北米・欧州の自動車ディーラー向けソフトウェア市場レポート&予測 2022-2028North America and Europe Automobile Dealer Software Market Report & Forecast 2022-2028 市場の分析と洞察。北米・欧州の自動車ディーラー向けソフトウェア市場 本レポートでは、北米と欧州の自動車ディーラーソフトウェア市場に焦点を当て、その他の地域の地域レベルおよび郡レベルのセグメントデー... もっと見る
サマリー市場の分析と洞察。北米・欧州の自動車ディーラー向けソフトウェア市場本レポートでは、北米と欧州の自動車ディーラーソフトウェア市場に焦点を当て、その他の地域の地域レベルおよび郡レベルのセグメントデータもカバーしています。 最近の調査に基づき、2021年の自動車ディーラーソフトウェアのYoY成長率について、いくつかの異なるシナリオがあります。確率の高いシナリオでは、2021年の成長率は6.47%、売上は83億6,182万米ドルになると予測されています。2028年のAutomobile Dealer Softwareの市場規模は、2022年から2028年までのCAGRが5.82%で、124億1,866万米ドルに達すると予測される。 北米・欧州の自動車ディーラー向けソフトウェアの範囲と市場規模 自動車ディーラーソフトウェア市場は、地域レベルおよび国レベル、プレイヤー別、タイプ別、用途別に区分されています。北米およびヨーロッパの自動車ディーラーソフトウェア市場におけるプレイヤー、利害関係者、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力なリソースとして利用することで、優位に立つことができるようになることでしょう。セグメント別分析では、2017年から2028年までのタイプ別、アプリケーション別の収益と予測に焦点を当てます。 会社別 コックスオートモーティブ CDKグローバル レイノルズ&レイノルズ ルートワン ドミニオンエンタープライズ ディーラーソケット インターネットブランズ Epicor T-システムズ タイトルテック パインウッドテクノロジー ARIネットワークサービス オートソフ インフォメディア MAMソフトウェア 種類別セグメント DSMソフトウェア CRMソフトウェア マーケティングソフトウェア その他のソフトウェア アプリケーション別セグメント クラウド型 オンプレミス 北米地域 国別セグメント 米国 カナダ 国別セグメント 欧州 ドイツ 英国 フランス イタリア ロシア 目次1 Study Coverage 11.1 Automobile Dealer Software Product Introduction 1 1.2 North America and Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue for the Year 2017-2028 1 1.3 North America Automobile Dealer Software Revenue for the Year 2017-2028 3 1.4 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue for the Year 2017-2028 4 1.5 Automobile Dealer Software Market Dynamics 6 1.5.1 Automobile Dealer Software Industry Trends 6 1.5.2 Automobile Dealer Software Market Drivers 6 1.5.3 Automobile Dealer Software Market Challenges 7 1.6 Study Objectives 7 1.7 Years Considered 8 2 Automobile Dealer Software by Type 9 2.1 Automobile Dealer Software Market Segment by Type 9 2.1.1 DSM Software 9 2.1.2 CRM Software 10 2.1.3 Marketing Software 10 2.2 North America Automobile Dealer Software Revenue, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 10 2.3 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 13 3 Automobile Dealer Software by Application 16 3.1 Automobile Dealer Software Market Segment by Application 16 3.1.1 Cloud-based 16 3.1.2 On-premise 16 3.2 North America Automobile Dealer Software Revenue, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 16 3.3 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 18 4 Competitor Landscape by Company 21 4.1 North America Automobile Dealer Software Market Size by Company 21 4.1.1 North America Automobile Dealer Software Players Ranked by Revenue (2021) 21 4.1.2 North America Automobile Dealer Software Revenue by Player (2020-2022) 22 4.2 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Market Size by Company 23 4.2.1 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Players Ranked by Revenue (2021) 23 4.2.2 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue by Player (2020-2022) 24 4.3 North America and Europe Automobile Dealer Software Players Headquarters and Established Date 25 4.4 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 25 5 North America 27 5.1 North America Automobile Dealer Software Revenue by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 27 5.2 US 28 5.3 Canada 28 6 Europe 29 6.1 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 29 6.2 Germany 30 6.3 UK 31 6.4 France 31 6.5 Italy 32 6.6 Russia 32 7 Company Profiles 33 7.1 Cox Automotive 33 7.1.1 Cox Automotive Corporation Information 33 7.1.2 Cox Automotive Description and Business Overview 33 7.1.3 Cox Automotive in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 34 7.1.4 Cox Automotive Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 35 7.2 CDK Global 36 7.2.1 CDK Global Corporation Information 36 7.2.2 CDK Global Description and Business Overview 36 7.2.3 CDK Global in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 37 7.2.4 CDK Global Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 37 7.3 Reynolds and Reynolds 38 7.3.1 Reynolds and Reynolds Corporation Information 38 7.3.2 Reynolds and Reynolds Description and Business Overview 39 7.3.3 Reynolds and Reynolds in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 39 7.3.4 Reynolds and Reynolds Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 40 7.4 RouteOne 40 7.4.1 RouteOne Corporation Information 40 7.4.2 RouteOne Description and Business Overview 41 7.4.3 RouteOne in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 41 7.4.4 RouteOne Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 41 7.5 Dominion Enterprises 42 7.5.1 Dominion Enterprises Corporation Information 42 7.5.2 Dominion Enterprises Description and Business Overview 43 7.5.3 Dominion Enterprises in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 43 7.5.4 Dominion Enterprises Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 43 7.6 DealerSocket 44 7.6.1 DealerSocket Corporation Information 44 7.6.2 DealerSocket Description