


農業用自律ロボット市場の紹介 世界の農業用自律ロボット市場は、2022年に8億2840万ドルと評価され、予測期間中に年平均成長率25.12%で成長し、2028年には31億3670万ドルに達すると予測されている。世界の農業... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年10月31日 US$4,950
137 英語






世界の農業セクターは労働危機に直面しており、カナダの農業業界では移民のシフトにより2025年までに11万4,000人の労働者が不足すると予想されている。農業ロボットは、この分野に革命を起こすという希望を与えてくれる、と国立食品農業研究所(NIFA)は言う。自律型ロボットは持続可能性、効率性、収穫量を向上させ、農家がコストを削減しながら労働力不足を克服するのを助ける。これらのロボットは、より少ない労力と環境負荷で作物の増産を可能にし、将来の食糧安全保障の鍵となる。自律型ロボットを含む自動化は、収穫や整地などの農作業を効率化し、女性や若者に機会を提供する。Africa's Pitch AgriHackのようなイニシアチブは、新しいテクノロジーを導入し、農業の変革を支援する。



- 作物モニタリング
- 家畜のモニタリングと管理
- 収穫とピッキング
- 除草
- その他






- 作物収穫・摘み取りロボット
- 除草ロボット
- 搾乳ロボット
- 作物・家畜モニタリングロボット
- その他






- 北米 - 米国、カナダ、メキシコ
- ヨーロッパ - ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、ギリシャ、ウクライナ、オランダ、ベルギー、スイス、レスト・オブ・ヨーロッパ
- 中国
- 英国
- アジア太平洋 - 日本、韓国、オーストラリア、アジア太平洋地域以外
- 南米 - アルゼンチン、ブラジル、南米地域以外
- 中東・アフリカ - イスラエル、南アフリカ、トルコ、および中東・アフリカ地域外




- 2023年6月、Lely社は、新鮮な牧草を完全に自律的に収穫・給餌するシステム「Lely Exos」を2024年半ばから市販すると発表した。Lely Exosにより、酪農家は草地生産の大部分を新鮮な飼料として利用することができる。
- 2023年3月、GEA Group Aktiengesellschaftの新世代DairyRobot R9500は、自動搾乳における経済性の大幅な向上を達成した。旧モデルと比較して、DairyRobot R9500の個々のボックスの消費電力は最大37%削減され、待機時の消費電力も35%削減され、水の消費量も約13%削減された。
- 2023年1月、ディア・アンド・カンパニーはExactShotを発表した。ExactShotは、植え付け時に必要なスターター肥料の量を大幅に減らし、60%以上削減することを可能にする。この革新的な技術は、センサーとロボット工学を利用し、種子の列全体に連続的に肥料を散布する代わりに、土に植えられた種子に直接スターター肥料を正確に散布する。

需要 - 推進要因、限界、機会





農業用自律型ロボットの導入は、高額な初期投資と継続的なメンテナンス・コストによるハードルに直面している。Applied Engineering in Agriculture」の調査によると、調査対象となった農家の40%が、主な課題として高額な初期資本コストを挙げている。メンテナンスやソフトウェアのアップデートにかかる継続的な費用は、予算をさらに圧迫する。メーカーと政策立案者の協力は、資金調達計画、補助金、インセンティブを作成し、より広範なアクセスを確保し、自律型農業分野の成長を促進するために不可欠である。



世界全体では、85%の農家が小規模農場を経営しており、小型農業ロボットは経済的に実行可能な選択肢となっている。大型ロボットを1台購入するのに比べ、小型ロボットは手頃な価格で複数台購入できるため、普及が進んでいる。これらの適応性の高いロボットは、複雑な地形を移動し、除草や収穫などの作業を行い、現地生産により輸送コストを削減できるため環境に優しい。TertillやFarmBot Genesisのようなイノベーションは、自動化されたソリューションで小規模農業を変革し、このトレンドを象徴している。

農業用自律型ロボットの急増は、持続可能な農業の必要性、労働力不足、ロボット工学の急速な進歩が背景にある。投資の増加は、既存メーカーと新興企業の両方によるロボット開発に拍車をかけ、除草、植え付け、収穫、家畜管理などの作業に焦点を当てている。レタスの頭を傷つけずに収穫できるLettuceBotや、ロボット搾乳システムLely Astronaut A5などのイノベーションは、業界の進歩を示している。これらのロボットは生産性、効率性、持続可能性を向上させ、農業の将来が有望であることを示している。







