


Honeycomb Core for the Composites Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

コンポジット用ハニカムコアの動向と予測 コンポジット用ハニカムコアの世界市場は、航空宇宙、防衛、海洋市場でのビジネスチャンスにより、将来が有望視されている。コンポジット用ハニカムコアの世界市場は... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年12月2日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelでは、製品タイプ別ではノマックスが予測期間中に高い成長を遂げると予測している。
- 用途別では、航空宇宙が最も高い成長が見込まれている。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- エネルギー効率のための軽量化:ハニカム構造体は、航空宇宙、自動車、海洋などの産業でますます使用されるようになっており、そこでは製品の全体的な性能だけでなく、エネルギー効率を高めるために重量を削減する必要がある。フォントゥコンポジットとシナジー技術は、衝撃に耐え、頑丈さを損なうことなく構造を軽量化するのに役立つ。この傾向は、EVやグリーン航空への動きによって推進されている。
- 持続可能な素材とリサイクル:環境保護への熱意は、熱可塑性ハニカムコアのようなリサイクル可能でバイオベースの材料からなる複合ハニカムコアの使用をより環境に優しいものにしている。企業はまた、世界中の環境に優しい政策に準拠するために、再生プラスチックや熱可塑性プラスチックを含むいくつかのバイオ複合材料を使用してコアを製造している。
- 先進製造技術:複合材料用ハニカムコアの製造に3Dプリンティング技術、自動化技術の導入、ロボット技術が導入され、ハニカムコアの製造に革命が起きている。これらの変化により、柔軟性、スピード、原材料の無駄がさらに削減される。さらに、これらの技術形式は、複雑なコア形状の使用を可能にし、航空機、自動車、建築における冷却の効果的な使用を増加させるのに役立っている。
- 電気自動車(EV)への組み込み ニュース:軽量材料の需要が高まる中、ハニカムコアは自動車業界の電気自動車に使用されている。このような軽量構成は、自動車の性能範囲を向上させるためにバッテリーの最適化を利用するのに役立ちます。構造物の安全性を維持しながら軽量化を図ることが引き続き課題となっているため、複合ハニカムコアは自動車の内装、ボディパネル、補強メッキを提供する構造部品に不可欠となっている。
- カスタムソリューションと特殊サンプルカスタム形状のハニカムコアは、豊かな可能性を秘めた新しい用途で高い需要があります。航空宇宙、軍事、高級自動車など幅広い分野で、メーカーは構造、熱、音響性能を向上させるための設計変更に取り組んでいます。このような傾向は、特定のニーズに対応するコアをより効果的に製造することを可能にする新しい材料と製造技術の開発を刺激します。




- 熱可塑性ハニカムの利用の高まり:熱可塑性プラスチックハニカムコアの変化は、従来の材料に比べてスピードアップし、コスト効率を高めている。メーカーは、軽量でリサイクル可能な材料からこれらのコアを製造し、現在、自動車や航空機産業で使用されており、耐久性を高め、重量を節約している。
- 拡大する航空宇宙用途:航空機メーカーがハニカム球体を航空機に組み込んでいるため、ハニカムコアの主要市場のひとつである航空は、複合材料の市場が拡大している。これらは主翼、胴体、内装品に適用され、燃費の向上と運航コストの削減に役立っている。
- リサイクル可能な資源と生分解性資源の多用:世界的な持続可能性ブランドの達成に向け、メーカーはリサイクル可能な金属やバイオ非象牙に注目している。これは、排出物や廃棄物が抑制され、製品が非常に効率的であるだけでなく、環境にも優しいものになるからである。
- スマート製造技術の統合:複合ハニカムコアの製造におけるスマート製造技術の統合は、3D印刷や自動積層システムのような高度な製造アプリケーションの導入によって強化されている。この方法によって、より速く、より正確に、より安価に製造できるようになり、複雑な軽量構造の構築が容易になる。
- 共同研究開発:最近では、ハニカム素材と技術を新たなレベルまで進歩させるために、研究開発パートナーシップを模索している企業がいくつかある。大学、材料科学者、実業家がチームを組み、より頑丈で軽く、環境に優しい複合ハニカムコアを開発しています。




