

Out of Band Authentication Market

アウトオブバンド認証市場。世界の産業分析2015-2021年および機会評価2022-2032年 FMIが発行したOut of Band Authenticationに関する最新市場調査は、2015-2021年の世界産業分析と2022-2032年の機会評価を提供し... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Future Market Insights
2022年6月5日 US$5,000
306 英語




FMIが発行したOut of Band Authenticationに関する最新市場調査は、2015-2021年の世界産業分析と2022-2032年の機会評価を提供しています。本調査では、最も重要な市場力学について包括的な評価を提供しています。過去と現在の成長パラメータを徹底的に調査した後、市場の成長見通しを最大限の精度で得ています。

世界のOut of Band Authentication市場は、市場のあらゆる側面をカバーし、読者に完全な市場インテリジェンスを提示するために詳細にセグメント化されています。

帯域外認証の構成要素別市場 - 帯域外認証ソリューション
o ハードウェアソリューション
o ソフトウェアソリューション
- サービス別:Out of Band Authentication
o プロフェッショナルサービス
o マネージドサービス
認証チャネル別アウトオブバンド認証 - SMS経由のアウトオブバンド認証
- 電子メールによるアウトオブバンド認証
- プッシュ通知によるアウトオブバンド認証
- 音声によるバンド認証
- トークン・ベースの帯域外認証
- その他の帯域外認証チャネル
バンド認証の導入タイプ別 - クラウドベースのバンド認証
- オンプレミス型バンド認証
バンド認証:組織規模別 - 中小企業向けバンド認証
- 大企業向けアウトオブバンド認証
業種別アウトオブバンド認証 - 銀行業におけるアウトオブバンド認証
- 金融・保険業におけるアウトオブバンド認証
- 政府・国防分野でのアウトオブバンド認証
- 小売業におけるアウトオブバンド認証
- ヘルスケア分野でのアウトオブバンド認証
- IT・通信分野でのアウトオブバンド認証
- エネルギー・公共事業分野でのアウトオブバンド認証
- その他(製造、旅行、ホスピタリティ、教育、メディア・エンターテイメント)分野でのアウトオブバンド認証
地域別:北米のOut of Band Authentication(帯域外認証)市場
- 欧州のOut of Band Authentication市場
- アジア太平洋地域のアウトオブバンド認証市場
- 中東・アフリカのバンド認証市場
- ラテンアメリカのバンド認証市場

本レポートでは、Out of Band Authentication市場のエグゼクティブサマリーとして、世界市場の展望、需要サイドの動向、供給サイドの動向、Out of Band AuthenticationのFMI分析および推奨事項などを紹介します。

本章では、Out of Band Authentication市場の詳細なセグメンテーションや定義など、Out of Band Authenticationに関する基本情報を読者の皆様にお届けいたします。また、市場範囲、分類、制限をハイライトしており、読者がOut of Band Authentication市場レポートの市場カバレッジを理解するのに役立つと思われます。
第02章 市場の背景
第03章 世界のOut of Band Authentication市場の需要分析2015-2021年および予測、2022-2032年
第04章 帯域外認証の世界市場 - 価格分析
第05章 帯域外認証の世界市場分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年、構成要素別
第06章 帯域外認証の世界市場分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年:認証チャネル別
認証チャネル別に、Out of Band Authentication市場をSMS経由のOut of Band Authentication、Email経由のOut of Band Authentication、Push Notification経由のOut of Band Authentication、Out of Band Authentication via Voice、トークンベースのOut of Band Authentication、Other Out of Band Authentication Channelsに分類しています。また、認証チャネル別の市場魅力度分析も行っている。また、上記の認証チャネル別の価値予測や前年比成長率比較も行います。
第07章 帯域外認証の世界市場分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年(展開タイプ別
Out of Band Authentication市場は、デプロイメントタイプ別に、クラウドベースのOut of Band Authentication、オンプレミスベースのOut of Band Authenticationに区分されます。また、デプロイメントタイプ別の市場魅力度分析も行っています。また、上記のデプロイメントタイプ別の価値予測やYoY成長率比較も提供します。
第08章 帯域外認証の世界市場分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年(組織規模別
第09章 帯域外認証の世界市場分析(2015-2021年)および予測(2022-2032年)(業種別
アウトオブバンド認証市場をバーティカル別に分類すると、バンキングにおけるアウトオブバンド認証、金融サービス・保険におけるアウトオブバンド認証、政府・防衛におけるアウトオブバンド認証、小売におけるアウトオブバンド認証、ヘルスケアにおけるアウトオブバンド認証、IT・通信におけるアウトオブバンド認証、エネルギー・公益事業におけるアウトオブバンド認証、その他(製造、旅行・ホスピタリティ、教育、メディア・娯楽)のバーティカルに分けてご紹介します。また、「By Vertical」に基づいた市場魅力度分析も行っています。また、上記のBy Verticalについては、金額予測や前年比成長率の比較も行っています。