- 本レポートの対象範囲は、様々なタイプの農業用自律ロボット市場に焦点を当てている。
- 市場収益は世界の農業用自律ロボット市場に基づいて算出しています。
- 市場分析で考慮した基本通貨は米ドルです。米ドル以外の通貨は、その年の平均換算レートを考慮し、すべての統計計算において米ドルに換算している。
- 通貨換算レートはOANDAウェブサイトの過去の為替レートから取得している。
- 本調査研究では、2019年1月から2023年9月までのほぼすべての最近の動向を考慮している。
- 本レポートで提供する情報は、綿密な一次インタビュー、調査、二次分析の結果である。
- 関連情報が入手できない場合は、代理指標と外挿を採用した。
- 将来の景気後退は、市場の推定と予測において考慮されていない。
- 現在使用されている技術は、大きな技術的ブレークスルーがない限り、予測期間を通じて存続すると予想される。




- すべての数値とグラフの検証と三角測量
- レポートのセグメンテーションと主要な定性的調査結果の検証
- 競合状況の把握
- 市場タイプ別の各種市場数の検証
- 地域別分析における個別市場のパーセンテージ分割


本調査では、広範な二次調査、ディレクトリ、企業ウェブサイト、年次報告書を利用する。また、Hoovers、Bloomberg、Businessweek、Factivaなどのデータベースを活用し、世界市場の広範かつ技術的、市場志向的、商業的な調査に役立つ効果的な情報を収集している。前述のデータソースに加え、、 などの他のデータソースやウェブサイトの助けも借りて調査を実施している。





- GEAグループ・アクチェンゲゼルシャフト
- ディア・アンド・カンパニー
- AGCOコーポレーション
- ブルーホワイト
- ブーマティック
- デイリーマスター
- レリー
- ロバート・ボッシュ社
- トラボティクス
- サガ・ロボティクスAS
- ファームワイズラボ社



1 市場
1.1 業界の展望
1.1.1 進行中の動向 新たな気候スマート農業の実践 新たな持続可能なソリューション:アグリボルタイクス
1.1.2 エコシステム/進行中のプログラム コンソーシアムと協会 政府の取り組みとその影響
1.2 ビジネス・ダイナミクス
1.2.1 ビジネスの推進要因 有機食品生産のニーズ 農業労働者の不足
1.2.2 ビジネスの課題 高い初期投資とコスト 小規模農家における導入の少なさ
1.2.3 市場戦略と展開 事業戦略 製品開発とイノベーション 市場開発 企業戦略 合併と買収 パートナーシップ、コラボレーション、ジョイントベンチャー、アライアンス その他
1.2.4 ビジネスチャンス 小型農業ロボットの台頭 革新的ソリューションへの注目
1.2.5 ケーススタディ
1.3 資金調達と投資の状況
1.3.1 資金調達分析(年度別)
1.3.2 資金調達分析(企業別)
1.3.3 資金調達分析(国別)
2 アプリケーション
2.1 農業用自律ロボットの世界市場(用途別)
2.1.1 作物モニタリング
2.1.2 家畜のモニタリングと管理
2.1.3 収穫とピッキング
2.1.4 除草
2.1.5 その他
3 製品
3.1 農業用自律型ロボットの世界市場-(製品別)
3.1.1 収穫・収穫ロボット
3.1.2 除草ロボット
3.1.3 搾乳ロボット
3.1.4 作物・家畜モニタリングロボット
3.1.5 その他
3.2 サプライチェーン分析
3.3 価格分析
3.4 市場における主要製品の建築比較
3.5 特許分析
4 地域
4.1 北米
4.1.1 米国
4.1.2 カナダ
4.1.3 メキシコ
4.2 南米
4.2.1 ブラジル
4.2.2 アルゼンチン
4.2.3 残りの南米
4.3 ヨーロッパ
4.3.1 イタリア
4.3.2 フランス
4.3.3 ドイツ
4.3.4 オランダ
4.3.5 ベルギー
4.3.6 スイス
4.3.7 ギリシャ
4.3.8 ウクライナ
4.3.9 残りのヨーロッパ
4.4 英国
4.5 中東・アフリカ
4.5.1 イスラエル
4.5.2 南アフリカ
4.5.3 トルコ
4.5.4 中東・アフリカ地域外
4.6 中国
4.7 アジア太平洋
4.7.1 韓国
4.7.2 オーストラリア
4.7.3 日本
4.7.4 アジア太平洋地域以外
5 市場-競合ベンチマーキングと企業プロフィール
5.1 競争ベンチマーキング
5.1.1 競争ポジションマトリックス
5.1.2 市場シェア分析
5.2 企業プロフィール
5.2.1 AGCOコーポレーション 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.2 Saga Robotics AS 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.3 BouMatic 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.4 デイリマスター 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.5 ディア・アンド・カンパニー 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.6 GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.7 Lely 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.8 ロバート・ボッシュGmbH 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.9 トラボティクス 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.10 FarmWise Labs, Inc. 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.11 XMACHINES 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
5.2.12 ブルーホワイト 会社概要 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
6 調査方法
6.1 データソース
6.1.1 一次データソース
6.1.2 二次データソース
6.2 市場の推定と予測
6.2.1 データ予測とモデリングの要因
図 16: BouMatic - ケーススタディ
図17: テベル
図24:AGCO Corporation:製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
図 25:Saga Robotics AS: 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
図27:DAIRYMASTER: 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
図29:GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft:製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
図31:Robert Bosch GmbH: 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
図32:Trabotyx: 製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析
図 33:FarmWise Labs, Inc:製品と顧客ポートフォリオの分析



