
特殊肥料市場, 規模, 世界予測 2024-2030, 業界動向, シェア, 成長, 洞察, インフレの影響, 作物, 種類, 国, 適用形態, SWOT, 企業分析

特殊肥料市場, 規模, 世界予測 2024-2030, 業界動向, シェア, 成長, 洞察, インフレの影響, 作物, 種類, 国, 適用形態, SWOT, 企業分析

Specialty Fertilizer Market, Size, Global Forecast 2024-2030, Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Insight, Impact of Inflation, Crop, Type, Countries, Mode of Application, Swot, Companies Analysis

Renub Researchによると、世界の特殊肥料市場は2030年までに527億4,000万米ドルを超えると予測されている。肥料業界は、主に窒素肥料である自社製品の有効性を高め、環境への悪影響を最小限に抑えるという挑戦を... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年2月1日 US$2,490
3営業日程度 280 英語



Renub Researchによると、世界の特殊肥料市場は2030年までに527億4,000万米ドルを超えると予測されている。肥料業界は、主に窒素肥料である自社製品の有効性を高め、環境への悪影響を最小限に抑えるという挑戦を続けている。これは、現行肥料の開発や新しい特殊肥料の導入によって達成される。特殊肥料は革新的なビタミン源であり、土壌や植物の状態に合わせて使用することで、植物に的確に作用し、より高いパフォーマンス、回復力、費用対効果をもたらす。特殊肥料は、水分との接触を制限し、数週間から数ヶ月かけて徐々に肥料の栄養素を放出する。高度な肥料管理プログラムや、不耕起栽培のような革新的な農業システムにとって貴重な存在です。


特殊肥料市場は2024年から2030年にかけてCAGR 6.98%を記録すると予測される






作物別では、特殊肥料市場は果物・野菜、商業作物、その他に区分される。Renub Research社の分析によると、特殊肥料市場は今後数年間を通じて果物・野菜分野で大きく成長する見込みである。このような盛況な成長は、有機食品への需要の高まりと、栄養豊富な土壌を必要とする高度な農業技術の採用によるものである。このカテゴリーの特殊肥料は、特に果物や野菜の特定の栄養要求に応えるように配合されており、農産物の成長と品質をさらに向上させる。この傾向は、持続可能で環境に優しい農法にシフトする農家が増えるにつれて維持されると予想される。








CF Industries Holdings Inc.、Israel Chemicals、Yara International ASA、Kingenta Ecological Engineering Group Co.Ltd.、Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited、The Mosaic Company、BASF SE、OCI Globalが世界の特殊肥料市場における傑出したプレーヤーである。

Renub Research社の最新レポート「特殊肥料市場、肥料セグメント(尿素-硝酸アンモニウム、硝酸カルシウムアンモニウム、リン酸一アンモニウム、硫酸カリウム、硝酸カリウム、その他)、作物(果物・野菜、商業作物、その他)、タイプ(水溶性肥料、その他)別の世界予測」が出版されました。)、タイプ(水溶性肥料、微量栄養素、放出制御型肥料、その他)、適用形態別(施肥、葉面散布、土壌)、国別(北米(米国、カナダ)、欧州(ロシア、フランス、スペイン、イタリア、ドイツ、英国、ポーランド、オランダ、ウクライナ、その他ヨーロッパ諸国)、アジア太平洋(中国、インド、インドネシア、パキスタン、日本、トルコ、タイ、バングラデシュ、ベトナム、フィリピン、韓国、マレーシア、オーストラリア、その他アジア太平洋諸国)、南米(ブラジル、メキシコ、ベネズエラ、アルゼンチン、コロンビア、ペルー、チリ、その他南米諸国)。MEA(ナイジェリア、エジプト、エチオピア、ケニア、サウジアラビア、その他のMEA諸国))、企業(CF Industries Holdings Inc、Israel Chemicals、Yara International ASA、Kingenta Ecological Engineering Group Co., Ltd.、Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited、The Mosaic Company、BASF SE、OCI Global)では、世界の特殊肥料産業の詳細な分析を提供しています。









国別 - この調査レポートは40ヶ国の特殊肥料市場をカバーしています。


1.1 米国
1.2 カナダ


2.1 ロシア
2.2 フランス
2.3 スペイン
2.4 イタリア
2.5 ドイツ
2.6 イギリス
2.7 ポーランド
2.8 オランダ
2.9 ウクライナ
2.10 トルコ
2.11 その他の欧州諸国


