


Automotive Robotics Market, Size, Global Forecast 2024-2030, Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Insight, Impact of Inflation, Company Analysis

Renub Research社の調査によると、世界の自動車用ロボット市場規模は2030年までに165億5000万米ドルに達すると予測されている。自動化とロボティクスは、多くの責任において人間の支援を更新する技術である。自動... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年1月1日 US$2,490
3営業日程度 210 英語



Renub Research社の調査によると、世界の自動車用ロボット市場規模は2030年までに165億5000万米ドルに達すると予測されている。自動化とロボティクスは、多くの責任において人間の支援を更新する技術である。自動車市場は、自動化のためにCNC機械装置や産業用ロボットを使用し、生産におけるロボットの導入が著しいセグメントである。自動車用ロボットは、自動車工場で使用されるロボットである。溶接、打ち合わせ、塗装、精密検査など、生産工程におけるさまざまな作業を支援する。ロボットは反復作業や危険な作業に有効で、安全性を高め、人間のオペレーターの必要性を減らす。










用途別では、自動車ロボット市場は、マテリアルハンドリング、溶接、塗装、切断、その他に分類される。Renub Researchの予測では、自動車用ロボティクス市場のマテリアルハンドリング分野で顕著な拡大が見込まれている。この急成長は、自動車産業における材料の管理・加工方法の変革におけるロボティクスの極めて重要な役割を裏付けている。特に製造・組立工程で自動化の需要が高まるにつれ、マテリアルハンドリング部門は大きな発展を遂げようとしている。ロボット技術の革新は効率と精度を高め、自動車製造の進化に貢献する。この軌跡は、マテリアルハンドリング・アプリケーションにおける自動車用ロボットのダイナミックで効率的な未来を保証し、先進技術の活用に対する業界のコミットメントを反映している。





ABB、Fanuc Corporation、Rockwell Automation Inc.、安川電機株式会社、Kuka AG、川崎重工業株式会社、Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.、オムロン株式会社、ヤマハ発動機株式会社は、世界の自動車ロボット市場における著名な企業である。Ltd.が、世界の自動車用ロボット市場で著名な企業である。

Renub Researchの調査レポート「自動車用ロボット市場、コンポーネント(コントローラ、ロボットアーム、エンドエフェクタ、センサ、ドライブ、その他)、タイプ(多関節ロボット、円筒ロボット、スカラロボット、直交ロボット、その他ロボット)、用途(マテリアルハンドリング、溶接、塗装、切断、その他)、地域(北米(米国、カナダ)、欧州(ドイツ、イギリス、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、スイス)、アジア太平洋(日本、中国、インド、オーストラリア、韓国、インドネシア)、南米(メキシコ、ブラジル、アルゼンチン)、中東・アフリカ(南アフリカ、サウジアラビア、アラブ首長国連邦)、その他の地域)、企業(ABB、ファナック株式会社、Rockwell Automation Inc.,安川電機株式会社、クカAG、川崎重工業株式会社、株式会社ハーモニック・ドライブ・システムズ、オムロン株式会社、ヤマハ発動機株式会社)。Ltd)」は、世界の自動車用ロボット産業に関する完全な洞察を提供しています。

コンポーネント - 6つの視点からの市場分析


タイプ別 - 5つの視点からの市場分析


アプリケーション - 5つの視点からの市場細分化




1.1 米国
1.2 カナダ


2.1 ドイツ
2.2 イギリス
2.3 フランス
2.4 イタリア
2.5 スペイン
2.6 スイス


3.1 日本
3.2 中国
3.3 インド
3.4 韓国
3.5 インドネシア
3.6 オーストラリア


4.1 メキシコ
4.2 ブラジル
4.3 アルゼンチン


5.1 サウジアラビア
5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
5.3 南アフリカ



- 会社概要
- 最近の動向
- 売上高


1.ABB, ファナック







4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題



6.1 コンポーネント別
6.2 タイプ別
6.3 用途別
6.4 国別


7.1 コントローラ
7.2 ロボットアーム
7.3 エンドエフェクター
7.4 センサー
7.5 ドライブ
7.6 その他


8.1 多関節ロボット
8.2 円筒型ロボット
8.3 スカラロボット
8.4 直交ロボット
8.5 その他(極・球ロボット)


