![]() 顔用注射剤の世界市場:タイプ別(ダーマフィラー、神経調節剤美容)、用途別(フェイスライン修正治療、フェイスリフト、リップ治療、その他)、エンドユーザー別(病院、皮膚科・美容センター、その他)、地域別規模・予測(COVID-19のインパクト分析付き)、2028年までの予測分析Global Facial Injectable Market: Analysis By Type (Derma Fillers and Neuromodulator Aesthetics), By Application (Facial Line Correction Treatment, Face Lift, Lip Treatment and Others), By End User (Hospitals, Dermatology and Cosmetic Centers and Others), By Region Size & Forecast with Impact Analysis of COVID-19 and Forecast up to 2028 顔用注入剤は、クマの除去、眉毛の引き上げ、唇の薄化粧、頬骨の強化など、多くの用途に使用される顔用皮膚充填剤です。加齢、にきびや傷跡によって引き起こされるしわや滑らかな肌の外観を減らすためにも使用さ... もっと見る
サマリー顔用注入剤は、クマの除去、眉毛の引き上げ、唇の薄化粧、頬骨の強化など、多くの用途に使用される顔用皮膚充填剤です。加齢、にきびや傷跡によって引き起こされるしわや滑らかな肌の外観を減らすためにも使用されます。主な応用分野は、鼻唇溝を含む顔、頬、唇、目尻、手の甲の外観を向上させることである。2022年、世界の顔用注射剤市場は78.1億米ドルと評価され、2028年には159.3億米ドルに達する見込みである。顔用注射剤は、医療美容市場の中で最も急速に成長している分野の一つである。形成外科医の増加とそのネットワークが、顔用注射剤のニーズを促進している。外科医を含む他の開業医も、クリニックで顔面注入剤を使用するための食品医薬品局(FDA)の認可を受けた。さらに、高齢者人口が増加し、合成ヒドロキシルアプタイトカルシウム(CaHA)フィラーのような新しい顔面注入剤が利用可能になるにつれて、顔面注入剤市場は成長すると予測されている。その結果、顔面注入剤市場は予測期間中に拡大した。顔面注射剤に対する需要の増加、顧客回帰、新たな適応症、地理的拡大、新たな応用分野に対する製品承認という点での政府の積極的な支援、顔面注射剤業界における創造的なソリューションの商業化などが、顔面注射剤企業間の合併、提携、パートナーシップ、協定の推進力となっている。顔用注射剤の世界市場価値は、2023-2028年の予測期間中、CAGR 12.60%で成長すると予測されている。 市場細分化分析: タイプ別:報告書によると、世界の顔用注入剤市場は2つのタイプに区分される:ダーマフィラーとニューロモジュレーターエステティックである。ダーマフィラー部門は、2022年に市場の大半のシェアを獲得した。これは、年齢を感じさせない美しさの傾向の高まり、若々しい外見を維持したいという願望の増加によるものである。一方、発展途上国と先進国の両方における共働き世帯と可処分所得の増加が、今後数年間におけるダーマフィラーの市場拡大に拍車をかけるため、同セグメントのCAGRは最も速い。 用途別:報告書によると、世界の顔用注入剤市場は4つの用途に区分される:フェイスライン修正、フェイスリフト、リップ治療、その他である。フェイシャルライン矯正セグメントは、高齢者人口がフェイシャルラインを発達させ、フェイシャルライン矯正治療法の需要が増加したため、2022年の市場で大半のシェアを獲得した。一方、フェイスリフト分野は、世界人口がよりはっきりした魅力的な顔立ちを望んでいるため、CAGRが最も速い。 エンドユーザー別: 報告書によると、世界の顔用注入剤市場は3つのエンドユーザーに二分される:病院・医療スパ、皮膚科・美容センター、その他である。病院・メディカルスパ部門は2022年に市場の大半を占めたが、これはこれらの施設が政府によって制定されたすべての規制法および基準を遵守し、医師が所有する必要があるためである。一方、皮膚科と美容センターセグメントは、手頃な価格が顔用注射剤の需要に拍車をかけ、皮膚科と美容センターに通う患者数の増加をもたらしているため、将来的に最も高いCAGRが予想される。 地域別:本レポートは、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、その他の地域という地理的事業に基づいて、顔面注入剤市場を洞察している。北米の顔用注射剤市場は2022年に最も高い市場シェアを享受したが、これは美容外科手術に関する高い知識、美容処置の技術向上、重要な市場競合企業の存在、高齢者人口の増加、非侵襲的な美容処置への欲求の高まりによるものである。予測期間中、北米の著名な業界プレーヤーによる新製品のリリースも市場成長を促進するだろう。北米の顔用注射剤市場は米国が支配的である。これは、主要製品の発売、市場プレイヤーやメーカーのプレゼンスの集中、主要プレイヤー間の買収&提携、米国における非外科的美容施術の需要の増加があるためである。 続いて、米国の顔用注入剤市場は、ダーマフィラーとニューロモジュレーターエステティックの2種類に分けられる。ダーマフィラー分野は、ヒアルロン酸、カルシウムハイドロキシアパタイト、ポリ乳酸、ポリメチルメタクリレートマイクロスフェア(PMMA)、その他の6製品に細分化される。アジア太平洋地域の顔面注入剤市場は、いくつかの重要な要因によって、今後数年間で最も速い成長を経験するだろう。アジア諸国における可処分所得の旺盛な増加、美容施術に対する意識の高まり、新製品の発売という点における著名な市場プレイヤーの注力度の高まりが、この地域の成長に寄与している。アジア太平洋地域では、中国が市場を支配している。消費者がよりシャープな顔立ちを求め、民間エステティック・チェーンが拡大したため、中国の顔用注入剤ビジネスは近年成長している。 世界の顔用注射剤市場のダイナミクス: 成長の原動力:侵襲的な手術を受けずに、若々しく生き生きとした外見を保とうとする人々の努力により、こうした治療法の人気が高まっている。可処分所得の増加は、顔用注射剤市場の成長を促進する主な要因である。多くの国の経済と生活環境が改善したことで、顧客は美容整形を含む自由裁量支出に使える資金が増えた。さらに、老年人口の増加、人々の美意識の高まり、医療費の増加、低侵襲な施術に対する消費者の嗜好の変化などにより、市場の拡大が見込まれている。 課題:市場の拡大は、特定の顔面注入剤に伴う副作用によって妨げられると予測される。ヒアルロン酸のような他の顔用注入剤の副作用には、法的・規制的問題や安全性の懸念があり、市場成長の妨げになると予想される。ヒアルロン酸の適用には、かゆみや炎症などの副作用がある。複数の注入サイクルに関連する反復的な痛みも抑止力となっている。顔用注入剤市場が直面するその他の課題には、厳しい規制当局や高価な治療などが含まれる。 トレンド顔用注射剤の世界市場で観察される最も明確で広範な傾向の一つは、男性人口の割合が増加し、顔用注射剤を使用すると予測されていることである。予測期間中、男性人口はボツリヌス毒素や皮膚充填剤を含む様々な充填剤を使用する可能性が高い。例えば、肌の老化が始まる前に組織フィラーを選ぶ若い男性が増加している。予測期間中に顔用注射剤市場の成長を増大させると考えられている市場の動向には、新製品の発売や新興市場、技術革新などが含まれる。 COVID-19の影響分析と今後の展望: COVID-19の流行は、顔用注射剤市場の市場動向にマイナスの影響を与えた。COVID-19の流行は、顔面注射剤の市場動向にマイナスの影響を及ぼした。COVID-19の施術は必要不可欠なものではないと考えられているため、医療市場の施術の中で最初に規制やキャンセルが広まった。結論として、COVID-19の流行は当初、診療所の閉鎖、消費者の信頼低下、サプライチェーンの混乱により、顔面注射剤市場に大きな落ち込みをもたらした。しかし、状況が改善し安全対策が実施されるにつれ、市場は回復の兆しを見せた。 競争環境と最近の動向: 世界の顔面注入剤市場は適度に断片化されているが、アッヴィは美容整形用の皮膚充填剤とボツリヌス毒素からなる強力な顔面注入剤ポートフォリオを有しているため、市場を支配している。アッヴィは米国における市場リーダーであり、約80%の売上高シェアと60%台後半の神経調節剤の販売量シェアを持っている。世界の顔面注入剤市場の主要企業は以下の通り: アッヴィ社(アラガン社) Ipsen Revance Therapeutics, Inc. Croma-Pharma GmbH Merz Pharma GmbH & Co.KGaA Suneva Medical Inc. メディトックス社 シンクレア ファーマ Plc プロレニウム・メディカル・テクノロジーズ・インク ガルデルマS.A. エボルス社 主要企業は、この市場での競争力を維持するために、新製品の発売、新興市場への製品導入など、戦略的な取り組みに絶えず投資している。例えば2023年5月、エボラス社はEvolysseの導入により米国の皮膚充填剤市場への参入を発表した。Symatese社によって開発されたこの第一世代のコールドテクノロジーによるヒアルロン酸(HA)製品は、Evolus社にとって重要な拡大である。さらに、エボラス社は現在後期開発段階にある5つのフィラーのポートフォリオを有しており、2025年前半には最初の承認が得られる見込みである。2023年1月、ガルデルマはFACE by Galdermaと呼ばれる画期的なソリューションを発表した。この最先端の拡張現実アプリケーションは、デジタル顔面評価を採用し、注射治療の結果をリアルタイムでシミュレートする。 目次1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Facial Injectables: An Overview 2.1.1 Advantages of Derma Fillers 2.2 Facial Injectables Segmentation: An Overview 2.2.1 Facial Injectables Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Facial Injectables Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Facial Injectables Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.1.3 Global Facial Injectables Market by Type (Derma Fillers and Neuromodulator Aesthetics) 3.1.4 Global Facial Injectables Market by Application (Facial Line Correction, Face Lift, Lip Treatment and Others) 3.1.5 Global Facial Injectables Market by End User (Hospitals and Medspa, Dermatology and Cosmetic Centers and Others) 3.1.6 Global Facial Injectables Market by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World) 3.2 Global Facial Injectables Market: Type Analysis 3.2.1 Global Facial Injectables Market by Type: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.2.3 Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Product (Hyaluronic Acid, Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Polylactic Acid, Polymethyl-Methacrylate Microspheres (PMMA), Fat Injection and Others) 3.2.4 Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value 