![]() メディカルフーズ市場規模・シェア・トレンド分析レポート:投与経路別(経口・経腸)、製品別(錠剤・粉末・液体)、用途別、販売チャネル別、セグメント別予測、2022年~2030年Medical Foods Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Route of Administration (Oral, Enteral), By Product (Pills, Powder, Liquid), By Application, By Sales Channel, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030 メディカルフーズ市場の成長と動向 Grand View Research, Inc.の最新レポートによると、世界の医療用食品市場規模は2030年までに335億米ドルに達する見込みです。2022年から2030年までのCAGRは5.2%で拡大する... もっと見る
サマリーメディカルフーズ市場の成長と動向Grand View Research, Inc.の最新レポートによると、世界の医療用食品市場規模は2030年までに335億米ドルに達する見込みです。2022年から2030年までのCAGRは5.2%で拡大すると予想されています。慢性疾患の罹患率の増加、高齢者人口の増加、栄養不良による負担の増大などが、長年にわたる市場の大幅な成長の主な要因となっています。例えば、WHOの報告書によると、2020年には約1億4,900万人の5歳未満の子どもが栄養不足により発育不良となり、3,890万人が肥満または過体重になるとされています。また、政策立案者が慢性疾患や栄養不足の管理に注力するようになったことも、医療用食品の導入を促進する要因と考えられます。 2021年には、経口投与のセグメントが65.0%以上の売上シェアを占め、市場を支配しています。このセグメントの成長に寄与している主な要因としては、経口投与された製品の消費のしやすさと高い商品性により、経口医療食品が好まれていることが挙げられます。また、これらの食品は、錠剤、粉末、プリン、増量済み製品など、さまざまな形態で入手できるため、このセグメントの成長を促進しています。 2021年には、粉末製品のセグメントが35.0%以上の最大の収益シェアを占めています。成長の要因としては、粉末医療食品の適用分野の増加、投与の容易さ、商業的実現性の高さなどが挙げられます。液体製品セグメントは、小児や高齢者が特別な医療目的で液体食品を容易に摂取できることから、予測期間中に最も速いペースで成長すると予想されています。 2021年には、化学療法による下痢の分野が最大のアプリケーション分野として浮上しました。化学療法治療による下痢は、がん患者に共通する問題の一つであり、がんの罹患率の上昇は、売上シェアを拡大する大きな理由の一つです。例えば、米国国立がん研究所の統計によると、化学療法剤による治療を受けると患者の約半数が下痢を発症し、特定の化学療法剤に関してはその割合が80%に達することもあります。 2021年の市場では、機関投資家向けの販売チャネルのセグメントが支配的でした。クリニック、病院、ケアセンターなどの医療機関における経口・経腸医療用食品の普及率と採用率の高さ、およびこれらの製品の消費量の増加が、大きな収益シェアを占める主な要因の一つです。また、入院施設での需要の高まりや、これらの製品の採用が増加していることも、市場の成長を後押ししています。 北米は、2021年に30.0%以上の収益シェアを獲得し、市場を支配しています。北米地域における大手企業の存在と、その企業が生み出す高い収益が、同地域の市場成長に寄与する主な要因となっています。加えて、戦略的な開発、慢性疾患の有病率の増加、患者や医療従事者による医療用食品の採用の増加なども成長を支える要因となっています。 さらに、COVID-19パンデミックの発生が続いていることから、医療用食品の消費が増加しています。医療従事者が、合併症や慢性疾患を抱える患者に医療用食品を摂取させる傾向が強まっていることも、市場の成長を支える要因となっています。また、COVID-19に起因する慢性疾患を抱える患者の合併症が増加していることから、これらの製品の導入と消費が促進され、市場の成長を支えています。 メディカルフーズ市場レポートハイライト - 2021年には、経口投与のセグメントが市場を支配しました。このセグメントのシェアが高い主な要因は、経口投与された製品の消費のしやすさと高い商業的実現性のために、経口医療食品が好まれていることです - 2021年には、粉末製品セグメントが最大の売上シェアを占めました。これは、粉末医療食品の適用分野の拡大、投与の容易さ、高い商品性などの要因によるものです。 - 2021年には、化学療法による下痢が主要なアプリケーションセグメントとして浮上した。予測期間中、糖尿病性神経障害の分野が最も速い成長率を示すと予想される - 販売チャネル別では、診療所、病院、ケアセンターなどの医療機関での普及率が高いことから、2021年には施設販売セグメントが最大の売上シェアを占めました。 - 慢性疾患の増加と主要企業の存在により、2021年には北米が最大の売上シェアを占めた 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Research Methodology & Scope 1.1 Market Segmentation and Scope 1.2 Market Definition 1.3 Research Methodology 1.3.1 Information Procurement Purchased database: GVR’s internal database 1.3.2 Primary Research: 1.4 Research Scope and Assumptions 1.5 List to Data Sources Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Outlook 2.2 Segment Outlook 2.3 Competitive Insights 2.4 Global Medical Foods Snapshot Chapter 3 Global Medical Foods Market Variables, Trends, & Scope 3.1 Market Lineage Outlook 3.1.1 Parent market outlook 3.1.2. Related/ancillary market outlook 3.2 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3 Pricing Analysis 3.4 User Perspective Analysis 3.4.1 Consumer behavior analysis 3.4.2 Market influencer analysis 3.5 Technology Outlook 3.5.1 Technology timeline 3.6 Regulatory Framework 3.6.1 Reimbursement framework 3.6.2 Standards and compliances 3.7 Market Dynamics 3.7.1 Market driver analysis 3.7.2 Market restraint analysis 3.7.3. Industry Challenges 3.8 Medical Foods Market Analysis Tools 3.8.1. Industry Analysis - Porter’s Supplier power Buyer power Substitution threat Threat from new entrant Competitive rivalry 3.8.2. PESTEL analysis Political landscape Environmental landscape Social landscape Technology landscape Legal landscape Economic landscape 3.8.3 Major deals & strategic alliances analysis Mergers & acquisitions Licensing & partnership 3.8.4 Market entry strategies 3.8 COVID-19 Impact on the market Chapter 4 Medical Foods Market-Competitive Analysis 4.1 Recent Developments & Impact Analysis, By Key Market Participants 4.2 Competition Categorization 4.3 Vendor Landscape 4.3.1 List of Key Distributors and Channel Partners 4.3.2 Key Company Market Share Analysis, 2021 4.4 Public Companies 4.4.1 Company Market Position Analysis 4.4.2 Company Market Ranking, By Region 4.5 Private Companies 4.5.1 Regional Network Map 4.5.2 Company Market Position Analysis Chapter 5 Medical Foods Market: Route of Administration Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1 