


Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market: Analysis By Treatment Method (Non-Invasive and Minimally Invasive), By Therapy Type (Targeted Therapy, Immunotherapy, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, and Other Therapies), By Indication (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC), Carcinoid), By End-User (Hospitals, Oncology Clinics, Research Centers, and Others), By Region Size and Trends with Impact of COVID-19 and Forecast up to 2029

2023年の世界の肺がん治療市場規模は325億米ドルであった。2029年には703億9000万米ドルに達すると予測されている。肺がん治療は腫瘍学の重要な分野であり、世界で最も罹患率が高く致死的ながんの1つである肺... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Daedal Research
2024年9月30日 US$2,450
2-3営業日程度 184 英語



























  • F.ホフマン・ラ・ロシュ社
  • イーライリリー・アンド・カンパニー
  • ブリストル・マイヤーズ スクイブ社
  • メルクグループ
  • ファイザー
  • サノフィ
  • ノバルティスAG
  • ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン
  • アッヴィ
  • アストラゼネカ
  • ベーリンガーインゲルハイム製薬株式会社
  • アムジェン





2.1 肺がん治療:概要
2.1.1 肺癌治療の概要

2.2 肺がん治療のセグメンテーション概要


3.1 肺がん治療の世界市場:分析

3.1.1 肺がん治療の世界市場:概要
3.1.2 肺がん治療の世界市場:金額別
3.1.3 肺がん治療の世界市場:治療法別(非侵襲性、低侵襲性)
3.1.4 肺がん治療の世界市場:治療法タイプ別(標的療法、免疫療法、化学療法、放射線療法、その他療法)
3.1.5 肺癌治療の世界市場:適応症別(非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)、小細胞肺癌(SCLC)、カルチノイド)
3.1.6 肺がん治療の世界市場:エンドユーザー別(病院、腫瘍クリニック、研究センター、その他)
3.1.7 肺がん治療の世界市場:地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中南米、中東・アフリカ)

3.2 肺がん治療の世界市場治療法の分析

3.2.1 肺がん治療の世界市場:治療法別:概要
3.2.2 非浸潤性肺がん治療の世界市場:金額別
3.2.3 最小侵襲性肺がん治療の世界市場:金額ベース
3.2.4 低侵襲肺がん治療の世界市場:種類別(ラジオ波焼灼療法、マイクロ波焼灼療法、光線力学的焼灼療法、熱焼灼療法、凍結融解壊死療法、化学的焼灼療法、その他)
3.2.5 低侵襲肺がん治療の世界市場タイプ別金額推移

3.3 肺がん治療の世界市場:治療タイプ別分析

3.3.1 肺がん治療の世界市場:治療タイプ別分析概要
3.3.2 肺がん標的療法の世界市場:金額ベース
3.3.3 肺がん免疫療法の世界市場:金額ベース
3.3.4 肺がん化学療法の世界市場:金額ベース
3.3.5 肺がん放射線療法の世界市場:金額ベース
3.3.6 肺がんその他療法の世界市場:金額別

3.4 肺がん治療の世界市場適応症分析

3.4.1 肺がん治療の世界市場:適応症別:概要
3.4.2 非小細胞肺がん(NSCLC)治療の世界市場:金額ベース
3.4.3 小細胞肺がん(SCLC)治療の世界市場:金額ベース
3.4.4 カルチノイド肺がん治療の世界市場:金額別

3.5 肺がん治療の世界市場エンドユーザー別分析

3.5.1 肺がん治療の世界市場:エンドユーザー別概要
3.5.2 肺がん治療病院の世界市場:金額ベース
3.5.3 肺がん治療のオンコロジークリニックの世界市場:金額ベース
3.5.4 肺がん治療研究センターの世界市場:金額ベース
3.5.5 肺がん治療の世界市場:その他(金額ベース


