Mobile Edge Computing Market by Infrastructure, Deployment Model, Computing as a Service, Network Connectivity, Applications, Analytics Type, Market Segments and Industry Verticals 2021 – 2026
Medical Device Market by Device Type, Function, Durability, Therapeutic Segment, Risk Classification, Manufacture Method, Delivery/Acquisition, Operational Support Model, Connectivity and Region 2021 – 2026
This report evaluates 5G NR and the market outlook for MNO and VNO to offer private IoT networks for the benefit of industrial automation and mission-critical enterpri…
Report Details
The global growth in access to mobile broadband changes the way people around …
Distributed Antenna System Market by Technology, Type (Active, Passive, Hybrid), Coverage (Outdoor and Indoor), Operator (Carrier, Enterprise, Neutral Host) and Industry Vertical 2021 - 2026
This report assesses the Distributed Antenna System (DAS) ecosystem and its impact on wireless network infrastructure d…
5G Smart Antenna Market by Type (Switched Multi-Beam Antenna and Adaptive Array Antenna), Technology (SIMO, MISO, and MIMO), Use Case, Application, and Region 2021 - 2026
This report evaluates the 5G smart antenna market including key players, technologies, and solutions. This includes analysis of product and service st…
「Satellite Services in 5G and Beyond 2021 - 2030」は下記既刊レポートのパッケージです。
Satellite Services Market by Type, Communications, Solutions, Applications, Segments, and Industry Verticals
5G and Beyond 5G Technology, Infrastructure, an…
Actionable Benefits
This market dataprovides short and mid-term market view of consumer technologies to enable decision makers to set effective strategies.
Keep pace with changing landscape in smartphones and wearables, smart h…
Next Generation Network Optimization Market by AI in Networking, Experiential and Intent-based Networks, Virtualized and Software-defined Networks, SD-WAN and 5G Network Slicing 2021 - 2026
『Next Generation Network Optimization Market by AI in Networking, Experiential and Intent-based Networks, Virtualized and Software-defined Networks, SD-WAN and 5G Network Slicing 2021 - 2026』は次世代ネットワークの最適化に関連した下記既刊レポートのパッ…
This report provides a foundation for understanding the sta…
The research suite provides key insights into the roaming market; highlighting the current market status and future developments. In-depth analysis is provided for regional roaming agreements, with an emphasis placed on potential opportunities for furth…
Juniper Research’s Mobile Roaming report is essential reading for mobile network operators and roaming service providers; offeri…