- 電気自動車市場:世界の自動車産業は電気自動車(EV)へとシフトしており、EV構造の軽量化部品としてハニカムコアに大きな機会をもたらしている。これはEVの走行距離とエネルギー効率の向上に役立つ。複合ハニカムメーカーのような企業は、軽量、高強度、エネルギー効率に優れた材料を供給する大きな可能性を秘めている。
- 航空宇宙分野での拡大:航空宇宙産業は、強度を損なうことなく航空機の重量を減らす新しい手段や部品を常に求めています。ハニカムコアは、高性能航空宇宙部品の胴体および翼構造、ならびに航空機の内部支持部品に特に適している。これは、拡大のための重要な分野を提示している。
- 海洋用途:海洋産業、特に造船やヨットにおける軽量材料の需要は高まっている。ハニカムコアは性能向上のため船体、デッキ、内装に使用されることが増えており、この分野に大きな成長機会をもたらしている。
- 建築と建設:建設業界では、軽量建築物における複合材料の需要が高まっている。エネルギーと環境への関心が高まるにつれて、ハニカムコアシステムは壁システム、床、天井などの用途に使用されるようになると予想される。これにより、建設やインフラ整備に新たな分野が開かれることになる。
- スポーツおよびレクリエーション機器:ハニカムコアの使用は、自転車、スキー、サーフボード、その他の機器など、スポーツ・レクリエーション産業でも拡大している。これらの特性により、ハニカムコアは高性能ギアに理想的な素材であり、このニッチ市場の成長可能性に貢献している。




- 軽量材料の需要:航空宇宙、自動車、建設などの業界では、効率性の観点から軽量化にますます重点を置くようになっており、複合材ハニカムコアの需要を牽引している。
- 持続可能性への取り組み:リサイクル可能なバイオ複合材へのシフトは、環境規制と建設における非グリーン材料の使用を減らす必要性によって奨励されている。このため、環境に優しい材料から作られたハニカムコアの採用が進んでいる。
- 技術の進歩:3Dプリンティングや自動化などの革新的な製造技術により、複合ハニカムコアの品質が向上し、その生産がよりコスト効率的になった。
- 電気自動車(EV)の成長:持続可能な電気自動車の台頭により、バッテリーの性能と航続距離を向上させるための軽量材料の需要が増加しており、複合ハニカムコアは自動車用途に非常に魅力的なものとなっています。
- 規制への対応:燃費と炭素排出に関連する規制の強化により、メーカーはこれらの要件を満たすために複合ハニカムコアのような軽量かつ強度の高い材料を使用するよう求められています。

- 高い製造コスト:製造コストが高い: 高度な複合材ハニカムコアは製造コストが高いため、コストに敏感な産業での使用が制限される。
- 材料調達の問題:炭素繊維、アラミド、バイオ樹脂などの原材料の供給はしばしば制約を受け、価格の上昇やサプライチェーンの複雑化につながる。
- 複雑な設計の統合:多層構造へのハニカムコアの組み込みは複雑で、高度なエンジニアリングを必要とするため、設計コストと製造コストの両方が上昇する。




