先進バイオ燃料の世界市場 - タイプ別(先進ディーゼル、先進ガソリン、バイオディーゼル、バイオクロード、その他)、用途、技術、原材料、地域別、国別の分析(2022年版)。COVID-19の影響を受けた市場インサイトと予測(2022-2027年)Global Advanced Biofuel Market – Analysis By Types (Advanced Diesel, Advanced Gasoline, Biodiesel, Biocrude, Others), Applications, Technology, Raw Materials, By Region, By Country (2022 Edition): Market Insights and Forecast with Impact of COVID-19 (2022-2027) エグゼクティブサマリー 先進バイオ燃料の世界市場は、2021年に412億3千万米ドルと評価されました。米国、カナダ、インドネシア、イギリスなどの人口が多い国では可処分所得が増加しており、輸送における先進... もっと見る
サマリーエグゼクティブサマリー先進バイオ燃料の世界市場は、2021年に412億3千万米ドルと評価されました。米国、カナダ、インドネシア、イギリスなどの人口が多い国では可処分所得が増加しており、輸送における先進バイオ燃料の採用が進んでいる。先進バイオ燃料の進化とその使用量の増加が先進バイオ燃料市場を牽引しています。さらに、エネルギー生成や輸送における先進バイオ燃料の浸透、先進ディーゼルやバイオディーゼルの需要増は、今後数年間で市場をさらに押し上げるでしょう。米州地域では、種類や原材料など、業界を問わずOEMやODMの集積度が高いなどの要因が、今後数年間の先進バイオ燃料市場の成長を大きく後押しするものと思われます。 高度バイオ燃料市場の輸送部門は、過去数年間に顕著な速度で成長を目撃し、高度バイオ燃料製造会社のより高い濃度や公共輸送機関の生産の増加などの要因のために果たしている必須の役割のために予測期間内に期待されています。2022年から2027年にかけて、先進バイオ燃料市場は、世界各地での政府規制の強化を背景に、成長率が高まると予測されています。 先進バイオ燃料市場における先進ディーゼルは、同市場における他の種類のバイオ燃料よりも堅調に成長し、かなりの市場シェアを獲得すると予測されます。さらに、世界中の顧客の間で効率的でより手頃な価格の先進バイオ燃料への需要が高まっていることから、将来的に先進バイオ燃料の需要拡大が見込まれます。 リグノセルロース・バイオマスを原料とする先進バイオ燃料は、簡単に入手でき、手入れを必要とせず、先進バイオ燃料の製造に使用される非常に効率的な原料であることから、高い傾向にあります。 報告書の範囲 - 本レポートでは、2017-2021年の過去期間と2022-2027年の予測期間における先進バイオ燃料市場の分析を紹介します。 - 本レポートでは、先進バイオ燃料市場を金額(億米ドル)別に分析しています。 - 先進バイオ燃料市場を用途別(輸送、エネルギー生成、エレクトロニクス充電、その他)に分析しています。 - 先進バイオ燃料市場をタイプ別(先進ディーゼル、先進ガソリン、バイオディーゼル、バイオクロード、その他)に分析したレポートです。 - 先進バイオ燃料市場を技術別(熱化学ルート、生物化学ルート)に分析したレポートです。 - 先進バイオ燃料市場を原料別(リグノセルロース、ジャトロファ、カメリナ、藻類、その他)に分析した報告書です。 - 先進バイオ燃料の世界市場を地域別(アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東、アフリカ)、国別(アメリカ、カナダ、ブラジル、ドイツ、イギリス、フランス、イタリア、中国、インド、インドネシア)に分析しました。 - 本レポートの主要な洞察は、ポーターのファイブフォース分析の枠組みを通じて提示されています。また、市場の魅力はアプリケーション、タイプ、テクノロジー、原材料、地域、国別に提示されています。 - また、業界の主要な機会、トレンド、ドライバー、課題についても分析しています。 - 競合他社の開発、戦略、M&A、新タイプの開発などを追跡しています。レポートで分析した企業は以下の通りです。Blue Marble Energy、DuPont Danisco、Targray、Gevo、Bangchak、Clariant、INEOS、POET-DSM、Sundrop Fuels、Fujian Zhongde Energy Co.Ltd. 主な対象者 - 先進バイオ燃料メーカーおよびベンダー - コンサルティング会社、アドバイザリー会社 - 政府・政策担当者 - 規制当局 目次1. Report Scope and Methodology1.1 Scope of the Report 1.2 Research Methodology 1.3 Executive Summary 2. Strategic Recommendations 3. Advanced Biofuel Market: Product Overview 4. Global Advanced Biofuel Market: An Analysis 4.1 Global Advanced Biofuel Market 4.2 Market Size, By Value, 2017-2021 4.3 Impact of COVID-19 on Advanced Biofuel Market 5. Global Advanced Biofuel Market: Segment Analysis 5.1 Global Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation, By Applications (Value) 5.2 Competitive Scenario of Advanced Biofuel Market: By Applications (2021 & 2027) 5.3 By Transportation– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 5.4 By Energy Generation– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 5.5 By Charging Electronics– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 5.6 By Others– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 6. Global Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation, By Types (Value) 6.1 Competitive Scenario of Global Advanced Biofuel Market: By Types (2021 & 2027) 6.2 By Advanced Diesel– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 6.3 By Advanced Gasoline– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 6.4 By Biodiesel– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 6.5 By Biocrude– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 6.6 By Others– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 7. Global Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation, By Technology (Value) 7.1 Competitive Scenario of Global Advanced Biofuel Market: By Technology (2021 & 2027) 7.2 By Thermochemical Routes– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 7.3 By Biochemical Routes– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 8. Global Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation, By Raw Materials (Value) 8.1 Competitive Scenario of Global Advanced Biofuel Market: By Raw Materials (2021 & 2027) 8.2 By Lignocellulose– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 8.3 By Jatropha– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 8.4 By Camelina– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 8.5 By Algae– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 8.6 By Others– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 9. Global Advanced Biofuel Market: Regional Analysis 9.1 Competitive Scenario of Global Advanced Biofuel Market: By Region (2021 & 2027) 10. Americas Advanced Biofuel Market: An Analysis (2017-2027) 10.1 Americas Advanced Biofuel Market 10.2 Americas Advanced Biofuel Market by value: Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 10.3 Americas Advanced Biofuel Market: Prominent Companies 10.4 Market Segmentation By Applications (Transportation, Energy Generation, Charging Electronics, Others) 10.5 Market Segmentation By Types (Advanced Diesel, Advanced Gasoline, Biodiesel, Biocrude, Others) 10.6 Market Segmentation By Technology (Thermochemical Routes, Biochemical Routes) 10.7 Market Segmentation By Raw Materials (Lignocellulose, Jatropha, Camelina, Algae, Others) 10.8 Americas Advanced Biofuel Market: Country Analysis 10.9 Market Opportunity Chart of Americas Advanced Biofuel Market - By Country, By Value (Year-2027) 10.10 Competitive Scenario of Americas Advanced Biofuel Market– By Country (2021 & 2027) 10.11 United States Advanced Biofuel Market 10.12 United States Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 10.13 United States Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 10.14 Canada Advanced Biofuel Market 10.15 Canada Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 10.16 Canada Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 10.17 Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market 10.18 Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 10.19 Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 11. Europe Advanced Biofuel Market: An Analysis (2017-2027) 11.1 Europe Advanced Biofuel Market 11.2 Europe Advanced Biofuel Market by value: Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 11.3 Europe Advanced Biofuel Market: Prominent Companies 11.4 Market