Definitions & Scope 5.2 Global Medical Foods Market: Route of Administration Market Share Analysis, 2021 and 2030 5.3 Oral 5.3.1 Oral market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 5.4 Enteral 5.4.1 Enteral market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) Chapter 6 Medical Foods Market: Product Estimates & Trend Analysis 6.1 Definitions & Scope 6.2 Global Medical Foods Market: Product Market Share Analysis, 2021 and 2030 6.3 Pills 6.3.1 Pills market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 6.4 Powders 6.4.1 Powders market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 6.5 Liquid 6.5.1 Liquid market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 6.6 Others 6.6.1 Others market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) Chapter 7 Medical Foods Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 7.1 Definitions & Scope 7.2 Global Medical Foods Market: Application Market Share Analysis, 2021 and 2030 7.3 Chronic kidney diseases 7.3.1 Chronic kidney diseases market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.4 Minimal hepatic encephalopathy 7.4.1 Minimal hepatic encephalopathy market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.5 Chemotherapy-induced diarrhea 7.5.1 Chemotherapy-induced diarrhea market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.6 Pathogen related infections 7.6.1 Pathogen related infections market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.7 Diabetic neuropathy 7.7.1 Diabetic neuropathy market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.8 ADHD 7.8.1 ADHD market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.9 Depression 7.9.1 Depression market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.10 Alzheimer’s disease 7.10.1 Alzheimer’s disease market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.11 Nutritional deficiency 7.11.1 Nutritional deficiency market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12 Orphan diseases 7.12.1 Orphan diseases market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.2 Phenylketonuria Phenylketonuria market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.3 Eosinophilic esophagitis Eosinophilic esophagitis market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.4 FPIES FPIES market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.5 Tyrosinemia Tyrosinemia market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.6 MSUD MSUD market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.7 Homocystinuria Homocystinuria market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.8 Others Others market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.13 Wound Healing 7.13.1 Wound Healing applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.14 Chronic Diarrhea 7.14.1 Chronic Diarrhea applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.15 Constipation Relief 7.15.1 Constipation Relief applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.16 Protein Booster 7.16.1 Protein Booster applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.17 Dysphagia 7.17.1 Dysphagia applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.18 Pain Management 7.18.1 Pain Management applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.19 Parkinson's Disease 7.19.1 Parkinson's Disease applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.20 Epilepsy 7.20.1 Epilepsy applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.21 Other Cancer related treatments 7.21.1 Other Cancer related treatments applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.22 Severe protein allergy 7.22.1 Wound Healing applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.23 Others 7.23.1 Others applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) Chapter 8 Medical Foods Market: Sales Channel Estimates & Trend Analysis 8.1 Definitions & Scope 8.2 Global Medical Foods Market: Sales Channel Market Share Analysis, 2021 and 2030 8.3 Online sales 8.3.1 Online sales market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 8.4 Institutional sales 8.4.1 Institutional sales market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 8.5 Retail sales 8.5.1 Retail sales market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) Chapter 9 Medical Foods Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis, By