世界と中国の自動車用電子オイルポンプ市場の現状と見通し2021-2027年Global and China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Market Status and Forecast 2021-2027 市場分析と洞察。自動車用電子オイルポンプの世界市場と中国市場 当レポートでは、世界および中国の自動車用電子オイルポンプ市場に焦点を当てています。 2020年の自動車用電子オイルポンプの世界市場規模は3億... もっと見る
サマリー市場分析と洞察。自動車用電子オイルポンプの世界市場と中国市場当レポートでは、世界および中国の自動車用電子オイルポンプ市場に焦点を当てています。 2020年の自動車用電子オイルポンプの世界市場規模は3億3,303万米ドルで、2021-2027年の間に21.78%のCAGRで2027年末には1億7,256万米ドルに達すると予測されています。中国では、自動車用電子オイルポンプの市場規模は、2021年の1億6,096万米ドルから2027年には6億4,632万米ドルまで、予測期間中に26.07%のCAGRで成長すると予測されています。 世界の自動車用電子オイルポンプの範囲と市場規模 自動車用電子オイルポンプ市場は、地域(国)別、プレーヤー別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別に分類されています。世界の自動車用電子オイルポンプ市場に参加するプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力なリソースとして活用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント別分析では、2016年から2027年までのタイプ別、アプリケーション別の売上高、収益、予測に焦点を当てています。 中国市場については、2016-2027年の自動車用電子オイルポンプの市場規模を、プレイヤー別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別に取り上げています。主要プレイヤーには、中国で重要な役割を果たしているグローバルプレイヤーとローカルプレイヤーが含まれています。 自動車用電子オイルポンプの世界市場で活動している主要メーカーは以下の通りです。 日本電産株式会社 SHWグループ ラインメタル・オートモーティブAG アイシン精機 ハノンシステムズ FTEオートモーティブ 株式会社ミツバ 三和ハイドロテック LGイノテック 山田 EMP 日立アステモ ビューラー・モーター 三菱電機株式会社 EBM パプスト フクシン・デアー タイプ別セグメント 一体型ポンプ セパレートポンプ アプリケーション別 スタート・ストップシステム 電気・ハイブリッドシステム 地域別セグメント 北アメリカ 欧州 中国 日本 その他の地域 目次1 MARKET OVERVIEW 1 1.1 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Introduction and Study Scope 1 1.2 Market by Type 1 1.3 Market by Application 2 1.3.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Market Size Growth Rate by Application 2 1.3.2 Start-Stop System 3 1.3.3 Electric and Hybrid System 3 2 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC OIL PUMP MARKET SIZE 4 2.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Supply and Demand, (2016-2027) 4 2.1.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Capacity, Production, Capacity Utilization, Status and Forecast, 2016-2027 4 2.1.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Production by Region: 2016-2021 4 2.2 China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Supply and Demand Forecast, 2016-2027 7 2.2.1 China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Production Capacity, Capacity Utilization and Forecast, 2016-2027 7 2.2.2 China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Production and Demand, 2016-2027 7 2.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales and Revenue 8 2.3.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Revenue, (2016-2027) 8 2.3.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, 2016-2027 9 2.3.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Price, 2016-2027 9 3 COMPETITION BY MANUFACTURERS 10 3.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales by Manufacturers 10 3.1.1 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers by Sales (2019-2021) 10 3.1.2 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers by Revenue (2019-2021) 11 3.1.3 Global Manufacturers Ranked by Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Revenue 12 3.1.4 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales Price by Manufacturers 13 3.2 China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales by Manufacturers 14 3.2.1 China Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers by Sales (2019-2021) 14 3.2.2 China Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers by Revenue (2016-2021) 15 3.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers Geographical Distribution 16 3.3.1 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales Area and Headquarters 16 3.3.2 Establish Date of Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers 16 3.4 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 17 4 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC OIL PUMP ANALYSIS BY REGION 19 4.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Revenue by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 19 4.1.1 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Regions by Revenue 19 4.1.2 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Regions by Revenue (2022-2027) 20 4.2 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Regions by Sales: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 21 4.2.1 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Regions by Sales (2016-2021) 21 4.2.2 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Regions by Sales (2022-2027) 22 4.3 North America Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales & Revenue (2016-2027) 23 4.4 Europe Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales & Revenue (2016-2027) 24 4.5 China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales & Revenue (2016-2027) 25 4.6 Japan Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales & Revenue (2016-2027) 26 5 CORPORATE PROFILE 28 5.1 Nidec Corporation 28 5.1.1 Nidec Corporation Corporation Information 28 5.1.2 Nidec Corporation Overview 28 5.1.3 Nidec Corporation Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 29 5.1.4 Nidec Corporation Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 29 5.2 SHW Group 30 5.2.1 SHW Group Corporation Information 30 5.2.2 SHW Group Overview 31 5.2.3 SHW Group Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 31 5.2.4 SHW Group Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 31 5.3 Rheinmetall Automotive 33 5.3.1 Rheinmetall Automotive Corporation Information 33 5.3.2 Rheinmetall Automotive Overview 33 5.3.3 Rheinmetall Automotive Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 34 5.3.4 Rheinmetall Automotive Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 