世界の農業用自律ロボット市場は2028年に31億3670万ドルに達すると推定されることが、BIS Researchのプレミアム市場インテリジェンス調査で明らかになった。この調査レポートはまた、市場が予測期間2023-2028年に25.12%のCAGRを目撃すると強調している。





BISリサーチの主席アナリストであるDebraj Chakravarty氏によると、「今後5年間で、BISリサーチは農業用ドローンとロボットの採用による農業の大変革を予測している。AI、機械学習、改良されたセンサーなどの先進技術は、精密除草や収穫から自律的な作物管理に至るまで、ますます複雑なタスクを実行するために、この農業用自律型機器に力を与えるだろう。精密農業市場におけるこれらの技術革新は、農業の持続可能性、生産性、収益性を高め、農業をより効率的で環境に配慮したものにする態勢を整えている。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業は、AGCO Corporation、Saga Robotics AS、BouMatic、DAIRYMASTER、Deere & Company、GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft、Lely、Robert Bosch GmbH、Trabotyx、FarmWise Labs, Inc.、XMACHINES、Bluewhiteなどである。


- 予測期間2023-2028年の農業用自律型ロボットの世界市場規模は収益ベースでどの程度と予測され、予測期間2023-2028年の複合年間成長率(CAGR)はどの程度と予測されるか?
- 世界の農業用自律ロボット市場に関連する市場の主要動向、市場促進要因、機会は何か?
- 世界の農業用自律ロボット市場の成長を阻害する主な阻害要因は何か?
- 既存市場プレイヤーは、業界における市場ポジションを拡大するために、どのような新戦略を採用しているのか?
- 農業用自律走行ロボット市場における主要プレイヤーの競争力は?
- 農業分野における世界の農業用自律ロボット市場の主要プレイヤーの市場カバレッジと市場ポテンシャルの分析に基づく競合ベンチマーキングは?
- 世界の農業用自律ロボット市場のエコシステムにおいて、どのようなプレーヤーやステークホルダーが活動しているのか、また、世界市場におけるその重要性は何か?
- 世界の農業用自律ロボット市場における主要なコンソーシアムや団体はどこか、また市場における役割は何か?
- 農業用自律走行ロボットの市場エコシステムにおいて、どのようなプレーヤーやステークホルダーが活動しているのか、また、世界市場におけるその意義は何か?
- 農業用自律ロボットの世界市場における主要なコンソーシアムや団体はどこか?農業用自律ロボットに関する規制の状況は地域によってどう違うのか?





Introduction to Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market

The global agriculture autonomous robots market was valued at $828.4 million in 2022, and it is expected to grow with a CAGR of 25.12% during the forecast period to reach $3,136.7 million by 2028. The growth in the global agriculture autonomous robots market is expected to be driven by the increasing need for efficient and sustainable agriculture practices.

