![]() 自動車用タイヤの世界市場規模、メーカー、サプライチェーン、販売チャネル、顧客、2021-2027年Global Automotive Tire Market Size, Manufacturers, Supply Chain, Sales Channel and Clients, 2021-2027 市場分析と洞察。自動車用タイヤの世界市場 2020年の自動車用タイヤの世界市場規模は114252.9百万米ドルで、予測期間中に3.67%のCAGRで成長し、2027年には161119.9百万米ドルになると予測されています。本調査で... もっと見る
サマリー市場分析と洞察。自動車用タイヤの世界市場2020年の自動車用タイヤの世界市場規模は114252.9百万米ドルで、予測期間中に3.67%のCAGRで成長し、2027年には161119.9百万米ドルになると予測されています。本調査では、2021年を基準年とし、2021年から2027年を予測期間として、自動車用タイヤの市場規模を推定しています。 自動車用タイヤの世界的な範囲と市場規模 自動車用タイヤ市場は、地域別、国別、企業別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別、販売チャネル別に分類されています。世界の自動車用タイヤ市場に参加するプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、本レポートを強力なリソースとして活用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント別分析では、2016年から2027年までの地域別、国別、企業別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別、販売チャネル別の売上高、収益、予測を中心に分析しています。 会社別 ブリヂストン GoodYear コンチネンタル ミシュラン 住友 ハンコック Pirelli ヨコハマ 中石ゴム TOYO TIRES クーパータイヤ アポロタイヤ Linglong Tire Nexen Tire ギチ KUMHO TIRES Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Sailun jinyu グループ MRF Nokian Tyres トライアングル・タイヤ・グループ JKタイヤ AEOLUS TYRE タイプ別セグメント OEタイヤ 交換用タイヤ アプリケーション別セグメント 乗用車 商用車 地域別 北アメリカ アメリカ カナダ アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 インド 東南アジア その他のアジア太平洋地域 ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア ロシア 北欧諸国 その他のヨーロッパ諸国 ラテンアメリカ メキシコ ブラジル その他のラテンアメリカ 中近東・アフリカ トルコ イラン 南アフリカ MEAの残りの地域 目次1 STUDY COVERAGE 1 1.1 Automotive Tire Product Introduction 1 1.2 Market by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Automotive Tire Market Size Growth Rate by Type 1 1.2.2 OE Tire 2 1.2.3 Replacement Tire 2 1.3 Market by Application 3 1.3.1 Global Automotive Tire Market Size Growth Rate by Application 3 1.3.2 Passenger Car 4 1.3.3 Commercial Vehicle 5 1.4 Study Objectives 5 1.5 Years Considered 6 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 2.1 Global Automotive Tire Market Size Estimates and Forecasts 7 2.1.1 Global Automotive Tire Revenue 2016-2027 7 2.1.2 Global Automotive Tire Sales 2016-2027 8 2.2 Automotive Tire Market Size by Region: 2021 Versus 2027 9 2.3 Automotive Tire Sales by Region (2016-2027) 9 2.3.1 Global Automotive Tire Sales by Region: 2016-2021 9 2.3.2 Global Automotive Tire Sales Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 10 2.3.3 Global Automotive Tire Sales Market Share by Region (2016-2027) 10 2.4 Automotive Tire Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2022-2027) 11 2.4.1 Global Automotive Tire Revenue by Region: 2016-2021 11 2.4.2 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 11 2.4.3 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Market Share by Region (2016-2027) 12 3 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE TIRE BY MANUFACTURERS 13 3.1 Global Top Automotive Tire Manufacturers by Sales 13 3.1.1 Global Automotive Tire Sales by Manufacturer (2018-2020) 13 3.1.2 Global Automotive Tire Sales Market Share by Manufacturer (2018-2020) 14 3.2 Global Top Automotive Tire Manufacturers by Revenue 15 3.2.1 Global Automotive Tire Revenue by Manufacturer (2018-2020) 15 3.2.2 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Share by Manufacturer (2018-2020) 16 3.3 Global Automotive Tire Price by Manufacturer (2018-2020) 17 3.4 Competitive Landscape 18 3.4.1 Key Automotive Tire Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue 18 3.4.2 Global Automotive Tire Market Concentration Ratio (CR5) & (2018-2020) 19 3.4.3 Global Automotive Tire Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 19 3.5 Global Automotive Tire Manufacturers Headquarters and Established Date 20 3.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 21 4 COMPANY PROFILES 23 4.1 Bridgestone 23 4.1.1 Bridgestone Corporation Information 23 4.1.2 Bridgestone Description, Business Overview 23 4.1.3 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Products Offered 24 4.1.4 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 24 4.1.5 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 25 4.1.6 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 25 4.1.7 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 25 4.1.8 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Revenue by Sales Channel 25 4.1.9 Bridgestone Recent Developments 26 4.2 GoodYear 26 4.2.1 GoodYear Corporation Information 26 4.2.2 GoodYear Description, Business Overview 27 4.2.3 GoodYear Automotive Tire Products Offered 27 4.2.4 GoodYear Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 28 4.2.5 GoodYear Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 28 4.2.6 GoodYear Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 28 4.2.7 GoodYear Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 28 4.2.8 GoodYear Automotive Tire Revenue by Sales Channel 29 4.2.9 GoodYear Recent Developments 29 4.3 Continental 30 4.3.1 Continental Corporation