第10章 帯域外認証の世界市場分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年(地域別
地域別に、Out of Band Authentication市場を北米、中南米、ヨーロッパ、東アジア、南アジア、オセアニア、MEAに区分しています。また、地域別に市場の魅力度分析も行っています。また、上記地域別の金額予測や前年比成長率比較も掲載しております。
第11章 北米アウトオブバンド認証市場の分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年
本章では、北米地域におけるOut of Band Authenticationの成長について、米国とカナダを含む国別の評価とともに詳細に分析しています。また、北米地域の様々なセグメントや国に基づいた地域動向、規制、市場成長もご覧いただけます。
第12章 ラテンアメリカの帯域外認証市場の分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年
本章では、中南米地域におけるOut of Band Authenticationの成長について、ブラジル、メキシコ、チリ、アルゼンチン、ペルー、その他の中南米を含む国別の評価とともに詳細に分析します。中南米地域の帯域外認証市場の成長に影響を与える価格分析や地域動向など、様々な要因についての詳細情報をご覧いただけます。
第13章 欧州のOut of Band Authentication市場分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年
本章では、ドイツ、イタリア、フランス、イギリス、スペイン、ロシア、北欧、ベネルクス、その他のヨーロッパを含む国別評価とともに、ヨーロッパ地域におけるOut of Band Authenticationの成長についての詳細な分析を掲載します。読者は、地域市場におけるOut of Band Authentication市場の成長に影響を与える価格分析や地域動向など、いくつかの要因に関する詳細情報を得ることができます。
第14章 東アジアのOut of Band Authentication市場分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年
本章では、東アジア地域におけるOut of Band Authenticationの成長について、中国、日本、韓国を含む国別の評価とともに詳細に分析します。読者は、地域市場におけるOut of Band Authentication市場の成長に影響を与える価格分析や地域動向など、いくつかの要因に関する詳細情報を得ることができます。
第15章 南アジアのOut of Band Authentication市場分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年
本章では、南アジア地域におけるOut of Band Authenticationの成長について、インド、インドネシア、マレーシア、タイ、その他の南アジア地域を含む国別の評価とともに詳細に分析します。読者は、地域市場におけるOut of Band Authentication市場の成長に影響を与える価格分析や地域動向などのいくつかの要因に関する詳細な情報を得ることができます。
第16章 中東およびアフリカのOut of Band Authentication市場分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年
本章では、MEA地域におけるOut of Band Authenticationの成長について、GCC諸国、南アフリカ、北アフリカ、トルコ、その他のMEAを含む国別の評価とともに詳細に分析します。読者は、地域市場におけるOut of Band Authentication市場の成長に影響を与える価格分析や地域動向など、いくつかの要因に関する詳細情報を得ることができます。
第17章 主要国のOut of Band認証市場分析2015-2021年および予測2022-2032年
本章では、世界の主要国においてOut of Band Authentication市場がどのように成長すると予想されるかについての洞察を提供します。
第18章 市場構造分析-グローバルアセスメント
第19章 競合のディープダイブ(暫定リスト)
本章では、レポートで調査している企業の会社概要、企業の製品ポートフォリオ、市場セグメント別の収益性、売上高フットプリント、SWOT分析、戦略概要などを紹介しています。レポート内で紹介されている市場プレイヤーは、Gemalto、CA Technologies、Symantec、Ping Identity、RSA Securityなどです。
第20章 前提条件と頭字語
この章では、Out of Band Authenticationレポートに含まれる情報や統計の根拠となる頭字語や仮定をリストアップしています。
第21章 調査方法論
本章では、Out of Band Authentication市場に関する様々な結論や重要な定性的・定量的情報を得るために実施した調査方法について読者に理解していただくことを目的としています。



