バイオエタノールの世界市場レポート、歴史と予測 2017-2028年Global Bioethanol Market Report, History and Forecast 2017-2028 市場の分析と洞察バイオエタノールの世界市場 バイオエタノールの世界市場は、2021年には8億2913万米ドルとなり、2028年末には18億771万米ドルに達し、2022年から2028年にかけて年平均成長率8.21%で成長すると... もっと見る
サマリー市場の分析と洞察バイオエタノールの世界市場バイオエタノールの世界市場は、2021年には8億2913万米ドルとなり、2028年末には18億771万米ドルに達し、2022年から2028年にかけて年平均成長率8.21%で成長すると予想されています。 バイオエタノールの世界市場範囲と市場規模 バイオエタノールの世界市場は、地域(国)別、企業別、タイプ別、用途別に分類されています。バイオエタノールの世界市場におけるプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力な資料として利用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント分析では、地域(国)別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別の売上高、収益、2017-2028年までの予測に焦点を当てています。 企業別 POET ADM(バイオウルジャグループ) グリーン・プレインズ バレロ・エナジー Tereos ライゼン アルト・イングリディエンツ アンダーソンズ セカブ パンノニアバイオ BP ビッグリバーリソース エメティス クロップエナジー ホワイトエナジー コフコ SDICバイオ CHS Inc アルコグループ エースエタノール エンヴィエングループ エッセンティカ 種類別セグメント 澱粉系エタノール 糖質系エタノール セルロース系エタノール 用途別セグメント 燃料 化粧品 医薬 その他 地域別 北アメリカ 米国 カナダ メキシコ アジア・パシフィック 中国 日本 韓国 インド 東南アジア 欧州 ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア 南米 ブラジル アルゼンチン 中近東・アフリカ 中東 アフリカ 目次1 Bioethanol Market Overview 11.1 Bioethanol Product Overview 1 1.2 Bioethanol Market Segment by Type 3 1.2.1 Starch based Ethanol 3 1.2.2 Sugar based Ethanol 4 1.2.3 Cellulose-based Ethanol 6 1.3 Global Bioethanol Market Size by Type 7 1.3.1 Global Bioethanol Market Size Overview by Type (2017-2028) 7 1.3.2 Global Bioethanol Historic Market Size Review by Type (2017-2022) 8 1.3.3 Global Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Type (2023-2028) 9 1.4 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Type 11 1.4.1 North America Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 11 1.4.2 Europe Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 12 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 14 1.4.4 South America Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 16 1.4.5 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 18 2 Bioethanol Market Competition by Company 21 2.1 Global Top Players by Bioethanol Sales (2017-2022) 21 2.2 Global Top Players by Bioethanol Revenue (2017-2022) 23 2.3 Global Top Players by Bioethanol Price (2017-2022) 24 2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Bioethanol Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area 25 2.5 Bioethanol Market Competitive Situation and Trends 26 2.5.1 Bioethanol Market Concentration Rate (2017-2022) 26 2.5.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Bioethanol Revenue in 2021 27 2.6 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Bioethanol as of 2021) 28 2.7 Date of Key Manufacturers Established 29 3 Bioethanol Status and Outlook by Region 31 3.1 Global Bioethanol Market Size and CAGR by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 31 3.2 Global Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Region 31 3.2.1 Global Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Region (2017-2022) 31 3.2.2 Global Bioethanol Sales in Value by Region (2017-2022) 32 3.2.3 Global Bioethanol Sales (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 32 3.3 Global Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Region 33 3.3.1 Global Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Region (2023-2028) 33 3.3.2 Global Bioethanol Sales in Value by Region (2023-2028) 33 3.3.3 Global Bioethanol Sales (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2023-2028) 34 4 Bioethanol by Application 35 4.1 Bioethanol Market Segment by Application 35 4.1.1 Fuel 35 4.1.2 Cosmetics 36 4.1.3 Pharmaceuticals 38 4.2 Global Bioethanol Market Size by Application 39 4.2.1 Global Bioethanol Market Size Overview by Application (2017-2028) 39 4.2.2 Global Bioethanol Historic Market Size Review by Application (2017-2022) 40 4.2.3 Global Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Application (2023-2028) 42 4.3 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Application 43 4.3.1 North America Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 43 4.3.2 Europe Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 45 4.3.3 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 47 4.3.4 South America Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 49 4.3.5 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 51 5 North America Bioethanol by Country 54 5.1 North America Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Country 54 5.1.1 North America Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 54 5.1.2 North America Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2017-2022) 54 5.2 North America Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Country 55 5.2.1 North America Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 55 5.2.2 North America Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2023-2028) 55 6 Europe Bioethanol by Country 57 6.1 Europe Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Country 57 6.1.1 Europe Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 57 6.1.2 Europe Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2017-2022) 57 6.2 Europe Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Country 58 6.2.1 Europe Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 58 6.2.2 Europe Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2023-2028) 59 7 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol by Region 60 7.1 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Region 60 7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Region (2017-2022) 60 7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales in Value by Region (2017-2022) 60 7.2 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Region 61 7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Region (2023-2028) 61 7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales in Value by Region (2023-2028) 62 8 South America Bioethanol by Country 63 8.1 South America Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Country 63 8.1.1 South America Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 63 8.1.2 South America Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2017-2022) 63 8.2 South America Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Country 64 8.2.1 South America Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 64 8.2.2 South America Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2023-2028) 64 9 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol by Country 66 9.1 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Country 66 9.1.1 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 66 9.1.2 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2017-2022) 66 9.2 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Country 67 9.2.1 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 67 9.2.2 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2023-2028) 67 10 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Bioethanol Business 68 10.1 POET 68 10.1.1 POET Corporation Information 68 10.1.2 POET Introduction and Business Overview 68 10.1.3 POET Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 69 10.1.4 POET Bioethanol Products Offered 69 10.1.5 POET Recent Development 70 10.2 ADM(BioUrja Group) 70 10.2.1 ADM(BioUrja Group) Corporation Information 70 10.2.2 ADM(BioUrja Group) Introduction and Business Overview 70 10.2.3 ADM(BioUrja Group) Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 71 10.2.4 ADM(BioUrja Group) Bioethanol Products Offered 71 10.2.5 ADM(BioUrja Group) Recent Development 72 10.3 Green Plains 72 10.3.1 Green Plains Corporation Information 72 10.3.2 Green Plains Introduction and Business Overview 72 10.3.3 Green Plains Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 73 10.3.4 Green Plains Bioethanol Products Offered 73 10.4 Valero Energy 73 10.4.1 Valero Energy Corporation Information 73 10.4.2 Valero Energy Introduction and Business Overview 74 10.4.3 Valero Energy Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 74 10.4.4 Valero Energy Bioethanol Products Offered 75 10.4.5 Valero Energy Recent Development 75 10.5 Tereos 76 10.5.1 Tereos Corporation Information 76 10.5.2 Tereos Introduction and Business Overview 76 10.5.3 Tereos Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 76 10.5.4 Tereos Bioethanol Products Offered 77 10.6 Raízen 77 10.6.1 Raízen Corporation Information 77 10.6.2 Raízen Introduction and Business Overview 78 10.6.3 Raízen Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 78 10.6.4 Raízen Bioethanol Products Offered 78 10.6.5 Raízen Recent Development 79 10.7 Alto Ingredients 79 10.7.1 Alto Ingredients Corporation Information 79 10.7.2 Alto Ingredients Introduction and Business Overview 79 10.7.3 Alto Ingredients Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 80 10.7.4 Alto Ingredients Bioethanol Products Offered 80 10.7.5 Alto Ingredients