- ヘクセル
- ギル・コーポレーション
- ユーロコンポジット
- プラスコア




- アルミニウム
- ノマックス
- その他


- 航空宇宙
- 防衛
- 海洋
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国米国のハニカムコア複合材市場は、主に航空宇宙産業と自動車産業によって繁栄している。燃料消費を抑制し、ガス排出を削減する必要が出てきたため、内部構造部品に複合材料を使用するアメリカのメーカーが増えている。また、熱可塑性ハニカムコアは、低コスト、剛性、リサイクル性が期待できるため、その開発にも力を入れている。また、3Dプリンティングや自動積層技術など、製造プロセスの小型化も進んでおり、設計のバリエーションが広がり、材料の無駄が少なく、生産サイクルが短縮されている。
- 中国:中国は、航空宇宙産業と自動車産業が急速に発展しているため、ハニカムコア構造の世界市場における主要な参加国のひとつとみなされている。同国はその巨大な製造能力を生かし、主に軽量車両部品や航空機部品用の複合ハニカムコアを生産している。さらに、中国は環境に優しいアプローチに向かっており、グリーンコンポジット材料への注目が高まっている。中国における電気自動車(EV)消費の急増は、軽量電子機器に対する需要を増加させ、業界は熱可塑性複合材料などのハニカム構造用の新しいコア材料の探求を促している。
- ドイツ:ドイツは先進的な生産と材料において常にトップクラスであり、これはドイツのハニカムコア複合材市場にも反映されている。ドイツのメーカーは航空宇宙と自動車分野のハイエンド市場をターゲットにしている。炭素繊維とアラミド繊維の複合ハニカムコアの軽量自動車と航空機への応用は、燃費効率と環境の持続可能性を重視する国の姿勢により増加傾向にある。ドイツ企業はまた、ロボット製造や3D印刷などの生産的手法を複合ハニカムコアの標準的な製造工程に統合し、精度と効率を高めるとともに、大量生産能力も高めている。
- インドインドのハニカムコア市場は、同国が航空宇宙産業と自動車産業における製造能力を拡大しようとしていることから成長している。電気自動車(EV)や環境に優しい技術へのシフトにより、軽量複合材料の需要が増加している。インドの多くのメーカーは現在、軽量化と性能向上のため、自動車パネル、構造サポート、その他の付属品に複合ハニカムコアを使用している。
- 日本日本は複合材料市場において重要なプレーヤーであり、特に軽量材料が耐久性にとって重要である航空宇宙および自動車用途において重要なプレーヤーである。日本企業は、電気自動車におけるエネルギー効率が高くクリーンなソリューションに対する需要の増加により、アラミドおよび熱可塑性複合材ハニカムコアに投資している。航空分野では、日本は、軽量化を図りつつ航空機の効率を向上させるため、新しい複合材を模索している。










2.3: 業界の推進要因と課題


4.5: ROWの複合材料用ハニカムコア市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーション統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.2: ギル・コーポレーション
7.3: ユーロコンポジット
7.4: プラスコア





Honeycomb Core for the Composites Trends and Forecast

The future of the global honeycomb core market for the composites market looks promising with opportunities in the aerospace, defense, and marine markets. the global honeycomb core market for the composites market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 7.0% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the rising adoption of honeycomb cores for structural applications and the increasing demand for lightweight materials in the aerospace and automotive industries.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product type category, nomax is expected to witness higher growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, aerospace is expected to witness the highest growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Honeycomb Core for the Composites Market

The honeycomb core for the composites market is characterized by innovations and upcoming trends that are apparent in the expanding market for high strength low weight and environmentally friendly materials.

