![]() 糖鎖生物学(Glycobiology):診断薬と治療薬の世界市場Glycobiology: Global Markets for Diagnostics and Therapeutics レポートのスコープ 今回のレポートでは、糖鎖生物学市場を詳しくご紹介します。本レポートでは、2021年のデータ、2022年の予測、2027年までの複合年間成長率の予測(2022年から2027年の予測期間)、地域別市... もっと見る
サマリーレポートのスコープ今回のレポートでは、糖鎖生物学市場を詳しくご紹介します。本レポートでは、2021年のデータ、2022年の予測、2027年までの複合年間成長率の予測(2022年から2027年の予測期間)、地域別市場データを用いて、糖鎖生物学の市場動向を分析します。本レポートでは、競合環境の詳細な分析とともに、グリコバイオロジーの現在および将来の市場可能性を明らかにします。規制シナリオ、推進要因、阻害要因、機会については、本レポートで取り上げる予定です。また、2027年の市場予測を網羅し、主要な市場プレイヤーの市場シェアを示しています。 本レポートにおける市場の範囲は、糖鎖生物学のセグメントと地域に区分されています。糖鎖生物学のセグメントは、糖鎖生物学治療薬、糖鎖生物学診断薬、糖鎖生物学試薬・ツールである。地域別市場は、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、およびその他の世界地域(Rest of the World)です。米国、ドイツ、英国、イタリア、フランス、日本、中国、インドなどの主要国の詳細な分析は、それぞれの地域セグメントでカバーされる予定です。市場推定については、2021年を基準年としてデータを提供し、2022年および2027年の予測を行う予定です。 レポートが含まれます: - 51表 - 糖鎖生物学診断薬と治療薬の世界市場の最新概況と分析 - 2019年から2021年までの過去の収益データ、2022年の推定値、2027年までの年間複合成長率(CAGR)の予測により、世界市場の動向を分析する。 - 糖鎖生物学市場の市場可能性、業界の成長ドライバー、この市場を様々なセグメントとサブセグメントに分けて予測するための注力分野のハイライト - グリコバイオロジーの世界市場における実際の市場規模および収益予測(百万米ドルベース)、ならびに主要市場セグメントおよび地域別の対応する市場シェア分析の推定 - オリゴ糖や糖鎖の合成、修飾、研究のための新しいツールを紹介します。 - 糖鎖を用いた診断薬、医薬品、ワクチンなどの有望候補の評価 - 糖鎖の生合成や機能を標的とした糖鎖由来の新規治療薬の発見において、糖鎖生物学がいかに未開拓の可能性を秘めているかを理解する。 - 予測期間中に製品を導入する可能性のある主要なバイオテクノロジー企業の特定と、競争環境に対するその影響 - 糖鎖生物学診断薬および治療薬の最近の業界構造、現在の競争シナリオ、臨床試験、進行中の研究開発活動、戦略的提携、この市場の進展に対するCOVID-19の影響について洞察する。 - Agilent Technologies Inc.、Bio-Techne、Merck KGaA、Takara Bio Inc.、Waters Corp.などの主要な市場プレイヤーのプロフィール説明です。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Study Goals and Objectives 1.3 Reasons for Doing This Study 1.4 What's New in This Update? 1.5 Scope of Report 1.6 Information Sources 1.7 Methodology 1.8 Geographic Breakdown 1.9 Analyst's Credentials 1.10 BCC Custom Research 1.11 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market Dynamics 3.1 Market Drivers 3.1.1 Technological Advancements in the Analysis of Glycans 3.1.2 Rising Prevalence of Chronic Disorders Globally 3.1.3 Increasing R&D Investment by Pharma Companies 3.2 Market Restraints 3.2.1 Challenges in Glycobiology 3.3 Market Opportunities 3.3.1 Inorganic Strategies among Market Players Chapter 4 Market Overview 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Glycobiology 4.1.2 Significance of Glycan 4.1.3 Function of Glycans and Their Biological Significance 4.1.4 Structural Role of Glycans 4.1.5 Research Tools for Glycobiology Studies 4.1.6 Structural Analysis of Glycans 4.1.7 Glycomics as Part of Glycobiology Research 4.1.8 Chemical and Enzymatic Synthesis of Glycans and Glycoconjugates 4.1.9 Bioinformatics and Database Resources for Glycobiology Research 4.2 Current Market Trends 4.2.1 Protein and Glycan Glycoengineering 4.2.2 Engineering Glycans and Glycan Mimics as Therapeutic Agents 4.2.3 Glycobiology and Drug Delivery 4.2.4 Oligosaccharide Libraries for Drug Discovery Research 4.2.5 Glyconutrients as Therapeutics 4.3 Recent Strategic Alliances 4.4 Emerging Technologies 4.4.1 Glycans in Medicine and Biotechnology 4.4.2 Glycans in Nanotechnology, Bioenergy, and Materials Science Chapter 5 Impact of COVID-19 on Market 5.1 Overview 5.2 COVID-19 Crisis 5.2.1 Impact on Market for Glycobiology 5.2.2 COVID-19 Measures Chapter 6 Glycobiology Therapeutics Market 