ラボラトリーオートメーションシステムとプロセス。グローバルマーケットとテクノロジーLaboratory Automation Systems and Processes: Global Markets and Technologies 報告書の範囲 本レポートは、ラボラトリーオートメーションシステムとプロセスの世界市場について、量的および質的データの両面から包括的に調査し、ビジネス/成長戦略の策定、市場状況の評価、現在の市場にお... もっと見る
サマリー報告書の範囲本レポートは、ラボラトリーオートメーションシステムとプロセスの世界市場について、量的および質的データの両面から包括的に調査し、ビジネス/成長戦略の策定、市場状況の評価、現在の市場における地位の分析、ラボラトリーオートメーションシステムとプロセスに関する情報に基づくビジネス上の意思決定に役立てることを目的としています。 世界のラボラトリーオートメーションシステムとプロセス市場の詳細な分析には、製品タイプ、アプリケーション、エンドユーザー、地域別の売上に関する履歴データおよび市場予測が含まれています。分析では、さまざまなタイプのラボラトリーオートメーション製品(機器と消耗品)と現在および過去の市場収益について説明しています。ラボラトリーオートメーションのエンドユーザー(臨床検査室、製薬・バイオテクノロジー企業、研究・学術機関、食品・農業産業、環境検査室、その他の検査室)とラボラトリーオートメーションシステムとプロセスのアプリケーション(分析前/サンプル準備、分析/ハイスループットスクリーニング、分析後/サンプル管理、ラボ情報管理システム)についても調査しています。 市場をより深く理解するために、競合環境、主要な競合他社、最近の戦略的活動などのプロフィールを掲載しています。また、技術動向や新製品開発についても触れています。 レポートには以下が含まれます。 - 34のデータ表と39の追加表 - ラボラトリーオートメーションシステムとプロセスの世界市場に関する最新のレビューと分析 - 2019年から2021年の歴史的市場収益、2022年の予測、2027年までの年平均成長率(CAGR)の予測による世界市場動向の分析 - ラボラトリーオートメーションシステムおよびプロセスの実際の市場規模を推定し、製品タイプ、アプリケーション、エンドユーザー、地域別に対応する市場シェア分析を実施 - ラボラトリーオートメーションシステムおよびプロセスの市場の現状、最近の技術およびプラットフォーム、進行中の研究活動および臨床試験についてのハイライト - COVID-19がサポート技術の需要と供給、ラボラトリーオートメーションシステムとプロセスのエンドユーザーに与える影響についての考察 - 各主要カテゴリにおけるラボラトリーオートメーションシステムおよびプロセスの特許および特許出願に関する情報 - 最近の産業構造、政府の規制と政策、開発問題、ベンダーの状況についての洞察 - 業界内の主要なM&A案件、パートナーシップ、コラボレーション、ジョイントベンチャー、その他の戦略的提携に関する最新情報 - Hamliton Co.、HighRes Biosolutions、OPENTRONS、QIAGEN N.V.などの主要製薬企業の詳細な会社プロファイルを掲載。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 Scope of Report 1.3 Methodology and Information Sources 1.4 What’s New in This Update? 1.5 Geographic Breakdown 1.6 Analyst's Credentials 1.7 BCC Custom Research 1.8 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights 2.1 Summary 2.2 Highlights Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background 3.1 Overview: Laboratory Automation 3.1.1 Types of Laboratory Automation 3.1.2 Overview of Laboratories 3.2 Laboratory Testing Uses 3.2.1 Research 3.2.2 Clinical Diagnostics 3.2.3 Scientific Product Development 3.2.4 Biotechnology 3.2.5 Pharmaceuticals 3.2.6 Food and Agriculture 3.2.7 Quality Control/Quality Assurance 3.3 Technologies 3.3.1 Liquid Handling 3.3.2 Common Applications for Automated Liquid Handling Systems 3.3.3 Sample Preparation 3.3.4 High-Throughput Technologies 3.3.5 Total Lab Automation 3.3.6 Open-Source Automation Chapter 4 Market Dynamics 4.1 Overview 4.2 Market Drivers 4.2.1 Current Healthcare Challenges 4.2.2 Increasing Healthcare Spending 4.2.3 Rising Demand for Clinical Diagnostic Tests 4.2.4 Growing Applications in Omics (Genomics, Proteomics and Epigenomics) Sciences and Cell Biology 4.2.5 Developments in Analytical Technologies and Assay Methods 4.2.6 Broadening of Laboratory Automation into New Market Sectors 4.2.7 Shift Towards Spending up the Value Chain 4.2.8 Laboratory Staff Constraints 4.3 Challenges 4.3.1 High Upfront Cost of Automation 4.4 Trends in Laboratory Automation Industry Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Product Type 5.1 Overview 5.2 Laboratory Automation Equipment 5.2.1 Automated Liquid Handlers 5.2.2 Different Robotic Systems 5.3 Laboratory Automation Consumables 5.4 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 5.4.1 Laboratory Automation Equipment 5.4.2 Laboratory Automation Consumables Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Application 6.1 Overview 6.2 Pre-analytics/Sample Preparation 6.3 Analytics/High-throughput Screening 6.4 Post-analytics/Sample Management 6.5 Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) 6.6 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Application 6.6.1 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 6.6.2 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by End User Overview 7.1 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by End User 7.2 Clinical Laboratories (Hospitals and Diagnostic Laboratories) 7.2.1 Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies 7.2.2 Research and Academic Institutes 7.2.3 Food and Agriculture Industry 7.2.4 Environmental Testing Laboratories 7.2.5 Other Laboratories (Industrial Quality Control, Forensic, Public Health, etc.) 7.3 Global Market for Clinical Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 7.3.1 Global Market for Clinical Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.3.2 Global Market for Clinical Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application 7.4 Global Market for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes, by Product Type 7.4.1 Global Market for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.4.2 Global Market for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application 7.5 Global Market for Research and Academic Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 7.5.1 Global Market for Research and Academic Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.5.2 Global Market for Research and Academic Laboratory Automation Consumables, by Application 7.6 Global Market for Food and Agriculture Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 