34 5.4 AISIN SEIKI 35 5.4.1 AISIN SEIKI Corporation Information 35 5.4.2 AISIN SEIKI Overview 36 5.4.3 AISIN SEIKI Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 36 5.4.4 AISIN SEIKI Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 37 5.5 Hanon Systems 37 5.5.1 Hanon Systems Corporation Information 37 5.5.2 Hanon Systems Overview 38 5.5.3 Hanon Systems Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 38 5.5.4 Hanon Systems Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 38 5.6 FTE Automotive 39 5.6.1 FTE Automotive Corporation Information 39 5.6.2 FTE Automotive Overview 40 5.6.3 FTE Automotive Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 40 5.6.4 FTE Automotive Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 40 5.7 Mitsuba Corporation 41 5.7.1 Mitsuba Corporation Corporation Information 41 5.7.2 Mitsuba Corporation Overview 42 5.7.3 Mitsuba Corporation Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 42 5.7.4 Mitsuba Corporation Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 42 5.8 Sanhua 43 5.8.1 Sanhua Corporation Information 43 5.8.2 Sanhua Overview 43 5.8.3 Sanhua Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 44 5.8.4 Sanhua Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 44 5.9 LG Innotek 44 5.9.1 LG Innotek Corporation Information 44 5.9.2 LG Innotek Overview 45 5.9.3 LG Innotek Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 46 5.9.4 LG Innotek Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 46 5.10 Yamada 47 5.10.1 Yamada Corporation Information 47 5.10.2 Yamada Overview 47 5.10.3 Yamada Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 48 5.10.4 Yamada Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 48 5.11 EMP 49 5.11.1 EMP Corporation Information 49 5.11.2 EMP Overview 49 5.11.3 EMP Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 50 5.11.4 EMP Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 50 5.12 Hitachi Astemo 51 5.12.1 Hitachi Astemo Corporation Information 51 5.12.2 Hitachi Astemo Overview 52 5.12.3 Hitachi Astemo Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 52 5.12.4 Hitachi Astemo Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 52 5.13 Buehler Motor 53 5.13.1 Buehler Motor Corporation Information 53 5.13.2 Buehler Motor Overview 54 5.13.3 Buehler Motor Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 54 5.13.4 Buehler Motor Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 54 5.14 Mitsubishi Electric 55 5.14.1 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Information 55 5.14.2 Mitsubishi Electric Overview 56 5.14.3 Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 56 5.14.4 Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 57 5.15 EBM Papst 57 5.15.1 EBM Papst Corporation Information 57 5.15.2 EBM Papst Overview 58 5.15.3 EBM Papst Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 58 5.15.4 EBM Papst Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 58 5.16 Fuxin Dare 59 5.16.1 Fuxin Dare Corporation Information 59 5.16.2 Fuxin Dare Overview 60 5.16.3 Fuxin Dare Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 60 5.16.4 Fuxin Dare Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 60 6 MARKET SIZE BY TYPE 62 6.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales by Type 62 6.1.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Historical Sales by Type (2016-2021) 62 6.1.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Forecasted Sales by Type (2022-2027) 62 6.1.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales Market Share by Type (2016-2027) 62 6.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Revenue by Type 63 6.2.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Historical Revenue by Type (2016-2021) 63 6.2.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Forecasted Revenue by Type (2022-2027) 64 6.2.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Revenue Market Share by Type (2016-2027) 64 6.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Price by Type 65 6.3.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Price by Type (2016-2021) 65 6.3.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Price Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 65 7 MARKET SIZE BY APPLICATION 66 7.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Historical Sales by Application (2016-2021) 66 7.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Forecasted Sales by Application (2022-2027) 66 7.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales Market Share by Application (2016-2027) 66 8 UPSTREAM RAW MATERIALS AND DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS 68 8.1 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Industry Chain Analysis 68 8.2 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Key Raw Materials 68 8.2.1 Key Raw Materials 68 8.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 69 8.3 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Electric Oil Pump 69 8.4 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales and Marketing 70 8.4.1 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales Channels 70 8.4.2 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Distributors 72 8.5 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Customers 72 9 CHINA AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC OIL PUMP REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION 74 9.1 Key Producing Regions/Provinces of Automotive Electronic Oil Pump in China 74 9.2 Key Consumption Regions/Provinces of Automotive Electronic Oil Pump in China 74 10 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC OIL PUMP MARKET DYNAMICS 76 10.1 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Industry Trends 76 10.2 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Growth Drivers 76 10.3 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Market Challenges 77 11 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 78 12 APPENDIX 79 12.1 Research Methodology 79 12.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 79 12.1.2 Data Source 82 12.2 Author Details 84 12.3 Disclaimer 85