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Subcategories of Glycobiology Therapeutics 6.1.2 Therapeutic Glycoproteins 6.1.3 Glycan Therapeutic Approaches to Metabolic Diseases 6.1.4 Therapeutic Applications of Glycosaminoglycans 6.1.5 Carbohydrate-based Vaccines and Glycans as Vaccine Components 6.1.6 Blocking Glycan Recognition in Diseases 6.1.7 Transfusion and Transplantation Rejection by Anti-glycan Antibodies Chapter 7 Glycobiology Diagnostics Market 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Glycobiomarkers and Autoimmunity 7.1.2 Glycobiomarkers in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 7.1.3 Autoantibodies Against Neuronal Glycans in Certain Neuropathies 7.1.4 Glycobiology Markers in Cardiovascular Diseases 7.1.5 Role of Glycans in the Histopathology of Alzheimer's Disease 7.1.6 Glycobiomarkers and Asthma 7.1.7 Glycobiomarkers in Infectious Disease Testing 7.1.8 Market Potential for Glycobiology-based Biomarkers and Diagnostic Tests 7.1.9 Glycobiology-based Cancer Biomarkers and Diagnostic Development 7.1.10 Carbohydrates as Potential Serum Biomarkers 7.1.11 Current Glycobiology-based Diagnostics on the Market 7.1.12 Companies with Glycobiology Diagnostic Platforms and Products in Development 7.1.13 Market for Glycobiology-based Diagnostics Chapter 8 Glycobiology Reagents and Tools Market 8.1 Overview 8.1.1 Analytical and Chromatography Techniques 8.1.2 Glycan Arrays 8.1.3 Lectin Arrays 8.1.4 Glycobiology Kits 8.1.5 Reagents for Glycobiology Research 8.1.6 Carbohydrates: Monosaccharides, Oligosaccharides and Other Reagents Chapter 9 Market Breakdown by Region 9.1 Overview 9.1.1 North America 9.1.2 Europe 9.1.3 Asia-Pacific 9.1.4 Rest of the World Chapter 10 Analysis of Market Opportunities 10.1 Porter's Five Forces Analysis 10.1.1 Threat of New Entrants 10.1.2 Threat of Substitutes 10.1.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 10.1.4 Bargaining Power of Buyers 10.1.5 Degree of Competition Chapter 11 Competitive Landscape Chapter 12 Company Profiles 12.1 Major Companies AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES AMSBIO LLC BIO-TECHNE ISOSEP LUDGER LTD. MERCK KGAA NEW ENGLAND BIOLABS TAKARA BIO INC. THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC. WATERS CORP. Chapter 13 Appendix: Acronyms
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Study Goals and Objectives 1.3 Reasons for Doing This Study 1.4 What's New in This Update? 1.5 Scope of Report 1.6 Information Sources 1.7 Methodology 1.8 Geographic Breakdown 1.9 Analyst's Credentials 1.10 BCC Custom Research 1.11 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market Dynamics 3.1 Market Drivers 3.1.1 Technological Advancements in the Analysis of Glycans 3.1.2 Rising Prevalence of Chronic Disorders Globally 3.1.3 Increasing R&D Investment by Pharma Companies 3.2 Market Restraints 3.2.1 Challenges in Glycobiology 3.3 Market Opportunities 3.3.1 Inorganic Strategies among Market Players Chapter 4 Market Overview 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Glycobiology 4.1.2 Significance of Glycan 4.1.3 Function of Glycans and Their Biological Significance 4.1.4 Structural Role of Glycans 4.1.5 Research Tools for