自動車用パノラミックルーフの世界市場調査報告書2022年版Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Research Report 2022 市場分析と洞察。自動車用パノラミックルーフの世界市場 COVID-19のパンデミックにより、自動車用パノラミックルーフの世界市場規模は2021年に3065.08百万米ドルと推定され、2022年から2028年の間に8.96%のCAGR... もっと見る
サマリー市場分析と洞察。自動車用パノラミックルーフの世界市場COVID-19のパンデミックにより、自動車用パノラミックルーフの世界市場規模は2021年に3065.08百万米ドルと推定され、2022年から2028年の間に8.96%のCAGRで成長し、2028年末には5603.64百万米ドルに達すると予想されています。 自動車用パノラミックルーフの世界市場。推進要因と抑制要因 この調査レポートでは、市場の成長を促進するさまざまな要因を分析しています。また、市場をポジティブにもネガティブにも変化させるトレンド、阻害要因、ドライバーについても説明しています。また、このセクションでは、将来的に市場に影響を与える可能性のあるさまざまなセグメントとアプリケーションの範囲を提供しています。詳細な情報は、現在のトレンドと過去のマイルストーンに基づいています。このセクションでは、2017年から2028年までの世界市場と各タイプについての生産量の分析も行っています。このセクションでは、2017年から2028年までの地域別の生産量について言及しています。価格分析は、2017年から2028年までの各タイプ別、2017年から2022年までのメーカー別、2017年から2022年までの地域別、2017年から2028年までの世界価格別に記載しています。 レポートに含まれる抑制の徹底評価は、ドライバーとの対比を描き、戦略的計画の余地を与えます。市場の成長を阻害する要因は、成長を続ける市場に存在する有利な機会を手に入れるための様々な工夫をするために理解することができるため、極めて重要です。さらに、市場をより深く理解するために、市場の専門家の意見も取り入れています。 自動車用パノラミックルーフの世界市場。セグメント分析 本調査レポートでは、地域(国)別、メーカー別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別の具体的なセグメントを紹介しています。各タイプでは、2017年から2028年の予測期間における生産量に関する情報を提供しています。また、アプリケーション別セグメントでは、2017年から2028年の予測期間における消費量を提供しています。セグメントを理解することで、市場の成長を助けるさまざまな要因の重要性を見極めることができます。 会社別 ベバスト イナルファ CIEオートモーティブ 八千代 BOS アイシン精機 モビテック モーションテック ワンチャオ タイプ別セグメント マルチパネルサンルーフ シングルパネルサンルーフ アプリケーション別セグメント SUV セダン&ハッチバック その他 地域別生産台数 北アメリカ 欧州 中国 日本 韓国 インド その他の地域 地域別消費量 北アメリカ U.S. カナダ メキシコ アジアパシフィック 中国 日本 韓国 東南アジア インド ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア ロシア その他のヨーロッパ諸国 南米 ブラジル その他の南アメリカ諸国 目次1 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Overview 11.1 Product Overview and Scope of Automotive Panoramic Roof 1 1.2 Automotive Panoramic Roof Segment by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Size Growth Rate Analysis by Type: 2022 VS 2028 2 1.2.2 Multi-Panel Sunroof 3 1.2.3 Single Panel Sunroof 3 1.3 Automotive Panoramic Roof Segment by Application 3 1.3.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Size Growth Rate Analysis by Application: 2022 VS 2028 4 1.3.2 SUV 5 1.3.3 Sedan & Hatchback 5 1.3.4 Others 6 1.4 Global Market Growth Prospects 6 1.4.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 6 1.4.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 8 1.5 Global Market Size by Region 8 1.5.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Region: 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 8 1.5.2 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 9 1.5.3 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 10 1.5.4 China Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 10 1.5.5 Japan Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 11 1.5.6 Korea Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 11 1.5.7 India Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 12 2 Market Competition by Manufacturers 13 2.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Production by Manufacturers (2020-2022) 13 2.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2022) 14 2.3 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 16 2.4 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Average Price by Manufacturers (2020-2022) 16 2.5 Automotive Panoramic Roof Manufacturers Headquarters and Established Date 17 2.6 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Competitive Situation and Trends 18 2.6.1 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Concentration Rate 18 2.6.2 Global 3 and 5 Largest Automotive Panoramic Roof Players Market Share by Revenue 19 2.6.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 19 3 Production by Region 21 3.1 Global Production of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Region (2017-2022) 21 3.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Revenue Market Share by Region (2017-2022) 22 3.3 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 22 3.4 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Production 23 3.4.1 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 23 3.4.2 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 23 3.5 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Production 24 3.5.1 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 24 3.5.2 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 24 3.6 China Automotive Panoramic Roof Production (2017-2022) 25 3.6.1 China Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 25 3.6.2 China Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 25 3.7 Japan Automotive Panoramic Roof Production (2017-2022) 26 3.7.1 Japan Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 26 3.7.2 Japan Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 26 3.8 Korea Automotive Panoramic Roof Production (2017-2022) 27 3.8.1 Korea Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 27 3.8.2 Korea Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 27 3.9 India Automotive Panoramic Roof Production (2017-2022) 28 3.9.1 India Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 28 3.9.2 India Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 28 4 Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Region 29 4.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Region 29 4.1.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Region 29 4.1.