4.1 北米の肺がん治療市場:分析

4.1.1 北米の肺がん治療市場:概要
4.1.2 北米の肺がん治療市場:金額別
4.1.3 北米肺がん治療市場:地域別(アメリカ、カナダ、メキシコ)
4.1.4 米国の肺がん治療市場:金額別
4.1.5 カナダ肺がん治療市場:金額別
4.1.6 メキシコ肺がん治療市場:金額別

4.2 欧州の肺がん治療市場:分析

4.2.1 欧州肺がん治療市場:概要
4.2.2 欧州肺がん治療市場:金額別
4.2.3 欧州肺がん治療市場:地域別(ドイツ、イギリス、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、その他の欧州地域)
4.2.4 ドイツ肺がん治療市場:金額ベース
4.2.5 イギリス肺がん治療市場:金額ベース
4.2.6 フランス肺がん治療市場:金額別
4.2.7 イタリア肺がん治療市場:金額ベース
4.2.8 スペインの肺がん治療市場:金額ベース
4.2.9 その他のヨーロッパの肺がん治療市場:金額別

4.3 アジア太平洋地域の肺がん治療市場:分析

4.3.1 アジア太平洋地域の肺がん治療市場:概要
4.3.2 アジア太平洋地域の肺がん治療市場:金額別
4.3.3 アジア太平洋地域の肺がん治療市場:地域別(中国、日本、インド、韓国、その他のアジア太平洋地域)
4.3.4 中国肺がん治療市場:金額ベース
4.3.5 日本の肺がん治療市場:金額ベース
4.3.6 インド肺がん治療市場:金額ベース
4.3.7 韓国の肺がん治療市場:金額ベース
4.3.8 その他のアジア太平洋地域の肺がん治療市場:金額別

4.4 中南米の肺がん治療市場:分析

4.4.1 中南米の肺がん治療市場:概要
4.4.2 ラテンアメリカの肺がん治療市場:金額別

4.5 中東・アフリカの肺がん治療市場分析

4.5.1 中東・アフリカの肺がん治療市場概要
4.5.2 中東・アフリカ肺がん治療市場:金額別


5.1 COVID-19の肺がん治療世界市場への影響
5.2 ポストCOVID-19の肺癌治療世界市場への影響


6.1 成長促進要因
6.1.1 肺がん罹患率の増加
6.1.2 高齢化
6.1.3 医療費の増加
6.1.4 汚染レベルの上昇
6.1.5 喫煙率と不健康な生活習慣の増加
6.1.6 肺がん検診と治療に対する政府の取り組み

6.2 課題
6.2.1 肺がん治療費の高騰
6.2.2 肺がん治療の副作用

6.3 市場動向
6.3.1 新製品の開発と上市
6.3.2 ナノメディシンの登場
6.3.3 標的療法への需要の高まり
6.3.4 新しい医療診断機器と先端治療法の出現
6.3.5 精密医療の進展
6.3.6 併用療法の成長
6.3.7 患者中心の治療への注目の高まり


7.1 肺がん治療の世界市場:競争環境
7.2 肺がん治療の世界市場:製品パイプライン別プレイヤー


8.1 F.ホフマン・ラ・ロシュ社
8.1.1 事業概要
8.1.2 事業別売上高
8.1.3 事業戦略

8.2 イーライリリー・アンド・カンパニー
8.2.1 事業概要
8.2.2 製品カテゴリー別売上高
8.2.3 事業戦略

8.3 ブリストル・マイヤーズ スクイブ社
8.3.1 事業概要
8.3.2 地域別売上高
8.3.3 事業戦略

8.4 メルクグループ
8.4.1 事業概要
8.4.2 事業分野別売上高
8.4.3 事業戦略

8.5 ファイザー
8.5.1 事業概要
8.5.2 事業セグメント
8.5.3 事業戦略

8.6 サノフィ
8.6.1 事業概要
8.6.2 事業セグメント
8.6.3 事業戦略

8.7 ノバルティスAG
8.7.1 事業概要
8.7.2 事業地域
8.7.2 事業展開地域

8.8 ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン
8.8.1 事業概要
8.8.2 事業セグメント
8.8.3 事業戦略