The agriculture autonomous robots are advanced systems designed for farming without constant human intervention. Equipped with sensors and artificial intelligence, they perform tasks such as planting, weeding, harvesting, and monitoring crops. These robots navigate fields, make real-time decisions, and enhance agricultural productivity by reducing manual labor. These include crop harvesting robots, weeding robots, milking robots, and monitoring robots, among others. These technologies optimize yield, cut labor dependency, conserve resources, and improve product quality, revolutionizing farming practices.

The global agriculture sector faces a labor crisis, with Canada's farming industry expecting a shortage of 114,000 workers by 2025 due to immigration shifts. Agriculture robots offer hope, set to revolutionize the field, according to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Autonomous robots enhance sustainability, efficiency, and crop yields, helping farmers overcome labor shortages while reducing costs. These robots are key to future food security, enabling increased crop production with less effort and environmental impact. Automation, including autonomous robots, streamlines farming tasks such as harvesting and land preparation, offering opportunities for women and youth. Initiatives such as Africa's Pitch AgriHack introduce new technologies, supporting agricultural transformation.

The agriculture autonomous robots market is expected to develop rapidly during the forecast period, owing to rising technological improvements in the worldwide agriculture business. Factors influencing market expansion are escalating worldwide demand for food, diminishing accessibility of water resources and arable land, scarcity of the agricultural workforce, and an upward trend in agricultural input costs. The collective influence of these factors is expected to drive the widespread adoption of agricultural autonomous robots in the agricultural sector and dairy farm management. Handling of autonomous robots provides farmers with the tools to optimize resource allocation, enhance crop management practices, elevate overall agricultural productivity, and enhance livestock production.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by Application
• Crop Monitoring
• Livestock Monitoring and Management
• Harvesting and Picking
• Weeding
• Others

Harvesting and Picking to Dominate the Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market (by Application)

During the forecast period (2023-2028), the harvesting and picking segment is expected to occupy a significant market share in the global agriculture autonomous robots market. Regions such as North America, the U.K., Europe, and China are anticipated to experience substantial growth in harvesting and picking, which can be attributed to the increasing adoption of precision agriculture practices, rising demand for sustainable farming solutions, and the need to optimize resource utilization for enhanced crop management.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of agriculture, autonomous robots are playing a pivotal role in harvesting and picking applications, revolutionizing the way crops are gathered. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors, computer vision, and machine learning algorithms, enabling them to identify ripe fruits and vegetables with remarkable precision. In the agriculture autonomous robots market, harvesting robots are adept at tasks such as picking fruits, pruning vines, and even sorting produce. Their efficiency is unmatched; they work tirelessly without fatigue, ensuring timely harvests and reducing wastage.

Moreover, these robots address the persistent challenge of labor shortages in the agriculture sector. As the workforce becomes scarcer, the demand for these automated solutions rises. Farmers are increasingly turning to autonomous harvesting robots to optimize their operations, improve productivity, and minimize dependency on manual labor. These technologies not only streamline the harvesting process but also enhance the overall quality of the produce by minimizing damage during picking.

Additionally, autonomous robots are adaptable to various terrains and crop types, making them versatile solutions for different agricultural practices worldwide. As the agriculture industry embraces innovation, the market for autonomous harvesting and picking robots continues to grow, promising a more sustainable and efficient future for farming practices.

Segmentation 2: by Product
• Crop Harvesting and Picking Robot
• Weeding Robot
• Milking Robot
• Crop and Livestock Monitoring Robot
• Others

Crop Harvesting and Picking to Dominate the Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market (by Product)

During the forecasted period, the crop harvesting and picking robot segment is expected to hold a significant market share in the global agriculture autonomous robots market. Regions such as North America, the U.K., Europe, and China are expected to experience notable growth in this segment. These regions, characterized by vast geographical areas and diverse terrains, face challenges in achieving efficient logistics and delivery operations.

Crop harvesting and picking robots are pivotal components of the agriculture autonomous robots market, addressing the industry's pressing labor shortage challenges. These robots, equipped with advanced sensors and artificial intelligence, revolutionize the harvesting process. They can identify ripe crops, pick them delicately, and sort them based on quality, all with remarkable precision. This automation not only mitigates labor shortages but also significantly reduces the time and resources required for harvesting, leading to higher efficiency and productivity.