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump and China Market Table of Contents1 MARKET OVERVIEW 1 1.1 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Introduction and Study Scope 1 1.2 Market by Type 1 1.3 Market by Application 2 1.3.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Market Size Growth Rate by Application 2 1.3.2 Start-Stop System 3 1.3.3 Electric and Hybrid System 3 2 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC OIL PUMP MARKET SIZE 4 2.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Supply and Demand, (2016-2027) 4 2.1.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Capacity, Production, Capacity Utilization, Status and Forecast, 2016-2027 4 2.1.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Production by Region: 2016-2021 4 2.2 China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Supply and Demand Forecast, 2016-2027 7 2.2.1 China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Production Capacity, Capacity Utilization and Forecast, 2016-2027 7 2.2.2 China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Production and Demand, 2016-2027 7 2.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales and Revenue 8 2.3.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Revenue, (2016-2027) 8 2.3.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, 2016-2027 9 2.3.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Price, 2016-2027 9 3 COMPETITION BY MANUFACTURERS 10 3.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales by Manufacturers 10 3.1.1 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers by Sales (2019-2021) 10 3.1.2 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers by Revenue (2019-2021) 11 3.1.3 Global Manufacturers Ranked by Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Revenue 12 3.1.4 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales Price by Manufacturers 13 3.2 China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales by Manufacturers 14 3.2.1 China Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers by Sales (2019-2021) 14 3.2.2 China Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers by Revenue (2016-2021) 15 3.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers Geographical Distribution 16 3.3.1 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales Area and Headquarters 16 3.3.2 Establish Date of Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Manufacturers 16 3.4 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 17 4 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC OIL PUMP ANALYSIS BY REGION 19 4.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Revenue by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 19 4.1.1 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Regions by Revenue 19 4.1.2 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Regions by Revenue (2022-2027) 20 4.2 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Regions by Sales: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 21 4.2.1 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Regions by Sales (2016-2021) 21 4.2.2 Global Top Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Regions by Sales (2022-2027) 22 4.3 North America Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales & Revenue (2016-2027) 23 4.4 Europe Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales & Revenue (2016-2027) 24 4.5 China Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales & Revenue (2016-2027) 25 4.6 Japan Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales & Revenue (2016-2027) 26 5 CORPORATE PROFILE 28 5.1 Nidec Corporation 28 5.1.1 Nidec Corporation Corporation Information 28 5.1.2 Nidec Corporation Overview 28 5.1.3 Nidec Corporation Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 29 5.1.4 Nidec Corporation Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 29 5.2 SHW Group 30 5.2.1 SHW Group Corporation Information 30 5.2.2 SHW Group Overview 31 5.2.3 SHW Group Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 31 5.2.4 SHW Group Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 31 5.3 Rheinmetall Automotive 33 5.3.1 Rheinmetall Automotive Corporation Information 33 5.3.2 Rheinmetall Automotive Overview 33 5.3.3 Rheinmetall Automotive Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 34 5.3.4 Rheinmetall Automotive Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 34 5.4 AISIN SEIKI 35 5.4.1 AISIN SEIKI Corporation Information 35 5.4.2 AISIN SEIKI Overview 36 5.4.3 AISIN SEIKI Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 36 5.4.4 AISIN SEIKI Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 37 5.5 Hanon Systems 37 5.5.1 Hanon Systems Corporation Information 37 5.5.2 Hanon Systems Overview 38 5.5.3 Hanon Systems Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 38 5.5.4 Hanon Systems Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 38 5.6 FTE Automotive 39 5.6.1 FTE Automotive Corporation Information 39 5.6.2 FTE Automotive Overview 40 5.6.3 