Recent Development 80 10.8 The Andersons 81 10.8.1 The Andersons Corporation Information 81 10.8.2 The Andersons Introduction and Business Overview 81 10.8.3 The Andersons Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 82 10.8.4 The Andersons Bioethanol Products Offered 82 10.9 Sekab 83 10.9.1 Sekab Corporation Information 83 10.9.2 Sekab Introduction and Business Overview 83 10.9.3 Sekab Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 83 10.9.4 Sekab Bioethanol Products Offered 84 10.10 Pannonia Bio 84 10.10.1 Pannonia Bio Corporation Information 84 10.10.2 Pannonia Bio Introduction and Business Overview 85 10.10.3 Pannonia Bio Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 85 10.10.4 Pannonia Bio Bioethanol Products Offered 85 10.11 BP 86 10.11.1 BP Corporation Information 86 10.11.2 BP Introduction and Business Overview 86 10.11.3 BP Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 86 10.11.4 BP Bioethanol Products Offered 87 10.12 Big River Resources 87 10.12.1 Big River Resources Corporation Information 87 10.12.2 Big River Resources Introduction and Business Overview 87 10.12.3 Big River Resources Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 88 10.12.4 Big River Resources Bioethanol Products Offered 88 10.13 Aemetis 89 10.13.1 Aemetis Corporation Information 89 10.13.2 Aemetis Introduction and Business Overview 89 10.13.3 Aemetis Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 90 10.13.4 Aemetis Bioethanol Products Offered 90 10.14 CropEnergies 90 10.14.1 CropEnergies Corporation Information 90 10.14.2 CropEnergies Introduction and Business Overview 91 10.14.3 CropEnergies Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 91 10.14.4 CropEnergies Bioethanol Products Offered 91 10.14.5 CropEnergies Recent Development 92 10.15 White Energy 92 10.15.1 White Energy Corporation Information 92 10.15.2 White Energy Introduction and Business Overview 93 10.15.3 White Energy Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 93 10.15.4 White Energy Bioethanol Products Offered 93 10.16 COFCO 94 10.16.1 COFCO Corporation Information 94 10.16.2 COFCO Introduction and Business Overview 94 10.16.3 COFCO Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 94 10.16.4 COFCO Bioethanol Products Offered 95 10.16.5 COFCO Recent Development 95 10.17 SDIC Bio 95 10.17.1 SDIC Bio Corporation Information 95 10.17.2 SDIC Bio Introduction and Business Overview 96 10.17.3 SDIC Bio Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 96 10.17.4 SDIC Bio Bioethanol Products Offered 96 10.18 CHS Inc 97 10.18.1 CHS Inc Corporation Information 97 10.18.2 CHS Inc Introduction and Business Overview 97 10.18.3 CHS Inc Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 98 10.18.4 CHS Inc Bioethanol Products Offered 98 10.19 Alcogroup 98 10.19.1 Alcogroup Corporation Information 98 10.19.2 Alcogroup Introduction and Business Overview 99 10.19.3 Alcogroup Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 99 10.19.4 Alcogroup Bioethanol Products Offered 99 10.20 Ace Ethanol 100 10.20.1 Ace Ethanol Corporation Information 100 10.20.2 Ace Ethanol Introduction and Business Overview 100 10.20.3 Ace Ethanol Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 101 10.20.4 Ace Ethanol Bioethanol Products Offered 101 10.21 Envien Group 101 10.21.1 Envien Group Corporation Information 101 10.21.2 Envien Group Introduction and Business Overview 102 10.21.3 Envien Group Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 102 10.21.4 Envien Group Bioethanol Products Offered 102 10.22 Essentica 103 10.22.1 Essentica Corporation Information 103 10.22.2 Essentica Introduction and Business Overview 103 10.22.3 Essentica Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 103 10.22.4 Essentica Bioethanol Products Offered 104 11 Upstream, Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis 105 11.1 Bioethanol Key Raw Materials 105 11.1.1 Key Raw Materials 105 11.1.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 105 11.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure 106 11.2.1 Raw Materials 106 11.2.2 Labor Cost 106 11.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses 106 11.3 Bioethanol Industrial Chain Analysis 107 11.4 Bioethanol Market Dynamics 107 11.4.1 Bioethanol Industry Trends 107 11.4.2 Bioethanol Market Drivers 108 11.4.3 Bioethanol Market Challenges 108 12 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors 109 12.1 Sales Channel 109 12.2 Bioethanol Distributors 110 12.3 Bioethanol Downstream Customers 111 13 Research Findings and Conclusion 112 14 Appendix 114 14.1 Research Methodology 114 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 114 14.1.2 Data Source 117 14.2 Author Details 120 14.3 Disclaimer 120