8.9 アッヴィ
8.9.1 事業概要
8.9.2 治療領域別純売上高
8.9.3 事業戦略

8.10 アストラゼネカ
8.10.1 事業概要
8.10.2 地域別売上高
8.10.3 事業戦略

8.11 ベーリンガーインゲルハイム医薬品株式会社
8.11.1 事業概要
8.11.2 事業別売上高
8.11.3 事業戦略

8.12 アムジェン
8.12.1 事業概要
8.12.2 事業地域
8.12.3 事業戦略




図4:肺がん治療の世界市場:治療法別;2023年(割合, %)
図5:肺癌治療の世界市場:治療タイプ別;2023年(割合, %)
図6:肺癌治療の世界市場:適応症別;2023年(割合, %)
図7:肺癌治療の世界市場:エンドユーザー別;2023年 (割合, %)
図8:肺癌治療の世界市場:地域別;2023年(割合, %)
図13:最小侵襲性肺がん治療の世界市場:種類別;2023年(割合, %)
図42:北米の肺がん治療市場:地域別; 2023年 (割合, %)
図51:欧州肺がん治療市場欧州肺癌治療地域別市場; 2023年 (割合, %)
図66:アジア太平洋地域の肺がん治療市場アジア太平洋地域の肺がん治療市場:地域別; 2023年 (割合, %)
図81:図81: 米国における肺癌および気管支癌の新規罹患者数推定値; 2020-2024 (千人)
図82:世界の65歳以上人口割合;2018年〜2023年(割合, %)
図83:GDPに占める世界の医療費;2022-2029年 (パーセント)
図84:F.ホフマン・ラ・ロシュLtd.事業別売上高; 2023 (パーセント, %)
図85:イーライリリー・アンド・カンパニー 製品カテゴリー別売上高; 2023年 (パーセント, %)
図86: ブリストル・マイヤーズ スクイブ 地域別売上高; 2023年 (パーセント)
図87: 事業部門別メルクグループ売上高; 2023年 (パーセント, %)
図88: ファイザーセグメント別総売上高; 2023年 (パーセント, %)
図89: サノフィ セグメント別売上高; 2023年 (パーセント)
図90:ノバルティスAG 地域別売上高; 2023年 (パーセント, %)
図91: ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン セグメント別売上高; 2023年 (パーセント)
図92:アッヴィ社治療領域別純売上高; 2023年 (パーセント)
図93: アストラゼネカ 地域別売上高; 2023年 (パーセント)
図94:ベーリンガーインゲルハイム医薬品, Inc.事業別売上高; 2023年 (パーセント, %)
図95:アムジェン社地域別売上高; 2023年 (パーセント, %)





The global lung cancer therapy market was valued at US$32.50 billion in 2023. The market value is expected to reach US$70.39 billion by 2029. Lung cancer therapy is a critical area of oncology, focusing on the treatment of lung cancer, one of the most prevalent and deadly forms of cancer worldwide. Traditionally, lung cancer treatment relied heavily on chemotherapy and radiation therapy. However, recent years have seen a surge in the development and adoption of targeted therapies and immunotherapies, which have revolutionized the approach to treatment.

Looking ahead, the global lung cancer therapy market is expected to continue its growth trajectory. The ongoing research and development of new therapies, including the exploration of combination therapies, is anticipated to offer more effective treatment options with fewer side effects. The increasing adoption of precision medicine and the development of biomarkers for better patient stratification will further enhance treatment outcomes.

Additionally, government initiatives and funding to improve cancer care and the approval of new drugs are expected to drive market expansion. As more patients gain access to advanced therapies and the global burden of lung cancer rises, the demand for lung cancer treatments is likely to grow, sustaining the market's growth in the forthcoming years. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of approx. 14% during the forecasted period of 2024-2029.

