![]() ウェアラブルセンサ市場:タイプ別(加速度センサ、圧力・力センサ、ジャイロスコープ、医療用センサ)、用途別(リストウェア、アイウェア、フットウェア、ネックウェア、ボディウェア)、業種別、地域別 - 2028年までの世界予測Wearable Sensors Market by Type (Accelerometers, Pressure & force sensors, Gyroscopes, Medical based sensors), Application (Wristwear, Eye-wear, Footwear, Neckwear, Bodywear), Vertical and Region - Global Forecast to 2028 ウェアラブルセンサー市場の2023年の市場規模は16億米ドルで、2023年から2028年までの年平均成長率は21.1%で、2028年には42億米ドルに達すると予測されている。スマートデバイスに対する需要の増加、フィットネス... もっと見る
サマリーウェアラブルセンサー市場の2023年の市場規模は16億米ドルで、2023年から2028年までの年平均成長率は21.1%で、2028年には42億米ドルに達すると予測されている。スマートデバイスに対する需要の増加、フィットネスや健康モニタリングデバイスの重要性の高まり、家電やヘルスケアなどの業界全体における技術革新と開発への注目の高まりは、ウェアラブルセンサー市場の成長を促進する主な要因の1つである。ハードウェアとソフトウェアに関連する技術的な困難は、ウェアラブルセンサーの採用を妨げる可能性があり、市場の主要な課題の1つでもある。"予測期間中、圧力・力センサ市場が大きなシェアを占める" 圧力&力センサは、2022年にウェアラブルセンサ市場で最大のシェアを占め、予測期間中も大きなシェアを占めると予測されている。圧力センサーは力の測定と加えられた力の性質の決定に使用され、力センサーは力とトルクの測定に使用される。スマートウォッチとフィットネスバンドは、圧力センサーと力センサーの主な応用分野である。 "リストウェア分野の市場が予測期間中最大のシェアを占める見込み" リストウェア向け市場が予測期間中最大のシェアを占めると予測されている。リストウェアの機能は顧客の健康をモニターすることである。リストウェア分野には、健康とフィットネスのトラッキング、利便性と快適性、ファッション性とスタイルなど、様々な要因が含まれている。手首装着型デバイスは一般的に装着感が良く、他のタイプのウェアラブルセンサーよりも邪魔にならない。スマートウォッチやフィットネストラッカーは、心拍数、歩数、睡眠パターンなど様々な指標を追跡することができ、健康志向の消費者にとって非常に使いやすいものとなっている。 "予測期間中、北米の市場規模は米国が最大となる見込み" 北米(米国)には大手センサーメーカーが存在し、ウェアラブルデバイスやゲーム機などのコンシューマーエレクトロニクスに対する需要の高まりも、エンターテインメントやヘルスケアなどのさまざまなエンドユーザー産業におけるセンサーの使用を後押ししている。米国は技術革新に理想的な環境を提供しており、ウェアラブルセンサー技術の飛躍的な進歩を促進している。さらに、健康とフィットネスのモニタリング、慢性疾患の管理、スポーツとパフォーマンスの最適化、家電製品、ライフスタイルなどの要因が、この地域における需要の主な推進要因となっている。 二次調査を通じて収集したいくつかのセグメントとサブセグメントの市場規模を決定・検証する過程で、ウェアラブルセンサー分野の主要な業界専門家に広範な一次インタビューを実施した。本レポートの主要参加者の内訳は以下の通りである: - 企業タイプ別ティア1:52%、ティア2:31%、ティア3:17 - 役職別Cレベル幹部:47%、取締役:31%、その他:22 - 地域別北米:36%、欧州:29%、アジア太平洋地域:30%、その他の地域:5 本レポートでは、ウェアラブルセンサー市場における主要プレイヤーを、それぞれの市場ランキング分析とともに紹介しています。本レポートでは、STMicroelectronics(スイス)、Infineon Technologies(ドイツ)、Knowles Electronics(米国)、NXP Semiconductors(オランダ)、Texas Instruments(米国)、TE Connectivity(スイス)、Broadcom(スイス)、Analog Devices(米国)、パナソニック(日本)、旭化成(日本)などを取り上げている。これら以外にも、Robert Bosch(ドイツ)、InvenSense(カリフォルニア)、MCube(カリフォルニア)、Sensirion AG(スイス)、AMS AG(オーストリア)、Arms Holdings(英国)、Empatica(米国)、Hexoskin(モントリオール)、Neofect(韓国)、Enflux(米国)、Hocoma(スイス)、Actofit(インド)、Whoop(米国)、Motiv(米国)、Oura Health(フィンランド)などがウェアラブルセンサー市場の新興企業として挙げられる。 レポート対象範囲 本レポートでは、ウェアラブルセンサー市場をタイプ、アプリケーション、業種、地域別に定義、説明、予測しています。ウェアラブルセンサー市場の成長に影響を与える促進要因、阻害要因、機会、課題に関する詳細な情報を提供しています。また、製品発売、買収、事業拡大、契約、パートナーシップ、市場成長のために主要企業が実施した行動などの競合動向も分析しています。 本レポートを購入する理由 本レポートは、ウェアラブルセンサー市場全体とサブセグメントの収益の最も近い概算に関する情報を提供し、市場のリーダー/新規参入者に役立ちます。本レポートは、利害関係者が競争状況を理解し、より良いビジネスの位置づけと適切な市場参入戦略を計画するための洞察を深めるのに役立ちます。また、本レポートは、関係者が市場の脈動を理解し、主要な促進要因、阻害要因、機会、および課題に関する情報を提供するのに役立ちます。 本レポートは、以下のポイントに関する洞察を提供します: - ウェアラブルセンサー市場の主要促進要因(小型化、スマート化、低価格化傾向の高まり)、阻害要因(ウェアラブルセンサーの高コスト)、機会(接続デバイス数の増加)、課題(ハードウェアとソフトウェアに関する技術的困難)の分析。 - 製品開発/イノベーション:ウェアラブルセンサー市場における今後の技術、研究開発活動、新製品・サービス発表に関する詳細な洞察。 - 市場開発:有利な市場に関する包括的な情報を掲載し、様々な地域のウェアラブルセンサー市場を分析します。 - 市場の多様化:ウェアラブルセンサー市場における新製品&サービス、未開拓の地域、最近の開発、投資に関する情報を網羅。 - 競合評価:ウェアラブルセンサー市場におけるSTMicroelectronics社(スイス)、Infineon Technologies社(ドイツ)、Knowles Electronics社(米国)、NXP Semiconductors社(オランダ)、Texas Instruments社(米国)などの主要企業の市場シェア、成長戦略、サービス、提供物などを詳細に評価。 目次1 Introduction 311.1 study Objectives 31 1.2 market definition 31 1.2.1 Inclusions and Exclusions 32 1.3 market Scope 33 1.3.1 markets covered 33 1.3.2 regions covered 33 1.3.3 Years considered 34 1.4 currency CONSIDERED 34 1.4.1 USD Exchange rates 34 1.5 UnitS considered 34 1.6 limitations 35 1.7 stakeholders 35 1.8 recession impact analysis 35 1.9 sUmmary of Changes 35 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 37 2.1 Research data 37 FIGURE 1 wearable sensors market: Research design 37 2.1.1 Secondary and primary Research 38 2.1.2 secondary data 39 TABLE 1 List of key secondary sources 39 Key data from secondary sources 39 2.1.3 Primary Data 40 Key data from primary interviews 40 Breakdown of primary interviews 41 Insights from industry experts 41 2.2 research approach and methodology 42 FIGURE 2 market size estimation methodology: supply-side analysis: revenue of products/solutions/services in wearable sensors market 42 2.2.1 bottom-up approach 42 Market size estimation by bottom-up analysis (demand side) 42 FIGURE 3 wearable sensors market size estimation methodology: Bottom-up approach 43 2.2.2 top-down approach 43 Market size estimation by top-down analysis (supply side) 43 FIGURE 4 wearable sensors market size estimation methodology: top-down approach 44 2.3 MARKET BREAKDOWN AND DATA TRIANGULATION 44 FIGURE 5 data triangulation 44 2.4 research assumptions 45 2.5 PARAMETERS for recession impact analysis 45 2.6 rISK ASSESSMENT 46 3 Executive Summary 47 FIGURE 6 Magnetometer segment to grow at highest CAGR during forecast period 48 FIGURE 7 Bodywear segment to grow at highest cagr during forecast period 48 FIGURE 8 Consumer goods Vertical to hold largest market share during forecast period 49 FIGURE 9 Wearable sensors Market, by Region, 2023–2028 50 4 PRemium Insights 51 4.1 attractive opportunities for market players 51 FIGURE 10 demand for fitness and health tracking devices to drive market during forecast period 51 4.2 wearable sensors MARKET, BY type 51 FIGURE 11 Gyroscope segment TO GROW AT HIGHEST RATE DURING FORECAST PERIOD 51 4.3 wearable sensors market in Asia pacific, by vertical and COUNTRY 52 FIGURE 12 Consumer goods and china to hold largest market shares in asia pacific in 2023, by vertical and by country 52 4.4 Wearable sensors market, by country 53 FIGURE 13 India to dominate Wearable sensors market during forecast period 53 5 Market Overview 54 5.1 Introduction 54 5.2 Market dynamics 54 FIGURE 14 Wearable sensors market: drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges 54 5.2.1 Drivers 55 Increasing trend toward smaller, smarter, and cheaper sensors 55 Miniaturization trend in sensors 55 Rising share of aging population 55 Benefits of wearable devices in healthcare sector 55 Rise of IoT, AR, and M2M 56 Growing interest of Tier I players 56 Growing trend toward smart living among end users 56 FIGURE 15 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET: IMPACT ANALYSIS OF DRIVERS 57 5.2.2 Restraints 57 Lack of common standards and interoperability issues 57 High cost of wearable products 58 Regulatory issues 58 Security and privacy concerns 58 FIGURE 16 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET: IMPACT ANALYSIS OF RESTRAINTS 59 5.2.3 opportunities 59 Increasing number of connected devices 59 Potential applications of wearable technology 59 FIGURE 17 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET: IMPACT ANALYSIS OF OPPORTUNITies 60 5.2.4 Challenges 60 Technical difficulties related to hardware and software 60 Device protection and thermal consideration 60 Growing miniaturization in sensors and wearable devices 60 FIGURE 18 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET: IMPACT ANALYSIS OF CHALLENGES 61 5.3 VAlue Chain Analysis 62 FIGURE 19 Wearable sensors market: value chain analysis 62 5.3.1 Raw material and equipment suppliers 62 5.3.2 Chip designers 62 5.3.3 Technology providers 62 5.3.4 Integrators 63 5.3.5 Applications 63 5.4 EcoSystem Analysis 63 FIGURE 20 Wearable sensors market: ecosystem analysis 63 TABLE 2 wearable sensors market EcoSysteM 64 5.5 pricing analysis 65 TABLE 3 average selling Prices of Wearable sensors 65 5.5.1 AVERAGE SELLING PRICE Of wearable SENsORs offered by KEY PLAYERs 65 FIGURE 21 average selling price of Wearable SENSORs offered by key players 65 5.5.2 Average selling price trend 66 FIGURE 22 average selling price of Accelerometers 66 5.6 TRENDS/DISRUPTIONS IMPACTING customer BUSINESS 66 5.6.1 revenue shift and new revenue pockets for market players 66 FIGURE 23 revenue shift in wearable sensors market 67 5.7 technology analysis 67 5.7.1 fully printed and multifunctional graphene-based wearable e-textiles for personalized healthcare applications 67 5.7.2 Design of wearable sensors in clinical diagnostics 67 5.8 key stakeholders and buying criteria 68 5.8.1 key stakeholders in buying process 68 FIGURE 24 wearable sensors MARKET: influence of STAKEHOLDERS on BUYING PROCESS FOR TOP three applications 68 TABLE 4 wearable sensors MARKET: influence of STAKEHOLDERS on BUYING PROCESS FOR TOP three applications 68 5.8.2 buying criteria 69 FIGURE 25 Wearable SENSORS MARKET: KEY buying criteria for top three applications 69 TABLE 5 KEY buying criteria for top three applications 69 5.9 porter’s five forces analysis 70 TABLE 6 Wearable sensors market: porter’s five forces analysis 70 5.9.