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global Bioethanol Market Table of Contents1 Bioethanol Market Overview 11.1 Bioethanol Product Overview 1 1.2 Bioethanol Market Segment by Type 3 1.2.1 Starch based Ethanol 3 1.2.2 Sugar based Ethanol 4 1.2.3 Cellulose-based Ethanol 6 1.3 Global Bioethanol Market Size by Type 7 1.3.1 Global Bioethanol Market Size Overview by Type (2017-2028) 7 1.3.2 Global Bioethanol Historic Market Size Review by Type (2017-2022) 8 1.3.3 Global Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Type (2023-2028) 9 1.4 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Type 11 1.4.1 North America Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 11 1.4.2 Europe Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 12 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 14 1.4.4 South America Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 16 1.4.5 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Type (2017-2022) 18 2 Bioethanol Market Competition by Company 21 2.1 Global Top Players by Bioethanol Sales (2017-2022) 21 2.2 Global Top Players by Bioethanol Revenue (2017-2022) 23 2.3 Global Top Players by Bioethanol Price (2017-2022) 24 2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Bioethanol Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area 25 2.5 Bioethanol Market Competitive Situation and Trends 26 2.5.1 Bioethanol Market Concentration Rate (2017-2022) 26 2.5.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Bioethanol Revenue in 2021 27 2.6 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Bioethanol as of 2021) 28 2.7 Date of Key Manufacturers Established 29 3 Bioethanol Status and Outlook by Region 31 3.1 Global Bioethanol Market Size and CAGR by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 31 3.2 Global Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Region 31 3.2.1 Global Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Region (2017-2022) 31 3.2.2 Global Bioethanol Sales in Value by Region (2017-2022) 32 3.2.3 Global Bioethanol Sales (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 32 3.3 Global Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Region 33 3.3.1 Global Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Region (2023-2028) 33 3.3.2 Global Bioethanol Sales in Value by Region (2023-2028) 33 3.3.3 Global Bioethanol Sales (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2023-2028) 34 4 Bioethanol by Application 35 4.1 Bioethanol Market Segment by Application 35 4.1.1 Fuel 35 4.1.2 Cosmetics 36 4.1.3 Pharmaceuticals 38 4.2 Global Bioethanol Market Size by Application 39 4.2.1 Global Bioethanol Market Size Overview by Application (2017-2028) 39 4.2.2 Global Bioethanol Historic Market Size Review by Application (2017-2022) 40 4.2.3 Global Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Application (2023-2028) 42 4.3 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Application 43 4.3.1 North America Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 43 4.3.2 Europe Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 45 4.3.3 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 47 4.3.4 South America Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 49 4.3.5 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales Breakdown by Application (2017-2022) 51 5 North America Bioethanol by Country 54 5.1 North America Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Country 54 5.1.1 North America Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 54 5.1.2 North America Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2017-2022) 54 5.2 North America Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Country 55 5.2.1 North America Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 55 5.2.2 North America Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2023-2028) 55 6 Europe Bioethanol by Country 57 6.1 Europe Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Country 57 6.1.1 Europe Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 