

Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Overview, 2028

メキシコの持続可能性キャンペーンは、企業、政府、消費者すべてが環境問題に対するエコフレンドリーな答えを積極的に探すという新時代の到来を告げている。同国が世界的な持続可能性運動と足並みを揃える中、メ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2023年10月6日 US$2,250
75 英語





Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「メキシコの生分解性包装市場の概要、2028年」によると、メキシコの生分解性包装市場の2022年の市場価値は25億米ドル以上である。メキシコは世界一のアボカド生産国である。アボカド業界は、国の持続可能性へのコミットメントに沿って、輸出用の持続可能な生分解性包装の代替品を積極的に研究している。メキシコでは、生分解性ポリマーの原料としてノパール(ウチワサボテン)を使った実験が行われている。この斬新な戦略は、プラスチック廃棄物をなくすだけでなく、自生する植物資源を利用するものである。メキシコは活気あるストリートフード文化でよく知られている。生分解性包装は、廃棄物を減らし、持続可能な慣習を奨励するために、屋台料理の容器や調理器具にますます利用されるようになっている。メキシコの文化や経済に欠かせないテキーラやメスカル産業も、ボトルやラベル、販促物に生分解性包装を取り入れている。メキシコのいくつかの州や自治体では、使い捨てのビニール袋を禁止しており、コーンスターチを使った袋など、生分解性の代替品への需要が急増している。メキシコの観光業は、リゾート、ホテル、レストランでの生分解性包装の使用など、環境に優しい慣行を徐々に奨励している。トウモロコシやサトウキビといったメキシコの豊富な農業資源は、生分解性包装用の再生可能素材を入手する多くのチャンスを与えてくれる。テキーラの製造に使われることで有名なリュウゼツラン繊維も、生分解性包装材料の開発に利用できないか研究されている。このリュウゼツラン繊維の独創的な利用法は、テキーラ産業の循環経済に貢献している。メキシコ経済に大きく貢献しているメキシコの観光産業は、リゾート、エコロッジ、観光関連企業において持続可能な包装方法を奨励している。これは、同国のより大きな環境目標と一致している。メキシコは、プラスチック廃棄物や生分解性包装の利点についての認識を高め、ゴミ削減の必要性について国民を教育するための国家的取り組みを開始した。




- 地域国別情報: メキシコ
- 歴史的な年2017
- 基準年2022
- 推定年2023
- 予測年2028

- メキシコの生分解性包装市場の価値とセグメント別予測
- 様々な促進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- 紙
- プラスチック
- バガス

- 段ボール
- クラフト紙
- 板紙
- フレキシブルペーパー
- ボックスボード
- その他(グリースプルーフ紙、段ボールプチプチ)

- セルロース系プラスチック
- ポリ乳酸(PLA)
- デンプンベース
- ポリ-3-ヒドロキシブチレート(PHB)
- ポリヒドロキシアルカノエート(PHA)
- その他(タンパク質ベースのバイオプラスチック、遺伝子組み換えバイオプラスチック)

- 食品包装
- 飲料用包装
- パーソナル/ホームケアパッケージング
- ヘルスケア/医薬品
- 物流
- その他(農業)