1. Executive Summary

    1.1. Global Market Outlook 

    1.2. Summary of Statistics

    1.3. Key Market Characteristics & Attributes

    1.4. FMI Analysis and Recommendations

2. Market Overview

    2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy 

    2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations

3. Market Risks and Trends Assessment 

    3.1. Risk Assessment 

        3.1.1. COVID-19 Crisis and Impact on Out of Band Authentication  Demand

        3.1.2. COVID-19 Impact Benchmark with Previous Crisis 

        3.1.3. Impact on Market Value (US$ Mn)

        3.1.4. Assessment by Key Countries

        3.1.5. Assessment by Key Market Segments

        3.1.6. Action Points and Recommendation for Suppliers

    3.2. Key Trends Impacting the Market

    3.3. Formulation and Product Development Trends

4. Market Background 

    4.1. Out of Band Authentication  Market, by Key Countries

    4.2. Out of Band Authentication  Market Opportunity Assessment (US$ Mn)

        4.2.1. Total Available Market

        4.2.2. Serviceable Addressable Market

        4.2.3. Serviceable Obtainable Market

    4.3. Market Scenario Forecast 

        4.3.1. Demand in optimistic Scenario

        4.3.2. Demand in Likely Scenario

        4.3.3. Demand in Conservative Scenario 

    4.4. Investment Feasibility Analysis

        4.4.1. Investment in Established Markets

   In Short Term

   In Long Term

        4.4.2. Investment in Emerging Markets

   In Short Term

   In Long Term

    4.5. Forecast Factors - Relevance & Impact

        4.5.1. Top Companies Historical Growth

        4.5.2. Growth in Automation, By Country

        4.5.3. Out of Band Authentication  Adoption Rate, By Country

    4.6. Market Dynamics

        4.6.1. Market Driving Factors and Impact Assessment

        4.6.2. Prominent Market Challenges and Impact Assessment

        4.6.3. Out of Band Authentication  Market Opportunities

        4.6.4. Prominent Trends in the Global Market & Their Impact Assessment

5. Key Success Factors 

    5.1. Manufacturers’ Focus on Low Penetration High Growth Markets

    5.2. Banking on with Segments High Incremental Opportunity

    5.3. Peer Benchmarking 

6. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Demand Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast, 2022-2032

    6.1. Historical Market Analysis, 2015-2021

    6.2. Current and Future Market Projections, 2022-2032

    6.3. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis

7. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Value Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast, 2022-2032

    7.1. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis, 2015-2021

    7.2. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) Projections, 2022-2032

        7.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis

        7.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis

8. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Component

    8.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    8.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis By Component, 2015-2021

    8.3. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis and Forecast By Component, 2022-2032

        8.3.1. Solutions

   Hardware Solutions

   Software Solutions

        8.3.2. Services

   Professional Services

   Managed Services

    8.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Component

9. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Organization Size

    9.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    9.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis By Organization Size, 2015-2021

    9.3. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis and Forecast By Organization Size, 2022-2032

        9.3.1. SMEs

        9.3.2. Large Enterprises

    9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Organization Size

10. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032,By Authentication Channels

    10.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    10.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and AnalysisBy Authentication Channels, 2015-2021

    10.3. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis and ForecastBy Authentication Channels, 2022-2032

        10.3.1. SMS

        10.3.2. Email

        10.3.3. Push Notification

        10.3.4. Voice

        10.3.5. Token-Based

        10.3.6. Others (Facial recognition, palm recognition, and IRIS-based authentication)

    10.4. Market Attractiveness AnalysisBy Authentication Channels

11. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Deployment Type 

    11.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    11.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis By Deployment Type , 2015-2021

    11.3. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis and Forecast By Deployment Type , 2022-2032

        11.3.1. Cloud

        11.3.2. On-premises

    11.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Deployment Type 

12. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Vertical 

    12.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    12.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis By Vertical , 2015-2021

    12.3. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis and Forecast By Vertical , 2022-2032

        12.3.1. Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance

        12.3.2. Government and Defense

        12.3.3. Retail

        12.3.4. Healthcare

        12.3.5. IT and Telecom

        12.3.6. Energy and Utilities

        12.3.7. Others (Manufacturing, Travel and Hospitality, Education, and Media and Entertainment)

    12.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Vertical 

13. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Region

    13.1. Introduction

    13.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis By Region, 2015-2021

    13.3. Current Market Size (US$ Mn) & Analysis and Forecast By Region, 2022-2032

        13.3.1. North America

        13.3.2. Latin America

        13.3.3. Europe

        13.3.4. Asia Pacific 

        13.3.5. Middle East and Africa (MEA)

    13.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region

14. North America Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    14.1. Introduction

    14.2. Pricing Analysis

    14.3. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2015-2021

    14.4. Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032

        14.4.1. By Country



   Rest of North America

        14.4.2. By Authentication Channels

        14.4.3. By Component

        14.4.4. By Organization Size

        14.4.5. By Deployment Type 

        14.4.6. By Vertical 

    14.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        14.5.1. By Country

