![]() 米国の麻酔薬とデバイスの市場。セグメント別(麻酔薬と麻酔デバイス)、タイプ別(全身麻酔、局所麻酔、その他の麻酔)、薬剤製品別(ブピバカイン、ロピバカイン、リドカイン、クロロプロカイン、プリロカイン、ベンゾカイン、その他の局所麻酔薬)、デバイス製品別(先進、基本、統合)、COVID-19の影響によるサイズとトレンド、2027年までの予測による分析The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: Analysis By segment (Anesthesia Drugs And Anesthesia Devices), By Type (General, Local And Other Anesthesia), By Drug product (Bupivacaine, Ropivacaine, Lidocaine, Chloroprocaine, Prilocaine, Benzocaine and Other Local Anesthetics), By Device Product (Advanced, Basic And Integrated), Size And Trends With Impact of COVID-19 and Forecast up to 2027 2021年の米国の麻酔薬・機器市場は59.9億米ドルでした。2027年には88億8000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。麻酔とは、手術やその他の処置の際に痛みを防ぐために医薬品を使用することです。注射、吸入、局... もっと見る
サマリー2021年の米国の麻酔薬・機器市場は59.9億米ドルでした。2027年には88億8000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。麻酔とは、手術やその他の処置の際に痛みを防ぐために医薬品を使用することです。注射、吸入、局所ローション、スプレー、目薬、皮膚パッチなどで投与されることがあります。麻酔は、感覚や意識の喪失を引き起こすことがあります。市場は、2022年から2027年の予測期間中にCAGR 6.80%で成長すると予想されています。手術件数の増加、慢性疾患の増加による高齢化、麻酔技術の進歩により、麻酔薬および麻酔装置の市場は今後数年で成長すると思われます。 市場セグメンテーション分析。 セグメント別。本レポートでは、セグメントに基づいて、麻酔薬と麻酔デバイスの2つに市場を二分しています。2021年の市場では、麻酔薬セグメントが55%以上の主要シェアを占めています。一方、麻酔機器セグメントは、同地域の医療費増加により、今後数年間で大きなCAGRで成長すると予測されます。 タイプ別タイプ別では、米国の麻酔薬市場は全身麻酔、局所麻酔、その他の麻酔の3タイプに分類されます。2021年には、全身麻酔薬分野が市場で39%以上の主要シェアを占めています。これに局所麻酔薬が続いている。新規の麻酔薬を処方するための製薬業界の研究開発活動は、予測期間中に米国のその他の麻酔薬市場の拡大のために報酬の機会を提供することが期待されます。 デバイス製品別。本レポートでは、デバイス製品に基づき、市場をアドバンスド、ベーシック、インテグレーテッドの3つのセグメントに二分しています。2021年の市場では、アドバンスドセグメントが62%の主要シェアを占めています。これに統合型麻酔装置が続いている。麻酔モニタリングデバイスの分野における絶え間ない発展と、より優れたモニタリングデバイスへの高い需要も、米国のアドバンスド麻酔モニタリングデバイス市場の成長を後押しすると予想されます。 薬剤製品別。本レポートでは、薬剤製品に基づき、市場を7つのセグメントに分岐しています。ブピバカイン、ロピバカイン、リドカイン、クロロプロカイン、プリロカイン、ベンゾカイン、その他の局所麻酔薬です。2021年、リドカイン麻酔薬セグメントは市場で32%の主要シェアを占めた。これにBupivacaine、Ropivacaineが続いている。同市場は、患者数の拡大や医療・外科処置の増加により、予測期間中に推進されると予想されています。 市場ダイナミクス 成長の原動力。米国の麻酔薬・機器市場に影響を与える最も重要な要因の1つは、老年人口の増加です。高齢化社会の着実な進展により、過去10年間に慢性疾患の発生率が上昇しました。このため、高齢者の手術件数が増加しています。さらに、手術や麻酔の進歩などの利点は、高齢患者の機能と生活の質を向上させることができ、市場の成長をサポートしています。このように、高齢化社会の進展が、米国における麻酔薬・機器市場の成長を後押ししています。さらに、医療費の増加、監視下での麻酔使用の増加、麻酔薬の承認数の増加など、さまざまな要因により、過去数年間にわたり市場は成長を続けています。 課題しかし、熟練した麻酔科医の不足など、いくつかの課題に直面しています。 トレンド外来手術センター(ASC)の増加、麻酔機器の技術向上など、様々な最新トレンドにより、予測期間中に市場は急成長すると予想されます。クローズドループTIVAや超音波ガイド下局所麻酔(UGRA)などの技術向上が、予測期間中の米国医薬品・機器市場の推進要因となることが予想されます。 COVID-19の影響分析および今後の方向性。 世界的なコロナウイルス感染者の急増により、COVID-19やその他の重症患者の長期的な換気のために、利用可能なすべての集中治療室(ICU)の人工呼吸器や麻酔器が利用されるようになった。病院では、麻酔器による長期人工呼吸中の鎮静のための吸入麻酔薬の投与も増加した。COVID-19が外科手術に及ぼす影響は、労働力やスタッフの問題、手技の優先順位、術中のウイルス感染の危険性など、多岐にわたる。パンデミック状況の出現により、2020年は麻酔薬の需要が若干減少し、手術の延期やキャンセルが発生しました。しかし、活動が再開されると、延期されていたすべての選択手術が完了し、麻酔薬の消費量が増加する。 競合の状況 米国の麻酔薬・機器市場は競争が激しく、複数の主要企業で構成されています。米国の麻酔薬・機器市場の主要プレイヤーは以下の通りである。 KKR & Co.Inc.(エンビジョン・ヘルスケア・コーポレーション) Baxter International Inc. ブラックストーン (チームヘルス) ベクトン・ディッキンソン社(Becton, Dickinson and Company ブラウン(B. Braun Avitum AG) スリーエム社 アッヴィ・インク(Abbvie Inc. テレフレックス・インコーポレイテッド ドレーゲルワークAG&Co.KGaA アストラゼネカ・ピーエルシー アボット・ラボラトリーズ ゼネラル・エレクトリック社 ICU Medical, Inc. サンメッドLLC 米国の麻酔薬・機器市場の主要企業間の戦略には、合併、買収、提携などがあります。例えば、2022年にテレフレックス・インコーポレイテッドは、肥満手術のための革新的なパワードステープリング技術を商業化したスタンダード・ベアトリクス社の、以前発表した買収を完了したと発表しています。一方、B.ブラウンは、Intermedt Medizin & Technik GmbHのグループへの完全統合により、体外血液治療(透析)用システムプロバイダーとしてのB.Braun Avitum部門の幅広い製品ポートフォリオが完成したと発表しています。 目次1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Anesthesia: An Overview 2.1.1 Definition of Anesthesia 2.2 Anesthesia Segmentation: An Overview 2.2.1 Anesthesia Segmentation 3. Market Analysis 3.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: An Overview 3.1.2 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Value 3.1.3 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Segment (Anesthesia Drugs And Anesthesia Devices) 3.2 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: Segment Analysis 3.2.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Segment: An Overview 3.2.2 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.2.3 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Type (General, Local And Other Anesthesia) 3.2.4 The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Value 3.2.5 The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Product (Advanced, Basic And Integrated) 3.3 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market: Type Analysis 3.3.