- 卸売業者
- 小売業
- その他





Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. Mexico Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Key Findings
5.2. Key Developments - 2021
5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.5. Market Trends
5.6. Covid-19 Effect
5.7. Supply chain Analysis
5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.9. Industry Experts Views
6. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Material Type
6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Paper
6.4. Market Size and Forecast By Plastic
6.5. Market Size and Forecast By Application
6.6. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Segmentations
7.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market, By Material Type
7.1.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Paper, 2017-2028
7.1.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Plastic, 2017-2028
7.1.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Bagasse, 2017-2028
7.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market, By Paper
7.2.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Corrugated Fiberboard, 2017-2028
7.2.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Kraft Paper, 2017-2028
7.2.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Paperboard, 2017-2028
7.2.4. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Flexible Paper, 2017-2028
7.2.5. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Boxboard, 2017-2028
7.2.6. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
7.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market, By Plastic
7.3.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Cellulose-based plastics, 2017-2028
7.3.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Polylactic acid (PLA), 2017-2028
7.3.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Starch based, 2017-2028
7.3.4. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB), 2017-2028
7.3.5. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), 2017-2028
7.3.6. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
7.4. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market, By Application
7.4.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Food Packaging, 2017-2028
7.4.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Beverage Packaging, 2017-2028
7.4.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Personal/Homecare Packaging, 2017-2028
7.4.4. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Healthcare/ Pharmaceutical, 2017-2028
7.4.5. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Logistic, 2017-2028
7.4.6. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Others (Agriculture), 2017-2028
7.5. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market, By Distribution Channel
7.5.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Wholesalers/ Distributors, 2017-2028
7.5.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Retailers / Resellers, 2017-2028
7.5.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
8. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By Material Type, 2023 to 2028
8.2. By Paper, 2023 to 2028
8.3. By Plastic, 2023 to 2028
8.4. By Application, 2023 to 2028
8.5. By Distribution Channel, 2023 to 2028
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By Material Type
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By Paper
Figure 4: Market Attractiveness Index, By Plastic
Figure 5: Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
Figure 6: Market Attractiveness Index, By Distribution Channel
Figure 7: Porter's Five Forces of Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Influencing Factors for Global Biodegradable Packaging Market, 2022
Table 2: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Material Type (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 3: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Paper (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 4: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Plastic (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 5: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Application (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 6: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 7: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Paper (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 8: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Plastic (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 9: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Bagasse (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 10: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Corrugated Fiberboard (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 11: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Kraft Paper (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 12: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Paperboard (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 13: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Flexible Paper (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 14: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Boxboard (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 15: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 16: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Cellulose-based plastics (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 17: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Polylactic acid (PLA) (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 18: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Starch based (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 19: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB) (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 20: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 21: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 22: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Food Packaging (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 23: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Beverage Packaging (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 24: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Personal/Homecare Packaging (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 25: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Healthcare/ Pharmaceutical (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 26: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Logistic (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 27: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Others (Agriculture) (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 28: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Wholesalers/ Distributors (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 29: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Retailers / Resellers (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 30: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion





Mexico's campaign for sustainability has ushered in a new era in which corporations, governments, and consumers are all actively looking for eco-friendly answers to environmental challenges. As the country aligns itself with the global sustainability movement, the biodegradable packaging business in Mexico has seen substantial growth and innovation. Biodegradable packaging is designed to degrade into natural chemicals, reducing its environmental impact. Mexico has seen an increase in demand for sustainable and eco-friendly packaging solutions as people become more aware of plastic litter and environmental deterioration. Consumers are driving this trend because they want products that are not only useful but also environmentally responsible. The Mexican government has implemented rules and programs to prevent plastic trash. This includes single-use plastic restrictions and initiatives to encourage sustainable packaging solutions, such as the use of biodegradable materials. Mexico's trading links, particularly with the United States, have raised the demand for biodegradable packaging materials in order to meet international sustainability standards. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, they are actively pressing firms to embrace sustainable packaging options. This shift in customer tastes is prompting businesses to invest in biodegradable packaging. Mexico is experiencing a biodegradable packaging revolution. Businesses are adopting sustainable solutions as a result of the nation's rising awareness of environmental challenges, paired with government backing. The market includes a wide range of applications, including food and beverage, agriculture, cosmetics, and healthcare.

According to the research report "Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Overview, 2028," published by Bonafide Research, the Mexico Biodegradable Packaging market was valued more than USD 2.50 Billion in 2022. Mexico is the world's top producer of avocados. The avocado industry has been actively researching sustainable and biodegradable packaging alternatives for export, in line with the country's commitment to sustainability. Mexico is experimenting with nopal (prickly pear cactus) as a source of biodegradable polymers. This novel strategy not only eliminates plastic waste but also makes use of a native plant resource. Mexico is well-known for its lively street food culture. Biodegradable packaging is increasingly being utilized for street food containers and utensils in order to reduce waste and encourage sustainable practices. The tequila and mezcal industries, which are vital to Mexican culture and economy, have also embraced biodegradable packaging for bottles, labels, and promotional materials. Several Mexican provinces and localities have prohibited single-use plastic bags, creating a surge in demand for biodegradable alternatives such as corn-starch-based bags. The tourism business in Mexico is progressively encouraging environmentally friendly practices, such as the usage of biodegradable packaging in resorts, hotels, and restaurants. Mexico's abundant agricultural resources, such as corn and sugarcane, offer numerous chances to acquire renewable materials for biodegradable packaging. Agave fibers, which are well-known for their usage in tequila manufacture, are also being investigated for their possible use in the development of biodegradable packaging materials. This creative usage of agave fibers contributes to the tequila industry's circular economy. Mexico's tourist industry, which contributes significantly to the country's economy, is encouraging sustainable packaging methods in resorts, eco-lodges, and tourism-related enterprises. This is consistent with the country's larger environmental objectives. Mexico has initiated national efforts to increase awareness about plastic waste and the advantages of biodegradable packaging, as well as to educate the public about the necessity of trash reduction.