Route of Administration, Product, Application, and Sales Channel 9.1 Global Medical Foods Market: Regional Movement Analysis 9.2 North America 9.2.1 North America medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.2.2 U.S. U.S. medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.2.3 Canada Canada medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3 Europe 9.3.1 Europe Medical Fo medical foods ods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.2 U.K. U.K. medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.3 Germany Germany medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.4 France France medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.5 Spain Spain medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.6 Italy Italy medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.7 Russia Russia medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4 Asia Pacific 9.4.1 Asia pacific medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.2 China China medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.3 Japan Japan medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.4 India India medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.5 Australia Australia medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.6 New Zealand New Zealand medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.7 Singapore Singapore medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.8 South Korea South Korea medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.5 Latin America 9.5.1 Latin America medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.5.2 Brazil Brazil medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.5.3 Mexico Mexico medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.5.4 Argentina Argentina medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.6 MEA 9.6.1 MEA medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.6.2 South Africa South Africa medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.6.3 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.6.4 UAE UAE medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 Chapter 10 Company Profiles 10.1 DANONE 10.1.1 Company overview 10.1.2 Financial performance 10.1.3 Product benchmarking 10.1.4 Strategic initiatives 10.2 NESTLE 10.2.1 Company overview 10.2.2 Financial performance 10.2.3 Product benchmarking 10.2.4 Strategic initiatives 10.3 ABBOTT 10.3.1 Company overview 10.3.2 Financial performance 10.3.3 Product benchmarking 10.3.4 Strategic initiatives 10.4 TARGETED MEDICAL PHARMA INC. 10.4.1 Company overview 10.4.2 Financial performance 10.4.3 Product benchmarking 10.4.4 Strategic initiatives 10.5 PRIMUS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 10.5.1 Company overview 10.5.2 Financial performance 10.5.3 Product benchmarking 10.5.4 Strategic initiatives 10.6 MEAD JOHNSON & COMPANY, LLC 10.6.1 Company overview 10.6.2 Financial performance 10.6.3 Product benchmarking 10.6.4 Strategic initiatives 10.7 FRESENIUS KABI AG 10.7.1 Company overview 10.7.2 Financial performance 10.7.3 Product benchmarking 10.7.4 Strategic initiatives 10.8 List of Other Companies
SummaryMedical Foods Market Growth & Trends Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Research Methodology & Scope 1.1 Market Segmentation and Scope 1.2 Market Definition 1.3 Research Methodology 1.3.1 Information Procurement Purchased database: GVR’s internal database 1.3.2 Primary Research: 1.4 Research Scope and Assumptions 1.5 List to Data Sources Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Outlook 2.2 Segment Outlook 2.3 Competitive Insights 2.4 Global Medical Foods Snapshot Chapter 3 Global Medical Foods Market Variables, Trends, & Scope 3.1 Market Lineage Outlook 3.1.1 Parent market outlook 3.1.2. Related/ancillary market outlook 3.2 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3 Pricing Analysis 3.4 User Perspective Analysis 3.4.1 Consumer behavior analysis 3.4.2 Market influencer analysis 3.5 Technology Outlook 3.5.1 Technology timeline 3.6 Regulatory Framework 3.6.1 Reimbursement framework 3.6.2 Standards and compliances 3.7 Market Dynamics 3.7.1 Market driver analysis 3.7.2 Market restraint analysis 3.7.3. Industry Challenges 3.8 Medical Foods Market Analysis Tools 3.8.1. Industry Analysis - Porter’s Supplier power Buyer