3.2.5 Global Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.3 Global Facial Injectables Market: Application Analysis 3.3.1 Global Facial Injectables Market by Application: An Overview 3.3.2 Global Facial Line Correction Treatment Injectables Market by Value 3.3.3 Global Face Lift Injectables Market by Value 3.3.4 Global Lip Treatment Injectables Market by Value 3.3.5 Global Other Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.4 Global Facial Injectables Market: End User Analysis 3.4.1 Global Facial Injectables Market by End User: An Overview 3.4.2 Global Hospitals and Medspa Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.4.3 Global Dermatology and Cosmetic Centers Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.4.4 Global Other End Users Facial Injectables Market by Value 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 North America Facial Injectables Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 North America Facial Injectables Market: An Overview 4.1.2 North America Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.1.3 North America Facial Injectables Market by Region (The US, Canada and Mexico) 4.1.4 The US Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.1.5 The US Facial Injectables Market by Type (Hyaluronic Acid, Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Polylactic Acid, Polymethyl-Methacrylate Microspheres (PMMA), and Others) 4.1.6 The US Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.1.7 The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.1.8 The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value 4.1.9 Canada Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.1.10 Mexico Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2 Europe Facial Injectables Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 Europe Facial Injectables Market: An Overview 4.2.2 Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.3 Europe Facial Injectables Market by Type (Hyaluronic Acid, Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Polylactic Acid, Polymethyl-Methacrylate Microspheres (PMMA), Fat Injection and Others) 4.2.4 Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.5 Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value 4.2.6 Europe Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.7 Europe Facial Injectables Market by Region (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain and Rest of Europe) 4.2.8 Germany Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.9 France Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.10 UK Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.11 Italy Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.12 Spain Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.13 Rest of Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3 Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market: An Overview 4.3.2 Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3.3 Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Region (China, Japan, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.3.4 China Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3.5 Japan Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3.6 India Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3.7 South Korea Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3.8 Rest of Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.4 Rest of the World Facial Injectables Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Rest of the World Facial Injectables Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Rest of the World Facial Injectables Market by Value 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 5.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Facial Injectables 5.1.2 Post COVID-19 Impact 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Increasing Geriatric Population 6.1.2 Amplified Disposable Income 6.1.3 Rising Social Media Influence 6.1.4 Growing Healthcare Expenditure 6.1.5 Increasing Beauty Consciousness among People 6.1.6 Shift In Consumer Preference For Minimally Invasive Procedures 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Adverse Effects Associated With Certain Facial Injectables 6.2.2 Stringent Regulators 6.2.3 Costly Treatments 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 New Product Launches 6.3.2 Increased Male Aesthetics 6.3.3 Emerging Markets 6.3.4 Innovations 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 The US Facial Injectables Market Players: Competitive Landscape 7.1.1 The US Neuromodulators Market Players: Competitive Landscape 7.1.2 The US Neuromodulators Facial Injectables Players by Market Share 7.1.3 The US Derma Fillers Market Players: Competitive Landscape 7.2 Europe Facial Injectables Market Players: Competitive Landscape 7.2.1 Europe Neuromodulators Market Players: Competitive Landscape 7.2.2 Europe Derma Fillers Market Players: Competitive Landscape 8. Company Profiles 8.1 AbbVie Inc. (Allergan Inc.) 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Operating Regions 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Ipsen 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Operating Segments 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 Revance Therapeutics, Inc. 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segments 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Croma-Pharma GmbH 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Operating Regions 8.4.3 Business Strategy 8.5 Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.5.2 Business Strategy 8.6 Suneva Medical Inc. 