

Global Water Well Drilling Market Analysis and Forecast 2024-2030

水井戸掘削に従事する事業所は、小規模な独立請負業者であることが多い。業界をリードする企業でさえ小規模である傾向があり、年間売上高が2,000万ドルを超えることはめったにない。最大手企業の中には、他の建設... もっと見る



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APO Research
2024年4月24日 US$4,950
136 164 英語




水井戸掘削に従事する事業所は、小規模な独立請負業者であることが多い。業界をリードする企業でさえ小規模である傾向があり、年間売上高が2,000万ドルを超えることはめったにない。最大手企業の中には、他の建設分野や、石油、天然ガス、地熱井など他の種類の掘削プロジェクトに多角化しているところもある。国の水供給源は、広大な地下帯水層に加えて、湖、川、小川などの地表水にもよる。地下水は、開発や処理が比較的安価であること、土砂を含まないこと、化学的品質が一定であること、地下水を開発するための施設を小さな敷地に設置できることなどから、家庭や産業で使用する際には、地表水よりも地下水が好まれることが多い。2000年代前半に米国で1日に消費された408兆ガロンの水のうち、20%近くが地下水であった。地下水を利用するために井戸を掘る業者は、新規建設に大きく依存している。実際、一戸建て住宅向けの水道管と井戸は、この業界が行う事業の大部分を占めている。1,500万本以上の井戸が、地域社会や一戸建て住宅、灌漑、家畜、その他の農業、商業、工業用に、毎日794億ガロンの地下水を米国住民に供給している。本レポートでは、主に井戸掘削に従事する特殊請負業者を対象とする。APOリサーチによると、世界の井戸掘削市場は2024年の100万米ドルから2030年には100万米ドルに成長し、予測期間中の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は%と予測されている。世界のトップ4メーカーのシェアは約2%である。北米が最大市場で、シェアは約40%、次いで欧州とインドが続き、いずれもシェアは30%を超えている。製品別では、直径4~8が最大のセグメントで、シェアは約35%である。また、用途別では、最大の用途は家庭用で、次いで工業用、灌漑用などとなっています。レポート内容本レポートは、井戸掘削の世界市場概要、市場規模を紹介しています。2019年~2023年の過去の市場収益データ、2024年の推定値、2030年までのCAGR予測による世界市場動向の分析。本レポートでは、井戸掘削の主要生産者を調査し、主要地域・国の収益も掲載しています。井戸掘削の今後の市場ポテンシャルと、この市場を様々なセグメントやサブセグメントに予測するための主要地域や国に焦点を当てます。米国、カナダ、メキシコ、ブラジル、中国、日本、韓国、東南アジア、インド、ドイツ、英国、イタリア、中東、アフリカ、その他の国々の国別データと市場価値分析。本レポートは、2019年から2024年までのデータで、井戸掘削の収益、市場シェア、主要メーカーの業界ランキングに焦点を当てています。世界の井戸掘削市場における主要な利害関係者を特定し、その競争環境と市場ポジショニングを最近の動向とセグメント別の収益に基づいて分析します。本レポートは、利害関係者が競争状況を理解し、より多くの洞察を得て、より良い方法で事業や市場戦略を位置づけるのに役立ちます。本レポートは、2019年から2030年までのタイプ別、用途別のセグメントデータ、収益、成長率を分析しています。レイン、ウェニンガードリリング、Llc、タンパウェルドリリング、ゴードン&サンズ、バルコウェルサービス、ジョンソンウォーターウェルドリリング、ネルソンドリリングカンパニー、ジャクソンウォーターウェル、クレイグウォーターウェル&ドリリングリミテッドなど、世界の主要企業の詳細な企業プロフィール。会社別井戸掘削セグメント Layne Weninger Drilling, Llc Tampa Well Drilling Gordon and Sons Barco Well Service Johnson Water Well Drilling Nelson Drilling Company Jackson Water Well Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd Mikes Drilling & Pump Service Loman Drilling Inc Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Caster Drilling Enterprises Bennett Water Well Drilling Casey well drillingタイプ別井戸掘削セグメント<4" Diameter 4"~8" Diameter (8" not covered) 8"~10"Diameter (10" not covered) 10"~12" Diameter (12" not covered) >直径12インチ井戸掘削用途別セグメント家庭用産業用灌漑その他井戸掘削地域別セグメント北米米国カナダ欧州ドイツフランス英国イタリアロシアアジア太平洋中国日本韓国インドオーストラリア中国台湾インドネシアタイマレーシア中南米メキシコブラジルアルゼンチン中東・アフリカトルコサウジアラビアUAES調査目的1.成長率(CAGR)、市場シェア、歴史、予測を含む世界の現状と将来予測を分析・調査すること。世界および主要地域の市場の可能性と優位性、機会と課題、阻害要因、リスクを分析する。5.世界および地域の重要な動向、推進要因、影響要因を特定する。6.市場における事業拡大、合意、新製品発売、買収などの競争的動向を分析する。本レポートは、読者が潜在的な利益を高めるために、業界内の競争と競争環境の戦略を理解するのに役立ちます。また、世界の井戸掘削市場の競争環境に焦点を当て、主要企業の市場シェア、業界ランキング、競合エコシステム、市場実績、新製品開発、経営状況、事業拡大、買収などを詳細に紹介し、読者が主要な競合企業を特定し、市場の競争パターンを深く理解するのに役立ちます2。本レポートは、利害関係者が井戸掘削の世界的な産業状況と動向を理解し、主要な市場促進要因、阻害要因、課題、機会に関する情報を提供するのに役立ちます。競争環境のセクションには、市場シェアと順位(市場規模)、競合のエコシステム、新製品開発、事業拡大、買収が含まれます4.本レポートは、斬新な技術の統合、機能、市場の最新動向で更新され続けます5.本レポートは、利害関係者がグローバルにターゲットとする地域についての洞察を得るのに役立ちます6。本レポートは、利害関係者が井戸掘削の採用に関するエンドユーザーの認識を洞察するのに役立ちます。本レポートは、利害関係者が市場の主要プレイヤーを特定し、その貴重な貢献を理解するのに役立ちます。章概要第1章:本レポートの報告範囲、各市場セグメントの市場規模、将来の発展可能性などを含む異なる市場セグメント(製品タイプ、用途など)のエグゼクティブサマリーを紹介します。第2章:市場力学、市場の最新動向、市場の推進要因と制限要因、業界メーカーが直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析を紹介します。第3章:世界および地域レベルでの井戸掘削の収益。第4章:井戸掘削企業の競争環境、収益、市場シェアと業界ランキング、最新の開発計画、合併・買収情報などを詳細に分析。第5章:読者が異なる市場セグメントでブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのを助けるために、各市場セグメントの収益、発展の可能性をカバーするタイプ別に様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供します。第6章:読者が異なる川下市場でブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのを助けるために、各市場セグメントの収益、発展の可能性をカバーするアプリケーション別に様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供します。第7章:主要企業のプロフィールを提供し、製品の説明や仕様、井戸掘削の収益、売上総利益、最近の開発など、市場の主要企業の基本的な状況を詳細に紹介する。第8章:北米(米国とカナダ)タイプ別、アプリケーション別、国別、各セグメント別の収益。第9章:ヨーロッパタイプ別、アプリケーション別、国別、各セグメント別の収益。第10章:中国 タイプ別、用途別、セグメント別収益.第11章:アジア(中国を除く) タイプ別、用途別、地域別、セグメント別収益.第12章:中東、アフリカ、ラテンアメリカ タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別収益.第13章:レポートの主な結論の洞察。