Glycobiology Studies 4.1.6 Structural Analysis of Glycans 4.1.7 Glycomics as Part of Glycobiology Research 4.1.8 Chemical and Enzymatic Synthesis of Glycans and Glycoconjugates 4.1.9 Bioinformatics and Database Resources for Glycobiology Research 4.2 Current Market Trends 4.2.1 Protein and Glycan Glycoengineering 4.2.2 Engineering Glycans and Glycan Mimics as Therapeutic Agents 4.2.3 Glycobiology and Drug Delivery 4.2.4 Oligosaccharide Libraries for Drug Discovery Research 4.2.5 Glyconutrients as Therapeutics 4.3 Recent Strategic Alliances 4.4 Emerging Technologies 4.4.1 Glycans in Medicine and Biotechnology 4.4.2 Glycans in Nanotechnology, Bioenergy, and Materials Science Chapter 5 Impact of COVID-19 on Market 5.1 Overview 5.2 COVID-19 Crisis 5.2.1 Impact on Market for Glycobiology 5.2.2 COVID-19 Measures Chapter 6 Glycobiology Therapeutics Market 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Subcategories of Glycobiology Therapeutics 6.1.2 Therapeutic Glycoproteins 6.1.3 Glycan Therapeutic Approaches to Metabolic Diseases 6.1.4 Therapeutic Applications of Glycosaminoglycans 6.1.5 Carbohydrate-based Vaccines and Glycans as Vaccine Components 6.1.6 Blocking Glycan Recognition in Diseases 6.1.7 Transfusion and Transplantation Rejection by Anti-glycan Antibodies Chapter 7 Glycobiology Diagnostics Market 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Glycobiomarkers and Autoimmunity 7.1.2 Glycobiomarkers in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 7.1.3 Autoantibodies Against Neuronal Glycans in Certain Neuropathies 7.1.4 Glycobiology Markers in Cardiovascular Diseases 7.1.5 Role of Glycans in the Histopathology of Alzheimer's Disease 7.1.6 Glycobiomarkers and Asthma 7.1.7 Glycobiomarkers in Infectious Disease Testing 7.1.8 Market Potential for Glycobiology-based Biomarkers and Diagnostic Tests 7.1.9 Glycobiology-based Cancer Biomarkers and Diagnostic Development 7.1.10 Carbohydrates as Potential Serum Biomarkers 7.1.11 Current Glycobiology-based Diagnostics on the Market 7.1.12 Companies with Glycobiology Diagnostic Platforms and Products in Development 7.1.13 Market for Glycobiology-based Diagnostics Chapter 8 Glycobiology Reagents and Tools Market 8.1 Overview 8.1.1 Analytical and Chromatography Techniques 8.1.2 Glycan Arrays 8.1.3 Lectin Arrays 8.1.4 Glycobiology Kits 8.1.5 Reagents for Glycobiology Research 8.1.6 Carbohydrates: Monosaccharides, Oligosaccharides and Other Reagents Chapter 9 Market Breakdown by Region 9.1 Overview 9.1.1 North America 9.1.2 Europe 9.1.3 Asia-Pacific 9.1.4 Rest of the World Chapter 10 Analysis of Market Opportunities 10.1 Porter's Five Forces Analysis 10.1.1 Threat of New Entrants 10.1.2 Threat of Substitutes 10.1.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 10.1.4 Bargaining Power of Buyers 10.1.5 Degree of Competition Chapter 11 Competitive Landscape Chapter 12 Company Profiles 12.1 Major Companies AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES AMSBIO LLC BIO-TECHNE ISOSEP LUDGER LTD. MERCK KGAA NEW ENGLAND BIOLABS TAKARA BIO INC. THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC. WATERS CORP. Chapter 13 Appendix: Acronyms
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