Market Segmentation Analysis:

By Treatment Method: The report provides the bifurcation of the global lung cancer therapy market based on the treatment method: Non-Invasive and Minimally Invasive. The non-invasive segment held the highest share of the market, whereas the minimally invasive segment is expected to be the fastest-growing segment in the forecasted period. Non-invasive treatments, such as radiation therapy and targeted drug therapies, offer a way to treat lung cancer without the need for surgical intervention. These treatments are particularly beneficial for patients who are in the early stages of lung cancer or those who are not suitable candidates for surgery due to age, comorbidities, or overall health. Advances in technology, such as stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT), allow for high-precision targeting of cancer cells, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue and reducing side effects. On the other hand, minimally invasive treatments for lung cancer, such as video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and robotic-assisted surgery, are also expected to see increased demand in the coming years. These methods offer significant advantages over traditional open surgeries, including reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, faster recovery times, and lower risk of complications.

By Type: On the basis of type, the global minimally invasive lung cancer therapy market can be divided into seven segments namely, Radiofrequency Ablation, Microwave Ablation, Photodynamic Ablation, Thermal Ablation, Cryoablation, Chemical Ablation, and Others. Radiofrequency ablation held the highest share of the market, whereas the photodynamic ablation segment is expected to be the fastest-growing segment in the forecasted period. The growth of RFA can be attributed to its precision, which allows for targeted treatment of tumors while preserving healthy surrounding tissues. On the other hand, photodynamic ablation (PDA) is particularly advantageous for treating superficial tumors or those located near the airway, where other treatments may be less effective. The technique offers precision and reduced collateral damage to surrounding healthy tissue.

By Therapy Type: The global lung cancer therapy market can be further divided into five segments based on the therapy type: Targeted Therapy, Immunotherapy, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, and Other Therapies. The targeted therapy segment held the highest share of the market, whereas the immunotherapy segment is expected to be the fastest-growing segment in the forecasted period. The growing understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving lung cancer has led to the development of new targeted drugs, driving their adoption. The personalization of treatment, improved efficacy, and reduced side effects are key factors contributing to the growing demand for targeted therapy in lung cancer treatment. Whereas, the increasing number of approved immunotherapy agents and ongoing research into combination therapies and new immunotherapeutic targets are driving growth. As more patients and healthcare providers recognize the potential of immunotherapy to provide durable responses and improve outcomes, its demand continues to rise in the lung cancer market.

By Indication: The report further provides the segmentation based on the following indication: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC), and Carcinoid. Non-small cells lung cancer (NSCLC) held the highest share of the market and is expected to be the fastest-growing segment in the forecasted period. The lung cancer therapy market has been experiencing significant growth for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) due to its high prevalence and the advancements in treatment options that have dramatically improved patient outcomes. NSCLC is the most common type of lung cancer, accounting for approximately 85% of all lung cancer cases.

By Distribution Channel: The report provides the glimpse of the lung cancer therapy market based on the following end-user: Hospitals, Oncology Clinics, Research Centers, and Others. Hospitals held the highest share of the market, whereas oncology clinics segment is expected to be the fastest-growing segment in the forecasted period. Hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced imaging technologies, surgical units, and multidisciplinary teams of specialists, enabling them to offer a wide range of therapeutic options such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. On the other hand, oncology clinics often provide outpatient services, making them more accessible for patients who require ongoing treatment but do not need hospitalization. The growth in this segment is driven by the increasing demand for specialized care, as patients seek treatment from oncologists who are experts in lung cancer.

By Region: The report provides insight into the lung cancer therapy market based on the regions: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America held the major share of the market. The US has one of the highest rates of lung cancer globally, largely attributed to smoking, exposure to environmental toxins, and genetic predispositions. The country’s advanced healthcare system enables the widespread adoption of cutting-edge treatments, including targeted therapies and immunotherapies, which have revolutionized the treatment of lung cancer. The US also benefits from a strong focus on research and development, with numerous clinical trials being conducted across the country.