3.1 中国
3.2 インド
3.3 インドネシア
3.4 パキスタン
3.5 日本
3.6 タイ
3.7 バングラデシュ
3.8 ベトナム
3.9 フィリピン
3.10 韓国
3.11 マレーシア
3.12 オーストラリア
3.13 その他のアジア太平洋諸国


4.1 ブラジル
4.2 メキシコ
4.3 ベネズエラ
4.4 アルゼンチン
4.5 コロンビア
4.6 ペルー
4.7 チリ
4.8 その他の南米諸国


5.1 ナイジェリア
5.2 エジプト
5.3 エチオピア
5.4 ケニア
5.5 サウジアラビア
5.6 その他のMEA諸国


- 概要
- 最近の動向
- 財務インサイト









4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


6.市場シェア - 特殊肥料市場

6.1 肥料別
6.2 作物別
6.3 タイプ別
6.4 用途別
6.5 国別


7.1 硝酸尿素アンモニウム
7.2 硝酸アンモニウムカルシウム
7.3 リン酸一アンモニウム
7.4 硫酸カリウム
7.5 硝酸カリウム
7.6 その他


8.1 果物および野菜
8.2 商業作物
8.3 その他


9.1 水溶性肥料
9.2 微量栄養素
9.3 制御放出肥料
9.4 その他


10.1 施肥
10.2 葉面散布
10.3 土壌

11.国別 - 特殊肥料市場

11.1 北米

11.1.1 アメリカ
11.1.2 カナダ

11.2 ヨーロッパ

11.2.1 ロシア
11.2.2 フランス
11.2.3 スペイン
11.2.4 イタリア
11.2.5 ドイツ
11.2.6 イギリス
11.2.7 ポーランド
11.2.8 オランダ
11.2.9 ウクライナ
11.2.10 トルコ
11.2.11 その他のヨーロッパ諸国

11.3 アジア太平洋

11.3.1 中国
11.3.2 インド
11.3.3 インドネシア
11.3.4 パキスタン
11.3.5 日本
11.3.6 タイ
11.3.7 バングラデシュ
11.3.8 ベトナム
11.3.9 フィリピン
11.3.10 韓国
11.3.11 マレーシア
11.3.12 オーストラリア
11.3.13 その他のアジア太平洋諸国

11.4 南米

11.4.1 ブラジル
11.4.2 メキシコ
11.4.3 ベネズエラ
11.4.4 アルゼンチン
11.4.5 コロンビア
11.4.6 ペルー
11.4.7 チリ
11.4.8 その他の南米諸国

11.5 中東・アフリカ

11.5.1 ナイジェリア
11.5.2 エジプト
11.5.3 エチオピア
11.5.4 ケニア
11.5.5 サウジアラビア
11.5.6 その他のMEA諸国

12.ポーターのファイブフォース分析 - 特殊肥料市場

12.1 買い手の交渉力
12.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
12.3 ライバルの度合い
12.4 新規参入の脅威
12.5 代替品の脅威

13.SWOT分析 - 特殊肥料市場

13.1 強み
13.2 弱点
13.3 機会
13.4 脅威


14.1 モザイク社

14.1.1 概要
14.1.2 最近の開発
14.1.3 収益

14.2 CFインダストリーズ・ホールディングス

14.2.1 概要
14.2.2 最近の開発
14.2.3 収益

14.3 イスラエル化学

14.3.1 概要
14.3.2 最近の発展
14.3.3 収益

14.4 ヤラ・インターナショナルASA

14.4.1 概要
14.4.2 最近の開発
14.4.3 収益

14.5 金源生態工程集団有限公司

14.5.1 概要
14.5.2 最近の発展
14.5.3 収益

14.6 ナガールジュナ・ファーティライザーズ・アンド・ケミカルズ社

14.6.1 概要
14.6.2 最近の開発
14.6.3 収益

14.7 BASF SE

14.7.1 概要
14.7.2 最近の開発
14.7.3 収益

14.8 OCIグローバル

14.8.1 概要
14.8.2 最近の開発
14.8.3 収益



表-07: 世界の特殊肥料市場シェア:適用形態別(パーセント)、2018年 - 2023年





Global Specialty Fertilizers Market is projected to surpass US$ 52.74 Billion by 2030, as per Renub Research. The fertilizer industry has an ongoing challenge to enhance the effectiveness of its products, mostly nitrogenous fertilizers, and to minimize any negative environmental effect. This is achieved via the development of current fertilizers or the introduction of new, specialized fertilizer types. Specialty fertilizers are innovative sources of vitamins used in precise soil and plant conditions for targeted plant action, resulting in greater performance, restoration, and cost-effectiveness. Specialty fertilizers limit moisture contact and gradually launch fertilizer nutrients over weeks or months. They are valuable to advanced fertilizer control programs and innovative farming systems like no-tillage farming.