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 71 5.9.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 71 5.9.3 Threat of New Entrants 72 5.9.4 Threat of Substitutes 72 5.9.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry 73 5.10 use cases 73 5.10.1 use case 1: WATERPROOF MEMS pressure sensors by STmicroelectronics 73 5.10.2 use case 2: use of Human Condition Safety sensors to minimize job site risks 73 5.10.3 use case 3: fitbit’s new Sense smartwatch tAKES skin temperature for managing stress 74 5.11 TRADE ANALYSIs 74 FIGURE 26 IMPORT data, BY COUNTRY, 2018–2022 (USD million) 74 FIGURE 27 EXPORT DATa, by country, 2018–2022 (USD million) 75 5.11.1 Tariff analysis 75 TABLE 7 tariff for Wristwatches, whether or not incorporating stopwatch Facility, elEctrically operated, Exported by China, 2021 76 TABLE 8 tariff for Wristwatches, whether or not incorporating stopwatch Facility, ELECTRICALLY operated, EXPORTED BY Germany, 2021 76 TABLE 9 tariff for Wristwatches, whether or not incorporating stopwatch Facility, ELECTRICALLY operated EXPORTED BY US, 2021 76 TABLE 10 tariff for Wristwatches, whether or not incorporating stopwatch Facility, ELECTRICALLY operated, Exported by France 2021 77 5.12 PATENT ANALYSIS 77 FIGURE 28 TOP 10 COMPANIES WITH HIGHEST NUMBER OF PATENT APPLICATIONS IN LAST 10 YEARS 77 TABLE 11 Top 20 Patent Owners in Last 10 Years (US) 77 FIGURE 29 Number of patents granted per year from 2012 to 2022 78 TABLE 12 Wearable sensors MARKET: key patents, 2020–2022 79 5.13 key conferences and events, 2023–2024 81 TABLE 13 Wearable sensors MARKET: KEY Conferences and Events 81 5.14 Regulatory standards 82 5.14.1 Regulatory compliance 82 Regulations 82 6 wearable sensors market, by type 84 6.1 Introduction 85 FIGURE 30 Gyroscope segment to grow at highest rate during forecast period 85 TABLE 14 Wearable Sensors Market, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 86 TABLE 15 Wearable Sensors Market, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 87 TABLE 16 Wearable sensors market, by type, 2019–2022 (MILLION UNITS) 88 TABLE 17 Wearable sensors market, by type, 2023–2028 (MILLION UNITS) 89 6.2 accelerometers 90 6.2.1 Use of Accelerometers in smart textiles and smart watches to drive market 90 TABLE 18 Wearable Sensors Market for Accelerometers, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 90 TABLE 19 Wearable Sensors Market for Accelerometers, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 90 TABLE 20 Wearable Sensors Market for Accelerometers, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 91 TABLE 21 Wearable Sensors Market for Accelerometers, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 91 6.3 magnetometers 92 6.3.1 use of Magnetometers in wristwear and bodywear devices to drive market 92 TABLE 22 Wearable Sensors Market for Magnetometers, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 92 TABLE 23 Wearable Sensors Market for Magnetometers, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 93 TABLE 24 Wearable Sensors Market for Magnetometers, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 93 TABLE 25 Wearable Sensors Market for Magnetometers, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 94 6.4 gyroscopes 95 6.4.1 use of gyroscopes in virtual reality headsets, smartwatches, and fitness trackers to drive market 95 FIGURE 31 wristwear segment to hold major market share during forecast period 95 TABLE 26 Wearable Sensors Market for Gyroscopes, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 95 TABLE 27 Wearable Sensors Market for Gyroscopes, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 96 TABLE 28 Wearable Sensors Market for Gyroscopes, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 96 TABLE 29 Wearable Sensors Market for Gyroscopes, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 97 6.5 inertial sensors 97 6.5.1 use of inertial sensors in Eyewear devices to drive market 97 TABLE 30 Wearable Sensors Market for Inertial Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 97 TABLE 31 Wearable Sensors Market for Inertial Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 98 TABLE 32 Wearable Sensors Market for Inertial Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 98 TABLE 33 Wearable Sensors Market for Inertial Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 99 6.6 motion sensors 100 6.6.1 wristwear to account for largest market share for motion sensors 100 TABLE 34 Wearable Sensors Market for Motion Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 100 TABLE 35 Wearable Sensors Market for Motion Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 100 TABLE 36 Wearable Sensors Market for Motion Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 101 TABLE 37 Wearable Sensors Market for Motion Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 101 6.7 pressure and force sensors 102 6.7.1 use of pressure and force sensorS in Smartwatches and fitness bands to drive market 102 TABLE 38 Wearable Sensors Market for Pressure and Force Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 102 TABLE 39 Wearable Sensors Market for Pressure and Force Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 102 TABLE 40 Wearable Sensors Market for Pressure and Force Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 103 TABLE 41 Wearable Sensors Market for Pressure and Force Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 103 6.8 temperature and humidity sensors 104 6.8.1 wristwear application to drive market 104 FIGURE 32 industrial vertical to grow at highest rate during forecast period 104 TABLE 42 Wearable Sensors Market for Temperature and Humidity Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 104 TABLE 43 Wearable Sensors Market for Temperature and Humidity Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 105 TABLE 44 Wearable Sensors Market for Temperature and Humidity Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 105 TABLE 45 Wearable Sensors Market for Temperature and Humidity Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 106 6.9 microphones and MICRO SPEAKERS 107 6.9.1 wristwear, bodywear, and healthcare applications to drive market 107 TABLE 46 Wearable Sensors Market for Microphones and MICRO SPEAKERS, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 107 TABLE 47 Wearable Sensors Market for Microphones and MICRO SPEAKERS, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 107 TABLE 48 Wearable Sensors Market for Microphones and MICRO SPEAKERS, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 108 TABLE 49 Wearable Sensors Market for Microphones and MICRO SPEAKERS, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 108 6.10 medical-based sensors 109 6.10.1 increasing demand for health tracking devices to drive market 109 6.10.2 blood oxygen sensors 109 6.10.3 blood glucose sensors 109 6.10.4 blood flow sensors 109 6.10.5 ecg sensors 109 6.10.6 heart rate sensors 109 6.10.7 hall effect sensors 110 TABLE 50 Wearable Sensors Market for Medical-Based Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 110 TABLE 51 Wearable Sensors Market for Medical-Based Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 110 TABLE 52 Wearable Sensors Market for Medical-Based Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 111 TABLE 53 Wearable Sensors Market for Medical-Based Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 111 6.11 image sensors 112 6.11.1 increased demand for activity monitoring devices to drive market 112 TABLE 54 Wearable Sensors Market for Image Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 112 TABLE 55 Wearable Sensors Market for Image Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 113 TABLE 56 Wearable sensors market for Image Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 113 TABLE 57 Wearable sensors market for Image Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 114 6.12 touch sensors 114 6.12.1 Rising demand for wearable devices to drive market 114 FIGURE 33 eyewear segment to grow at highest rate during forecast period 114 TABLE 58 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET FOR TOUCH SENSORS, BY APPLICATION, 2019–2022 (USD MILLION) 115 TABLE 59 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET FOR TOUCH SENSORS, BY APPLICATION, 2023–2028 (USD MILLION) 115 TABLE 60 Wearable Sensors Market