Information 30 4.3.2 Continental Description, Business Overview 30 4.3.3 Continental Automotive Tire Products Offered 31 4.3.4 Continental Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 31 4.3.5 Continental Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 31 4.3.6 Continental Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 32 4.3.7 Continental Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 32 4.3.8 Continental Automotive Tire Revenue by Sales Channel 32 4.3.9 Continental Recent Developments 32 4.4 Michelin 33 4.4.1 Michelin Corporation Information 33 4.4.2 Michelin Description, Business Overview 33 4.4.3 Michelin Automotive Tire Products Offered 34 4.4.4 Michelin Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 34 4.4.5 Michelin Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 35 4.4.6 Michelin Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 35 4.4.7 Michelin Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 35 4.4.8 Michelin Automotive Tire Revenue by Sales Channel 35 4.4.9 Michelin Recent Developments 36 4.5 Sumitomo 36 4.5.1 Sumitomo Corporation Information 36 4.5.2 Sumitomo Description, Business Overview 36 4.5.3 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Products Offered 37 4.5.4 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 37 4.5.5 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 38 4.5.6 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 38 4.5.7 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 38 4.5.8 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Revenue by Sales Channel 38 4.5.9 Sumitomo Recent Developments 39 4.6 Hankook 39 4.6.1 Hankook Corporation Information 39 4.6.2 Hankook Description, Business Overview 40 4.6.3 Hankook Automotive Tire Products Offered 40 4.6.4 Hankook Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 41 4.6.5 Hankook Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 41 4.6.6 Hankook Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 41 4.6.7 Hankook Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 41 4.6.8 Hankook Recent Developments 42 4.7 Pirelli 42 4.7.1 Pirelli Corporation Information 42 4.7.2 Pirelli Description, Business Overview 43 4.7.3 Pirelli Automotive Tire Products Offered 43 4.7.4 Pirelli Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 43 4.7.5 Pirelli Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 44 4.7.6 Pirelli Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 44 4.7.7 Pirelli Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 44 4.7.8 Pirelli Recent Developments 44 4.8 Yokohama 45 4.8.1 Yokohama Corporation Information 45 4.8.2 Yokohama Description, Business Overview 46 4.8.3 Yokohama Automotive Tire Products Offered 46 4.8.4 Yokohama Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 46 4.8.5 Yokohama Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 47 4.8.6 Yokohama Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 47 4.8.7 Yokohama Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 47 4.8.8 Yokohama Recent Developments 47 4.9 Zhongce Rubber 48 4.9.1 Zhongce Rubber Corporation Information 48 4.9.2 Zhongce Rubber Description, Business Overview 48 4.9.3 Zhongce Rubber Automotive Tire Products Offered 49 4.9.4 Zhongce Rubber Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 49 4.9.5 Zhongce Rubber Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 49 4.9.6 Zhongce Rubber Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 50 4.9.7 Zhongce Rubber Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 50 4.9.8 Zhongce Rubber Recent Developments 50 4.10 Toyo Tire Corporation 51 4.10.1 Toyo Tire Corporation Information 51 4.10.2 Toyo Tire Corporation Description, Business Overview 51 4.10.3 Toyo Tire Corporation Automotive Tire Products Offered 52 4.10.4 Toyo Tire Corporation Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 52 4.10.5 Toyo Tire Corporation Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 52 4.10.6 Toyo Tire Corporation Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 53 4.10.7 Toyo Tire Corporation Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 53 4.10.8 Toyo Tire Corporation Recent Developments 53 4.11 Cooper Tire 54 4.11.1 Cooper Tire Corporation Information 54 4.11.2 Cooper Tire Description, Business Overview 54 4.11.3 Cooper Tire Automotive Tire Products Offered 55 4.11.4 Cooper Tire Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 55 4.11.5 Cooper Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 55 4.11.6 Cooper Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 56 4.11.7 Cooper Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 56 4.11.8 Cooper Tire Recent Developments 56 4.12 Apollo Tyres 57 4.12.1 Apollo Tyres Corporation Information 57 4.12.2 Apollo Tyres Description, Business Overview 57 4.12.3 Apollo