


Laboratory Extractor Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

ラボ用抽出機の動向と予測 世界の実験室用抽出器市場の将来は、農業、食品、化学、環境、医療市場におけるビジネスチャンスで有望視されている。世界のラボ用抽出器市場は、2025年から2031年にかけて年平均成... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2025年3月13日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語







- Lucintel社の予測によると、タイプ別では繊維抽出機が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みである。
- 用途別では、農業が引き続き最大セグメントである。
- 地域別では、北米が予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 自動化とスマート技術:抽出の目的が何であれ、自動化は有効性を高め、エラーを抑制することで重要な役割を果たす。これらの技術、特にインターネットによって活性化される技術は、迅速な制御と観察によって、より良い生産性と均一性を可能にする。
- 持続可能な抽出方法:抽出業界では持続可能性に関する関心が高まっており、特に環境に優しい溶媒やプロセスの使用が重要視されている。この開発は、最適なレベルの抽出を達成しながら二酸化炭素排出量を削減することを目指す、持続可能性へのトレンドに沿ったものである。
- 大麻アプリケーションの台頭:大麻産業への大きなシフトにより、この市場に適したより高度な抽出技術が必要とされている。この傾向は新しい抽出法の開発を刺激し、カンナビノイドの抽出をより効率的で費用対効果の高いものにしている。
- 実験室抽出における個別化医療:個別化医療の新たな傾向は、特定の疾患に合わせた抽出技術に影響を与えている。この傾向は製薬分野で特に顕著であり、製剤化における抽出精度の要求は高い。
- 品質管理の強化:市場が品質重視の姿勢を強める中、品質管理の改善に向けた取り組みが行われている。企業は最新の抽出プロセスを採用し、抽出された製品の品質と有効性を高めることで、顧客の信頼を高めている。




- 抽出技術の進歩:改良されたCO2やエタノール抽出などの新しい抽出技術は、より優れた効率と高い収率に貢献している。こうした技術革新は、純度と品質が重要な医薬品や食品などの産業にとって重要である。
- 研究開発への投資の増加:研究開発活動への世界的な支出は、特に抽出プロセスとアプリケーションの最適化において増加している。また、新規化合物の創製に不可欠な新しい抽出材料の開発も、学術的な協力関係によって促進されている。
- 自動化への注力:装置の自動化により、ラボ用抽出装置の性能は著しく向上した。ターンアラウンドタイムが短縮され、生産性が向上するとともに、自動化によって人的ミスが最小限に抑えられ、操作プロセスが最適化された。
- 規制の進展:材料の取り扱いは、特に安全性と環境への配慮という点で、広がりを見せている。企業は、厳しい規制の遵守を徹底することで、こうした圧力に対応しており、抽出方法の変更につながる可能性がある。
- 天然製品に対する需要の高まり:天然製品やオーガニック製品に対する消費者の嗜好が、より効率的な抽出方法の必要性を高めている。これは特に、高品質で健康的な製品への需要が大きい食品、飲料、パーソナルケア業界で顕著である。




- 医薬品用途:有効成分の正確な抽出の必要性から、この応用分野は大きな市場成長が見込まれる。企業には、医薬品調製に特化した抽出装置を開発する機会がある。
- 食品・飲料分野:消費者が自然でオーガニックなものを好むようになっているため、食品・飲料セクターはラボ用抽出装置に十分な機会を提供している。抽出の改良は風味と栄養価を高め、健康志向の消費者にアピールする。
- 大麻産業:多くの国で大麻が規制されているため、カンナビノイド抽出技術の進歩に大きな勢いがある。この成長機会により、各社は独自の抽出装置や抽出物の精製方法を開発することが可能になる。
- 環境試験:ラボラトリー抽出装置は、土壌や水の検査を含む様々な環境検査において重要な役割を果たしている。環境汚染が懸念されるようになるにつれ、環境モニタリング用サンプルの新たな抽出方法がますます必要とされている。
- エッセンシャルオイルとアロマセラピー:エッセンシャルオイルの市場は、健康食品に対する消費者の関心の高まりによって拡大している。ラボラトリーの抽出業者は、この需要増に対応するため、さまざまな植物からエッセンシャルオイルを抽出するための迅速で効率的な方法を開発する必要に迫られている。