power Substitution threat Threat from new entrant Competitive rivalry 3.8.2. PESTEL analysis Political landscape Environmental landscape Social landscape Technology landscape Legal landscape Economic landscape 3.8.3 Major deals & strategic alliances analysis Mergers & acquisitions Licensing & partnership 3.8.4 Market entry strategies 3.8 COVID-19 Impact on the market Chapter 4 Medical Foods Market-Competitive Analysis 4.1 Recent Developments & Impact Analysis, By Key Market Participants 4.2 Competition Categorization 4.3 Vendor Landscape 4.3.1 List of Key Distributors and Channel Partners 4.3.2 Key Company Market Share Analysis, 2021 4.4 Public Companies 4.4.1 Company Market Position Analysis 4.4.2 Company Market Ranking, By Region 4.5 Private Companies 4.5.1 Regional Network Map 4.5.2 Company Market Position Analysis Chapter 5 Medical Foods Market: Route of Administration Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1 Definitions & Scope 5.2 Global Medical Foods Market: Route of Administration Market Share Analysis, 2021 and 2030 5.3 Oral 5.3.1 Oral market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 5.4 Enteral 5.4.1 Enteral market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) Chapter 6 Medical Foods Market: Product Estimates & Trend Analysis 6.1 Definitions & Scope 6.2 Global Medical Foods Market: Product Market Share Analysis, 2021 and 2030 6.3 Pills 6.3.1 Pills market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 6.4 Powders 6.4.1 Powders market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 6.5 Liquid 6.5.1 Liquid market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 6.6 Others 6.6.1 Others market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) Chapter 7 Medical Foods Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 7.1 Definitions & Scope 7.2 Global Medical Foods Market: Application Market Share Analysis, 2021 and 2030 7.3 Chronic kidney diseases 7.3.1 Chronic kidney diseases market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.4 Minimal hepatic encephalopathy 7.4.1 Minimal hepatic encephalopathy market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.5 Chemotherapy-induced diarrhea 7.5.1 Chemotherapy-induced diarrhea market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.6 Pathogen related infections 7.6.1 Pathogen related infections market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.7 Diabetic neuropathy 7.7.1 Diabetic neuropathy market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.8 ADHD 7.8.1 ADHD market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.9 Depression 7.9.1 Depression market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.10 Alzheimer’s disease 7.10.1 Alzheimer’s disease market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.11 Nutritional deficiency 7.11.1 Nutritional deficiency market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12 Orphan diseases 7.12.1 Orphan diseases market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.2 Phenylketonuria Phenylketonuria market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.3 Eosinophilic esophagitis Eosinophilic esophagitis market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.4 FPIES FPIES market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.5 Tyrosinemia Tyrosinemia market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.6 MSUD MSUD market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.7 Homocystinuria Homocystinuria market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.12.8 Others Others market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.13 Wound Healing 7.13.1 Wound Healing applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.14 Chronic Diarrhea 7.14.1 Chronic Diarrhea applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.15 Constipation Relief 7.15.1 Constipation Relief applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.16 Protein Booster 7.16.1 Protein Booster applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.17 Dysphagia 7.17.1 Dysphagia applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.18 Pain Management 7.18.1 Pain Management applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.19 Parkinson's Disease 7.19.1 Parkinson's Disease applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.20 Epilepsy 7.20.1 