![]() 世界のヘルスケアコンサルティングサービス市場。サービスタイプ別(ITコンサルティング、デジタルコンサルティング、財務コンサルティング、オペレーションコンサルティング、戦略コンサルティング)、アプリケーション別(オペレーションマネジメント、財務、人口保健、臨床)、エンドユーザー別(病院・診療所、ライフサイエンス企業、政府機関)、地域別(アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東・アフリカ)の情報を掲載し、2027年までの予測を行っています。Global Healthcare Consulting Services Market: Information by Type of Services(IT Consulting, Digital Consulting, Financial Consulting, Operations Consulting, and Strategy Consulting), Application (Operations Management, Financial, Population Health, and Clinical), End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Life Science Companies, Government Organizations), and Region(Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East & Africa)Forecast till 2027 Global Healthcare Consulting Services Market—Forecast till 2027 Healthcare Consulting Services Market Overview As per the market research future analysis, the global Healthcare Consulting Se... もっと見る
サマリーGlobal Healthcare Consulting Services Market—Forecast till 2027Healthcare Consulting Services Market Overview As per the market research future analysis, the global Healthcare Consulting Services Market is expected to cross USD 30,212.53 million by 2027 at a CAGR of 12.38%. Healthcare consulting administration is an area that arrangements with giving consultancy to clinics, centers, and other wellbeing foundations so their tasks and organization are very much overseen. All in all, healthcare consulting services guide healthcare foundations towards better administration of their inward work structure. A healthcare foundation has numerous offices. These offices are finance, bookkeeping, stock, marketing, and so forth Every one of the offices needs to work appropriately for a healthcare foundation to be effective. The Healthcare Consulting Services Market development is ascribed to the developing interest for healthcare consulting services in the overall healthcare area. The main aim of a healthcare development like the hospital is to transmit public healthcare. When these healthcare establishments are private ventures, profit also steps in. The players of the Healthcare Consulting Services Market offer guidance to a wide range of medical clinics and other medical care drives so the goal of running a healthcare foundation is accomplished. According to a private endeavour perspective, benefit-making is likewise significant. The organizations of the Healthcare Consulting Services Industry help private clinics in making a benefit while likewise giving top-tier healthcare to individuals. The ascent of new ailments like the COVID 19 is an inauspicious marker for world prosperity, but it makes a void for new testing things and advanced equipment to apply in the healthcare region. The Healthcare Consulting Services Industry can step in here to introduce these overhauls in the overall healthcare region. Market Segmentation The global Healthcare Consulting Services Market has been classified into type, components, end-user, and application. Based on the type segment, the market has been further categorized into IT consulting, financial consulting, and operations consulting. By components, the Market segments into software, hardware, and services. Based on operations, the market has been divided into operational management, financial, and clinical. In terms of end-users, the global healthcare consulting services market has been divided into hospitals and clinics. Regional Overview Based on regions, the global Healthcare Consulting Services Market scatters over major regional markets of North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific. As per the Healthcare Consulting Services Industry Forecast, most of the Healthcare Consulting Services Market share has a place with the North American region. The second-biggest market for Healthcare Consulting Services exists in the European region. The Asia Pacific