


Global Machine Guard Fencing Market Insights, Forecast to 2028

マシンガード・フェンスは、人や機器、財産を傷害や損失から安全に隔離するために設計されています。機械の可動部は作業者に危険を及ぼす可能性があるため、産業機械には運転中の怪我を防ぐためにガードを設置す... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2022年4月15日 US$4,900
5-7営業日 英語







マシンガードフェンスの主なメーカーは、Troax、Axelent Group、Wirecraftersなど、ヨーロッパ、米国、中国に集中しています。製品タイプ別では、高さ1500~2500mmが約5割のシェアを占めています。用途別では、産業機械が約75%のシェアを占めている。


高さ: 1500mm以下


コーガン ワイヤ アンド メタル プロダクツ リミテッド

中国 台湾



1 Study Coverage
1.1 Machine Guard Fencing Product Introduction
1.2 Market by Height
1.2.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.2.2 Height: below 1500 mm
1.2.3 Height: 1500-2500 mm
1.2.4 Height: Above 2500 mm
1.3 Market by Application
1.3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.3.2 Industrial Machinery
1.3.3 Electrical Equipment
1.3.4 Others
1.4 Study Objectives
1.5 Years Considered
2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Production
2.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Production Capacity (2017-2028)
2.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Production by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
2.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Production by Region
2.3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Historic Production by Region (2017-2022)
2.3.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Forecasted Production by Region (2023-2028)
2.4 North America
2.5 Europe
2.6 China
3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales in Volume & Value Estimates and Forecasts
3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028
3.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028
3.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
3.4 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Region
3.4.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Region (2017-2022)
3.4.2 Global Sales Machine Guard Fencing by Region (2023-2028)
3.5 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Region
3.5.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Region (2017-2022)
3.5.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Region (2023-2028)
3.6 North America
3.7 Europe
3.8 Asia-Pacific
3.9 Latin America
3.10 Middle East & Africa
4 Competition by Manufactures
4.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Production Capacity by Manufacturers
4.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Manufacturers
4.2.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.2.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Machine Guard Fencing in 2021
4.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Manufacturers
4.3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.3.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.3.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Machine Guard Fencing Revenue in 2021
4.4 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales Price by Manufacturers
4.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape
4.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
4.5.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3)
4.5.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Manufacturers Geographical Distribution
4.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
5 Market Size by Height
5.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height
5.1.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Historical Sales by Height (2017-2022)
5.1.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Forecasted Sales by Height (2023-2028)
5.1.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales Market Share by Height (2017-2028)
5.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height
5.2.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Historical Revenue by Height (2017-2022)
5.2.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Forecasted Revenue by Height (2023-2028)
5.2.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue Market Share by Height (2017-2028)
5.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price by Height
5.3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price by Height (2017-2022)
5.3.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price Forecast by Height (2023-2028)
6 Market Size by Application
6.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application
6.1.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022)
6.1.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028)
6.1.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
6.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application
6.2.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022)
6.2.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028)
6.2.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
6.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price by Application
6.3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price by Application (2017-2022)
6.3.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028)
7 North America
7.1 North America Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height
7.1.1 North America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height (2017-2028)
7.1.2 North America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height (2017-2028)
7.2 North America Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application
7.2.1 North America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application (2017-2028)
7.2.2 North America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
7.3 North America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country
7.3.1 North America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country (2017-2028)
7.3.2 North America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
7.3.3 United States
7.3.4 Canada
8 Europe
8.1 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height
8.1.1 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height (2017-2028)
8.1.2 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height (2017-2028)
8.2 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application
8.2.1 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application (2017-2028)
8.2.2 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
8.3 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country
8.3.1 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country (2017-2028)
8.3.2 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
8.3.3 Germany
8.3.4 France
8.3.5 U.K.
8.3.6 Italy
8.3.7 Russia
9 Asia Pacific
9.1 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height
9.1.1 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height (2017-2028)
9.1.2 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height (2017-2028)
9.2 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application
9.2.1 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application (2017-2028)
9.2.2 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
9.3 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Region
9.3.1 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Region (2017-2028)
9.3.2 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Region (2017-2028)
9.3.3 China
9.3.4 Japan
9.3.5 South Korea
9.3.6 India
9.3.7 Australia
9.3.8 China Taiwan
9.3.9 Indonesia
9.3.10 Thailand
9.3.11 Malaysia
10 Latin America
10.1 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height
10.1.1 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height (2017-2028)
10.1.2 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height (2017-2028)
10.2 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application
10.2.1 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application (2017-2028)
10.2.2 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
10.3 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country
10.3.1 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country (2017-2028)