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.6.2 Business Strategy 8.7 Medytox Inc. 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.7.2 Business Strategy 8.8 Sinclair Pharma Plc 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.8.2 Business Strategy 8.9 Galderma S.A. 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.9.2 Business Strategy 8.10 Evolus, Inc. 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.10.2 Business Strategy 8.11 Prollenium Medical Technologies Inc. 8.11.1 Business Overview List of Figures Figure 1: Advantages of Derma Fillers Figure 2: Facial Injectables Segmentation Figure 3: Global Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: Global Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 5: Global Facial Injectables Market by Type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Facial Injectables Market by Application; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 7: Global Facial Injectables Market by End User; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 8: Global Facial Injectables Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 9: Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 10: Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Product; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 12: Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 13: Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 14: Global Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 15: Global Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 16: Global Facial Line Correction Treatment Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 17: Global Facial Line Correction Treatment Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 18: Global Face Lift Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 19: Global Face Lift Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 20: Global Lip Treatment Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 21: Global Lip Treatment Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 22: Global Other Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 23: Global Other Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 24: Global Hospitals and Medspa Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 25: Global Hospitals and Medspa Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 26: Global Dermatology and Cosmetic Centers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 27: Global Dermatology and Cosmetic Centers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 28: Global Other End Users Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 29: Global Other End Users Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 30: North America Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 31: North America Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 32: North America Facial Injectables Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 33: The US Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: The US Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: The US Facial Injectables Market by Type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 36: The US Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 37: The US Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 38: The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 39: The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 40: The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 41: The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 42: Canada Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 43: Canada Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 44: Mexico Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 45: Mexico Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 46: Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 47: Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 48: Europe Facial Injectables Market by Type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 49: Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 50: Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 51: Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 52: Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 53: Europe Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 54: Europe Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 55: Europe Facial Injectables Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 56: Germany Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 57: Germany Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 58: France Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 59: France Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 60: UK Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 61: UK Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 62: Italy Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 63: Italy Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 64: Spain Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 65: Spain Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 66: Rest of Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 67: Rest of Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 68: Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 69: Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 70: Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 71: China Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 