9.1 マテリアルハンドリング
9.2 溶接
9.3 塗装
9.4 切削
9.5 その他

10.国別 - 自動車用ロボットの世界市場

10.1 北米

10.1.1 米国
10.1.2 カナダ

10.2 ヨーロッパ

10.2.1 ドイツ
10.2.2 イギリス
10.2.3 フランス
10.2.4 イタリア
10.2.5 スペイン
10.2.6 スイス

10.3 アジア太平洋

10.3.1 日本
10.3.2 中国
10.3.3 インド
10.3.4 韓国
10.3.5 インドネシア
10.3.6 オーストラリア

10.4 ラテンアメリカ

10.4.1 メキシコ
10.4.2 ブラジル
10.4.3 アルゼンチン

10.5 中東・アフリカ

10.5.1 サウジアラビア
10.5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
10.5.3 南アフリカ

10.6 その他の地域

11.ポーターの5つの力 - 自動車用ロボットの世界市場

11.1 買い手の交渉力
11.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
11.3 新規参入の脅威
11.4 既存競争企業間のライバル関係
11.5 代替製品の脅威

12.SWOT分析 - 世界の自動車用ロボット市場

12.1 強み
12.2 弱点
12.3 チャンス
12.4 脅威


13.1 ABB

13.1.1 概要
13.1.2 最近の発展
13.1.3 収益

13.2 ファナック株式会社

13.2.1 概要
13.2.2 最近の動向
13.2.3 収益

13.3 ロックウェル・オートメーション

13.3.1 概要
13.3.2 最近の発展
13.3.3 収益

13.4 安川電機株式会社

13.4.1 概要
13.4.2 最近の展開
13.4.3 収益

13.5 kuka AG

13.5.1 概要
13.5.2 最近の発展
13.5.3 収益

13.6 川崎重工業

13.6.1 概要
13.6.2 最近の開発状況
13.6.3 収益

13.7 ハーモニック・ドライブ・システムズ

13.7.1 概要
13.7.2 最近の展開
13.7.3 収益

13.8 オムロン株式会社

13.8.1 概要
13.8.2 最近の展開
13.8.3 収益

13.9 ヤマハ発動機ヤマハ発動機

13.9.1 概要
13.9.2 最近の展開
13.9.3 収益








Global Automotive Robotics Market size is projected to reach US$ 16.55 Billion by 2030, as per Renub Research. Automation and robotics are technology which could update human assistance in numerous responsibilities. The automobile market is a segment with a tremendous implementation of robots in production, using CNC machine equipment and industrial robots for automation. Automotive robotics are robots used in vehicle factories. They assist with different kind tasks within the production process, consisting of welding, meeting, portray, and fine tests. Robots are beneficial for repetitive or risky tasks, growing safety and reducing the need for human operators.

Nowadays, Robots have become an increasingly useful in the automotive industry. Engineers are finding new uses for them on account that they're specific and efficient. The automobile industry is one of the global maximum automatic supply chains, and robots play a crucial part. Currently, 30% of overall investments within the industry sector are allocated towards automotive robotics. This makes the automotive industry the crucial area in incorporating commercial robots worldwide. Market increase is boosted by rapid technological progressions, which involve incorporating the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud solutions, and Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles (AIVs) to transfer components and materials from one area to another other securely. To meet the 2030 objectives, government worldwide need to increase low- or zero-emission vehicles. This will require revolutionary technologies like "smart sensors" cognitive and collaborative robots. Automation of new generations of motors may be vital, and it will ought to be speedy and massive.

Automotive Robotics Market is displaying a thriving CAGR of 10.86% from 2024 to 2030

In recent decades, reducing operating expenses were achieved via growing operational flexibility and reducing raw material wastage and inefficiencies in the workflow, ensuing in accelerated profitability for manufacturers. Numerous substantial, small-sized, well established competitors in the robotics sector make the global automotive robotics market competitive. Due to the introduction of technologically innovative and new products inclusive of collaborative robots, the degree of competition on this marketplace has expanded in last few years. In the year May 2015, "Made in China 2025" a development approach announced by the Government of China. Its objectives to enhance China's worldwide competitiveness and make it a key technological force by 2025 via innovation and restructuring of the production segment.

Industry 4.0 is the modern-day segment of the economic revolution, emphasizing automation, real-time records, interconnectivity, and machine learning. It entails using smart virtual technology to improve manufacturing and supply chain control. Robotics, AI, data analytics, and cloud computing are quintessential to Industry 4.0, making commercial robots more dependable and efficient. The goal is maximum efficiency with zero downtime, which creates increase opportunities inside the automotive robotics market. The global automotive robotics market changed into worth US$ 8.04 Billion in 2023.

