


Europe Intelligent Transportation Market Outlook, 2029

欧州は、適応型交通信号制御、可変メッセージ標識、動的速度制限など、交通管理システムの最も広範な導入を誇っている。これらのシステムは、交通の流れを最適化し、渋滞を緩和し、道路の安全性を高めるのに役立... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2024年3月31日 US$3,450
2-3営業日以内 103 英語




欧州は、適応型交通信号制御、可変メッセージ標識、動的速度制限など、交通管理システムの最も広範な導入を誇っている。これらのシステムは、交通の流れを最適化し、渋滞を緩和し、道路の安全性を高めるのに役立っている。欧州の都市は、公共交通システムへのITS技術の導入においてリーダー的存在である。公共交通機関の効率とアクセシビリティを向上させるために、先進的な運賃収受システム、リアルタイムの乗客情報システム、統合型マルチモーダル・トリップ・プランナーが広く利用されている。徒歩や自転車など、能動的で持続可能な交通手段は、欧州全域で高く評価されている。スマート・バイク・シェアリング・システム、リアルタイムのルート案内アプリケーション、横断歩道の安全センサーなど、自転車や徒歩利用者のためのITSソリューションによって、自動車以外の交通手段をより安全で利用しやすいものにすることができる。ヨーロッパの都市は、駐車場の空き状況や混雑に関する課題に直面している。駐車誘導システム、モバイル決済アプリ、占有センサーなど、スマートパーキング向けのITSソリューションは、ドライバーが駐車スペースを効率的に見つけ、交通渋滞を緩和し、都市モビリティを向上させるのに役立つ。さらに、欧州各国は、国境を越えた相互運用性とシームレスな交通を促進するため、ITSイニシアティブで緊密に協力している。欧州ITS指令やEUが資金提供するC-Roadsプロジェクトなどのイニシアチブは、国境を越えたモビリティを促進するため、ITSの導入と標準の調和を目指している。欧州は、ITSへの革新と投資を奨励する支援的な政策環境の恩恵を受けている。EUの指令、規制、資金提供プログラムは、ITS技術の開発と展開を促進し、インテリジェント交通ソリューションの活気ある市場を育成している。Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「欧州の高度道路交通システム市場の展望、2029年」によると、欧州の高度道路交通システム市場は2024年から2029年にかけて30億米ドル以上の成長が見込まれている。欧州の都市では急速な都市化と人口増加が進んでおり、効率的な交通ソリューションに対する需要が高まっている。ITSは、人口密度の高い都市部における渋滞の管理、モビリティの向上、交通網の全体的な効率強化に役立っている。ヨーロッパの多くの都市では交通渋滞が大きな課題となっており、時間や燃料の浪費、排出量の増加につながっている。適応型交通信号制御、ダイナミック・ルート・ガイダンス、渋滞価格設定などのITS技術は、渋滞を緩和し、交通の流れを最適化して、移動時間を短縮し、交通システムの信頼性を向上させるのに役立つ。欧州では、環境の持続可能性と輸送による温室効果ガス排出の削減が重視されている。ITSは、エコドライブシステム、電気自動車充電インフラ、排出ガス監視などの対策を通じて、持続可能な交通手段を促進し、燃料消費を最適化し、大気汚染を削減する取り組みを支援している。欧州は、道路、鉄道、水路、航空輸送網などの交通インフラが発達している。ITSは、異なる交通手段を統合し、リアルタイムの情報を提供し、交通手段間の移動を最適化することによって、シームレスな相互乗り入れを促進し、交通システムの効率とアクセシビリティを向上させる。さらに、ヨーロッパの旅行者は、便利で信頼でき、持続可能な交通手段をますます求めている。ITSはリアルタイム情報、モバイル・アプリ、デジタル・プラットフォームを提供し、旅行者が旅の計画を立て、交通サービスにアクセスし、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定を行えるようにすることで、総合的な旅行体験と満足度を高めている。市場促進要因-複合一貫輸送:インターモーダル・コネクティビティとは、道路、鉄道、水路、航空輸送などの異なる交通手段をシームレスに統合・調整し、乗客や貨物に効率的で便利な移動手段を提供することを指す。欧州では、インターモーダル・コネクティビティは、旅行者や貨物が異なる交通手段間をシームレスに移動することを可能にし、交通ネットワークのアクセシビリティ、効率性、持続可能性を向上させるため、ITSの推進力となっている。ITS技術は、リアルタイムの情報、統合された発券・決済システム、複合的な旅行計画ツールを提供することによって、複合一貫輸送を促進し、旅行者が複雑な交通網をナビゲートし、交通手段間のスムーズな移動を可能にする。-利便性に対する大衆の需要:効率的で信頼性が高く、使い勝手の良い交通サービスを求める旅行者が増えているため、利便性に対する一般市民の需要は、欧州におけるITSの重要な原動力となっている。ITS技術は、リアルタイム情報、モバイル・アプリ、デジタル・プラットフォームを提供することで、旅行者が旅の計画を立て、交通サービスにアクセスし、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定を行えるようにすることで、この需要に応えている。便利でパーソナライズされた旅行体験を提供することで、ITSは利用者の全体的なモビリティと満足度を高め、より持続可能な交通手段へのモーダルシフトを促し、交通システムの効率的な運用に貢献する。利便性を求める一般市民の需要に応えることが、欧州における交通サービスの質を向上させ、総合的な旅行体験を高める革新的なITSソリューションの開発と展開の原動力となっている。市場の課題-サイバーセキュリティのリスク交通システムが相互接続されたデジタルインフラや通信ネットワークへの依存度を高めているため、サイバーセキュリティリスクは欧州のITSにとって重大な課題となっている。ハッキング、マルウェア、ランサムウェア、サービス拒否攻撃などのサイバー脅威は、交通データやシステムの完全性、機密性、可用性を損ない、運行の中断、安全リスク、乗客やインフラへの潜在的な被害につながる可能性がある。ITSインフラ、通信ネットワーク、データシステムをサイバー脅威から保護することは、交通運行の信頼性、回復力、セキュリティを確保するために不可欠である。-レガシーなインフラとテクノロジー:ヨーロッパのITSにとって、レガシーなインフラと技術が課題となっている。多くの交通システムは、いまだに時代遅れの、あるいは互換性のないハードウェア、ソフトウェア、通信システムに依存しているからである。最新のITSソリューションをサポートするために、レガシーなインフラや技術を改修、アップグレード、交換することは、特に多様な交通網や規制の枠組みを持つ環境においては、コストと時間がかかり、複雑なものとなりうる。レガシーシステムは、新しいITS技術に対応し、他のシステムと統合するために必要な相互運用性、拡張性、柔軟性を欠いている可能性があり、交通運行の革新と効率化を妨げている。レガシーなインフラと技術の課題に対処するには、交通システムを近代化し、新たなITSソリューションとの互換性を確保し、交通ネットワークの回復力と持続可能性を高めるための戦略的計画、投資、官民の利害関係者間の調整が必要である。タイプ別では、高度交通管理システム(ATMS)、高度旅行者情報システム(ATIS)、高度交通料金システム(ATPS)、高度公共交通システム(APTS)、救急医療システム(EMS)、商用車運行(CVO)、自動ナンバープレート認識(ANPR)に区分される。欧州では、自動ナンバープレート認識(ANPR)が大きな市場シェアを占めている。ANPR技術は、ナンバープレートによる車両の自動検出と識別を可能にすることで、セキュリティと法執行を強化する。ANPRは、交通違反の監視、盗難車の特定、容疑者の特定、駐車違反の取り締まりなど、さまざまな目的で法執行機関に利用されている。ANPRシステムが車両データを迅速かつ正確に取得・処理する能力は、道路や公共空間における公共の安全とセキュリティの向上に貢献します。ANPR技術は、車両の動き、交通の流れ、渋滞のパターンに関するリアルタイムのデータを提供するため、交通管理と制御に不可欠です。交通の流れを改善し、道路の混雑を緩和するために、ANPRシステムは交通量を監視し、交通事故を特定し、交通信号のタイミングを調整することができます。交通当局は、ANPRデータを交通管理システムに統合することで、十分な情報に基づいた判断を下し、交通ネットワークの有効性と効率を改善するための積極的な措置を講じることができます。ANPR技術は、都市部における駐車場管理と収益創出に広く利用されている。ANPR対応の駐車場システムは、駐車場への車両の入出庫プロセスを自動化し、キャッシュレス決済を促進し、駐車規制を実施します。駐車場運営を合理化し、駐車規則の遵守を向上させることで、ANPRは交通渋滞を緩和し、都市のモビリティを向上させ、自治体や駐車場運営会社に収益をもたらします。輸送手段では、道路、鉄道、航空、海洋に二分される。コンポーネントでは、ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービスに区分される。この地域では、鉄道が市場に貢献している。効率的かつ大容量で乗客や物資を輸送する能力を持つ鉄道は、ヨーロッパの輸送網において重要な役割を果たしている。ITS技術は、鉄道運行を最適化し、スケジューリングを改善し、容量の利用を促進し、スムーズで信頼できる鉄道サービスを提供する。