- 技術の進歩:これまで、抽出プロセスの有効性と質を向上させる進歩的なブレークスルーがあった。より優れた自動化、無溶媒抽出の新しいモデル、新しい分析方法などが市場に新規参入し、競争を激化させている。
- 天然製品に対する需要の高まり:天然製品や有機製品に対する需要と嗜好の高まりが、より効率的な抽出方法の必要性を高めている。これは、品質と持続可能性が求められる食品・飲料や化粧品業界で一般的である。
- 成長する大麻市場:大麻の使用に関する様々な政策や法律の改正は、ラボラトリー抽出業者に新たな機会をもたらしている。より優れた抽出方法に対する需要の高まりが、この市場の成長を促進している。
- 持続可能性の重視:抽出プロセスにおいて持続可能なアプローチを模索することは、今や市場の重要な推進力となっている。より環境に優しい溶媒や技術が、グリーン製品に対する顧客の要求に沿って企業によって使用されている。
- 研究開発への投資:このように、研究開発のための資金が増加することで、企業は新しい抽出技術や新しい用途を発見することが可能になる。さらに、こうしたパートナーシップは新しいアイデアを統合し、より優れた製品を生み出す。

- 規制の複雑さ:ラボ用抽出装置市場の企業は、地域によって異なる数多くの規制に直面している。このような異なる規制は、企業が現地の法律を遵守しなければならないため、市場への参入をより高価で時間のかかるものにする可能性がある。
- 品質管理の問題:製品の人気上昇に伴い、高品質を維持することは、抽出を含むすべての分野で重要な課題となっている。企業は、自社製品が消費者と規制当局の両方の要求を満たしていることを保証しなければならない。
- 市場競争:ラボ用抽出装置市場への参入企業が増加し、競争が激化している。競争力を維持するために、企業は製品やサービスを差別化する必要があり、これは利益率に影響を与える可能性がある。
- 規制の複雑さ:ラボラトリー・エクストラクター市場で企業が直面する問題のひとつは、理解する必要のあるさまざまな規制に関するものである。地域によって異なる規制や潜在的に異なる規制は、規制を遵守する必要性から市場への参入をよりコスト高にする可能性がある。
- 品質管理の問題:製品の人気が高まるにつれて、抽出を含むあらゆる分野で高品質の必要性が高まっている。同社は、消費者や規制当局の要求に応えるため、高品質の製品とサービスを維持しなければならない。
- 市場競争:ラボラトリー・エクストラクターの市場参加者の増加により、競争が激化している。競争の中で生き残り、市場シェアを維持するために、企業は自社の製品やサービスに際立った特徴を持たせる必要があり、その結果、利益率に影響を与える。



- ベルプサイエンティフィカ
- バイオベースグループ
- ゲルハルト
- ゲルステル
- フォス
- バイオテージ
- メルク

研究室用抽出装置 セグメント別


ラボ用抽出器市場 タイプ別【2019年から2031年までの金額別分析

- 繊維抽出機
- 溶媒抽出機
- 脂肪抽出機


- 農業
- 食品
- 化学
- 環境
- 医療
- その他


- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国では、ラボ用抽出機の需要が、特に大麻と製薬分野で増加している。企業は自動化された拡張可能な抽出システムを活用し、効率と製品生産量を向上させている。大麻の自由化により、CO2やエタノールの使用を含む新たな抽出方法に拍車がかかっている。規制の遵守は依然として課題であるが、より効果的な抽出プロセスの導入に役立つ研究開発を支援する前向きな動きも増えている。
- 中国中国のラボ用抽出装置市場は、消費者の高まる需要を満たすため、自動化と効率化に重点を置き、急速に成長している。政府の資金援助により、食品や中国伝統医学(TCM)などの産業における抽出技術の革新が支援されている。しかし、品質管理とコンプライアンスを取り巻く伝統的な慣行は依然として課題であり、より優れた基準と慣行の開発が求められている。
- ドイツ:ドイツは、特に精度と効率に重点を置いたラボ用抽出技術のリーダーであり続けている。同市場は、抽出プロセスと製品の品質を向上させるグリーン抽出技術と高度なデータ分析の採用から利益を得ている。同国には厳しい環境規制もあり、メーカー各社は管理された基準内で技術革新に取り組むよう求められている。
- インドインドのラボ用抽出装置市場は、特に製薬、食品加工、エッセンシャルオイルの分野で勢いを増している。研究機関と企業のコラボレーションにより、独自の抽出ソリューションが開発されつつある。このような成長にもかかわらず、市場は最先端技術へのアクセス制限や不十分な規制枠組みといった障壁に直面している。市場の競争力を高めるには、設備と教育への投資拡大が必要である。
- 日本:日本では、高精度で高品質な抽出装置がトレンドとなっている。日本は、その技術的専門知識を活用して、食品および製薬業界向けの高度な抽出システムを開発している。より安全な新しい抽出溶媒や抽出プロセスも開発されている。日本の厳しい規制制度は、高い品質基準の遵守を促しているが、複雑な規制のために技術革新が制限されることもある。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.4.5: 医学