10.3.2 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
10.3.3 Mexico
10.3.4 Brazil
10.3.5 Argentina
10.3.6 Colombia
11 Middle East and Africa
11.1 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height
11.1.1 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height (2017-2028)
11.1.2 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height (2017-2028)
11.2 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application
11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application (2017-2028)
11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
11.3 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country
11.3.1 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country (2017-2028)
11.3.2 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
11.3.3 Turkey
11.3.4 Saudi Arabia
11.3.5 UAE
12 Corporate Profiles
12.1 Troax
12.1.1 Troax Corporation Information
12.1.2 Troax Overview
12.1.3 Troax Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.1.4 Troax Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.1.5 Troax Recent Developments
12.2 Axelent Group
12.2.1 Axelent Group Corporation Information
12.2.2 Axelent Group Overview
12.2.3 Axelent Group Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.2.4 Axelent Group Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.2.5 Axelent Group Recent Developments
12.3 Wirecrafters
12.3.1 Wirecrafters Corporation Information
12.3.2 Wirecrafters Overview
12.3.3 Wirecrafters Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.3.4 Wirecrafters Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.3.5 Wirecrafters Recent Developments
12.4 Bruhl
12.4.1 Bruhl Corporation Information
12.4.2 Bruhl Overview
12.4.3 Bruhl Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.4.4 Bruhl Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.4.5 Bruhl Recent Developments
12.5 Garantell
12.5.1 Garantell Corporation Information
12.5.2 Garantell Overview
12.5.3 Garantell Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.5.4 Garantell Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.5.5 Garantell Recent Developments
12.6 Rite-Hite
12.6.1 Rite-Hite Corporation Information
12.6.2 Rite-Hite Overview
12.6.3 Rite-Hite Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.6.4 Rite-Hite Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.6.5 Rite-Hite Recent Developments
12.7 GSM GmbH
12.7.1 GSM GmbH Corporation Information
12.7.2 GSM GmbH Overview
12.7.3 GSM GmbH Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.7.4 GSM GmbH Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.7.5 GSM GmbH Recent Developments
12.8 Ningbo Vichnet Technology
12.8.1 Ningbo Vichnet Technology Corporation Information
12.8.2 Ningbo Vichnet Technology Overview
12.8.3 Ningbo Vichnet Technology Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.8.4 Ningbo Vichnet Technology Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.8.5 Ningbo Vichnet Technology Recent Developments
12.9 SpaceGuard
12.9.1 SpaceGuard Corporation Information
12.9.2 SpaceGuard Overview
12.9.3 SpaceGuard Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.9.4 SpaceGuard Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.9.5 SpaceGuard Recent Developments
12.10 Modular Assembly Technology
12.10.1 Modular Assembly Technology Corporation Information
12.10.2 Modular Assembly Technology Overview
12.10.3 Modular Assembly Technology Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.10.4 Modular Assembly Technology Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.10.5 Modular Assembly Technology Recent Developments
12.11 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd.
12.11.1 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd. Corporation Information
12.11.2 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd. Overview
12.11.3 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd. Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.11.4 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd. Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.11.5 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd. Recent Developments
12.12 Dalian Yika Safe Systems
12.12.1 Dalian Yika Safe Systems Corporation Information
12.12.2 Dalian Yika Safe Systems Overview
12.12.3 Dalian Yika Safe Systems Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.12.4 Dalian Yika Safe Systems Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.12.5 Dalian Yika Safe Systems Recent Developments
12.13 Tiemann
12.13.1 Tiemann Corporation Information
12.13.2 Tiemann Overview
12.13.3 Tiemann Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.13.4 Tiemann Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.13.5 Tiemann Recent Developments
12.14 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products
12.14.1 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products Corporation Information
12.14.2 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products Overview
12.14.3 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.14.4 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.14.5 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products Recent Developments
12.15 Access srl
12.15.1 Access srl Corporation Information
12.15.2 Access srl Overview
12.15.3 Access srl Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.15.4 Access srl Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.15.5 Access srl Recent Developments
12.16 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment
12.16.1 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment Corporation Information
12.16.2 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment Overview
12.16.3 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.16.4 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.16.5 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment Recent Developments
12.17 Qingdao Korfel
12.17.1 Qingdao Korfel Corporation Information
12.17.2 Qingdao Korfel Overview
12.17.3 Qingdao Korfel Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.17.4 Qingdao Korfel Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.17.5 Qingdao Korfel Recent Developments
12.18 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang
12.18.1 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang Corporation Information
12.18.2 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang Overview
12.18.3 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.18.4 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.18.5 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang Recent Developments
12.19 Hunan Tero Protection
12.19.1 Hunan Tero Protection Corporation Information
12.19.2 Hunan Tero Protection Overview
12.19.3 Hunan Tero Protection Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.19.4 Hunan Tero Protection Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.19.5 Hunan Tero Protection Recent Developments
13 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
13.1 Machine Guard Fencing Industry Chain Analysis
13.2 Machine Guard Fencing Key Raw Materials
13.2.1 Key Raw Materials
13.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers
13.3 Machine Guard Fencing Production Mode & Process
13.4 Machine Guard Fencing Sales and Marketing
13.4.1 Machine Guard Fencing Sales Channels
13.4.2 Machine Guard Fencing Distributors
13.5 Machine Guard Fencing Customers
14 Market Drivers, Opportunities, Challenges and Risks Factors Analysis
14.1 Machine Guard Fencing Industry Trends
14.2 Machine Guard Fencing Market Drivers
14.3 Machine Guard Fencing Market Challenges
14.4 Machine Guard Fencing Market Restraints
15 Key Finding in The Global Machine Guard Fencing Study
16 Appendix
16.1 Research Methodology
16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
16.1.2 Data Source
16.2 Author Details
16.3 Disclaimer