こうした技術の例としては、列車制御システム、交通管理システム、予知保全ソリューションなどがある。鉄道は欧州の複合交通ネットワークに組み込まれており、都市中心部、地域、国を道路、港湾、空港などの他の交通手段と結んでいる。ITSは、鉄道と他の交通手段とのシームレスな統合と調整を促進し、旅行者に便利な複合一貫輸送の接続、複合一貫輸送の旅程計画、統合された発券・決済システムを提供する。鉄道は貨物輸送において重要な役割を担っており、ヨーロッパ全域での物資輸送において、道路輸送に代わるコスト効率の高い持続可能な輸送手段を提供している。ITS技術は、貨物ロジスティクスを最適化し、貨物を追跡・追跡し、貨物業務を管理することで、サプライチェーンの効率を改善し、道路網の混雑を緩和し、企業の輸送コストを削減する。さらに、ハードウェアが市場をリードしている。欧州には、道路、鉄道、水路、空港など多様な交通インフラがある。このインフラをセンサー、カメラ、交通信号機、路側機などのインテリジェントなハードウェア・コンポーネントでアップグレードし近代化することは、交通監視、車両検知、車両との通信などのITS機能を実現するために不可欠である。車道沿い、交差点、橋梁に設置されたハードウェア・センサーは、車両の動きや行動の検出と監視を可能にする。レーダー、LiDAR、誘導ループなどの技術は、車両の速度、占有率、分類に関する正確なデータを提供し、これらは交通管理、事故検出、性能測定の目的で使用される。報告書によると、主な対象国はドイツ、英国、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、ロシア、その他のヨーロッパ諸国である。 In Europe, the UK leads the market. The United Kingdom has demonstrated early adoption of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and has made substantial expenditures in the development, implementation, and study of these systems. The UK is now seen as a pioneer in ITS because of programmes like the Future of Mobility Grand Challenge and the UK Intelligent Transport Systems Sector Strategy, which have fostered innovation and cooperation between the public and private sectors. The UK government has provided strong support for ITS initiatives through funding programmes, policy frameworks, and regulatory incentives. Agencies such as the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) have played a central role in promoting the adoption and deployment of ITS technologies to improve transportation efficiency, safety, and sustainability. The UK is home to a vibrant ecosystem of companies, research institutions, and startups specialising in ITS technologies and solutions. Leading companies such as Siemens, Cubic Transportation Systems, and Transport Systems Catapult drive innovation and development in areas such as traffic management, smart infrastructure, and connected vehicles, contributing to the UK's leadership in the ITS market. The key companies are collaborating with expert ITS companies for design and product development. They are also developing advanced products for hassle-free and better service. Furthermore, many small enterprises are also working with the government to provide better transportation services. At present, many small market companies are also great players withholding substantial intelligent transportation system market share. The dominance of the key players is also current owing to the provision of advanced and developed products. Key companies leading the market are Denso, Siemens Ag, EFKON GmbH, and Hitachi, among other prominent players.Recent DevelopmentsConsidered in this report-Historic year: 2018-Base year: 2023-Estimated year: 2024-Forecast year: 2029Aspects covered in this report-Intelligent Transportation market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments-Various drivers and challenges-On-going trends and developments-Top profiled companies-Strategic recommendationBy Type -Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS)-Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS)-Advanced Transportation Pricing Systems (ATPS)-Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS)-Emergency Medical Systems (EMS)-Commercial Vehicle Operation (CVO)-Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) By Mode of Transportation-Roadways (Traffic management, Road safety, Parking management, Freight management, Automotive Telematics, Others (Ticketing Management, Emergency Vehicle Notification, Environment Protection, etc.)-Railways (Rail-running Operation and Collision Avoidance, Passenger Information Management, Smart Ticketing, Security Surveillance, Emergency Notification, Others)-Airways (Security & Surveillance, Shuttle Bus Tracking, Traveller Information Management, Smart Ticketing, Aircraft Management, Emergency Notification, Others)-Marine (Freight Arrival & Transit, Real-time Weather Information Tracking, Container Movement Scheduling, Emergency Notification, Others)By Component-Hardware (Interface Boards, Sensors, Surveillance Cameras, Telecommunication Networks, Monitoring and Detection Systems, Others (Linked traffic controller & Variable message signboard))-Software (Visualization Software, Video Detection Management Software, Transit Management Software, Others)-Services (Business and Cloud Services and Support and Maintenance Services) The approach of the report:This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.Intended audienceThis report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Intelligent Transportation industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.***Please Note: It will take 48 hours (2 Business days) for delivery of the report upon order confirmation.






