![]() 低電圧三相モーターの世界市場レポート、歴史と予測2017-2028年Global Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Market Report, History and Forecast 2017-2028 市場の分析と洞察。中国低電圧三相モーター市場 COVID-19の流行により、中国の低電圧三相モーター市場規模は2022年に45億2000万米ドルと推定され、レビュー期間中のCAGR3.61%で2028年までに55億9000万米ドルの... もっと見る
サマリー市場の分析と洞察。中国低電圧三相モーター市場COVID-19の流行により、中国の低電圧三相モーター市場規模は2022年に45億2000万米ドルと推定され、レビュー期間中のCAGR3.61%で2028年までに55億9000万米ドルの再調整規模になると予測されています。この健康危機による経済変化を十分に考慮し、2021年に低電圧三相モーター中国市場の77.84%を占める非同期モーターは、2028年までに43.8億米ドルの価値を持ち、COVID-19後の期間にCAGR3.76%で成長すると予測されています。一方、機械部門はこの予測期間を通してCAGR4.45%に変更されています。 中国における低圧三相モーターの主要メーカーは、Wolong Electric Drive、Wannan Electric Machine、Huali Group、Zhongda Electric、Changli Group、Jiangsu Xi'anda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd 、Jiangxi Special Electric Motor、SIEMENS、ABBなどです。2021年、上位5社の売上高シェアは約34.83%である。 中国低圧三相モータの範囲とセグメント 低圧三相モーター市場は、タイプ別、用途別に分類されています。中国低電圧三相モーター市場のプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力な資料として利用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント別分析では、2017年から2028年までのタイプ別、アプリケーション別の売上、収益、予測に焦点を当てています。 会社別 Wolong Electricグループ 安徽万南電器機械有限公司 華利集団 中大電気株式会社 長沙長利集団有限公司 江蘇西安耐圧防爆有限公司 江西特殊電動機有限公司 シーメンス ABB 西安思慕電器有限公司 湘潭電器製造有限公司 日本電産 蘭州電機有限公司 山東開源汽車有限公司 佳迪亜(株) ウェグ(南通)電動機製造有限公司 上海トップモーター 河北電気汽車有限公司 エイブルモーター TECO 種類別セグメント 非同期モーター シンクロナスモーター 用途別セグメント 機械 冶金 石油化学工業 食品・飲料 化学工業 その他 目次1 STUDY COVERAGE 11.1 Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Product Introduction 1 1.2 Market by Type 1 1.2.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1 1.2.2 Asynchronous Motor 3 1.2.3 Synchronous Motor 3 1.3 Market by Application 3 1.3.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 4 1.3.2 Machinery 5 1.3.3 Metallurgical 5 1.3.4 Petrochemical Industry 5 1.3.5 Food & Beverage 6 1.3.6 Chemical Industry 6 1.3.7 Other 6 1.4 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 6 1.5 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 8 1.6 Study Objectives 9 1.7 Years Considered 10 2 COMPETITION BY MANUFACTURERS 11 2.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales by Manufacturers 11 2.1.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 11 2.1.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 13 2.1.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Market Share by Manufacturers in 2021 15 2.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue by Manufacturers 16 2.2.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 16 2.2.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 18 2.2.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers in 2021 20 2.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Price by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 21 2.4 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 22 2.4.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 22 2.4.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 23 2.4.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Manufacturers Geographical Distribution 25 3 MARKET SIZE BY TYPE 27 3.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales by Type 27 3.1.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Historical Sales by Type (2017-2022) 27 3.1.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Forecasted Sales by Type (2023-2028) 27 3.1.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 28 3.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue by Type 29 3.2.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Historical Revenue by Type (2017-2022) 29 3.2.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Forecasted Revenue by Type (2023-2028) 30 3.2.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 30 3.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price by Type 31 3.3.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price by Type (2017-2022) 31 3.3.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 32 4 MARKET SIZE BY APPLICATION 33 4.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales by Application 33 4.1.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022) 33 4.1.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028) 34 4.1.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 34 4.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue by Application 36 4.2.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022) 36 4.2.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028) 37 4.2.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 38 4.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price by Application 39 4.3.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price by Application (2017-2022) 39 4.3.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 40 5 CORPORATE PROFILE 41 5.1 Wolong Electric Drive 41 5.1.1 Wolong Electric Drive Corporation Information 41 5.1.2 Wolong Electric Drive Overview 41 5.1.3 Wolong Electric Drive in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 42 5.1.4 Wolong Electric Drive Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 43 5.2 Wannan Electric Machine 44 5.2.1 Wannan Electric Machine Corporation Information 44 5.2.2 Wannan Electric Machine Overview 45 5.2.3 Wannan Electric Machine in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 45 5.2.4 Wannan Electric Machine Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 46 5.3 Huali Group 47 5.3.1 Huali Group Corporation Information 47 5.3.2 Huali Group Overview 47 5.3.3 Huali Group in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 48 5.3.4 Huali Group Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 49 5.4 Zhongda Electric Co., Ltd. 50 5.4.1 Zhongda Electric Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 50 5.4.2 Zhongda Electric Co., Ltd. Overview 50 5.4.3 Zhongda Electric Co., Ltd. in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 51 5.4.4 Zhongda Electric Co., Ltd. Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 52 5.5 Changli Group 52 5.5.1 Changli Group Corporation Information 52 5.5.2 Changli Group Overview 53 5.5.3 Changli Group in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 54 5.5.4 Changli Group Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 54 5.6 Jiangsu Xi鈥檃nda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd 55 5.6.1 Jiangsu Xi鈥檃nda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd Corporation Information 55 5.6.2 Jiangsu Xi鈥檃nda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd Overview 55 5.6.3 Jiangsu Xi鈥檃nda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 56 5.6.4 Jiangsu Xi鈥檃nda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 57 5.7 Jiangxi Special Electric Motor 57 5.7.1 Jiangxi Special Electric Motor Corporation Information 57 5.7.2 Jiangxi Special Electric Motor Overview 58 5.7.3 Jiangxi Special Electric Motor in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 59 5.7.4 Jiangxi Special Electric Motor Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 59 5.8 Siemens 60 5.8.1 Siemens Corporation Information 60 5.8.2 Siemens Overview 60 5.8.3 Siemens in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 61 5.8.4 Siemens Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 62 5.9 ABB 62 5.9.1 ABB Corporation Information 62 5.9.2 ABB Overview 63 5.9.3 ABB in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 64 5.9.4 ABB Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 64 5.10 Simo 65 5.10.1 Simo Corporation Information 65 5.10.2 Simo Overview 65 5.10.3 Simo in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 66 5.10.4 Simo Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 66 5.11 Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing 67 5.11.1 Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Corporation Information 67 5.11.2 Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Overview 68 5.11.3 Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 69 5.11.4 Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 69 5.12 NIDEC 70 5.12.1 NIDEC Corporation Information 70 5.12.2 NIDEC Overview 71 5.12.3 NIDEC in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 71 5.12.4 NIDEC Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 72 5.13 Lanzhou Electric Machinery 72 5.13.1 Lanzhou Electric Machinery Corporation Information 72 5.13.2 Lanzhou Electric Machinery Overview 73 5.13.3 Lanzhou Electric Machinery in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 74 5.13.4 Lanzhou Electric Machinery Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 74 5.14 Shandong Kaiyuan 75 5.14.1 Shandong Kaiyuan Corporation Information 75 5.14.2 Shandong Kaiyuan Overview 75 5.14.3 Shandong Kaiyuan in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 76 5.14.4 Shandong Kaiyuan Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 77 5.15 Jiadian Co., Ltd. 77 5.15.1 Jiadian Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 77 5.15.2 Jiadian Co., Ltd. Overview 78 5.15.3 Jiadian Co., Ltd. in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 79 5.15.4 Jiadian Co., Ltd. Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 79 5.16 Weg (Nantong) Electric Motor Manufacturing 80 5.16.1 Weg (Nantong) Electric Motor Manufacturing Corporation Information 80 5.16.2 Weg (Nantong) Electric Motor Manufacturing Overview 81 5.16.3 Weg (Nantong) Electric Motor Manufacturing in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 81 5.16.4 Weg (Nantong) Electric Motor Manufacturing Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 82 5.17 Shanghai Top Motor Co., Ltd. 83 5.17.1 Shanghai Top Motor Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 83 5.17.2 Shanghai Top Motor Co., Ltd. Overview 83 5.17.3 Shanghai Top Motor Co., Ltd. in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 84 5.17.4 Shanghai Top Motor Co., Ltd. Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 84 5.18 Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd. 85 5.18.1 Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 85 5.18.2 Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd. Overview 86 5.18.3 Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd. in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 86 5.18.4 Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd. Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 87 5.19 Able Motor 87 5.19.1 Able Motor Corporation Information 87 5.19.2 Able Motor Overview 88 5.19.3 Able Motor in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 89 5.19.4 Able Motor Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 89 5.20 TECO 90 5.20.1 TECO Corporation Information 90 5.20.2 TECO Overview 90 5.20.3 TECO in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 91 5.20.4 TECO Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 91 6 INDUSTRY CHAIN AND SALES CHANNELS ANALYSIS 93 6.1 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Industry Chain Analysis 93 6.2 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Key Raw Materials 93 6.2.1 Key Raw Materials 93 6.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 94 6.3 Construction of Low Voltage Three-phase Motor 95 6.4 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales and Marketing 95 6.4.1 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Distributors 96 6.5 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Customers 97 7 LOW VOLTAGE THREE-PHASE MOTOR MARKET DYNAMICS 98 7.1.1 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Industry Trends 98 7.1.2 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Market Drivers 99 7.1.3 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Market Challenges 100 7.1.4 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Market Restraints 100 8 KEY FINDINGS IN THE CHINA LOW VOLTAGE THREE-PHASE MOTOR STUDY 101 9 APPENDIX 103 9.1 Research Methodology 103 9.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 103 9.1.2 Data Source 107 9.2 Author Details 110 9.3 Disclaimer 111