In addition to solving labor-related issues, crop harvesting and picking robots offer several other advantages. They minimize crop damage, enhance the quality of harvested produce, and allow for timely harvesting, which is crucial for certain crops with short harvesting windows. Furthermore, these robots operate tirelessly, day and night, in various weather conditions, ensuring continuous productivity.

The agriculture autonomous robots market's growth in this sector is propelled by the increasing adoption of these robots by farmers worldwide. As technology advances, these robots are becoming more sophisticated and capable of handling various crops and terrains. This trend not only transforms the agricultural landscape but also plays a pivotal role in ensuring a stable and efficient food supply chain for the growing global population.

Segmentation 3: by Region
• North America - U.S., Canada, Mexico
• Europe - Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Ukraine, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and Rest-of-Europe
• China
• U.K.
• Asia-Pacific - Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific
• South America - Argentina, Brazil, and Rest-of-South America
• Middle East and Africa - Israel, South Africa, Turkey, and Rest-of-Middle East and Africa

During the forecast period, Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific are projected to witness substantial demand for agriculture autonomous robots. The consolidation of small farms and the consequent expansion of average field sizes is expected to create favorable conditions for the adoption of agriculture autonomous robots.

The utilization of agriculture autonomous robots market is witnessing a notable expansion in Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. This growth can be attributed to heightened research and development activities, alongside experimental field studies conducted by institutions and government entities aimed at assessing the economic advantages associated with the agriculture autonomous robots market. In South America, China, and the U.K., the rapid proliferation of startup ventures, coupled with the demand for efficient input utilization in food production to minimize costs, is expected to increase the adoption of the agriculture autonomous robots market, consequently stimulating market growth.

Recent Developments in the Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market

• In June 2023, Lely announced that Lely Exos, a system for the fully autonomous harvesting and feeding of fresh grass, will be commercially available from mid-2024. With Lely Exos, dairy farmers can use a large part of their grassland production as fresh feed.
• In March 2023, GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft's new generation of the DairyRobot R9500 achieved significantly improved economics in automatic milking. Compared to the previous model, the individual box of the DairyRobot R9500 consumes up to 37% less electricity, power consumption was also reduced by 35% in standby mode, and water consumption was reduced by around 13%.
• In January 2023, Deere & Company launched ExactShot. ExactShot empowers farmers to significantly decrease the required starter fertilizer quantity during planting, reducing it by over 60%. This innovative technology utilizes sensors and robotics to accurately apply starter fertilizer directly onto seeds as they are planted in the soil instead of applying a continuous stream of fertilizer across the entire row of seeds.

Demand – Drivers, Limitations, and Opportunities

Market Drivers: Need for Organic Food Production

Autonomous robots are transforming organic food production by enhancing efficiency and sustainability. They precisely plant, weed, and harvest crops, reducing synthetic pesticide use and cutting labor costs. These robots monitor fields, conduct soil analysis without chemicals, and assess plant health, saving crops from diseases. Demand for organic foods rises due to health consciousness. Robots such as Agrobot E-series and Octinion's Rubicon revolutionize planting and harvesting, while autonomous greenhouse management boosts crop yields by 30%. These innovations reduce chemical dependency, optimize resources, and promote eco-friendly agriculture.

Agricultural labor shortages, stemming from factors such as migration and an aging farm workforce, threaten productivity and inflate production costs. Autonomous robots, developed by companies such as Agrobot and Octinion, perform delicate tasks such as fruit harvesting, bridging the skill gap caused by an aging workforce. These robots enhance efficiency, cut labor costs, and boost productivity. As they become more advanced and accessible, they play a crucial role in sustaining agriculture amid demographic challenges.

Market Challenges: High Initial Investment and Cost

The adoption of agricultural autonomous robots faces hurdles due to high initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs. A study in 'Applied Engineering in Agriculture' revealed that 40% of surveyed farmers cited the primary challenge as the steep initial capital cost. Ongoing expenses for maintenance and software updates further strain budgets. Collaboration between manufacturers and policymakers is essential to create financing plans, subsidies, and incentives, ensuring broader accessibility and driving growth in the autonomous agriculture sector.