4.5: ROWラボ用抽出機市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.1:VELP Scientifica
7.2: バイオベースグループ
7.3: ゲルハルト
7.4: ゲルステル
7.5: フォス
7.6: バイオタージュ
7.7: メルク





Laboratory Extractor Trends and Forecast

The future of the global laboratory extractor market looks promising with opportunities in the agriculture, food, chemical, environment, and medicine markets. The global laboratory extractor market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 4.8% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the advances in extraction technologies and growth in research and development activities across various industries.

• Lucintel forecasts that, within the type category, fiber extractor is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, agriculture will remain the largest segment.
• In terms of regions, North America is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain Valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Laboratory Extractor Market

The laboratory extractor market is subject to a number of emerging trends that are, in most cases, based on technology and consumer behavior. These trends are changing traditional concepts of extraction processes and the nature of the processes being developed.

• Automation and Smart Technology: Whatever the purpose of extraction, automation plays a key role by adding efficacy and controlling errors. These technologies, especially those activated by the internet, allow for better productivity and uniformity through quick control and observation.
• Sustainable Extraction Methods: There are growing concerns regarding sustainability in the extraction industry, particularly the use of green solvents and processes. This development aligns with the trend toward sustainability, which aims at reducing the carbon footprint while still achieving optimal levels of extraction.
• Rise of Cannabis Applications: The tremendous shift toward the cannabis industry has led to a need for more advanced extraction techniques suited for this market. This trend is stimulating the development of new extraction methods, making the extraction of cannabinoids more efficient and cost-effective.
• Personalized Medicine in Laboratory Extraction: The emerging trend of personalized medicine is influencing extraction techniques that are being tailored to specific diseases. This trend is especially prevalent in the pharmaceutical field, where the demand for extraction accuracy in drug formulation is high.
• Enhanced Quality Control: Efforts are being made to improve quality control as the market intensifies its focus on quality. Companies are adopting contemporary extraction processes to increase the quality and effectiveness of the products extracted, thereby promoting customer confidence.

These factors are profoundly impacting the laboratory extractor market, enabling innovations and improving performance and productivity. With the success of automation, sustainability, and personalized applications making significant inroads, the industry is poised for substantial growth and will be able to meet the evolving needs of various industries.

Recent Developments in the Laboratory Extractor Market

The laboratory extractor market trends can be summarized in terms of advancements in technology, changes in consumer preferences, and regulatory impacts. These trends highlight the growth potential of the market, including innovation.

• Advancements in Extraction Technologies: New extraction technologies, such as improved CO2 and ethanol extractions, are contributing to better efficiencies and higher yields. These innovations are important for industries like pharmaceuticals and food, where purity and quality are crucial.
• Increased Investment in R&D: Global expenditure on R&D activities is growing, especially in optimizing extraction processes and applications. Academic collaborations are also fostering the development of new extraction materials, which are crucial for creating novel compounds.
• Focus on Automation: The performance of laboratory extractors has improved significantly due to the application of automation in the equipment. Turnaround times have reduced, thereby improving productivity, while automation minimizes human error and optimizes operational processes.
• Regulatory Developments: The treatment of materials is broadening, particularly in terms of safety and environmental concerns. Companies are responding to these pressures by ensuring that they adhere to stringent regulations, which may lead to changes in extraction methods.
• Growing Demand for Natural Products: Consumer preferences for natural and organic products are driving the need for more efficient extraction methods. This is particularly evident in the food, beverage, and personal care industries, where there is a significant demand for high-quality, healthy products.

