is the current size of the market for embedded machine learning and neural network software and tools?
What share of the market is held by leading vendors, and what are their competitive advantages?
Telecom API Market by Technology, Application and Service Type, Stakeholder, User Type, Deployment (Enterprise Hosted, Public Cloud, Private Cloud), and Platform as a Service Type 2019 – 2024
This database contains market forecasts home networks by different LAN types. The forecast for a variety of networked devices as well as forecasts related to the installed base of home networking technologies (Wi-Fi,, HomePlug, Homephone, MoCA) are…
Clients who subscribe to Heavy Reading's Video Total Access service get immediate access to all Heavy Reading published reports addressing the key technology and business issues involved in the planning, building, and deployment of…
Total Access services deliver valuable insight and timely market intelligence from Heavy Reading's entire network of senior and contributing …
The study analyses the applications and markets for emFlash/emNVM into microcontrollers (4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, DSP) and programmable logic …