Segmentation By Applications (Transportation, Energy Generation, Charging Electronics, Others) 11.5 Market Segmentation By Types (Advanced Diesel, Advanced Gasoline, Biodiesel, Biocrude, Others) 11.6 Market Segmentation By Technology (Thermochemical Routes, Biochemical Routes) 11.7 Market Segmentation By Raw Materials (Lignocellulose, Jatropha, Camelina, Algae, Others) 11.8 Europe Advanced Biofuel Market: Country Analysis 11.9 Market Opportunity Chart of Europe Advanced Biofuel Market - By Country, By Value (Year-2027) 11.10 Competitive Scenario of Europe Advanced Biofuel Market– By Country (2021 & 2027) 11.11 Germany Advanced Biofuel Market 11.12 Germany Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 11.13 Germany Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 11.14 United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market 11.16 United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 11.17 United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 11.18 France Advanced Biofuel Market 11.19 France Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 11.20 France Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 11.21 Italy Advanced Biofuel Market 11.22 Italy Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 11.23 Italy Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 12. Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market: An Analysis (2017-2027) 12.1 Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market 12.2 Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market by value: Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 12.3 Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market: Prominent Companies 12.4 Market Segmentation By Applications (Transportation, Energy Generation, Charging Electronics, Others) 12.5 Market Segmentation By Types (Advanced Diesel, Advanced Gasoline, Biodiesel, Biocrude, Others) 12.6 Market Segmentation By Technology (Thermochemical Routes, Biochemical Routes) 12.7 Market Segmentation By Raw Materials (Lignocellulose, Jatropha, Camelina, Algae, Others) 12.8 Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market: Country Analysis 12.9 Market Opportunity Chart of Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market - By Country, By Value (Year-2027) 12.10 Competitive Scenario of Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market– By Country (2021 & 2027) 12.11 China Advanced Biofuel Market 12.12 China Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 12.13 China Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 12.14 India Advanced Biofuel Market 12.15 India Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 12.16 India Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 12.17 Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market 12.18 Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 12.19 Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 13. Global Advanced Biofuel Market Dynamics 13.1 Global Advanced Biofuel Market Drivers 13.2 Global Advanced Biofuel Market Restraints 13.3 Global Advanced Biofuel Market Trends 14. Market Attractiveness and Strategic Analysis 14.1 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market - By Applications (Year 2027) 14.2 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market - By Types (Year 2027) 14.3 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market - By Technology (Year 2027) 14.4 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market - By Raw Materials (Year 2027) 14.5 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market - By Region (Year 2027) 15. Competitive Landscape 15.1 Market Share of Global leading companies 15.2 Porter’s Five Force Analysis– Global Advanced Biofuel Market 16. Company Profiles (Business Description, Financial Analysis, Business Strategy) 16.1 Blue Marble Energy 16.2 DuPont Danisco 16.3 Targray 16.4 Gevo 16.5 Bangchak 16.6 Clariant 16.7 INEOS 16.8 POET-DSM 16.9 Sundrop Fuels 16.10 Fujian Zhongde Energy Co. Ltd. List of Figures Figure 1: Global Urban Population (Billion), 2018-20 Figure 2: Global Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of carbon dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 3: Global Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 4: Global Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 5: Global Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 6: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 7: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Transportation, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 8: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Energy Generation, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 9: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Charging Electronics, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 10: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Others, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 11: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 12: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Advanced Diesel, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 13: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Advanced Gasoline, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 14: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Biodiesel, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 15: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Biocrude, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 16: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Others, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 17: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 18: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Thermochemical Routes, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 19: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Biochemical Routes, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 20: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 21: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Lignocellulose, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 22: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Jatropha, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 