Small-scale farmers encounter barriers to adopting autonomous robots due to limited awareness, technical expertise, and internet connectivity. Financial constraints and diverse farming practices further impede adoption, with concerns about job displacement adding to the challenge. Initiatives such as subsidies in India, low-cost designs from the U.S. universities, and leasing programs in the Netherlands aim to make these robots accessible. As affordability and user-friendliness improve, wider adoption among small-scale farmers is anticipated in the coming years.

Market Opportunities: Rise of Small Farm Robots

Globally, 85% of farmers operate small land farms, making small farm robots a financially viable choice. They're affordable, allowing multiple purchases compared to a single large robot, fostering widespread adoption. These adaptable robots navigate complex terrain, perform tasks such as weeding and harvesting, and are eco-friendly due to local production, reducing transportation costs. Innovations such as Tertill and FarmBot Genesis exemplify this trend, transforming smaller-scale farming with automated solutions.

The surge in agricultural autonomous robots is driven by the need for sustainable farming, labor shortages, and rapid robotics advancements. Increased investments fuel the development of robots by both established manufacturers and startups, focusing on tasks such as weeding, planting, harvesting, and livestock management. Innovations such as LettuceBot, capable of harvesting lettuce heads without damage, and the Lely Astronaut A5, a robotic milking system, showcase the industry's progress. These robots enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability, indicating a promising future in agriculture.

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the reader understand the different technologies used for agriculture autonomous robots and their potential globally. Moreover, the study gives the reader a detailed understanding of the different solutions provided by the agriculture autonomous robot equipment providers, such as imaging, AI, and analyzing. Compared to conventional agricultural methods, the agriculture autonomous robots market enables more exact targeting of planting, weeding, and harvesting, allowing farmers to save money by maximizing the use of their inputs.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The global agriculture autonomous robots market has seen major development by key players operating in the market, such as business expansion, partnership, collaboration, and joint venture. The favored strategy for the companies has been partnership, collaboration, and joint venture activities to strengthen their position in the global agriculture autonomous robots market.

Competitive Strategy: Key players in the global agriculture autonomous robots market analyzed and profiled in the study, including their market segments covered by distinct products, applications served, and regional presence, as well as the influence of important market tactics. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global agriculture autonomous robots market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.


Key Considerations and Assumptions in Market Engineering and Validation

• The scope of this report has been focused on various types of agriculture autonomous robots market.
• The market revenue has been calculated based on the global agriculture autonomous robots market.
• The base currency considered for the market analysis is US$. Currencies other than the US$ have been converted to the US$ for all statistical calculations, considering the average conversion rate for that particular year.
• The currency conversion rate has been taken from the historical exchange rate of the Oanda website.
• Nearly all the recent developments from January 2019 to September 2023 have been considered in this research study.
• The information rendered in the report is a result of in-depth primary interviews, surveys, and secondary analysis.
• Where relevant information was not available, proxy indicators and extrapolation have been employed.
• Any future economic downturn has not been considered for the market estimation and forecast.
• Technologies currently used are expected to persist through the forecast with no major technological breakthroughs.

Primary Research

The primary sources involve the agriculture autonomous robots industry experts and stakeholders such as data suppliers, platform developers, and service providers. Respondents such as vice presidents, CEOs, marketing directors, and technology and innovation directors have been interviewed to verify this research study's qualitative and quantitative aspects.

The key data points taken from primary sources include:

• validation and triangulation of all the numbers and graphs
• validation of reports segmentation and key qualitative findings
• understanding the competitive landscape
• validation of the numbers of various markets for market type
• percentage split of individual markets for region-wise analysis

Secondary Research

This research study involves the usage of extensive secondary research, directories, company websites, and annual reports. It also makes use of databases, such as Hoovers, Bloomberg, Businessweek, and Factiva, to collect useful and effective information for an extensive, technical, market-oriented, and commercial study of the global market. In addition to the aforementioned data sources, the study has been undertaken with the help of other data sources and websites, such as and

Secondary research was done to obtain crucial information about the industry’s value chain, revenue models, the market’s monetary chain, the total pool of key players, and the current and potential use cases and applications.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.

Some Prominent Names Established in the Market are:

• GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft
• Deere & Company
• AGCO Corporation
• Bluewhite
• BouMatic
• Lely
• Robert Bosch GmbH
• Trabotyx
• Saga Robotics AS
• FarmWise Labs, Inc.