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption Market Share by Region 29 4.2 North America 30 4.2.1 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Country 31 4.2.2 U.S. 32 4.2.3 Canada 32 4.2.4 Mexico 33 4.3 Europe 33 4.3.1 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Country 34 4.3.2 Germany 35 4.3.3 France 35 4.3.4 U.K. 36 4.3.5 Italy 36 4.3.6 Russia 37 4.4 Asia Pacific 37 4.4.1 Asia Pacific Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Region 38 4.4.2 China 39 4.4.3 Japan 39 4.4.4 South Korea 40 4.4.5 Southeast Asia 40 4.4.6 India 41 4.5 South America 41 4.5.1 South America Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Country 42 4.5.2 Brazil 43 5 Segment by Type 44 5.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 44 5.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 45 5.3 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Price by Type (2017-2022) 46 6 Segment by Application 48 6.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Market Share by Application (2017-2022) 48 6.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2022) 49 6.3 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Price by Application (2017-2022) 50 7 Key Companies Profiled 52 7.1 Webasto 52 7.1.1 Webasto Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 52 7.1.2 Webasto Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 53 7.1.3 Webasto Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 53 7.2 Inalfa 53 7.2.1 Inalfa Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 53 7.2.2 Inalfa Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 54 7.2.3 Inalfa Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 54 7.3 CIE Automotive 55 7.3.1 CIE Automotive Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 55 7.3.2 CIE Automotive Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 56 7.3.3 CIE Automotive Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 56 7.4 Yachiyo 56 7.4.1 Yachiyo Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 56 7.4.2 Yachiyo Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 57 7.4.3 Yachiyo Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 57 7.5 BOS 58 7.5.1 BOS Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 58 7.5.2 BOS Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 59 7.5.3 BOS Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 59 7.6 Aisin Seiki 59 7.6.1 Aisin Seiki Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 59 7.6.2 Aisin Seiki Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 60 7.6.3 Aisin Seiki Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 60 7.7 Mobitech 61 7.7.1 Mobitech Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 61 7.7.2 Mobitech Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 62 7.7.3 Mobitech Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 62 7.8 Motiontec 62 7.8.1 Motiontec Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 62 7.8.2 Motiontec Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 63 7.8.3 Motiontec Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 64 7.9 Wanchao 64 7.9.1 Wanchao Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 64 7.9.2 Wanchao Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 65 7.9.3 Wanchao Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 65 8 Automotive Panoramic Roof Manufacturing Cost Analysis 66 8.1 Automotive Panoramic Roof Key Raw Materials Analysis 66 8.1.1 Key Raw Materials 66 8.1.2 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials 66 8.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 67 8.3 Automotive Panoramic Roof Industrial Chain Analysis 68 9 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers 69 9.1 Marketing Channel 69 9.2 Automotive Panoramic Roof Distributors List 70 9.3 Automotive Panoramic Roof Customers 71 10 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Dynamics 74 10.1 Automotive Panoramic Roof Industry Trends 74 10.2 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Drivers 74 10.3 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Challenges 75 11 Production and Supply Forecast 76 11.1 Global Forecasted Production of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Region (2023-2028) 76 11.2 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 78 11.3 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 79 11.4 China Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 80 11.5 Japan Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 81 11.6 Korea Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 82 11.7 India Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 83 12 Consumption and Demand Forecast 84 12.1 Global Forecasted Demand Analysis of Automotive Panoramic Roof 84 12.2 North America Forecasted Consumption of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Country 84 12.3 Europe Market Forecasted Consumption of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Country 85 12.4 Asia Pacific Market Forecasted Consumption of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Region 85 12.5 South America Forecasted Consumption of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Country 86 13 Forecast by Type and by Application 87 13.1 Global Production, Revenue and Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 87 13.1.1 Global Forecasted Production of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Type (2023-2028) 87 13.1.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Type (2023-2028) 87 13.1.3 Global Forecasted Price of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Type (2023-2028) 88 13.2 Global Production, Revenue and Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 88 13.2.1 Global Forecasted Production of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Application (2023-2028) 88 13.2.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Application (2023-2028) 89 13.2.3 Global Forecasted Price of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Application (2023-2028) 90 14 Research Findings and Conclusion 91 15 Methodology and Data Source 92 15.1 Methodology/Research Approach 92 15.1.1 Research Programs/Design 92 15.1.2 Market Size Estimation 93 15.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 94 15.2 Data Source 95 15.2.1 Secondary Sources 95 15.2.2 Primary Sources 96 15.3 Author List 97 15.4 Disclaimer 98