        14.5.2. By Authentication Channels

        14.5.3. By Component

        14.5.4. By Organization Size

        14.5.5. By Deployment Type 

        14.5.6. By Vertical 

15. Latin America Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    15.1. Introduction

    15.2. Pricing Analysis

    15.3. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2015-2021

    15.4. Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032

        15.4.1. By Country



   Rest of Latin America

        15.4.2. By Authentication Channels

        15.4.3. By Component

        15.4.4. By Organization Size

        15.4.5. By Deployment Type 

        15.4.6. By Vertical 

    15.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        15.5.1. By Country

        15.5.2. By Authentication Channels

        15.5.3. By Component

        15.5.4. By Organization Size

        15.5.5. By Deployment Type 

        15.5.6. By Vertical 

16. Europe Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    16.1. Introduction

    16.2. Pricing Analysis

    16.3. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2015-2021

    16.4. Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032

        16.4.1. By Country






   Rest of Europe

        16.4.2. By Authentication Channels

        16.4.3. By Component

        16.4.4. By Organization Size

        16.4.5. By Deployment Type 

        16.4.6. By Vertical 

    16.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        16.5.1. By Country

        16.5.2. By Authentication Channels

        16.5.3. By Component

        16.5.4. By Organization Size

        16.5.5. By Deployment Type 

        16.5.6. By Vertical 

17. Asia Pacific Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    17.1. Introduction

    17.2. Pricing Analysis

    17.3. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2015-2021

    17.4. Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032

        17.4.1. By Country



   South Korea

   Rest of Asia Pacific

        17.4.2. By Authentication Channels

        17.4.3. By Component

        17.4.4. By Organization Size

        17.4.5. By Deployment Type 

        17.4.6. By Vertical 

    17.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        17.5.1. By Country

        17.5.2. By Authentication Channels

        17.5.3. By Component

        17.5.4. By Organization Size

        17.5.5. By Deployment Type 

        17.5.6. By Vertical 

18. Middle East and Africa Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    18.1. Introduction

    18.2. Pricing Analysis

    18.3. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2015-2021

    18.4. Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032

        18.4.1. By Country

   GCC Countries

   South Africa


   Rest of Middle East and Africa

        18.4.2. By Authentication Channels

        18.4.3. By Component

        18.4.4. By Organization Size

        18.4.5. By Deployment Type 

        18.4.6. By Vertical 

    18.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        18.5.1. By Country

        18.5.2. By Authentication Channels

        18.5.3. By Component

        18.5.4. By Organization Size

        18.5.5. By Deployment Type 

        18.5.6. By Vertical 

19. Key Countries Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    19.1. Introduction

        19.1.1. Market Value Proportion Analysis, By Key Countries

        19.1.2. Global Vs. Country Growth Comparison

    19.2. US Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.2.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.2.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.3. Canada Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.3.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.3.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.4. Mexico Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.4.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.4.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.5. Brazil Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.5.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.5.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.6. Germany Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.6.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.6.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.7. France Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.7.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.7.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.8. Italy Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.8.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.8.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.9. Russia Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.9.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.9.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.10. UK Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.10.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.10.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.11. China Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.11.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.11.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.12. Japan Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.12.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.12.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.13. South Korea Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.13.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.13.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.14. GCC Countries Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.14.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.14.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.15. South Africa Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.15.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.15.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.16. Turkey Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.16.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.16.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

        19.16.3. Competition Landscape and Player Concentration in the Country

20. Market Structure Analysis

    20.1. Market Analysis by Tier of Companies 

    20.2. Market Concentration

    20.3. Market Share Analysis of Top Players

    20.4. Market Presence Analysis

        20.4.1. By Regional footprint of Players

        20.4.2. Product footprint by Players

21. Competition Analysis

    21.1. Competition Dashboard

    21.2. Competition Benchmarking

    21.3. Competition Deep Dive 

        21.3.1. Gemalto 


   Product Portfolio

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

        21.3.2. CA Technologies 

        21.3.3. Symantec

        21.3.4. Ping Identity 

        21.3.5. RSA Security 

        21.3.6. Entrust Datacard 

        21.3.7. EZMCOM 

        21.3.8. Duo Security 

        21.3.9. StrikeForce Technologies 

        21.3.10. Nok Nok Labs 

22. Assumptions and Acronyms Used

23. Research Methodology





Out of Band Authentication Market: Global Industry Analysis 2015-2021 and Opportunity Assessment 2022-2032
A recent market study published by FMI on Out of Band Authentication offers a global industry analysis for 2015-2021 and opportunity assessment for 2022-2032. The study offers a comprehensive assessment of the most important market dynamics. After conducting thorough research on the historical and current growth parameters, the growth prospects of the market are obtained with maximum precision.