図2: 市場魅力度指数(2029年地域別)
図3:市場魅力度指数(セグメント別) 2029年
図7:欧州インテリジェント交通システム市場 国別シェア(2023年)
図14: 上位5社の競争ダッシュボード(2023年
図15: 世界の高度道路交通システム市場のポーターの5つの力


表25:フランスの高度道路交通システム市場フランスの高度道路交通システム市場規模・予測:交通手段別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表26:フランスの高度道路交通システム市場フランスの高度道路交通システム市場規模・予測:コンポーネント別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表27:イタリアの高度道路交通システム市場規模・予測:タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表28:イタリアの高度道路交通システム市場規模・予測:交通手段別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表29:イタリアの高度道路交通システム市場規模・予測:コンポーネント別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表30:スペインの高度道路交通システム市場規模・予測:タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表31:スペインの高度道路交通システム市場スペインの高度道路交通システム市場規模・予測:交通手段別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表33:ロシアの高度道路交通システム市場規模・予測:タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表34:ロシアの高度道路交通システム市場規模・予測:交通手段別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表35:ロシアの高度道路交通システム市場ロシアの高度道路交通システム市場規模・予測:コンポーネント別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)





Europe boasts one of the most extensive deployments of traffic management systems, including adaptive traffic signal control, variable message signs, and dynamic speed limits. These systems help optimise traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance safety on roadways. European cities are leaders in the adoption of ITS technologies for public transit systems. Advanced fare collection systems, real-time passenger information systems, and integrated multimodal trip planners are widely used to improve the efficiency and accessibility of public transportation. Active and sustainable means of transportation, including walking and cycling, are highly valued throughout Europe. Safer and easier-to-access non-motorised transportation choices are made possible by ITS solutions for cyclists and walkers, such as smart bike-sharing systems, real-time route-guiding applications, and safety sensors at pedestrian crossings. European cities face challenges related to parking availability and congestion. ITS solutions for smart parking, such as parking guidance systems, mobile payment apps, and occupancy sensors, help drivers find parking spaces more efficiently, reduce traffic congestion, and improve urban mobility. Furthermore, European countries collaborate closely on ITS initiatives to promote interoperability and seamless transportation across borders. Initiatives such as the European ITS Directive and the EU-funded C-Roads project aim to harmonise ITS deployment and standards to facilitate cross-border mobility. Europe benefits from a supportive policy environment that encourages innovation and investment in ITS. EU directives, regulations, and funding programmes promote the development and deployment of ITS technologies, fostering a vibrant market for intelligent transportation solutions. According to the research report "Europe Intelligent Transportation System Market Outlook, 2029," published by Bonafide Research, the Europe Intelligent Transportation System market is projected to add more than USD 3 Billion from 2024 to 2029. European cities are experiencing rapid urbanisation and population growth, leading to increased demand for efficient transportation solutions. ITS helps manage congestion, improve mobility, and enhance the overall efficiency of transportation networks in densely populated urban areas. Traffic congestion is a significant challenge in many European cities, resulting in wasted time, fuel, and increased emissions. ITS technologies such as adaptive traffic signal control, dynamic route guidance, and congestion pricing help alleviate congestion and optimise traffic flow, reducing travel times and improving the reliability of transportation systems. Europe places