These recent developments are proving to be highly influential in shaping the outlook of the laboratory extractor market, enhancing creativity and efficiency. The mid-to-long-term outlook for the laboratory extractor market remains optimistic, driven by rapid technological change and evolving consumer dynamics.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Laboratory Extractor Market

There are several strategic growth opportunities in the laboratory extractor market, especially in India, due to technological changes and shifting market dynamics. Recognizing these opportunities will help stakeholders harness transformative transitions.

• Pharmaceutical Applications: This application area is expected to see significant market growth due to the need for accurate extraction of active ingredients. Companies have the opportunity to create specific extraction devices for pharmaceutical preparation.
• Food and Beverage Sector: As consumers increasingly prefer natural and organic options, the food and beverage sector offers ample opportunities for laboratory extractors. Extraction improvements will enhance flavors and nutritional value, appealing to health-conscious consumers.
• Cannabis Industry: The regulation of cannabis in many countries is providing significant momentum for the advancement of cannabinoid extraction technologies. This opportunity for growth enables companies to produce unique extraction devices and specific methods for refining extracts.
• Environmental Testing: Laboratory extractors play a key role in various environmental testing activities, including soil and water testing. As environmental pollution becomes a growing concern, new methods of extracting samples for environmental monitoring are becoming increasingly necessary.
• Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: The market for essential oils is expanding, driven by growing consumer interest in health products. Laboratory extractors have a fast-moving window to develop quick and efficient methods for extracting essential oils from different plants to meet this increasing demand.

These strategic growth prospects demonstrate how laboratory extractors are essential across various sectors. The market is primed for the development of new products and the enhancement of existing ones as stakeholders—such as customers, industries, and other entities focus on evolutionary trends.

Laboratory Extractor Market Driver and Challenges

The laboratory extractor industry is influenced by a number of drivers and challenges which include changing technologies, economics, and political & legal issues. Such understanding is important for stakeholders who seek to position themselves in the market.

The factors responsible for driving the laboratory extractor market include:
• Technological Advancements: Up until now, there are progressive breakthroughs that are improving the effectiveness and quality of extracting processes. Better automation, new models of solventless extraction, and new analytical methods are all joining new players in the market and enhancing competition.
• Rising Demand for Natural Products: Increasing demand and preference for natural and organic products is driving the need for more efficient extraction practices. This is common in the food & beverage and cosmetics industries where there is a need for quality and sustainability.
• Growing Cannabis Market: The various changes to policies and legislation regarding the use of cannabis have presented some new opportunities to laboratory extractors. There is a growing demand for better extraction methods that is fostering the growth of this market.
• Focus on Sustainability: Seeking sustainable approaches in the extraction process has now become an important market driver. More environmentally friendly solvents and techniques are being used by Corporations in line with their customer’s demand for green products.
• Investment in Research and Development: In this way, increased funding for R&D makes it possible for companies to discover novel techniques of extraction as well as new applications. Moreover, these partnerships integrate new ideas and create better products.

Challenges in the laboratory extractor market are:
• Regulatory Complexity: Companies in the laboratory extractor market face numerous regulations that vary across regions. These disparate regulations can make entry into the market more expensive and time-consuming, as companies must comply with local laws.
• Quality Control Issues: With the increase in popularity of products, maintaining high quality has become a critical issue across all sectors, including extraction. Companies must ensure their products meet both consumer and regulatory demands.
• Market Competition: The growing number of participants in the laboratory extractor market has intensified competition. To stay competitive, companies must differentiate their products and services, which can impact profit margins.
• Regulatory Complexity: One of the issues faced by companies in the laboratory extractor market concerns the many different regulations that need to be understood. Different and potentially disparate regulations between geographical regions can make entry into the market more costly due to the need to comply with regulations.
• Quality Control Issues: With the increase in popularity of products, the need for high-quality cuts across all sectors including extraction. The company has to maintain high-quality products and services in order to match consumer and regulatory demands.
• Market Competition: The increase in the number of participants in the market of laboratory extractors heightens competition. In order to survive in the competition and retain their market share, corporations have to create distinctive attributes for their products and services and thus this affects profit margins.

List of Laboratory Extractor Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies laboratory extractor companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the laboratory extractor companies profiled in this report include-

• VELP Scientifica
• Gerhardt
• Foss
• Biotage
• Merck

Laboratory Extractor by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global laboratory extractor market by type, application, and region.