Robotic Arm has captured maximum of the market percentage

By Components, the Automotive Robotics Market is divided into Controllers, Robotic Arms, End Effectors, Sensors, Drives, and Others. The global automotive robotics market is predominantly led via robot arms, securing maximum of the market share. This dominance displays the integral position robotic hands play in automobile manufacturing approaches. Renowned for their precision, speed, and adaptableness, robot arms are instrumental in welding, painting, and assembly tasks. As the automotive industry increasingly more embraces automation for efficiency and fineness, the full-size utilization of robot arms underscores their pivotal contribution to shaping the panorama of automobile robotics globally. Robotic arms are relatively versatile tools that play a key position in advancing the automobile industry's manufacturing abilities. They are a vital part of the manufacturing system, and their adaptability allows for progressed performance and precision in production.

Articulated Robots will maintain more than half of the market percentage in the coming years

By Type, the automotive robotics market is segmented into articulated robots, cylindrical robots, scary robots, Cartesian robots, and others. As generation advances, articulated robots discover their niche in automobile manufacturing, streamlining manufacturing traces with precision and efficiency. These versatile robots seamlessly navigate complex responsibilities, from welding and painting to assembly and quality control. Their agility and adaptability make them fundamental in the market that demands velocity, accuracy, and scalability. With the upward push of electrical and autonomous automobiles, the demand for articulated robots is poised to surge similarly, driving innovation and reshaping the panorama of automotive production. The symbiotic relationship among the automotive market and articulated robots underscores a pivotal alliance, propelling each sector right into a future of automation and sensible manufacturing.

The material handling sector is expected to grow in the Automotive Robotics Industry

By Application, Automotive Robotics Market is classified into Material Handling, Welding, Painting, Cutting, and Others. Renub Research Forecasts indicate notable expansion within the Automotive Robotics Market's material handling segment. This surge in growth underscores the pivotal role of robotics in revolutionizing how materials are managed and processed in the automotive industry. As demand for automation intensifies, particularly in manufacturing and assembly processes, the material handling segment is poised for substantial development. Innovations in robotic technology are set to enhance efficiency and precision, contributing to the evolution of automotive manufacturing. This trajectory reflects the industry's commitment to harnessing advanced technologies, ensuring a dynamic and efficient future for automotive robotics in material handling applications.

China Automotive Robotics Market is anticipated to exhibit significant growth during the forecast period

By Country, Automotive Robotics Market is split into North America (United States, Canada), Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland), Asia Pacific (Japan, China, India, Australia, South Korea, Indonesia), South America (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina), Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), and Rest of world. The United States leads the automotive robotics market, adopting robotics for responsibilities from material handling. This reflects the country commitment to advancing automation, enhancing efficiency, and maintaining a competitive facet inside the manufacturing sector. The US remains at the forefront of integrating modern-day robotics technology and shaping the worldwide automobile marketplace.

China' automotive industry is expected to grow appreciably due to the growing adoption of robotics. Automation integration aligns with China's dedication to technological development and offers an option to challenges posed by labor costs.

Key Player

ABB, Fanuc Corporation, Rockwell Automation Inc., Yaskawa Electric Corporation, Kuka AG, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd, Harmonic Drive Systems Inc., Omron Corporation, and Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd are prominent companies in the worldwide automobile robotics market.

Renub Research report titled “Automotive Robotics Market, Global Forecast by Components (Controller, Robotic Arm, End Effector, Sensors, Drive and Others), Types (Articulated Robots, Cylindrical Robots, Scara Robots, Cartesian Robots, Others Robots), Application (Material handling, Welding, Painting, Cutting and Others), Region (North America (United States, Canada), Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland), Asia Pacific (Japan, China, India, Australia, South Korea, Indonesia), South America (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina), Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Rest of world), Company (ABB, Fanuc Corporation, Rockwell Automation Inc., Yaskawa Electric Corporation, Kuka AG, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd, Harmonic Drive Systems Inc., Omron Corporation, and Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd)” provides complete insights on Global Automotive Robotics Industry.