Germany’s regulatory environment is conducive to the rapid approval and adoption of new treatments. The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), which oversees healthcare in Germany, has been instrumental in ensuring that new, effective lung cancer therapies are quickly integrated into the healthcare system. Additionally, Germany has implemented extensive lung cancer screening programs, particularly in high-risk populations, which has led to earlier detection and improved patient outcomes.

The aging population in China is significantly contributing to the rise in lung cancer cases, as older individuals are more susceptible to the disease. Moreover, the Chinese government has recognized lung cancer as a critical public health issue and has implemented various policies to combat it, including anti-smoking campaigns, stricter environmental regulations, and efforts to reduce air pollution. Furthermore, China’s healthcare system has undergone significant reforms aimed at improving access to quality healthcare, particularly in oncology.

Market Dynamics:

Growth Drivers: The global lung cancer therapy market has been growing over the past few years, due to factors such as increasing incidences of lung cancer, increasing prevalence of smoking and unhealthy lifestyles, growing pollution levels, government initiatives for lung cancer screening and treatment, and many other factors. As the incidence of lung cancer rises globally, particularly due to factors like aging populations, smoking, and environmental pollutants, more patients require therapeutic interventions. This surge in cases has led to an expansion of the market, with healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies investing heavily in the development and distribution of advanced therapies such as targeted treatments and immunotherapies. Additionally, the growing number of lung cancer diagnoses has prompted greater urgency in improving early detection methods and enhancing treatment accessibility, further fueling market growth.

Challenges: However, the market growth would be negatively impacted by various challenges such as high cost of lung cancer treatment, adverse effect of lung cancer therapy, etc.

Trends: The market is projected to grow at a fast pace during the forecast period, due to new product development and launches, the arrival of nanomedicine, emergence of new medical diagnostics equipment and advanced therapies, advancement in precision medicine, the growth of combination therapy, etc. The arrival of nanomedicine is poised to significantly influence the growth of the lung cancer therapy market in the forthcoming years by offering more precise, effective, and less toxic treatment options. Nanomedicine leverages nanotechnology to create nanoparticles that can deliver drugs directly to cancer cells with high specificity, minimizing damage to healthy tissues. This targeted approach reduces the adverse effects commonly associated with traditional therapies like chemotherapy, improving patient outcomes and quality of life.

Impact Analysis of COVID-19 and Way Forward:

The COVID-19 pandemic caused an increase in the global lung cancer therapy market size. The urgent need to address severe health conditions, such as lung cancer, remained a priority, leading to a sustained demand for therapies. Patients with advanced stages of lung cancer required continuous therapy, ensuring a steady demand for treatment options. Moreover, the pandemic highlighted the importance of respiratory health, leading to increased awareness and emphasis on early detection and treatment of lung-related diseases, including lung cancer. Furthermore, the pandemic accelerated the adoption of telemedicine and remote monitoring technologies, which have continued to play a significant role in the post-pandemic landscape.

Competitive Landscape:

The global lung cancer therapy market is fragmented in nature. The key players in the global lung cancer therapy market are:

F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Eli Lilly and Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Merck Group
Pfizer Inc.
Novartis AG
Johnson & Johnson
Abbvie Inc.
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Amgen Inc.


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

2.1 Lung Cancer Therapy: An Overview
2.1.1 Introduction to Lung Cancer Therapy

2.2 Lung Cancer Therapy Segmentation: An Overview

3. Global Market Analysis

3.1 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Analysis

3.1.1 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Overview
3.1.2 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
3.1.3 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Treatment Method (Non-Invasive and Minimally Invasive)
3.1.4 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Therapy Type (Targeted Therapy, Immunotherapy, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, and Other Therapies)
3.1.5 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Indication (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC), and Carcinoid)
3.1.6 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by End-User (Hospitals, Oncology Clinics, Research Centers, and Others)
3.1.7 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa)

3.2 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market: Treatment Method Analysis

3.2.1 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Treatment Method: An Overview
3.2.2 Global Non-Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
3.2.3 Global Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
3.2.4 Global Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Type (Radiofrequency Ablation, Microwave Ablation, Photodynamic Ablation, Thermal Ablation, Cryoablation, Chemical Ablation, and Others)
3.2.5 Global Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market Type by Value