7.6.1 Global Market for Food and Agriculture Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.6.2 Global Market for Food and Agriculture Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application 7.7 Global Market for Environmental Testing Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 7.7.1 Global Market for Environmental Testing Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.7.2 Global Market for Environmental Testing Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application 7.8 Global Market for Other Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 7.8.1 Global Market for Other Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.8.2 Global Market for Other Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Region 8.1 Overview 8.2 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Region 8.3 North America 8.3.1 North American Market by Product Type 8.3.2 North American Market Revenue by End-Users 8.4 Europe 8.4.1 European Market by Product Type 8.4.2 European Market Revenue by End User 8.5 Asia-Pacific 8.5.1 China 8.5.2 Japan 8.5.3 Asia-Pacific Market by Product Type 8.5.4 Asia-Pacific Market Revenue by End User 8.6 RoW 8.6.1 RoW Market Revenue by Product Type 8.6.2 RoW Market Revenue by End User Chapter 9 Government Regulations 9.1 U.S.FDA 9.1.1 Software 9.2 European Medicines Agency (EU States) 9.1.2 Software 9.3 Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products 9.3.1 Software 9.4 Pharmaceuticals and Medical Device Agency, Japan 9.4.1 Software 9.5 Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia) 9.5.1 Software 9.6 Therapeutics Products Directorate, Health Canada 9.6.1 Software 9.7 OECD and Non-OECD Signatories 9.8 Department of Science and Technology (India) 9.8.1 Software 9.9 China Food and Drug Administration (China) 9.9.1 Software 9.10 Open Channel Automation Chapter 10 Patent Review/New Developments 10.1 Patent Review 10.2 Selected New Product Developments/Emerging Technologies in Lab Automation Chapter 11 Impact of COVID-19 11.1 Overview 11.2 Impact on Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes 11.2.1 Impact on Diagnostic Laboratories 11.2.2 Impact on Research and Academic Laboratories 11.2.3 Conclusion Chapter 12 Competitive Landscape 12.1 Overview 12.2 Industry Structure 12.2.1 Manufacturers 12.2.2 End Users 12.2.3 OEM Producers 12.3 Key Manufacturers 12.4 Key Players in the LIMS Market 12.5 Acquisition and Mergers in the Laboratory Automation Industry Chapter 13 Company Profiles ABBOTT LABORATORIES Accelerated Technology Laboratories Inc. AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. BECTON, DICKINSON AND CO. DANAHER CORP. F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG HAMILTON CO. HIGHRES BIOSOLUTIONS HUDSON ROBOTICS INC. OPENTRONS PERKINELMER INC. QIAGEN N.V. SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS SPT LABTECH LTD. TECAN GROUP LTD. THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC. WATERS CORP. Chapter 14 Appendix: List of Acronyms
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 Scope of Report 1.3 Methodology and Information Sources 1.4 What’s New in This Update? 1.5 Geographic Breakdown 1.6 Analyst's Credentials 1.7 BCC Custom Research 1.8 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights 2.1 Summary 2.2 Highlights Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background 3.1 Overview: Laboratory Automation 3.1.1 Types of Laboratory Automation 3.1.2 Overview of Laboratories 3.2 Laboratory Testing Uses 3.2.1 Research 3.2.2 Clinical Diagnostics 3.2.3 Scientific Product Development 3.2.4 Biotechnology 3.2.5 Pharmaceuticals 3.2.6 Food and Agriculture 3.2.7 Quality Control/Quality Assurance 3.3 Technologies 3.3.1 Liquid Handling 3.3.2 Common Applications for Automated Liquid Handling Systems 3.3.3 Sample Preparation 3.3.4 High-Throughput Technologies 3.3.5 Total Lab Automation 3.3.6 Open-Source Automation Chapter 4 Market Dynamics 4.1 Overview 4.2 Market Drivers 4.2.1 Current Healthcare Challenges 4.2.2 Increasing Healthcare Spending 4.2.3 Rising Demand for Clinical Diagnostic Tests 4.2.4 Growing Applications in Omics (Genomics, Proteomics and Epigenomics) Sciences and Cell Biology 4.2.5 Developments in Analytical Technologies and Assay Methods 4.2.6 Broadening of Laboratory Automation into New Market Sectors 4.2.7 Shift Towards Spending up the Value Chain 4.2.8 Laboratory Staff Constraints 4.3 Challenges 4.3.1 High Upfront Cost of Automation 4.4 Trends in Laboratory Automation Industry Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Product Type 5.1 Overview 5.2 Laboratory Automation Equipment 5.2.1 Automated Liquid Handlers 5.2.2 Different Robotic Systems 5.3 Laboratory Automation Consumables 5.4 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 5.4.1 Laboratory Automation Equipment 5.4.2 Laboratory Automation Consumables Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Application 6.1 Overview 6.2 Pre-analytics/Sample Preparation 6.3 Analytics/High-throughput Screening 6.4 