a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. ITS supports efforts to promote sustainable transportation modes, optimise fuel consumption, and reduce air pollution through measures such as eco-driving systems, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and emissions monitoring. Europe has a well-developed transportation infrastructure that includes roads, railways, waterways, and air transportation networks. ITS facilitates seamless intermodal connectivity by integrating different modes of transportation, providing real-time information, and optimising transfers between modes, enhancing the efficiency and accessibility of the transportation system. Furthermore, European travellers increasingly expect convenient, reliable, and sustainable transportation options. ITS provides real-time information, mobile apps, and digital platforms that enable travellers to plan their journeys, access transportation services, and make informed decisions, enhancing the overall travel experience and satisfaction. Market Drivers Intermodal Connectivity: Intermodal connectivity refers to the seamless integration and coordination of different modes of transportation, such as roads, railways, waterways, and air transportation, to provide efficient and convenient travel options for passengers and freight. In Europe, intermodal connectivity is a driver of the ITS as it enables travellers and cargo to move seamlessly between different transportation modes, improving accessibility, efficiency, and sustainability of the transportation network. ITS technologies facilitate intermodal connectivity by providing real-time information, integrated ticketing and payment systems, and multimodal trip planning tools, allowing travellers to navigate complex transportation networks and make smooth transfers between modes. • Public Demand for Convenience: Public demand for convenience is a significant driver of the ITS in Europe as travellers increasingly expect efficient, reliable, and user-friendly transportation services. ITS technologies cater to this demand by providing real-time information, mobile apps, and digital platforms that enable travellers to plan their journeys, access transportation services, and make informed decisions. By offering convenient and personalised travel experiences, ITS enhances the overall mobility and satisfaction of passengers, encourages a modal shift towards more sustainable transportation options, and contributes to the efficient operation of the transportation system. Meeting the public demand for convenience drives the development and deployment of innovative ITS solutions that improve the quality of transportation services and enhance the overall travel experience in Europe. Market Challenges Cybersecurity Risks: Cybersecurity risks pose a significant challenge to the ITS in Europe, as transportation systems are increasingly reliant on interconnected digital infrastructure and communication networks. Cyberthreats such as hacking, malware, ransomware, and denial-of-service attacks can compromise the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of transportation data and systems, leading to disruptions in operations, safety risks, and potential harm to passengers and infrastructure. Protecting ITS infrastructure, communication networks, and data systems from cyber threats is essential to ensuring the reliability, resilience, and security of transportation operations. • Legacy Infrastructure and Technology: Legacy infrastructure and technology present a challenge to the ITS in Europe, as many transportation systems still rely on outdated or incompatible hardware, software, and communication systems. Retrofitting, upgrading, or replacing legacy infrastructure and technology to support modern ITS solutions can be costly, time-consuming, and complex, especially in environments with diverse transportation networks and regulatory frameworks. Legacy systems may lack the interoperability, scalability, and flexibility required to accommodate new ITS technologies and integrate with other systems, hindering innovation and efficiency in transportation operations. Addressing the challenges of legacy infrastructure and technology requires strategic planning, investment, and coordination between public and private