• Light weighting for Energy Efficiency: Honeycomb style structures are increasingly being used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, marine and so, where there is a need to cut down weight, to enhance energy efficiency as well as the overall performance of the product. Fon-to composite and synergic technology help to withstand impacts and reduce the weight of the constructions without compromising their sturdiness, which is a definite plus for high-performance materials applications. This trend is being driven by the move towards EVs and green aviation.
• Sustainable Materials and Recycling: The zealous buoyancy on environmental conservation is making the use of composite honeycomb cores out of recyclable and bio-based materials such as thermoplastic honeycomb cores which are more environmentally friendly. Companies are also producing cores, using several bio-composite materials including recycled plastics and thermoplastics to comply with eco-friendly policies across the globe.
• Advanced Manufacturing Technologies: The introduction of 3D printing technology, deployment of automation, and robotic technology to the manufacture of honeycomb cores for the composites is revolutionizing the manufacture of the honeycomb cores. These changes permit even more flexibility, speed, and wastage of raw materials to be cut down. Further, these formats of technologies permit intricate core geometry usage aiding in increasing the effective use of cooling in aircraft, automotive, and construction.
• Incorporation into Electric Vehicles (EVs) News: With growing demand for lightweight materials, honeycomb cores are being used for electric vehicles in the automotive industry. Such lightweight composition helps utilize battery optimization for improving vehicle performance range. As weight reduction continues to be a challenge while preserving safety on structures, a composite honeycomb core has become essential in vehicle interiors, body panels and structural parts providing reinforcement-plating.
• Custom Solutions and Specialized Samples: Custom shaped honeycomb cores are in high demand in new applications of rich potential. In a broad range of contact with aerospace, military and premium automotive, manufacturers are concerned with design modifications to improve structural, thermal and acoustic performance. Such a trend stimulates the development of new materials and production technologies that will make it possible to produce cores for particular needs more effectively.

Such an approach contributes to a growing dominance of new, eco-friendly, and ultralightweight approaches to honeycomb core structures. The advances made now in the systems of production coupled with growing sales of electric vehicles and the aerospace market are making honeycomb cores for the composites, an important factor in promoting energy conservations, oxygen depletion control and meeting various performance specifications across many platforms.

Recent Developments in the Honeycomb Core for the Composites Market

The honeycomb core for the composites is growing quickly with innovations in weight reduction, greenness, and fabrication methods. Major sectors such as aerospace, automotive, and construction are integrating these composites due to their lightweight and environmentally friendly features.

• The Rising Utilization of Thermoplastic Honeycombs: The changes in thermoplastic honeycomb cores have sped up, and gained cost efficiency compared to traditional materials. The manufacturers will make these cores out of materials that make them lightweight, and recyclable and are currently being used in automobile and aircraft industries raising durability and saving on weight.
• Expanding Aerospace Application: Aviation is one of the primary markets for honeycomb cores with an augmented market for composites as manufacturers of aircraft integrate honeycomb spheres into aircraft. These apply to the wings, fuselage, and interior items, which help in increasing fuel efficiency as well as reducing the cost of operation.
• Overuse of Recyclable and Biodegradable Sources: In the efforts to achieve sustainability brands globally, manufacturers are looking up to recyclable metals and bio-non ivory. This is because the emissions and wastage are restrained making the product not only quite efficient but also eco-friendly.
• Integration of Smart Manufacturing Techniques: The integration of smart manufacturing progression in the construction of composite honeycomb cores is enhanced by the introduction of advanced manufacturing applications like 3D printing and automated layup systems. The methods allow for faster, more precise, and more affordable production, thus facilitating the building of intricate lightweight structures.
• Collaborative Research and Development: Several employing companies nowadays seek R&D partnerships to progress the honeycomb materials & technologies to new levels. The universities, material scientists, and industrialists are teaming up and developing composite honeycomb cores that are more robust, lighter, and greener.

Such advances present the trends where more radical solutions are forming in the honeycomb core of the composites market thanks to more advanced materials, better processes, and more green activity. This is given the fact, that increasing performance demands from many applications including aerospace, automotive, and others are changing the landscape of the market.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Honeycomb Core for the Composites Market

The honeycomb core for composites offers promising opportunities for market growth, particularly in the aerospace, automotive, and construction industries. As these industries shift their focus toward lightweight, durable, and eco-friendly products, the demand for high-performance composite materials is expected to grow, leading to increased innovation and market expansion.