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Table of Contents1 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Overview 11.1 Product Overview and Scope of Automotive Panoramic Roof 1 1.2 Automotive Panoramic Roof Segment by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Size Growth Rate Analysis by Type: 2022 VS 2028 2 1.2.2 Multi-Panel Sunroof 3 1.2.3 Single Panel Sunroof 3 1.3 Automotive Panoramic Roof Segment by Application 3 1.3.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Size Growth Rate Analysis by Application: 2022 VS 2028 4 1.3.2 SUV 5 1.3.3 Sedan & Hatchback 5 1.3.4 Others 6 1.4 Global Market Growth Prospects 6 1.4.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 6 1.4.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 8 1.5 Global Market Size by Region 8 1.5.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Region: 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 8 1.5.2 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 9 1.5.3 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 10 1.5.4 China Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 10 1.5.5 Japan Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 11 1.5.6 Korea Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 11 1.5.7 India Automotive Panoramic Roof Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028) 12 2 Market Competition by Manufacturers 13 2.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Production by Manufacturers (2020-2022) 13 2.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2020-2022) 14 2.3 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 16 2.4 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Average Price by Manufacturers (2020-2022) 16 2.5 Automotive Panoramic Roof Manufacturers Headquarters and Established Date 17 2.6 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Competitive Situation and Trends 18 2.6.1 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Concentration Rate 18 2.6.2 Global 3 and 5 Largest Automotive Panoramic Roof Players Market Share by Revenue 19 2.6.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 19 3 Production by Region 21 3.1 Global Production of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Region (2017-2022) 21 3.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Revenue Market Share by Region (2017-2022) 22 3.3 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 22 3.4 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Production 23 3.4.1 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 23 3.4.2 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 23 3.5 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Production 24 3.5.1 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 24 3.5.2 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 24 3.6 China Automotive Panoramic Roof Production (2017-2022) 25 3.6.1 China Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 25 3.6.2 China Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 25 3.7 Japan Automotive Panoramic Roof Production (2017-2022) 26 3.7.1 Japan Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 26 3.7.2 Japan Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 26 3.8 Korea Automotive Panoramic Roof Production (2017-2022) 27 3.8.1 Korea Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 27 3.8.2 Korea Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 27 3.9 India Automotive Panoramic Roof Production (2017-2022) 28 3.9.1 India Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Growth Rate (2017-2022) 28 3.9.2 India Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 28 4 Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Region 29 4.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Region 29 4.1.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Region 29 4.1.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption Market Share by Region 29 4.2 North America 30 4.2.1 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Country 31 4.2.2 U.S. 32 4.2.3 Canada 32 4.2.4 Mexico 33 4.3 Europe 33 4.3.1 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Country 34 4.3.2 Germany 35 4.3.3 France 35 4.3.4 U.K. 36 4.3.5 Italy 36 4.3.6 Russia 37 4.4 Asia Pacific 37 4.4.1 Asia Pacific Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Region 38 4.4.2 China 39 4.4.3 Japan 39 4.4.4 South Korea 40 4.4.5 Southeast Asia 40 4.4.6 India 41 4.5 South America 41 4.5.1 South America Automotive Panoramic Roof Consumption by Country 42 4.5.2 Brazil 43 5 Segment by Type 44 5.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 44 5.