72: China Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 73: Japan Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 74: Japan Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 75: India Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 76: India Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 77: South Korea Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 78: South Korea Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 79: Rest of Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 80: Rest of Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 81: Rest of the World Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 82: Rest of the World Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 83: Global Population Aged above 65; 2019-2026 (Million) Figure 84: Global GNI per Capita; 2016-2022 (Thousand) Figure 85: Global Number of Social Media Users; Jan-2018 - Jan-2023 (Billion) Figure 86: The US Health Consumption Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP; 2016-2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 87: Five FDA Approved Toxins Figure 88: Two Entering Soon Figure 89: The US Neuromodulators Facial Injectables Players by Market Share; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 90: 6+ Approved Fillers in the US Figure 91: Six Approved Toxins in European Countries Figure 92: 10+ Approved Fillers in European Countries Figure 93: AbbVie Inc. Revenue by Regions; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 94: Ipsen Sales by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 95: Revance Therapeutics, Inc. Revenue by Segment; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 96: Croma-Pharma GmbH Revenue by Regions; 2022 (Percentage, %)
SummaryFacial Injectables are the face skin fillers which are used in many applications like dark circles removal, uplifting of eyebrows, thinning of the lips, enhancement of cheekbones and others applications. Facial injectables are also used to reduce wrinkles and smoothen skin appearance caused by aging, acne or scars. The major application areas are face including Nasolabial fold, cheeks, lips, corners of the eye and for enhancing appearance of dorsal area of hands. In 2022, the global facial injectables market was valued at US$7.81 billion, and is probable to reach US$15.93 billion by 2028. Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Facial Injectables: An Overview 2.1.1 Advantages of Derma Fillers 2.2 Facial Injectables Segmentation: An Overview 2.2.1 Facial Injectables Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Facial Injectables Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Facial Injectables Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.1.3 Global Facial Injectables Market by Type (Derma Fillers and Neuromodulator Aesthetics) 3.1.4 Global Facial Injectables Market by Application (Facial Line Correction, Face Lift, Lip Treatment and Others) 3.1.5 Global Facial Injectables Market by End User (Hospitals and Medspa, Dermatology and Cosmetic Centers and Others) 3.1.6 Global Facial Injectables Market by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World) 3.2 Global Facial Injectables Market: Type Analysis 3.2.1 Global Facial Injectables Market by Type: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.2.3 Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Product (Hyaluronic Acid, Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Polylactic Acid, Polymethyl-Methacrylate Microspheres (PMMA), Fat Injection and Others) 3.2.4 Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value 3.2.5 Global Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.3 Global Facial Injectables Market: Application Analysis 3.3.1 Global Facial Injectables Market by Application: An Overview 3.3.2 Global Facial Line Correction Treatment Injectables Market by Value 3.3.3 Global Face Lift Injectables Market by Value 3.3.4 Global Lip Treatment Injectables Market by Value 3.3.5 Global Other Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.4 Global Facial Injectables Market: End User Analysis 3.4.1 Global Facial Injectables Market by End User: An Overview 3.4.2 Global Hospitals and Medspa Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.4.3 Global Dermatology and Cosmetic Centers Facial Injectables Market by Value 3.4.4 Global Other End Users Facial Injectables Market by Value 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 North America Facial Injectables Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 North America Facial Injectables Market: An Overview 4.1.2 North America Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.1.3 North America Facial Injectables Market by Region (The US, Canada and Mexico) 4.1.4 The US Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.1.5 The US Facial Injectables Market by Type (Hyaluronic Acid, Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Polylactic Acid, Polymethyl-Methacrylate Microspheres (PMMA), and Others) 4.1.6 The US Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.1.7 The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.1.8 The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value 4.1.9 Canada Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.1.10 Mexico Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2 Europe Facial Injectables Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 Europe Facial Injectables Market: An Overview 4.2.2 Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.3 Europe