1 市場概要 1.1 製品定義 1.2 井戸掘削のタイプ別市場 1.2.1 井戸掘削のタイプ別世界市場規模、2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1.2.2<4" Diameter 1.2.3 4"~8" Diameter (8" not covered) 1.2.4 8"~10"Diameter (10" not covered) 1.2.5 10"~12" Diameter (12" not covered) 1.2.6 >直径12インチ1.3 用途別井戸掘削市場1.3.1 用途別井戸掘削世界市場規模(2019年VS2023年VS2030年)1.3.2 家庭用1.3.3 産業用1.3.4 灌漑用1.3.5 その他1.4 前提条件と限界1.5 研究目的と目標2 井戸掘削市場ダイナミクス2.1 井戸掘削産業動向2.2 井戸掘削産業の促進要因2.3 井戸掘削産業の機会と課題2.4 井戸掘削産業の抑制要因3 世界の成長展望3.1 井戸掘削の世界市場展望(2019-2030年)3.2 井戸掘削の世界地域別成長動向3.2.1 井戸掘削の世界地域別市場規模:2019年VS2023年VS2030年3.2.2 地域別井戸掘削の世界市場規模(2019-2024年)3.2.3 地域別井戸掘削の世界市場規模(2025-2030年)4 プレーヤー別競争環境4.1 プレーヤー別井戸掘削の世界売上高4.1.1 プレーヤー別井戸掘削の世界売上高(2019-2024年)4.1.2 プレーヤー別井戸掘削の世界売上高市場シェア(2019-2024年)4.1.3 2023年における世界の井戸掘削事業者収益シェア上位10社および上位5社 4.2 世界の井戸掘削主要事業者ランキング、2022年VS 2023年VS 2024年 4.3 世界の井戸掘削主要事業者本社・サービス地域 4.4 世界の井戸掘削事業者、製品タイプ・用途 4.5 世界の井戸掘削事業者商品化時期 4.6 市場競争分析 4.6.1 井戸掘削の世界市場CR5とHHI 4.6.2 2023年における井戸掘削の世界上位5社と10社の売上高シェア 4.6.3 2023年における井戸掘削のTier1、Tier2、Tier35のタイプ別市場規模 5.1 井戸掘削の世界タイプ別売上高(2019年 VS 2023年 VS 2030年) 5.2 井戸掘削の世界タイプ別売上高(2019年~2030年) 5.3 世界の井戸掘削収入市場シェア:タイプ別(2019-2030年)6 用途別井戸掘削市場規模6.1 世界の井戸掘削収入市場:用途別(2019 VS 2023 VS 2030年)6.2 世界の井戸掘削収入市場:用途別(2019-2030年)6.3 世界の井戸掘削収入市場シェア:用途別(2019-2030年)7 企業プロファイル7.1 Layne 7.1.1 Layne Comapny Information 7.1.2 Layne Business Overview 7.1.3 Layne Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.1.4 Layne Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.1.5 Layne Recent Developments 7.2 Weninger Drilling, Llc 7.2.1 Weninger Drilling, Llc Comapny Information 7.2.2 Weninger Drilling, Llc Business Overview 7.2.3 Weninger Drilling, Llc 水井戸掘削の収益および粗利益率(2019-2024) 7.2.4 Weninger Drilling, Llc 水井戸掘削の製品ポートフォリオ 7.2.5 Weninger Drilling, Llc 最近の動向 7.3 Tampa Well Drilling 7.3.1 Tampa Well Drilling Comapny Information 7.3.2 Tampa Well Drilling 事業概要 7.3.3 Tampa Well Drilling 水井戸掘削の収益および粗利益率(2019-2024) 7.3.4 Tampa Well Drilling 水井戸掘削製品ポートフォリオ 7.3.5 Tampa Well Drilling 最近の動向 7.4 Gordon and Sons 7.4.1 Gordon and Sons Comapny Information 7.4.2 Gordon and Sons 事業概要 7.4.3 Gordon and Sons 水井戸掘削収益および粗利益率(2019-2024) 7.4.4 Gordon and Sons 水井戸掘削製品ポートフォリオ 7.4.5 ゴードン・アンド・サンズの最近の動向 7.5 バーコ・ウェル・サービス 7.5.1 バーコ・ウェル・サービスの企業情報 7.5.2 バーコ・ウェル・サービスの事業概要 7.5.3 バーコ・ウェル・サービスの井戸掘削の収益と売上総利益(2019-2024) 7.5.4 バーコ・ウェル・サービスの井戸掘削製品ポートフォリオ 7.5.5 バーコ・ウェル・サービスの最近の動向 7.6 ジョンソン・ウォーター・ウェル・ドリル 7.6.1 Johnson Water Well Drilling Comapny Information 7.6.2 Johnson Water Well Drilling Business Overview 7.6.3 Johnson Water Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.6.4 Johnson Water Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.6.5 Johnson Water Well Drilling Recent Developments 7.7 Nelson Drilling Company 7.7.1 Nelson Drilling Company Comapny Information 7.7.2 Nelson Drilling Company Business Overview 7.7.3 Nelson Drilling Company Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.7.4 Nelson Drilling Company Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.7.5 Nelson Drilling Company Recent Developments 7.8 Jackson Water Well 7.8.1 Jackson Water Well Comapny Information 7.8.2 Jackson Water Well 事業概要 7.8.3 Jackson Water Well 井戸掘削の収益と売上総利益(2019-2024) 7.8.4 Jackson Water Well 井戸掘削製品ポートフォリオ 7.8.5 Jackson Water Well 最近の動向 7.9 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd 7.9.1 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd Comapny Information 7.9.2 