Table of Contents

1 Markets
1.1 Industry Outlook
1.1.1 Ongoing Trends Emerging Climate Smart Agriculture Practices Emerging Sustainable Solution: Agrivoltaics
1.1.2 Ecosystem/Ongoing Programs Consortiums and Associations Government Initiatives and Their Impacts
1.2 Business Dynamics
1.2.1 Business Drivers Need for Organic Food Production Agriculture Labor Shortage
1.2.2 Business Challenges High Initial Investment and Cost Less Adoption among Small-Scale Farmers
1.2.3 Market Strategies and Developments Business Strategies Product Development and Innovations Market Development Corporate Strategies Mergers and Acquisitions Partnerships, Collaborations, Joint Ventures, and Alliances Others
1.2.4 Business Opportunities Rise of Small Farm Robots Focus on Innovative Solutions
1.2.5 Case Studies
1.3 Funding and Investment Landscape
1.3.1 Funding Analysis (by Year)
1.3.2 Funding Analysis (by Company)
1.3.3 Funding Analysis (by Country)
2 Application
2.1 Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market (by Application)
2.1.1 Crop Monitoring
2.1.2 Livestock Monitoring and Management
2.1.3 Harvesting and Picking
2.1.4 Weeding
2.1.5 Others
3 Products
3.1 Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market – (by Product)
3.1.1 Crop Harvesting and Picking Robots
3.1.2 Weeding Robots
3.1.3 Milking Robots
3.1.4 Crop and Livestock Monitoring Robots
3.1.5 Others
3.2 Supply Chain Analysis
3.3 Pricing Analysis
3.4 Architectural Comparison Key Products in the Market
3.5 Patent Analysis
4 Regions
4.1 North America
4.1.1 U.S.
4.1.2 Canada
4.1.3 Mexico
4.2 South America
4.2.1 Brazil
4.2.2 Argentina
4.2.3 Rest-of-South America
4.3 Europe
4.3.1 Italy
4.3.2 France
4.3.3 Germany
4.3.4 Netherland
4.3.5 Belgium
4.3.6 Switzerland
4.3.7 Greece
4.3.8 Ukraine
4.3.9 Rest-of-Europe
4.4 U. K.
4.5 Middle East and Africa
4.5.1 Israel
4.5.2 South Africa
4.5.3 Turkey
4.5.4 Rest-of-Middle East and Africa
4.6 China
4.7 Asia-Pacific
4.7.1 South Korea
4.7.2 Australia
4.7.3 Japan
4.7.4 Rest-of Asia-Pacific
5 Markets - Competitive Benchmarking & Company Profiles
5.1 Competitive Benchmarking
5.1.1 Competitive Position Matrix
5.1.2 Market Share Analysis
5.2 Company Profiles
5.2.1 AGCO Corporation Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.2 Saga Robotics AS Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.3 BouMatic Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.4 DAIRYMASTER Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.5 Deere & Company Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.6 GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.7 Lely Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.8 Robert Bosch GmbH Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.9 Trabotyx Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.10 FarmWise Labs, Inc. Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.11 XMACHINES Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
5.2.12 Bluewhite Company Overview Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
6 Research Methodology
6.1 Data Sources
6.1.1 Primary Data Sources
6.1.2 Secondary Data Sources
6.2 Market Estimation and Forecast
6.2.1 Factors for Data Prediction and Modeling
List of Figures
Figure 1: Scope Definition
Figure 2: Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market: Market Coverage
Figure 3: Factors Driving the Need for Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market
Figure 4: Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market, $Billion, 2022-2028
Figure 5: Market Dynamics of the Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market
Figure 6: Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market (by Application), $Billion, 2022-2028
Figure 7: Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market (by Product), $Billion, 2022-2028
Figure 8: Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market (by Region), $Billion, 2022
Figure 9: Global Sales Value of Organic Food Production, $Billion, 2017-2021
Figure 10: Agriculture Workforce Trend in the U.S, 1950-2050
Figure 11: Global Percentage Share of Individuals Using Internet in Urban and Rural Areas, 2019-2022
Figure 12: Share of Key Market Strategies and Developments, January 2019-September 2023
Figure 13: Share of Product Development and Innovations (by Company), January 2019-September 2023
Figure 14: Share of Market Development (by Company), January 2019-September 2023
Figure 15: Share of Mergers and Acquisitions (by Company), January 2019- September 2023
Figure 16: BouMatic - Case Study
Figure 17: Tevel
Figure 18: Investment and Funding Landscape (by Year), $Million, January 2019-September 2023
Figure 19: Investment and Funding Landscape (by Company), Share (%), 2019-September 2023
Figure 20: Investment and Funding Landscape (by Country), Share (%), 2019- September 2023
Figure 21: Supply Chain Analysis of Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market
Figure 22: Competitive Benchmarking Matrix for Key Agriculture Autonomous Robot Providers
Figure 23: Market Share Analysis of Global Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market, 2022
Figure 24: AGCO Corporation: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 25: Saga Robotics AS: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 26: BouMatic: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 27: DAIRYMASTER: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 28: Deere & Company: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 29: GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 30: Lely: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 31: Robert Bosch GmbH: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 32: Trabotyx: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 33: FarmWise Labs, Inc.: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 34: XMACHINES: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 35: Bluewhite: Product and Customer Portfolio Analysis
Figure 36: Data Triangulation
Figure 37: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach
Figure 38: Assumptions and Limitations
List of Tables
Table 1: Key Consortiums and Associations in the Agriculture Autonomous Robots Market
Table 2: Description and Impact of Government Initiative
Table 3: List of Key Companies Providing Small Robots
Table 4: Price Range of Key Products Available in the Market
Table 5: Architectural Comparison of Key Products in the Market


