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143.76 円

160.81 円

193.57 円

トピックス別レポート閲覧 [医療]



Infrastructure as Code(IaC)市場:ツール(構成オーケストレーション、構成管理)、サービス、タイプ(宣言型、命令型)、インフラタイプ(Mutable、Immutable)、デプロイメントモード、業種、地域別 - 2027年までの世界市場予測
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Market by Tool (Configuration Orchestration, Configuration Management), Service, Type (Declarative & Imperative), Infrastructure Type (Mutable & Immutable), Deployment Mode, Vertical and Region - Global Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 4,950  |  MarketsandMarkets | 2022年8月
Global Universal Measuring Tool Market Status, Trends and COVID-19 Impact Report 2022
価格 US$ 2,350  |  BisReport Consulting Co., Ltd. | 2022年8月
Global MedTech Healthcare IT Industry Competitive Landscape
価格 US$ 5,500  |  BCC Research | 2022年8月
遺伝子治療市場:ベクター(非ウイルス性(オリゴヌクレオチド)、ウイルス性(レトロウイルス、アデノ随伴))、適応症(癌、神経疾患、肝疾患、デュシャンヌ型筋ジストロフィー)、送達方法(In Vivo、Ex Vivo)、地域別 - 2027年までの世界市場予測
Gene Therapy Market by Vectors (Non-viral(Oligonucleotides), Viral(Retroviral, Adeno-associated)), Indication (Cancer, Neurological, Hepatological Diseases, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy), Delivery Method (In Vivo, Ex Vivo), Region - Global Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 4,950  |  MarketsandMarkets | 2022年7月
医療用語集ソフトウェア市場:アプリケーション(データ集計、診療報酬、データ統合、臨床試験)、製品・サービス(サービス、プラットフォーム)、エンドユーザー(医療機関、医療費支払者、ITベンダー)別 - 2027年までの世界市場予測
Medical Terminology Software Market by Application (Data Aggregation, Reimbursement, Data Integration, Clinical Trials), Products & Services (Services, Platforms), End User (Healthcare Providers, Healthcare Payers, IT Vendors) - Global Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 4,950  |  MarketsandMarkets | 2022年7月
研究用抗体・試薬市場:製品(抗体(種類、形態、供給元、研究領域)、試薬)、技術(ウェスタンブロット、フローサイトメトリー、ELISA)、アプリケーション(プロテオミクス、ゲノミクス)、エンドユーザー(製薬、バイオテクノロジー、CROs)別 - 2027年までの世界予測
Research Antibodies & Reagents Market by Product (Antibodies (Type, Form, Source, Research Area), Reagents), Technology (Western blot, Flow Cytometry, ELISA), Application (Proteomics, Genomics), End User (Pharma, Biotech, CROs) - Global forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 4,950  |  MarketsandMarkets | 2022年7月
Asia Pacific Pharmacy Automation Market by Product (Automated Medication Dispensing & Storage Systems, Automated Table-Top Counters, Medication Compounding), End User (Inpatient Pharmacies, Outpatient Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies) - Forecast to 2027
価格 US$ 4,950  |  MarketsandMarkets | 2022年6月
工作機械市場レポート - タイプ、アプリケーション、地域別の世界産業データ、分析、成長予測、2021-2028年
Machine Tool Market Report - Global Industry Data, Analysis and Growth Forecasts by Type, Application and Region, 2021-2028
価格 US$ 4,580  |  OG Analysis | 2022年4月
Mammography Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product (Film Screen, Digital, Analog, Biopsy Systems, 3D Systems), By Technology (Breast Tomosynthesis, CAD, Digital), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030
価格 US$ 5,950  |  Grand View Research | 2022年6月
North America And Europe eHealth Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product (Health Information Systems (HIS), Telemedicine), By Services, By End-use, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030
価格 US$ 5,950  |  Grand View Research | 2022年6月
United Kingdom AI in healthcare Market, By Offering (Hardware, Software, Services), By Technology (Machine Learning, NLP, Context-aware Computing, Computer Vision), By Application (Robot-Assisted Surgery, Virtual Nursing Assistant, Administrative Workflow Assistance, Fraud Detection, Dosage Error Reduction, Clinical Trial Participant Identifier, Preliminary Diagnosis, and Others), By End User (Healthcare Providers, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies, Patients, Healthcare Payers), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Vietnam Telemedicine Market, By Component (Services, Software, Hardware), By Deployment Mode (Cloud v/s On-Premises), By Type (Tele-Hospitals, mHealth, Tele-Homes), By Technology (Store & Forward, Real Time, Others), By Application (Tele-Psychiatry, General Consultations, Tele-Radiology, Tele-Pathology, Others), By End User (Payer, Provider, Patients), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