Based on material type market is categorized into paper, plastic and bagasse. Paper based material is significantly leading the market of Mexico. Paper-based materials have a long history of being considered environmentally friendly. They are seen as a natural and biodegradable option that aligns with Mexico's sustainability objectives. Because of their awareness of environmental issues and desire to make eco-conscious choices, Mexican consumers are increasingly favouring products with paper-based biodegradable packaging. Paper-based materials are extremely adaptable and can be utilized in a variety of applications, including food packaging, corrugated boxes, labels, and even cosmetic packaging. Because of their versatility, they are useful for a wide range of sectors. Paper-based items are easily recyclable, which helps Mexico's recycling efforts and promotes a circular economy. This ability to recycle is critical for appropriate waste management. Paper-based materials often have a lower carbon footprint compared to other packaging materials. This aligns with Mexico's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. Based on paper material market is divided into corrugated fiberboard, kraft paper, paperboard, flexible paper, boxboard and others (greaseproof paper, corrugated bubblewrap). Among them kraft paper biodegradable packaging is in significant demand in Mexico. Kraft paper is made from wood pulp, a renewable resource, and is inherently biodegradable. Its natural composition makes it an environmentally friendly choice that aligns with Mexico's sustainability goals. Mexico has a well-established paper industry, which includes the production of kraft paper. This local availability of materials supports businesses in sourcing responsibly and contributes to the country's economy. Kraft paper is commonly used in food packaging, where its natural appearance and grease-resistant properties make it an ideal choice for items like tortillas, bakery products, and takeout containers.

Based on plastic material market is divided into cellulose-based plastics, polylactic acid (PLA), starch based, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and others (protein-based bioplastics, genetically modified bioplastics). Polylactic acid plastic material is expected to grow at significant rate in Mexico. PLA is made from sustainable resources like maize starch and sugarcane. The agricultural wealth of Mexico, notably in commodities such as corn, ensures a consistent supply of raw materials for PLA manufacture. Corn cultivation for PLA encourages sustainable and responsible farming methods. This is consistent with Mexico's commitment to ecologically sustainable and responsible material procurement. Mexican customers are becoming more environmentally concerned, preferring products with less environmental impact. PLA's biodegradability appeals to consumer values, making it a popular choice among enterprises. PLA is particularly suitable for food packaging applications due to its biocompatibility and transparency, which allows consumers to view the contents of the packaging.

Based on application market is divided into food packaging, beverage packaging, personal/homecare packaging, healthcare/pharmaceutical, logistic and others (agriculture). Food packaging is the major application of biodegradable packaging in Mexico and is leading the market as well. Biodegradable food packaging materials often offer excellent moisture resistance and barrier properties. This helps in preserving the freshness and quality of food products, extending their shelf life. Mexico has introduced regulations to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable packaging, especially in the food sector. This has incentivized businesses to adopt biodegradable materials to comply with regulations. Mexico's vibrant street food culture relies heavily on food packaging. Biodegradable food packaging materials are ideal for wrapping tacos, tamales, and other street food items, reducing waste and litter. The distribution channel of the market includes wholesalers, retailers, and others. Wholesalers offer a wide range of biodegradable packaging products, making it a one-stop destination for businesses looking for diverse packaging solutions. They provide options for various industries, from food packaging to retail and more. Wholesalers have an extensive network of distribution centers and outlets throughout Mexico, making it easy for businesses to access biodegradable packaging materials. This accessibility is crucial for businesses that require a steady and reliable supply of packaging. Wholesalers are well-equipped to handle logistics and timely delivery of packaging materials. They can efficiently distribute products to businesses across different regions of Mexico, ensuring a smooth supply chain.