for Touch Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 116 TABLE 61 Wearable Sensors Market for Touch Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 116 6.13 other sensors 117 6.13.1 position sensors 117 6.13.2 light sensors 117 6.13.3 Chemical sensors 117 6.13.4 Electrode sensors 117 6.13.5 Biosensors 118 TABLE 62 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET FOR OTHER SENSORS, BY APPLICATION, 2019–2022 (USD MILLION) 118 TABLE 63 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET FOR OTHER SENSORS, BY APPLICATION, 2023–2028 (USD MILLION) 118 TABLE 64 Wearable Sensors Market for Other Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 119 TABLE 65 Wearable Sensors Market for Other Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 119 7 wearable sensors market, by technology 120 7.1 Introduction 120 7.2 Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) 120 7.2.1 Increased demand in healthcare sector to drive market 120 7.3 very-large-scale integration (vlsi) 120 7.3.1 Use in healthcare, security, and navigation applications to drive market 120 7.4 nanoelectromechanical system (nems) 121 7.4.1 Use in smartwatches, smart glasses, and smart bands to drive market 121 7.5 Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (cmos) 121 7.5.1 Increasing trend of microfabrication and nanofabrication of electronic structures to drive market 121 7.6 microsystems technology (mst) 121 7.6.1 Increasing trend of miniaturization to drive market 121 7.7 application-SPECIFIC integrated circuit (asic) 121 7.7.1 rising demand for environmental monitoring to drive market 121 7.8 Optical technology 122 7.8.1 rising adoption OF health monitoring systemS to drive market 122 7.9 Chemical technology 122 7.9.1 Increased focus ON sensor fabrication to drive market 122 7.10 Electrode 122 7.10.1 Growing adoption of medical devices to drive market 122 8 wearable sensors market, by APPLICATION 123 8.1 introduction 124 FIGURE 34 bodywear segment TO GROW AT HIGHEST RATE DURING FORECAST PERIOD 124 TABLE 66 Wearable Sensors Market, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 124 TABLE 67 Wearable Sensors Market, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 125 8.2 WRISTWEAR 125 8.2.1 Increasing demand from consumer goods vertical to drive market 125 8.2.2 WRIST-WEARABLE BANDS/WATCHES 125 8.2.3 WRIST-WEARABLE BRACELETS 125 TABLE 68 Wearable Sensors Market for Wristwear application, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 126 TABLE 69 Wearable Sensors Market for Wristwear application, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 127 8.3 EYEWEAR 127 8.3.1 Increasing demand in consumer goods vertical to drive market 127 8.3.2 GOOGLE GLASSES 127 8.3.3 SMART CONTACT LENSES, HEAD-UP DISPLAYS, AND HEAD-MOUNTED DISPLAYS 128 TABLE 70 Wearable Sensors Market for Eyewear Application, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 128 TABLE 71 Wearable Sensors Market for Eyewear Application, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 129 8.3.4 AR/VR 129 8.3.5 Neutral Interface 130 8.3.6 Eye-tracking 130 8.3.7 Depth sensing 130 8.4 footwear 131 8.4.1 Increasing deployment of wearable sensors by footwear manufacturers to drive market 131 TABLE 72 Wearable Sensors Market for Footwear Application, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 131 TABLE 73 Wearable Sensors Market for Footwear Application, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 132 8.4.2 Smart socks 132 8.4.3 Insoles 132 8.5 neckwear 133 8.5.1 Increasing demand for smart neckwear to drive market 133 8.5.2 Ties and collars 133 8.5.3 Ornaments and jewelry 133 TABLE 74 Wearable Sensors Market for Neckwear Application, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 133 TABLE 75 Wearable Sensors Market for Neckwear Application, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 134 8.6 bodywear 134 8.6.1 Emerging trend of techno-fashion clothing to drive market 134 8.6.2 Clothing and innerwear 135 8.6.3 Arm and legwear 135 8.6.4 Smart socks 135 8.6.5 Chest straps 135 TABLE 76 Wearable Sensors Market for Bodywear Application, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 135 TABLE 77 Wearable Sensors Market for Bodywear Application, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 136 8.7 other applications 136 8.7.1 Ring Scanner/Wear 136 8.7.2 Smart Headsets/Headbands 136 8.7.3 Earwear 137 8.7.4 Skin Patches 137 TABLE 78 Wearable Sensors Market for Other Applications, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 137 TABLE 79 Wearable Sensors Market for Other Applications, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 138 9 Wearable sensorS market, by vertical 139 9.1 Introduction 140 FIGURE 35 Consumer goods to hold largest market during forecast period 140 TABLE 80 Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 140 TABLE 81 Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 141 9.2 Consumer goods 141 9.2.1 fitness and sports 142 Increased awareness toward fitness and sports to drive market 142 9.2.2 infotainment and multimedia 142 Use of wearable sensors in various communication technologies to drive market 142 9.2.3 Payment and Access Control 142 Use of wearable sensors in secure and convenient transactions and access management to drive market 142 9.2.4 Personal safety and security 142 Use of wearable sensors in safety and security applications to drive market 142 9.2.5 Garments and fashion 143 Integration of wearable sensors in fashion industry to drive market 143 TABLE 82 Wearable sensors market for Consumer goods, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 143 TABLE 83 Wearable sensors market for consumer goods, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 144 TABLE 84 Wearable sensors market for Consumer goods, by Region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 144 TABLE 85 Wearable sensors market for Consumer goods, by Region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 145 9.3 Healthcare 145 9.3.1 Vital signs monitoring 145 Glucose monitoring 146 Continuous glucose monitoring 146 Providing real-time glucose monitoring levels to drive market 146 Non-invasive glucose monitoring 146 Non-invasive procedure to monitor blood glucose level to drive market 146 Cardiac monitoring 146 Enabling continuous monitoring of physiological parameters to drive market 146 Oxygen saturation level monitoring 147 Utilization of sensors for Oxygen saturation level monitoring to drive market 147 Blood pressure monitoring 147 Use of blood pressure sensors in healthcare to drive market 147 9.3.2 Sleep and mental health monitoring 147 Utilization of sensors in sleep and mental health analysis to drive market 147 9.3.3 Fall and movement detection 147 Detection of safety alerts and track movement patterns to drive market 147 9.3.4 Alcohol consumption monitoring 148 Monitoring of real-time alcohol consumption to drive market 148 9.3.5 Urine Monitoring 148 Analyzing various parameters related to urine composition to drive market 148 9.3.6 Lactic Acid Monitoring 148 Detection of real-time lactate levels to drive market 148 TABLE 86 Wearable sensors market for Healthcare, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 149 TABLE 87 Wearable sensors market for Healthcare, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 150 TABLE 88 Wearable sensors market for Healthcare, by Region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 150 TABLE 89 Wearable sensors market for Healthcare, by Region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 151 9.4 Industrial 151 9.4.1 logistics, packaging, and warehouse applications 151 Increased mobility and productivity due to usage of wearable devices to drive market 151 9.4.2 other industrial verticals (chemicals, petroleum, oil and gas, and mining and construction) 152 FIGURE 36 pressure and Force sensors to lead market for industrial vertical IN 2023–2028 152 TABLE 90 Wearable sensors market for Industrial Vertical, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 153 TABLE 91 Wearable sensors market for Industrial Vertical, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 154 TABLE 92 Wearable sensors market for Industrial Vertical, by Region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 154 TABLE 93 Wearable sensors market for Industrial Vertical, by Region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 155 9.5 Other Verticals 155 FIGURE 