Fertilizer is essential for sustaining the growing worldwide population, projected to exceed 9.5 billion people by 2050. Notably, 1/2 of all foods produced globally, intended for human and animal consumption, is made possible through fertilizers. As the demand for foods will increase, farmers worldwide will retain to depend upon Specialty fertilizers to grow production performance, generate more and more foods, and optimize inputs. Specialty Fertilizers are pivotal in replenishing soil nutrients utilized by plants every growing season. The three key nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium - are vital for plant growth, and it's critical to have them in the proper amount in the soil to produce healthy crops.

Specialty Fertilizer Market is projected to register a CAGR of 6.98% from 2024 to 2030

Specialized fertilizers can help grow crop yields with the aid of concentrated on specific growth stages, metabolic features, and the plant's potential to deal with certain stress conditions. These fertilizers include one or more crucial nutrients that plant life need to grow, together with primary, secondary, and micro-nutrients. Plants want about 12 of these critical nutrients to reach their maximum capacity.

Specialty fertilizers differ from commonplace fertilizers like urea, diammonium phosphate (DAP), and muriate of potash (MOP) due to the fact they have got unique properties, are less standardized, and are greater expensive. These varieties of fertilizers are in high demand by producers and distributors due to their unique characteristics. Several factors drive the global specialty fertilizer market, which include the need for higher crops and sustainable agricultural practices. Precision agriculture also contributes to the marketplace's increase because it demands for specialized fertilizers. The growing worldwide populace, the demand for food, and the need for efficient nutrient management are other factors that drive demand for those products. The Global Specialty Fertilizers Market is valued at US$ 32.89 Billion in 2023.

Urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) segment will capture the maximum share in the global specialty fertilizers industry

The fertilizer Specialty Fertilizers Market is divided into Urea-Ammonium Nitrate, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate, Monoammonium Phosphate, Potassium Sulfate, Potassium Nitrate, and others. Specialty fertilizers market is projected to witness widespread increase in the upcoming years, with the Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) sector anticipated to preserve the largest market share. This increase can be attributed to the flexibility and ease of application of UAN, which makes it a famous choice among farmers. UAN is a liquid specialty fertilizer composed of a combination of urea and ammonium nitrate, which offers a balanced blend of nitrogen and ammonium suitable for diverse plants. UAN can be applied either to the soil or as a foliar spray, and it offers several benefits, consisting quick nutrient availability, reduced nutrient losses, and improved nutrient utilization efficiency. UAN is broadly applied in North America, Europe, and Asia and is expected to remain a essential part of the global specialty fertilizers market.

Fruits and Vegetables segment witnessed surge at a rapid rate

By Crop, Specialty Fertilizers Market is segmented into Fruits and Vegetables, Commercial Crops and Others. According to Renub Research analysis, the specialty fertilizers market is expected to grow significantly in the Fruits and Vegetables sector throughout the upcoming years. This thriving growth is attributed to the growing demand for organic food produce and the adoption of advanced farming techniques that require nutrient-wealthy soil. The specialty fertilizers in this category are in particular formulated to cater to the particular nutritional requirements of fruits and vegetables, further improving the produce's growth and high-quality. This trend is anticipated to maintain as increasingly more farmers shift toward sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices.

Water-soluble fertilizer section is a substantial contributor to the specialty fertilizer market

By Type, the Specialty Fertilizers Market is classified into Water Soluble Fertilizers, Micronutrients, Controlled-release Fertilizers, and others. Farmers regularly use water-soluble fertilizers to improve crop first-class and yield. These fertilizers, together with NPK, potassium nitrate, monopotassium phosphate, monoammonium phosphate, and urea phosphate, dissolve easily in water and are normally used for foliar feeding and fertigation in precision agriculture. Water-soluble fertilizers have a low salt index and high use performance, making them in high demand among farmers. They additionally help to resolve issues like nutrient fixation in soil, nutrient immobilization, and nutrient loss because of volatilization, such as nitrogen. The category of water-soluble fertilizers has the best revenue percentage and is predicted to preserve this role in upcoming years.