stakeholders to modernise transportation systems, ensure compatibility with emerging ITS solutions, and enhance the resilience and sustainability of the transportation network. Based on the type, they are segmented into Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS), Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS), Advanced Transportation Pricing Systems (ATPS), Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS), Emergency Medical Systems (EMS), Commercial Vehicle Operation (CVO), and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). In Europe, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) contributes a significant market share. ANPR technology enhances security and law enforcement by enabling the automatic detection and identification of vehicles through their number plates. It is used by law enforcement agencies for various purposes, including monitoring traffic violations, identifying stolen vehicles, locating suspects, and enforcing parking regulations. The ability of ANPR systems to quickly and accurately capture and process vehicle data contributes to improved public safety and security on roads and in public spaces. Because ANPR technology provides real-time data on vehicle movements, traffic flow, and congestion patterns, it is essential for traffic management and control. In order to enhance traffic flow and lessen congestion on roadways, ANPR systems can monitor traffic volume, identify traffic incidents, and adjust traffic signal timing. Transportation authorities may make well-informed judgements and take proactive steps to improve the efficacy and efficiency of transportation networks by integrating ANPR data with traffic management systems. ANPR technology is widely used for parking management and revenue generation in urban areas. ANPR-enabled parking systems automate the process of vehicle entry and exit from parking facilities, facilitate cashless payments, and enforce parking regulations. By streamlining parking operations and improving compliance with parking rules, ANPR helps reduce traffic congestion, enhance urban mobility, and generate revenue for municipalities and parking operators. In terms of mode of transportation, they are bifurcated into roads, railways, airlines, and marine. In terms of components, they are segmented into hardware, software, and services. In the region, railways contribute to the market. With their ability to move passengers and goods with efficiency and large capacity, railways play a crucial role in Europe's transport network. ITS technologies optimise railway operations, improve scheduling, and promote capacity utilisation, providing smooth and dependable rail services. Examples of these technologies include train control systems, traffic management systems, and predictive maintenance solutions. Railways are integrated into Europe's multimodal transportation network, connecting urban centres, regions, and countries with other modes of transportation, such as roads, ports, and airports. ITS facilitates seamless integration and coordination between rail and other transportation modes, providing travellers with convenient intermodal connections, multimodal journey planning, and integrated ticketing and payment systems. Railways play a significant role in freight transportation, providing a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to road transport for moving goods across Europe. ITS technologies optimise freight logistics, track and trace shipments, and manage freight operations, improving supply chain efficiency, reducing congestion on road networks, and lowering transportation costs for businesses. Furthermore, hardware leads the market. Europe has a diverse transportation infrastructure, including roads, railways, waterways, and airports. Upgrading and modernising this infrastructure with intelligent hardware components such as sensors, cameras, traffic signals, and roadside units is essential for enabling ITS functionalities such as traffic monitoring, vehicle detection, and communication with vehicles. Hardware sensors installed along roadways, at intersections, and on bridges enable the detection and monitoring of vehicles' movements and behavior. Technologies such as radar, LiDAR, and inductive loops provide accurate