Facial Injectables Market by Type (Hyaluronic Acid, Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Polylactic Acid, Polymethyl-Methacrylate Microspheres (PMMA), Fat Injection and Others) 4.2.4 Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.5 Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value 4.2.6 Europe Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.7 Europe Facial Injectables Market by Region (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain and Rest of Europe) 4.2.8 Germany Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.9 France Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.10 UK Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.11 Italy Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.12 Spain Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.2.13 Rest of Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3 Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market: An Overview 4.3.2 Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3.3 Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Region (China, Japan, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.3.4 China Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3.5 Japan Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3.6 India Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3.7 South Korea Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.3.8 Rest of Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value 4.4 Rest of the World Facial Injectables Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Rest of the World Facial Injectables Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Rest of the World Facial Injectables Market by Value 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 5.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Facial Injectables 5.1.2 Post COVID-19 Impact 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Increasing Geriatric Population 6.1.2 Amplified Disposable Income 6.1.3 Rising Social Media Influence 6.1.4 Growing Healthcare Expenditure 6.1.5 Increasing Beauty Consciousness among People 6.1.6 Shift In Consumer Preference For Minimally Invasive Procedures 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Adverse Effects Associated With Certain Facial Injectables 6.2.2 Stringent Regulators 6.2.3 Costly Treatments 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 New Product Launches 6.3.2 Increased Male Aesthetics 6.3.3 Emerging Markets 6.3.4 Innovations 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 The US Facial Injectables Market Players: Competitive Landscape 7.1.1 The US Neuromodulators Market Players: Competitive Landscape 7.1.2 The US Neuromodulators Facial Injectables Players by Market Share 7.1.3 The US Derma Fillers Market Players: Competitive Landscape 7.2 Europe Facial Injectables Market Players: Competitive Landscape 7.2.1 Europe Neuromodulators Market Players: Competitive Landscape 7.2.2 Europe Derma Fillers Market Players: Competitive Landscape 8. Company Profiles 8.1 AbbVie Inc. (Allergan Inc.) 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Operating Regions 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Ipsen 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Operating Segments 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 Revance Therapeutics, Inc. 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segments 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Croma-Pharma GmbH 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Operating Regions 8.4.3 Business Strategy 8.5 Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.5.2 Business Strategy 8.6 Suneva Medical Inc. 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.6.2 Business Strategy 8.7 Medytox Inc. 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.7.2 Business Strategy 8.8 Sinclair Pharma Plc 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.8.2 Business Strategy 8.9 Galderma S.A. 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.9.2 Business Strategy 8.10 Evolus, Inc. 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.10.2 Business Strategy 8.11 Prollenium Medical Technologies Inc. 8.11.1 Business Overview List of Figures Figure 1: Advantages of Derma Fillers Figure 2: Facial Injectables Segmentation Figure 3: Global Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: Global Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 5: Global Facial Injectables Market by Type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Facial Injectables Market by Application; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 7: Global Facial Injectables Market by End User; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 8: Global Facial Injectables Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 9: Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 10: Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Product; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 12: Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 13: Global Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 14: Global Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 15: Global Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 16: Global Facial Line Correction Treatment Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 17: Global Facial Line Correction Treatment Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 18: Global Face Lift Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 19: Global Face