Post-analytics/Sample Management 6.5 Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) 6.6 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Application 6.6.1 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 6.6.2 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by End User Overview 7.1 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by End User 7.2 Clinical Laboratories (Hospitals and Diagnostic Laboratories) 7.2.1 Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies 7.2.2 Research and Academic Institutes 7.2.3 Food and Agriculture Industry 7.2.4 Environmental Testing Laboratories 7.2.5 Other Laboratories (Industrial Quality Control, Forensic, Public Health, etc.) 7.3 Global Market for Clinical Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 7.3.1 Global Market for Clinical Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.3.2 Global Market for Clinical Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application 7.4 Global Market for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes, by Product Type 7.4.1 Global Market for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.4.2 Global Market for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application 7.5 Global Market for Research and Academic Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 7.5.1 Global Market for Research and Academic Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.5.2 Global Market for Research and Academic Laboratory Automation Consumables, by Application 7.6 Global Market for Food and Agriculture Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 7.6.1 Global Market for Food and Agriculture Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.6.2 Global Market for Food and Agriculture Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application 7.7 Global Market for Environmental Testing Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 7.7.1 Global Market for Environmental Testing Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.7.2 Global Market for Environmental Testing Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application 7.8 Global Market for Other Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Product Type 7.8.1 Global Market for Other Laboratory Automation Equipment by Application 7.8.2 Global Market for Other Laboratory Automation Consumables by Application Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Region 8.1 Overview 8.2 Global Market for Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes by Region 8.3 North America 8.3.1 North American Market by Product Type 8.3.2 North American Market Revenue by End-Users 8.4 Europe 8.4.1 European Market by Product Type 8.4.2 European Market Revenue by End User 8.5 Asia-Pacific 8.5.1 China 8.5.2 Japan 8.5.3 Asia-Pacific Market by Product Type 8.5.4 Asia-Pacific Market Revenue by End User 8.6 RoW 8.6.1 RoW Market Revenue by Product Type 8.6.2 RoW Market Revenue by End User Chapter 9 Government Regulations 9.1 U.S.FDA 9.1.1 Software 9.2 European Medicines Agency (EU States) 9.1.2 Software 9.3 Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products 9.3.1 Software 9.4 Pharmaceuticals and Medical Device Agency, Japan 9.4.1 Software 9.5 Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia) 9.5.1 Software 9.6 Therapeutics Products Directorate, Health Canada 9.6.1 Software 9.7 OECD and Non-OECD Signatories 9.8 Department of Science and Technology (India) 9.8.1 Software 9.9 China Food and Drug Administration (China) 9.9.1 Software 9.10 Open Channel Automation Chapter 10 Patent Review/New Developments 10.1 Patent Review 10.2 Selected New Product Developments/Emerging Technologies in Lab Automation Chapter 11 Impact of COVID-19 11.1 Overview 11.2 Impact on Laboratory Automation Systems and Processes 11.2.1 Impact on Diagnostic Laboratories 11.2.2 Impact on Research and Academic Laboratories 11.2.3 Conclusion Chapter 12 Competitive Landscape 12.1 Overview 12.2 Industry Structure 12.2.1 Manufacturers 12.2.2 End Users 12.2.3 OEM Producers 12.3 Key Manufacturers 12.4 Key Players in the LIMS Market 12.5 Acquisition and Mergers in the Laboratory Automation Industry Chapter 13 Company Profiles ABBOTT LABORATORIES Accelerated Technology Laboratories Inc. AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. BECTON, DICKINSON AND CO. DANAHER CORP. F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG HAMILTON CO. HIGHRES BIOSOLUTIONS HUDSON ROBOTICS INC. OPENTRONS PERKINELMER INC. QIAGEN N.V. SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS SPT LABTECH LTD. TECAN GROUP LTD. THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC. WATERS CORP. Chapter 14 Appendix: List of Acronyms
BCC Research社のその他分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(laboratory)の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問BCC Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?BCCリサーチ(BCC Research)は1971年に設立され、様々な業界経験を持つアナリストと編集者によりトップクラスの市場情報源を長年提供している調査会社です。 設立初期は先端材料とプラ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。