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Type: An Overview 3.3.2 The US General Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.3.3 The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.3.4 The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Product (Bupivacaine, Ropivacaine, Lidocaine, Chloroprocaine, Prilocaine, Benzocaine and Other Local Anesthetics) 3.3.5 The US Other Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4 The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market: Product Analysis 3.4.1 The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Product: An Overview 3.4.2 The US Lidocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.3 The US Bupivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.4 The US Ropivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.5 The US Prilocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.6 The US Benzocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.7 The US Chloroprocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.8 The US Other Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.5 The US Anesthesia Devices Market: Product Analysis 3.5.1 The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Product: An Overview 3.5.2 The US Advanced Anesthesia Devices Market by Value 3.5.3 The US Integrated Anesthesia Devices Market by Value 3.5.4 The US Basic Anesthesia Devices Market by Value 4. Impact of COVID-19 4.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Anesthesia Drugs And Devices Market 4.2 Response of Industry 4.3 The US Number of COVID-19 Total Cases 5. Market Dynamics 5.1 Growth Drivers 5.1.1 Rising Geriatric Population 5.1.2 Growing Healthcare Expenditure 5.1.3 Increase in Monitored Anesthesia Use 5.1.4 Increase In Number Of Approval For Anesthesia Drugs 5.2 Challenges 5.2.1 Side Effects of Anesthesia 5.2.2 Lack of Skilled Anesthesiologist 5.3 Market Trends 5.3.1 Escalating Establishment of Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC) 5.3.2 Technological Enhancement of Anesthesia Devices 6. Competitive Landscape 6.1 The US Anesthesia Hospital Players by Market Share 6.2 The US Anesthesia Service Market by Other Private Providers 6.3 The US Anesthesiology Service Market Players by Services 7. Company Profiles 7.1 KKR & Co. Inc. (Envision Healthcare Corporation) 7.1.1 Business Overview 7.1.2 Business Strategy 7.2 Baxter International Inc. 7.2.1 Business Overview 7.2.2 Operating Segment 7.2.3 Business Strategy 7.3 Blackstone (TeamHealth) 7.3.1 Business Overview 7.3.2 Business Strategy 7.4 Becton, Dickinson and Company 7.4.1 Business Overview 7.4.2 Operating Segment 7.4.3 Business Strategy 7.5 Braun (B. Braun Avitum AG) 7.5.1 Business Overview 7.5.2 Sales by Division 7.5.3 Business Strategy 7.6 3M Company 7.6.1 Business Overview 7.6.2 Operating Segment 7.6.3 Business Strategy 7.7 Abbvie Inc. 7.7.1 Business Overview 7.7.2 Net Revenue by Therapeutic Area 7.7.3 Business Strategy 7.8 Teleflex Incorporated 7.8.1 Business Overview 7.8.2 Operating Segment 7.8.3 Business Strategy 7.9 Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA 7.9.1 Business Overview 7.9.2 Net Sales by Division 7.9.3 Business Strategy 7.10 AstraZeneca Plc 7.10.1 Business Overview 7.10.2 Total Revenue by Disease Areas 7.10.3 Business Strategies 7.11 Abbott Laboratories 7.11.1 Business Overview 7.11.2 Operating Segment 7.11.3 Business Strategy 7.12 General Electric Company 7.12.1 Business Overview 7.12.2 Operating Segment 7.12.3 Business Strategy 7.13 ICU Medical, Inc. 7.13.1 Business Overview 7.13.2 Revenues by Geography 7.13.3 Business Strategy 7.14 SunMed LLC 7.14.1 Business Overview 7.14.2 Business Strategy List of Figures Figure 1: Anesthesia: Side Effects Figure 2: Anesthesia Segmentation Figure 3: The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 5: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 7: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 8: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 9: The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 10: The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 12: The US General Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 