During the forecast period, the Fertigation Mode of Application sector will preserve the maximum substantial worldwide specialty fertilizers market proportion

By mode of application, the specialty fertilizers market is broken into fertilization, foliar, and soil. The Fertigation Mode of Application segment is poised to dominate the worldwide specialty fertilizers market. This expected leadership underscores the importance of precision and performance in nutrient delivery. Fertigation, making use of fertilizers via irrigation systems, increasingly adopts advanced practices. The prominence of the Fertigation Mode of Application sector displays its pivotal position in assembly the evolving demands of cutting-edge, high-efficiency farming, using the growth and shaping the landscape of the worldwide specialty fertilizers marketplace.

China is expected to experience the rapid expansion in the global specialty fertilizer market during the projected period
By Country, Specialty Fertilizers Market is split into North America (United States, Canada), Europe (Russia, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Poland, Netherlands, Ukraine, Other European Countries), Asia Pacific (China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Japan, Turkey, Thailand, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines, Korea, Malaysia, Australia, Other Asia-Pacific Countries), South American (Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Other South American Countries) Middle East & Africa (Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, and other MEA Countries). China is the world's most populous country and the 1/3 biggest by area, with diverse climatic situations, topographies, and soil types.

China is poised to experience the fastest growth within the global specialty fertilizer market in upcoming years. This projection highlights the country’s pivotal role in shaping the industry panorama, driven by increasing agricultural activities, technological improvements, and a growing emphasis on sustainable farming practices. As China continues to play a massive role in worldwide agriculture, its specialty fertilizer market's rapid growth underscores its commitment to improving agricultural productiveness and efficiency, reflecting a broader trend towards innovative and environmentally aware strategies to crop control.

Key Player

CF Industries Holdings Inc, Israel Chemicals, Yara International ASA, Kingenta Ecological Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited, The Mosaic Company, BASF SE, and OCI Global are the distinguished players in the Global Specialty Fertilizer Market.

Renub Research latest report “Specialty Fertilizers Market, Global Forecast By Fertilizer Segments (Urea-Ammonium Nitrate, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate, Monoammonium Phosphate, Potassium Sulfate, Potassium Nitrate, and Others.), Crop (Fruits and Vegetables, Commercial Crops and Others.), Type (Water Soluble Fertilizers, Micronutrients, Controlled-release Fertilizers, and Others), By mode of application(fertilization, foliar, and soil), Country (North America (United States, Canada), Europe (Russia, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Poland, Netherlands, Ukraine, Other European Countries), Asia Pacific (China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Japan, Turkey, Thailand, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines, Korea, Malaysia, Australia, Other Asia-Pacific Countries), South American (Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Other South American Countries). MEA (Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, and other MEA Countries)), Companies (CF Industries Holdings Inc, Israel Chemicals, Yara International ASA, Kingenta Ecological Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited, The Mosaic Company, BASF SE, and OCI Global)” provides a detailed analysis of Global Specialty Fertilizers Industry.

By Fertilizer Segments market has been covered from 6 viewpoints:

1. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate
2. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate
3. Monoammonium Phosphate
4. Potassium Sulfate
5. Potassium Nitrate
6. Others

By Crop market has been covered from 3 viewpoints:

1. Fruits and Vegetables
2. Commercial Crops
3. Others

By Type market has been covered from 4 viewpoints:

1. Water Soluble Fertilizers
2. Micronutrients
3. Controlled-release Fertilizers
4. Others

By Mode of Application market has been covered from 3 viewpoints:

1. Fertigation
2. Foliar
3. Soil

Country – This report covers the 40 countries Specialty Fertilizer Market

1. North America

1.1 United States
1.2 Canada

2. Europe

2.1 Russia
2.2 France
2.3 Spain
2.4 Italy
2.5 Germany
2.6 United Kingdom
2.7 Poland
2.8 Netherlands
2.9 Ukraine
2.10 Turkey
2.11 Other European Countries

3. Asia-Pacific

3.1 China
3.2 India
3.3 Indonesia
3.4 Pakistan
3.5 Japan
3.6 Thailand
3.7 Bangladesh
3.8 Vietnam
3.9 Philippines
3.10 Korea
3.11 Malaysia
3.12 Australia
3.13 Other Asia-Pacific Countries

4. South America

4.1 Brazil
4.2 Mexico
4.3 Venezuela
4.4 Argentina
4.5 Colombia
4.6 Peru
4.7 Chile
4.8 Other South American Countries

5. Middle East & Africa

5.1 Nigeria
5.2 Egypt
5.3 Ethiopia
5.4 Kenya
5.5 Saudi Arabia
5.6 Other MEA Countries

Company Insights:

• Overview
• Recent Development
• Financial Insight

Companies Covered:

1. CF Industries Holdings Inc
2. Israel Chemicals
3. Yara International ASA
4. Kingenta Ecological Engineering Group Co., Ltd
5. Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited
6. The Mosaic Company
8. OCI Global


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Specialty Fertilizers Market

6. Market Share – Specialty Fertilizers Market

6.1 By Fertilizer
6.2 By Crop
6.3 By Type
6.4 By Mode of Application
6.5 By Countries

7. Fertilizer – Specialty Fertilizers Market

7.1 Urea-Ammonium Nitrate
7.2 Calcium Ammonium Nitrate
7.3 Monoammonium Phosphate
7.4 Potassium Sulfate
7.5 Potassium Nitrate
7.6 Others

8. Crop – Specialty Fertilizers Market

8.1 Fruits and Vegetables
8.2 Commercial Crops
8.3 Others

9. Type – Specialty Fertilizers Market

9.1 Water Soluble Fertilizers
9.2 Micronutrients
9.3 Controlled-release Fertilizers
9.4 Others

10. Mode of Application

10.1 Fertigation
10.2 Foliar
10.3 Soil

11. Country – Specialty Fertilizers Market

11.1 North America

11.1.1 United States
11.1.2 Canada

11.2 Europe

11.2.1 Russia
11.2.2 France
11.2.3 Spain
11.2.4 Italy
11.2.5 Germany
11.2.6 United Kingdom
11.2.7 Poland
11.2.8 Netherlands
11.2.9 Ukraine
11.2.10 Turkey
11.2.11 Other European Countries

11.3 Asia-Pacific

11.3.1 China
11.3.2 India
11.3.3 Indonesia
11.3.4 Pakistan
11.3.5 Japan
11.3.6 Thailand
11.3.7 Bangladesh
11.3.8 Vietnam
11.3.9 Philippines
11.3.10 Korea
11.3.11 Malaysia
11.3.12 Australia
11.3.13 Other Asia-Pacific Countries

11.4 South America

11.4.1 Brazil
11.4.2 Mexico
11.4.3 Venezuela
11.4.4 Argentina
11.4.5 Colombia
11.4.6 Peru
11.4.7 Chile
11.4.8 Other South American Countries

11.5 Middle East & Africa

11.5.1 Nigeria
11.5.2 Egypt
11.5.3 Ethiopia
11.5.4 Kenya
11.5.5 Saudi Arabia
11.5.6 Other MEA Countries

12. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis – Specialty Fertilizers Market

12.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
12.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
12.3 Degree of Rivalry
12.4 Threat of New Entrants
12.5 Threat of Substitutes

13. SWOT Analysis – Specialty Fertilizers Market

13.1 Strength
13.2 Weakness
13.3 Opportunity
13.4 Threat

14. Company Analysis

14.1 The Mosaic Company

14.1.1 Overview
14.1.2 Recent Development
14.1.3 Revenue

14.2 CF Industries Holdings Inc.

14.2.1 Overview
14.2.2 Recent Development
14.2.3 Revenue

14.3 Israel Chemicals

14.3.1 Overview
14.3.2 Recent Development
14.3.3 Revenue

14.4 Yara International ASA

14.4.1 Overview
14.4.2 Recent Development
14.4.3 Revenue

14.5 Kingenta Ecological Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

14.5.1 Overview
14.5.2 Recent Development
14.5.3 Revenue

14.6 Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited

14.6.1 Overview
14.6.2 Recent Development
14.6.3 Revenue

14.7 BASF SE

14.7.1 Overview
14.7.2 Recent Development
14.7.3 Revenue

14.8 OCI Global

14.8.1 Overview
14.8.2 Recent Development
14.8.3 Revenue


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: Global – Specialty Fertilizers Market Share by Fertilizer (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Specialty Fertilizers Market Share by Fertilizer (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-03: Global – Specialty Fertilizers Market Share by Crop (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Specialty Fertilizers Market Share by Crop (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-05: Global – Specialty Fertilizers Market Share by Type (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Specialty Fertilizers Market Share by Type (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-07: Global – Specialty Fertilizers Market Share by Mode of Application (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-08: Global – Forecast for Specialty Fertilizers Market Share by Mode of Application (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-09: Global – Specialty Fertilizers Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-10: Global – Forecast for Specialty Fertilizers Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2024 – 2030






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