![]() 医療機器としてのソフトウェアの世界市場規模調査&予測、デバイスタイプ別(スマートフォン、ラップトップ/デスクトップ、ウェアラブルデバイス)、ソフトウェア技術別(人工知能、機械学習)、アプリケーション別(スクリーニングと診断、モニタリングとアラート、慢性疾患と疾病管理、デジタル治療)、地域分析、2022-2029年Global Software as a Medical Device Market Size study & Forecast, by Device Type (Smartphones, Laptops/Desktops, Wearable Devices) by Software Technology (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning), by Application (Screening and Diagnosis, Monitoring and Alerting, Chronic Condition & Disease Management, Digital Therapeutics) and Regional Analysis, 2022-2029 医療機器としてのソフトウェア世界市場は、2021年に約○○億米ドルと評価され、予測期間2022-2029年にはXX%以上の健全な成長率で成長すると予測されています。医療機器としてのソフトウェアには、ソフトウェアベー... もっと見る
サマリー医療機器としてのソフトウェア世界市場は、2021年に約○○億米ドルと評価され、予測期間2022-2029年にはXX%以上の健全な成長率で成長すると予測されています。医療機器としてのソフトウェアには、ソフトウェアベースの技術を医療目的で使用することが含まれます。SaMDは、病気の診断、治療、予防、または病状のモニタリングに使用されるソフトウェアを指します。これらのソフトウェア製品は、スマートフォン、タブレット、デスクトップコンピューターなど、さまざまなプラットフォーム上で動作します。医療機器としてのソフトウェア市場の主な推進要因は、リモートヘルスケアに対する需要の高まりと慢性疾患の有病率の増加です。さらに、技術の進歩や主要な市場プレイヤーのイニシアティブの高まりが、予測期間2022年から2029年にかけて、市場に有利な成長機会を生み出しています。2019年、遠隔医療企業Teladocは、遠隔医療サービスに対する需要の高まりを反映し、仮想訪問量が前年比80%増加したことを報告しました。2021年、アクセンチュアの調査によると、米国では前年と比較して60%の患者がデジタルヘルスツールの利用に積極的であると回答し、91%の回答者が医療従事者から勧められたらデジタルヘルスツールを利用すると答えています。2022年2月には、米国保健福祉省が遠隔医療サービスに対するメディケアの適用範囲を拡大すると発表しており、遠隔医療サービスに対する需要の高まりが反映されています。しかし、医療機器としてのソフトウェアのコストが高いため、2022年から2029年の予測期間を通じて、市場の成長が阻害されます。 医療機器としてのソフトウェア市場の調査対象地域は、アジア太平洋地域、北米、欧州、中南米、およびその他の地域です。北米、特に米国は、確立された医療制度、デジタルヘルス技術の採用の増加、SaMDに対する良好な規制環境のため、現在SaMDの最大市場となっています。また、アジア太平洋地域は、医療費の増加、患者数の増加、高度な医療技術への需要の高まりにより、SaMD市場が大きく成長しています。日本、中国、インドは、この地域の主要な市場の一部です。 本レポートに含まれる主な市場関係者は以下の通りです: GEヘルスケア - 米国 iCAD Inc.・・・米国 ハイパーファインリサーチ - 米国 スター - 米国 Tietronix Software, Inc. S3 Connected Health - アイルランド Ideagen - イギリス BrightInsight, Inc. Inzentiz - ドイツ Zühlke Group - スイス 市場における最近の動き 国際的なテクノロジー企業であるStarは、2021年7月にMedTechソリューションの大手プロバイダーであるPro 4 Peopleを買収したことを明らかにした。買収により、Starの既存の製品ラインは拡大された。 S3 Connected Healthとのコラボレーションで、FutureNeuroは2019年8月にてんかん治療のための共同設計手法を取り入れた。 世界の医療機器としてのソフトウェア市場レポートスコープ: 過去データ 2019年~2020年~2021年 推計基準年 2021年 予測期間 2022年〜2029年 レポート対象 売上高予測、企業ランキング、競合状況、成長要因、トレンド 対象セグメント デバイスタイプ、ソフトウェア技術、アプリケーション、地域 地域範囲 北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中南米、その他の地域 カスタマイズ範囲 レポート購入時に無料カスタマイズ(アナリストの作業時間8時間相当まで)。国別、地域別、セグメント別スコープの追加・変更*。 本調査の目的は、近年における様々なセグメントおよび国の市場規模を定義し、今後数年間の値を予測することです。本レポートは、調査対象国において、業界の質的・量的な側面を取り入れるよう設計されています。 また、市場の将来的な成長を規定する推進要因や課題など、重要な側面に関する詳細情報も提供しています。さらに、主要企業の競争環境とデバイスタイプの提供物の詳細な分析とともに、関係者が投資するためのミクロ市場での潜在的な機会も組み込んでいます。市場の詳細なセグメントとサブセグメントを以下に説明します: デバイスタイプ別 デバイスタイプ別:スマートフォン ノートPC/デスクトップPC ウェアラブルデバイス ソフトウェア技術別 人工知能(Artificial Intelligence 機械学習 アプリケーション別 スクリーニング・診断 モニタリングとアラート 慢性疾患・疾病管理 デジタル・セラピューティクス 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ 欧州 英国 ドイツ フランス スペイン イタリア ROE アジア・パシフィック 中国 インド 日本 オーストラリア 韓国 ロアパック ラテンアメリカ ブラジル メキシコ その他の地域 目次Chapter 1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.1. Software as a Medical Device Market, by region, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.2. Software as a Medical Device Market, by Device Type, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.3. Software as a Medical Device Market, by Software Technology, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.4. Software as a Medical Device Market, by Application, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Software as a Medical Device Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Scope of the Study 2.2.2. Industry Evolution 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Software as a Medical Device Market Dynamics 3.1. Software as a Medical Device Market Impact Analysis (2019-2029) 3.1.1. Market Drivers Increasing demand for remote healthcare Growing Geriatric Population 3.1.2. Market Challenges High Cost of Software as a Medical Device 3.1.3. Market Opportunities Technological advancements Rising initiatives by the key market players Chapter 4. Global Software as a Medical Device Market: Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.2. Futuristic Approach to Porter’s 5 Force Model (2019-2029) 4.3. PEST Analysis 4.3.1. Political 4.3.2. Economic 4.3.3. Social 4.3.4. Technological 4.4. Investment Adoption Model 4.5. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion 4.6. Top investment opportunity 4.7. Top winning strategies Chapter 5. Risk Assessment: COVID-19 Impact 5.1. Assessment of the overall impact of COVID-19 on the industry 5.2. Pre COVID-19 and post COVID-19 Market scenario Chapter 6. Global Software as a Medical Device Market, by Device Type 6.1. Market Snapshot 6.2. Global Software as a Medical Device Market by Device Type, Performance - Potential Analysis 6.3. Global Software as a Medical Device Market Estimates & Forecasts by Device Type 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 6.4. Software as a Medical Device Market, Sub Segment Analysis 6.4.1. Smartphones 6.4.2. Laptops/Desktops 6.4.3. Wearable Devices Chapter 7. Global Software as a Medical Device Market, by Software Technology 7.1. Market Snapshot 7.2. Global Software as a Medical Device Market by Software Technology, Performance - Potential Analysis 7.3. Global Software as a Medical Device Market Estimates & Forecasts by Software Technology 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 7.4. Software as a Medical Device Market, Sub Segment Analysis 7.4.1. Artificial Intelligence 7.4.2. Machine Learning Chapter 8. Global Software as a Medical Device Market, by Application 8.1. Market Snapshot 8.2. Global Software as a Medical Device Market by Application, Performance - Potential Analysis 8.3. Global Software as a Medical Device Market Estimates & Forecasts by Application 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 8.4. Software as a Medical Device Market, Sub Segment Analysis 8.4.1. Screening and Diagnosis 8.4.2. Monitoring and Alerting 8.4.3. Chronic Condition & Disease Management 8.4.4. Digital Therapeutics Chapter 9. Global Software as a Medical Device Market, Regional Analysis 9.1. Software as a Medical Device Market, Regional Market Snapshot 9.2. North America Software as a Medical Device Market 9.2.1. U.S. Software as a Medical Device Market Device Type breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 Software Technology breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 Application breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 9.2.2. Canada Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3. Europe Software as a Medical Device Market Snapshot 9.3.1. U.K. Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3.2. Germany Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3.3. France Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3.4. Spain Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3.5. Italy Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3.6. Rest of Europe Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4. Asia-Pacific Software as a Medical Device Market Snapshot 9.4.1. China Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4.2. India Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4.3. Japan Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4.4. Australia Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4.5. South Korea Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4.6. Rest of Asia Pacific Software as a Medical Device Market 9.5. Latin America Software as a Medical Device Market Snapshot 9.5.1. Brazil Software as a Medical Device Market 9.5.2. Mexico Software as a Medical Device Market 9.6. Rest of The World Software as a Medical Device Market Chapter 10. Competitive Intelligence 10.1. Top Market Strategies 10.2. Company Profiles 10.2.1. GE Healthcare- United States Key Information Overview Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary Recent Developments 10.2.2. iCAD Inc. - United States 10.2.3. Hyperfine Research - United States 10.2.4. Star - United States 10.2.5. Tietronix Software, Inc. - United States 10.2.6. S3 Connected Health - Ireland 10.2.7. Ideagen - United Kingdom 10.2.8. BrightInsight, Inc. - United States 10.2.9. Inzentiz - Germany 10.2.10. Zühlke Group - Switzerland Chapter 11. Research Process 11.1. Research Process 11.1.1. Data Mining 11.1.2. Analysis 11.1.3. Market Estimation 11.1.4. Validation 11.1.5. Publishing 11.2. Research Attributes 11.3. Research Assumption
SummaryGlobal Software as a Medical Device Market is valued approximately at USD XX billion in 2021 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than XX% over the forecast period 2022-2029. Software as Medical Devices involves the use of software-based technologies for medical purposes. SaMD refers to software that are used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of disease, or in the monitoring of medical conditions. These software products can run on various platforms, such as smartphones, tablets, or desktop computers. The major driving factors for the Global Software as a Medical Device Market are increasing demand for remote healthcare and growing prevalence of chronic diseases. Moreover, technological advancements and rising initiatives the key market players are creating lucrative growth opportunity for the market over the forecast period 2022-2029. Table of ContentsChapter 1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.1. Software as a Medical Device Market, by region, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.2. Software as a Medical Device Market, by Device Type, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.3. Software as a Medical Device Market, by Software Technology, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.4. Software as a Medical Device Market, by Application, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Software as a Medical Device Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Scope of the Study 