Machine guard fences are designed to safely isolate people, equipment and/or property from injury or loss. Since moving machine parts can pose a hazard to workers, it is critical for industrial machines to install guards to prevent injuries during operation, and machine guard fencing is also an economical solution to industrial safety needs. While all safety fences are designed to perform the same basic task of protecting people from potential harm, there are different types of fences for different applications.

Market Analysis and Insights: Global Machine Guard Fencing Market
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global Machine Guard Fencing market size is estimated to be worth US$ 704 million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ 837.7 million by 2028 with a CAGR of 2.9% during the forecast period 2022-2028. Fully considering the economic change by this health crisis, Height: below 1500 mm accounting for % of the Machine Guard Fencing global market in 2021, is projected to value US$ million by 2028, growing at a revised % CAGR from 2022 to 2028. While Industrial Machinery segment is altered to an % CAGR throughout this forecast period.

Main manufacturers of machine guard fencing are concentrated in Europe, the United States and China, including Troax, Axelent Group and Wirecrafters, etc. In terms of product types, Height between 1500 and 2500mm holds a share about 50%. In terms of application, Industrial Machinery occupied a share about 75%.
In terms of production side, this report researches the Machine Guard Fencing capacity, production, growth rate, market share by manufacturers and by region (region level and country level), from 2017 to 2022, and forecast to 2028.
In terms of sales side, this report focuses on the sales of Machine Guard Fencing by region (region level and country level), by company, by Height and by Application. from 2017 to 2022 and forecast to 2028.

Global Machine Guard Fencing Scope and Segment
Machine Guard Fencing market is segmented by Height and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Machine Guard Fencing market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on production capacity, revenue and forecast by Height and by Application for the period 2017-2028.

Segment by Height
Height: below 1500 mm
Height: 1500-2500 mm
Height: Above 2500 mm

Segment by Application
Industrial Machinery
Electrical Equipment

By Company
Axelent Group
Ningbo Vichnet Technology
Modular Assembly Technology
Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd.
Dalian Yika Safe Systems
Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products
Access srl
Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment
Qingdao Korfel
Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang
Hunan Tero Protection

Production by Region
North America
Consumption by Region
North America
United States
South Korea
China Taiwan
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia


