アパレル小売市場の概要、競合分析、2018-2027年予測Apparel Retail Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2018-2027 アパレル小売市場の概要、競合分析、2018-2027年予測 概要 世界のアパレル小売業界のプロファイルは、業界規模(金額、2027年までの予測)を含むトップラインの質的および量的概要情報を提供します。また、... もっと見る
サマリーアパレル小売市場の概要、競合分析、2018-2027年予測概要 世界のアパレル小売業界のプロファイルは、業界規模(金額、2027年までの予測)を含むトップラインの質的および量的概要情報を提供します。また、主要な財務指標や業界内の競争圧力の分析など、主要企業の説明も掲載しています。 主要ハイライト - 子供服には、ベビー服、男児用カジュアルウェア、男児用スクールウェア、男児用アンダーウェア(ベスト、パンツ、ソックス)、ナイトウェア、男児用フォーマルウェア、男児用アウターウェア(地域や国の服装を含む)など、0~15歳の子供向けにデザインされたすべての衣料品が含まれる、女児用カジュアルウェア、女児用スクールウェア、女児用下着(ニッカーズ、ブラジャー、ベスト、ソックス、タイツ)およびナイトウェア、女児用フォーマルウェア(オケージョン)、サリーなどの地方服や民族衣装を含む女児用アウターウェア、幼児服。また、スポーツウェアや仮装も含まれる。 - 紳士服には、ビジネススーツ、シャツ、Tシャツ、ズボン/パンツ(カジュアルなスラックス/チノパンを含む)、ジーンズ、ショーツ、ジャケット/ブレザー、コート、ベスト、ジャンパー、スウェットシャツ/パーカー、プルオーバー、ジャージ、カーディガン、紳士下着(ベスト、パンツ、靴下を含む)、紳士ナイトウェア、その他地域・民族衣装を含む紳士アウターウェアなど、男性用にデザインされたすべての衣料品が含まれる。また、すべてのスポーツウェア、作業着(オーバーオールなど)、仮装も含まれる。 - 婦人服には、ドレス、ジャケット/ブレザー、コート、ジャンパー、シュラフ/カーディガン、スウェットシャツ/パーカー、ジャージ、ジーンズ、レギンス/ジェギンス、シャツ、Tシャツ、ブラウス、ショーツ、パンツ/ズボン、スカート、ビジネススーツ、トップス、ベスト、キャミ、タンクトップ、婦人下着、チュニック、婦人ナイトウェア、サリーなどの地方服や民族衣装を含むその他の婦人アウターウェアなど、女性用にデザインされたあらゆる種類の衣服が含まれる。また、スポーツウェア全般、作業着(オーバーオールなど)、仮装も含まれる。 - すべての市場データと予測は、消費税(VATなど)を含む小売業者の消費支出として表されている。記載されている数値は名目ベース(すなわちインフレ調整なし)であり、本レポートで使用されているすべての通貨換算は、2022年の恒常年間平均為替レートを用いて算出されている。 - 世界のアパレル小売業界の2022年の総売上高は1兆5,246億ドルで、2017年から2022年の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は2.9%であった。 - 2022年には婦人服部門が最大の割合を占め、総売上高は8,022億ドルで、業界全体の52.6%に相当する。 - 失業率の低下、可処分所得の増加、生活水準の向上といった要因が、ファッション衣料、フォーマル衣料、スポーツ・レジャー衣料といった様々なタイプの衣料品に対する需要の拡大に寄与している。例えば、社内調査によると、2022年、インドの純世帯可処分所得は2兆200億ドルに達し、2021年から9.9%増加した。 スコープ - 世界のアパレル小売業界の規模、成長、主要セグメント、主要プレイヤーを特定することで、入門レベルの調査にかかる時間を節約できます。 - ファイブフォース分析により、世界のアパレル小売業界の競争激化度、魅力度を把握します。 - 主要企業のプロファイルから、アパレル小売業界の主要プレイヤーのグローバル事業と財務実績の詳細を明らかにします。 - 世界のアパレル小売業界の今後の成長見通しを5年予測で把握し、プレゼンテーションやピッチに重みを加えます。 購入の理由 - 2022年の世界のアパレル小売業界の市場規模は? - 2027年の世界のアパレル小売業界の規模は? - 世界のアパレル小売業界の競争力に影響を与える要因は何か? - アパレル小売業界の過去5年間の業績は? - 世界のアパレル小売業界を構成する主要セグメントは? 目次Table of Contents1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Market value 1.2. Market value forecast 1.3. Category segmentation 1.4. Geography segmentation 1.5. Competitive landscape 2 Introduction 2.1. What is this report about? 2.2. Who is the target reader? 2.3. How to use this report 2.4. Definitions 3 Global Apparel Retail 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Data 3.3. Market Segmentation 3.4. Market outlook 3.5. Five forces analysis 4 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.1. Country data 5 Apparel Retail in Asia-Pacific 5.1. Market Overview 5.2. Market Data 5.3. Market Segmentation 5.4. Market outlook 5.5. Five forces analysis 6 Apparel Retail in Europe 6.1. Market Overview 6.2. Market Data 6.3. Market Segmentation 6.4. Market outlook 6.5. Five forces analysis 7 Macroeconomic Indicators 7.1. Country data 8 Apparel Retail in France 8.1. Market Overview 8.2. Market Data 8.3. Market Segmentation 8.4. Market outlook 8.5. Five forces analysis 9 Macroeconomic Indicators 9.1. Country data 10 Apparel Retail in Germany 10.1. Market Overview 10.2. Market Data 10.3. Market Segmentation 10.4. Market outlook 10.5. Five forces analysis 11 Macroeconomic Indicators 11.1. Country data 12 Apparel Retail in Italy 12.1. Market Overview 12.2. Market Data 12.3. Market Segmentation 12.4. Market outlook 12.5. Five forces analysis 13 Macroeconomic Indicators 13.1. Country data 14 Apparel Retail in Japan 14.1. Market Overview 14.2. Market Data 14.3. Market Segmentation 14.4. Market outlook 14.5. Five forces analysis 15 Macroeconomic Indicators 15.1. Country data 16 Apparel Retail in Australia 16.1. Market Overview 16.2. Market Data 16.3. Market Segmentation 16.4. Market outlook 16.5. Five forces analysis 17 Macroeconomic Indicators 17.1. Country data 18 Apparel Retail in Canada 18.1. Market Overview 18.2. Market Data 18.3. Market Segmentation 18.4. Market outlook 18.5. Five forces analysis 19 Macroeconomic Indicators 19.1. Country data 20 Apparel Retail in China 20.1. Market Overview 20.2. Market Data 20.3. Market Segmentation 20.4. Market outlook 20.5. Five forces analysis 21 Macroeconomic Indicators 21.1. Country data 22 Apparel Retail in The Netherlands 22.1. Market Overview 22.2. Market Data 22.3. Market Segmentation 22.4. Market outlook 22.5. Five forces analysis 23 Macroeconomic Indicators 23.1. Country data 24 Apparel Retail in Spain 24.1. Market Overview 24.2. Market Data 24.3. Market Segmentation 24.4. Market outlook 24.5. Five forces analysis 25 Macroeconomic Indicators 25.1. Country data 26 Apparel Retail in The United Kingdom 26.1. Market Overview 26.2. Market Data 26.3. Market Segmentation 26.4. Market outlook 26.5. Five forces analysis 27 Macroeconomic Indicators 27.1. Country data 28 Apparel Retail in The United States 28.1. Market Overview 28.2. Market Data 28.3. Market Segmentation 28.4. Market outlook 28.5. Five forces analysis 29 Macroeconomic Indicators 29.1. Country data 30 Company Profiles 30.1. Walmart Inc 30.2. Reliance Industries Limited 30.3. Fast Retailing Co Ltd 30.4. adidas AG 30.5. LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA 30.6. Groupe Galeries Lafayette 30.7. Otto GmbH & Co KG 30.8. Gruppo Coin S.p.A 30.9. PRADA SpA 30.10. Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp 30.11. Takashimaya Co Ltd 30.12. Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. 30.13. Wesfarmers Limited 30.14. Myer Holdings Ltd 30.15. Woolworths Holdings Ltd 30.16. Cotton On Australia Pty Ltd 30.17. Aritzia Inc 30.18. Hudson's Bay Company 30.19. JD.com Inc 30.20. Shanghai Bailian Group Co Ltd 30.21. Vipshop Holdings Ltd 30.22. C&A Mode GmbH & Co KG 30.23. Primark Stores Ltd 30.24. Bestseller A/S 30.25. Inditex SA 30.26. El Corte Ingles SA 30.27. Punto FA SL 30.28. H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB 30.29. Associated British Foods Plc 30.30. John Lewis plc 30.31. JD Sports Fashion Plc 30.32. Marks and Spencer Group plc 30.33. Target Corp 30.34. Macy's Inc 30.35. Kohl's Corporation 30.36. The TJX Companies, Inc. 31 Appendix 31.1. Methodology 31.2. About MarketLine 図表リストList of TablesTable 1: Global apparel retail industry value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 2: Global apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 3: Global apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 4: Global apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 5: Global apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 6: Global apparel retail industry value forecast: $ billion, 2022–27 Table 7: Global size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 8: Global gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 9: Global gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 10: Global inflation, 2018–22 Table 11: Global consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 12: Global exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 13: Asia-Pacific apparel retail industry value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 14: Asia–Pacific apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 15: Asia-Pacific apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 16: Asia–Pacific apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 17: Asia-Pacific apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 18: Asia-Pacific apparel retail industry value forecast: $ billion, 2022–27 Table 19: Europe apparel retail industry value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 20: Europe apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 21: Europe apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 22: Europe apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 23: Europe apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 24: Europe apparel retail industry value forecast: $ billion, 2022–27 Table 25: Europe size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 26: Europe gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 27: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 28: Europe inflation, 2018–22 Table 29: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 30: Europe exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 31: France apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 32: France apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 33: France apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 34: France apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 35: France apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 36: France apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 37: France size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 38: France gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 39: France gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 40: France inflation, 2018–22 Table 41: France consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 42: France exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 43: Germany apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 44: Germany apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 45: Germany apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 46: Germany apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 47: Germany apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 48: Germany apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 49: Germany size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 50: Germany gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 51: Germany gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 52: Germany inflation, 2018–22 Table 53: Germany consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 54: Germany exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 55: Italy apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 56: Italy apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 57: Italy apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 58: Italy apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 59: Italy apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 60: Italy apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 61: Italy size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 62: Italy gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 63: Italy gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 64: Italy inflation, 2018–22 Table 65: Italy consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 66: Italy exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 67: Japan apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 68: Japan apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 69: Japan apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 70: Japan apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 71: Japan apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 72: Japan apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 73: Japan size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 74: Japan gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 75: Japan gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 76: Japan inflation, 2018–22 Table 77: Japan consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 78: Japan exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 79: Australia apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 80: Australia apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 81: Australia apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 82: Australia apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 83: Australia apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 84: Australia apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 85: Australia size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 86: Australia gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 87: Australia gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 88: Australia inflation, 2018–22 Table 89: Australia consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 90: Australia exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 91: Canada apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 92: Canada apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 93: Canada apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 94: Canada apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 95: Canada apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 96: Canada apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 97: Canada size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 98: Canada gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 99: Canada gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 100: Canada inflation, 2018–22 Table 101: Canada consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 102: Canada exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 103: China apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 104: China apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 105: China apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
SummaryApparel Retail Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2018-2027 Table of ContentsTable of Contents1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Market value 1.2. Market value forecast 1.3. Category segmentation 1.4. Geography segmentation 1.5. Competitive landscape 2 Introduction 2.1. What is this report about? 2.2. Who is the target reader? 2.3. How to use this report 2.4. Definitions 3 Global Apparel Retail 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Data 3.3. Market Segmentation 3.4. Market outlook 3.5. Five forces analysis 4 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.1. Country data 5 Apparel Retail in Asia-Pacific 5.1. Market Overview 5.2. Market Data 5.3. Market Segmentation 5.4. Market outlook 5.5. Five forces analysis 6 Apparel Retail in Europe 6.1. Market Overview 6.2. Market Data 6.3. Market Segmentation 6.4. Market outlook 6.5. Five forces analysis 7 Macroeconomic Indicators 7.1. Country data 8 Apparel Retail in France 8.1. Market Overview 8.2. Market Data 8.3. Market Segmentation 8.4. Market outlook 8.5. Five forces analysis 9 Macroeconomic Indicators 9.1. Country data 10 Apparel Retail in Germany 10.1. Market Overview 10.2. Market Data 10.3. Market Segmentation 10.4. Market outlook 10.5. Five forces analysis 11 Macroeconomic Indicators 11.1. Country data 12 Apparel Retail in Italy 12.1. Market Overview 12.2. Market Data 12.3. Market Segmentation 12.4. Market outlook 12.5. Five forces analysis 13 Macroeconomic Indicators 13.1. Country data 14 Apparel Retail in Japan 14.1. Market Overview 