23: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Camelina, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 24: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Algae, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 25: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Others, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 26: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Region Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 27: Americas Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 28: Americas Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 29: Americas Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 30: Americas Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 31: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 32: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 33: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 34: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 35: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 36: Market Opportunity Chart of Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country, By Value (Year-2027) Figure 37: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 38: United States Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 39: United States Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 40: United States Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 41: United States Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 42: United States Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 43: United States Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 44: United States Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 45: United States Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 46: United States Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 47: Canada Urban Population (Million) 2018-20 Figure 48: Canada Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 49: Canada Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 50: Canada Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 51: Canada Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 52: Canada Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 53: Canada Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 54: Canada Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 55: Canada Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 56: Brazil Urban Population (Million) 2018-20 Figure 57: Brazil Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 58: Brazil Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 59: Brazil Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 60: Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 61: Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 62: Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 63: Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 64: Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 65: European Union Urban Population (Million) 2018-20 Figure 66: Europe Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 67: Europe Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 68: Europe Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 69: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 70: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 71: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 72: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 73: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 74: Market Opportunity Chart of Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country, By Value (Year-2027) Figure 75: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 76: Germany Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 77: Germany Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 78: Germany Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 79: Germany Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 80: Germany Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 81: Germany Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 82: Germany Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 83: Germany Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 84: Germany Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 85: United Kingdom Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 86: United Kingdom Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 87: United Kingdom Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 88: United Kingdom Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 89: United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 90: United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 91: United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 92: United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 93: United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 94: France Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 95: France Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2015-20 Figure 96: France Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 97: France Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 98: France Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 99: France Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 100: France Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 101: France Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 102: France Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 103: Italy Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 104: Italy Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2015-20 Figure 105: Italy Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 106: Italy Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 107: Italy Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 108: Italy Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 109: Italy Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 110: Italy Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 111: Italy Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 112: East Asia & Pacific Urban Population (Billion), 2018-20 Figure 113: Asia Pacific Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 