data on vehicle speed, occupancy, and classification, which is used for traffic management, incident detection, and performance measurement purposes. Based on the report, the major countries covered include Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and the rest of Europe. In Europe, the UK leads the market. The United Kingdom has demonstrated early adoption of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and has made substantial expenditures in the development, implementation, and study of these systems. The UK is now seen as a pioneer in ITS because of programmes like the Future of Mobility Grand Challenge and the UK Intelligent Transport Systems Sector Strategy, which have fostered innovation and cooperation between the public and private sectors. The UK government has provided strong support for ITS initiatives through funding programmes, policy frameworks, and regulatory incentives. Agencies such as the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) have played a central role in promoting the adoption and deployment of ITS technologies to improve transportation efficiency, safety, and sustainability. The UK is home to a vibrant ecosystem of companies, research institutions, and startups specialising in ITS technologies and solutions. Leading companies such as Siemens, Cubic Transportation Systems, and Transport Systems Catapult drive innovation and development in areas such as traffic management, smart infrastructure, and connected vehicles, contributing to the UK's leadership in the ITS market. The key companies are collaborating with expert ITS companies for design and product development. They are also developing advanced products for hassle-free and better service. Furthermore, many small enterprises are also working with the government to provide better transportation services. At present, many small market companies are also great players withholding substantial intelligent transportation system market share. The dominance of the key players is also current owing to the provision of advanced and developed products. Key companies leading the market are Denso, Siemens Ag, EFKON GmbH, and Hitachi, among other prominent players. Recent Developments Considered in this report • Historic year: 2018 • Base year: 2023 • Estimated year: 2024 • Forecast year: 2029 Aspects covered in this report • Intelligent Transportation market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments • Various drivers and challenges • On-going trends and developments • Top profiled companies • Strategic recommendation By Type • Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) • Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS) • Advanced Transportation Pricing Systems (ATPS) • Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) • Emergency Medical Systems (EMS) • Commercial Vehicle Operation (CVO) • Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) By Mode of Transportation • Roadways (Traffic management, Road safety, Parking management, Freight management, Automotive Telematics, Others (Ticketing Management, Emergency Vehicle Notification, Environment Protection, etc.) • Railways (Rail-running Operation and Collision Avoidance, Passenger Information Management, Smart Ticketing, Security Surveillance, Emergency Notification, Others) • Airways (Security & Surveillance, Shuttle Bus Tracking, Traveller Information Management, Smart Ticketing, Aircraft Management, Emergency Notification, Others) • Marine (Freight Arrival & Transit, Real-time Weather Information Tracking, Container Movement Scheduling, Emergency Notification, Others) By Component • Hardware (Interface Boards, Sensors, Surveillance Cameras, Telecommunication Networks, Monitoring and Detection Systems, Others (Linked traffic controller & Variable message signboard)) • Software (Visualization Software, Video Detection Management Software, Transit Management Software, Others) • Services (Business and Cloud Services and Support and Maintenance Services) The approach of the report: This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources. Intended audience This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Intelligent Transportation industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry. ***Please Note: It will take 48 hours (2 Business days) for delivery of the report upon order confirmation.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Secondary Research