2.2.2. Industry Evolution 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Software as a Medical Device Market Dynamics 3.1. Software as a Medical Device Market Impact Analysis (2019-2029) 3.1.1. Market Drivers Increasing demand for remote healthcare Growing Geriatric Population 3.1.2. Market Challenges High Cost of Software as a Medical Device 3.1.3. Market Opportunities Technological advancements Rising initiatives by the key market players Chapter 4. Global Software as a Medical Device Market: Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.2. Futuristic Approach to Porter’s 5 Force Model (2019-2029) 4.3. PEST Analysis 4.3.1. Political 4.3.2. Economic 4.3.3. Social 4.3.4. Technological 4.4. Investment Adoption Model 4.5. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion 4.6. Top investment opportunity 4.7. Top winning strategies Chapter 5. Risk Assessment: COVID-19 Impact 5.1. Assessment of the overall impact of COVID-19 on the industry 5.2. Pre COVID-19 and post COVID-19 Market scenario Chapter 6. Global Software as a Medical Device Market, by Device Type 6.1. Market Snapshot 6.2. Global Software as a Medical Device Market by Device Type, Performance - Potential Analysis 6.3. Global Software as a Medical Device Market Estimates & Forecasts by Device Type 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 6.4. Software as a Medical Device Market, Sub Segment Analysis 6.4.1. Smartphones 6.4.2. Laptops/Desktops 6.4.3. Wearable Devices Chapter 7. Global Software as a Medical Device Market, by Software Technology 7.1. Market Snapshot 7.2. Global Software as a Medical Device Market by Software Technology, Performance - Potential Analysis 7.3. Global Software as a Medical Device Market Estimates & Forecasts by Software Technology 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 7.4. Software as a Medical Device Market, Sub Segment Analysis 7.4.1. Artificial Intelligence 7.4.2. Machine Learning Chapter 8. Global Software as a Medical Device Market, by Application 8.1. Market Snapshot 8.2. Global Software as a Medical Device Market by Application, Performance - Potential Analysis 8.3. Global Software as a Medical Device Market Estimates & Forecasts by Application 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 8.4. Software as a Medical Device Market, Sub Segment Analysis 8.4.1. Screening and Diagnosis 8.4.2. Monitoring and Alerting 8.4.3. Chronic Condition & Disease Management 8.4.4. Digital Therapeutics Chapter 9. Global Software as a Medical Device Market, Regional Analysis 9.1. Software as a Medical Device Market, Regional Market Snapshot 9.2. North America Software as a Medical Device Market 9.2.1. U.S. Software as a Medical Device Market Device Type breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 Software Technology breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 Application breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 9.2.2. Canada Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3. Europe Software as a Medical Device Market Snapshot 9.3.1. U.K. Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3.2. Germany Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3.3. France Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3.4. Spain Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3.5. Italy Software as a Medical Device Market 9.3.6. Rest of Europe Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4. Asia-Pacific Software as a Medical Device Market Snapshot 9.4.1. China Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4.2. India Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4.3. Japan Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4.4. Australia Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4.5. South Korea Software as a Medical Device Market 9.4.6. Rest of Asia Pacific Software as a Medical Device Market 9.5. Latin America Software as a Medical Device Market Snapshot 9.5.1. Brazil Software as a Medical Device Market 9.5.2. Mexico Software as a Medical Device Market 9.6. Rest of The World Software as a Medical Device Market Chapter 10. Competitive Intelligence 10.1. Top Market Strategies 10.2. Company Profiles 10.2.1. GE Healthcare- United States Key Information Overview Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary Recent Developments 10.2.2. iCAD Inc. - United States 10.2.3. Hyperfine Research - United States 10.2.4. Star - United States 10.2.5. Tietronix Software, Inc. - United States 10.2.6. S3 Connected Health - Ireland 10.2.7. Ideagen - United Kingdom 10.2.8. BrightInsight, Inc. - United States 10.2.9. Inzentiz - Germany 10.2.10. Zühlke Group - Switzerland Chapter 11. Research Process 11.1. Research Process 11.1.1. Data Mining 11.1.2. Analysis 11.1.3. Market Estimation 11.1.4. Validation 11.1.5. Publishing 11.2. Research Attributes 11.3. Research Assumption
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