自動車用高電圧コネクタの世界市場(2023年版):用途別(CV, PV)、タイプ別(シングルピン, マルチピン)、定格電圧別(<630V, 630V-800V, >800V), 地域別, 国別:2029年までの需要、動向、予測Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market (2023 Edition): Analysis by Application (CV, PV), Type (Single Pin, Multiple Pin), Rated Voltage (<630V, 630V-800V, > 800V), By Region, By Country: Demand, Trends and Forecast to 2029 エグゼクティブ・サマリー Azoth Analytics社は、自動車用高電圧コネクタの世界市場(2023年版) と題する調査レポートを発表しました。この調査レポートは、自動車用高電圧コネクタの世界産業について、用途... もっと見る
サマリーエグゼクティブ・サマリーAzoth Analytics社は、自動車用高電圧コネクタの世界市場(2023年版) と題する調査レポートを発表しました。この調査レポートは、自動車用高電圧コネクタの世界産業について、用途別(商用車、乗用車)、タイプ別(シングルピン高電圧コネクタ、マルチピン高電圧コネクタ)、定格電圧別(630V未満、630V-800V、800V以上)、過去期間2019-2022年、予測期間2023年、予測期間2024-2029年の完全な分析を提供しています。 調査レポートは、地域(南北アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、APAC、中東アフリカ)と10カ国(米国、カナダ、英国、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、中国、インド、日本、韓国)の詳細な分析をカバーしている。さらに、市場規模、年間成長&潜在力分析、市場プレイヤーの競合調査、投資機会、需要予測などのデータも掲載しています。 また調査レポートは、成長指標、阻害要因、需給リスク、その他の重要な統計、市場の進化に関連する現在および将来の市場動向の完全な評価も行っています。 自動車用高電圧コネクタの世界市場は、2022年の17億2000万米ドルから2029年末までに35億2000万米ドルを創出すると予測される。自動車用高電圧コネクタ市場は、主に電気自動車(EV)およびハイブリッド電気自動車(HEV)の需要増加により、近年大きな成長を遂げている。世界各国が温室効果ガス排出量の削減に努め、より持続可能な未来への転換を図る中、自動車産業においても電動化へのシフトが顕著になっている。 2024-2029年の予測期間中、世界の自動車用高電圧コネクタは年平均成長率12%で拡大する見込みである。高電圧コネクタは、EVやHEVの様々なコンポーネント間の効率的な電力伝送を促進する上で重要な役割を果たしている。これらのコネクタは、車両内のバッテリーシステム、電気モーター、パワーエレクトロニクス、その他の高電圧サブシステムを接続する役割を担っている。信頼性の高い確実な電気接続を実現し、安全基準を確保しながら重要なシステムのスムーズな動作を可能にします。 EVとHEVの採用が拡大している背景には、いくつかの要因がある。まず、バッテリー技術の進歩により、エネルギー貯蔵能力の向上、走行距離の延長、充電時間の短縮が実現し、電気自動車が従来の内燃機関自動車に代わる有力な選択肢となっている。さらに、世界各国の政府が電気自動車の導入を促進するために厳しい規制を実施し、インセンティブを提供しており、高電圧コネクタの需要をさらに押し上げている。 さらに、環境問題や電動モビリティの利点に関する消費者の意識の高まりが、EVやHEVの需要を大幅に高めている。消費者は、低排出ガスで燃費が良く、化石燃料への依存度が低い自動車にますます傾倒している。 さらに、性能特性を向上させた小型・軽量コネクターなど、高電圧コネクター設計の技術的進歩が続いていることも、市場の成長に寄与している。これらの進歩により、自動車メーカーは効率、安全性、総合性能を向上させた自動車を設計・製造できるようになる。 結論として、自動車用高圧コネクター市場の原動力となっているのは、電気自動車やハイブリッド電気自動車の需要の増加である。持続可能性に向けた世界的な推進力、政府の規制とインセンティブ、環境に優しい交通手段に対する消費者の嗜好、コネクター設計における技術革新が、総体的にこの市場の急速な拡大に寄与している。 レポートの範囲 - 本レポートでは、自動車用高電圧コネクタを金額(百万米ドル)別に分析しています。 - 自動車用高電圧コネクタの過去期間である2019-2022年、推定期間である2023年、予測期間である2024-2029年の分析を掲載しています。 - 自動車用高電圧コネクタを用途別(商用車、乗用車)に分析しています。 - 自動車用高電圧コネクタをタイプ別(シングルピン高電圧コネクタ、マルチピン高電圧コネクタ)に分析している。 - 自動車用高電圧コネクタを定格電圧別(630V未満、630V~800V、800V以上)に分析しています。 - 本レポートの主要な洞察は、SWOTおよびポーターのファイブフォース分析の枠組みを通じて提示されています。また、市場の魅力を地域別、用途別、タイプ別、定格電圧別に紹介しています。 - また、業界の主な機会、動向、促進要因、課題についても分析しています。 - 競合の動向、戦略、M&A、新製品開発についても追跡しています。レポートでは、TE Connectivity Ltd., Aptiv PLC, Amphenol Corporation, 住友電気工業株式会社, Foxconn, 日本航空電子工業株式会社, Leoni AG, Bizlink Holdings Inc. 目次1. Market Background1.1 Scope and Product Outlook 1.2 Executive Summary 1.3 Research Methodology 2. Strategic Recommendations 2.1 Integration with Smart Grids as a Step Toward a Sustainable Future 2.2 Pushing the Limits with R&D Investments 3. Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 3.1 Impact Analysis of Macro Economic Factors on Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market 3.2 Available Charging Load in the Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Analytics 3.3 Electric Car Models in Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Analytics 3.4 Country-Wise Comparative Market Analytics 3.5 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Dashboard 3.6 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.7 Impact of COVID-19 on Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market 3.8 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Application 3.8.1 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Overview 3.8.2 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Commercial Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.8.3 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, Passenger Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.9 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Type 3.9.1 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Overview 3.9.2 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Single Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.9.3 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Multiple Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Rated Voltage 3.10.1 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage Overview 3.10.2 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Below 630V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.3 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By 630V-800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.4 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By More Than 800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.11 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, Region Analysis 3.11.1 Regional Coverage of the Study 3.11.2 Regional Snapshot 4 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: An Analysis (2019-2029) 4.1 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Regional Snapshot 4.2 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion) 4.3 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Key Factors 4.4 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Application 4.4.1 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Overview 4.4.2 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Commercial Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.4.3 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, Passenger Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.5 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Type 4.5.1 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Overview 4.5.2 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Single Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.5.3 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Multiple Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.6 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Rated Voltage 4.6.1 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage Overview 4.6.2 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Below 630V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.6.3 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By 630V-800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.6.4 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By More Than 800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.7 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Country 4.7.1 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Country Overview 4.7.2 United States Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.7.3 United States Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market United States Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application United States Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type United States Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 4.7.4 Canada Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Canada Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Canada Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Canada Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 4.7.5 Rest of Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Rest of Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Rest of Americas Software Market, By Type Rest of Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 5. Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: An Analysis (2019-2029) 5.1 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Regional Snapshot 5.2 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion) 5.3 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Key Factors 5.4 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Application 5.4.1 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Overview 5.4.2 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Commercial Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.4.3 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, Passenger Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.5 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Type 5.5.1 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Overview 5.5.2 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Single Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.5.3 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Multiple Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Rated Voltage 5.6.1 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage Overview 5.6.2 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Below 630V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.3 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By 630V-800V Enterprise Size, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.4 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By More Than 800V Enterprise Size, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.7 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Country 5.7.1 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, by Country Overview 5.7.2 Germany Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.7.3 Germany Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Germany Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Germany Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Germany Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 5.7.4 United Kingdom Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) United Kingdom Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application United Kingdom Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type United Kingdom Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 5.7.5 France Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.7.6 France Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market France Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application France Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type France Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 5.7.7 Italy Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Italy Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Italy Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Italy Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 5.7.8 Rest of Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Rest of Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Rest of Europe Software Market, By Type Rest of Europe Software Market, By Rated Voltage 6. Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: An Analysis (2019-2029) 6.1 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Snapshot 6.2 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Value Assessment 6.3 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Key Factors 6.4 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Application 6.4.1 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Overview 6.4.2 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Commercial Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.4.3 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, Passenger Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.5 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Type 6.5.1 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Overview 6.5.2 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Single Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.5.3 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Multiple Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 6.6.1 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage Overview 6.6.2 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Below 630V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.3 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By 630V-800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.4 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By More Than 800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.7 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Country 6.7.1 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Country Overview 6.7.2 China Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Value, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.7.3 China Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market China Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Application Analysis China Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Type Analysis China Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Rated Voltage 6.7.4 Japan Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Japan Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Application Analysis Japan Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Type Analysis Japan Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Rated Voltage 6.7.5 South Korea Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Value, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) South Korea Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Application Analysis South Korea Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Type Analysis South Korea Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Rated Voltage 6.7.6 India Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market 6.7.7 India Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market India Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Type Application Analysis India Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: End User Industry Analysis India Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Enterprise Size Analysis 6.7.8 Rest of Asia Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Rest of Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Type Application Analysis Rest of Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: End User Industry Analysis Rest of Asia Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Enterprise Size Analysis 7. Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: An Analysis (2019-2029) 7.1 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Snapshot 7.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Value Assessment 7.3 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Key Factors 7.4 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Application 7.4.1 Middle East & Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Overview 7.4.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Commercial Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.4.3 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, Passenger Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.5 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Type 7.5.1 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market By Type Overview 7.5.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Single Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.5.3 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Multiple Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Rated Voltage 7.6.1 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market By Rated Voltage Overview 7.6.