Table of Contents

1 Study Coverage
1.1 Machine Guard Fencing Product Introduction
1.2 Market by Height
1.2.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.2.2 Height: below 1500 mm
1.2.3 Height: 1500-2500 mm
1.2.4 Height: Above 2500 mm
1.3 Market by Application
1.3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.3.2 Industrial Machinery
1.3.3 Electrical Equipment
1.3.4 Others
1.4 Study Objectives
1.5 Years Considered
2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Production
2.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Production Capacity (2017-2028)
2.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Production by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
2.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Production by Region
2.3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Historic Production by Region (2017-2022)
2.3.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Forecasted Production by Region (2023-2028)
2.4 North America
2.5 Europe
2.6 China
3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales in Volume & Value Estimates and Forecasts
3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028
3.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028
3.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
3.4 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Region
3.4.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Region (2017-2022)
3.4.2 Global Sales Machine Guard Fencing by Region (2023-2028)
3.5 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Region
3.5.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Region (2017-2022)
3.5.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Region (2023-2028)
3.6 North America
3.7 Europe
3.8 Asia-Pacific
3.9 Latin America
3.10 Middle East & Africa
4 Competition by Manufactures
4.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Production Capacity by Manufacturers
4.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Manufacturers
4.2.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.2.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Machine Guard Fencing in 2021
4.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Manufacturers
4.3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.3.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.3.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Machine Guard Fencing Revenue in 2021
4.4 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales Price by Manufacturers
4.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape
4.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
4.5.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3)
4.5.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Manufacturers Geographical Distribution
4.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
5 Market Size by Height
5.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height
5.1.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Historical Sales by Height (2017-2022)
5.1.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Forecasted Sales by Height (2023-2028)
5.1.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales Market Share by Height (2017-2028)
5.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height
5.2.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Historical Revenue by Height (2017-2022)
5.2.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Forecasted Revenue by Height (2023-2028)
5.2.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue Market Share by Height (2017-2028)
5.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price by Height
5.3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price by Height (2017-2022)
5.3.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price Forecast by Height (2023-2028)
6 Market Size by Application
6.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application
6.1.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022)
6.1.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028)
6.1.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
6.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application
6.2.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022)
6.2.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028)
6.2.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
6.3 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price by Application
6.3.1 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price by Application (2017-2022)
6.3.2 Global Machine Guard Fencing Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028)
7 North America
7.1 North America Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height
7.1.1 North America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height (2017-2028)
7.1.2 North America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height (2017-2028)
7.2 North America Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application
7.2.1 North America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application (2017-2028)
7.2.2 North America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
7.3 North America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country
7.3.1 North America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country (2017-2028)
7.3.2 North America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
7.3.3 United States
7.3.4 Canada
8 Europe
8.1 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height
8.1.1 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height (2017-2028)
8.1.2 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height (2017-2028)
8.2 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application
8.2.1 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application (2017-2028)
8.2.2 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
8.3 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country
8.3.1 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country (2017-2028)
8.3.2 Europe Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
8.3.3 Germany
8.3.4 France
8.3.5 U.K.
8.3.6 Italy
8.3.7 Russia
9 Asia Pacific
9.1 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height
9.1.1 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height (2017-2028)
9.1.2 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height (2017-2028)
9.2 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application
9.2.1 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application (2017-2028)
9.2.2 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
9.3 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Region
9.3.1 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Region (2017-2028)
9.3.2 Asia Pacific Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Region (2017-2028)
9.3.3 China
9.3.4 Japan
9.3.5 South Korea
9.3.6 India
9.3.7 Australia
9.3.8 China Taiwan
9.3.9 Indonesia
9.3.10 Thailand
9.3.11 Malaysia
10 Latin America
10.1 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height
10.1.1 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height (2017-2028)
10.1.2 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height (2017-2028)
10.2 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application
10.2.1 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application (2017-2028)
10.2.2 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
10.3 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country
10.3.1 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country (2017-2028)
10.3.2 Latin America Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
10.3.3 Mexico
10.3.4 Brazil
10.3.5 Argentina
10.3.6 Colombia
11 Middle East and Africa