57 6.1.2 Europe Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2017-2022) 57 6.2 Europe Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Country 58 6.2.1 Europe Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 58 6.2.2 Europe Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2023-2028) 59 7 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol by Region 60 7.1 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Region 60 7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Region (2017-2022) 60 7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales in Value by Region (2017-2022) 60 7.2 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Region 61 7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Region (2023-2028) 61 7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Bioethanol Sales in Value by Region (2023-2028) 62 8 South America Bioethanol by Country 63 8.1 South America Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Country 63 8.1.1 South America Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 63 8.1.2 South America Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2017-2022) 63 8.2 South America Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Country 64 8.2.1 South America Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 64 8.2.2 South America Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2023-2028) 64 9 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol by Country 66 9.1 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Historic Market Size by Country 66 9.1.1 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2017-2022) 66 9.1.2 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2017-2022) 66 9.2 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Forecasted Market Size by Country 67 9.2.1 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales in Volume by Country (2023-2028) 67 9.2.2 Middle East and Africa Bioethanol Sales in Value by Country (2023-2028) 67 10 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Bioethanol Business 68 10.1 POET 68 10.1.1 POET Corporation Information 68 10.1.2 POET Introduction and Business Overview 68 10.1.3 POET Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 69 10.1.4 POET Bioethanol Products Offered 69 10.1.5 POET Recent Development 70 10.2 ADM(BioUrja Group) 70 10.2.1 ADM(BioUrja Group) Corporation Information 70 10.2.2 ADM(BioUrja Group) Introduction and Business Overview 70 10.2.3 ADM(BioUrja Group) Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 71 10.2.4 ADM(BioUrja Group) Bioethanol Products Offered 71 10.2.5 ADM(BioUrja Group) Recent Development 72 10.3 Green Plains 72 10.3.1 Green Plains Corporation Information 72 10.3.2 Green Plains Introduction and Business Overview 72 10.3.3 Green Plains Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 73 10.3.4 Green Plains Bioethanol Products Offered 73 10.4 Valero Energy 73 10.4.1 Valero Energy Corporation Information 73 10.4.2 Valero Energy Introduction and Business Overview 74 10.4.3 Valero Energy Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 74 10.4.4 Valero Energy Bioethanol Products Offered 75 10.4.5 Valero Energy Recent Development 75 10.5 Tereos 76 10.5.1 Tereos Corporation Information 76 10.5.2 Tereos Introduction and Business Overview 76 10.5.3 Tereos Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 76 10.5.4 Tereos Bioethanol Products Offered 77 10.6 Raízen 77 10.6.1 Raízen Corporation Information 77 10.6.2 Raízen Introduction and Business Overview 78 10.6.3 Raízen Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 78 10.6.4 Raízen Bioethanol Products Offered 78 10.6.5 Raízen Recent Development 79 10.7 Alto Ingredients 79 10.7.1 Alto Ingredients Corporation Information 79 10.7.2 Alto Ingredients Introduction and Business Overview 79 10.7.3 Alto Ingredients Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 80 10.7.4 Alto Ingredients Bioethanol Products Offered 80 10.7.5 Alto Ingredients Recent Development 80 10.8 The Andersons 81 10.8.1 The Andersons Corporation Information 81 10.8.2 The Andersons Introduction and Business Overview 81 10.8.3 The Andersons Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 82 10.8.4 The Andersons Bioethanol Products Offered 82 10.9 Sekab 83 10.9.1 Sekab Corporation Information 83 10.9.2 Sekab Introduction and Business Overview 83 10.9.3 