and Business Overview 44 7.6.3 DealerSocket in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 45 7.6.4 DealerSocket Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 45 7.7 Internet Brands 45 7.7.1 Internet Brands Corporation Information 45 7.7.2 Internet Brands Description and Business Overview 46 7.7.3 Internet Brands in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 46 7.7.4 Internet Brands Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 46 7.8 Epicor 47 7.8.1 Epicor Corporation Information 47 7.8.2 Epicor Description and Business Overview 47 7.8.3 Epicor in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 48 7.8.4 Epicor Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 48 7.9 T-Systems 48 7.9.1 T-Systems Corporation Information 48 7.9.2 T-Systems Description and Business Overview 49 7.9.3 T-Systems in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 49 7.9.4 T-Systems Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 50 7.10 TitleTec 50 7.10.1 TitleTec Corporation Information 50 7.10.2 TitleTec Description and Business Overview 51 7.10.3 TitleTec in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 51 7.10.4 TitleTec Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 52 7.11 Pinewood Technologies 53 7.11.1 Pinewood Technologies Corporation Information 53 7.11.2 Pinewood Technologies Description and Business Overview 53 7.11.3 Pinewood Technologies in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 54 7.11.4 Pinewood Technologies Automobile Dealer Software Products 54 7.12 ARI Network Services 54 7.12.1 ARI Network Services Corporation Information 54 7.12.2 ARI Network Services Description and Business Overview 55 7.12.3 ARI Network Services in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 55 7.12.4 ARI Network Services Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 55 7.13 Autosof 56 7.13.1 Autosof Corporation Information 56 7.13.2 Autosof Description and Business Overview 57 7.13.3 Autosof in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 57 7.13.4 Autosof Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 57 7.14 Infomedia 58 7.14.1 Infomedia Corporation Information 58 7.14.2 Infomedia Description and Business Overview 58 7.14.3 Infomedia in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 59 7.14.4 Infomedia Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 59 7.15 MAM Software 59 7.15.1 MAM Software Corporation Information 59 7.15.2 MAM Software Description and Business Overview 60 7.15.3 MAM Software in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 60 7.15.4 MAM Software Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 61 8 Research Findings and Conclusion 62 9 Appendix 63 9.1 Research Methodology 63 9.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 63 9.1.2 Data Source 66 9.2 Author Details 69 9.3 Disclaimer 69
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: North America and Europe Automobile Dealer Software Market Table of Contents1 Study Coverage 11.1 Automobile Dealer Software Product Introduction 1 1.2 North America and Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue for the Year 2017-2028 1 1.3 North America Automobile Dealer Software Revenue for the Year 2017-2028 3 1.4 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue for the Year 2017-2028 4 1.5 Automobile Dealer Software Market Dynamics 6 1.5.1 Automobile Dealer Software Industry Trends 6 1.5.2 Automobile Dealer Software Market Drivers 6 1.5.3 Automobile Dealer Software Market Challenges 7 1.6 Study Objectives 7 1.7 Years Considered 8 2 Automobile Dealer Software by Type 9 2.1 Automobile Dealer Software Market Segment by Type 9 2.1.1 DSM Software 9 2.1.2 CRM Software 10 2.1.3 Marketing Software 10 2.2 North America Automobile Dealer Software Revenue, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 10 2.3 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue, by Type (2017, 2022 & 2028) 13 3 Automobile Dealer Software by Application 16 3.1 Automobile Dealer Software Market Segment by Application 16 3.1.1 Cloud-based 16 3.1.2 On-premise 16 3.2 North America Automobile Dealer Software Revenue, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 16 3.3 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue, by Application (2017, 2022 & 2028) 18 4 Competitor Landscape by Company 21 4.1 North America Automobile Dealer Software Market Size by Company 21 4.1.1 North America Automobile Dealer Software Players Ranked by Revenue (2021) 21 4.1.2 North America Automobile Dealer Software Revenue by Player (2020-2022) 22 4.2 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Market Size by Company 23 4.2.1 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Players Ranked by Revenue (2021) 23 4.2.2 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue by Player (2020-2022) 24 4.3 North America and Europe Automobile Dealer Software Players Headquarters and