11.1 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Height
11.1.1 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Height (2017-2028)
11.1.2 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Height (2017-2028)
11.2 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Market Size by Application
11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Application (2017-2028)
11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
11.3 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country
11.3.1 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Sales by Country (2017-2028)
11.3.2 Middle East and Africa Machine Guard Fencing Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
11.3.3 Turkey
11.3.4 Saudi Arabia
11.3.5 UAE
12 Corporate Profiles
12.1 Troax
12.1.1 Troax Corporation Information
12.1.2 Troax Overview
12.1.3 Troax Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.1.4 Troax Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.1.5 Troax Recent Developments
12.2 Axelent Group
12.2.1 Axelent Group Corporation Information
12.2.2 Axelent Group Overview
12.2.3 Axelent Group Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.2.4 Axelent Group Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.2.5 Axelent Group Recent Developments
12.3 Wirecrafters
12.3.1 Wirecrafters Corporation Information
12.3.2 Wirecrafters Overview
12.3.3 Wirecrafters Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.3.4 Wirecrafters Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.3.5 Wirecrafters Recent Developments
12.4 Bruhl
12.4.1 Bruhl Corporation Information
12.4.2 Bruhl Overview
12.4.3 Bruhl Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.4.4 Bruhl Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.4.5 Bruhl Recent Developments
12.5 Garantell
12.5.1 Garantell Corporation Information
12.5.2 Garantell Overview
12.5.3 Garantell Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.5.4 Garantell Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.5.5 Garantell Recent Developments
12.6 Rite-Hite
12.6.1 Rite-Hite Corporation Information
12.6.2 Rite-Hite Overview
12.6.3 Rite-Hite Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.6.4 Rite-Hite Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.6.5 Rite-Hite Recent Developments
12.7 GSM GmbH
12.7.1 GSM GmbH Corporation Information
12.7.2 GSM GmbH Overview
12.7.3 GSM GmbH Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.7.4 GSM GmbH Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.7.5 GSM GmbH Recent Developments
12.8 Ningbo Vichnet Technology
12.8.1 Ningbo Vichnet Technology Corporation Information
12.8.2 Ningbo Vichnet Technology Overview
12.8.3 Ningbo Vichnet Technology Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.8.4 Ningbo Vichnet Technology Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.8.5 Ningbo Vichnet Technology Recent Developments
12.9 SpaceGuard
12.9.1 SpaceGuard Corporation Information
12.9.2 SpaceGuard Overview
12.9.3 SpaceGuard Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.9.4 SpaceGuard Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.9.5 SpaceGuard Recent Developments
12.10 Modular Assembly Technology
12.10.1 Modular Assembly Technology Corporation Information
12.10.2 Modular Assembly Technology Overview
12.10.3 Modular Assembly Technology Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.10.4 Modular Assembly Technology Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.10.5 Modular Assembly Technology Recent Developments
12.11 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd.
12.11.1 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd. Corporation Information
12.11.2 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd. Overview
12.11.3 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd. Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.11.4 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd. Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.11.5 Cogan Wire and Metal Products Ltd. Recent Developments
12.12 Dalian Yika Safe Systems
12.12.1 Dalian Yika Safe Systems Corporation Information
12.12.2 Dalian Yika Safe Systems Overview
12.12.3 Dalian Yika Safe Systems Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.12.4 Dalian Yika Safe Systems Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.12.5 Dalian Yika Safe Systems Recent Developments
12.13 Tiemann
12.13.1 Tiemann Corporation Information
12.13.2 Tiemann Overview
12.13.3 Tiemann Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.13.4 Tiemann Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.13.5 Tiemann Recent Developments
12.14 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products
12.14.1 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products Corporation Information
12.14.2 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products Overview
12.14.3 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.14.4 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.14.5 Ningbo Xianfu Metal Products Recent Developments
12.15 Access srl
12.15.1 Access srl Corporation Information
12.15.2 Access srl Overview
12.15.3 Access srl Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.15.4 Access srl Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.15.5 Access srl Recent Developments
12.16 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment
12.16.1 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment Corporation Information
12.16.2 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment Overview
12.16.3 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.16.4 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.16.5 Shandong Jinmei Anfang Equipment Recent Developments
12.17 Qingdao Korfel
12.17.1 Qingdao Korfel Corporation Information
12.17.2 Qingdao Korfel Overview
12.17.3 Qingdao Korfel Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.17.4 Qingdao Korfel Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.17.5 Qingdao Korfel Recent Developments
12.18 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang
12.18.1 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang Corporation Information
12.18.2 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang Overview
12.18.3 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.18.4 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.18.5 Anping Texin Jinshu Siwang Recent Developments
12.19 Hunan Tero Protection
12.19.1 Hunan Tero Protection Corporation Information
12.19.2 Hunan Tero Protection Overview
12.19.3 Hunan Tero Protection Machine Guard Fencing Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.19.4 Hunan Tero Protection Machine Guard Fencing Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.19.5 Hunan Tero Protection Recent Developments
13 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
13.1 Machine Guard Fencing Industry Chain Analysis
13.2 Machine Guard Fencing Key Raw Materials
13.2.1 Key Raw Materials
13.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers
13.3 Machine Guard Fencing Production Mode & Process
13.4 Machine Guard Fencing Sales and Marketing
13.4.1 Machine Guard Fencing Sales Channels
13.4.2 Machine Guard Fencing Distributors
13.5 Machine Guard Fencing Customers
14 Market Drivers, Opportunities, Challenges and Risks Factors Analysis
14.1 Machine Guard Fencing Industry Trends
14.2 Machine Guard Fencing Market Drivers
14.3 Machine Guard Fencing Market Challenges
14.4 Machine Guard Fencing Market Restraints
15 Key Finding in The Global Machine Guard Fencing Study
16 Appendix
16.1 Research Methodology
16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
16.1.2 Data Source
16.2 Author Details
16.3 Disclaimer






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