37 Accelerometers and pressure and force sensors to hold significant market for Other Verticals between 2023 and 2028 156 TABLE 94 Wearable sensors market for Other Verticals, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 157 TABLE 95 Wearable sensors market for Other Verticals, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 158 TABLE 96 Wearable sensors market for Other Verticals, by Region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 158 TABLE 97 Wearable sensors market for Other Verticals, by Region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 159 10 wearable sensors market, by region 160 10.1 Introduction 161 FIGURE 38 wearable sensors market: regional snapshot (2019–2022) 161 TABLE 98 Wearable sensors market, by Region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 162 TABLE 99 Wearable sensors market, by Region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 162 10.2 North America 163 10.2.1 recession impact Analysis 163 FIGURE 39 north america: WEARABLE sensors market SNAPSHOT 163 TABLE 100 North America: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 164 TABLE 101 north america: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 164 TABLE 102 North America: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 164 TABLE 103 north america: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 165 10.2.2 US 165 Investments and innovations in healthcare and security applications to drive market 165 10.2.3 Canada 166 Increased popularity of IoT platforms to drive market 166 10.2.4 Mexico 166 Increased adoption of advanced technologies in various industries to drive market 166 10.3 Europe 166 10.3.1 recession impact analysis 166 FIGURE 40 EUROPE: WEARABLE sensors market SNAPSHOT 167 TABLE 104 Europe: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 168 TABLE 105 Europe: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 168 TABLE 106 Europe: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 168 TABLE 107 Europe: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 169 10.3.2 GERMANY 169 Use of wearables in healthcare, sports, and fashion industries to drive market 169 10.3.3 UK 169 Advancements in healthcare sector to drive market 169 10.3.4 FRANCE 170 Adoption of advanced technology in automotive and aerospace industries to drive market 170 10.3.5 Italy 170 Adoption of wearables in health monitoring to drive market 170 10.3.6 rest of europe 170 10.4 Asia Pacific 171 10.4.1 recession impact analysis 171 FIGURE 41 ASIA PACIFIC: wearable sensors market SNAPSHOT 172 TABLE 108 ASIA PACIFIC: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 173 TABLE 109 ASIA PACIFIC: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 173 TABLE 110 Asia Pacific: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 173 TABLE 111 Asia Pacific: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 174 10.4.2 CHINA 174 Increased implementation of wearable sensors in various sectors to drive market 174 10.4.3 JAPAN 174 Increased technological innovation in consumer electronics sector to drive market 174 10.4.4 SOUTH KOREA 175 Presence of leading firms from consumer electronics sector to drive market 175 10.4.5 India 175 Increased usage of smart devices to drive market 175 10.4.6 rest of ASIA PACIFIC 175 10.5 REST OF the WORLD 176 10.5.1 recession impact analysis 176 TABLE 112 rest of the world: Wearable sensors market, by region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 176 TABLE 113 rest of the world: Wearable sensors market, by region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 176 TABLE 114 rest of the world: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 177 TABLE 115 rest of the world: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 177 10.5.2 South America 178 Availability of affordable electronic products to drive market 178 10.5.3 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA 178 Stringent safety requirements in oil & gas industries to drive market 178 11 COMPETITIVE landscape 179 11.1 overview 179 TABLE 116 wearable sensors MARKET: strategies adopted by key players from 2019 to 2023 179 11.2 Wearable sensors MARKET share analysis, 2022 181 FIGURE 42 Wearable sensors market share analysis, 2022 181 TABLE 117 Wearable SENSORs MARKET: DEGREE OF COMPETITION 181 TABLE 118 Wearable sensors MARKET: ranking analysis 182 11.3 revenue analysis of top five companies, 2020–2022 182 FIGURE 43 revenue analysis of top five players in wearable sensors market, 2020–2022 182 11.4 COMPANY EVALUATION matrix 184 11.4.1 STARs 184 11.4.2 EMERGING LEADERs 184 11.4.3 PERVASIVE players 184 11.4.4 PARTICIPANTs 184 FIGURE 44 Wearable sensors MARKET: COMPANY EVALUATION matrix, 2022 185 11.5 START-UP/SME EVALUATION MATRIX 186 TABLE 119 START-UPS/SMEs IN wearable sensors MARKET 186 11.5.1 PROGRESSIVE COMPANies 187 11.5.2 RESPONSIVE COMPANies 187 11.5.3 DYNAMIC COMPANies 187 11.5.4 STARTING BLOCKs 187 FIGURE 45 wearable sensors MARKET: START-UP/SME EVALUATION MATRIX, 2022 188 TABLE 120 wearable sensors market: DETAILED LIST OF KEY START-UPs/SMEs 189 11.5.5 COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING 189 TABLE 121 wearable sensors MARKET: COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING OF KEY START-UPs/SMes 189 11.6 COMPANY FOOTPRINT 190 TABLE 122 COMPANY FOOTPRINT 190 TABLE 123 COMPANY wearable sensor Type FOOTPRINT 191 TABLE 124 COMPANY VertICal FOOTPRINT 192 TABLE 125 COMPANY REGION FOOTPRINT 193 11.7 Competitive scenario 194 11.7.1 product launches 194 TABLE 126 PRODUCT Launches, 2022–2023 194 11.7.2 DEALs 195 TABLE 127 DEALS, 2021–2023 195 11.7.3 OTHERS 196 TABLE 128 others, 2023 196 12 COMPANY OVERVIEW 197 12.1 KEY PLAYERS 197 (Business Overview, Products/Services/Solutions Offered, MnM View, Key Strengths and Right to Win, Strategic Choices Made, Weaknesses and Competitive Threats, Recent Developments)* 12.1.1 STMicroelectronics 197 TABLE 129 STmicroelectronics: COMPANY OVERVIEW 197 FIGURE 46 STMicroelectronics: Company Snapshot 198 TABLE 130 STmicroelectronics: PRODUCTs offered 198 TABLE 131 STMICROELECTRONICS: Product launches 199 12.1.2 Infineon Technologies AG 201 TABLE 132 InfINEon Technologies AG: COMPANY OVERVIEW 201 FIGURE 47 Infineon Technologies AG: Company Snapshot 202 TABLE 133 InfINEon Technologies ag: PRODUCTs offered 202 TABLE 134 InfINEon Technologies AG: Product launches 203 12.1.3 NXP Semiconductors 205 TABLE 135 NXp semiconductors: COMPANY OVERVIEW 205 FIGURE 48 NXP Semiconductors: Company Snapshot 206 TABLE 136 NXP SEMICONDUCTORs: PRODUcts OFFERed 206 TABLE 137 Deals NXP SEMICONDUCTORs: deals 208 12.1.4 Texas Instruments Inc. 210 TABLE 138 Texas Instruments INC.: COMPANY OVERVIEW 210 FIGURE 49 TEXAS Instruments Inc.: Company Snapshot 211 TABLE 139 Texas Instruments Inc.: PRODUCts offered 211 TABLE 140 Texas Instruments inc.: Product launches 213 12.1.5 TE Connectivity 214 TABLE 141 TE connectivity: COMPANY OVERVIEW 214 FIGURE 50 TE Connectivity: Company Snapshot 215 TABLE 142 TE CONNECTIVITY: PRODUCTs offered 215 12.1.6 Broadcom 218 TABLE 143 BROADCOM: COMPANY OVERVIEW 218 FIGURE 51 BROADCOM: Company Snapshot 219 TABLE 144 Broadcom: PRODUCts OFFERed 219 TABLE 145 Broadcom: Product launches 220 12.1.7 Analog Devices, Inc. 221 TABLE 146 Analog devices, Inc.: COMPANY OVERVIEW 221 FIGURE 52 Analog Devices, Inc.: Company Snapshot 222 TABLE 147 Analog Devices, Inc.: PRODUcts offered 222 TABLE 148 Analog Devices, Inc.: Others 223 12.1.8 Panasonic holdings Corporation 224 TABLE 149 Panasonic holdings corporation: COMPANY OVERVIEW 224 FIGURE 53 Panasonic holdings Corporation: Company Snapshot 225 TABLE 150 panasonic holdings corporation: PRODUCTs OFFERed 225 12.1.9 Asahi Kasei Corporation 227 TABLE 151 Asahi kasei corporation: COMPANY OVERVIEW 227 FIGURE 54 Asahi Kasei Corporation: Company Snapshot 228 TABLE 152 Asahi KASEI: PRODUCTs OFFERed 228 TABLE 153 Asahi KASEI: Deals 229 12.1.10 Knowles Electronics, LLC. 230 TABLE 154 Knowles ELECTRONICS, llc.: COMPANY OVERVIEW 230 FIGURE 55 Knowles Electronics, LLC.: Company Snapshot 231 TABLE 155 Knowles electronics, LLC.: PRODUCTs OFFERed 231 TABLE 156 Knowles electronics, LLC.: Product launches 232 *Business Overview, Products/Services/Solutions Offered, MnM View, Key Strengths and Right to Win, Strategic Choices Made, Weaknesses and Competitive Threats, Recent Developments might not be captured in case of unlisted companies. 12.2 other key players 233 12.2.1 Robert Bosch GmbH 233 TABLE 157 Robert Bosch GmbH: company overview 233 12.2.2 InvenSense, Inc. 234 TABLE 158 InvenSense, Inc.: company overview 234 12.2.3 MCUBE 235 TABLE 159 mcube: company overview 235 12.2.4 SENSIrion ag 236 TABLE 160 SENSIrion ag: company overview 236 12.2.5 ams-osram ag 237 TABLE 161 ams-osram ag: company overview 237 12.2.6 Arms Limited 238 TABLE 162 Arms Limited: company overview 238 12.2.7 Empatica Inc 239 TABLE 163 Empatica Inc: company overview 239 12.2.8 Hexoskin 240 TABLE 164 Hexoskin: company overview 240 12.2.9 Neo FEct 241 TABLE 165 Neo FEct: company overview 241 12.2.10 Enflux 242 TABLE 166 Enflux: company overview 242 12.2.11 HOCOMA 243 TABLE 167 HOCOMA: company overview 243 12.2.12 Actofit 244 TABLE 168 Actofit: company overview 244 12.2.13 Whoop 245 TABLE 169 Whoop: company overview 245 12.2.14 motiv 245 TABLE 170 motiv: company overview 245 12.2.15 Oura Health Oy 246 TABLE 171 Oura Health Oy: company overview 246 13 Appendix 247 13.1 discussion guide 247 13.2 KnowledgeStore: MarketsandMarkets’ subscription portal 250 13.3 customization OPTIONS 252 13.4 Related Reports 252 13.5 AUTHOR DETAILS 253