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd 事業概要 7.9.3 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd 井戸掘削の収益と売上総利益(2019-2024) 7.9.4 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd 井戸掘削製品ポートフォリオ 7.9.5 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd 最近の動向 7.10 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service 7.10.1 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service Comapny Information 7.10.2 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service 事業概要 7.10.3 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service 井戸掘削の収益と売上総利益(2019-2024) 7.10.4 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service 井戸掘削製品ポートフォリオ 7.10.5 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service 最近の動向 7.11 Loman Drilling Inc 7.11.1 Loman Drilling Inc Comapny Information 7.11.2 Loman Drilling Inc Business Overview 7.11.3 Loman Drilling Inc Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.11.4 Loman Drilling Inc Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.11.5 Loman Drilling Inc Recent Developments 7.12 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling 7.12.1 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Comapny Information 7.12.2 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Business Overview 7.12.3 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.12.4 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.12.5 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Recent Developments 7.13 Caster Drilling Enterprises 7.13.1 Caster Drilling Enterprises Comapny Information 7.13.2 Caster Drilling Enterprises Business Overview 7.13.3 Caster Drilling Enterprises Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.13.4 Caster Drilling Enterprises Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.13.5 Caster Drilling Enterprises Recent Developments 7.14 Bennett Water Well Drilling 7.14.1 Bennett Water Well Drilling Comapny Information 7.14.2 Bennett Water Well Drilling Business Overview 7.14.3 Bennett Water Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.14.4 Bennett Water Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.14.5 Bennett Water Well Drilling Recent Developments 7.15 Casey well drilling 7.15.1 Casey well drilling Comapny Information 7.15.2 Casey well drilling Business Overview 7.15.3 Casey well drilling Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.15.4 Casey well drilling Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.15.5 Casey well drilling Recent Developments8 北米 8.1 北米 Water Well Drilling Revenue (2019-2030) 8.2 北米 Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 8.2.1 北米 Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2024) 8.2.2 北米 水井戸掘削の種類別収益(2025-2030) 8.3 北米 水井戸掘削の種類別収益シェア(2019-2030) 8.4 北米 水井戸掘削の用途別収益(2019-2030) 8.4.1 北米 水井戸掘削の用途別収益(2019-2024) 8.4.2 北米 水井戸掘削の用途別収益(2025-2030) 8.5 北米の用途別井戸掘削収入シェア(2019-2030) 8.6 北米の国別井戸掘削収入 8.6.1 北米の国別井戸掘削収入(2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 8.6.2 北米の国別井戸掘削収入(2019-2024) 8.6.3 北米の国別井戸掘削収入(2025-2030) 8.6.4 米国 8.6.5 カナダ9 欧州9.1 欧州井戸掘削収入(2019-2030)9.2 欧州井戸掘削収入タイプ別(2019-2030)9.2.1 欧州井戸掘削収入タイプ別(2019-2024)9.2.2 欧州井戸掘削収入タイプ別(2025-2030)9.3 欧州井戸掘削収入タイプ別シェア(2019-2030)9.4 欧州井戸掘削収入用途別(2019-2030)9.4.1 欧州の井戸掘削の用途別収益(2019-2024) 9.4.2 欧州の井戸掘削の用途別収益(2025-2030) 9.5 欧州の井戸掘削の用途別収益シェア(2019-2030) 9.6 欧州の井戸掘削の国別収益 9.6.1 欧州の井戸掘削の国別収益(2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 9.6.2 欧州井戸掘削国別収益(2019-2024) 9.6.3 欧州井戸掘削国別収益(2025-2030) 9.6.4 ドイツ 9.6.5 フランス 9.6.6 英国 9.6.7 イタリア 9.6.8 ロシア10 中国10.1 中国井戸掘削国別収益(2019-2030) 10.2 中国井戸掘削国別収益(2019-2030) 10.2.1 中国井戸掘削国別収益(2019-2024) 10.2.2 タイプ別中国井戸掘削収入(2025-2030) 10.3 タイプ別中国井戸掘削収入シェア(2019-2030) 10.4 用途別中国井戸掘削収入(2019-2030) 10.4.1 