Component – Market breakup from 6 viewpoints

1. Controller
2. Robotic Arm
3. End Effector
4. Sensors
5. Drive
6. Others

Type – Market breakup from 5 viewpoints

1. Articulated Robots
2. Cylindrical Robots
3. Scara Robots
4. Cartesian Robots
5. Others Robots

Application – Market breakup from 5 viewpoints

1. Material handling
2. Welding
3. Painting
4. Cutting
5. Others

Country – Market breakup from 21 viewpoints

1. North America

1.1 United States
1.2 Canada

2. Europe

2.1 Germany
2.2 United Kingdom
2.3 France
2.4 Italy
2.5 Spain
2.6 Switzerland

3. Asia Pacific

3.1 Japan
3.2 China
3.3 India
3.4 South Korea
3.5 Indonesia
3.6 Australia

4. Latin America

4.1 Mexico
4.2 Brazil
4.3 Argentina

5. Middle East & Africa

5.1 Saudi Arabia
5.2 United Arab Emirates
5.3 South Africa

6. Rest of World

Company Insights

• Overviews
• Recent development
• Revenues

Company Analysis

1. ABB, Fanuc Corporation
2. Rockwell Automation Inc.
3. Yaskawa Electric Corporation
4. Kuka AG
5. Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd
6. Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.
7. Omron Corporation
8. Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Automotive Robotics Market

6. Market Share – Global Automotive Robotics Market

6.1 By Component
6.2 By Type
6.3 By Application
6.4 By Countries

7. Component – Global Automotive Robotics Market

7.1 Controller
7.2 Robotic Arm
7.3 End Effector
7.4 Sensors
7.5 Drive
7.6 Others

8. Type – Global Automotive Robotics Market

8.1 Articulated Robots
8.2 Cylindrical Robots
8.3 Scara Robots
8.4 Cartesian Robots
8.5 Others Robots (polar/spherical Robots)

9. Application – Global Automotive Robotics Market

9.1 Material handling
9.2 Welding
9.3 Painting
9.4 Cutting
9.5 Others

10. Countries – Global Automotive Robotics Market

10.1 North America

10.1.1 United States
10.1.2 Canada

10.2 Europe

10.2.1 Germany
10.2.2 United Kingdom
10.2.3 France
10.2.4 Italy
10.2.5 Spain
10.2.6 Switzerland

10.3 Asia Pacific

10.3.1 Japan
10.3.2 China
10.3.3 India
10.3.4 South Korea
10.3.5 Indonesia
10.3.6 Australia

10.4 Latin America

10.4.1 Mexico
10.4.2 Brazil
10.4.3 Argentina

10.5 Middle East & Africa

10.5.1 Saudi Arabia
10.5.2 United Arab Emirates
10.5.3 South Africa

10.6 Rest of World

11. Porter’s Five Forces – Global Automotive Robotics Market

11.1 Bargaining Power of Buyer
11.2 Bargaining Power of Supplier
11.3 Threat of New Entrants
11.4 Rivalry among Existing Competitors
11.5 Threat of Substitute Products

12. SWOT Analysis – Global Automotive Robotics Market

12.1 Strengths
12.2 Weaknesses
12.3 Opportunities
12.4 Threats

13. Key Players Analysis

13.1 ABB

13.1.1 Overviews
13.1.2 Recent Development
13.1.3 Revenues

13.2 Fanuc Corporation

13.2.1 Overviews
13.2.2 Recent Development
13.2.3 Revenues

13.3 Rockwell Automation, Inc.

13.3.1 Overviews
13.3.2 Recent Development
13.3.3 Revenues

13.4 Yaskawa Electric Corporation

13.4.1 Overviews
13.4.2 Recent Development
13.4.3 Revenues

13.5 kuka AG

13.5.1 Overviews
13.5.2 Recent Development
13.5.3 Revenues

13.6 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.

13.6.1 Overviews
13.6.2 Recent Development
13.6.3 Revenues

13.7 Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

13.7.1 Overviews
13.7.2 Recent Development
13.7.3 Revenues

13.8 Omron Corporation

13.8.1 Overviews
13.8.2 Recent Development
13.8.3 Revenues

13.9 Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd.

13.9.1 Overviews
13.9.2 Recent Development
13.9.3 Revenues


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: Global – Automotives Robotics Market Share by Component (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Automotives Robotics Market Share by Component (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-03: Global – Automotives Robotics Market Share by Type (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Automotives Robotics Market Share by Type (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-05: Global – Automotives Robotics Market Share by Application (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Automotives Robotics Market Share by Application (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-07: Global – Automotives Robotics Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-08: Global – Forecast for Automotives Robotics Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2024 – 2030





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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
