
北米のヘルスケアCRM市場の2030年までの予測 - 地域別分析 - 導入形態別(クラウドベース、オンプレミス)、製品タイプ別(運用型CRM、分析型CRM、共同CRM)、アプリケーション別(リレーションシップ管理、症例管理、症例調整、地域アウトリーチ、その他)、エンドユーザー別(医療提供者、支払者、その他)

北米のヘルスケアCRM市場の2030年までの予測 - 地域別分析 - 導入形態別(クラウドベース、オンプレミス)、製品タイプ別(運用型CRM、分析型CRM、共同CRM)、アプリケーション別(リレーションシップ管理、症例管理、症例調整、地域アウトリーチ、その他)、エンドユーザー別(医療提供者、支払者、その他)

North America Healthcare CRM Market Forecast to 2030 - Regional Analysis - by Deployment Mode (Cloud Based and On-Premise), Product Type (Operational CRM, Analytical CRM, and Collaborative CRM), Application (Relationship Management, Case Management, Case Coordination, Community Outreach, and Others), and End User (Providers, Payers, and Others)

北米のヘルスケアCRM市場は、2022年には24億6,903万米ドルとなり、2030年には56億5,199万米ドルに達すると予測されている。 データ主導の洞察、分析、集団健康管理に対する需要の高まりが北米ヘルスケアCRM市... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
The Insight Partners
2024年5月7日 US$3,550
通常3-5営業日以内 145 英語









さらに、ヘルスケア CRM の開発者は、ヘルスケア CRM プラットフォームに高度な分析と集団健康管理機能を迅速に統合しています。これらの機能により、医療機関はデータを利用して臨床とオペレーションのアウトカムを向上させ、より良い患者ケアとコスト削減を実現することができます。このように、データ主導の洞察、分析、集団健康管理に対する需要の高まりは、患者の転帰を改善し、コストを削減し、全体的なケアの質を高めるヘルスケアCRMの需要を促進し、北米のヘルスケアCRM市場の成長を促進しています。




北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の売上高と2030年までの予測 (百万米ドル)








International Business Machines Corp、IQVIA Holdings Inc、Microsoft Corp、Oracle Corp、Pegasystems Inc、Pipedrive Inc、Sage Group Plc、Salesforce Inc、SAP SE、ScienceSoft USA Corp、SugarCRM Inc、Veeva Systems Inc、VerioMed Corp、WebMD Ignite Inc、およびZendesk Incは、北米ヘルスケアCRM市場で事業を展開する主要企業の一部です。