SummaryThe wearable sensors market is valued at USD 1.6 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 4.2 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 21.1% from 2023 to 2028. Increasing demand for smart devices, the growing importance of fitness and health monitoring devices, and the rising focus on innovation and development across industries such as consumer electronics and healthcare are among the key factors driving the growth of the wearable sensors market. Technical difficulties related to hardware and software may hamper the adoption of wearable sensors and are also one of the major challenges in the market. Table of Contents1 Introduction 311.1 study Objectives 31 1.2 market definition 31 1.2.1 Inclusions and Exclusions 32 1.3 market Scope 33 1.3.1 markets covered 33 1.3.2 regions covered 33 1.3.3 Years considered 34 1.4 currency CONSIDERED 34 1.4.1 USD Exchange rates 34 1.5 UnitS considered 34 1.6 limitations 35 1.7 stakeholders 35 1.8 recession impact analysis 35 1.9 sUmmary of Changes 35 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 37 2.1 Research data 37 FIGURE 1 wearable sensors market: Research design 37 2.1.1 Secondary and primary Research 38 2.1.2 secondary data 39 TABLE 1 List of key secondary sources 39 Key data from secondary sources 39 2.1.3 Primary Data 40 Key data from primary interviews 40 Breakdown of primary interviews 41 Insights from industry experts 41 2.2 research approach and methodology 42 FIGURE 2 market size estimation methodology: supply-side analysis: revenue of products/solutions/services in wearable sensors market 42 2.2.1 bottom-up approach 42 Market size estimation by bottom-up analysis (demand side) 42 FIGURE 3 wearable sensors market size estimation methodology: Bottom-up approach 43 2.2.2 top-down approach 43 Market size estimation by top-down analysis (supply side) 43 FIGURE 4 wearable sensors market size estimation methodology: top-down approach 44 2.3 MARKET BREAKDOWN AND DATA TRIANGULATION 44 FIGURE 5 data triangulation 44 2.4 research assumptions 45 2.5 PARAMETERS for recession impact analysis 45 2.6 rISK ASSESSMENT 46 3 Executive Summary 47 FIGURE 6 Magnetometer segment to grow at highest CAGR during forecast period 48 FIGURE 7 Bodywear segment to grow at highest cagr during forecast period 48 FIGURE 8 Consumer goods Vertical to hold largest market share during forecast period 49 FIGURE 9 Wearable sensors Market, by Region, 2023–2028 50 4 PRemium Insights 51 4.1 attractive opportunities for market players 51 FIGURE 10 demand for fitness and health tracking devices to drive market during forecast period 51 4.2 wearable sensors MARKET, BY type 51 FIGURE 11 Gyroscope segment TO GROW AT HIGHEST RATE DURING FORECAST PERIOD 51 4.3 wearable sensors market in Asia pacific, by vertical and COUNTRY 52 FIGURE 12 Consumer goods and china to hold largest market shares in asia pacific in 2023, by vertical and by country 52 4.4 Wearable sensors market, by country 53 FIGURE 13 India to dominate Wearable sensors market during forecast period 53 5 Market Overview 54 5.1 Introduction 54 5.2 Market dynamics 54 FIGURE 14 Wearable sensors market: drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges 54 5.2.1 Drivers 55 Increasing trend toward smaller, smarter, and cheaper sensors 55 Miniaturization trend in sensors 55 Rising share of aging population 55 Benefits of wearable devices in healthcare sector 55 Rise of IoT, AR, and M2M 56 Growing interest of Tier I players 56 Growing trend toward smart living among end users 56 FIGURE 15 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET: IMPACT ANALYSIS OF DRIVERS 57 5.2.2 Restraints 57 Lack of common standards and interoperability issues 57 High cost of wearable products 58 Regulatory issues 58 Security and privacy concerns 58 FIGURE 16 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET: IMPACT ANALYSIS OF RESTRAINTS 59 5.2.3 opportunities 59 Increasing number of connected devices 59 Potential applications of wearable technology 59 FIGURE 17 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET: IMPACT ANALYSIS OF OPPORTUNITies 60 5.2.4 Challenges 60 Technical difficulties related to hardware and software 60 Device protection and thermal consideration 60 Growing miniaturization in sensors and wearable devices 60 FIGURE 18 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET: IMPACT ANALYSIS OF CHALLENGES 61 5.3 VAlue Chain Analysis 62 FIGURE 19 Wearable sensors market: value chain analysis 62 5.3.1 Raw material and equipment suppliers 62 5.3.2 Chip designers 62 5.3.3 Technology providers 62 5.3.4 Integrators 63 5.3.5 Applications 63 5.4 EcoSystem Analysis 63 FIGURE 20 Wearable sensors market: ecosystem analysis 63 TABLE 2 wearable sensors market EcoSysteM 64 5.5 pricing analysis 65 TABLE 3 average selling Prices of Wearable sensors 65 5.5.1 AVERAGE SELLING PRICE Of wearable SENsORs offered by KEY PLAYERs 65 FIGURE 21 average selling price of Wearable SENSORs offered by key players 65 5.5.2 Average selling price trend 66 FIGURE 22 average selling price of Accelerometers 66 5.6 TRENDS/DISRUPTIONS IMPACTING customer BUSINESS 66 5.6.1 revenue shift and new revenue pockets for market players 66 FIGURE 23 revenue shift in wearable sensors market 67 5.7 technology analysis 67 5.7.1 fully printed and multifunctional graphene-based wearable e-textiles for personalized healthcare applications 67 5.7.2 Design of wearable sensors in clinical diagnostics 67 5.8 key stakeholders and buying criteria 68 5.8.1 key stakeholders in buying process 68 FIGURE 24 wearable sensors MARKET: influence of STAKEHOLDERS on BUYING PROCESS FOR TOP three applications 68 TABLE 4 wearable sensors MARKET: influence of STAKEHOLDERS on BUYING PROCESS FOR TOP three applications 68 5.8.2 buying criteria 69 FIGURE 25 Wearable SENSORS MARKET: KEY buying criteria for top three applications 69 TABLE 5 KEY buying criteria for top three applications 69 5.9 porter’s five forces analysis 70 TABLE 6 Wearable sensors market: porter’s five forces analysis 70 5.9.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 71 5.9.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 71 5.9.3 Threat of New Entrants 72 5.9.4 Threat of Substitutes 72 5.9.