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Market Table of Contents1 STUDY COVERAGE 11.1 Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Product Introduction 1 1.2 Market by Type 1 1.2.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1 1.2.2 Asynchronous Motor 3 1.2.3 Synchronous Motor 3 1.3 Market by Application 3 1.3.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 4 1.3.2 Machinery 5 1.3.3 Metallurgical 5 1.3.4 Petrochemical Industry 5 1.3.5 Food & Beverage 6 1.3.6 Chemical Industry 6 1.3.7 Other 6 1.4 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 6 1.5 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 8 1.6 Study Objectives 9 1.7 Years Considered 10 2 COMPETITION BY MANUFACTURERS 11 2.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales by Manufacturers 11 2.1.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 11 2.1.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 13 2.1.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Market Share by Manufacturers in 2021 15 2.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue by Manufacturers 16 2.2.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 16 2.2.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 18 2.2.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers in 2021 20 2.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Price by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 21 2.4 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 22 2.4.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 22 2.4.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 23 2.4.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Manufacturers Geographical Distribution 25 3 MARKET SIZE BY TYPE 27 3.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales by Type 27 3.1.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Historical Sales by Type (2017-2022) 27 3.1.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Forecasted Sales by Type (2023-2028) 27 3.1.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 28 3.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue by Type 29 3.2.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Historical Revenue by Type (2017-2022) 29 3.2.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Forecasted Revenue by Type (2023-2028) 30 3.2.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 30 3.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price by Type 31 3.3.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price by Type (2017-2022) 31 3.3.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 32 4 MARKET SIZE BY APPLICATION 33 4.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales by Application 33 4.1.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022) 33 4.1.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028) 34 4.1.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 34 4.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue by Application 36 4.2.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022) 36 4.2.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028) 37 4.2.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 38 4.3 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price by Application 39 4.3.1 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price by Application (2017-2022) 39 4.3.2 China Low Voltage Three-Phase Motor Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 40 5 CORPORATE PROFILE 41 5.1 Wolong Electric Drive 41 5.1.1 Wolong Electric Drive Corporation Information 41 5.1.2 Wolong Electric Drive Overview 41 5.1.3 Wolong Electric Drive in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 42 5.1.4 Wolong Electric Drive Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 43 5.2 Wannan Electric Machine 44 5.2.1 Wannan Electric Machine Corporation Information 44 5.2.2 Wannan Electric Machine Overview 45 5.2.3 Wannan Electric Machine in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 45 5.2.4 Wannan Electric Machine Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 46 5.3 Huali Group 47 5.3.1 Huali Group Corporation Information 47 5.3.2 Huali Group Overview 47 5.3.3 Huali Group in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 48 5.3.4 Huali Group Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 49 5.4 Zhongda Electric Co., Ltd. 50 5.4.1 Zhongda Electric Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 50 5.4.2 Zhongda Electric Co., Ltd. Overview 50 5.4.3 Zhongda Electric Co., Ltd. in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 51 5.4.4 Zhongda Electric Co., Ltd. Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 52 5.5 Changli Group 52 5.5.1 Changli Group Corporation Information 52 5.5.2 Changli Group Overview 53 5.5.3 Changli Group in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 54 5.5.4 Changli Group Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 54 5.6 Jiangsu Xi鈥檃nda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd 55 5.6.1 Jiangsu Xi鈥檃nda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd Corporation Information 55 5.6.2 Jiangsu Xi鈥檃nda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd Overview 55 5.6.3 Jiangsu Xi鈥檃nda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 56 5.6.4 Jiangsu Xi鈥檃nda Explosion-proof Co.,Ltd Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 57 5.7 Jiangxi Special Electric Motor 57 5.7.1 Jiangxi Special Electric Motor Corporation Information 57 5.7.2 Jiangxi Special Electric Motor Overview 58 5.7.3 Jiangxi Special Electric Motor in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 59 5.7.4 Jiangxi Special Electric Motor Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 59 5.8 Siemens 60 5.8.1 Siemens Corporation Information 60 5.8.2 Siemens Overview 60 5.8.3 Siemens in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 61 5.8.4 Siemens Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 62 5.9 ABB 62 5.9.1 ABB Corporation Information 62 5.9.2 ABB Overview 63 5.9.3 ABB in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 64 5.9.4 ABB Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 64 5.10 Simo 65 5.10.1 Simo Corporation Information 65 5.10.2 Simo Overview 65 5.10.3 Simo in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 66 5.10.4 Simo Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 66 5.11 Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing 67 5.11.1 Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Corporation Information 67 5.11.2 Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Overview 68 5.11.3 Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 69 5.11.4 Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 69 5.12 NIDEC 70 5.12.1 NIDEC Corporation Information 70 5.12.2 NIDEC Overview 71 5.12.3 NIDEC in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 71 5.12.4 NIDEC Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 72 5.13 Lanzhou Electric Machinery 72 5.13.1 Lanzhou Electric Machinery Corporation Information 72 5.13.2 Lanzhou Electric Machinery Overview 73 5.13.3 Lanzhou Electric Machinery in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 74 5.13.4 Lanzhou Electric Machinery Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 74 5.14 Shandong Kaiyuan 75 5.14.1 Shandong Kaiyuan Corporation Information 75 5.14.2 Shandong Kaiyuan Overview 75 5.14.3 Shandong Kaiyuan in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 76 5.14.4 Shandong Kaiyuan Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 77 5.15 Jiadian Co., Ltd. 77 5.15.1 Jiadian Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 77 5.15.2 Jiadian Co., Ltd. Overview 78 5.15.3 Jiadian Co., Ltd. in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 79 5.15.4 Jiadian Co., Ltd. Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 79 5.16 Weg (Nantong) Electric Motor Manufacturing 80 5.16.1 Weg (Nantong) Electric Motor Manufacturing Corporation Information 80 5.16.2 Weg (Nantong) Electric Motor Manufacturing Overview 81 5.16.3 Weg (Nantong) Electric Motor Manufacturing in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 81 5.16.4 Weg (Nantong) Electric Motor Manufacturing Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 82 5.17 Shanghai Top Motor Co., Ltd. 83 5.17.1 Shanghai Top Motor Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 83 5.17.2 Shanghai Top Motor Co., Ltd. Overview 83 5.17.3 Shanghai Top Motor Co., Ltd. in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 84 5.17.4 Shanghai Top Motor Co., Ltd. Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 84 5.18 Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd. 85 5.18.1 Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd. Corporation Information 85 5.18.2 Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd. Overview 86 5.18.3 Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd. in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 86 5.18.4 Hebei Electric Motor Co., Ltd. Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 87 5.19 Able Motor 87 5.19.1 Able Motor Corporation Information 87 5.19.2 Able Motor Overview 88 5.19.3 Able Motor in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 89 5.19.4 Able Motor Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 89 5.20 TECO 90 5.20.1 TECO Corporation Information 90 5.20.2 TECO Overview 90 5.20.3 TECO in China: Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 91 5.20.4 TECO Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 91 6 INDUSTRY CHAIN AND SALES CHANNELS ANALYSIS 93 6.1 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Industry Chain Analysis 93 6.2 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Key Raw Materials 93 6.2.1 Key Raw Materials 93 6.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 94 6.3 Construction of Low Voltage Three-phase Motor 95 6.4 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Sales and Marketing 95 6.4.1 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Distributors 96 6.5 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Customers 97 7 LOW VOLTAGE THREE-PHASE MOTOR MARKET DYNAMICS 98 7.1.1 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Industry Trends 98 7.1.2 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Market Drivers 99 7.1.3 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Market Challenges 100 7.1.4 Low Voltage Three-phase Motor Market Restraints 100 8 KEY FINDINGS IN THE CHINA LOW VOLTAGE THREE-PHASE MOTOR STUDY 101 9 APPENDIX 103 9.1 Research Methodology 103 9.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 103 9.1.2 Data Source 107 9.2 Author Details 110 9.3 Disclaimer 111
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