1.1 インサイトパートナー調査レポートのガイダンス
1.2 市場セグメンテーション
2.1 主要インサイト
3.1 調査範囲
3.2 二次調査
3.3 一次調査
4.1 概要
4.2 北米PEST分析
5.1 北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:主要産業ダイナミクス
5.2 市場の促進要因
5.2.1 患者中心の医療提供の重視の高まり
5.2.2 データ主導の洞察、分析、集団健康管理に対する需要の高まり
5.3 市場の阻害要因
5.3.1 データセキュリティの欠如と患者情報のプライバシーに関する懸念
5.4 市場機会
5.4.1 モノのインターネットと人工知能に関する知識の増加
5.5 今後の動向
5.5.1 デジタルヘルスとモバイルCRMソリューションの受け入れ拡大
5.6 推進要因と阻害要因の影響
6.1 北米ヘルスケアCRM市場収益(百万米ドル)、2022年〜2030年
6.2 北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の予測と分析
7.1 クラウドベース
7.1.1 概要
7.1.2 クラウドベース市場、2030年までの売上高と予測(百万米ドル)
7.2 オンプレミス型
7.2.1 概要
7.2.2 オンプレミス型市場、収益と2030年までの予測(百万米ドル)
8.1 オペレーショナルCRM
8.1.1 概要
8.1.2 オペレーショナルCRM市場、収益と2030年までの予測(US$ Million)
8.2 分析型CRM
8.2.1 概要
8.2.2 分析型CRM市場、収益と2030年までの予測(US$ Million)
8.3 コラボレーティブCRM
8.3.1 概要
8.3.2 コラボレーティブCRM市場、収益と2030年までの予測(US$ Million)
9.1 リレーションシップ管理
9.1.1 概要
9.1.2 リレーションシップ管理市場、収益と2030年までの予測(US$ Million)
9.2 ケースマネジメント
9.2.1 概要
9.2.2 ケースマネジメント市場、収益と2030年までの予測(百万米ドル)
9.3 ケースコーディネーション
9.3.1 概要
9.3.2 ケースコーディネーション市場、収益および2030年までの予測(百万米ドル)
9.4 コミュニティ・アウトリーチ
9.4.1 概要
9.4.2 コミュニティ・アウトリーチ市場、収益と2030年までの予測(百万米ドル)
9.5 その他
9.5.1 概要
9.5.2 その他市場、収益と2030年までの予測(百万米ドル)
10.1 プロバイダー
10.1.1 概要
10.1.2 医療機関市場、収益と2030年までの予測(百万米ドル)
10.2 ペイヤー
10.2.1 概要
10.2.2 ペイヤー市場、売上高と2030年までの予測(百万米ドル)
10.3 その他
10.3.1 概要
10.3.2 その他市場、売上高と2030年までの予測(百万米ドル)
11.北米ヘルスケアCRM市場 - 国別分析
11.1 北米ヘルスケアCRM市場 - 国別売上高と予測・分析
11.2 北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の売上高と予測・分析-国別 米国北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の2030年までの売上高と予測(US$ Mn) 米国北米ヘルスケアCRM市場のデプロイメントモード別内訳 米国:北米ヘルスケアCRM市場北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:製品タイプ別内訳 米国北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:アプリケーション別内訳 米国:ヘルスケアCRM市場の用途別内訳北米ヘルスケアCRM市場 ケースマネジメント別内訳 米国:ケースマネジメント別北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:コミュニティ・アウトリーチ別 米国:北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の内訳北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:ケースコーディネーション別内訳 米国北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:エンドユーザー別内訳 カナダ北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の売上高と2030年までの予測(US$ Mn) カナダ北米ヘルスケアCRM市場のデプロイメントモード別内訳 カナダ:北米ヘルスケアCRM市場北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の製品タイプ別内訳 カナダ北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の用途別内訳 カナダ:北米ヘルスケアCRM市場北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:ケースマネジメント別内訳 カナダ:ケースマネジメント別北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:コミュニティ・アウトリーチ別 カナダ:北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の内訳北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:ケースコーディネーション別内訳 カナダ北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:エンドユーザー別内訳 メキシコ北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の売上高と2030年までの予測(US$ Mn) メキシコ北米ヘルスケアCRM市場のデプロイメントモード別内訳 メキシコ:北米ヘルスケアCRM市場北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:製品タイプ別内訳 メキシコ北米ヘルスケアCRM市場の用途別内訳 メキシコ北米ヘルスケアCRM市場のケースマネジメント別内訳 メキシコ:医療CRM市場の用途別内訳北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:コミュニティ・アウトリーチ別 メキシコ北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:ケースコーディネーション別内訳 メキシコ北米ヘルスケアCRM市場:エンドユーザー別内訳
12.1 概要
13.1 ペガシステムズ
13.1.1 主要事実
13.1.2 事業内容
13.1.3 製品とサービス
13.1.4 財務概要
13.1.5 SWOT分析
13.1.6 主要開発
13.2 Sage Group Plc
13.2.1 主要事実
13.2.2 事業内容
13.2.3 製品とサービス
13.2.4 財務概要
13.2.5 SWOT分析
13.2.6 主要開発
13.3 IQVIAホールディングス
13.3.1 主要データ
13.3.2 事業内容
13.3.3 製品とサービス
13.3.4 財務概要
13.3.5 SWOT分析
13.3.6 主要開発
13.4 ベリオメッド
13.4.1 主要事実
13.4.2 事業内容
13.4.3 製品とサービス
13.4.4 財務概要
13.4.5 SWOT分析
13.4.6 主要開発
13.5 パイプドライブ社
13.5.1 主要事実
13.5.2 事業内容
13.5.3 製品とサービス
13.5.4 財務概要
13.5.5 SWOT分析
13.5.6 主要開発
13.6 WebMD Ignite Inc
13.6.1 主要事実
13.6.2 事業内容
13.6.3 製品とサービス
13.6.4 財務概要
13.6.5 SWOT分析
13.6.6 主要開発
13.7 ゼンデスク
13.7.1 主要事実
13.7.2 事業内容
13.7.3 製品とサービス
13.7.4 財務概要
13.7.5 SWOT分析
13.7.6 主要な開発
13.8 シュガーCRM社
13.8.1 主要事実
13.8.2 事業内容
13.8.3 製品とサービス
13.8.4 財務概要
13.8.5 SWOT分析
13.8.6 主要な開発
13.9 SAP SE
13.9.1 主要事実
13.9.2 事業内容
13.9.3 製品およびサービス
13.9.4 財務概要
13.9.5 SWOT分析
13.9.6 主要な開発
13.10 ビーバシステムズ
13.10.1 主要事実
13.10.2 事業内容
13.10.3 製品とサービス
13.10.4 財務概要
13.10.5 SWOT分析
13.10.6 主要開発
13.11 オラクル
13.11.1 主要事実
13.11.2 事業内容
13.11.3 製品およびサービス
13.11.4 財務概要
13.11.5 SWOT分析
13.11.6 主要開発
13.12 サイエンスソフトUSA
13.12.1 主要事実
13.12.2 事業内容
13.12.3 製品とサービス
13.12.4 財務概要
13.12.5 SWOT分析
13.12.6 主要な開発
13.13 マイクロソフト
13.13.1 主要事実
13.13.2 事業内容
13.13.3 製品およびサービス
13.13.4 財務概要
13.13.5 SWOT分析
13.13.6 主な展開
13.14 セールスフォース
13.14.1 主要事実
13.14.2 事業内容
13.14.3 製品とサービス
13.14.4 財務概要
13.14.5 SWOT分析
13.14.6 主要開発
13.15 インターナショナル・ビジネス・マシーンズ
13.15.1 主要事実
13.15.2 事業内容
13.15.3 製品とサービス
13.15.4 財務概要
13.15.5 SWOT分析
13.15.6 主要開発
14.1 インサイト・パートナーズについて
14.2 用語集