Tyres Automotive Tire Products Offered 58 4.12.4 Apollo Tyres Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 58 4.12.5 Apollo Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 58 4.12.6 Apollo Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 58 4.12.7 Apollo Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 59 4.12.8 Apollo Tyres Recent Developments 59 4.13 Linglong Tire 59 4.13.1 Linglong Tire Corporation Information 59 4.13.2 Linglong Tire Description, Business Overview 60 4.13.3 Linglong Tire Automotive Tire Products Offered 60 4.13.4 Linglong Tire Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 61 4.13.5 Linglong Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 61 4.13.6 Linglong Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 61 4.13.7 Linglong Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 61 4.13.8 Linglong Tire Recent Developments 62 4.14 Nexen Tire 62 4.14.1 Nexen Tire Corporation Information 62 4.14.2 Nexen Tire Description, Business Overview 63 4.14.3 Nexen Tire Automotive Tire Products Offered 63 4.14.4 Nexen Tire Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 63 4.14.5 Nexen Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 64 4.14.6 Nexen Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 64 4.14.7 Nexen Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 64 4.14.8 Nexen Tire Recent Developments 64 4.15 Giti 65 4.15.1 Giti Corporation Information 65 4.15.2 Giti Description, Business Overview 65 4.15.3 Giti Automotive Tire Products Offered 66 4.15.4 Giti Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 66 4.15.5 Giti Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 66 4.15.6 Giti Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 67 4.15.7 Giti Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 67 4.15.8 Giti Recent Developments 67 4.16 KUMHO TIRES 68 4.16.1 KUMHO TIRES Corporation Information 68 4.16.2 KUMHO TIRES Description, Business Overview 68 4.16.3 KUMHO TIRES Automotive Tire Products Offered 69 4.16.4 KUMHO TIRES Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 69 4.16.5 KUMHO TIRES Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 69 4.16.6 KUMHO TIRES Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 70 4.16.7 KUMHO TIRES Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 70 4.16.8 KUMHO TIRES Recent Developments 70 4.17 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) 71 4.17.1 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Corporation Information 71 4.17.2 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Description, Business Overview 71 4.17.3 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Automotive Tire Products Offered 72 4.17.4 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 72 4.17.5 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 72 4.17.6 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 73 4.17.7 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 73 4.17.8 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Recent Developments 73 4.18 Sailun jinyu Group 74 4.18.1 Sailun jinyu Group Corporation Information 74 4.18.2 Sailun jinyu Group Description, Business Overview 74 4.18.3 Sailun jinyu Group Automotive Tire Products Offered 75 4.18.4 Sailun jinyu Group Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 75 4.18.5 Sailun jinyu Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 76 4.18.6 Sailun jinyu Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 76 4.18.7 Sailun jinyu Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 76 4.18.8 Sailun jinyu Group Recent Developments 76 4.19 MRF 77 4.19.1 MRF Corporation Information 77 4.19.2 MRF Description, Business Overview 77 4.19.3 MRF Automotive Tire Products Offered 78 4.19.4 MRF Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 78 4.19.5 MRF Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 78 4.19.6 MRF Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 79 4.19.7 MRF Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 79 4.19.8 MRF Recent Developments 79 4.20 Nokian Tyres 80 4.20.1 Nokian Tyres Corporation Information 80 4.20.2 Nokian Tyres Description, Business Overview 80 4.20.3 Nokian Tyres Automotive Tire Products Offered 81 4.20.4 Nokian Tyres Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 81 4.20.5 Nokian Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 81 4.20.6 Nokian Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 82 4.20.7 Nokian Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 82 4.20.8 Nokian Tyres Recent Developments 82 4.21 Triangle Tire Group 83 4.21.1 Triangle Tire Group Corporation Information 83 4.21.2 Triangle Tire Group Description, Business Overview 83 4.21.3 Triangle Tire Group Automotive Tire Products Offered 84 4.21.4 Triangle Tire Group Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 