Sekab Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 83 10.9.4 Sekab Bioethanol Products Offered 84 10.10 Pannonia Bio 84 10.10.1 Pannonia Bio Corporation Information 84 10.10.2 Pannonia Bio Introduction and Business Overview 85 10.10.3 Pannonia Bio Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 85 10.10.4 Pannonia Bio Bioethanol Products Offered 85 10.11 BP 86 10.11.1 BP Corporation Information 86 10.11.2 BP Introduction and Business Overview 86 10.11.3 BP Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 86 10.11.4 BP Bioethanol Products Offered 87 10.12 Big River Resources 87 10.12.1 Big River Resources Corporation Information 87 10.12.2 Big River Resources Introduction and Business Overview 87 10.12.3 Big River Resources Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 88 10.12.4 Big River Resources Bioethanol Products Offered 88 10.13 Aemetis 89 10.13.1 Aemetis Corporation Information 89 10.13.2 Aemetis Introduction and Business Overview 89 10.13.3 Aemetis Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 90 10.13.4 Aemetis Bioethanol Products Offered 90 10.14 CropEnergies 90 10.14.1 CropEnergies Corporation Information 90 10.14.2 CropEnergies Introduction and Business Overview 91 10.14.3 CropEnergies Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 91 10.14.4 CropEnergies Bioethanol Products Offered 91 10.14.5 CropEnergies Recent Development 92 10.15 White Energy 92 10.15.1 White Energy Corporation Information 92 10.15.2 White Energy Introduction and Business Overview 93 10.15.3 White Energy Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 93 10.15.4 White Energy Bioethanol Products Offered 93 10.16 COFCO 94 10.16.1 COFCO Corporation Information 94 10.16.2 COFCO Introduction and Business Overview 94 10.16.3 COFCO Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 94 10.16.4 COFCO Bioethanol Products Offered 95 10.16.5 COFCO Recent Development 95 10.17 SDIC Bio 95 10.17.1 SDIC Bio Corporation Information 95 10.17.2 SDIC Bio Introduction and Business Overview 96 10.17.3 SDIC Bio Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 96 10.17.4 SDIC Bio Bioethanol Products Offered 96 10.18 CHS Inc 97 10.18.1 CHS Inc Corporation Information 97 10.18.2 CHS Inc Introduction and Business Overview 97 10.18.3 CHS Inc Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 98 10.18.4 CHS Inc Bioethanol Products Offered 98 10.19 Alcogroup 98 10.19.1 Alcogroup Corporation Information 98 10.19.2 Alcogroup Introduction and Business Overview 99 10.19.3 Alcogroup Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 99 10.19.4 Alcogroup Bioethanol Products Offered 99 10.20 Ace Ethanol 100 10.20.1 Ace Ethanol Corporation Information 100 10.20.2 Ace Ethanol Introduction and Business Overview 100 10.20.3 Ace Ethanol Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 101 10.20.4 Ace Ethanol Bioethanol Products Offered 101 10.21 Envien Group 101 10.21.1 Envien Group Corporation Information 101 10.21.2 Envien Group Introduction and Business Overview 102 10.21.3 Envien Group Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 102 10.21.4 Envien Group Bioethanol Products Offered 102 10.22 Essentica 103 10.22.1 Essentica Corporation Information 103 10.22.2 Essentica Introduction and Business Overview 103 10.22.3 Essentica Bioethanol Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 103 10.22.4 Essentica Bioethanol Products Offered 104 11 Upstream, Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis 105 11.1 Bioethanol Key Raw Materials 105 11.1.1 Key Raw Materials 105 11.1.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 105 11.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure 106 11.2.1 Raw Materials 106 11.2.2 Labor Cost 106 11.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses 106 11.3 Bioethanol Industrial Chain Analysis 107 11.4 Bioethanol Market Dynamics 107 11.4.1 Bioethanol Industry Trends 107 11.4.2 Bioethanol Market Drivers 108 11.4.3 Bioethanol Market Challenges 108 12 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors 109 12.1 Sales Channel 109 12.2 Bioethanol Distributors 110 12.3 Bioethanol Downstream Customers 111 13 Research Findings and Conclusion 112 14 Appendix 114 14.1 Research Methodology 114 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 114 14.1.2 Data Source 117 14.2 Author Details 120 14.3 Disclaimer 120
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