The North America healthcare CRM market was valued at US$ 2,469.03 million in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 5,651.99 million by 2030; it is estimated to register a CAGR of 10.9% from 2022 to 2030.

Increasing Demand for Data-Driven Insights, Analytics, and Population Health Management Fuels North America Healthcare CRM Market

The demand for data-driven insights, analytics, and population health management is significantly promoting the development of the healthcare industry, which, in turn, propels the demand for healthcare CRM. This increase in demand can be related to the growing emphasis on value-based care and the demand for healthcare organizations to improve patient outcomes, lower costs, and improve overall care quality.

Data-driven insights analytics are critical in healthcare CRM since they allow organizations to examine and evaluate large volumes of patient data to identify trends, patterns, and correlations. This enables healthcare practitioners to understand their patient population better, allowing them to make more accurate decisions about treatment plans, interventions, and resource allocation. Healthcare organizations may also identify high-risk patients, forecast prospective illnesses, and intervene proactively to prevent negative outcomes by employing data-driven analytics. Similarly, population health management is another significant driver of the growing demand for data-driven insights and analytics in the North America healthcare CRM market. Population health management, focusing on improving the health outcomes of entire populations, necessitates healthcare organizations having an extensive understanding of their patient population and the factors that impact their health. Data-driven insights analytics allow healthcare professionals to segment their patient population based on criteria including demographics, clinical problems, and risk factors. This allows them to personalize medical services and treatment plans to the individual requirements of distinct patient groups.

Furthermore, healthcare CRM developers rapidly integrate advanced analytics and population health management capabilities into healthcare CRM platforms. These capabilities enable healthcare organizations to use data to enhance clinical and operational outcomes, resulting in better patient care and lower costs. Thus, the increasing demand for data-driven insights, analytics, and population health management propels the demand for healthcare CRM to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and enhance the overall quality of care, which fuels the growth of the North America healthcare CRM market.

North America Healthcare CRM Market Overview

The majority of the hospitals and clinics in the US are experiencing financial and operational stress. Healthcare CRM software is primarily associated with hospitals, clinics, and ambulatory surgical centers to schedule and manage appointments, especially in emergency departments, and inefficient scheduling in outpatient, in-patient, and surgical departments. Efficient patient scheduling management remains an urgent issue for most hospitals and clinics. Due to improper medical scheduling, the patient experiences delays in delivering quality care in public and private healthcare systems. The 2022 survey of Physician Appointment Wait Times and Medicare and Medicaid Acceptance Rates states that there is a waiting period of average of 26 days to schedule a first-time appointment with a physician, an 8% increase since 2017, when the average wait time was ~24 days. This leads to prolonged wait times, scheduling difficulties, and an imbalance of supply and demand in the public and private healthcare sectors. Healthcare CRM software enables hospitals and clinics to track arrival and departure of patients and gain real-time updates on co-pays and cancellations. The use of software reduces the no-shows by 30% with appointment reminder calls. It enhances the entire treatment procedure and improves communication with the patient.