Market Segmentation
The global Out of Band Authentication Market is segmented in detail to cover every aspect of the market and present complete market intelligence to readers.

Out of Band Authentication by Component • Out of Band Authentication Solutions
o Hardware Solutions
o Software Solutions
• Out of Band Authentication in Services
o Professional Services
o Managed Services
Out of Band Authentication by Authentication Channel • Out of Band Authentication via SMS
• Out of Band Authentication via Email
• Out of Band Authentication via Push Notification
• Out of Band Authentication via Voice
• Token-based Out of Band Authentication
• Other Out of Band Authentication Channels
Out of Band Authentication by Deployment type • Cloud based Out of Band Authentication
• On-Premises based Out of Band Authentication
Out of Band Authentication by Organisation Size • Out of band authentication for SMEs
• Out of band authentication for Large Enterprises
Out of Band Authentication by Vertical • Out of band authentication in Banking
• Out of band authentication in financial services and Insurance
• Out of band authentication in Government and Defence
• Out of band authentication in Retail
• Out of band authentication in Healthcare
• Out of band authentication in IT and Telecom
• Out of band authentication in Energy and Utilities
• Out of band authentication in Other Verticals (Manufacturing, Travel and Hospitality, Education, and Media & Entertainment)
By Region • North America Out of Band Authentication Market
• Europe Out of Band Authentication Market
• Asia Pacific Out of Band Authentication Market
• Middle East & Africa Out of Band Authentication Market
• Latin America Out of Band Authentication Market

Report Chapters
Executive Summary
The executive summary of the Out of Band Authentication Market includes the global market outlook, demand side trends, supply side trends and also include FMI analysis and recommendations of Out of Band Authentication.

Chapter 01 – Market Overview
Readers can find the detailed segmentation and definition of the Out of Band Authentication Market in this chapter, which will help to understand basic information about Out of Band Authentication. This section also highlights the market scope, taxonomy and limitations which help the reader understand the market coverage of Out of Band Authentication Market report.
Chapter 02 – Market Background
This chapter includes detailed analysis of the product processing methods overview, consumer buying patterns & tendencies and policy developments and regulatory scenario. It also includes in depth analysis of macro-economic factors and covers topics like global GDP growth outlook, global industry value added, personal consumption, expenditures, modern trade penetration and consumer price indices. The chapter also covers forecast factors - relevance & impact, value chain analysis and market dynamics (drivers, restraints and opportunities) to better understand the market.
Chapter 03 – Global Out of Band Authentication Market Demand Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast, 2022-2032
The chapter include historical market value (US$ 1.0 Billion) analysis (2015-2021) and current and future market value (US$ 4.3 Billion) and volume (13.2%) projections (2022-2032). The projections are based on the Y-O-Y growth trend analysis and absolute $ opportunity analysis country of operation.
Chapter 04 – Global Out of Band Authentication Market - Pricing Analysis
Based on By Component, the pricing analysis chapter include Regional pricing analysis (USD/MT), global average pricing analysis benchmark, and key factors impacting the pricing.
Chapter 05 – Global Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Component
Based on By Component, Out of Band Authentication Market is segmented into Out of Band Authentication Solutions-(Hardware Solutions, Software Solutions),Out of Band Authentication in Services-(Professional Services, Managed Services). This section also offers market attractiveness analysis based on By Component. Value forecast and Y-o-Y growth comparison will also be provided for above mentioned By Component.
Chapter 06 – Global Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Authentication Channel
Based on By Authentication Channel, Out of Band Authentication Market is segmented into Out of Band Authentication via SMS,Out of Band Authentication via Email,Out of Band Authentication via Push Notification,Out of Band Authentication via Voice,Token-based Out of Band Authentication,Other Out of Band Authentication Channels. This section also offers market attractiveness analysis based on By Authentication Channel. Value forecast and Y-o-Y growth comparison will also be provided for above mentioned By Authentication Channel.
Chapter 07 – Global Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Deployment type
Based on By Deployment type, Out of Band Authentication Market is segmented into Cloud based Out of Band Authentication,On-Premises based Out of Band Authentication. This section also offers market attractiveness analysis based on By Deployment type. Value forecast and Y-o-Y growth comparison will also be provided for above mentioned By Deployment type.
Chapter 08 – Global Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Organisation Size
Based on By Organisation Size, Out of Band Authentication Market is segmented into Out of band authentication for SMEs,Out of band authentication for Large Enterprises. This section also offers market attractiveness analysis based on By Organisation Size. Value forecast and Y-o-Y growth comparison will also be provided for above mentioned By Organisation Size.
Chapter 09 – Global Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Vertical
Based on By Vertical, Out of Band Authentication Market is segmented into Out of band authentication in Banking,Out of band authentication in financial services and Insurance,Out of band authentication in Government and Defence,Out of band authentication in Retail,Out of band authentication in Healthcare,Out of band authentication in IT and Telecom,Out of band authentication in Energy and Utilities,Out of band authentication in Other Verticals (Manufacturing, Travel and Hospitality, Education, and Media & Entertainment). This section also offers market attractiveness analysis based on By Vertical. Value forecast and Y-o-Y growth comparison will also be provided for above mentioned By Vertical.