13: The US General Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 14: The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 15: The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 16: The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 17: The US Other Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 18: The US Other Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 19: The US Lidocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 20: The US Lidocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 21: The US Bupivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 22: The US Bupivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 23: The US Ropivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 24: The US Ropivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 25: The US Prilocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 26: The US Prilocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 27: The US Benzocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 28: The US Benzocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 29: The US Chloroprocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 30: The US Chloroprocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 31: The US Other Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 32: The US Other Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 33: The US Advanced Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: The US Advanced Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: The US Integrated Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 36: The US Integrated Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 37: The US Basic Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 38: The US Basic Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 39: The US Number of COVID-19 Total Cases, 2020-2022 (Million) Figure 40: The US Old Age Population (65 years and Older); 2016-2021 (Percentage,%) Figure 41: The US National Health Expenditure; 2021-2028 (US$ Trillion) Figure 42: The US Ambulatory Surgical Centers; 2020-2025 (US$ Billion) Figure 43: The US Anesthesia Hospital Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 44: Baxter International Inc. Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 45: Becton, Dickinson and Company Revenues by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 46: B. Braun Sales by Division; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 47: 3M Company Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 48: Abbvie Inc. Net Revenue by Therapeutic Area; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 49: Teleflex Incorporated Net Revenues by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 50: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA Net Sales by Division; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 51: AstraZeneca Total Revenue by Disease Areas; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 52: Abbott Laboratories Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 53: General Electric Company Revenue by Segment; 2021 (Percentage,%) Figure 54: ICU Medical, Inc. Revenues by Geography; 2021 (Percentage,%) Table 1: The US Anesthesia Service Market by Other Private Providers Table 2: The US Anesthesiology Service Market Players by Services
SummaryThe US anesthesia drugs and devices market in 2021 was valued at US$5.99 billion. The market value is predicted to reach US$8.88 billion by 2027. Anesthesia is the use of medicines to prevent pain during surgery and other procedures. They may be given by injection, inhalation, topical lotion, spray, eye drops, or skin patch. Anesthesia can cause one to have a loss of feeling or awareness. Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Anesthesia: An Overview 2.1.1 Definition of Anesthesia 2.2 Anesthesia Segmentation: An Overview 2.2.1 Anesthesia Segmentation 3. Market Analysis 3.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: An Overview 3.1.2 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Value 3.1.3 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Segment (Anesthesia Drugs And Anesthesia Devices) 3.2 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: Segment Analysis 3.2.