ペルーのホームケアHome Care in Peru COVID-19からの世界的な回復、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻の影響、中国での閉鎖の継続による高インフレにより、2022年のペルーの在宅介護全体で単価が大幅に上昇しました。同市場のインフレ圧力は、輸入品への依存度... もっと見る
サマリーCOVID-19からの世界的な回復、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻の影響、中国での閉鎖の継続による高インフレにより、2022年のペルーの在宅介護全体で単価が大幅に上昇しました。同市場のインフレ圧力は、輸入品への依存度が高いこと、政情不安の拡大により現地の製造業や流通網が混乱したことにより、さらに深刻なものとなりました。このような状況にもかかわらず、前年度に減少した総販売数量は、前年度末に比べ1.5%増加し、2.0% 増加しました。この調査レポートはペルーのホームケア市場を分析・予測したEuromonitor Internationalの市場調査報告書です。最新の小売販売データ(過去の日付範囲)を提供し、成長を促進するセクターを特定することができます。主要企業、主要ブランドを特定し、新製品開発、パッケージイノベーション、経済/ライフスタイルの影響、流通、価格問題など、市場に影響を与える主要要因の戦略的分析を提供します。2027年までの予測では、市場がどのように変化していくかを説明しています。 製品のカバー範囲エアケア、ブリーチ、食器洗い、家庭用殺虫剤、ランドリーケア、ポリッシュ、サーフェイスケア、トイレットケア。 データ範囲:市場規模(過去および予測)、企業シェア、ブランドシェア、流通データ。 本レポートを購入する理由 * ホームケア市場の詳細な情報を得ることができます。 * 成長分野を特定し、変化を促す要因を特定する。 * 競争環境、市場の主要プレーヤー、主要ブランドを理解する。 * 5年間の予測を用いて、市場がどのように発展していくかを評価することができます。 ユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、市場調査レポート、ビジネス参考書、オンライン情報システムの出版において、40年以上の経験を有しています。ロンドン、シカゴ、シンガポール、上海、ビリニュス、ドバイ、ケープタウン、サンティアゴ、シドニー、東京、バンガロールにオフィスを構え、世界中に800人以上のアナリストのネットワークを持つユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、情報に基づいた戦略立案を推進するための信頼できる情報資源を開発する独自の能力をもっています。 目次Home Care in PeruEuromonitor International January 2023 List Of Contents And Tables HOME CARE IN PERU EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Home care in 2022: The big picture 2022 key trends Competitive landscape Retailing developments What next for home care? MARKET INDICATORS Table 1 Households 2017-2022 MARKET DATA Table 2 Sales of Home Care by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 3 Sales of Home Care by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 4 NBO Company Shares of Home Care: % Value 2018-2022 Table 5 LBN Brand Shares of Home Care: % Value 2019-2022 Table 6 Penetration of Private Label in Home Care by Category: % Value 2017-2022 Table 7 Distribution of Home Care by Format: % Value 2017-2022 Table 8 Distribution of Home Care by Format and Category: % Value 2022 Table 9 Forecast Sales of Home Care by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 10 Forecast Sales of Home Care by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources LAUNDRY CARE IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Demand for spot and stain removers increases as Peruvians resume normal routines Penetration of liquid detergents remains low Alicorp maintains its commanding lead in laundry care PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Standard powder detergents poised to remain by far the largest category Bar detergents will continue losing ground to alternative product types Private label penetration expected to rise CATEGORY INDICATORS Table 11 Household Possession of Washing Machines 2017-2022 CATEGORY DATA Table 12 Sales of Laundry Care by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 13 Sales of Laundry Care by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 14 Sales of Laundry Aids by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 15 Sales of Laundry Aids by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 16 Sales of Laundry Detergents by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 17 Sales of Laundry Detergents by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 18 NBO Company Shares of Laundry Care: % Value 2018-2022 Table 19 LBN Brand Shares of Laundry Care: % Value 2019-2022 Table 20 NBO Company Shares of Laundry Aids: % Value 2018-2022 Table 21 LBN Brand Shares of Laundry Aids: % Value 2019-2022 Table 22 NBO Company Shares of Laundry Detergents: % Value 2018-2022 Table 23 LBN Brand Shares of Laundry Detergents: % Value 2019-2022 Table 24 Forecast Sales of Laundry Care by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 25 Forecast Sales of Laundry Care by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 DISHWASHING IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Easing of the pandemic continues to depress overall demand Migration from paste to liquid products persists in hand dishwashing Procter & Gamble maintains overall lead thanks to success of its Ayudin brand PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Automatic dishwashing set to remain a niche category in Peru More consumers expected to trade down to cheaper brands and private label lines Sustainability trend likely to become more influential in dishwashing CATEGORY INDICATORS Table 26 Household Possession of Dishwashers 2017-2022 CATEGORY DATA Table 27 Sales of Dishwashing by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 28 Sales of Dishwashing by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 29 NBO Company Shares of Dishwashing: % Value 2018-2022 Table 30 LBN Brand Shares of Dishwashing: % Value 2019-2022 Table 31 Forecast Sales of Dishwashing by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 32 Forecast Sales of Dishwashing by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 SURFACE CARE IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Multi-purpose cleaners grows fastest in volume and current value terms Demand for all purpose cleaning wipes falls as COVID-19 fears recede Poett brand reclaims overall lead in surface care PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Penetration of home care wipes and floor cleaning systems should continue to rise Consumers expected to gravitate towards more eco-friendly surface care solutions Economic uncertainty likely to temper demand for task-specific products CATEGORY DATA Table 33 Sales of Surface Care by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 