• Electric Vehicle Market: The global automotive industry is shifting to electric vehicles (EVs), presenting great opportunities for honeycomb cores to serve as weight-saving components in EV structures. This helps enhance EV driving range and energy efficiency. Companies, such as composite honeycomb manufacturers, have significant potential in supplying lightweight, strong, and energy-efficient materials.
• Expansion Within the Aerospace Sector: The aerospace industry is constantly seeking new measures or components that will reduce aircraft weight without compromising strength. Honeycomb cores are particularly suited for fuselage and wing structures of high-performance aerospace components, as well as for internal support parts of aircraft. This presents a significant area for expansion.
• Marine Applications: The demand for lightweight materials in the marine industry, especially for shipbuilding and yachts, is rising. Honeycomb cores are increasingly being used in hulls, decks, and interiors to improve performance, providing significant growth opportunities in this sector.
• Building and Construction: The construction industry is seeing a growing demand for composite materials in lightweight buildings. As energy and environmental concerns increase, honeycomb core systems are expected to be used in applications such as wall systems, floors, and ceilings. This will open up new areas for construction and infrastructure development.
• Sports and Recreational Equipment: The use of honeycomb cores is also expanding in the sports and recreation industry, including in bicycles, skis, surfboards, and other equipment. These properties make honeycomb cores an ideal material for high-performance gear, contributing to the growth potential of this niche market.

These opportunities highlight how composite honeycomb cores can be applied in various sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and construction. Industries will continue to need lightweight composite honeycomb cores, as they do today, and will benefit from new technological advancements to scale up almost all sectors.

Honeycomb Core for the Composites Market Driver and Challenges

The technological advancements, economic growth, and regulatory requirements drive the honeycomb core for the composites market. At the same time, high production costs, constraints in material sourcing, and the detailed integration of design must be overcome for sustainable growth.

The factors responsible for driving the honeycomb core for the composites market include:
• Demand for Lightweight Materials: Industries such as aerospace, automotive, and construction are increasingly focused on reducing weight for efficiency reasons, which drives the demand for composite honeycomb cores.
• Sustainability Initiatives: The shift toward recyclable and bio-composites is encouraged by environmental regulations and the need to reduce the use of non-green materials in construction. This drives the adoption of honeycomb cores made from eco-friendly materials.
• Technological Advancements: Innovative manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing and automation have improved the quality of composite honeycomb cores and made their production more cost-effective.
• Growth of Electric Vehicles (EVs): The rise of sustainable electric vehicles has increased the demand for lightweight materials to improve battery performance and range, making composite honeycomb cores highly attractive for automotive applications.
• Regulatory Compliance: Stricter regulations related to fuel economy and carbon emissions are pushing manufacturers to use lighter yet stronger materials, such as composite honeycomb cores, to meet these requirements.

Challenges in the honeycomb core for the composites market include:
• High Production Costs: Advanced composite honeycomb cores are expensive to produce, which limits their use in cost-sensitive industries.
• Material Sourcing Issues: The supply of raw materials such as carbon fiber, aramid, and bio-resins is often constrained, leading to higher prices and complicating the supply chain.
• Complex Design Integration: The incorporation of honeycomb cores into multilayer structures is complex and requires sophisticated engineering, which increases both design and production costs.

The honeycomb core for the composites market is driven by the increasing adoption of eco-friendly materials and new manufacturing innovations. However, challenges such as production costs, material sourcing, and complex design integration must be addressed to continue growing the sector and meeting the needs of the industry.

List of Honeycomb Core Companies for the Composites Market

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies honeycomb core companies for the composites market cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the honeycomb core companies for the composites market profiled in this report include-

• Hexcel
• the Gill Corporation
• Euro Composites
• Plascore

Honeycomb Core for the Composites by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global honeycomb core for the composites by product type, application, and region.

Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Aluminum
• Nomax
• Others

Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Aerospace
• Defense
• Marine
• Others

Honeycomb Core for the Composites Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Honeycomb Core for the Composites Market

The honeycomb core market for composites is growing positively due to the increasing need for lightweight, high-strength composites in the aerospace, automotive, and construction industries. Because of the high strength-to-weight ratio of composite honeycomb cores, which are made from aluminum, aramid, thermoplastic polymers, and other materials, they are used to enhance performance while minimizing negative environmental effects. The U.S., China, Germany, India, and Japan are key markets in line with these developments, considering technological advancements and investments in the manufacturing sectors.