用途別中国井戸掘削収入(2019-2024) 10.4.2 用途別中国井戸掘削収入(2025-2030) 10.5 中国の井戸掘削の用途別収益シェア(2019-2030)11 アジア(中国を除く)11.1 アジアの井戸掘削の収益(2019-2030)11.2 アジアの井戸掘削の種類別収益(2019-2030)11.2.1 アジアの井戸掘削の種類別収益(2019-2024)11.2.2 アジアの井戸掘削の種類別収益(2025-2030)11.3 アジアの井戸掘削の種類別収益シェア(2019-2030)11.4 アジアの井戸掘削の用途別収益(2019-2030) 11.4.1 アジアの井戸掘削の用途別収益(2019-2024) 11.4.2 アジアの井戸掘削の用途別収益(2025-2030) 11.5 アジアの井戸掘削の用途別収益シェア(2019-2030) 11.6 アジアの井戸掘削の国別収益 11.6.1 アジアの井戸掘削の国別収益(2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 11.6.2 アジアの井戸掘削の国別収益(2019-2024) 11.6.3 アジアの井戸掘削の国別収益(2025-2030) 11.6.4 日本 11.6.5 韓国 11.6.6 インド 11.6.7 オーストラリア 11.6.8 中国 台湾 11.6.9 東南アジア12 中東、アフリカ、中南米12.1 MEALA 井戸掘削の収益(2019-2030) 12.2 MEALA 井戸掘削のタイプ別収益(2019-2030) 12.2.1 MEALA井戸掘削の種類別収益(2019-2024) 12.2.2 MEALA井戸掘削の種類別収益(2025-2030) 12.3 MEALA井戸掘削の種類別収益シェア(2019-2030) 12.4 MEALA井戸掘削の用途別収益(2019-2030) 12.4.1 MEALA井戸掘削の用途別収益(2019-2024) 12.4.2 MEALA 井戸掘削の用途別収益(2025 年~2030 年) 12.5 MEALA 井戸掘削の用途別収益シェア(2019 年~2030 年) 12.6 MEALA 井戸掘削の国別収益 12.6.1 MEALA 井戸掘削の国別収益(2019 年 VS 2023 年 VS 2030 年) 12.6.2 MEALA 井戸掘削の国別収益(2019 年~2024 年) 12.6.3 MEALA 井戸掘削の国別収益(2025 年~2030 年) 12.6.4 メキシコ 12.6.5 ブラジル 12.6.6 イスラエル 12.6.7 アルゼンチン 12.6.8 コロンビア 12.6.9 トルコ 12.6.10 サウジアラビア 12.6.11 アラブ首長国連邦 13 結語14 付録 14.1 本調査を行う理由 14.2 調査方法 14.3 調査プロセス 14.4 本レポートの執筆者一覧 14.5 データソース 14.5.1 二次ソース 14.5.2 一次ソース 14.6 免責事項





Establishments engaged in water well drilling tend to be small, independent contractors. Even the industry leaders tend to be small, seldom generating more than $20 million in annual revenues. Some of the largest companies have diversified into other areas of construction or other types of drilling projects, such as oil, natural gas, and geothermal wells. The nation's water supply comes from surface sources such as lakes, rivers, and streams, in addition to vast underground aquifers. Groundwater has often been preferred over surface water for use in homes and industry because it is relatively inexpensive to develop and treat, it contains no sediment, its chemical quality remains constant, and facilities to develop it can be situated on small plots of ground. Of the 408 trillion gallons of water consumed daily in the United States in the early 2000s, nearly 20 percent was ground water. Contractors who drill wells to tap into underground water are largely dependent on new construction. In fact, community water mains and wells for single-family houses account for the vast majority of all business done by this industry. More than 15 million water wells provide 79.4 billion gallons of ground water daily to U.S. residents for community and single-family use, irrigation, livestock, and other agricultural, commercial, and industrial purposes. Irrigation accounted for the largest portion (60 billion gallons) of ground water usage. This Report covers special trade contractors primarily engaged in water well drilling. Establishments primarily engaged in drilling oil or gas field water intake wells on a contract or fee basis are classified in. According to APO Research, The global Water Well Drilling market is projected to grow from US$ million in 2024 to US$ million by 2030, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of % during the forecast period. Global Water Well Drilling key players include Layne, Gordon and Sons, Barco Well Service, Johnson Water Well Drilling, etc. Global top four manufacturers hold a share about 2%. North America is the largest market, with a share about 40%, followed by Europe and India, both have a share over 30 percent. In terms of product, 4~8 Diameter is the largest segment, with a share about 35%. And in terms of application, the largest application is Domestic use, followed by Industrial