Laboratory Extractor Market by Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Fiber Extractor
• Solvent Extractor
• Fat Extractor

Laboratory Extractor Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Agriculture
• Food
• Chemical
• Environment
• Medicine
• Others

Laboratory Extractor Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Laboratory Extractor Market

The laboratory extractor market is gaining momentum, driven by continual technological advancements, the increasing need for better extraction methods, and the expanding applications in various sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, and environmental analysis. Countries like the US, China, Germany, India, and Japan are leading in this market, each contributing their innovations and regulations. The growing focus on sustainability and accuracy in extraction processes has further fueled market growth, making it an attractive area for both investment and research.

• United States: The demand for laboratory extractors is increasing in the US, particularly in the cannabis and pharmaceutical sectors. Companies are taking advantage of automated and scalable extraction systems to improve efficiency and product output. The liberalization of cannabis has spurred new extraction methods, including the use of CO2 and ethanol. While regulatory compliance remains an issue, there are more positive trends in support of research and development, which will help introduce more effective extraction processes.
• China: China's laboratory extractor market is growing rapidly, with a focus on automation and efficiency to meet the growing demand from consumers. Government funding is supporting innovations in extraction technologies for industries such as food and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). However, traditional practices surrounding quality control and compliance remain a challenge, calling for the development of better standards and practices.
• Germany: Germany continues to be a leader in laboratory extraction technologies, particularly with a focus on precision and efficiency. The market benefits from the adoption of green extraction technologies and advanced data analytics, which improve extraction processes and product quality. The country also has stringent environmental regulations, which push manufacturers to innovate within controlled standards.
• India: India's laboratory extractor market is gaining momentum, particularly in the pharmaceutical, food processing, and essential oils sectors. Collaborations between research institutions and companies are enabling the development of indigenous extraction solutions. Despite this growth, the market still faces barriers such as limited access to cutting-edge technologies and inadequate regulatory frameworks. Increased investment in equipment and education will be necessary to make the market more competitive.
• Japan: In Japan, the trend is toward high-accuracy and high-quality extraction equipment. The country is leveraging its technological expertise to create advanced extraction systems for the food and pharmaceutical industries. New, safer extraction solvents and processes are also being developed. Japan's stringent regulatory system encourages adherence to high standards of quality, although this may also limit innovation due to complex regulations.

Features of the Global Laboratory Extractor Market

Market Size Estimates: Laboratory extractor market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecasts (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Laboratory extractor market size by type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Laboratory extractor market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different type, application, and regions for the laboratory extractor market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the laboratory extractor market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the laboratory extractor market by type (fiber extractor, solvent extractor, and fat extractor), application (agriculture, food, chemical, environment, medicine, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Laboratory Extractor Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Global Laboratory Extractor Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Global Laboratory Extractor Market by Type
3.3.1: Fiber Extractor
3.3.2: Solvent Extractor
3.3.3: Fat Extractor
3.4: Global Laboratory Extractor Market by Application
3.4.1: Agriculture
3.4.2: Food
3.4.3: Chemical
3.4.4: Environment
3.4.5: Medicine
3.4.6: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Global Laboratory Extractor Market by Region
4.2: North American Laboratory Extractor Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Type: Fiber Extractor, Solvent Extractor, and Fat Extractor
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Agriculture, Food, Chemical, Environment, Medicine, and Others
4.3: European Laboratory Extractor Market
4.3.1: European Market by Type: Fiber Extractor, Solvent Extractor, and Fat Extractor
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Agriculture, Food, Chemical, Environment, Medicine, and Others
4.4: APAC Laboratory Extractor Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Type: Fiber Extractor, Solvent Extractor, and Fat Extractor
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Agriculture, Food, Chemical, Environment, Medicine, and Others
4.5: ROW Laboratory Extractor Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Type: Fiber Extractor, Solvent Extractor, and Fat Extractor
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Agriculture, Food, Chemical, Environment, Medicine, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Laboratory Extractor Market by Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Laboratory Extractor Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Laboratory Extractor Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Laboratory Extractor Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Laboratory Extractor Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Laboratory Extractor Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: VELP Scientifica
7.2: BIOBASE Group
7.3: Gerhardt
7.5: Foss
7.6: Biotage
7.7: Merck







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