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Segment: An Overview 3.2.2 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.2.3 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Type (General, Local And Other Anesthesia) 3.2.4 The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Value 3.2.5 The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Product (Advanced, Basic And Integrated) 3.3 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market: Type Analysis 3.3.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Type: An Overview 3.3.2 The US General Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.3.3 The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.3.4 The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Product (Bupivacaine, Ropivacaine, Lidocaine, Chloroprocaine, Prilocaine, Benzocaine and Other Local Anesthetics) 3.3.5 The US Other Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4 The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market: Product Analysis 3.4.1 The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Product: An Overview 3.4.2 The US Lidocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.3 The US Bupivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.4 The US Ropivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.5 The US Prilocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.6 The US Benzocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.7 The US Chloroprocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.4.8 The US Other Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value 3.5 The US Anesthesia Devices Market: Product Analysis 3.5.1 The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Product: An Overview 3.5.2 The US Advanced Anesthesia Devices Market by Value 3.5.3 The US Integrated Anesthesia Devices Market by Value 3.5.4 The US Basic Anesthesia Devices Market by Value 4. Impact of COVID-19 4.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Anesthesia Drugs And Devices Market 4.2 Response of Industry 4.3 The US Number of COVID-19 Total Cases 5. Market Dynamics 5.1 Growth Drivers 5.1.1 Rising Geriatric Population 5.1.2 Growing Healthcare Expenditure 5.1.3 Increase in Monitored Anesthesia Use 5.1.4 Increase In Number Of Approval For Anesthesia Drugs 5.2 Challenges 5.2.1 Side Effects of Anesthesia 5.2.2 Lack of Skilled Anesthesiologist 5.3 Market Trends 5.3.1 Escalating Establishment of Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC) 5.3.2 Technological Enhancement of Anesthesia Devices 6. Competitive Landscape 6.1 The US Anesthesia Hospital Players by Market Share 6.2 The US Anesthesia Service Market by Other Private Providers 6.3 The US Anesthesiology Service Market Players by Services 7. Company Profiles 7.1 KKR & Co. Inc. (Envision Healthcare Corporation) 7.1.1 Business Overview 7.1.2 Business Strategy 7.2 Baxter International Inc. 7.2.1 Business Overview 7.2.2 Operating Segment 7.2.3 Business Strategy 7.3 Blackstone (TeamHealth) 7.3.1 Business Overview 7.3.2 Business Strategy 7.4 Becton, Dickinson and Company 7.4.1 Business Overview 7.4.2 Operating Segment 7.4.3 Business Strategy 7.5 Braun (B. Braun Avitum AG) 7.5.1 Business Overview 7.5.2 Sales by Division 7.5.3 Business Strategy 7.6 3M Company 7.6.1 Business Overview 7.6.2 Operating Segment 7.6.3 Business Strategy 7.7 Abbvie Inc. 7.7.1 Business Overview 7.7.2 Net Revenue by Therapeutic Area 7.7.3 Business Strategy 7.8 Teleflex Incorporated 7.8.1 Business Overview 7.8.2 Operating Segment 7.8.3 Business Strategy 7.9 Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA 7.9.1 Business Overview 7.9.2 Net Sales by Division 7.9.3 Business Strategy 7.10 AstraZeneca Plc 7.10.1 Business Overview 7.10.2 Total Revenue by Disease Areas 7.10.3 Business Strategies 7.11 Abbott Laboratories 7.11.1 Business Overview 7.11.2 Operating Segment 7.11.3 Business Strategy 7.12 General Electric Company 7.12.1 Business Overview 7.12.2 Operating Segment 7.12.3 Business Strategy 7.13 ICU Medical, Inc. 7.13.1 Business Overview 7.13.2 Revenues by Geography 7.13.3 Business Strategy 7.14 SunMed LLC 7.14.1 Business Overview 