南アフリカのクレジットカードCredit Cards in South Africa 既存の自動車ローンや住宅ローンを圧迫している金利の上昇や、可処分所得に影響を及ぼしているインフレ圧力の複合的な影響により、より多くの中間所得世帯が月末を迎えるのに苦労している中、クレジットカードは... もっと見る
サマリー既存の自動車ローンや住宅ローンを圧迫している金利の上昇や、可処分所得に影響を及ぼしているインフレ圧力の複合的な影響により、より多くの中間所得世帯が月末を迎えるのに苦労している中、クレジットカードは南アフリカの経済危機を乗り切るために消費者が使用する実行可能なクッションになりつつある。供給側の視点から見ると、貸金業界全体で減損が深刻化しており、例えばCapitec Bankでは最大で62...この調査レポートは南アフリカのATMカード、スマートカード、クレジットカード、デビットカード、チャージカード、プリペイドカード、ストアカードの市場規模と構造を分析・予測したEuromonitor Internationalの市場調査報告書です。市場の主要プレーヤー(発行会社とオペレーター)、流通カード枚数、取引件数、取引額に注目しています。セクターの予測や注目すべきトレンドについて戦略的な分析を行っています。 対象製品商業クレジットカード取引、個人クレジットカード取引。 データ範囲:市場規模(過去および予測)、企業シェア、ブランドシェア、流通データ。 本レポートを購入する理由 * クレジットカード取引市場の詳細な把握; * 成長分野を特定し、変化を促す要因を特定する; * 競争環境、市場の主要プレーヤー、主要ブランドを理解する; * 5年間の予測を用いて、市場がどのように発展するかを評価する。 ユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、市場調査レポート、ビジネス参考書、オンライン情報システムの出版において40年以上の経験を有しています。ロンドン、シカゴ、シンガポール、上海、ヴィリニュス、ドバイ、ケープタウン、サンティアゴ、シドニー、東京、バンガロールにオフィスを構え、世界中に800人以上のアナリストのネットワークを持つユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、情報に基づいた戦略立案を支援する信頼性の高い情報資源を開発する独自の能力を有しています。 目次Credit Cards in South AfricaEuromonitor International November 2023 List Of Contents And Tables CREDIT CARDS IN SOUTH AFRICA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Economic constraints drive demand for credit cards Buy now pay later (BNPL) attracts price-sensitive shoppers Credit card fraud remains a concern, as fraudulent transactions continue to rise PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Demand for credit cards will stabilise during the forecast period Buy now pay later (BNPL) schemes will evolve as demand rises Fintechs might threaten the expansion of commercial credit cards CATEGORY DATA Table 1 Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2018-2023 Table 2 Credit Cards Transactions 2018-2023 Table 3 Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 4 Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 5 Commercial Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2018-2023 Table 6 Commercial Credit Cards Transactions 2018-2023 Table 7 Commercial Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 8 Commercial Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 9 Personal Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2018-2023 Table 10 Personal Credit Cards Transactions 2018-2023 Table 11 Personal Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 12 Personal Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 13 Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 14 Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Operator 2018-2022 Table 15 Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 16 Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Operator 2018-2022 Table 17 Commercial Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 18 Commercial Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Operator 2018-2022 Table 19 Commercial Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 20 Commercial Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Operator 2018-2022 Table 21 Personal Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 22 Personal Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Operator 2018-2022 Table 23 Personal Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 24 Personal Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Operator 2018-2022 Table 25 Forecast Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2023-2028 Table 26 Forecast Credit Cards Transactions 2023-2028 Table 27 Forecast Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2023-2028 Table 28 Forecast Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2023-2028 Table 29 Forecast Commercial Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2023-2028 Table 30 Forecast Commercial Credit Cards Transactions 2023-2028 Table 31 Forecast Commercial Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2023-2028 Table 32 Forecast Commercial Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2023-2028 Table 33 Forecast Personal Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2023-2028 Table 34 Forecast Personal Credit Cards Transactions 2023-2028 Table 35 Forecast Personal Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2023-2028 Table 36 Forecast Personal Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2023-2028 FINANCIAL CARDS AND PAYMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Financial cards and payments in 2023: The big picture Digital payment options continue to gain traction amongst tech-savvy shoppers Rapid Payments Programme (RPP) launch in 2023 Influx of new entrants intensifies the competition amongst financial card issuers What next for financial cards and payments? MARKET INDICATORS Table 37 Number of POS Terminals: Units 2018-2023 Table 38 Number of ATMs: Units 2018-2023 Table 39 Value Lost to Fraud 2018-2023 Table 40 Card Expenditure by Location 2023 Table 41 Financial Cards in Circulation by Type: % Number of Cards 2018-2023 Table 42 Domestic versus Foreign Spend 2023 MARKET DATA Table 43 Financial Cards by Category: Number of Cards in Circulation 2018-2023 Table 44 Financial Cards by Category: Number of Accounts 2018-2023 Table 45 Financial Cards Transactions by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 46 Financial Cards by Category: Number of Transactions 2018-2023 Table 47 Consumer Payments by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 48 Consumer Payments by Category: Number of Transactions 2018-2023 Table 49 M-Commerce by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 50 M-Commerce by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 51 Financial Cards: Number of Cards by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 52 Financial Cards: Number of Cards by Operator 2018-2022 Table 53 Financial Cards: Card Payment Transactions Value by Operator 2018-2022 Table 54 Financial Cards: Card Payment Transactions Value by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 55 Forecast Financial Cards by Category: Number of Cards in Circulation 2023-2028 Table 56 Forecast Financial Cards by Category: Number of Accounts 2023-2028 Table 57 Forecast Financial Cards Transactions by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 58 Forecast Financial Cards by Category: Number of Transactions 2023-2028 Table 59 Forecast Consumer Payments by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 60 Forecast Consumer Payments by Category: Number of Transactions 2023-2028 Table 61 Forecast M-Commerce by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 62 Forecast M-Commerce by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources
SummaryAs more middle-income households are struggling to reach month-end, due to the combined effects of rising interest rates, which have put pressure on existing vehicle and mortgage loans, as well as inflationary pressures, which have affected disposable incomes, credit cards are becoming a viable cushion used by consumers to navigate the South African economic crisis. From a supplier perspective, mounting impairment across the lending industry, with Capitec Bank, for instance, reporting up to a 62... Table of ContentsCredit Cards in South AfricaEuromonitor International November 2023 List Of Contents And Tables CREDIT CARDS IN SOUTH AFRICA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Economic constraints drive demand for credit cards Buy now pay later (BNPL) attracts price-sensitive shoppers Credit card fraud remains a concern, as fraudulent transactions continue to rise PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Demand for credit cards will stabilise during the forecast period Buy now pay later (BNPL) schemes will evolve as demand rises Fintechs might threaten the expansion of commercial credit cards CATEGORY DATA Table 1 Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2018-2023 Table 2 Credit Cards Transactions 2018-2023 Table 3 Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 4 Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 5 Commercial Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2018-2023 Table 6 Commercial Credit Cards Transactions 2018-2023 Table 7 Commercial Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 8 Commercial Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 9 Personal Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2018-2023 Table 10 Personal Credit Cards Transactions 2018-2023 Table 11 Personal Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 12 Personal Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2018-2023 Table 13 Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 14 Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Operator 2018-2022 Table 15 Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 16 Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Operator 2018-2022 Table 17 Commercial Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 18 Commercial Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Operator 2018-2022 Table 19 Commercial Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 20 Commercial Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Operator 2018-2022 Table 21 Personal Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 22 Personal Credit Cards: Number of Cards by Operator 2018-2022 Table 23 Personal Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 24 Personal Credit Cards Payment Transaction Value by Operator 2018-2022 Table 25 Forecast Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2023-2028 Table 26 Forecast Credit Cards Transactions 2023-2028 Table 27 Forecast Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2023-2028 Table 28 Forecast Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2023-2028 Table 29 Forecast Commercial Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2023-2028 Table 30 Forecast Commercial Credit Cards Transactions 2023-2028 Table 31 Forecast Commercial Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2023-2028 Table 32 Forecast Commercial Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2023-2028 Table 33 Forecast Personal Credit Cards: Number of Cards in Circulation 2023-2028 Table 34 Forecast Personal Credit Cards Transactions 2023-2028 Table 35 Forecast Personal Credit Cards in Circulation: % Growth 2023-2028 Table 36 Forecast Personal Credit Cards Transactions: % Growth 2023-2028 FINANCIAL CARDS AND PAYMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Financial cards and payments in 2023: The big picture Digital payment options continue to gain traction amongst tech-savvy shoppers Rapid Payments Programme (RPP) launch in 2023 Influx of new entrants intensifies the competition amongst financial card issuers What next for financial cards and payments? MARKET INDICATORS Table 37 Number of POS Terminals: Units 2018-2023 Table 38 Number of ATMs: Units 2018-2023 Table 39 Value Lost to Fraud 2018-2023 Table 40 Card Expenditure by Location 2023 Table 41 Financial Cards in Circulation by Type: % Number of Cards 2018-2023 Table 42 Domestic versus Foreign Spend 2023 MARKET DATA Table 43 Financial Cards by Category: Number of Cards in Circulation 2018-2023 Table 44 Financial Cards by Category: Number of Accounts 2018-2023 Table 45 Financial Cards Transactions by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 46 Financial Cards by Category: Number of Transactions 2018-2023 Table 47 Consumer Payments by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 48 Consumer Payments by Category: Number of Transactions 2018-2023 Table 49 M-Commerce by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 50 M-Commerce by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 51 Financial Cards: Number of Cards by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 52 Financial Cards: Number of Cards by Operator 2018-2022 Table 53 Financial Cards: Card Payment Transactions Value by Operator 2018-2022 Table 54 Financial Cards: Card Payment Transactions Value by Issuer 2018-2022 Table 55 Forecast Financial Cards by Category: Number of Cards in Circulation 2023-2028 Table 56 Forecast Financial Cards by Category: Number of Accounts 2023-2028 Table 57 Forecast Financial Cards Transactions by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 58 Forecast Financial Cards by Category: Number of Transactions 2023-2028 Table 59 Forecast Consumer Payments by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 60 Forecast Consumer Payments by Category: Number of Transactions 2023-2028 Table 61 Forecast M-Commerce by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 62 Forecast M-Commerce by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources
ご注文は、お電話またはWEBから承ります。お見積もりの作成もお気軽にご相談ください。本レポートと同分野(金融・保険)の最新刊レポートEuromonitor International社の消費者向け金融分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(cards)の最新刊レポートよくあるご質問Euromonitor International社はどのような調査会社ですか?Euromonitor International(ユーロモニターインターナショナル)は年17,000以上の市場調査レポートを発行しています。あらゆる国や産業のトレンド、消費者動向を分析し、詳細カテゴ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。