use, Irrigation, etc. Report Includes This report presents an overview of global market for Water Well Drilling, market size. Analyses of the global market trends, with historic market revenue data for 2019 - 2023, estimates for 2024, and projections of CAGR through 2030. This report researches the key producers of Water Well Drilling, also provides the revenue of main regions and countries. Of the upcoming market potential for Water Well Drilling, and key regions or countries of focus to forecast this market into various segments and sub-segments. Country specific data and market value analysis for the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Germany, the U.K., Italy, Middle East, Africa, and Other Countries. This report focuses on the Water Well Drilling revenue, market share and industry ranking of main manufacturers, data from 2019 to 2024. Identification of the major stakeholders in the global Water Well Drilling market, and analysis of their competitive landscape and market positioning based on recent developments and segmental revenues. This report will help stakeholders to understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights and position their businesses and market strategies in a better way. This report analyzes the segments data by Type and by Application, revenue, and growth rate, from 2019 to 2030. Evaluation and forecast the market size for Water Well Drilling revenue, projected growth trends, production technology, application and end-user industry. Descriptive company profiles of the major global players, including Layne, Weninger Drilling, Llc, Tampa Well Drilling, Gordon and Sons, Barco Well Service, Johnson Water Well Drilling, Nelson Drilling Company, Jackson Water Well and Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd, etc. Water Well Drilling segment by Company Layne Weninger Drilling, Llc Tampa Well Drilling Gordon and Sons Barco Well Service Johnson Water Well Drilling Nelson Drilling Company Jackson Water Well Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd Mikes Drilling & Pump Service Loman Drilling Inc Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Caster Drilling Enterprises Bennett Water Well Drilling Casey well drilling Water Well Drilling segment by Type <4" Diameter 4"~8" Diameter (8" not covered) 8"~10"Diameter (10" not covered) 10"~12" Diameter (12" not covered) >12" Diameter Water Well Drilling segment by Application Domestic Use Industrial Use Irrigation Others Water Well Drilling segment by Region North America U.S. Canada Europe Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Asia-Pacific China Japan South Korea India Australia China Taiwan Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Latin America Mexico Brazil Argentina Middle East & Africa Turkey Saudi Arabia UAE Study Objectives 1. To analyze and research the global status and future forecast, involving growth rate (CAGR), market share, historical and forecast. 2. To present the key players, revenue, market share, and Recent Developments. 3. To split the breakdown data by regions, type, manufacturers, and Application. 4. To analyze the global and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints, and risks. 5. To identify significant trends, drivers, influence factors in global and regions. 6. To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market. Reasons to Buy This Report 1. This report will help the readers to understand the competition within the industries and strategies for the competitive environment to enhance the potential profit. The report also focuses on the competitive landscape of the global Water Well Drilling market, and introduces in detail the market share, industry ranking, competitor ecosystem, market performance, new product development, operation situation, expansion, and acquisition. etc. of the main players, which helps the readers to identify the main competitors and deeply understand the competition pattern of the market. 