Lift Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 20: Global Lip Treatment Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 21: Global Lip Treatment Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 22: Global Other Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 23: Global Other Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 24: Global Hospitals and Medspa Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 25: Global Hospitals and Medspa Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 26: Global Dermatology and Cosmetic Centers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 27: Global Dermatology and Cosmetic Centers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 28: Global Other End Users Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 29: Global Other End Users Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 30: North America Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 31: North America Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 32: North America Facial Injectables Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 33: The US Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: The US Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: The US Facial Injectables Market by Type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 36: The US Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 37: The US Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 38: The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 39: The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 40: The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 41: The US Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 42: Canada Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 43: Canada Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 44: Mexico Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 45: Mexico Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 46: Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 47: Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 48: Europe Facial Injectables Market by Type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 49: Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 50: Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 51: Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 52: Europe Derma Fillers Facial Injectables Market Product by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 53: Europe Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 54: Europe Neuromodulator Aesthetics Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 55: Europe Facial Injectables Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 56: Germany Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 57: Germany Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 58: France Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 59: France Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 60: UK Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 61: UK Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 62: Italy Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 63: Italy Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 64: Spain Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 65: Spain Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 66: Rest of Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 67: Rest of Europe Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 68: Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 69: Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 70: Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 71: China Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 72: China Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 73: Japan Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 74: Japan Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 75: India Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 76: India Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 77: South Korea Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 78: South Korea Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 79: Rest of Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 80: Rest of Asia Pacific Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 81: Rest of the World Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 82: Rest of the World Facial Injectables Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 83: Global Population Aged above 65; 2019-2026 (Million) Figure 84: Global GNI per Capita; 2016-2022 (Thousand) Figure 85: Global Number of Social Media Users; Jan-2018 - Jan-2023 (Billion) Figure 86: The US Health Consumption Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP; 2016-2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 87: Five FDA Approved Toxins Figure 88: Two Entering Soon Figure 89: The US Neuromodulators Facial Injectables Players by Market Share; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 90: 6+ Approved Fillers in the US Figure 91: Six Approved Toxins in European Countries Figure 92: 10+ Approved Fillers in European Countries Figure 93: AbbVie Inc. Revenue by Regions; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 94: Ipsen Sales by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 95: Revance Therapeutics, Inc. Revenue by Segment; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 96: Croma-Pharma GmbH Revenue by Regions; 2022 (Percentage, %)
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