構造バイオインフォマティクスの世界市場、製品・サービス別(ツール、プラットフォーム、データベース、ソフトウェア)、高分子別(タンパク質、RNA、DNA)、用途別(創薬、X線結晶学、NMR分光学、その他)、エンドユーザー別(機関研究 v/s 産業研究)、地域別、競合予測および機会、2017-2027年
Global Structural Bioinformatics Market, By Product & Services (Tools, Platforms, Databases & Software), By Macromolecule (Proteins, RNA, DNA), By Application (Drug Discovery, X-ray Crystallography, NMR Spectroscopy, Others), By End User (Institutional Research v/s Industrial Research), By Region, Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Global Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction Treatment Market, By Condition (Acute v/s Chronic), By Diagnosis (Physical Examination, Biopsy, Blood Test, Gastric Emptying Tests, Imaging Tests, Others), By Treatment (Medication, Surgery, Diet, Others), By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Ambulatory Care Centers, Others), By Region, Competitional Forecast & Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Canada Biobanks Market, By Type (Population Based Biobanks, Disease Oriented Biobanks, Tissue Biobanks, Others), By Ownership (Academic & Research Institutes, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Industries, Hospitals, Non-Profit Organizations, Others), By Product (Equipment & Consumables, Media, Software & Services), By Specimen Type (Blood Products, Solid Tissue, Cell Lines, Nucleic Acid, Others), By Application (Therapeutics, Drug Discovery, Clinical Research, Clinical Diagnostics, Others), By End User (Academic & Research Institutes, Pharma & Biotech Companies, Hospitals & Clinics, Others), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Global Multiplex Assays Market, By Product (Reagents & Consumables, Accessories & Instruments, Software & Services), By Type (Nucleic Acid, Protein, Cell-based), By Technology (Flow Cytometry, Fluorescence Detection, Luminescence, Multiplex Real-Time PCR, Others), By Application (Research & Development (Drug Development, Biomarker Discovery & Validation), Clinical Diagnosis (Infectious Disease, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune Disease, Others), By End User (Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies, Hospitals & Research Institutes, Others), By Region, forecast & opportunities, 2026
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
米国コネクテッドドラッグデリバリーデバイス市場、製品タイプ別(コネクテッドセンサー vs 統合コネクテッドデバイス)、技術別(Bluetooth、近距離通信、その他)、用途別(喘息・COPD、糖尿病、その他)、エンドユーザー別(医療機関 vs ホームケア)、地域別、競合予測&機会、2026年
United States Connected Drug Delivery Devices Market, By Product Type (Connected Sensors v/s Integrated Connected Devices), By Technology (Bluetooth, Near Field Communication, Others), By Application (Asthma & COPD, Diabetes, Others), By End User (Healthcare Providers v/s Homecare), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Global Genetically Modified Crops Market, By Trait (Herbicide Tolerance, Insect Resistance, Stacked Traits, Others), By Technique (Gene Guns, Electroporation, Microinjection, Agrobacterium, Others), By Type of Modification (Transgenic, Cis-genic, Sub-genic, Multiple Trait Integration), By Crop Type (Soybean, Cotton, Maize, Oilseed Rape, Canola, Alfalfa, Others), By Application (Scientific Research v/s Agriculture Crops), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Europe Vascular Graft Market By Indication (EVAR, Abdominal Aneurysm Repair, Thoracic Aneurysm, Peripheral V ascular Repair), By Raw Material (Polyester, ePTFE, Polyurethane, Polyamide, Biosynthetic), By End User Industry (Hospital, Ambulatory Surgery Center), By Country, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
価格 US$ 4,400  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Global Restriction Endonuclease Market By Type (I, II, III, IV), By Application (Genetic Engineering, DNA Mapping, Gene Sequencing and Others), By End Type (Sticky End, Blunt End), By Source (Bacteria, Archaea), By Cleavage Specificity (Isoschizomers, Neoschizomers), By End-User (Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Academic Research Institutes and Others), By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