2. This report will help stakeholders to understand the global industry status and trends of Water Well Drilling and provides them with information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities. 3. This report will help stakeholders to understand competitors better and gain more insights to strengthen their position in their businesses. The competitive landscape section includes the market share and rank (in market size), competitor ecosystem, new product development, expansion, and acquisition. 4. This report stays updated with novel technology integration, features, and the latest developments in the market. 5. This report helps stakeholders to gain insights into which regions to target globally. 6. This report helps stakeholders to gain insights into the end-user perception concerning the adoption of Water Well Drilling. 7. This report helps stakeholders to identify some of the key players in the market and understand their valuable contribution. Chapter Outline Chapter 1: Introduces the report scope of the report, executive summary of different market segments (product type, application, etc), including the market size of each market segment, future development potential, and so on. It offers a high-level view of the current state of the market and its likely evolution in the short to mid-term, and long term. Chapter 2: Introduces the market dynamics, latest developments of the market, the driving factors and restrictive factors of the market, the challenges and risks faced by manufacturers in the industry, and the analysis of relevant policies in the industry. Chapter 3: Revenue of Water Well Drilling in global and regional level. It provides a quantitative analysis of the market size and development potential of each region and its main countries and introduces the market development, future development prospects, market space, and capacity of each country in the world. Chapter 4: Detailed analysis of Water Well Drilling company competitive landscape, revenue, market share and industry ranking, latest development plan, merger, and acquisition information, etc. Chapter 5: Provides the analysis of various market segments by type, covering the revenue, and development potential of each market segment, to help readers find the blue ocean market in different market segments. Chapter 6: Provides the analysis of various market segments by application, covering the revenue, and development potential of each market segment, to help readers find the blue ocean market in different downstream markets. Chapter 7: Provides profiles of key companies, introducing the basic situation of the main companies in the market in detail, including product descriptions and specifications, Water Well Drilling revenue, gross margin, and recent development, etc. Chapter 8: North America (US & Canada) by type, by application and by country, revenue for each segment. Chapter 9: Europe by type, by application and by country, revenue for each segment. Chapter 10: China type, by application, revenue for each segment. Chapter 11: Asia (excluding China) type, by application and by region, revenue for each segment. Chapter 12: Middle East, Africa, and Latin America type, by application and by country, revenue for each segment. Chapter 13: The main concluding insights of the report. Chapter 13: The main concluding insights of the report.