3.3 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market: Therapy Type Analysis

3.3.1 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Therapy Type: An Overview
3.3.2 Global Lung Cancer Targeted Therapy Market by Value
3.3.3 Global Lung Cancer Immunotherapy Market by Value
3.3.4 Global Lung Cancer Chemotherapy Market by Value
3.3.5 Global Lung Cancer Radiation Therapy Market by Value
3.3.6 Global Lung Cancer Other Therapy Market by Value

3.4 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market: Indication Analysis

3.4.1 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Indication: An Overview
3.4.2 Global Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Therapy Market by Value
3.4.3 Global Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) Therapy Market by Value
3.4.4 Global Carcinoid Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value

3.5 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market: End-User Analysis

3.5.1 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by End-User: An Overview
3.5.2 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Hospitals Market by Value
3.5.3 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Oncology Clinics Market by Value
3.5.4 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Research Centers Market by Value
3.5.5 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Others Market by Value

4. Regional Market Analysis

4.1 North America Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Analysis

4.1.1 North America Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Overview
4.1.2 North America Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.1.3 North America Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Region (The US, Canada, and Mexico)
4.1.4 The US Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.1.5 Canada Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.1.6 Mexico Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value

4.2 Europe Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Analysis

4.2.1 Europe Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Overview
4.2.2 Europe Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.2.3 Europe Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Region (Germany, The UK, France, Italy, Spain, and Rest of Europe)
4.2.4 Germany Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.2.5 The UK Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.2.6 France Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.2.7 Italy Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.2.8 Spain Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.2.9 Rest of Europe Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value

4.3 Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Analysis

4.3.1 Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Overview
4.3.2 Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.3.3 Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Region (China, Japan, India, South Korea, and Rest of the Asia Pacific)
4.3.4 China Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.3.5 Japan Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.3.6 India Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.3.7 South Korea Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value
4.3.8 Rest of Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value

4.4 Latin America Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Analysis

4.4.1 Latin America Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Overview
4.4.2 Latin America Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value

4.5 Middle East & Africa Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Analysis

4.5.1 Middle East & Africa Lung Cancer Therapy Market: An Overview
4.5.2 Middle East & Africa Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value

5. Impact of COVID-19

5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market
5.2 Post COVID-19 Impact on Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market

6. Market Dynamics

6.1 Growth Drivers
6.1.1 Increasing Incidences of Lung Cancer
6.1.2 Aging Population
6.1.3 Rising Healthcare Expenditure
6.1.4 Growing Pollution Levels
6.1.5 Increasing Prevalence of Smoking and Unhealthy Lifestyles
6.1.6 Government Initiatives for Lung Cancer Screening and Treatment

6.2 Challenges
6.2.1 High Cost of Lung Cancer Treatment
6.2.2 Adverse Effect of Lung Cancer Therapy

6.3 Market Trends
6.3.1 New Product Development and Launches
6.3.2 The Arrival of Nanomedicine
6.3.3 Growing Demand for Targeted Therapy
6.3.4 Emergence of New Medical Diagnostics Equipment and Advanced Therapies
6.3.5 Advancement in Precision Medicine
6.3.6 Growth of Combination Therapy
6.3.7 Increasing Focus on Patient-centered Care

7. Competitive Landscape

7.1 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market: Competitive Landscape
7.2 Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market Players by Product Pipeline

8. Company Profiles

8.1 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
8.1.1 Business Overview
8.1.2 Sales by Operating Business
8.1.3 Business Strategy

8.2 Eli Lilly and Company
8.2.1 Business Overview
8.2.2 Revenue by Product Category
8.2.3 Business Strategy

8.3 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
8.3.1 Business Overview
8.3.2 Revenue by Region
8.3.3 Business Strategy