Established Date 25 4.4 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 25 5 North America 27 5.1 North America Automobile Dealer Software Revenue by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 27 5.2 US 28 5.3 Canada 28 6 Europe 29 6.1 Europe Automobile Dealer Software Revenue by Country (2017, 2022 & 2028) 29 6.2 Germany 30 6.3 UK 31 6.4 France 31 6.5 Italy 32 6.6 Russia 32 7 Company Profiles 33 7.1 Cox Automotive 33 7.1.1 Cox Automotive Corporation Information 33 7.1.2 Cox Automotive Description and Business Overview 33 7.1.3 Cox Automotive in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 34 7.1.4 Cox Automotive Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 35 7.2 CDK Global 36 7.2.1 CDK Global Corporation Information 36 7.2.2 CDK Global Description and Business Overview 36 7.2.3 CDK Global in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 37 7.2.4 CDK Global Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 37 7.3 Reynolds and Reynolds 38 7.3.1 Reynolds and Reynolds Corporation Information 38 7.3.2 Reynolds and Reynolds Description and Business Overview 39 7.3.3 Reynolds and Reynolds in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 39 7.3.4 Reynolds and Reynolds Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 40 7.4 RouteOne 40 7.4.1 RouteOne Corporation Information 40 7.4.2 RouteOne Description and Business Overview 41 7.4.3 RouteOne in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 41 7.4.4 RouteOne Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 41 7.5 Dominion Enterprises 42 7.5.1 Dominion Enterprises Corporation Information 42 7.5.2 Dominion Enterprises Description and Business Overview 43 7.5.3 Dominion Enterprises in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 43 7.5.4 Dominion Enterprises Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 43 7.6 DealerSocket 44 7.6.1 DealerSocket Corporation Information 44 7.6.2 DealerSocket Description and Business Overview 44 7.6.3 DealerSocket in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 45 7.6.4 DealerSocket Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 45 7.7 Internet Brands 45 7.7.1 Internet Brands Corporation Information 45 7.7.2 Internet Brands Description and Business Overview 46 7.7.3 Internet Brands in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 46 7.7.4 Internet Brands Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 46 7.8 Epicor 47 7.8.1 Epicor Corporation Information 47 7.8.2 Epicor Description and Business Overview 47 7.8.3 Epicor in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 48 7.8.4 Epicor Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 48 7.9 T-Systems 48 7.9.1 T-Systems Corporation Information 48 7.9.2 T-Systems Description and Business Overview 49 7.9.3 T-Systems in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 49 7.9.4 T-Systems Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 50 7.10 TitleTec 50 7.10.1 TitleTec Corporation Information 50 7.10.2 TitleTec Description and Business Overview 51 7.10.3 TitleTec in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 51 7.10.4 TitleTec Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 52 7.11 Pinewood Technologies 53 7.11.1 Pinewood Technologies Corporation Information 53 7.11.2 Pinewood Technologies Description and Business Overview 53 7.11.3 Pinewood Technologies in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 54 7.11.4 Pinewood Technologies Automobile Dealer Software Products 54 7.12 ARI Network Services 54 7.12.1 ARI Network Services Corporation Information 54 7.12.2 ARI Network Services Description and Business Overview 55 7.12.3 ARI Network Services in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 55 7.12.4 ARI Network Services Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 55 7.13 Autosof 56 7.13.1 Autosof Corporation Information 56 7.13.2 Autosof Description and Business Overview 57 7.13.3 Autosof in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 57 7.13.4 Autosof Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 57 7.14 Infomedia 58 7.14.1 Infomedia Corporation Information 58 7.14.2 Infomedia Description and Business Overview 58 7.14.3 Infomedia in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 59 7.14.4 Infomedia Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 59 7.15 MAM Software 59 7.15.1 MAM Software Corporation Information 59 7.15.2 MAM Software Description and Business Overview 60 7.15.3 MAM Software in North America and Europe: Automobile Dealer Software Revenue and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 60 7.15.4 MAM Software Automobile Dealer Software Products Offered 61 8 Research Findings and Conclusion 62 9 Appendix 63 9.1 Research Methodology 63 9.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 63 9.1.2 Data Source 66 9.2 Author Details 69 9.3 Disclaimer 69
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