Table of Contents

1 Market Overview 1.1 Product Definition 1.2 Water Well Drilling Market by Type 1.2.1 Global Water Well Drilling Market Size by Type, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1.2.2 <4" Diameter 1.2.3 4"~8" Diameter (8" not covered) 1.2.4 8"~10"Diameter (10" not covered) 1.2.5 10"~12" Diameter (12" not covered) 1.2.6 >12" Diameter 1.3 Water Well Drilling Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Water Well Drilling Market Size by Application, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1.3.2 Domestic Use 1.3.3 Industrial Use 1.3.4 Irrigation 1.3.5 Others 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 1.5 Study Goals and Objectives 2 Water Well Drilling Market Dynamics 2.1 Water Well Drilling Industry Trends 2.2 Water Well Drilling Industry Drivers 2.3 Water Well Drilling Industry Opportunities and Challenges 2.4 Water Well Drilling Industry Restraints 3 Global Growth Perspective 3.1 Global Water Well Drilling Market Perspective (2019-2030) 3.2 Global Water Well Drilling Growth Trends by Region 3.2.1 Global Water Well Drilling Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 3.2.2 Global Water Well Drilling Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 3.2.3 Global Water Well Drilling Market Size by Region (2025-2030) 4 Competitive Landscape by Players 4.1 Global Water Well Drilling Revenue by Players 4.1.1 Global Water Well Drilling Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 4.1.2 Global Water Well Drilling Revenue Market Share by Players (2019-2024) 4.1.3 Global Water Well Drilling Players Revenue Share Top 10 and Top 5 in 2023 4.2 Global Water Well Drilling Key Players Ranking, 2022 VS 2023 VS 2024 4.3 Global Water Well Drilling Key Players Headquarters & Area Served 4.4 Global Water Well Drilling Players, Product Type & Application 4.5 Global Water Well Drilling Players Commercialization Time 4.6 Market Competitive Analysis 4.6.1 Global Water Well Drilling Market CR5 and HHI 4.6.2 Global Top 5 and 10 Water Well Drilling Players Market Share by Revenue in 2023 4.6.3 2023 Water Well Drilling Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 5 Water Well Drilling Market Size by Type 5.1 Global Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 5.2 Global Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 5.3 Global Water Well Drilling Revenue Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 6 Water Well Drilling Market Size by Application 6.1 Global Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 6.2 Global Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 6.3 Global Water Well Drilling Revenue Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 7 Company Profiles 7.1 Layne 7.1.1 Layne Comapny Information 7.1.2 Layne Business Overview 7.1.3 Layne Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.1.4 Layne Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.1.5 Layne Recent Developments 7.2 Weninger Drilling, Llc 7.2.1 Weninger Drilling, Llc Comapny Information 7.2.2 Weninger Drilling, Llc Business Overview 7.2.3 Weninger Drilling, Llc Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.2.4 Weninger Drilling, Llc Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.2.5 Weninger Drilling, Llc Recent Developments 7.3 Tampa Well Drilling 7.3.1 Tampa Well Drilling Comapny Information 7.3.2 Tampa Well Drilling Business Overview 7.3.3 Tampa Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.3.4 Tampa Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.3.5 Tampa Well Drilling Recent Developments 7.4 Gordon and Sons 7.4.1 Gordon and Sons Comapny Information 7.4.2 Gordon and Sons Business Overview 7.4.3 Gordon and Sons Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.4.4 Gordon and Sons Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.4.5 Gordon and Sons Recent Developments 7.5 Barco Well Service 7.5.1 Barco Well Service Comapny Information 7.5.2 Barco Well Service Business Overview 7.5.3 Barco Well Service Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.5.4 Barco Well Service Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.5.5 Barco Well Service Recent Developments 7.6 Johnson Water Well Drilling 7.6.1 Johnson Water Well Drilling Comapny Information 7.6.2 Johnson Water Well Drilling Business Overview 7.6.3 Johnson Water Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.6.4 Johnson Water Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.6.5 Johnson Water Well Drilling Recent Developments 7.7 Nelson Drilling Company 7.7.1 Nelson Drilling Company Comapny Information 7.7.2 Nelson Drilling Company Business Overview 7.7.3 Nelson Drilling Company Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.7.4 Nelson Drilling Company Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.7.5 Nelson Drilling Company Recent Developments 7.8 Jackson Water Well 7.8.1 Jackson Water Well Comapny Information 7.8.2 Jackson Water Well Business Overview 7.8.3 Jackson Water Well Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.8.4 Jackson Water Well Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.8.5 Jackson Water Well Recent Developments 7.9 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd 7.9.1 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd Comapny Information 7.9.2 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd Business Overview 7.9.3 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.9.4 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.9.5 Craig Waterwell & Drilling Ltd Recent Developments 7.10 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service 7.10.1 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service Comapny Information 7.10.2 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service Business Overview 7.10.3 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.10.4 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.10.5 Mikes Drilling & Pump Service Recent Developments 7.11 Loman Drilling Inc 7.11.1 Loman Drilling Inc Comapny Information 7.11.2 Loman Drilling Inc Business Overview 7.11.3 Loman Drilling Inc Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.11.4 Loman Drilling Inc Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.11.5 Loman Drilling Inc Recent Developments 7.12 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling 7.12.1 