2.2. Primary Data Collection
2.3. Market Formation & Validation
2.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
3. Market Structure
3.1. Market Considerate
3.2. Assumptions
3.3. Limitations
3.4. Abbreviations
3.5. Sources
3.6. Definitions
4. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
5. Global Intelligent Transport System Market Outlook
5.1. Market Size By Value
5.2. Market Share By Region
5.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Type
5.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Mode of Transportation
5.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Roadways Application
5.6. Market Size and Forecast, By Railways Application
5.7. Market Size and Forecast, By Maritime Application
5.8. Market Size and Forecast, By Component
5.9. Market Size and Forecast, By Hardware Components
5.10. Market Size and Forecast, By Software Components
5.11. Market Size and Forecast, By Service Components
6. Europe Intelligent Transport System Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Country
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Type
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Mode of Transportation
6.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Component
7. Market Dynamics
7.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
7.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
7.3. Market Trends
7.3.1. XXXX
7.3.2. XXXX
7.3.3. XXXX
7.3.4. XXXX
7.3.5. XXXX
7.4. Covid-19 Effect
7.5. Supply chain Analysis
7.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
7.7. Industry Experts Views
7.8. Germany Intelligent Transport System Market Outlook
7.8.1. Market Size By Value
7.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Type
7.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation
7.8.4. Market Size and Forecast By Component
7.9. United Kingdom Intelligent Transport System Market Outlook
7.9.1. Market Size By Value
7.9.2. Market Size and Forecast By Type
7.9.3. Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation
7.9.4. Market Size and Forecast By Component
7.10. France Intelligent Transport System Market Outlook
7.10.1. Market Size By Value
7.10.2. Market Size and Forecast By Type
7.10.3. Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation
7.10.4. Market Size and Forecast By Component
7.11. Italy Intelligent Transport System Market Outlook
7.11.1. Market Size By Value
7.11.2. Market Size and Forecast By Type
7.11.3. Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation
7.11.4. Market Size and Forecast By Component
7.12. Spain Intelligent Transport System Market Outlook
7.12.1. Market Size By Value
7.12.2. Market Size and Forecast By Type
7.12.3. Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation
7.12.4. Market Size and Forecast By Component
7.13. Russia Intelligent Transport System Market Outlook
7.13.1. Market Size By Value
7.13.2. Market Size and Forecast By Type
7.13.3. Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation
7.13.4. Market Size and Forecast By Component
8. Competitive Landscape
8.1. Competitive Dashboard
8.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
8.3. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
8.4. Porter's Five Forces
8.5. Company Profile
8.5.1. The International Business Machines Corporation Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
8.5.2. Siemens AG
8.5.3. Cubic Corporation
8.5.4. Conduent Inc.
8.5.5. TomTom NV
8.5.6. Thales S.A
8.5.7. Alstom SA
8.5.8. Kapsch TrafficCom AG
8.5.9. Teledyne Technologies Incorporated
8.5.10. Denso Corporation
8.5.11. Hitachi, Ltd.
8.5.12. Cisco Systems, Inc
9. Strategic Recommendations
10. Annexure
10.1. FAQ`s
10.2. Notes
10.3. Related Reports
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures

Figure 1: Global Intelligent Transport System Market Size (USD Billion) By Region, 2023 & 2029
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2029
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2029
Figure 4: Global Intelligent Transport System Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 5: Global Intelligent Transport System Market Share By Region (2023)
