

Connected Care in North America - 2nd Edition

概要 コネクテッドケア市場の膨大なビジネスチャンスに、モバイル業界はどう対処すべきか?ベルグインサイトは、北米のコネクテッドケア市場におけるセルラー接続数は2021年の1960万から、2027年には3... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Berg Insight
2022年12月5日 Eur1,500
145 英語










  • 市場をリードする20社のエグゼクティブインタビューから得られる利益
  • コネクテッドケアエコシステムの主要プレイヤーの把握
  • コネクテッドケア機器とサービスの最新動向の把握
  • 北米の医療システムのダイナミクスの理解
  • 新興のコネクテッドメディスン管理セグメントにおける商機の評価
  • 2027年までの詳細な市場予測など、専門家による市場分析の活用





RPMソリューションの市場には、専門の機器ベンダーから統合型mHealthソリューションプロバイダーまで、さまざまな関係者が関わっています。RPMの主要なアプリケーションは、これまで睡眠療法のコンプライアンス・モニタリングです。閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群(OSA)などの睡眠呼吸障害に悩む患者には、通常、気流発生装置が処方されます。しかし、多くの患者はこの装置を不快に感じており、コンプライアンス不良が一般的です。支払者は、患者が治療計画を遵守することで装置の償還を受けることを求めるようになっており、これが装置ベンダーによる装置の接続を促しています。睡眠療法機器分野は、フィリップスとレスメッドが独占しています。接続型投薬管理ソリューションの市場は、いくつかの市場の企業にとって興味深い成長機会となっています。これまでのところ、接続型インスリン投与システムの利用が最も普及していますが、錠剤や吸入薬のためのさまざまな接続型ソリューションがますます採用されるようになっています。一方、医療通報システムの市場は成熟しており、Anelto、Essence Group、GreatCall、LogicMark、MobileHelp、Mytrex、Nortek、Lifelineなどの企業が主要企業として参加しています。



  • コネクテッドケアの主な垂直方向はどこか?
  • 北米のこの市場の主な推進力は何か?
  • 米国とカナダでコネクテッドケアソリューションを使用している人の数は?
  • コネクテッドケア製品の一般的な技術動向は?
  • 北米の主要な医療用通報システムプロバイダーはどこか?
  • 今後6年間で、コネクテッドケア市場はどのように進化していくのか?
  • 新しい保険償還政策はコネクテッドケア市場にどのような影響を与えるか?
  • セルラーIoTコネクティビティの潜在的な市場規模はどの程度か?






1 北米のヘルスケア

1.1 紹介
1.1.1 高齢化社会
1.1.2 メタボリックシンドロームと生活習慣病
1.2 慢性疾患
1.2.1 循環器系疾患
1.2.2 慢性呼吸器疾患
1.2.3 糖尿病
1.2.4 閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群
1.3 神経障害、精神障害、身体障害
1.3.1 自閉症スペクトラム障害
1.3.2 認知症
1.3.3 てんかん
1.3.4 その他の疾患および障害
1.4 医療システム
1.4.1 医療
1.4.2 介護
1.5 規制環境
1.5.1 医療機器に関する規制
1.5.2 医療データ規制
1.5.3 標準化

2 医療警報システム

2.1 市場概要
2.1.1 フォームファクターとユースケース
2.1.2 バリューチェーン
2.1.3 競合他社の状況
2.2 ソリューションプロバイダー
2.2.1  Aloe Care Health
2.2.2  Anelto
2.2.3  Climax Technology
2.2.4  Connect America
2.2.5  Essence Group
2.2.6  Freeus
2.2.7  Lively (Best Buy)
2.2.8  GTX Corp
2.2.9  HandsFree Health
2.2.10  Laipac Technology
2.2.11  Life Alert Emergency Response
2.2.12  LogicMark
2.2.13  Medical Guardian
2.2.14  MobileHelp
2.2.15  Mytrex
2.2.16  Nortek Control
2.2.17  QMedic
2.2.18  SecuraTrac
2.2.19  Vayyar Imaging