FTE Automotive Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 40 5.6.4 FTE Automotive Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 40 5.7 Mitsuba Corporation 41 5.7.1 Mitsuba Corporation Corporation Information 41 5.7.2 Mitsuba Corporation Overview 42 5.7.3 Mitsuba Corporation Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 42 5.7.4 Mitsuba Corporation Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 42 5.8 Sanhua 43 5.8.1 Sanhua Corporation Information 43 5.8.2 Sanhua Overview 43 5.8.3 Sanhua Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 44 5.8.4 Sanhua Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 44 5.9 LG Innotek 44 5.9.1 LG Innotek Corporation Information 44 5.9.2 LG Innotek Overview 45 5.9.3 LG Innotek Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 46 5.9.4 LG Innotek Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 46 5.10 Yamada 47 5.10.1 Yamada Corporation Information 47 5.10.2 Yamada Overview 47 5.10.3 Yamada Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 48 5.10.4 Yamada Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 48 5.11 EMP 49 5.11.1 EMP Corporation Information 49 5.11.2 EMP Overview 49 5.11.3 EMP Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 50 5.11.4 EMP Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 50 5.12 Hitachi Astemo 51 5.12.1 Hitachi Astemo Corporation Information 51 5.12.2 Hitachi Astemo Overview 52 5.12.3 Hitachi Astemo Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 52 5.12.4 Hitachi Astemo Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 52 5.13 Buehler Motor 53 5.13.1 Buehler Motor Corporation Information 53 5.13.2 Buehler Motor Overview 54 5.13.3 Buehler Motor Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 54 5.13.4 Buehler Motor Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 54 5.14 Mitsubishi Electric 55 5.14.1 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Information 55 5.14.2 Mitsubishi Electric Overview 56 5.14.3 Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 56 5.14.4 Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 57 5.15 EBM Papst 57 5.15.1 EBM Papst Corporation Information 57 5.15.2 EBM Papst Overview 58 5.15.3 EBM Papst Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 58 5.15.4 EBM Papst Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 58 5.16 Fuxin Dare 59 5.16.1 Fuxin Dare Corporation Information 59 5.16.2 Fuxin Dare Overview 60 5.16.3 Fuxin Dare Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 60 5.16.4 Fuxin Dare Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Product Description 60 6 MARKET SIZE BY TYPE 62 6.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales by Type 62 6.1.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Historical Sales by Type (2016-2021) 62 6.1.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Forecasted Sales by Type (2022-2027) 62 6.1.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales Market Share by Type (2016-2027) 62 6.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Revenue by Type 63 6.2.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Historical Revenue by Type (2016-2021) 63 6.2.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Forecasted Revenue by Type (2022-2027) 64 6.2.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Revenue Market Share by Type (2016-2027) 64 6.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Price by Type 65 6.3.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Price by Type (2016-2021) 65 6.3.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Price Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 65 7 MARKET SIZE BY APPLICATION 66 7.1 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Historical Sales by Application (2016-2021) 66 7.2 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Forecasted Sales by Application (2022-2027) 66 7.3 Global Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales Market Share by Application (2016-2027) 66 8 UPSTREAM RAW MATERIALS AND DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS 68 8.1 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Industry Chain Analysis 68 8.2 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Key Raw Materials 68 8.2.1 Key Raw Materials 68 8.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 69 8.3 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Electric Oil Pump 69 8.4 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales and Marketing 70 8.4.1 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Sales Channels 70 8.4.2 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Distributors 72 8.5 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Customers 72 9 CHINA AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC OIL PUMP REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION 74 9.1 Key Producing Regions/Provinces of Automotive Electronic Oil Pump in China 74 9.2 Key Consumption Regions/Provinces of Automotive Electronic Oil Pump in China 74 10 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC OIL PUMP MARKET DYNAMICS 76 10.1 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Industry Trends 76 10.2 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Growth Drivers 76 10.3 Automotive Electronic Oil Pump Market Challenges 77 11 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 78 12 APPENDIX 79 12.1 Research Methodology 79 12.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 79 12.1.2 Data Source 82 12.2 Author Details 84 12.3 Disclaimer 85
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