Press Release

The global agriculture autonomous robots market is estimated to reach $3,136.7 million in 2028, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 25.12% during the forecast period 2023-2028.

The agriculture autonomous robots market is expected to develop rapidly during the forecast period, owing to rising technological improvements in the worldwide agriculture business.

USP of the Report

The USP of an agriculture autonomous robots market report lies in its comprehensive coverage of the latest industry trends, market insights, architectural comparison of key products in the market, pricing analysis, and competitive landscape. It provides valuable data and analysis to help businesses make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and strategize their market entry or expansion plans in this rapidly evolving sector.

Analyst Perspective

According to Debraj Chakravarty, Principal Analyst at BIS Research, “Over the next five years, BIS Research anticipates a profound transformation in agriculture through the adoption of agriculture drones and robots. Advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, and improved sensors will empower this agriculture autonomous equipment to perform increasingly complex tasks, from precision weeding and harvesting to autonomous crop management. These innovations in the precision agriculture market are poised to enhance sustainability, productivity, and profitability in farming, making agriculture more efficient and environmentally responsible.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

Key players in the global agriculture autonomous robots market analyzed and profiled in the study, including their market segments covered by distinct products, applications served, and regional presence, as well as the influence of important market tactics. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global agriculture autonomous robots market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include AGCO Corporation, Saga Robotics AS, BouMatic, DAIRYMASTER, Deere & Company, GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft, Lely, Robert Bosch GmbH, Trabotyx, FarmWise Labs, Inc., XMACHINES, and Bluewhite.

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What is the estimated global agriculture autonomous robots market size in terms of revenue during the forecast period 2023-2028, and what is the expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the forecast period 2023-2028?
• What are the key trends, market drivers, and opportunities in the market pertaining to the global agriculture autonomous robots market?
• What are the major restraints inhibiting the growth of the global agriculture autonomous robots market?
• What kinds of new strategies are being adopted by the existing market players to expand their market position in the industry?
• What is the competitive strength of the key players in the agriculture autonomous robots market on the basis of analysis of their recent developments, product offerings, and regional presence?
• How is the competitive benchmarking of the key global agriculture autonomous robots market players in the agriculture sector based on the analysis of their market coverage and market potential?
• Which type of players and stakeholders are operating in the ecosystem of the global agriculture autonomous robots market, and what is their significance in the global market?
• Which are the leading consortiums and associations in the global agriculture autonomous robots market, and what are their roles in the market?
• Which types of players and stakeholders are operating in the market ecosystem of agriculture autonomous robots, and what is their significance in the global market?
• Which are the leading consortiums and associations in the global agriculture autonomous robots market? How does the regulatory landscape differ in different regions for agriculture autonomous robots?






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