This whitepaper explores how smart home technology can support independent living and explains the benefits for both telehealth and telecare. It focuses on what could be considered the mass-market application to support independent living: telecare.
Traditionally, home builders have seen energy technologies as a sunk cost needed to comply with customer needs or, in the best case, as luxury items to add to the perceived value of a proper…
米国調査会社オンワールドリサーチ(ON World Research)の調査レポート「IoT市場の802.15.4:Zigbee、Thread、6LoWPAN、Wi-SUN ー マーケットダイナミクスレポート(第15版)」は、IoT(モノのインターネット)のバリューチェーンの部品サプライヤ、メーカ、サービスプ…