3 投薬管理ソリューション

3.1 市場概要
3.1.1 フォームファクターとユースケース
3.1.2 競合他社の状況
3.2 投薬管理ソリューションプロバイダー
3.2.1  AdhereTech
3.2.2  AceAge
3.2.3  Compliance Meds Technologies
3.2.4  etectRx
3.2.5 Hero Health
3.2.6  Information Mediary Corporation
3.2.7  Medipense
3.2.8  MedMinder
3.2.9  MedReady
3.2.10  Merck Group
3.2.11  Pharmadva
3.2.12  Propeller Health
3.2.13  SMRxT
3.2.14  Spencer Health Solutions
3.2.15  Vaica

4 遠隔患者モニタリングソリューション

4.1 市場概要
4.1.1 フォームファクターとユースケース
4.1.2 バリューチェーン
4.1.3 競合他社の状況
4.2 ソリューションプロバイダー
4.2.1  A&D Medical
4.2.2  Abbott
4.2.3  Accuhealth
4.2.4  AMC Health
4.2.5  Biofourmis
4.2.6  BioTelemetry
4.2.7  Biotronik
4.2.8  Boston Scientific
4.2.9  Care Innovations
4.2.10  CareSimple
4.2.11  Current Health
4.2.12  Dexcom
4.2.13  eDevice
4.2.14  Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
4.2.15  Get Real Health
4.2.16  Health Recovery Solutions (HRS)
4.2.17  Lark Health
4.2.18  Life365
4.2.19  Livongo
4.2.20  Masimo
4.2.21  Medtronic
4.2.22  Nonin Medical
4.2.23  Omada Health
4.2.24  Omron Healthcare
4.2.25  Philips
4.2.26  Raziel (Ideal Life)
4.2.27  ResMed
4.2.28  TytoCare
4.2.29  VitalConnect
4.2.30  Vivify Health
4.2.31  Withings

5 市場予測と結論

5.1 市場動向と分析
5.1.1 高齢化により医療費が増加
5.1.2 2G/3G携帯電話ネットワークの終了に伴い、4Gデバイスが発売される
5.1.3 スタンドアローンシステムはプラットフォームソリューションに取って代わられる
5.1.4 RPMの普及を後押しするのは、財政的なインセンティブを考慮した優遇政策
5.1.5 COVID-19はRPM採用を促進する触媒となった
5.1.6 軽量化ソリューションの成長が市場を拡大する
5.1.7 コネクテッド・メディシッョン・マネジメントの市場は牽引力を増している
5.1.8 遠隔患者モニタリングからデータ駆動型患者エンゲージメントへ
5.1.9 市場の拡大と新規参入による市場環境の変化
5.1.10 メディカルアラートシステムとRPMソリューションの融合
5.2 市場予測
5.2.1 メディカルアラートシステム
5.2.2 投薬管理ソリューション
5.2.3 遠隔患者監視ソリューション
5.3 収益予測
5.3.1 メディカルアラートシステム
5.3.2 薬物療法ソリューション
5.3.3 遠隔患者モニタリングソリューション








How should the mobile industry address the vast business opportunity in the connected care market? Berg Insight forecasts that the number of cellular connections in the connected care market in North America will increase from 19.6 million in 2021 to more than 36.6 million in 2027. Learn more about how wireless technology can become seamlessly integrated with medical alert, connected medication management and remote patient monitoring (RPM) solutions in this 145 page in-depth report.


Connected Care in North America is the second consecutive report from Berg Insight analysing the latest developments on the medical alert system, connected medication management and remote patient monitoring (RPM) markets in this region.This strategic research report from Berg Insight provides you with 145 pages of unique business intelligence including 5-year industry forecasts and expert commentary on which to base your business decisions.

This report will allow you to:

  • Profit from 20 executive interviews with market leading companies.
  • Identify key players in the connected care ecosystem.
  • Learn about the latest developments in connected care devices and services.
  • Understand the dynamics of the North American healthcare system.
  • Evaluate the business opportunities in the emerging connected medication management segment.
  • Benefit from expert market analysis including detailed market forecasts lasting until 2027.