Chapter 10 – Global Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Region
Based on By Region, Out of Band Authentication Market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Oceania and MEA. This section also offers market attractiveness analysis based on By Region. Readers can also find value forecast and Y-o-Y growth comparison for all above mentioned By Region.
Chapter 11 – North America Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of the Out of Band Authentication in the North American Region, along with a country-wise assessment that includes the US and Canada. Readers can also find Regional trends, regulations, and market growth based on different segment and countries in the North America Region.
Chapter 12 – Latin America Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of Out of Band Authentication in the Latin America Region, along with a country-wise assessment that includes the Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Rest of Latin America. Readers can find detailed information about several factors, such as the pricing analysis and Regional trends, which are impacting growth of the Out of Band Authentication Market in the Latin America Region.
Chapter 13 – Europe Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of Out of Band Authentication in the European Region, along with a country-wise assessment that includes the Germany, Italy, France, U.K., Spain, Russia, Nordic, Benelux and Rest of Europe. Readers can find detailed information about several factors, such as the pricing analysis and Regional trends, which are impacting growth of the Out of Band Authentication Market in the Regional market.
Chapter 14 – East Asia Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of Out of Band Authentication in the East Asia Region, along with a country-wise assessment that includes the China, Japan, and South Korea. Readers can find detailed information about several factors, such as the pricing analysis and Regional trends, which are impacting growth of the Out of Band Authentication Market in the Regional market.
Chapter 15 – South Asia Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of Out of Band Authentication in the South Asia Region, along with a country-wise assessment that includes the India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Rest of South Asia. Readers can find detailed information about several factors, such as the pricing analysis and Regional trends, which are impacting growth of the Out of Band Authentication Market in the Regional market.
Chapter 16 - Middle East and Africa Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of Out of Band Authentication in the MEA Region, along with a country-wise assessment that includes the GCC Countries, South Africa, North Africa, Turkey and Rest of MEA. Readers can find detailed information about several factors, such as the pricing analysis and Regional trends, which are impacting growth of the Out of Band Authentication Market in the Regional market.
Chapter 17 - Key Countries Out of Band Authentication Market Analysis 2015–2021 and Forecast 2022–2032
This chapter offers insights into how the Out of Band Authentication Market is expected to grow in major countries globally.
Chapter 18 - Market Structure Analysis- Global Assessment
This chapter includes company dashboard, industry structure analysis by tier of companies, 2022E, company share analysis of top players, 2022E, and competition benchmarking- matrix.
Chapter 19 - Competition Deep Dive (Tentative List)
This chapter includes company overview, product portfolio of companies, profitability by market segments, sales footprint, SWOT analysis and strategy overview of the companies being studied in the report. Some of the market players featured in the report are Gemalto, CA Technologies, Symantec, Ping Identity, RSA Security among others
Chapter 20 - Assumptions and Acronyms
This chapter includes a list of acronyms and assumptions that provide a base to the information and statistics included in the Out of Band Authentication report.
Chapter 21 – Research Methodology
This chapter helps readers understand the research methodology followed to obtain various conclusions, as well as important qualitative and quantitative information, on Out of Band Authentication Market.