34 Sales of Surface Care by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 35 Sales of Home Care Wipes and Floor Cleaning Systems by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 36 Sales of Home Care Wipes and Floor Cleaning Systems by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 37 NBO Company Shares of Surface Care: % Value 2018-2022 Table 38 LBN Brand Shares of Surface Care: % Value 2019-2022 Table 39 NBO Company Shares of Home Care Wipes and Floor Cleaning Systems: % Value 2018-2022 Table 40 LBN Brand Shares of Home Care Wipes and Floor Cleaning Systems: % Value 2019-2022 Table 41 Forecast Sales of Surface Care by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 42 Forecast Sales of Surface Care by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 BLEACH IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Bleach continues to contract in volume terms but rate of decline slows Lack of innovation limits consumer interest in bleach Leading brands Clorox and Sapolio consolidate their positions PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Modest but steady growth in volume sales projected from 2024 Trading down unlikely to jeopardise leading position of Clorox Bleach set to face increased competition from multi-purpose cleaners CATEGORY DATA Table 43 Sales of Bleach: Value 2017-2022 Table 44 Sales of Bleach: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 45 NBO Company Shares of Bleach: % Value 2018-2022 Table 46 LBN Brand Shares of Bleach: % Value 2019-2022 Table 47 Forecast Sales of Bleach: Value 2022-2027 Table 48 Forecast Sales of Bleach: % Value Growth 2022-2027 TOILET CARE IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Toilet liquids/foam remains the biggest toilet care category in Peru Rim blocks continue to gain ground at the expense of rim liquids Intradevco maintains overall lead despite strong challenge from SC Johnson PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Economic uncertainty expected to hamper overall demand for toilet care products Heightened budget-consciousness should boost private label penetration More players likely to develop eco-friendly packaging formats CATEGORY DATA Table 49 Sales of Toilet Care by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 50 Sales of Toilet Care by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 51 NBO Company Shares of Toilet Care: % Value 2018-2022 Table 52 LBN Brand Shares of Toilet Care: % Value 2019-2022 Table 53 Forecast Sales of Toilet Care by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 54 Forecast Sales of Toilet Care by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 POLISHES IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Increased preference for socialising at home benefits floor, metal and furniture polish Demand for shoe polish picks up as more Peruvians resume their normal routines Intradevco remains the undisputed leader in polishes PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Total volume sales set to remain below pre-pandemic levels despite steady growth Shoe polish expected to show the fastest development in volume terms Changing interior design preferences will limit demand for floor polish CATEGORY DATA Table 55 Sales of Polishes by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 56 Sales of Polishes by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 57 NBO Company Shares of Polishes: % Value 2018-2022 Table 58 LBN Brand Shares of Polishes: % Value 2019-2022 Table 59 Forecast Sales of Polishes by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 60 Forecast Sales of Polishes by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 AIR CARE IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Increased demand for spray/aerosol products lifts overall performance of air care Most categories benefit as Peruvians continue to spend more time at home Glade launches new reed diffuser product in liquid air fresheners PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Overall demand for air care products predicted to increase steadily Liquid and gel air fresheners set to be the best performing categories Private label lines expected to make further gains CATEGORY DATA Table 61 Sales of Air Care by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 62 Sales of Air Care by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 63 NBO Company Shares of Air Care: % Value 2018-2022 Table 64 LBN Brand Shares of Air Care: % Value 2019-2022 Table 65 Forecast Sales of Air Care by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 66 Forecast Sales of Air Care by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 HOME INSECTICIDES IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Overall demand slows as Peruvians spend less time at home Insecticide coils is the most dynamic performer Intradevco continues to lead home insecticides with its Sapolio brand PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Climate conditions and health concerns will continue to drive demand Spray/aerosol insecticides set to remain the dominant category Growing focus on sustainability issues should stimulate innovation CATEGORY DATA Table 67 Sales of Home Insecticides by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 68 Sales of Home Insecticides by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 69 Sales of Spray/Aerosol Insecticides by Type: % Value 2017-2022 Table 70 NBO Company Shares of Home Insecticides: % Value 2018-2022 Table 71 LBN Brand Shares of Home Insecticides: % Value 2019-2022 Table 72 Forecast Sales of Home Insecticides by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 73 Forecast Sales of Home Insecticides by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027