Connected care revenues in North America to reach US$ 40.4 billion by 2027

The ageing population and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases will be two of the greatest challenges in North America during this century. It is widely believed that connected care solutions can ease the burden on society by enabling more efficient delivery of care and allowing people to live independently for longer. Berg Insight’s definition of connected care includes medical alert systems, connected medication management solutions and remote patient monitoring (RPM) solutions. Medical alert systems, also known as personal emergency response systems (PERS), comprises solutions that trigger an alarm when the user presses a button or when a passive sensor detects an accident. Connected medication management solutions comprise medication dispensers, pillboxes, pill bottles, vials caps, blister packages, injection devices, insulin pumps and inhalers that are connected to a monitoring platform to improve medication adherence. RPM solutions comprise connected medical devices and monitoring services that are used for remote management of patients suffering from arrhythmia, asthma, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension or obstructive sleep apnea.

At the end of 2021, there were 26.0 million people that relied on connected care services in North America. RPM is the largest and most mature segment of the connected care market having a total of 23.5 million users at the end of 2021. The market for medical alert systems is considerably smaller with an estimated total of 4.2 million users, whereas the number of connected medication management users reached 1.5 million at the end of 2021. There is an overlap between the market segments as medical alert users can also be equipped with a medication management solution or an RPM solution, and vice versa. The market is forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.8 percent during the next six years to reach 62.7 million connected care users by 2027. Berg Insight expects that RPM will remain the largest segment of the connected care market with a forecasted 60.8 million users in 2027. The number of connected medication management users and medical alert system users will at the same time reach 3.7 million and 5.9 million respectively.

Berg Insight estimates that connected care revenues in North America reached US$ 21.9 billion in 2021. This includes revenues from medical alert systems, connected medication management solutions and RPM solutions. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.8 percent in the following six years to reach US$ 40.4 billion in 2027. RPM solutions accounted for the largest share of the market in 2021 and will remain in lead for the foreseeable future. Revenues from medication management solutions will grow the fastest at a CAGR of 13.3 percent during the forecast period.

The market for RPM solutions involves a wide range of actors, from specialised equipment vendors to integrated mHealth solution providers. The leading RPM application has thus far been sleep therapy compliance monitoring. Patients that suffer from sleep-disordered breathing such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are typically prescribed an airflow generator. However, many patients find the devices unpleasant to use and poor compliance is common. Payers increasingly require that patients comply with their treatment plans to be reimbursed for the device which has driven equipment vendors to connect the devices. The sleep therapy device segment is dominated by Philips and ResMed. The market for connected medication management solutions represents an interesting growth opportunity for companies from several markets. The use of connected insulin dosing systems has thus far gained most traction, but different connected solutions for pills and inhaled medication are increasingly adopted. In contrast, the market for medical alert systems is mature and key actors include Anelto, Essence Group, GreatCall, LogicMark, MobileHelp, Mytrex, Nortek and Lifeline.

The North American market for connected care solutions is affected by several trends and developments that will have an impact on the competitive landscape in the next years. Changing demographics is driving the demand for home care, while technological developments and regulatory changes affect the competitive landscape for solution vendors. One major change has been the sunset of the landline telephone networks and cellular 3G networks, which has forced equipment providers to upgrade products. At the same time, the industry is becoming more patient-centric which calls for integrated systems and improved interoperability of connected care solutions. New companies are entering the connected care market and connected medication management solutions are today in the centre of attention for start-ups. An incipient convergence of the medical alert system and remote patient monitoring markets can be seen, where some medical alert system providers have started to add remote patient monitoring services to their solutions.

This report answers the following questions:

  • Which are the main verticals within connected care?
  • What are the main drivers on this market in North America?
  • How many people are using connected care solutions in the US and Canada?
  • What are the general technology trends for connected care products?
  • Which are the leading medical alert system providers in North America?
  • How will the connected care market evolve in the next six years?
  • How are new reimbursement policies affecting the connected care market?
  • What is the potential market size for cellular IoT connectivity?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
List of Figures