84 4.21.5 Triangle Tire Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 84 4.21.6 Triangle Tire Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 85 4.21.7 Triangle Tire Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 85 4.21.8 Triangle Tire Group Recent Developments 85 4.22 JK TYRE 86 4.22.1 JK TYRE Corporation Information 86 4.22.2 JK TYRE Description, Business Overview 86 4.22.3 JK TYRE Automotive Tire Products Offered 87 4.22.4 JK TYRE Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 87 4.22.5 JK TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 87 4.22.6 JK TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 88 4.22.7 JK TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 88 4.22.8 JK TYRE Recent Developments 88 4.23 AEOLUS TYRE 88 4.23.1 AEOLUS TYRE Corporation Information 88 4.23.2 AEOLUS TYRE Description, Business Overview 89 4.23.3 AEOLUS TYRE Automotive Tire Products Offered 89 4.23.4 AEOLUS TYRE Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 90 4.23.5 AEOLUS TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 90 4.23.6 AEOLUS TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 90 4.23.7 AEOLUS TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 90 4.23.8 AEOLUS TYRE Recent Developments 91 5 BREAKDOWN DATA BY TYPE 92 5.1 Global Automotive Tire Sales by Type (2016-2027) 92 5.1.1 Global Automotive Tire Sales by Type (2016-2021) 92 5.1.2 Global Automotive Tire Sales Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 92 5.1.3 Global Automotive Tire Sales Market Share by Type (2016-2027) 93 5.2 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Forecast by Type (2016-2027) 93 5.2.1 Global Automotive Tire Revenue by Type (2016-2021) 93 5.2.2 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 93 5.2.3 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Market Share by Type (2016-2027) 94 5.3 Automotive Tire Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2016-2027) 94 6 BREAKDOWN DATA BY APPLICATION 95 6.1 Global Automotive Tire Sales by Application (2016-2021) 95 6.2 Global Automotive Tire Sales Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 95 6.3 Global Automotive Tire Sales Market Share by Application (2016-2027) 96 7 NORTH AMERICA 97 7.1 North America Automotive Tire Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 97 7.2 North America Automotive Tire Market Facts & Figures by Country 97 7.2.1 North America Automotive Tire Sales by Country (2016-2027) 97 7.2.2 North America Automotive Tire Revenue by Country (2016-2027) 98 7.3 North America Automotive Tire Sales by Type 99 7.4 North America Automotive Tire Sales by Application 99 8 ASIA-PACIFIC 101 8.1 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 101 8.2 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Market Facts & Figures by Region 101 8.2.1 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Sales by Region (2016-2027) 101 8.2.2 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Revenue by Region (2016-2027) 102 8.3 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Sales by Type 103 8.4 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Sales by Application 104 9 EUROPE 105 9.1 Europe Automotive Tire Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 105 9.2 Europe Automotive Tire Market Facts & Figures by Country 105 9.2.1 Europe Automotive Tire Sales by Country (2016-2027) 105 9.2.2 Europe Automotive Tire Revenue by Country (2016-2027) 106 9.3 Europe Automotive Tire Sales by Type 107 9.4 Europe Automotive Tire Sales by Application 108 10 LATIN AMERICA 109 10.1 Latin America Automotive Tire Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 109 10.2 Latin America Automotive Tire Market Facts & Figures by Country 109 10.2.1 Latin America Automotive Tire Sales by Country (2016-2027) 109 10.2.2 Latin America Automotive Tire Revenue by Country (2016-2027) 110 10.3 Latin America Automotive Tire Sales by Type 111 10.4 Latin America Automotive Tire Sales by Application 111 11 MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA 113 11.1 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 113 11.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Market Facts & Figures by Country 113 11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Sales by Country (2016-2027) 113 11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Revenue by Country (2016-2027) 114 11.3 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Sales by Type 115 11.4 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Sales by Application 116 12 SUPPLY CHAIN AND SALES CHANNEL ANALYSIS 117 12.1 Automotive Tire Supply Chain Analysis 117 12.2 Automotive Tire Key Raw Materials and Upstream Suppliers 117 12.3 Automotive Tire Clients Analysis 119 12.4 Automotive Tire Sales Channel and Sales Model Analysis 121 12.4.1 Automotive Tire Distribution Channel Analysis: Indirect Sales VS Direct Sales 121 12.4.2 Automotive Tire Distributors 122 12.5 Tire Mold Leading Suppliers 122 13 AUTOMOTIVE TIRE MARKET DYNAMICS 124 13.1 Automotive Tire Industry Trends 124 13.2 Automotive Tire Market Drivers 124 13.3 Automotive Tire Market Challenges 125 13.4 Automotive Tire Market Restraints 125 14 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 126 15 APPENDIX 127 15.1 Research Methodology 127 15.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 127 15.1.2 Data Source 130 15.2 Author Details 133 15.3 Disclaimer 133