SummaryUnit prices increased sharply across home care in Peru in 2022 due to high inflation fuelled by the global recovery from COVID-19, the fallout of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and continued lockdowns in China. Inflationary pressures within the market were exacerbated by a heavy dependence on imports and the disruption to local manufacturing industries and distribution networks caused by widespread political unrest. Despite these challenges, after having declined the previous year, total volume sa... Table of ContentsHome Care in PeruEuromonitor International January 2023 List Of Contents And Tables HOME CARE IN PERU EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Home care in 2022: The big picture 2022 key trends Competitive landscape Retailing developments What next for home care? MARKET INDICATORS Table 1 Households 2017-2022 MARKET DATA Table 2 Sales of Home Care by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 3 Sales of Home Care by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 4 NBO Company Shares of Home Care: % Value 2018-2022 Table 5 LBN Brand Shares of Home Care: % Value 2019-2022 Table 6 Penetration of Private Label in Home Care by Category: % Value 2017-2022 Table 7 Distribution of Home Care by Format: % Value 2017-2022 Table 8 Distribution of Home Care by Format and Category: % Value 2022 Table 9 Forecast Sales of Home Care by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 10 Forecast Sales of Home Care by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources LAUNDRY CARE IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Demand for spot and stain removers increases as Peruvians resume normal routines Penetration of liquid detergents remains low Alicorp maintains its commanding lead in laundry care PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Standard powder detergents poised to remain by far the largest category Bar detergents will continue losing ground to alternative product types Private label penetration expected to rise CATEGORY INDICATORS Table 11 Household Possession of Washing Machines 2017-2022 CATEGORY DATA Table 12 Sales of Laundry Care by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 13 Sales of Laundry Care by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 14 Sales of Laundry Aids by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 15 Sales of Laundry Aids by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 16 Sales of Laundry Detergents by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 17 Sales of Laundry Detergents by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 18 NBO Company Shares of Laundry Care: % Value 2018-2022 Table 19 LBN Brand Shares of Laundry Care: % Value 2019-2022 Table 20 NBO Company Shares of Laundry Aids: % Value 2018-2022 Table 21 LBN Brand Shares of Laundry Aids: % Value 2019-2022 Table 22 NBO Company Shares of Laundry Detergents: % Value 2018-2022 Table 23 LBN Brand Shares of Laundry Detergents: % Value 2019-2022 Table 24 Forecast Sales of Laundry Care by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 25 Forecast Sales of Laundry Care by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 DISHWASHING IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Easing of the pandemic continues to depress overall demand Migration from paste to liquid products persists in hand dishwashing Procter & Gamble maintains overall lead thanks to success of its Ayudin brand PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Automatic dishwashing set to remain a niche category in Peru More consumers expected to trade down to cheaper brands and private label lines Sustainability trend likely to become more influential in dishwashing CATEGORY INDICATORS Table 26 Household Possession of Dishwashers 2017-2022 CATEGORY DATA Table 27 Sales of Dishwashing by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 28 Sales of Dishwashing by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 29 NBO Company Shares of Dishwashing: % Value 2018-2022 Table 30 LBN Brand Shares of Dishwashing: % Value 2019-2022 Table 31 Forecast Sales of Dishwashing by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 32 Forecast Sales of Dishwashing by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 SURFACE CARE IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Multi-purpose cleaners grows fastest in volume and current value terms Demand for all purpose cleaning wipes falls as COVID-19 fears recede Poett brand reclaims overall lead in surface care PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Penetration of home care wipes and floor cleaning systems should continue to rise Consumers expected to gravitate towards more eco-friendly surface care solutions Economic uncertainty likely to temper demand for task-specific products CATEGORY DATA Table 33 Sales of Surface Care by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 34 Sales of Surface Care by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 35 Sales of Home Care Wipes and Floor Cleaning Systems by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 36 Sales of Home Care Wipes and Floor Cleaning Systems by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 37 NBO Company Shares of Surface Care: % Value 2018-2022 Table 38 LBN Brand Shares of Surface Care: % Value 2019-2022 Table 39 NBO Company Shares of Home Care Wipes