Considered in this report:
• Geography: Mexico
• Historic year: 2017
• Base year: 2022
• Estimated year: 2023
• Forecast year: 2028

Aspects covered in this report:
• Mexico Biodegradable Packaging market with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Material Type:
• Paper
• Plastic
• Bagasse

By Paper:
• Corrugated Fiberboard
• Kraft Paper
• Paperboard
• Flexible Paper
• Boxboard
• Others (Greaseproof paper, Corrugated BubbleWrap)

By Plastic:
• Cellulose-based plastics
• Polylactic acid (PLA)
• Starch Based
• Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB)
• Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)
• Others (protein-based bioplastics, genetically modified bioplastics)

By Application:
• Food Packaging
• Beverage Packaging
• Personal/Homecare Packaging
• Healthcare/Pharmaceutical
• Logistic
• Others (Agriculture)

By Distribution Channel:
• Wholesalers
• Retailers
• Others

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary as well as secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list out the companies that are present in the market. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, and annual reports of companies, analyzing the government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources primary research was conducted by making telephonic interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this we have started doing primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting consumers into regional aspects, tier aspects, age groups, and gender. Once we have primary data with us we started verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience:
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations & organizations related to the Biodegradable Packaging industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing & presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. Mexico Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Key Findings
5.2. Key Developments - 2021
5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.5. Market Trends
5.6. Covid-19 Effect
5.7. Supply chain Analysis
5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.9. Industry Experts Views
6. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Material Type
6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Paper
6.4. Market Size and Forecast By Plastic
6.5. Market Size and Forecast By Application
6.6. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Segmentations
7.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market, By Material Type
7.1.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Paper, 2017-2028
7.1.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Plastic, 2017-2028
7.1.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Bagasse, 2017-2028
7.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market, By Paper
7.2.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Corrugated Fiberboard, 2017-2028
7.2.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Kraft Paper, 2017-2028
7.2.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Paperboard, 2017-2028
7.2.4. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Flexible Paper, 2017-2028
7.2.5. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Boxboard, 2017-2028
7.2.6. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
7.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market, By Plastic
7.3.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Cellulose-based plastics, 2017-2028
7.3.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Polylactic acid (PLA), 2017-2028
7.3.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Starch based, 2017-2028
7.3.4. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB), 2017-2028
7.3.5. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), 2017-2028
7.3.6. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
7.4. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market, By Application
7.4.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Food Packaging, 2017-2028
7.4.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Beverage Packaging, 2017-2028
7.4.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Personal/Homecare Packaging, 2017-2028
7.4.4. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Healthcare/ Pharmaceutical, 2017-2028
7.4.5. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Logistic, 2017-2028
7.4.6. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Others (Agriculture), 2017-2028
7.5. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market, By Distribution Channel
7.5.1. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Wholesalers/ Distributors, 2017-2028
7.5.2. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Retailers / Resellers, 2017-2028
7.5.3. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
8. Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By Material Type, 2023 to 2028
8.2. By Paper, 2023 to 2028
8.3. By Plastic, 2023 to 2028
8.4. By Application, 2023 to 2028
8.5. By Distribution Channel, 2023 to 2028
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By Material Type
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By Paper
Figure 4: Market Attractiveness Index, By Plastic
Figure 5: Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
Figure 6: Market Attractiveness Index, By Distribution Channel
Figure 7: Porter's Five Forces of Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Influencing Factors for Global Biodegradable Packaging Market, 2022
Table 2: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Material Type (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 3: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Paper (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 4: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Plastic (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 5: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Application (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 6: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 7: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Paper (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 8: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Plastic (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 9: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Bagasse (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 10: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Corrugated Fiberboard (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 11: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Kraft Paper (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 12: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Paperboard (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 13: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Flexible Paper (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 14: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Boxboard (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 15: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 16: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Cellulose-based plastics (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 17: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Polylactic acid (PLA) (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 18: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Starch based (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 19: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB) (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 20: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 21: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 22: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Food Packaging (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 23: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Beverage Packaging (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 24: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Personal/Homecare Packaging (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 25: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Healthcare/ Pharmaceutical (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 26: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Logistic (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 27: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Others (Agriculture) (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 28: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Wholesalers/ Distributors (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 29: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Retailers / Resellers (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 30: Mexico Biodegradable Packaging Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion







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