Figure 6: Europe Intelligent Transport System Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 7: Europe Intelligent Transport System Market Share By Country (2023)
Figure 8: Germany Intelligent Transport System Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 9: UK Intelligent Transport System Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 10: France Intelligent Transport System Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 11: Italy Intelligent Transport System Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 12: Spain Intelligent Transport System Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 13: Russia Intelligent Transport System Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 14: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2023
Figure 15: Porter's Five Forces of Global Intelligent Transport System Market

List of Tables

Table 1: Global Intelligent Transport System Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2023 & 2029) (in USD Billion)
Table 2: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2022
Table 3: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2022
Table 4: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 5: Global Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast, By Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 6: Global Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast, By Mode of Transportation (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 7: Global Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast, By Roadways Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 8: Global Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast, By Railways Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 9: Global Intelligent Transportation System Market Size and Forecast, By Maritime Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 10: Global Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast, By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 11: Global Intelligent Transportation System Market Size and Forecast, By Hardware Components (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 12: Global Intelligent Transportation System Market Size and Forecast, By Software Components (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 13: Global Intelligent Transportation System Market Size and Forecast, By Service Components (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 14: Europe Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast, By Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 15: Europe Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast, By Mode of Transportation (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 16: Europe Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast, By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 17: Influencing Factors for Intelligent Transport System Market, 2023
Table 18: Germany Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 19: Germany Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 20: Germany Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 21: United Kingdom Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 22: United Kingdom Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 23: United Kingdom Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 24: France Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 25: France Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 26: France Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 27: Italy Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 28: Italy Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 29: Italy Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 30: Spain Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 31: Spain Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 32: Spain Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 33: Russia Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 34: Russia Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Mode of Transportation (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 35: Russia Intelligent Transport System Market Size and Forecast By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)







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