and Floor Cleaning Systems: % Value 2018-2022 Table 40 LBN Brand Shares of Home Care Wipes and Floor Cleaning Systems: % Value 2019-2022 Table 41 Forecast Sales of Surface Care by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 42 Forecast Sales of Surface Care by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 BLEACH IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Bleach continues to contract in volume terms but rate of decline slows Lack of innovation limits consumer interest in bleach Leading brands Clorox and Sapolio consolidate their positions PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Modest but steady growth in volume sales projected from 2024 Trading down unlikely to jeopardise leading position of Clorox Bleach set to face increased competition from multi-purpose cleaners CATEGORY DATA Table 43 Sales of Bleach: Value 2017-2022 Table 44 Sales of Bleach: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 45 NBO Company Shares of Bleach: % Value 2018-2022 Table 46 LBN Brand Shares of Bleach: % Value 2019-2022 Table 47 Forecast Sales of Bleach: Value 2022-2027 Table 48 Forecast Sales of Bleach: % Value Growth 2022-2027 TOILET CARE IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Toilet liquids/foam remains the biggest toilet care category in Peru Rim blocks continue to gain ground at the expense of rim liquids Intradevco maintains overall lead despite strong challenge from SC Johnson PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Economic uncertainty expected to hamper overall demand for toilet care products Heightened budget-consciousness should boost private label penetration More players likely to develop eco-friendly packaging formats CATEGORY DATA Table 49 Sales of Toilet Care by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 50 Sales of Toilet Care by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 51 NBO Company Shares of Toilet Care: % Value 2018-2022 Table 52 LBN Brand Shares of Toilet Care: % Value 2019-2022 Table 53 Forecast Sales of Toilet Care by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 54 Forecast Sales of Toilet Care by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 POLISHES IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Increased preference for socialising at home benefits floor, metal and furniture polish Demand for shoe polish picks up as more Peruvians resume their normal routines Intradevco remains the undisputed leader in polishes PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Total volume sales set to remain below pre-pandemic levels despite steady growth Shoe polish expected to show the fastest development in volume terms Changing interior design preferences will limit demand for floor polish CATEGORY DATA Table 55 Sales of Polishes by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 56 Sales of Polishes by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 57 NBO Company Shares of Polishes: % Value 2018-2022 Table 58 LBN Brand Shares of Polishes: % Value 2019-2022 Table 59 Forecast Sales of Polishes by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 60 Forecast Sales of Polishes by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 AIR CARE IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Increased demand for spray/aerosol products lifts overall performance of air care Most categories benefit as Peruvians continue to spend more time at home Glade launches new reed diffuser product in liquid air fresheners PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Overall demand for air care products predicted to increase steadily Liquid and gel air fresheners set to be the best performing categories Private label lines expected to make further gains CATEGORY DATA Table 61 Sales of Air Care by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 62 Sales of Air Care by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 63 NBO Company Shares of Air Care: % Value 2018-2022 Table 64 LBN Brand Shares of Air Care: % Value 2019-2022 Table 65 Forecast Sales of Air Care by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 66 Forecast Sales of Air Care by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027 HOME INSECTICIDES IN PERU KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Overall demand slows as Peruvians spend less time at home Insecticide coils is the most dynamic performer Intradevco continues to lead home insecticides with its Sapolio brand PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Climate conditions and health concerns will continue to drive demand Spray/aerosol insecticides set to remain the dominant category Growing focus on sustainability issues should stimulate innovation CATEGORY DATA Table 67 Sales of Home Insecticides by Category: Value 2017-2022 Table 68 Sales of Home Insecticides by Category: % Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 69 Sales of Spray/Aerosol Insecticides by Type: % Value 2017-2022 Table 70 NBO Company Shares of Home Insecticides: % Value 2018-2022 Table 71 LBN Brand Shares of Home Insecticides: % Value 2019-2022 Table 72 Forecast Sales of Home Insecticides by Category: Value 2022-2027 Table 73 Forecast Sales of Home Insecticides by Category: % Value Growth 2022-2027
Euromonitor International社のホームケア分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(home)の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問Euromonitor International社はどのような調査会社ですか?Euromonitor International(ユーロモニターインターナショナル)は年17,000以上の市場調査レポートを発行しています。あらゆる国や産業のトレンド、消費者動向を分析し、詳細カテゴ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。