Actionable Benefits
Develop strategies to maximize the opportunity emerging from connectivity in residential building service equipment.
Determine product development roadmaps and marketing strategies to drive wider smart home functiona…
Actionable Benefits
Delivers the latest assessment of the economic and social impact of COVID-19 on smart home demand on smart home development, providing industry players key insight on how to adapt their strategies accordingly.
Many smart home manufacturers and service …
Report Details
The market for smart home data analytics is developing i…
Actionable Benefits
Delivers CSP decision makers a targeted smart home market analysis and strategic recommendations for CSP engagement in the smart home market.
Outlines key metrics on the potential market scale and value for CSP engagement in…
Actionable Benefits
Enables smart home device and service provider strategists to be cognizant of the most important developments in smart home over the past 6 months and the long-term impact.
Enables smart home players to determine current and…
Actionable Benefits
The report enables clients to develop their smart home connectivity strategies in line with ongoing change across a range of smart home segments, applications and devices.
The report delivers detailed appraisal of the evolvi…