region projects the most elevated development rates in the Healthcare Consulting Services Industry Forecast. The Middle East and African landmass markets have the most reduced offer in the Healthcare Consulting Services Industry because of low mindfulness and drive in the regional market. Major Players The major players of the Healthcare Consulting Services Market includes Accenture Consulting, McKinsey and Company, Cognizant, Deloitte Consulting, Ernst and Young, and Bain and Company. COVID 19 Impacts We are continuously tracking the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various industries and verticals within all domains. Our research reports include the same and help you understand the drop and rise, owing to the impact of COVID-19 on the industries. Also, we help you to identify the gap between the demand and supply of your interested market. Moreover, the report helps you with the analysis, amended government regulations, and many other useful insights. 目次目次1 エグゼクティブサマリー 2 市場の紹介 2.1 調査の範囲 2.2 研究目的 2.3 市場構造 2.4 仮定と限界 3 研究方法論 3.1 データマイニング 3.2 二次調査 3.3 一次調査 3.4 主要回答者の内訳 3.5 予測技術 3.6 市場規模推定のための調査方法 3.6.1 ボトムアップ・アプローチ 3.6.2 トップダウン・アプローチ 3.7 データの三角測量 3.8 バリデーション 4 マーケット・ダイナミクス 4.1 オーバービュー 4.2ドライバー 4.2.1 ヘルスケア・コンサルティング・サービスへの需要の高まり 4.2.2 増え続ける医療費削減への圧力 4.2.3 医療コンサルティングサービス業界における統合の増加 4.3つの休息方法 4.3.1 コンサルティングサービスの隠れたコスト 4.3.2 セキュリティへの配慮 4.4つの機会 4.4.1 新興国でのヘルスケアコンサルティングサービスの導入 5 市場要因分析 5.1 バリューチェーン分析 5.1.1 製品開発と事業買収(PDBA) 5.1.2 セールス&マーケティング 5.1.3 契約管理 5.1.4 顧客サービスとサポート 5.2 ポーターズファイブフォースモデル 5.2.1 新規参入者の脅威 5.2.2 サプライヤーのバーゲニング・パワー 5.2.3 代替品の脅威 5.2.4 バイヤーのバーゲニング・パワー 5.2.5 ライバルの強さ 5.3 COVID-19のインパクト分析 5.3.1 需要供給分析 5.3.2 価格への影響 5.3.3 主要プレーヤーへの影響 6 世界のヘルスケアコンサルティングサービス市場:サービスの種類別 6.1 オーバービュー 6.2 ITコンサルティング 6.3 デジタルコンサルティング 6.4 ファイナンシャル・コンサルティング 6.5 運用コンサルティング 6.6 戦略コンサルティング 7 世界のヘルスケアコンサルティングサービス市場:アプリケーション別 7.1 オーバービュー 7.2 オペレーション・マネジメント 7.3 FINANCIAL 7.4 ポピュレーションヘルス 7.5 クリニカル 8 世界のヘルスケアコンサルティングサービス市場:エンドユーザー別 8.1 オーバービュー 8.2 病院・診療所 8.3つの政府機関 8.4 ライフサイエンス企業 8.5 OTHERS 9 世界のヘルスケアコンサルティングサービス市場:地域別 9.1 オーバービュー 9.2 アメリカ 9.2.1 北アメリカ 米国 CANADA 9.2.2 ラテンアメリカ 9.3 ヨーロッパ 9.3.1 西ヨーロッパ ゲルマニウム フランス イタリア SPAIN 英国 その他の西ヨーロッパ諸国 9.3.2 東欧 9.4 アジア・パシフィック 9.4.1 日本 9.4.2 中国 9.4.3 インド 9.4.4 オーストラリ ア 9.4.5 南朝鮮 9.4.6 その他のアジア・太平洋地域 9.5 中近東・アフリカ 9.5.1 中近東 9.5.2 アフリカ 10 競争環境 10.1 コンペティティブ・オーバービュー 10.2 競合他社のダッシュボード 10.世界の医療コンサルティングサービス市場における3つの主要プレーヤー 10.4 世界の医療コンサルティングサービス市場における主な成長戦略 10.5 競争力のあるベンチマーキング 10.6 世界のヘルスケアコンサルティングサービス市場における開発数での主要プレイヤー 10.7 重要な開発と成長戦略 10.7.1 新製品の開発/発売 10.7.2 共同研究/拡大/パートナーシップ/ジョイントベンチャー 10.8 主要プレイヤーの財務マトリックスと市場比率 10.8.1 収入 11社のプロフィール 11.1 IQVIA 11.1.1 会社概要 11.1.2 財務概要 11.1.3 提供するソリューション/サービス 11.1.4 主な進展 11.1.5 スウォット分析 11.1.6 主な戦略 11.2 アクセンチュア 11.2.1 会社概要 11.2.2 財務概要 11.2.3 提供するソリューション/サービス 11.2.4 重要な進展 11.2.5 スウォット分析 11.2.6 主要戦略 11.3 マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー 11.3.1 会社概要 11.3.2 財務概要 11.3.3 提供するソリューション/サービス 11.3.4 重要な進展 11.3.5 スウォット分析 11.3.6 主要戦略 11.4 コグニザン 11.4.1 会社概要 11.4.2 財務概要 11.4.3 提供するソリューション/サービス 11.4.4 重要な進展 11.4.5 スウォット分析 11.4.6 主要戦略 11.5つのDELOITTE 11.5.1 会社概要 11.5.2 財務概要 11.5.3 提供するソリューション/サービス 11.5.4 主な進展 11.5.5 スウォット分析 11.5.6 主要戦略 11.6.4 主な進展 11.7 ベイン・アンド・カンパニー・インク 11.7.1 会社概要 11.7.2 財務概要 11.7.3 提供する製品 11.7.4 重要な進展 11.7.5 スウォット分析 11.7.6 主要戦略 11.8 ヒューロン・コンサルティング・グループ Inc. 11.8.1 会社概要 11.8.2 財務概要 11.8.3 提供する製品 11.8.4 重要な進展 11.8.5 スウォット分析 11.8.6 主要戦略 11.9 KPMG 11.9.1 会社概要 11.9.2 財務概要 11.9.3 提供する製品 11.9.4 重要な進展 11.9.5 スウォット分析 11.9.6 主要戦略 11.10 PWC 11.10.1 会社概要 11.10.2 財務概要 11.10.3 提供するソリューション/サービス 11.10.4 重要な進展 11.10.5 スウォット分析 11.10.6 主要戦略 11.11 ボストン・コンサルティング・グループ 11.11.1 会社概要 11.11.2 財務概要 11.11.3 提供するソリューション/サービス 11.11.4 重要な進展 11.11.5 スウォット分析 11.11.6 主要戦略 12 APPENDIX 12.1 参考文献 12.関連レポート2件