14.2. Market Data 14.3. Market Segmentation 14.4. Market outlook 14.5. Five forces analysis 15 Macroeconomic Indicators 15.1. Country data 16 Apparel Retail in Australia 16.1. Market Overview 16.2. Market Data 16.3. Market Segmentation 16.4. Market outlook 16.5. Five forces analysis 17 Macroeconomic Indicators 17.1. Country data 18 Apparel Retail in Canada 18.1. Market Overview 18.2. Market Data 18.3. Market Segmentation 18.4. Market outlook 18.5. Five forces analysis 19 Macroeconomic Indicators 19.1. Country data 20 Apparel Retail in China 20.1. Market Overview 20.2. Market Data 20.3. Market Segmentation 20.4. Market outlook 20.5. Five forces analysis 21 Macroeconomic Indicators 21.1. Country data 22 Apparel Retail in The Netherlands 22.1. Market Overview 22.2. Market Data 22.3. Market Segmentation 22.4. Market outlook 22.5. Five forces analysis 23 Macroeconomic Indicators 23.1. Country data 24 Apparel Retail in Spain 24.1. Market Overview 24.2. Market Data 24.3. Market Segmentation 24.4. Market outlook 24.5. Five forces analysis 25 Macroeconomic Indicators 25.1. Country data 26 Apparel Retail in The United Kingdom 26.1. Market Overview 26.2. Market Data 26.3. Market Segmentation 26.4. Market outlook 26.5. Five forces analysis 27 Macroeconomic Indicators 27.1. Country data 28 Apparel Retail in The United States 28.1. Market Overview 28.2. Market Data 28.3. Market Segmentation 28.4. Market outlook 28.5. Five forces analysis 29 Macroeconomic Indicators 29.1. Country data 30 Company Profiles 30.1. Walmart Inc 30.2. Reliance Industries Limited 30.3. Fast Retailing Co Ltd 30.4. adidas AG 30.5. LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA 30.6. Groupe Galeries Lafayette 30.7. Otto GmbH & Co KG 30.8. Gruppo Coin S.p.A 30.9. PRADA SpA 30.10. Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp 30.11. Takashimaya Co Ltd 30.12. Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. 30.13. Wesfarmers Limited 30.14. Myer Holdings Ltd 30.15. Woolworths Holdings Ltd 30.16. Cotton On Australia Pty Ltd 30.17. Aritzia Inc 30.18. Hudson's Bay Company 30.19. JD.com Inc 30.20. Shanghai Bailian Group Co Ltd 30.21. Vipshop Holdings Ltd 30.22. C&A Mode GmbH & Co KG 30.23. Primark Stores Ltd 30.24. Bestseller A/S 30.25. Inditex SA 30.26. El Corte Ingles SA 30.27. Punto FA SL 30.28. H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB 30.29. Associated British Foods Plc 30.30. John Lewis plc 30.31. JD Sports Fashion Plc 30.32. Marks and Spencer Group plc 30.33. Target Corp 30.34. Macy's Inc 30.35. Kohl's Corporation 30.36. The TJX Companies, Inc. 31 Appendix 31.1. Methodology 31.2. About MarketLine List of Tables/GraphsList of TablesTable 1: Global apparel retail industry value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 2: Global apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 3: Global apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 4: Global apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 5: Global apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 6: Global apparel retail industry value forecast: $ billion, 2022–27 Table 7: Global size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 8: Global gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 9: Global gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 10: Global inflation, 2018–22 Table 11: Global consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 12: Global exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 13: Asia-Pacific apparel retail industry value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 14: Asia–Pacific apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 15: Asia-Pacific apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 16: Asia–Pacific apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 17: Asia-Pacific apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 18: Asia-Pacific apparel retail industry value forecast: $ billion, 2022–27 Table 19: Europe apparel retail industry value: $ billion, 2017-22 Table 20: Europe apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 21: Europe apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2017-2022 Table 22: Europe apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2022 Table 23: Europe apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 24: Europe apparel retail industry value forecast: $ billion, 2022–27 Table 25: Europe size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 26: Europe gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 27: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 28: Europe inflation, 2018–22 Table 29: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 30: Europe exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 31: France apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 32: France apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 