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global Automotive Tire Market Table of Contents1 STUDY COVERAGE 1 1.1 Automotive Tire Product Introduction 1 1.2 Market by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Automotive Tire Market Size Growth Rate by Type 1 1.2.2 OE Tire 2 1.2.3 Replacement Tire 2 1.3 Market by Application 3 1.3.1 Global Automotive Tire Market Size Growth Rate by Application 3 1.3.2 Passenger Car 4 1.3.3 Commercial Vehicle 5 1.4 Study Objectives 5 1.5 Years Considered 6 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 2.1 Global Automotive Tire Market Size Estimates and Forecasts 7 2.1.1 Global Automotive Tire Revenue 2016-2027 7 2.1.2 Global Automotive Tire Sales 2016-2027 8 2.2 Automotive Tire Market Size by Region: 2021 Versus 2027 9 2.3 Automotive Tire Sales by Region (2016-2027) 9 2.3.1 Global Automotive Tire Sales by Region: 2016-2021 9 2.3.2 Global Automotive Tire Sales Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 10 2.3.3 Global Automotive Tire Sales Market Share by Region (2016-2027) 10 2.4 Automotive Tire Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2022-2027) 11 2.4.1 Global Automotive Tire Revenue by Region: 2016-2021 11 2.4.2 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 11 2.4.3 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Market Share by Region (2016-2027) 12 3 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE TIRE BY MANUFACTURERS 13 3.1 Global Top Automotive Tire Manufacturers by Sales 13 3.1.1 Global Automotive Tire Sales by Manufacturer (2018-2020) 13 3.1.2 Global Automotive Tire Sales Market Share by Manufacturer (2018-2020) 14 3.2 Global Top Automotive Tire Manufacturers by Revenue 15 3.2.1 Global Automotive Tire Revenue by Manufacturer (2018-2020) 15 3.2.2 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Share by Manufacturer (2018-2020) 16 3.3 Global Automotive Tire Price by Manufacturer (2018-2020) 17 3.4 Competitive Landscape 18 3.4.1 Key Automotive Tire Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue 18 3.4.2 Global Automotive Tire Market Concentration Ratio (CR5) & (2018-2020) 19 3.4.3 Global Automotive Tire Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 19 3.5 Global Automotive Tire Manufacturers Headquarters and Established Date 20 3.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 21 4 COMPANY PROFILES 23 4.1 Bridgestone 23 4.1.1 Bridgestone Corporation Information 23 4.1.2 Bridgestone Description, Business Overview 23 4.1.3 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Products Offered 24 4.1.4 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 24 4.1.5 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 25 4.1.6 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 25 4.1.7 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 25 4.1.8 Bridgestone Automotive Tire Revenue by Sales Channel 25 4.1.9 Bridgestone Recent Developments 26 4.2 GoodYear 26 4.2.1 GoodYear Corporation Information 26 4.2.2 GoodYear Description, Business Overview 27 4.2.3 GoodYear Automotive Tire Products Offered 27 4.2.4 GoodYear Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 28 4.2.5 GoodYear Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 28 4.2.6 GoodYear Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 28 4.2.7 GoodYear Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 28 4.2.8 GoodYear Automotive Tire Revenue by Sales Channel 29 4.2.9 GoodYear Recent Developments 29 4.3 Continental 30 4.3.1 Continental Corporation Information 30 4.3.2 Continental Description, Business Overview 30 4.3.3 Continental Automotive Tire Products Offered 31 4.3.4 Continental Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 31 4.3.5 Continental Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 31 4.3.6 Continental Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 32 4.3.7 Continental Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 32 4.3.8 Continental Automotive Tire Revenue by Sales Channel 32 4.3.9 Continental Recent Developments 32 4.4 Michelin 33 4.4.1 Michelin Corporation Information 33 4.4.2 Michelin Description, Business Overview 33 4.4.3 Michelin Automotive