Furthermore, the US reports a high prevalence of chronic and acute diseases. According to the "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2023 Update" by the American Heart Association, in 2020, coronary heart disease (CHD) was a leading cause (41.2%) of deaths associated with CVDs in the US, followed by stroke (17.3%), other CVD (16.8%), high blood pressure (12.9%), heart failure (9.2%), and diseases of the arteries (2.6%). As per the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ~1 in 20 adults in the US aged 20 and above suffer from coronary artery disease. Thus, a high prevalence of CVDs and other chronic diseases propels the demand for medical scheduling and adoption of healthcare CRM in the US. Also, the rapid adoption of healthcare IT in the US is anticipated to drive the North America healthcare CRM market growth in the future.

North America Healthcare CRM Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

North America Healthcare CRM Market Segmentation

The North America healthcare CRM market is categorized into deployment mode, product type, application, and end user, and country.

Based on deployment mode, the North America healthcare CRM market is bifurcated cloud based and on-premise. The cloud based segment held a larger market share in 2022.

In terms of product type, the North America healthcare CRM market is categorized into operational CRM, analytical CRM, and collaborative CRM. The operational CRM segment held the largest market share in 2022.

By application, the North America healthcare CRM market is segmented into relationship management, case management, case coordination, community outreach, and others. The relationship management segment held the largest market share in 2022. The case management segment is further sub segmented into disease management and clinical trials relationship management. The case coordination segment is further sub segmented into patient information management and pre-authorizations / eligibility. The community outreach segment is further services outreach/promotion and community health education.

By end user, the North America healthcare CRM market is segmented into providers, payers, and others. The providers segment held the largest market share in 2022.

By country, the North America healthcare CRM market is segmented into the US, Canada, and Mexico. The US dominated the North America healthcare CRM market share in 2022.

International Business Machines Corp, IQVIA Holdings Inc, Microsoft Corp, Oracle Corp, Pegasystems Inc, Pipedrive Inc, Sage Group Plc, Salesforce Inc, SAP SE, ScienceSoft USA Corp, SugarCRM Inc, Veeva Systems Inc, VerioMed Corp, WebMD Ignite Inc, and Zendesk Inc are some of the leading companies operating in the North America healthcare CRM market.