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry 73 5.10 use cases 73 5.10.1 use case 1: WATERPROOF MEMS pressure sensors by STmicroelectronics 73 5.10.2 use case 2: use of Human Condition Safety sensors to minimize job site risks 73 5.10.3 use case 3: fitbit’s new Sense smartwatch tAKES skin temperature for managing stress 74 5.11 TRADE ANALYSIs 74 FIGURE 26 IMPORT data, BY COUNTRY, 2018–2022 (USD million) 74 FIGURE 27 EXPORT DATa, by country, 2018–2022 (USD million) 75 5.11.1 Tariff analysis 75 TABLE 7 tariff for Wristwatches, whether or not incorporating stopwatch Facility, elEctrically operated, Exported by China, 2021 76 TABLE 8 tariff for Wristwatches, whether or not incorporating stopwatch Facility, ELECTRICALLY operated, EXPORTED BY Germany, 2021 76 TABLE 9 tariff for Wristwatches, whether or not incorporating stopwatch Facility, ELECTRICALLY operated EXPORTED BY US, 2021 76 TABLE 10 tariff for Wristwatches, whether or not incorporating stopwatch Facility, ELECTRICALLY operated, Exported by France 2021 77 5.12 PATENT ANALYSIS 77 FIGURE 28 TOP 10 COMPANIES WITH HIGHEST NUMBER OF PATENT APPLICATIONS IN LAST 10 YEARS 77 TABLE 11 Top 20 Patent Owners in Last 10 Years (US) 77 FIGURE 29 Number of patents granted per year from 2012 to 2022 78 TABLE 12 Wearable sensors MARKET: key patents, 2020–2022 79 5.13 key conferences and events, 2023–2024 81 TABLE 13 Wearable sensors MARKET: KEY Conferences and Events 81 5.14 Regulatory standards 82 5.14.1 Regulatory compliance 82 Regulations 82 6 wearable sensors market, by type 84 6.1 Introduction 85 FIGURE 30 Gyroscope segment to grow at highest rate during forecast period 85 TABLE 14 Wearable Sensors Market, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 86 TABLE 15 Wearable Sensors Market, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 87 TABLE 16 Wearable sensors market, by type, 2019–2022 (MILLION UNITS) 88 TABLE 17 Wearable sensors market, by type, 2023–2028 (MILLION UNITS) 89 6.2 accelerometers 90 6.2.1 Use of Accelerometers in smart textiles and smart watches to drive market 90 TABLE 18 Wearable Sensors Market for Accelerometers, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 90 TABLE 19 Wearable Sensors Market for Accelerometers, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 90 TABLE 20 Wearable Sensors Market for Accelerometers, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 91 TABLE 21 Wearable Sensors Market for Accelerometers, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 91 6.3 magnetometers 92 6.3.1 use of Magnetometers in wristwear and bodywear devices to drive market 92 TABLE 22 Wearable Sensors Market for Magnetometers, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 92 TABLE 23 Wearable Sensors Market for Magnetometers, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 93 TABLE 24 Wearable Sensors Market for Magnetometers, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 93 TABLE 25 Wearable Sensors Market for Magnetometers, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 94 6.4 gyroscopes 95 6.4.1 use of gyroscopes in virtual reality headsets, smartwatches, and fitness trackers to drive market 95 FIGURE 31 wristwear segment to hold major market share during forecast period 95 TABLE 26 Wearable Sensors Market for Gyroscopes, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 95 TABLE 27 Wearable Sensors Market for Gyroscopes, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 96 TABLE 28 Wearable Sensors Market for Gyroscopes, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 96 TABLE 29 Wearable Sensors Market for Gyroscopes, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 97 6.5 inertial sensors 97 6.5.1 use of inertial sensors in Eyewear devices to drive market 97 TABLE 30 Wearable Sensors Market for Inertial Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 97 TABLE 31 Wearable Sensors Market for Inertial Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 98 TABLE 32 Wearable Sensors Market for Inertial Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 98 TABLE 33 Wearable Sensors Market for Inertial Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 99 6.6 motion sensors 100 6.6.1 wristwear to account for largest market share for motion sensors 100 TABLE 34 Wearable Sensors Market for Motion Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 100 TABLE 35 Wearable Sensors Market for Motion Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 100 TABLE 36 Wearable Sensors Market for Motion Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 101 TABLE 37 Wearable Sensors Market for Motion Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 101 6.7 pressure and force sensors 102 6.7.1 use of pressure and force sensorS in Smartwatches and fitness bands to drive market 102 TABLE 38 Wearable Sensors Market for Pressure and Force Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 102 TABLE 39 Wearable Sensors Market for Pressure and Force Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 102 TABLE 40 Wearable Sensors Market for Pressure and Force Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 103 TABLE 41 Wearable Sensors Market for Pressure and Force Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 103 6.8 temperature and humidity sensors 104 6.8.1 wristwear application to drive market 104 FIGURE 32 industrial vertical to grow at highest rate during forecast period 104 TABLE 42 Wearable Sensors Market for Temperature and Humidity Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 104 TABLE 43 Wearable Sensors Market for Temperature and Humidity Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 105 TABLE 44 Wearable Sensors Market for Temperature and Humidity Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 105 TABLE 45 Wearable Sensors Market for Temperature and Humidity Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 106 6.9 microphones and MICRO SPEAKERS 107 6.9.1 wristwear, bodywear, and healthcare applications to drive market 107 TABLE 46 Wearable Sensors Market for Microphones and MICRO SPEAKERS, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 107 TABLE 47 Wearable Sensors Market for Microphones and MICRO SPEAKERS, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 107 TABLE 48 Wearable Sensors Market for Microphones and MICRO SPEAKERS, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 108 TABLE 49 Wearable Sensors Market for Microphones and MICRO SPEAKERS, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 108 6.10 medical-based sensors 109 6.10.1 increasing demand for health tracking devices to drive market 109 6.10.2 blood oxygen sensors 109 6.10.3 blood glucose sensors 109 6.10.4 blood flow sensors 109 6.10.5 ecg sensors 109 6.10.6 heart rate sensors 109 6.10.7 hall effect sensors 110 TABLE 50 Wearable Sensors Market for Medical-Based Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 110 TABLE 51 Wearable Sensors Market for Medical-Based Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 110 TABLE 52 Wearable Sensors Market for Medical-Based Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 111 TABLE 53 Wearable Sensors Market for Medical-Based Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 111 6.11 image sensors 112 6.11.1 increased demand for activity monitoring devices to drive market 112 TABLE 54 Wearable Sensors Market for Image Sensors, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 112 TABLE 55 Wearable Sensors Market for Image Sensors, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 113 TABLE 56 Wearable sensors market for Image Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 113 TABLE 57 Wearable sensors market for Image Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 114 6.12 touch sensors 114 6.12.1 Rising demand for wearable devices to drive market 114 FIGURE 33 eyewear segment to grow at highest rate during forecast period 114 TABLE 58 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET FOR TOUCH SENSORS, BY APPLICATION, 2019–2022 (USD MILLION) 115 TABLE 59 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET FOR TOUCH SENSORS, BY APPLICATION, 2023–2028 (USD MILLION) 115 TABLE 60 Wearable Sensors Market for Touch Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 116 TABLE 61 Wearable Sensors Market for Touch Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 116 6.13 other sensors 117 6.13.1 position sensors 117 6.13.2 light sensors 117 6.13.3 Chemical sensors 117 6.13.4 Electrode sensors 117 6.13.5 Biosensors 118 TABLE 62 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET FOR OTHER SENSORS, BY APPLICATION, 2019–2022 (USD MILLION) 118 TABLE 63 WEARABLE SENSORS MARKET FOR OTHER SENSORS, BY APPLICATION, 2023–2028 (USD MILLION) 118 TABLE 64 Wearable Sensors Market for Other Sensors, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 119 TABLE 65 Wearable Sensors Market for Other Sensors, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 119 7 wearable sensors market, by technology 120 7.1 Introduction 120 7.2 Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) 120 7.2.1 Increased demand in healthcare sector to drive market 120 7.3 very-large-scale integration (vlsi) 120 7.3.1 Use in healthcare, security, and navigation applications to drive market 120 7.4 nanoelectromechanical system (nems) 121 7.4.1 Use in smartwatches, smart glasses, and smart bands to drive market 121 7.5 Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (cmos) 121 7.5.1 Increasing trend of microfabrication