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 45 5.3 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Price by Type (2017-2022) 46 6 Segment by Application 48 6.1 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Production Market Share by Application (2017-2022) 48 6.2 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2022) 49 6.3 Global Automotive Panoramic Roof Price by Application (2017-2022) 50 7 Key Companies Profiled 52 7.1 Webasto 52 7.1.1 Webasto Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 52 7.1.2 Webasto Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 53 7.1.3 Webasto Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 53 7.2 Inalfa 53 7.2.1 Inalfa Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 53 7.2.2 Inalfa Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 54 7.2.3 Inalfa Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 54 7.3 CIE Automotive 55 7.3.1 CIE Automotive Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 55 7.3.2 CIE Automotive Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 56 7.3.3 CIE Automotive Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 56 7.4 Yachiyo 56 7.4.1 Yachiyo Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 56 7.4.2 Yachiyo Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 57 7.4.3 Yachiyo Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 57 7.5 BOS 58 7.5.1 BOS Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 58 7.5.2 BOS Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 59 7.5.3 BOS Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 59 7.6 Aisin Seiki 59 7.6.1 Aisin Seiki Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 59 7.6.2 Aisin Seiki Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 60 7.6.3 Aisin Seiki Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 60 7.7 Mobitech 61 7.7.1 Mobitech Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 61 7.7.2 Mobitech Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 62 7.7.3 Mobitech Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 62 7.8 Motiontec 62 7.8.1 Motiontec Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 62 7.8.2 Motiontec Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 63 7.8.3 Motiontec Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 64 7.9 Wanchao 64 7.9.1 Wanchao Automotive Panoramic Roof Corporation Information 64 7.9.2 Wanchao Automotive Panoramic Roof Product Portfolio 65 7.9.3 Wanchao Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2020-2022) 65 8 Automotive Panoramic Roof Manufacturing Cost Analysis 66 8.1 Automotive Panoramic Roof Key Raw Materials Analysis 66 8.1.1 Key Raw Materials 66 8.1.2 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials 66 8.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 67 8.3 Automotive Panoramic Roof Industrial Chain Analysis 68 9 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers 69 9.1 Marketing Channel 69 9.2 Automotive Panoramic Roof Distributors List 70 9.3 Automotive Panoramic Roof Customers 71 10 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Dynamics 74 10.1 Automotive Panoramic Roof Industry Trends 74 10.2 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Drivers 74 10.3 Automotive Panoramic Roof Market Challenges 75 11 Production and Supply Forecast 76 11.1 Global Forecasted Production of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Region (2023-2028) 76 11.2 North America Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 78 11.3 Europe Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 79 11.4 China Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 80 11.5 Japan Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 81 11.6 Korea Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 82 11.7 India Automotive Panoramic Roof Production, Revenue Forecast (2023-2028) 83 12 Consumption and Demand Forecast 84 12.1 Global Forecasted Demand Analysis of Automotive Panoramic Roof 84 12.2 North America Forecasted Consumption of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Country 84 12.3 Europe Market Forecasted Consumption of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Country 85 12.4 Asia Pacific Market Forecasted Consumption of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Region 85 12.5 South America Forecasted Consumption of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Country 86 13 Forecast by Type and by Application 87 13.1 Global Production, Revenue and Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 87 13.1.1 Global Forecasted Production of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Type (2023-2028) 87 13.1.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Type (2023-2028) 87 13.1.3 Global Forecasted Price of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Type (2023-2028) 88 13.2 Global Production, Revenue and Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 88 13.2.1 Global Forecasted Production of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Application (2023-2028) 88 13.2.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Application (2023-2028) 89 13.2.3 Global Forecasted Price of Automotive Panoramic Roof by Application (2023-2028) 90 14 Research Findings and Conclusion 91 15 Methodology and Data Source 92 15.1 Methodology/Research Approach 92 15.1.1 Research Programs/Design 92 15.1.2 Market Size Estimation 93 15.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 94 15.2 Data Source 95 15.2.1 Secondary Sources 95 15.2.2 Primary Sources 96 15.3 Author List 97 15.4 Disclaimer 98
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