Executive summary

1    Healthcare in North America

1.1    Introduction
1.1.1    The ageing population
1.1.2    Metabolic syndrome and lifestyle-related diseases
1.2    Chronic diseases
1.2.1    Cardiovascular diseases
1.2.2    Chronic respiratory diseases
1.2.3    Diabetes
1.2.4    Obstructive sleep apnea
1.3    Neurological disorders, mental disorders and physical disabilities
1.3.1    Autism spectrum disorders
1.3.2    Dementia
1.3.3    Epilepsy
1.3.4    Other disorders and disabilities
1.4    Healthcare systems
1.4.1    Healthcare
1.4.2    Long-term care
1.5    The regulatory environment
1.5.1    Medical device regulations
1.5.2    Medical data regulations
1.5.3    Standardisation

2    Medical Alert Solutions

2.1    Market overview
2.1.1    Form factors and use cases
2.1.2    Value chain
2.1.3    Competitive landscape
2.2    Solution providers
2.2.1    Aloe Care Health
2.2.2    Anelto
2.2.3    Climax Technology
2.2.4    Connect America
2.2.5    Essence Group
2.2.6    Freeus
2.2.7    Lively (Best Buy)
2.2.8    GTX Corp
2.2.9    HandsFree Health
2.2.10    Laipac Technology
2.2.11    Life Alert Emergency Response
2.2.12    LogicMark
2.2.13    Medical Guardian
2.2.14    MobileHelp
2.2.15    Mytrex
2.2.16    Nortek Control
2.2.17    QMedic
2.2.18    SecuraTrac
2.2.19    Vayyar Imaging

3    Medication Management Solutions

3.1    Market overview
3.1.1    Form factors and use cases
3.1.2    Competitive landscape
3.2    Medication management solution providers
3.2.1    AdhereTech
3.2.2    AceAge
3.2.3    Compliance Meds Technologies
3.2.4    etectRx
3.2.5    Hero Health
3.2.6    Information Mediary Corporation
3.2.7    Medipense
3.2.8    MedMinder
3.2.9    MedReady
3.2.10    Merck Group
3.2.11    Pharmadva
3.2.12    Propeller Health
3.2.13    SMRxT
3.2.14    Spencer Health Solutions
3.2.15    Vaica

4    Remote Patient Monitoring Solutions

4.1    Market overview
4.1.1    Form factors and use cases
4.1.2    Value chain
4.1.3    Competitive landscape
4.2    Solution providers
4.2.1    A&D Medical
4.2.2    Abbott
4.2.3    Accuhealth
4.2.4    AMC Health
4.2.5    Biofourmis
4.2.6    BioTelemetry
4.2.7    Biotronik
4.2.8    Boston Scientific
4.2.9    Care Innovations
4.2.10    CareSimple
4.2.11    Current Health
4.2.12    Dexcom
4.2.13    eDevice
4.2.14    Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
4.2.15    Get Real Health
4.2.16    Health Recovery Solutions (HRS)
4.2.17    Lark Health
4.2.18    Life365
4.2.19    Livongo
4.2.20    Masimo
4.2.21    Medtronic
4.2.22    Nonin Medical
4.2.23    Omada Health
4.2.24    Omron Healthcare
4.2.25    Philips
4.2.26    Raziel (Ideal Life)
4.2.27    ResMed
4.2.28    TytoCare
4.2.29    VitalConnect
4.2.30    Vivify Health
4.2.31    Withings

5    Market Forecasts and Conclusions

5.1    Market trends and analysis
5.1.1    An ageing population increases healthcare expenditures
5.1.2    The sunset of 2G/3G cellular networks have driven launches of 4G devices
5.1.3    Standalone systems to be replaced by platform solutions
5.1.4    Favourable policies that align financial incentives are driving RPM adoption
5.1.5    COVID-19 became a catalyst that spurred RPM adoption
5.1.6    The growth of lightweight solutions is broadening the market
5.1.7    The market for connected medication management is gaining traction
5.1.8    From remote patient monitoring to data-driven patient engagement
5.1.9    A growing market and new entrants lead to a changing market landscape
5.1.10    Convergence between medical alert systems and RPM solutions
5.2    Market forecasts
5.2.1    Medical alert systems
5.2.2    Medication management solutions
5.2.3    Remote patient monitoring solutions
5.3    Revenue forecasts
5.3.1    Medical alert systems
5.3.2    Medication management solutions
5.3.3    Remote patient monitoring solutions







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