7.14.2 Business Strategy List of Figures Figure 1: Anesthesia: Side Effects Figure 2: Anesthesia Segmentation Figure 3: The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 5: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 7: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 8: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 9: The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 10: The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 12: The US General Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 13: The US General Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 14: The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 15: The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 16: The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 17: The US Other Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 18: The US Other Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 19: The US Lidocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 20: The US Lidocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 21: The US Bupivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 22: The US Bupivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 23: The US Ropivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 24: The US Ropivacaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 25: The US Prilocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 26: The US Prilocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 27: The US Benzocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 28: The US Benzocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 29: The US Chloroprocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 30: The US Chloroprocaine Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 31: The US Other Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 32: The US Other Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 33: The US Advanced Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: The US Advanced Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: The US Integrated Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 36: The US Integrated Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 37: The US Basic Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 38: The US Basic Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 39: The US Number of COVID-19 Total Cases, 2020-2022 (Million) Figure 40: The US Old Age Population (65 years and Older); 2016-2021 (Percentage,%) Figure 41: The US National Health Expenditure; 2021-2028 (US$ Trillion) Figure 42: The US Ambulatory Surgical Centers; 2020-2025 (US$ Billion) Figure 43: The US Anesthesia Hospital Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 44: Baxter International Inc. Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 45: Becton, Dickinson and Company Revenues by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 46: B. Braun Sales by Division; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 47: 3M Company Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 48: Abbvie Inc. Net Revenue by Therapeutic Area; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 49: Teleflex Incorporated Net Revenues by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 50: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA Net Sales by Division; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 51: AstraZeneca Total Revenue by Disease Areas; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 52: Abbott Laboratories Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 53: General Electric Company Revenue by Segment; 2021 (Percentage,%) Figure 54: ICU Medical, Inc. Revenues by Geography; 2021 (Percentage,%) Table 1: The US Anesthesia Service Market by Other Private Providers Table 2: The US Anesthesiology Service Market Players by Services
Daedal Research社の中枢神経系作用薬分野での最新刊レポート
本レポートと同じKEY WORD(anesthesia)の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問Daedal Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?デダルリサーチ (Daedal Research) はインドとアジアを始めとして世界の医療や医薬、ICT、エネルギー、通信、化学、交通、消費財などの様々な市場を調査対象とした市場調査報告書を出版してい... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。