Epilepsy applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.21 Other Cancer related treatments 7.21.1 Other Cancer related treatments applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.22 Severe protein allergy 7.22.1 Wound Healing applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 7.23 Others 7.23.1 Others applications market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) Chapter 8 Medical Foods Market: Sales Channel Estimates & Trend Analysis 8.1 Definitions & Scope 8.2 Global Medical Foods Market: Sales Channel Market Share Analysis, 2021 and 2030 8.3 Online sales 8.3.1 Online sales market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 8.4 Institutional sales 8.4.1 Institutional sales market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) 8.5 Retail sales 8.5.1 Retail sales market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2030 (USD million) Chapter 9 Medical Foods Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis, By Route of Administration, Product, Application, and Sales Channel 9.1 Global Medical Foods Market: Regional Movement Analysis 9.2 North America 9.2.1 North America medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.2.2 U.S. U.S. medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.2.3 Canada Canada medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3 Europe 9.3.1 Europe Medical Fo medical foods ods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.2 U.K. U.K. medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.3 Germany Germany medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.4 France France medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.5 Spain Spain medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.6 Italy Italy medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.3.7 Russia Russia medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, Product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4 Asia Pacific 9.4.1 Asia pacific medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.2 China China medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.3 Japan Japan medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.4 India India medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.5 Australia Australia medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.6 New Zealand New Zealand medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.7 Singapore Singapore medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.4.8 South Korea South Korea medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.5 Latin America 9.5.1 Latin America medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.5.2 Brazil Brazil medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.5.3 Mexico Mexico medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.5.4 Argentina Argentina medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.6 MEA 9.6.1 MEA medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.6.2 South Africa South Africa medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.6.3 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 9.6.4 UAE UAE medical foods market estimates and forecasts by route of administration, product, application, and sales channel (USD Million), 2016 - 2030 Chapter 10 Company Profiles 10.1 DANONE 10.1.1 Company overview 10.1.2 Financial performance 10.1.3 Product benchmarking 10.1.4 Strategic initiatives 10.2 NESTLE 10.2.1 Company overview 10.2.2 Financial performance 10.2.3 Product benchmarking 10.2.4 Strategic initiatives 10.3 ABBOTT 10.3.1 Company overview 10.3.2 Financial performance 10.3.3 Product benchmarking 10.3.4 Strategic initiatives 10.4 TARGETED MEDICAL PHARMA INC. 10.4.1 Company overview 10.4.2 Financial performance 10.4.3 Product benchmarking 10.4.4 Strategic initiatives 10.5 PRIMUS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 10.5.1 Company overview 10.5.2 Financial performance 10.5.3 Product benchmarking 10.5.4 Strategic initiatives 10.6 MEAD JOHNSON & COMPANY, LLC 10.6.1 Company overview 10.6.2 Financial performance 10.6.3 Product benchmarking 10.6.4 Strategic initiatives 10.7 FRESENIUS KABI AG 10.7.1 Company overview 10.7.2 Financial performance 10.7.3 Product benchmarking 10.7.4 Strategic initiatives 10.8 List of Other Companies
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