and nanofabrication of electronic structures to drive market 121 7.6 microsystems technology (mst) 121 7.6.1 Increasing trend of miniaturization to drive market 121 7.7 application-SPECIFIC integrated circuit (asic) 121 7.7.1 rising demand for environmental monitoring to drive market 121 7.8 Optical technology 122 7.8.1 rising adoption OF health monitoring systemS to drive market 122 7.9 Chemical technology 122 7.9.1 Increased focus ON sensor fabrication to drive market 122 7.10 Electrode 122 7.10.1 Growing adoption of medical devices to drive market 122 8 wearable sensors market, by APPLICATION 123 8.1 introduction 124 FIGURE 34 bodywear segment TO GROW AT HIGHEST RATE DURING FORECAST PERIOD 124 TABLE 66 Wearable Sensors Market, by Application, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 124 TABLE 67 Wearable Sensors Market, by Application, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 125 8.2 WRISTWEAR 125 8.2.1 Increasing demand from consumer goods vertical to drive market 125 8.2.2 WRIST-WEARABLE BANDS/WATCHES 125 8.2.3 WRIST-WEARABLE BRACELETS 125 TABLE 68 Wearable Sensors Market for Wristwear application, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 126 TABLE 69 Wearable Sensors Market for Wristwear application, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 127 8.3 EYEWEAR 127 8.3.1 Increasing demand in consumer goods vertical to drive market 127 8.3.2 GOOGLE GLASSES 127 8.3.3 SMART CONTACT LENSES, HEAD-UP DISPLAYS, AND HEAD-MOUNTED DISPLAYS 128 TABLE 70 Wearable Sensors Market for Eyewear Application, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 128 TABLE 71 Wearable Sensors Market for Eyewear Application, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 129 8.3.4 AR/VR 129 8.3.5 Neutral Interface 130 8.3.6 Eye-tracking 130 8.3.7 Depth sensing 130 8.4 footwear 131 8.4.1 Increasing deployment of wearable sensors by footwear manufacturers to drive market 131 TABLE 72 Wearable Sensors Market for Footwear Application, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 131 TABLE 73 Wearable Sensors Market for Footwear Application, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 132 8.4.2 Smart socks 132 8.4.3 Insoles 132 8.5 neckwear 133 8.5.1 Increasing demand for smart neckwear to drive market 133 8.5.2 Ties and collars 133 8.5.3 Ornaments and jewelry 133 TABLE 74 Wearable Sensors Market for Neckwear Application, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 133 TABLE 75 Wearable Sensors Market for Neckwear Application, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 134 8.6 bodywear 134 8.6.1 Emerging trend of techno-fashion clothing to drive market 134 8.6.2 Clothing and innerwear 135 8.6.3 Arm and legwear 135 8.6.4 Smart socks 135 8.6.5 Chest straps 135 TABLE 76 Wearable Sensors Market for Bodywear Application, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 135 TABLE 77 Wearable Sensors Market for Bodywear Application, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 136 8.7 other applications 136 8.7.1 Ring Scanner/Wear 136 8.7.2 Smart Headsets/Headbands 136 8.7.3 Earwear 137 8.7.4 Skin Patches 137 TABLE 78 Wearable Sensors Market for Other Applications, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 137 TABLE 79 Wearable Sensors Market for Other Applications, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 138 9 Wearable sensorS market, by vertical 139 9.1 Introduction 140 FIGURE 35 Consumer goods to hold largest market during forecast period 140 TABLE 80 Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 140 TABLE 81 Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 141 9.2 Consumer goods 141 9.2.1 fitness and sports 142 Increased awareness toward fitness and sports to drive market 142 9.2.2 infotainment and multimedia 142 Use of wearable sensors in various communication technologies to drive market 142 9.2.3 Payment and Access Control 142 Use of wearable sensors in secure and convenient transactions and access management to drive market 142 9.2.4 Personal safety and security 142 Use of wearable sensors in safety and security applications to drive market 142 9.2.5 Garments and fashion 143 Integration of wearable sensors in fashion industry to drive market 143 TABLE 82 Wearable sensors market for Consumer goods, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 143 TABLE 83 Wearable sensors market for consumer goods, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 144 TABLE 84 Wearable sensors market for Consumer goods, by Region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 144 TABLE 85 Wearable sensors market for Consumer goods, by Region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 145 9.3 Healthcare 145 9.3.1 Vital signs monitoring 145 Glucose monitoring 146 Continuous glucose monitoring 146 Providing real-time glucose monitoring levels to drive market 146 Non-invasive glucose monitoring 146 Non-invasive procedure to monitor blood glucose level to drive market 146 Cardiac monitoring 146 Enabling continuous monitoring of physiological parameters to drive market 146 Oxygen saturation level monitoring 147 Utilization of sensors for Oxygen saturation level monitoring to drive market 147 Blood pressure monitoring 147 Use of blood pressure sensors in healthcare to drive market 147 9.3.2 Sleep and mental health monitoring 147 Utilization of sensors in sleep and mental health analysis to drive market 147 9.3.3 Fall and movement detection 147 Detection of safety alerts and track movement patterns to drive market 147 9.3.4 Alcohol consumption monitoring 148 Monitoring of real-time alcohol consumption to drive market 148 9.3.5 Urine Monitoring 148 Analyzing various parameters related to urine composition to drive market 148 9.3.6 Lactic Acid Monitoring 148 Detection of real-time lactate levels to drive market 148 TABLE 86 Wearable sensors market for Healthcare, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 149 TABLE 87 Wearable sensors market for Healthcare, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 150 TABLE 88 Wearable sensors market for Healthcare, by Region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 150 TABLE 89 Wearable sensors market for Healthcare, by Region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 151 9.4 Industrial 151 9.4.1 logistics, packaging, and warehouse applications 151 Increased mobility and productivity due to usage of wearable devices to drive market 151 9.4.2 other industrial verticals (chemicals, petroleum, oil and gas, and mining and construction) 152 FIGURE 36 pressure and Force sensors to lead market for industrial vertical IN 2023–2028 152 TABLE 90 Wearable sensors market for Industrial Vertical, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 153 TABLE 91 Wearable sensors market for Industrial Vertical, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 154 TABLE 92 Wearable sensors market for Industrial Vertical, by Region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 154 TABLE 93 Wearable sensors market for Industrial Vertical, by Region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 155 9.5 Other Verticals 155 FIGURE 37 Accelerometers and pressure and force sensors to hold significant market for Other Verticals between 2023 and 2028 156 TABLE 94 Wearable sensors market for Other Verticals, by Type, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 157 TABLE 95 Wearable sensors market for Other Verticals, by Type, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 158 TABLE 96 Wearable sensors market for Other Verticals, by Region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 158 TABLE 97 Wearable sensors market for Other Verticals, by Region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 159 10 wearable sensors market, by region 160 10.1 Introduction 161 FIGURE 38 wearable sensors market: regional snapshot (2019–2022) 161 TABLE 98 Wearable sensors market, by Region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 162 TABLE 99 Wearable sensors market, by Region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 162 10.2 North America 163 10.2.1 recession impact Analysis 163 FIGURE 39 north america: WEARABLE sensors market SNAPSHOT 163 TABLE 100 North America: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 164 TABLE 101 north america: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 164 TABLE 102 North America: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 