Table of Contents

Table of Content

1. Introduction
1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance
1.2 Market Segmentation
2. Executive Summary
2.1 Key Insights
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Coverage
3.2 Secondary Research
3.3 Primary Research
4. North America Healthcare CRM Market Landscape
4.1 Overview
4.2 North America PEST Analysis
5. North America Healthcare CRM Market - Key Industry Dynamics
5.1 North America Healthcare CRM Market - Key Industry Dynamics
5.2 Market Drivers
5.2.1 Growing Emphasis on Patient-Cantered Healthcare Delivery
5.2.2 Increasing Demand for Data-Driven Insights, Analytics, and Population Health Management
5.3 Market Restraints
5.3.1 Lack of Data Security and Concerns Related to Patient Information Privacy
5.4 Market Opportunities
5.4.1 Increasing Knowledge About Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence
5.5 Future Trends
5.5.1 Increasing Acceptance of Digital Health and Mobile CRM Solutions
5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints:
6. Healthcare CRM Market - North America Market Analysis
6.1 North America Healthcare CRM Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 - 2030
6.2 North America Healthcare CRM Market Forecast and Analysis
7. North America Healthcare CRM Market Analysis - By Deployment Mode
7.1 Cloud Based
7.1.1 Overview
7.1.2 Cloud Based Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
7.2 On-premise
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 On-premise Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
8. North America Healthcare CRM Market Analysis - By Product Type
8.1 Operational CRM
8.1.1 Overview
8.1.2 Operational CRM Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
8.2 Analytical CRM
8.2.1 Overview
8.2.2 Analytical CRM Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
8.3 Collaborative CRM
8.3.1 Overview
8.3.2 Collaborative CRM Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
9. North America Healthcare CRM Market Analysis - By Application
9.1 Relationship Management
9.1.1 Overview
9.1.2 Relationship Management Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
9.2 Case Management
9.2.1 Overview
9.2.2 Case Management Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
9.3 Case Coordination
9.3.1 Overview
9.3.2 Case Coordination Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
9.4 Community Outreach
9.4.1 Overview
9.4.2 Community Outreach Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
9.5 Others
9.5.1 Overview
9.5.2 Others Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
10. North America Healthcare CRM Market Analysis - By End User
10.1 Providers
10.1.1 Overview
10.1.2 Providers Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
10.2 Payers
10.2.1 Overview
10.2.2 Payers Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
10.3 Others
10.3.1 Overview
10.3.2 Others Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
11. North America Healthcare CRM Market - Country Analysis
11.1 North America Healthcare CRM Market Revenue and Forecast and Analysis - By Country
11.2 North America Healthcare CRM Market Revenue and Forecast and Analysis - By Country US: North America Healthcare CRM Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Mn) US: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Deployment Mode US: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Product Type US: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Application US: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Case Management US: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Community Outreach US: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Case Coordination US: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by End User Canada: North America Healthcare CRM Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Mn) Canada: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Deployment Mode Canada: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Product Type Canada: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Application Canada: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Case Management Canada: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Community Outreach Canada: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Case Coordination Canada: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by End User Mexico: North America Healthcare CRM Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Mn) Mexico: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Deployment Mode Mexico: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Product Type Mexico: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Application Mexico: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Case Management Mexico: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Community Outreach Mexico: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by Case Coordination Mexico: North America Healthcare CRM Market Breakdown by End User
12. Healthcare CRM Market Industry Landscape
12.1 Overview
13. Company Profiles
13.1 Pegasystems Inc
13.1.1 Key Facts
13.1.2 Business Description
13.1.3 Products and Services
13.1.4 Financial Overview
13.1.5 SWOT Analysis
13.1.6 Key Developments
13.2 Sage Group Plc
13.2.1 Key Facts
13.2.2 Business Description
13.2.3 Products and Services
13.2.4 Financial Overview
13.2.5 SWOT Analysis
13.2.6 Key Developments
13.3 IQVIA Holdings Inc
13.3.1 Key Facts
13.3.2 Business Description
13.3.3 Products and Services
13.3.4 Financial Overview
13.3.5 SWOT Analysis
13.3.6 Key Developments
13.4 VerioMed Corp
13.4.1 Key Facts
13.4.2 Business Description
13.4.3 Products and Services
13.4.4 Financial Overview
13.4.5 SWOT Analysis
13.4.6 Key Developments
13.5 Pipedrive Inc
13.5.1 Key Facts
13.5.2 Business Description
13.5.3 Products and Services
13.5.4 Financial Overview
13.5.5 SWOT Analysis
13.5.6 Key Developments
13.6 WebMD Ignite Inc
13.6.1 Key Facts
13.6.2 Business Description
13.6.3 Products and Services
13.6.4 Financial Overview
13.6.5 SWOT Analysis
13.6.6 Key Developments
13.7 Zendesk Inc
13.7.1 Key Facts
13.7.2 Business Description
13.7.3 Products and Services
13.7.4 Financial Overview
13.7.5 SWOT Analysis
13.7.6 Key Developments
13.8 SugarCRM Inc
13.8.1 Key Facts
13.8.2 Business Description
13.8.3 Products and Services
13.8.4 Financial Overview
13.8.5 SWOT Analysis
13.8.6 Key Developments
13.9 SAP SE
13.9.1 Key Facts
13.9.2 Business Description
13.9.3 Products and Services
13.9.4 Financial Overview
13.9.5 SWOT Analysis
13.9.6 Key Developments
13.10 Veeva Systems Inc
13.10.1 Key Facts
13.10.2 Business Description
13.10.3 Products and Services
13.10.4 Financial Overview
13.10.5 SWOT Analysis
13.10.6 Key Developments
13.11 Oracle Corp
13.11.1 Key Facts
13.11.2 Business Description
13.11.3 Products and Services
13.11.4 Financial Overview
13.11.5 SWOT Analysis
13.11.6 Key Developments
13.12 ScienceSoft USA Corp
13.12.1 Key Facts
13.12.2 Business Description
13.12.3 Products and Services
13.12.4 Financial Overview
13.12.5 SWOT Analysis
13.12.6 Key Developments
13.13 Microsoft Corp
13.13.1 Key Facts
13.13.2 Business Description
13.13.3 Products and Services
13.13.4 Financial Overview
13.13.5 SWOT Analysis
13.13.6 Key Developments
13.14 Salesforce Inc
13.14.1 Key Facts
13.14.2 Business Description
13.14.3 Products and Services
13.14.4 Financial Overview
13.14.5 SWOT Analysis
13.14.6 Key Developments
13.15 International Business Machines Corp
13.15.1 Key Facts
13.15.2 Business Description
13.15.3 Products and Services
13.15.4 Financial Overview
13.15.5 SWOT Analysis
13.15.6 Key Developments
14. Appendix
14.1 About The Insight Partners
14.2 Glossary of Terms






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The Insight Partners社はどのような調査会社ですか?

The Insight Partnersはインドに本社を置く調査会社です。経験豊富な専門家チームを通じて、お客様に最適な調査と分析を提供することに専念しています。幅広い分野をカバーしていますがヘルスケ... もっと見る


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150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