Tire Products Offered 34 4.4.4 Michelin Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 34 4.4.5 Michelin Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 35 4.4.6 Michelin Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 35 4.4.7 Michelin Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 35 4.4.8 Michelin Automotive Tire Revenue by Sales Channel 35 4.4.9 Michelin Recent Developments 36 4.5 Sumitomo 36 4.5.1 Sumitomo Corporation Information 36 4.5.2 Sumitomo Description, Business Overview 36 4.5.3 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Products Offered 37 4.5.4 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 37 4.5.5 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 38 4.5.6 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 38 4.5.7 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 38 4.5.8 Sumitomo Automotive Tire Revenue by Sales Channel 38 4.5.9 Sumitomo Recent Developments 39 4.6 Hankook 39 4.6.1 Hankook Corporation Information 39 4.6.2 Hankook Description, Business Overview 40 4.6.3 Hankook Automotive Tire Products Offered 40 4.6.4 Hankook Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 41 4.6.5 Hankook Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 41 4.6.6 Hankook Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 41 4.6.7 Hankook Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 41 4.6.8 Hankook Recent Developments 42 4.7 Pirelli 42 4.7.1 Pirelli Corporation Information 42 4.7.2 Pirelli Description, Business Overview 43 4.7.3 Pirelli Automotive Tire Products Offered 43 4.7.4 Pirelli Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 43 4.7.5 Pirelli Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 44 4.7.6 Pirelli Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 44 4.7.7 Pirelli Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 44 4.7.8 Pirelli Recent Developments 44 4.8 Yokohama 45 4.8.1 Yokohama Corporation Information 45 4.8.2 Yokohama Description, Business Overview 46 4.8.3 Yokohama Automotive Tire Products Offered 46 4.8.4 Yokohama Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 46 4.8.5 Yokohama Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 47 4.8.6 Yokohama Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 47 4.8.7 Yokohama Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 47 4.8.8 Yokohama Recent Developments 47 4.9 Zhongce Rubber 48 4.9.1 Zhongce Rubber Corporation Information 48 4.9.2 Zhongce Rubber Description, Business Overview 48 4.9.3 Zhongce Rubber Automotive Tire Products Offered 49 4.9.4 Zhongce Rubber Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 49 4.9.5 Zhongce Rubber Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 49 4.9.6 Zhongce Rubber Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 50 4.9.7 Zhongce Rubber Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 50 4.9.8 Zhongce Rubber Recent Developments 50 4.10 Toyo Tire Corporation 51 4.10.1 Toyo Tire Corporation Information 51 4.10.2 Toyo Tire Corporation Description, Business Overview 51 4.10.3 Toyo Tire Corporation Automotive Tire Products Offered 52 4.10.4 Toyo Tire Corporation Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 52 4.10.5 Toyo Tire Corporation Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 52 4.10.6 Toyo Tire Corporation Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 53 4.10.7 Toyo Tire Corporation Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 53 4.10.8 Toyo Tire Corporation Recent Developments 53 4.11 Cooper Tire 54 4.11.1 Cooper Tire Corporation Information 54 4.11.2 Cooper Tire Description, Business Overview 54 4.11.3 Cooper Tire Automotive Tire Products Offered 55 4.11.4 Cooper Tire Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 55 4.11.5 Cooper Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 55 4.11.6 Cooper Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 56 4.11.7 Cooper Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 56 4.11.8 Cooper Tire Recent Developments 56 4.12 Apollo Tyres 57 4.12.1 Apollo Tyres Corporation Information 57 4.12.2 Apollo Tyres Description, Business Overview 57 4.12.3 Apollo Tyres Automotive Tire Products Offered 58 4.12.4 Apollo Tyres Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 58 4.12.5 Apollo Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 58 4.12.6 Apollo Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 58 4.12.7 Apollo Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 59 4.12.8 Apollo Tyres Recent Developments 59 4.13 Linglong Tire 59 4.13.1 Linglong Tire Corporation Information 59 4.13.2 Linglong Tire Description, Business Overview 60 4.13.3 Linglong Tire Automotive Tire Products Offered 60 4.13.4 Linglong Tire Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 61 4.13.5 Linglong Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 