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

    1.1. Global Market Outlook 

    1.2. Summary of Statistics

    1.3. Key Market Characteristics & Attributes

    1.4. FMI Analysis and Recommendations

2. Market Overview

    2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy 

    2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations

3. Market Risks and Trends Assessment 

    3.1. Risk Assessment 

        3.1.1. COVID-19 Crisis and Impact on Out of Band Authentication  Demand

        3.1.2. COVID-19 Impact Benchmark with Previous Crisis 

        3.1.3. Impact on Market Value (US$ Mn)

        3.1.4. Assessment by Key Countries

        3.1.5. Assessment by Key Market Segments

        3.1.6. Action Points and Recommendation for Suppliers

    3.2. Key Trends Impacting the Market

    3.3. Formulation and Product Development Trends

4. Market Background 

    4.1. Out of Band Authentication  Market, by Key Countries

    4.2. Out of Band Authentication  Market Opportunity Assessment (US$ Mn)

        4.2.1. Total Available Market

        4.2.2. Serviceable Addressable Market

        4.2.3. Serviceable Obtainable Market

    4.3. Market Scenario Forecast 

        4.3.1. Demand in optimistic Scenario

        4.3.2. Demand in Likely Scenario

        4.3.3. Demand in Conservative Scenario 

    4.4. Investment Feasibility Analysis

        4.4.1. Investment in Established Markets

   In Short Term

   In Long Term

        4.4.2. Investment in Emerging Markets

   In Short Term

   In Long Term

    4.5. Forecast Factors - Relevance & Impact

        4.5.1. Top Companies Historical Growth

        4.5.2. Growth in Automation, By Country

        4.5.3. Out of Band Authentication  Adoption Rate, By Country

    4.6. Market Dynamics

        4.6.1. Market Driving Factors and Impact Assessment

        4.6.2. Prominent Market Challenges and Impact Assessment

        4.6.3. Out of Band Authentication  Market Opportunities

        4.6.4. Prominent Trends in the Global Market & Their Impact Assessment

5. Key Success Factors 

    5.1. Manufacturers’ Focus on Low Penetration High Growth Markets

    5.2. Banking on with Segments High Incremental Opportunity

    5.3. Peer Benchmarking 

6. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Demand Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast, 2022-2032

    6.1. Historical Market Analysis, 2015-2021

    6.2. Current and Future Market Projections, 2022-2032

    6.3. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis

7. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Value Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast, 2022-2032

    7.1. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis, 2015-2021

    7.2. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) Projections, 2022-2032

        7.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis

        7.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis

8. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Component

    8.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    8.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis By Component, 2015-2021

    8.3. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis and Forecast By Component, 2022-2032

        8.3.1. Solutions

   Hardware Solutions

   Software Solutions

        8.3.2. Services

   Professional Services

   Managed Services

    8.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Component

9. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Organization Size

    9.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    9.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis By Organization Size, 2015-2021

    9.3. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis and Forecast By Organization Size, 2022-2032

        9.3.1. SMEs

        9.3.2. Large Enterprises

    9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Organization Size

10. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032,By Authentication Channels

    10.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    10.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and AnalysisBy Authentication Channels, 2015-2021

    10.3. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis and ForecastBy Authentication Channels, 2022-2032

        10.3.1. SMS

        10.3.2. Email

        10.3.3. Push Notification

        10.3.4. Voice

        10.3.5. Token-Based

        10.3.6. Others (Facial recognition, palm recognition, and IRIS-based authentication)

    10.4. Market Attractiveness AnalysisBy Authentication Channels

11. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Deployment Type 

    11.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    11.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis By Deployment Type , 2015-2021

    11.3. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis and Forecast By Deployment Type , 2022-2032

        11.3.1. Cloud

        11.3.2. On-premises

    11.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Deployment Type 

12. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Vertical 

    12.1. Introduction / Key Findings

    12.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis By Vertical , 2015-2021

    12.3. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis and Forecast By Vertical , 2022-2032

        12.3.1. Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance

        12.3.2. Government and Defense

        12.3.3. Retail

        12.3.4. Healthcare

        12.3.5. IT and Telecom

        12.3.6. Energy and Utilities

        12.3.7. Others (Manufacturing, Travel and Hospitality, Education, and Media and Entertainment)

    12.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Vertical 

13. Global Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032, By Region

    13.1. Introduction

    13.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Analysis By Region, 2015-2021

    13.3. Current Market Size (US$ Mn) & Analysis and Forecast By Region, 2022-2032

        13.3.1. North America

        13.3.2. Latin America

        13.3.3. Europe

        13.3.4. Asia Pacific 

        13.3.5. Middle East and Africa (MEA)

    13.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region

14. North America Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    14.1. Introduction

    14.2. Pricing Analysis

    14.3. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2015-2021

    14.4. Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032

        14.4.1. By Country



   Rest of North America

        14.4.2. By Authentication Channels

        14.4.3. By Component

        14.4.4. By Organization Size

        14.4.5. By Deployment Type 

        14.4.6. By Vertical 

    14.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        14.5.1. By Country