114: Asia Pacific Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 115: Asia Pacific Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 116: Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 117: Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 118: Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 119: Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 120: Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 121: Market Opportunity Chart of APAC Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country, By Value (Year-2027) Figure 122: APAC Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 123: China Urban Population (in Million) 2018–20 Figure 124: China Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 125: China Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 126: China Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 127: China Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 128: China Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 129: China Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 130: China Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 131: China Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 132: India Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 133: India Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 134: India Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 135: India Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 136: India Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 137: India Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 138: India Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 139: India Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 140: India Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 141: Indonesia Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 142: Indonesia Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 143: Indonesia Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 144: Indonesia Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 145: Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 146: Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 147: Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 148: Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 149: Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 150: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications (Year-2027) Figure 151: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types (Year-2027) Figure 152: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology (Year-2027) Figure 153: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials (Year-2027) Figure 154: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Region (Year-2027) Figure 155: Global Advanced Biofuel Market Share (%), 2021 Figure 156: Gevo Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million) Figure 157: Gevo Net Profit, 2016-2020 (USD Million) Figure 158: Gevo Net Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2020 Figure 159: Gevo Sales Revenue, By Geographic Segment (%), FY2020 Figure 160: Bangchak Annual Sales Revenue, 2017-2021 (USD Million) Figure 161: Bangchak Net Profit, 2017-2021 (USD Million) Figure 162: Bangchak Net Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2021 Figure 163: Bangchak Sales Revenue, By Geographic Segment (%), FY2021 Figure 164: Clariant Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million) Figure 165: Clariant Net Profit, 2016-2020 (USD Million) Figure 166: Clariant Net Sales Revenue, By Geographic Segment (%), FY2020 Figure 167: Clariant Sales Revenue, By Geographic Segment (%), FY2019 Figure 168: INEOS Annual Sales Revenue, 2017-2021 (USD Million) Figure 169: INEOS Net Profit, 2017-2021 (USD Million) Figure 170: INEOS Net Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2021 Figure 171: INEOS Net Sales Revenue, By Geographic Segment (%), FY2021
SummaryExecutive Summary Table of Contents1. Report Scope and Methodology1.1 Scope of the Report 1.2 Research Methodology 1.3 Executive Summary 2. Strategic Recommendations 3. Advanced Biofuel Market: Product Overview 4. Global Advanced Biofuel Market: An Analysis 4.1 Global Advanced Biofuel Market 4.2 Market Size, By Value, 2017-2021 4.3 Impact of COVID-19 on Advanced Biofuel Market 5. Global Advanced Biofuel Market: Segment Analysis 5.1 Global Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation, By Applications (Value) 5.2 Competitive Scenario of Advanced Biofuel Market: By Applications (2021 & 2027) 5.3 By Transportation– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 5.4 By Energy Generation– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 5.5 By Charging Electronics– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 5.6 By Others– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 6. Global Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation, By Types (Value) 6.1 Competitive Scenario of Global Advanced Biofuel Market: By Types (2021 & 2027) 6.2 By Advanced Diesel– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 6.3 By Advanced Gasoline– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 6.4 By Biodiesel– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 6.5 By Biocrude– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 6.6 By Others– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 7. Global Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation, By Technology (Value) 7.1 Competitive Scenario of Global Advanced Biofuel Market: By Technology (2021 & 2027) 7.2 By Thermochemical Routes– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 7.3 By Biochemical Routes– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 8. Global Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation, By Raw Materials (Value) 8.1 Competitive Scenario of Global Advanced Biofuel Market: By Raw Materials (2021 & 2027) 8.2 By Lignocellulose– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 8.3 By Jatropha– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 8.4 By Camelina– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 8.5 By Algae– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 8.6 By