8.4 Merck Group
8.4.1 Business Overview
8.4.2 Net Sales by Business Sector
8.4.3 Business Strategy

8.5 Pfizer Inc.
8.5.1 Business Overview
8.5.2 Operating Segments
8.5.3 Business Strategy

8.6 Sanofi
8.6.1 Business Overview
8.6.2 Operating Segments
8.6.3 Business Strategies

8.7 Novartis AG
8.7.1 Business Overview
8.7.2 Operating Regions
8.7.2 Operating Regions

8.8 Johnson & Johnson
8.8.1 Business Overview
8.8.2 Operating Segment
8.8.3 Business Strategy

8.9 Abbvie Inc.
8.9.1 Business Overview
8.9.2 Net Revenue by Therapeutic Area
8.9.3 Business Strategy

8.10 AstraZeneca
8.10.1 Business Overview
8.10.2 Revenue by Region
8.10.3 Business Strategy

8.11 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
8.11.1 Business Overview
8.11.2 Net Sales by Business
8.11.3 Business Strategy

8.12 Amgen Inc.
8.12.1 Business Overview
8.12.2 Operating Regions
8.12.3 Business Strategy

List of Figures

Figure 1: Lung Cancer Therapy Segmentation
Figure 2: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 3: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 4: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Treatment Method; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 5: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Therapy Type; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 6: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Indication; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 7: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by End-User; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 8: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 9: Global Non-Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 10: Global Non-Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 11: Global Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 12: Global Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 13: Global Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Type; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 14: Global Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market Type by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 15: Global Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer Therapy Market Type by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 16: Global Lung Cancer Targeted Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 17: Global Lung Cancer Targeted Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 18: Global Lung Cancer Immunotherapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 19: Global Lung Cancer Immunotherapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 20: Global Lung Cancer Chemotherapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 21: Global Lung Cancer Chemotherapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 22: Global Lung Cancer Radiation Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 23: Global Lung Cancer Radiation Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 24: Global Lung Cancer Other Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 25: Global Lung Cancer Other Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 26: Global Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 27: Global Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 28: Global Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 29: Global Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 30: Global Carcinoid Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 31: Global Carcinoid Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million)
Figure 32: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Hospitals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 33: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Hospitals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 34: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Oncology Clinics Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 35: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Oncology Clinics Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 36: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Research Centers Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 37: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Research Centers Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 38: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Others Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 39: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Others Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 40: North America Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 41: North America Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 42: North America Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 43: The US Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 44: The US Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 45: Canada Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 46: Canada Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 47: Mexico Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 48: Mexico Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 49: Europe Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 50: Europe Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 51: Europe Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 52: Germany Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 53: Germany Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 54: The UK Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 55: The UK Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 56: France Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 57: France Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 58: Italy Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 59: Italy Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 60: Spain Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 61: Spain Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 62: Rest of Europe Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 63: Rest of Europe Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 64: Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 65: Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 66: Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 67: China Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 68: China Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 69: Japan Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 70: Japan Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 71: India Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 72: India Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 73: South Korea Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 74: South Korea Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million)
Figure 75: Rest of Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 76: Rest of Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 77: Latin America Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 78: Latin America Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 79: Middle East & Africa Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 80: Middle East & Africa Lung Cancer Therapy Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 81: The US Estimated Number of New Lung and Bronchus Cancer Cases; 2020-2024 (Thousand)
Figure 82: Global Percentage of Population Aged 65 Years or Above; 2018-2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 83: Global Healthcare Expenditure as a Share of GDP; 2022-2029 (Percentage, %)
Figure 84: F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Sales by Operating Business; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 85: Eli Lilly and Company Revenue by Product Category; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 86: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Revenue by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 87: Merck Group Net Sales by Business Sector; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 88: Pfizer Inc. Total Revenues by Segment; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 89: Sanofi Net Sales by Segments; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 90: Novartis AG Net Sales by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 91: Johnson & Johnson Sales by Segment; 2023 (Percentage,%)
Figure 92: Abbvie Inc. Net Revenue by Therapeutic Area; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 93: AstraZeneca Revenue by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 94: Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Net Sales by Business; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 95: Amgen Inc. Revenues by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Table 1: Global Range of Lung Cancer Treatment Cost
Table 2: New Product Development and Launches
Table 3: Global Lung Cancer Therapy Market Players by Product Pipeline






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