164 TABLE 103 north america: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 165 10.2.2 US 165 Investments and innovations in healthcare and security applications to drive market 165 10.2.3 Canada 166 Increased popularity of IoT platforms to drive market 166 10.2.4 Mexico 166 Increased adoption of advanced technologies in various industries to drive market 166 10.3 Europe 166 10.3.1 recession impact analysis 166 FIGURE 40 EUROPE: WEARABLE sensors market SNAPSHOT 167 TABLE 104 Europe: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 168 TABLE 105 Europe: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 168 TABLE 106 Europe: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 168 TABLE 107 Europe: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 169 10.3.2 GERMANY 169 Use of wearables in healthcare, sports, and fashion industries to drive market 169 10.3.3 UK 169 Advancements in healthcare sector to drive market 169 10.3.4 FRANCE 170 Adoption of advanced technology in automotive and aerospace industries to drive market 170 10.3.5 Italy 170 Adoption of wearables in health monitoring to drive market 170 10.3.6 rest of europe 170 10.4 Asia Pacific 171 10.4.1 recession impact analysis 171 FIGURE 41 ASIA PACIFIC: wearable sensors market SNAPSHOT 172 TABLE 108 ASIA PACIFIC: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 173 TABLE 109 ASIA PACIFIC: Wearable sensors market, by country, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 173 TABLE 110 Asia Pacific: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 173 TABLE 111 Asia Pacific: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 174 10.4.2 CHINA 174 Increased implementation of wearable sensors in various sectors to drive market 174 10.4.3 JAPAN 174 Increased technological innovation in consumer electronics sector to drive market 174 10.4.4 SOUTH KOREA 175 Presence of leading firms from consumer electronics sector to drive market 175 10.4.5 India 175 Increased usage of smart devices to drive market 175 10.4.6 rest of ASIA PACIFIC 175 10.5 REST OF the WORLD 176 10.5.1 recession impact analysis 176 TABLE 112 rest of the world: Wearable sensors market, by region, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 176 TABLE 113 rest of the world: Wearable sensors market, by region, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 176 TABLE 114 rest of the world: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2019–2022 (USD Million) 177 TABLE 115 rest of the world: Wearable sensors market, by Vertical, 2023–2028 (USD Million) 177 10.5.2 South America 178 Availability of affordable electronic products to drive market 178 10.5.3 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA 178 Stringent safety requirements in oil & gas industries to drive market 178 11 COMPETITIVE landscape 179 11.1 overview 179 TABLE 116 wearable sensors MARKET: strategies adopted by key players from 2019 to 2023 179 11.2 Wearable sensors MARKET share analysis, 2022 181 FIGURE 42 Wearable sensors market share analysis, 2022 181 TABLE 117 Wearable SENSORs MARKET: DEGREE OF COMPETITION 181 TABLE 118 Wearable sensors MARKET: ranking analysis 182 11.3 revenue analysis of top five companies, 2020–2022 182 FIGURE 43 revenue analysis of top five players in wearable sensors market, 2020–2022 182 11.4 COMPANY EVALUATION matrix 184 11.4.1 STARs 184 11.4.2 EMERGING LEADERs 184 11.4.3 PERVASIVE players 184 11.4.4 PARTICIPANTs 184 FIGURE 44 Wearable sensors MARKET: COMPANY EVALUATION matrix, 2022 185 11.5 START-UP/SME EVALUATION MATRIX 186 TABLE 119 START-UPS/SMEs IN wearable sensors MARKET 186 11.5.1 PROGRESSIVE COMPANies 187 11.5.2 RESPONSIVE COMPANies 187 11.5.3 DYNAMIC COMPANies 187 11.5.4 STARTING BLOCKs 187 FIGURE 45 wearable sensors MARKET: START-UP/SME EVALUATION MATRIX, 2022 188 TABLE 120 wearable sensors market: DETAILED LIST OF KEY START-UPs/SMEs 189 11.5.5 COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING 189 TABLE 121 wearable sensors MARKET: COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING OF KEY START-UPs/SMes 189 11.6 COMPANY FOOTPRINT 190 TABLE 122 COMPANY FOOTPRINT 190 TABLE 123 COMPANY wearable sensor Type FOOTPRINT 191 TABLE 124 COMPANY VertICal FOOTPRINT 192 TABLE 125 COMPANY REGION FOOTPRINT 193 11.7 Competitive scenario 194 11.7.1 product launches 194 TABLE 126 PRODUCT Launches, 2022–2023 194 11.7.2 DEALs 195 TABLE 127 DEALS, 2021–2023 195 11.7.3 OTHERS 196 TABLE 128 others, 2023 196 12 COMPANY OVERVIEW 197 12.1 KEY PLAYERS 197 (Business Overview, Products/Services/Solutions Offered, MnM View, Key Strengths and Right to Win, Strategic Choices Made, Weaknesses and Competitive Threats, Recent Developments)* 12.1.1 STMicroelectronics 197 TABLE 129 STmicroelectronics: COMPANY OVERVIEW 197 FIGURE 46 STMicroelectronics: Company Snapshot 198 TABLE 130 STmicroelectronics: PRODUCTs offered 198 TABLE 131 STMICROELECTRONICS: Product launches 199 12.1.2 Infineon Technologies AG 201 TABLE 132 InfINEon Technologies AG: COMPANY OVERVIEW 201 FIGURE 47 Infineon Technologies AG: Company Snapshot 202 TABLE 133 InfINEon Technologies ag: PRODUCTs offered 202 TABLE 134 InfINEon Technologies AG: Product launches 203 12.1.3 NXP Semiconductors 205 TABLE 135 NXp semiconductors: COMPANY OVERVIEW 205 FIGURE 48 NXP Semiconductors: Company Snapshot 206 TABLE 136 NXP SEMICONDUCTORs: PRODUcts OFFERed 206 TABLE 137 Deals NXP SEMICONDUCTORs: deals 208 12.1.4 Texas Instruments Inc. 210 TABLE 138 Texas Instruments INC.: COMPANY OVERVIEW 210 FIGURE 49 TEXAS Instruments Inc.: Company Snapshot 211 TABLE 139 Texas Instruments Inc.: PRODUCts offered 211 TABLE 140 Texas Instruments inc.: Product launches 213 12.1.5 TE Connectivity 214 TABLE 141 TE connectivity: COMPANY OVERVIEW 214 FIGURE 50 TE Connectivity: Company Snapshot 215 TABLE 142 TE CONNECTIVITY: PRODUCTs offered 215 12.1.6 Broadcom 218 TABLE 143 BROADCOM: COMPANY OVERVIEW 218 FIGURE 51 BROADCOM: Company Snapshot 219 TABLE 144 Broadcom: PRODUCts OFFERed 219 TABLE 145 Broadcom: Product launches 220 12.1.7 Analog Devices, Inc. 221 TABLE 146 Analog devices, Inc.: COMPANY OVERVIEW 221 FIGURE 52 Analog Devices, Inc.: Company Snapshot 222 TABLE 147 Analog Devices, Inc.: PRODUcts offered 222 TABLE 148 Analog Devices, Inc.: Others 223 12.1.8 Panasonic holdings Corporation 224 TABLE 149 Panasonic holdings corporation: COMPANY OVERVIEW 224 FIGURE 53 Panasonic holdings Corporation: Company Snapshot 225 TABLE 150 panasonic holdings corporation: PRODUCTs OFFERed 225 12.1.9 Asahi Kasei Corporation 227 TABLE 151 Asahi kasei corporation: COMPANY OVERVIEW 227 FIGURE 54 Asahi Kasei Corporation: Company Snapshot 228 TABLE 152 Asahi KASEI: PRODUCTs OFFERed 228 TABLE 153 Asahi KASEI: Deals 229 12.1.10 Knowles Electronics, LLC. 230 TABLE 154 Knowles ELECTRONICS, llc.: COMPANY OVERVIEW 230 FIGURE 55 Knowles Electronics, LLC.: Company Snapshot 231 TABLE 155 Knowles electronics, LLC.: PRODUCTs OFFERed 231 TABLE 156 Knowles electronics, LLC.: Product launches 232 *Business Overview, Products/Services/Solutions Offered, MnM View, Key Strengths and Right to Win, Strategic Choices Made, Weaknesses and Competitive Threats, Recent Developments might not be captured in case of unlisted companies. 12.2 other key players 233 12.2.1 Robert Bosch GmbH 233 TABLE 157 Robert Bosch GmbH: company overview 233 12.2.2 InvenSense, Inc. 234 TABLE 158 InvenSense, Inc.: company overview 234 12.2.3 MCUBE 235 TABLE 159 mcube: company overview 235 12.2.4 SENSIrion ag 236 TABLE 160 SENSIrion ag: company overview 236 12.2.5 ams-osram ag 237 TABLE 161 ams-osram ag: company overview 237 12.2.6 Arms Limited 238 TABLE 162 Arms Limited: company overview 238 12.2.7 Empatica Inc 239 TABLE 163 Empatica Inc: company overview 239 12.2.8 Hexoskin 240 TABLE 164 Hexoskin: company overview 240 12.2.9 Neo FEct 241 TABLE 165 Neo FEct: company overview 241 12.2.10 Enflux 242 TABLE 166 Enflux: company overview 242 12.2.11 HOCOMA 243 TABLE 167 HOCOMA: company overview 243 12.2.12 Actofit 244 TABLE 168 Actofit: company overview 244 12.2.13 Whoop 245 TABLE 169 Whoop: company overview 245 12.2.14 motiv 245 TABLE 170 motiv: company overview 245 12.2.15 Oura Health Oy 246 TABLE 171 Oura Health Oy: company overview 246 13 Appendix 247 13.1 discussion guide 247 13.2 KnowledgeStore: MarketsandMarkets’ subscription portal 250 13.3 customization OPTIONS 252 13.4 Related Reports 252 13.5 AUTHOR DETAILS 253
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