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Comapny Information 7.12.2 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Business Overview 7.12.3 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.12.4 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.12.5 Jim Jeffers Well Drilling Recent Developments 7.13 Caster Drilling Enterprises 7.13.1 Caster Drilling Enterprises Comapny Information 7.13.2 Caster Drilling Enterprises Business Overview 7.13.3 Caster Drilling Enterprises Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.13.4 Caster Drilling Enterprises Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.13.5 Caster Drilling Enterprises Recent Developments 7.14 Bennett Water Well Drilling 7.14.1 Bennett Water Well Drilling Comapny Information 7.14.2 Bennett Water Well Drilling Business Overview 7.14.3 Bennett Water Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.14.4 Bennett Water Well Drilling Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.14.5 Bennett Water Well Drilling Recent Developments 7.15 Casey well drilling 7.15.1 Casey well drilling Comapny Information 7.15.2 Casey well drilling Business Overview 7.15.3 Casey well drilling Water Well Drilling Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.15.4 Casey well drilling Water Well Drilling Product Portfolio 7.15.5 Casey well drilling Recent Developments 8 North America 8.1 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue (2019-2030) 8.2 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 8.2.1 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2024) 8.2.2 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2025-2030) 8.3 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue Share by Type (2019-2030) 8.4 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 8.4.1 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2024) 8.4.2 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2025-2030) 8.5 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue Share by Application (2019-2030) 8.6 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country 8.6.1 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 8.6.2 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2019-2024) 8.6.3 North America Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2025-2030) 8.6.4 U.S. 8.6.5 Canada 9 Europe 9.1 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue (2019-2030) 9.2 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 9.2.1 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2024) 9.2.2 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2025-2030) 9.3 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue Share by Type (2019-2030) 9.4 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 9.4.1 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2024) 9.4.2 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2025-2030) 9.5 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue Share by Application (2019-2030) 9.6 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country 9.6.1 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 9.6.2 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2019-2024) 9.6.3 Europe Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2025-2030) 9.6.4 Germany 9.6.5 France 9.6.6 U.K. 9.6.7 Italy 9.6.8 Russia 10 China 10.1 China Water Well Drilling Revenue (2019-2030) 10.2 China Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 10.2.1 China Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2024) 10.2.2 China Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2025-2030) 10.3 China Water Well Drilling Revenue Share by Type (2019-2030) 10.4 China Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 10.4.1 China Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2024) 10.4.2 China Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2025-2030) 10.5 China Water Well Drilling Revenue Share by Application (2019-2030) 11 Asia (Excluding China) 11.1 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue (2019-2030) 11.2 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 11.2.1 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2024) 11.2.2 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2025-2030) 11.3 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue Share by Type (2019-2030) 11.4 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 11.4.1 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2024) 11.4.2 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2025-2030) 11.5 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue Share by Application (2019-2030) 11.6 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country 11.6.1 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 11.6.2 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2019-2024) 11.6.3 Asia Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2025-2030) 11.6.4 Japan 11.6.5 South Korea 11.6.6 India 11.6.7 Australia 11.6.8 China Taiwan 11.6.9 Southeast Asia 12 Middle East, Africa, Latin America 12.1 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue (2019-2030) 12.2 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 12.2.1 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2019-2024) 12.2.2 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue by Type (2025-2030) 12.3 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue Share by Type (2019-2030) 12.4 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 12.4.1 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2019-2024) 12.4.2 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue by Application (2025-2030) 12.5 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue Share by Application (2019-2030) 12.6 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country 12.6.1 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 12.6.2 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2019-2024) 12.6.3 MEALA Water Well Drilling Revenue by Country (2025-2030) 12.6.4 Mexico 12.6.5 Brazil 12.6.6 Israel 12.6.7 Argentina 12.6.8 Colombia 12.6.9 Turkey 12.6.10 Saudi Arabia 12.6.11 UAE 13 Concluding Insights 14 Appendix 14.1 Reasons for Doing This Study 14.2 Research Methodology 14.3 Research Process 14.4 Authors List of This Report 14.5 Data Source 14.5.1 Secondary Sources 14.5.2 Primary Sources 14.6 Disclaimer





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