33: France apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 34: France apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 35: France apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 36: France apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 37: France size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 38: France gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 39: France gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 40: France inflation, 2018–22 Table 41: France consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 42: France exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 43: Germany apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 44: Germany apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 45: Germany apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 46: Germany apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 47: Germany apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 48: Germany apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 49: Germany size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 50: Germany gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 51: Germany gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 52: Germany inflation, 2018–22 Table 53: Germany consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 54: Germany exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 55: Italy apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 56: Italy apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 57: Italy apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 58: Italy apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 59: Italy apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 60: Italy apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 61: Italy size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 62: Italy gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 63: Italy gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 64: Italy inflation, 2018–22 Table 65: Italy consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 66: Italy exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 67: Japan apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 68: Japan apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 69: Japan apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 70: Japan apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 71: Japan apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 72: Japan apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 73: Japan size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 74: Japan gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 75: Japan gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 76: Japan inflation, 2018–22 Table 77: Japan consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 78: Japan exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 79: Australia apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 80: Australia apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 81: Australia apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 82: Australia apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 83: Australia apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 84: Australia apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 85: Australia size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 86: Australia gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 87: Australia gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 88: Australia inflation, 2018–22 Table 89: Australia consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 90: Australia exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 91: Canada apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 92: Canada apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 93: Canada apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022 Table 94: Canada apparel retail industry geography segmentation: $ million, 2022 Table 95: Canada apparel retail industry distribution: % share, by value, 2022 Table 96: Canada apparel retail industry value forecast: $ million, 2022–27 Table 97: Canada size of population (million), 2018–22 Table 98: Canada gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 99: Canada gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018–22 Table 100: Canada inflation, 2018–22 Table 101: Canada consumer price index (absolute), 2018–22 Table 102: Canada exchange rate, 2018–22 Table 103: China apparel retail industry value: $ million, 2017-22 Table 104: China apparel retail industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017–2022 Table 105: China apparel retail industry category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
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