        14.5.2. By Authentication Channels

        14.5.3. By Component

        14.5.4. By Organization Size

        14.5.5. By Deployment Type 

        14.5.6. By Vertical 

15. Latin America Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    15.1. Introduction

    15.2. Pricing Analysis

    15.3. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2015-2021

    15.4. Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032

        15.4.1. By Country



   Rest of Latin America

        15.4.2. By Authentication Channels

        15.4.3. By Component

        15.4.4. By Organization Size

        15.4.5. By Deployment Type 

        15.4.6. By Vertical 

    15.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        15.5.1. By Country

        15.5.2. By Authentication Channels

        15.5.3. By Component

        15.5.4. By Organization Size

        15.5.5. By Deployment Type 

        15.5.6. By Vertical 

16. Europe Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    16.1. Introduction

    16.2. Pricing Analysis

    16.3. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2015-2021

    16.4. Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032

        16.4.1. By Country






   Rest of Europe

        16.4.2. By Authentication Channels

        16.4.3. By Component

        16.4.4. By Organization Size

        16.4.5. By Deployment Type 

        16.4.6. By Vertical 

    16.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        16.5.1. By Country

        16.5.2. By Authentication Channels

        16.5.3. By Component

        16.5.4. By Organization Size

        16.5.5. By Deployment Type 

        16.5.6. By Vertical 

17. Asia Pacific Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    17.1. Introduction

    17.2. Pricing Analysis

    17.3. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2015-2021

    17.4. Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032

        17.4.1. By Country



   South Korea

   Rest of Asia Pacific

        17.4.2. By Authentication Channels

        17.4.3. By Component

        17.4.4. By Organization Size

        17.4.5. By Deployment Type 

        17.4.6. By Vertical 

    17.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        17.5.1. By Country

        17.5.2. By Authentication Channels

        17.5.3. By Component

        17.5.4. By Organization Size

        17.5.5. By Deployment Type 

        17.5.6. By Vertical 

18. Middle East and Africa Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    18.1. Introduction

    18.2. Pricing Analysis

    18.3. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) and Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2015-2021

    18.4. Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2022-2032

        18.4.1. By Country

   GCC Countries

   South Africa


   Rest of Middle East and Africa

        18.4.2. By Authentication Channels

        18.4.3. By Component

        18.4.4. By Organization Size

        18.4.5. By Deployment Type 

        18.4.6. By Vertical 

    18.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis

        18.5.1. By Country

        18.5.2. By Authentication Channels

        18.5.3. By Component

        18.5.4. By Organization Size

        18.5.5. By Deployment Type 

        18.5.6. By Vertical 

19. Key Countries Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis 2015-2021 and Forecast 2022-2032

    19.1. Introduction

        19.1.1. Market Value Proportion Analysis, By Key Countries

        19.1.2. Global Vs. Country Growth Comparison

    19.2. US Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.2.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.2.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.3. Canada Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.3.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.3.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.4. Mexico Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.4.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.4.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.5. Brazil Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.5.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.5.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.6. Germany Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.6.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.6.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.7. France Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.7.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.7.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.8. Italy Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.8.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.8.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.9. Russia Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.9.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.9.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.10. UK Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.10.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.10.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.11. China Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.11.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.11.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.12. Japan Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.12.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.12.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.13. South Korea Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.13.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.13.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.14. GCC Countries Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.14.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.14.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.15. South Africa Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.15.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.15.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

    19.16. Turkey Out of Band Authentication  Market Analysis

        19.16.1. Value Proportion Analysis by Market Taxonomy

        19.16.2. Value & Analysis and Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2015-2032

   By Authentication Channels

   By Component

   By Organization Size

   By Deployment Type 

   By Vertical 

        19.16.3. Competition Landscape and Player Concentration in the Country

20. Market Structure Analysis

    20.1. Market Analysis by Tier of Companies 

    20.2. Market Concentration

    20.3. Market Share Analysis of Top Players

    20.4. Market Presence Analysis

        20.4.1. By Regional footprint of Players

        20.4.2. Product footprint by Players

21. Competition Analysis

    21.1. Competition Dashboard

    21.2. Competition Benchmarking

    21.3. Competition Deep Dive 

        21.3.1. Gemalto 


   Product Portfolio

   Sales Footprint

   Strategy Overview

        21.3.2. CA Technologies 

        21.3.3. Symantec

        21.3.4. Ping Identity 

        21.3.5. RSA Security 

        21.3.6. Entrust Datacard 

        21.3.7. EZMCOM 

        21.3.8. Duo Security 

        21.3.9. StrikeForce Technologies 

        21.3.10. Nok Nok Labs 

22. Assumptions and Acronyms Used

23. Research Methodology





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