SummaryGlobal Healthcare Consulting Services Market—Forecast till 2027Healthcare Consulting Services Market Overview As per the market research future analysis, the global Healthcare Consulting Services Market is expected to cross USD 30,212.53 million by 2027 at a CAGR of 12.38%. Healthcare consulting administration is an area that arrangements with giving consultancy to clinics, centers, and other wellbeing foundations so their tasks and organization are very much overseen. All in all, healthcare consulting services guide healthcare foundations towards better administration of their inward work structure. A healthcare foundation has numerous offices. These offices are finance, bookkeeping, stock, marketing, and so forth Every one of the offices needs to work appropriately for a healthcare foundation to be effective. The Healthcare Consulting Services Market development is ascribed to the developing interest for healthcare consulting services in the overall healthcare area. The main aim of a healthcare development like the hospital is to transmit public healthcare. When these healthcare establishments are private ventures, profit also steps in. The players of the Healthcare Consulting Services Market offer guidance to a wide range of medical clinics and other medical care drives so the goal of running a healthcare foundation is accomplished. According to a private endeavour perspective, benefit-making is likewise significant. The organizations of the Healthcare Consulting Services Industry help private clinics in making a benefit while likewise giving top-tier healthcare to individuals. The ascent of new ailments like the COVID 19 is an inauspicious marker for world prosperity, but it makes a void for new testing things and advanced equipment to apply in the healthcare region. The Healthcare Consulting Services Industry can step in here to introduce these overhauls in the overall healthcare region. Market Segmentation The global Healthcare Consulting Services Market has been classified into type, components, end-user, and application. Based on the type segment, the market has been further categorized into IT consulting, financial consulting, and operations consulting. By components, the Market segments into software, hardware, and services. Based on operations, the market has been divided into operational management, financial, and clinical. In terms of end-users, the global healthcare consulting services market has been divided into hospitals and clinics. Regional Overview Based on regions, the global Healthcare Consulting Services Market scatters over major regional markets of North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific. As per the Healthcare Consulting Services Industry Forecast, most of the Healthcare Consulting Services Market share has a place with the North American region. The second-biggest market for Healthcare Consulting Services exists in the European region. The Asia Pacific region projects the most elevated development rates in the Healthcare Consulting Services Industry Forecast. The Middle East and African landmass markets have the most reduced offer in the Healthcare Consulting Services Industry because of low mindfulness and drive in the regional market. Major Players The major players of the Healthcare Consulting Services Market includes Accenture Consulting, McKinsey and Company, Cognizant, Deloitte Consulting, Ernst and Young, and Bain and Company. COVID 19 Impacts We are continuously tracking the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various industries and verticals within all domains. Our research reports include the same and help you understand the drop and rise, owing to the impact of COVID-19 on the industries. Also, we help you to identify the gap between the demand and supply of your interested market. Moreover, the report helps you with the analysis, amended government regulations, and many other useful insights. Table of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS
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