Others– Market Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 9. Global Advanced Biofuel Market: Regional Analysis 9.1 Competitive Scenario of Global Advanced Biofuel Market: By Region (2021 & 2027) 10. Americas Advanced Biofuel Market: An Analysis (2017-2027) 10.1 Americas Advanced Biofuel Market 10.2 Americas Advanced Biofuel Market by value: Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 10.3 Americas Advanced Biofuel Market: Prominent Companies 10.4 Market Segmentation By Applications (Transportation, Energy Generation, Charging Electronics, Others) 10.5 Market Segmentation By Types (Advanced Diesel, Advanced Gasoline, Biodiesel, Biocrude, Others) 10.6 Market Segmentation By Technology (Thermochemical Routes, Biochemical Routes) 10.7 Market Segmentation By Raw Materials (Lignocellulose, Jatropha, Camelina, Algae, Others) 10.8 Americas Advanced Biofuel Market: Country Analysis 10.9 Market Opportunity Chart of Americas Advanced Biofuel Market - By Country, By Value (Year-2027) 10.10 Competitive Scenario of Americas Advanced Biofuel Market– By Country (2021 & 2027) 10.11 United States Advanced Biofuel Market 10.12 United States Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 10.13 United States Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 10.14 Canada Advanced Biofuel Market 10.15 Canada Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 10.16 Canada Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 10.17 Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market 10.18 Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 10.19 Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 11. Europe Advanced Biofuel Market: An Analysis (2017-2027) 11.1 Europe Advanced Biofuel Market 11.2 Europe Advanced Biofuel Market by value: Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 11.3 Europe Advanced Biofuel Market: Prominent Companies 11.4 Market Segmentation By Applications (Transportation, Energy Generation, Charging Electronics, Others) 11.5 Market Segmentation By Types (Advanced Diesel, Advanced Gasoline, Biodiesel, Biocrude, Others) 11.6 Market Segmentation By Technology (Thermochemical Routes, Biochemical Routes) 11.7 Market Segmentation By Raw Materials (Lignocellulose, Jatropha, Camelina, Algae, Others) 11.8 Europe Advanced Biofuel Market: Country Analysis 11.9 Market Opportunity Chart of Europe Advanced Biofuel Market - By Country, By Value (Year-2027) 11.10 Competitive Scenario of Europe Advanced Biofuel Market– By Country (2021 & 2027) 11.11 Germany Advanced Biofuel Market 11.12 Germany Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 11.13 Germany Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 11.14 United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market 11.16 United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 11.17 United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 11.18 France Advanced Biofuel Market 11.19 France Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 11.20 France Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 11.21 Italy Advanced Biofuel Market 11.22 Italy Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 11.23 Italy Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 12. Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market: An Analysis (2017-2027) 12.1 Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market 12.2 Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market by value: Size and Forecast (2017-2027) 12.3 Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market: Prominent Companies 12.4 Market Segmentation By Applications (Transportation, Energy Generation, Charging Electronics, Others) 12.5 Market Segmentation By Types (Advanced Diesel, Advanced Gasoline, Biodiesel, Biocrude, Others) 12.6 Market Segmentation By Technology (Thermochemical Routes, Biochemical Routes) 12.7 Market Segmentation By Raw Materials (Lignocellulose, Jatropha, Camelina, Algae, Others) 12.8 Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market: Country Analysis 12.9 Market Opportunity Chart of Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market - By Country, By Value (Year-2027) 12.10 Competitive Scenario of Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market– By Country (2021 & 2027) 12.11 China Advanced Biofuel Market 12.12 China Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 12.13 China Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 12.14 India Advanced Biofuel Market 12.15 India Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 12.16 India Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 12.17 Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market 12.18 Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market- By Value (2017-2027) 12.19 Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market Segmentation By Applications, By Types, By Technology, By Raw Materials (2017-2027) 13. Global Advanced Biofuel Market Dynamics 13.1 Global Advanced Biofuel Market Drivers 13.2 Global Advanced Biofuel Market Restraints 13.3 Global Advanced Biofuel Market Trends 14. Market Attractiveness and Strategic Analysis 14.1 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market - By Applications (Year 2027) 14.2 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market - By Types (Year 2027) 14.3 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market - By Technology (Year 2027) 14.4 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market - By Raw Materials (Year 2027) 14.5 Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market - By Region (Year 2027) 15. Competitive Landscape 15.1 Market Share of Global leading companies 15.2 Porter’s Five Force Analysis– Global Advanced Biofuel Market 16. Company Profiles (Business Description, Financial Analysis, Business Strategy) 16.1 Blue Marble Energy 16.2 DuPont Danisco 16.3 Targray 16.4 Gevo 16.5 Bangchak 16.6 Clariant 16.7 INEOS 16.8 POET-DSM 16.9 Sundrop Fuels 16.10 Fujian Zhongde Energy Co. Ltd. List of Figures Figure 1: Global Urban Population (Billion), 2018-20 Figure 2: Global Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of carbon dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 3: Global Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 4: Global Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 5: Global Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 6: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 7: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Transportation, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 8: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Energy Generation, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 9: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Charging Electronics, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 10: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Others, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 11: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 12: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Advanced Diesel, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 13: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Advanced Gasoline, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 14: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Biodiesel, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 15: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Biocrude, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 16: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Others, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 17: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 18: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Thermochemical Routes, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 19: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Biochemical Routes, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 20: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 21: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Lignocellulose, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 22: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Jatropha, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 23: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Camelina, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 24: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Algae, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 25: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Others, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 26: Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Region Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 27: Americas Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 28: Americas Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 29: Americas Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 30: Americas Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 31: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 32: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 33: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 34: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 35: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 36: Market Opportunity Chart of Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country, By Value (Year-2027) Figure 37: Americas Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 38: United States Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 39: United States Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 40: United States Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 41: United States Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 42: United States Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 43: United States Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 44: United States Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 45: United States Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 46: United States Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 47: Canada Urban Population (Million) 2018-20 Figure 48: Canada Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 49: Canada Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 50: Canada Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 51: Canada Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 52: Canada Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 53: Canada Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 54: Canada Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 55: Canada Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 56: Brazil Urban Population (Million) 2018-20 Figure 57: Brazil Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 58: Brazil Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 59: Brazil Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 60: Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 61: Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 62: Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 63: Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 64: Brazil Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 65: European Union Urban Population (Million) 2018-20 Figure 66: Europe Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 67: Europe Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 68: Europe Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 69: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 70: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 71: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 72: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 73: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 74: Market Opportunity Chart of Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country, By Value (Year-2027) Figure 75: Europe Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 76: Germany Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 77: Germany Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 78: Germany Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 79: Germany Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 80: Germany Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 81: Germany Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 82: Germany Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 83: Germany Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 