61 4.13.6 Linglong Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 61 4.13.7 Linglong Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 61 4.13.8 Linglong Tire Recent Developments 62 4.14 Nexen Tire 62 4.14.1 Nexen Tire Corporation Information 62 4.14.2 Nexen Tire Description, Business Overview 63 4.14.3 Nexen Tire Automotive Tire Products Offered 63 4.14.4 Nexen Tire Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 63 4.14.5 Nexen Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 64 4.14.6 Nexen Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 64 4.14.7 Nexen Tire Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 64 4.14.8 Nexen Tire Recent Developments 64 4.15 Giti 65 4.15.1 Giti Corporation Information 65 4.15.2 Giti Description, Business Overview 65 4.15.3 Giti Automotive Tire Products Offered 66 4.15.4 Giti Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 66 4.15.5 Giti Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 66 4.15.6 Giti Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 67 4.15.7 Giti Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 67 4.15.8 Giti Recent Developments 67 4.16 KUMHO TIRES 68 4.16.1 KUMHO TIRES Corporation Information 68 4.16.2 KUMHO TIRES Description, Business Overview 68 4.16.3 KUMHO TIRES Automotive Tire Products Offered 69 4.16.4 KUMHO TIRES Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 69 4.16.5 KUMHO TIRES Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 69 4.16.6 KUMHO TIRES Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 70 4.16.7 KUMHO TIRES Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 70 4.16.8 KUMHO TIRES Recent Developments 70 4.17 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) 71 4.17.1 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Corporation Information 71 4.17.2 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Description, Business Overview 71 4.17.3 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Automotive Tire Products Offered 72 4.17.4 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 72 4.17.5 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 72 4.17.6 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 73 4.17.7 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 73 4.17.8 Cheng Shin Rubber (Maxxis) Recent Developments 73 4.18 Sailun jinyu Group 74 4.18.1 Sailun jinyu Group Corporation Information 74 4.18.2 Sailun jinyu Group Description, Business Overview 74 4.18.3 Sailun jinyu Group Automotive Tire Products Offered 75 4.18.4 Sailun jinyu Group Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 75 4.18.5 Sailun jinyu Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 76 4.18.6 Sailun jinyu Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 76 4.18.7 Sailun jinyu Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 76 4.18.8 Sailun jinyu Group Recent Developments 76 4.19 MRF 77 4.19.1 MRF Corporation Information 77 4.19.2 MRF Description, Business Overview 77 4.19.3 MRF Automotive Tire Products Offered 78 4.19.4 MRF Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 78 4.19.5 MRF Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 78 4.19.6 MRF Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 79 4.19.7 MRF Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 79 4.19.8 MRF Recent Developments 79 4.20 Nokian Tyres 80 4.20.1 Nokian Tyres Corporation Information 80 4.20.2 Nokian Tyres Description, Business Overview 80 4.20.3 Nokian Tyres Automotive Tire Products Offered 81 4.20.4 Nokian Tyres Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 81 4.20.5 Nokian Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 81 4.20.6 Nokian Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 82 4.20.7 Nokian Tyres Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 82 4.20.8 Nokian Tyres Recent Developments 82 4.21 Triangle Tire Group 83 4.21.1 Triangle Tire Group Corporation Information 83 4.21.2 Triangle Tire Group Description, Business Overview 83 4.21.3 Triangle Tire Group Automotive Tire Products Offered 84 4.21.4 Triangle Tire Group Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 84 4.21.5 Triangle Tire Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 84 4.21.6 Triangle Tire Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 85 4.21.7 Triangle Tire Group Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 85 4.21.8 Triangle Tire Group Recent Developments 85 4.22 JK TYRE 86 4.22.1 JK TYRE Corporation Information 86 4.22.2 JK TYRE Description, Business Overview 86 4.22.3 JK TYRE Automotive Tire Products Offered 87 4.22.4 JK TYRE Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 87 4.22.5 JK TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 87 4.22.6 JK TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 88 4.22.7 JK TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 88 4.22.8 JK TYRE Recent Developments 88 4.23 AEOLUS TYRE 88 4.23.1 AEOLUS TYRE Corporation Information 88 4.23.2 AEOLUS TYRE Description, Business Overview 89 4.23.3 AEOLUS TYRE Automotive Tire Products Offered 89 4.23.4 AEOLUS TYRE Automotive Tire Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2018-2020) 90 4.23.5 AEOLUS TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Product 90 4.23.6 AEOLUS TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Application 90 4.23.7 AEOLUS TYRE Automotive Tire Revenue by Geographic Area 90 4.23.8 AEOLUS TYRE Recent Developments 91 5 BREAKDOWN DATA BY TYPE 92 5.1 Global Automotive Tire Sales by Type (2016-2027) 92 5.1.1 Global Automotive Tire Sales by Type (2016-2021) 92 5.1.2 Global Automotive Tire Sales Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 92 5.1.3 Global Automotive Tire Sales Market Share by Type (2016-2027) 93 5.2 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Forecast by Type (2016-2027) 93 5.2.1 Global Automotive Tire Revenue by Type (2016-2021) 93 5.2.2 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Forecast by Type (2022-2027) 93 5.2.3 Global Automotive Tire Revenue Market Share by Type (2016-2027) 94 5.3 Automotive Tire Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2016-2027) 94 6 BREAKDOWN DATA BY APPLICATION 95 6.1 Global Automotive Tire Sales by Application (2016-2021) 95 6.2 Global Automotive Tire Sales Forecast by Application (2022-2027) 95 6.3 Global Automotive Tire Sales Market Share by Application (2016-2027) 96 7 NORTH AMERICA 97 7.1 North America Automotive Tire Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 97 7.2 North America Automotive Tire Market Facts & Figures by Country 97 7.2.1 North America Automotive Tire Sales by Country (2016-2027) 97 7.2.2 North America Automotive Tire Revenue by Country (2016-2027) 98 7.3 North America Automotive Tire Sales by Type 99 7.4 North America Automotive Tire Sales by Application 99 8 ASIA-PACIFIC 101 8.1 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 101 8.2 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Market Facts & Figures by Region 101 8.2.1 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Sales by Region (2016-2027) 101 8.2.2 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Revenue by Region (2016-2027) 102 8.3 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Sales by Type 103 8.4 Asia-Pacific Automotive Tire Sales by Application 104 9 EUROPE 105 9.1 Europe Automotive Tire Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 105 9.2 Europe Automotive Tire Market Facts & Figures by Country 105 9.2.1 Europe Automotive Tire Sales by Country (2016-2027) 105 9.2.2 Europe Automotive Tire Revenue by Country (2016-2027) 106 9.3 Europe Automotive Tire Sales by Type 107 9.4 Europe Automotive Tire Sales by Application 108 10 LATIN AMERICA 109 10.1 Latin America Automotive Tire Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 109 10.2 Latin America Automotive Tire Market Facts & Figures by Country 109 10.2.1 Latin America Automotive Tire Sales by Country (2016-2027) 109 10.2.2 Latin America Automotive Tire Revenue by Country (2016-2027) 110 10.3 Latin America Automotive Tire Sales by Type 111 10.4 Latin America Automotive Tire Sales by Application 111 11 MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA 113 11.1 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027 113 11.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Market Facts & Figures by Country 113 11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Sales by Country (2016-2027) 113 11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Revenue by Country (2016-2027) 114 11.3 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Sales by Type 115 11.4 Middle East and Africa Automotive Tire Sales by Application 116 12 SUPPLY CHAIN AND SALES CHANNEL ANALYSIS 117 12.1 Automotive Tire Supply Chain Analysis 117 12.2 Automotive Tire Key Raw Materials and Upstream Suppliers 117 12.3 Automotive Tire Clients Analysis 119 12.4 Automotive Tire Sales Channel and Sales Model Analysis 121 12.4.1 Automotive Tire Distribution Channel Analysis: Indirect Sales VS Direct Sales 121 12.4.2 Automotive Tire Distributors 122 12.5 Tire Mold Leading Suppliers 122 13 AUTOMOTIVE TIRE MARKET DYNAMICS 124 13.1 Automotive Tire Industry Trends 124 13.2 Automotive Tire Market Drivers 124 13.3 Automotive Tire Market Challenges 125 13.4 Automotive Tire Market Restraints 125 14 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 126 15 APPENDIX 127 15.1 Research Methodology 127 15.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 127 15.1.2 Data Source 130 15.2 Author Details 133 15.3 Disclaimer 133
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