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Below 630V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.3 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By 630V-800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.4 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By More Than 800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8. Market Dynamics 8.1 Impact Assessment of Market Dynamics on Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market 8.2 Drivers 8.3 Restraints 8.4 Trends 9. Industry Ecosystem Analysis 9.1 Macro-Economic Factor Assessment 9.2 Porter’s Five Forces Model 10. Competitive Positioning 10.1 Companies’ Product Positioning 10.2 Market Position Matrix 10.3 Market Share Analysis of Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market 10.4 Company Profiles 10.4.1 TE Connectivity Ltd. 10.4.2 Aptiv PLC 10.4.3 Amphenol Corporation 10.4.4 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. 10.4.5 Foxconn 10.4.6 Japan Aviation Electronics Ltd. 10.4.7 Leoni AG 10.4.8 Bizlink Holding Inc. 10.4.9 Molex Incorporated 10.4.10 Hirose Electric Co. Ltd.
SummaryExecutive Summary Table of Contents1. Market Background1.1 Scope and Product Outlook 1.2 Executive Summary 1.3 Research Methodology 2. Strategic Recommendations 2.1 Integration with Smart Grids as a Step Toward a Sustainable Future 2.2 Pushing the Limits with R&D Investments 3. Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 3.1 Impact Analysis of Macro Economic Factors on Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market 3.2 Available Charging Load in the Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Analytics 3.3 Electric Car Models in Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Analytics 3.4 Country-Wise Comparative Market Analytics 3.5 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Dashboard 3.6 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.7 Impact of COVID-19 on Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market 3.8 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Application 3.8.1 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Overview 3.8.2 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Commercial Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.8.3 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, Passenger Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.9 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Type 3.9.1 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Overview 3.9.2 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Single Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.9.3 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Multiple Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Rated Voltage 3.10.1 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage Overview 3.10.2 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Below 630V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.3 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By 630V-800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.4 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By More Than 800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.11 Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, Region Analysis 3.11.1 Regional Coverage of the Study 3.11.2 Regional Snapshot 4 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: An Analysis (2019-2029) 4.1 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Regional Snapshot 4.2 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion) 4.3 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Key Factors 4.4 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Application 4.4.1 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Overview 4.4.2 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Commercial Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.4.3 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, Passenger Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.5 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Type 4.5.1 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Overview 4.5.2 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Single Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.5.3 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Multiple Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.6 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Rated Voltage 4.6.1 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage Overview 4.6.2 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Below 630V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.6.3 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By 630V-800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.6.4 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By More Than 800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.7 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Country 4.7.1 Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Country Overview 4.7.2 United States Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 4.7.3 United States Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market United States Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application United States Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type United States Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 4.7.4 Canada Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Canada Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Canada Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Canada Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 4.7.5 Rest of Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Rest of Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Rest of Americas Software Market, By Type Rest of Americas Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 5. Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: An Analysis (2019-2029) 5.1 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Regional Snapshot 5.2 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Size, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion) 5.3 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Key Factors 5.4 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Application 5.4.1 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Overview 5.4.2 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Commercial Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.4.3 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, Passenger Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.5 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Type 5.5.1 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Overview 5.5.2 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Single Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.5.3 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Multiple Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Rated Voltage 5.6.1 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage Overview 5.6.2 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Below 630V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.3 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By 630V-800V Enterprise Size, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.4 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By More Than 800V Enterprise Size, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.7 