84: Germany Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 85: United Kingdom Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 86: United Kingdom Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 87: United Kingdom Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 88: United Kingdom Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 89: United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 90: United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 91: United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 92: United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 93: United Kingdom Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 94: France Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 95: France Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2015-20 Figure 96: France Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 97: France Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 98: France Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 99: France Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 100: France Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 101: France Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 102: France Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 103: Italy Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 104: Italy Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2015-20 Figure 105: Italy Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 106: Italy Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 107: Italy Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 108: Italy Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 109: Italy Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 110: Italy Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 111: Italy Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 112: East Asia & Pacific Urban Population (Billion), 2018-20 Figure 113: Asia Pacific Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 114: Asia Pacific Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 115: Asia Pacific Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 116: Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 117: Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 118: Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 119: Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 120: Asia Pacific Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 121: Market Opportunity Chart of APAC Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country, By Value (Year-2027) Figure 122: APAC Advanced Biofuel Market- By Country Market Share, 2021 & 2027 Figure 123: China Urban Population (in Million) 2018–20 Figure 124: China Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 125: China Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 126: China Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 127: China Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 128: China Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 129: China Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 130: China Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 131: China Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 132: India Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 133: India Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 134: India Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 135: India Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 136: India Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 137: India Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 138: India Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 139: India Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 140: India Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 141: Indonesia Urban Population (Million), 2018-20 Figure 142: Indonesia Carbon Dioxide Emission (Million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide), 2018-20 Figure 143: Indonesia Biofuels Production (Petajoules), 2018-20 Figure 144: Indonesia Biofuels Production (Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day), 2018-20 Figure 145: Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market Size, By Value, 2017-2027 (USD Billion) Figure 146: Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 147: Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 148: Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 149: Indonesia Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials, By Value (USD Billion), 2017-2027 Figure 150: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Applications (Year-2027) Figure 151: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Types (Year-2027) Figure 152: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Technology (Year-2027) Figure 153: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Raw Materials (Year-2027) Figure 154: Market Attractiveness Chart of Global Advanced Biofuel Market- By Region (Year-2027) Figure 155: Global Advanced Biofuel Market Share (%), 2021 Figure 156: Gevo Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million) Figure 157: Gevo Net Profit, 2016-2020 (USD Million) Figure 158: Gevo Net Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2020 Figure 159: Gevo Sales Revenue, By Geographic Segment (%), FY2020 Figure 160: Bangchak Annual Sales Revenue, 2017-2021 (USD Million) Figure 161: Bangchak Net Profit, 2017-2021 (USD Million) Figure 162: Bangchak Net Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2021 Figure 163: Bangchak Sales Revenue, By Geographic Segment (%), FY2021 Figure 164: Clariant Annual Sales Revenue, 2016-2020 (USD Million) Figure 165: Clariant Net Profit, 2016-2020 (USD Million) Figure 166: Clariant Net Sales Revenue, By Geographic Segment (%), FY2020 Figure 167: Clariant Sales Revenue, By Geographic Segment (%), FY2019 Figure 168: INEOS Annual Sales Revenue, 2017-2021 (USD Million) Figure 169: INEOS Net Profit, 2017-2021 (USD Million) Figure 170: INEOS Net Sales Revenue, By Business Segment (%), FY2021 Figure 171: INEOS Net Sales Revenue, By Geographic Segment (%), FY2021
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