• United States: The honeycomb core composites market in the U.S. is thriving primarily due to the aerospace and automotive industries. An increasing number of American manufacturers are using composite materials for internal structural parts as it has become necessary to control fuel consumption and reduce gas emissions. There are also efforts to develop thermoplastic honeycomb cores because of their potential for low cost, rigidity, and recyclability. The country is also witnessing miniaturization in manufacturing processes such as 3D printing and automated layup technologies, which provide better scope for design variation, minimum material wastage, and faster production cycles.
• China: China is regarded as one of the major participants in the global market for honeycomb core structures, as the country has been rapidly developing in the aerospace and automotive industries. The state is capitalizing on its enormous manufacturing capacity to produce composite honeycomb cores primarily for lightweight vehicle parts and aircraft components. Additionally, China is moving toward ecologically friendly approaches, with increased attention to green composite materials. The surge in electric vehicle (EV) consumption in China has increased the demand for lightweight electronics, prompting the industry to explore new core materials for honeycomb structures, such as thermoplastic composites.
• Germany: Germany is consistently a top performer in advanced production and materials, and this is reflected in their own honeycomb core composite market. German manufacturers target high-end markets in the aerospace and automotive sectors. The application of carbon fiber and aramid fiber composite honeycomb cores in lightweight vehicles and airplanes is on the rise due to the country’s focus on fuel efficiency and environmental sustainability. German companies have also integrated productive methods such as robotic manufacturing and 3D printing into the standard construction processes of composite honeycomb cores, enhancing accuracy and efficiency, as well as the ability to produce large quantities.
• India: The Indian honeycomb core market is growing as the nation looks to expand its manufacturing capacities in the aerospace and automotive industries. Demand for lightweight composite materials is increasing due to the shift toward electric vehicles (EVs) and environmentally friendly technologies. Many Indian manufacturers are now using composite honeycomb cores in automotive panels, structural supports, and other accessories to reduce weight and improve performance.
• Japan: Japan is a significant player in the composites market, particularly in the aerospace and automotive applications, where lightweight materials are critical for durability. Japanese companies are investing in aramid and thermoplastic composite honeycomb cores due to the increase in demand for energy-efficient and cleaner solutions in EVs. In aviation, Japan is exploring new composite materials to improve aircraft efficiency while reducing weight.

Features of the Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites

Market Size Estimates: Honeycomb core market for the composites size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Honeycomb core market for the composites size by product type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Honeycomb core market for the composites breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product types, applications, and regions for the honeycomb core market for the composites.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the honeycomb core market for the composites.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the honeycomb core market for the composites market by product type (aluminum, nomax, and others), application (aerospace, defense, marine, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Product Type
3.3.1: Aluminum
3.3.2: Nomax
3.3.3: Others
3.4: Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Application
3.4.1: Aerospace
3.4.2: Defense
3.4.3: Marine
3.4.4: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Region
4.2: North American Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites
4.2.1: North American Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Product Type: Aluminum, Nomax, and Others
4.2.2: North American Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Application: Aerospace, Defense, Marine, and Others
4.3: European Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites
4.3.1: European Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Product Type: Aluminum, Nomax, and Others
4.3.2: European Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Application: Aerospace, Defense, Marine, and Others
4.4: APAC Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites
4.4.1: APAC Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Product Type: Aluminum, Nomax, and Others
4.4.2: APAC Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Application: Aerospace, Defense, Marine, and Others
4.5: ROW Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites
4.5.1: ROW Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Product Type: Aluminum, Nomax, and Others
4.5.2: ROW Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Application: Aerospace, Defense, Marine, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities of Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Product Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities of Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities of Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Honeycomb Core Market for the Composites
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Hexcel
7.2: the Gill Corporation
7.3: Euro Composites
7.4: Plascore







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