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Country 5.7.1 Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, by Country Overview 5.7.2 Germany Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.7.3 Germany Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Germany Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Germany Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Germany Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 5.7.4 United Kingdom Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) United Kingdom Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application United Kingdom Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type United Kingdom Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 5.7.5 France Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.7.6 France Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market France Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application France Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type France Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 5.7.7 Italy Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Italy Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Italy Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Italy Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 5.7.8 Rest of Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Rest of Europe Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Rest of Europe Software Market, By Type Rest of Europe Software Market, By Rated Voltage 6. Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: An Analysis (2019-2029) 6.1 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Snapshot 6.2 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Value Assessment 6.3 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Key Factors 6.4 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Application 6.4.1 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Overview 6.4.2 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Commercial Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.4.3 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, Passenger Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.5 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Type 6.5.1 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Type Overview 6.5.2 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Single Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.5.3 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Multiple Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage 6.6.1 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Rated Voltage Overview 6.6.2 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Below 630V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.3 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By 630V-800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.4 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By More Than 800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.7 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Country 6.7.1 Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Country Overview 6.7.2 China Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Value, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.7.3 China Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market China Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Application Analysis China Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Type Analysis China Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Rated Voltage 6.7.4 Japan Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Japan Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Application Analysis Japan Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Type Analysis Japan Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Rated Voltage 6.7.5 South Korea Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Value, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) South Korea Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Application Analysis South Korea Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Type Analysis South Korea Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: By Rated Voltage 6.7.6 India Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market 6.7.7 India Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market India Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Type Application Analysis India Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: End User Industry Analysis India Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Enterprise Size Analysis 6.7.8 Rest of Asia Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Rest of Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Type Application Analysis Rest of Asia Pacific Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: End User Industry Analysis Rest of Asia Pacific Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Enterprise Size Analysis 7. Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: An Analysis (2019-2029) 7.1 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Snapshot 7.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Market Value Assessment 7.3 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market: Key Factors 7.4 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Application 7.4.1 Middle East & Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Application Overview 7.4.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Commercial Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.4.3 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, Passenger Vehicle, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.5 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Type 7.5.1 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market By Type Overview 7.5.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Single Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.5.3 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Multiple Pin High-Voltage Connector, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market Segmentation: By Rated Voltage 7.6.1 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market By Rated Voltage Overview 7.6.2 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By Below 630V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.3 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By 630V-800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.4 Middle East and Africa Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market, By More Than 800V, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8. Market Dynamics 8.1 Impact Assessment of Market Dynamics on Global Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market 8.2 Drivers 8.3 Restraints 8.4 Trends 9. Industry Ecosystem Analysis 9.1 Macro-Economic Factor Assessment 9.2 Porter’s Five Forces Model 10. Competitive Positioning 10.1 Companies’ Product Positioning 10.2 Market Position Matrix 10.3 Market Share Analysis of Automotive High-Voltage Connector Market 10.4 Company Profiles 10.4.1 TE Connectivity Ltd. 10.4.2 Aptiv PLC 10.4.3 Amphenol Corporation 10.4.4 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. 10.4.5 Foxconn 10.4.6 Japan Aviation Electronics Ltd. 10.4.7 Leoni AG 10.4.8 Bizlink Holding Inc. 10.4.9 Molex Incorporated 10.4.10 Hirose Electric Co. Ltd.
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